Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    'THE BEE: OMAHA: - WEDNESDAY. MARCH - 20, 1912.
plete Primary lists. -'MOiE
. ' . . . j C. H. Grimes, HI North Thirty-third
! Great H.l, .id . tt . i street. Onub,'Mtml ae a republics
fimh at State House to Com-, candidate for eieetor-at-ianre.
L. W. Hague of Ulnden added hi un
to the list of republican aspirants tor
lieutenant governor.
Harry J. Wisner of 8eott'a Bluff en
tered as a candidate tor delegate to the
national convention.
Ifte Democrat! Pe-tltlataa.
j The democrats got in with a number
! of petitions for delegates to the national
; convention as fallows:. R. C. Strehlow,
Omaha, from the Second district: James
LINCOLN. March .-Spw!al.r-There elnnegan. K Sixth district: V. H.
Sixth district; Felix J. MfShftne, Omaha,
lte Democratic Petltlana for Dele.
fates atl.aal Coaveatioas '
H.reheaa Piles Acata as
(Krua a Staff Correspondent !
.as little done or talked about around
the state house today except the result Second district.'
of the manhunt yesterday, and the do- I John . H. More head perfected his fences
.Ins of nominations for the April prl-jbi' m'nS PopuHst -
msr. Secretary of St.t. Wait and h.s de ,5plre. l0 ,0 to .
office fore wer. certainly busy, for petl-, , hM .. ,n, .octaltst rout
i:ns and personal fillnss were pourtng , ,he one he mln tnytl lo , ther
in on him from every direction. One man j trom , Second district.
from Kearney, who said hi name w ! The Taft petitions as finally completed
Rowden, even called up and wanted I contain In the state at large a total of
I to know If he could get In as a
.democratic candidal for congress in the
Sixth district it he put his paper In the
.mall this evening. Mr. Walt Informed
him that the papers must be in hi office
, lV ( p. m. today or ther wa nothing
doing. A populist petition for Willi Reed
jt Madison for United States senator was
received, today, but as It was not accom
Ipanled by, an acceptance It goes .for
naught. Henry C Richmond, the only
! democratic candidate for auditor, is also
.minus a populist filing and will go on the
ballot as a straight democrat. . -
Oeorg C. Junkln ol Smlthfieid. who had
' filed a a republican candidate for elec-
tor for th Fifth district, withdrew today
and substituted a filing as a candidate
for th slat seiuye. A. C. Rankin of
.Cambridge was substituted as a candl-
elate for elector.
. Herbert 8. Hadlcy of Missouri arjd Wal
'ter Raleigh Btubbs of Kansas wer pi seed
I In the running as republican candidate
for vie Dresldent in netltions sent down
from Omaha. Th one for llarilev was
f ;0L 60LDJ( .
Look For This Box
when you bar coffee. It contains
the on blend that entrances th
coffet drinker, and that is aYaixju
Ihtiami. Uniform always not on
thing to-day, another to-morrow.
Finest coffee growths on earth, care
fully milled to giv you all coffee,'
roasted to perfection then into th
bos that holds all th strength.
Try It slid set th difference.
350 p fMaaitf.., .
k 4 - " -"--
There sre'two lnd of spices,
Tewa. lad '.Men'' . t r
Toothache Gum
- Instantly
' Qeaaetkcairj, vmsokiaWar.
C. Oewr a Co., Ocmorr, Miom,
w mm
.S1 signatures and the various district
petitions are as follows: First, 1.0M:
Second. :,0: Third. 1.3DS; fourth. TO;
Fifth, ;s and Sixth, I.W. '
. Tl following legtslaUve filings were
made today : George C. Junkln. re
publican, senator. Twenty-first district;
J. E. Miller, Kearney, democrat, senator.
Twenty-second: Fred Caruther. Hast
ing!', republican, senator.. Nineteenth:
George Stalka. democrat, senator. Ninth:
Walte; Kelchel. Johnson county, re
publican, senator. First; James Blatney.
Brum. Butler county, republican, repre
aentstive. Thirty-eighth; J. W. Thomas.
Beatcice, democrat, senator. Fourteenth;
Joshua Cox, York, democrat, senator.
Seventeenth: Charles M. Myer. democrat,
house. Forty-third; J. G. Denter, Bush,
democrat, representetlv. Bevnty-sr-enth;
Raymond H. West. Wood River,
democrat, senator, Eighteenth: Howard
Miles. PaxtooT democrat, senator, Twenty-fifth.'
Filings up to date of noon, Tuesday,
last day: , . (
Theodore Roosevelt (rep.).
W. H. Taft (rep.).
Woodrow Wilson (riem.l.
Judron Harmon fdem.l.
: Champ Clark Idem 1.
ltobert H. La Follette (rep.).
Ice President.
A. J. rieverldge (rep.).
J. o. Velaer treat ).
' Herbert 8. Hadley (rep.).
Walter Raleigh Mubbs (rep.),
rrraldratlal Kleelwra,
W. It. Benn. Tekamsh Idem.), Third.
C. F. tfvushauser, Loup City (dem.).
Sixth. ,
waldo Wintersteen, Fremona (dem.).
A. V. Tease, Falrbury (rep.). Fourth.
W,. J. Broatch. Omaha trep.), Seoond.
0. S. Flory, Pawnee City (rep. First.
K. A. Roth, lioldrege (dem.). Fifth.
1. A. Reneau. Broken Bow (rep.), Sixth.
J. J. McCarthy, Ogallala (dem.), Sixth.
a. K. Charlton, Muorefield (dem.), Fifth.
J. W. (,'utrlght, Lincoln (dem.). Flrsu
K. M. Pollard, Nehawka (rep.). First.
H. P. Havld.oon, Tecumseh (rep.). First
K. a. Mrtlllton, Omaha (rep.), Second.
L. H. Lyle, Wahoo Irep.), Fourth.
John Couright, North Piatt (oc.),
W. E. Thorn, Rlden (rep.), Fifth.
A. R. Davla. Wayne (rep.). Third.
A. ('. itankln. CanibrldKe (rep.). Fifth.
Ijouis Cmllliberger, Stanton (rep.).
J. R. Dean, Broken Row (dem.), Sixth.
W. T. Wlkox, North Piatt (rep).
A. C Kennedy, -Omha (rep ). Second,
si. K. Kimberly. Omaha (rep.), Second.
J. 8. Maker. Havrlork.lsoe.l, First.
J. T. Brlllruut,.OmerlCJ. rVcond.
J. W..-wlhHrft rtetnurif (soc.). Third.
B. 'Walton. Genevw .. -Fourth.
TliOmss Hrlstow. Soperldr (eoc.), Fifth.
K. H. Wgner. Plbel soo.), Hlxth.
' F. W. Bell, Pender (soc.), at large.
E. P. Clements, Ord (rep.), Sixth.
II. Crimes. Omaha Irep.).
SophusNcble.Omah (dem.). First.
John C. HarUgan, Falrbury (dem.),
First. ......
Dekra-ates t Kallaaal teaveatloa.
- P.- W. Shea. Orleans (dem.). Fifth.-
F. P. Hwanson, Clay Center (dem.),
i J. It. K el lev, Bancroft (dem.), Third.
' V ' J. Tavlor Idera.).' Sixth.
I W. J. Bryan, Lincoln (dem.), at large.
I C. K. Bowlby, Friend (dem.), Fourth.
I George L. Loomle, Fremont (dam.), at
J large.
I Matt Miller, Pavld City (dem ), Fourth.
George C. Glllan. Lexington (dem.),
I li. i. Wheeler, Plattimouth (dem.),
I W. J. UcVicker, North Bend (dem.),
1 Third.
, - Fred Volpp, Scrllmer (dem.) st large,
' A. K. Tlbbets. Lincoln Idem.), First..
G. M. Hitchcock: Omaha (dem.) at large.
J. C. Harpliam. Lincoln (rep.), First.
I. W. Krnst, Tecumseh (rep.). First.
J. K. Baum. Omaha (rep.). Second.
J. W.' Towle, Omaha (rep.). Second.
K. M. Evans. Dakota City (rep.), Third.
David Thomas, Columbus (rep.). Third.
A. C. Luce, Republican City (rep.).
A. C.' Epperson; Clay Center (rep ).
Fifth. . . . -.
J. P. Gibbons. Kearney (rep.), Sixth.
W. H. Reynolds, Chsdron (rep.). Sixth.
F. P. Sheldon, Nehawka (rep.), First.
Frank Iteania. Falls City (rep.). First.
J. ('. Root. Omaha (rep.), Second.
N. P. Swanson, Omaha (rep.). Second.
Oscar Sampson, Oakland (rep), Third,
rAvoid Blends! Send us your order for
Hayner BOTTLED-IN -BOND Whiskey
You KNOW it is good and pure the Government
Green Stamp orer the cork U your protection.
Othos may promise
. a ,erv luw
msrwirsh innrnf
WANT too to
TRY this wtuskry
en our Kuarmte
yon wul find tt all we
claim a fins) you
ever tasted and the
beat falue jrou ever saw
r you may tend it
back at our expense
and we will return your
mooer . .
ew take aa
Chance. Wa tak all th rak-said
ws stand all tbe expense a w taa
tophmyoa. .
N Uttm k awoaarr
Cat Oat asal thi Cottp
tjb suYrau atsmust ca.
tempting their off erg may
leem set if they offer
Bottlti-in-Bond whiskey
and remember there
ii only one way you can
be sm of getting pure,
straight whiskey and
that is to intitt on
" Borttfj In-BonA ;
- That's what we offer you Hay
, , ner Private Stock BotUed-io- ,
, Bood Whiskey ncn, puro
I and delicious shipped in
: ttaUd case Direct front Dis
f tillery and all it costs you is
J J3.2Q for FOUR full quarts
' express chargea paid.
? There' bo question about a
. whiskey like t-th Gov
ernment's Green Stamp over
- thecork i ww assurance that
. - xwun.Rfvi fuiVr
, aged, full ICOH proof, full
' measure and a guartmtt
' (hat it comes to you just as
' k left the distillery, in B its
i crigmai purity and goodness.
Note the tree OBlT cent a Ooart-- Oim ha An. Cat., CJa. Maka
hVered. Where eh can too buTaBonll- ,rLi a
Offices and Shipntaf Depots also at
aj Leakkkka. St east. saa. Wtm Srwass. la.
omd WUektrf
pr roar cr. l i
mm tttwr T. m; ft ritura
Milady's IVlet Table
r atm. D-kUXia
Fall raid
To keep the skin soft and lOTely. gently
massage the fact, .neck and arms daily
with solution made by dissolving an
original package of nayaton In a' halt
pint of witch hasel. ' This la betttr than
powder, tor it give a' more natural ap
pearance and will not ru oft. although
It make the complexion smooth, whit
and satlnllke. , ' ' '
To cleanse and refresh the scalp and
hair, li a dry shampoo powder made by
mixing a cupful of com meal with a small
original package of therox. Sprinkle en
th head and brush out thoroughly. Too
much water make the hair harsh, dry
and faded.. Thtrax trengtheh this and
weak hair and produces thick and lux
uriant, brilliant tresses. .
Pain and worry give one an anilous,
harried look. Many women have told me
that Mother' Salve save them relief
from headache, pain and ache of the
back and iolnt, sore muscle, sprains,
bruise, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia
and other .common affliction. It I asy
to use. quick to -act. and Sliould b In
very home. " ..-'- "
Superfluous hir la a most annoying
and embarrassing 'disfigurement. Ladles
can easily and quickly remove, wild hair
from fac and forearm by an applica
tion of delaton paste. ; Just mix pow
dered delatone with .chough water to
cover the hairy eurfac: apply sad aftar
two or three minute rub off. wash th
kin and th harra will be gone.-Adv
II. B. GWfelter. Centrarcity (rep),
Third. - ,
R. J. KilMtrk-k. lteatrloe (rep.), round.
J. H. Culver, Jlllford tn-p.l. Fourth.
J. N. Clarke. Hasting (rep.), Fifth.
A. C. Kankln. oxford (rep.). Fifth,
A. K Cady, Mt. Paul (rep.), 31 ltd. .
H E. Wlsner, Scott s Bluff, (rep.),
J. J. McCarthy, Pone (rep ), at large.
Ion JU Lo. Lincoln (rep.), at large.
Nathan Merrlam. Omaha (rep.), at
large. - .
M. E. iikett. neatrlce (rep.), at ISrg.
John L. . Webster, Omaha (rep.), at
large.- ......
A. W.- Held. Lincoln (rp , at Ihi te.
r:. B. Perry, rambrlda itep ), at large.
R. B. tlchnelder, Fremont (rep. I. at
large.. '
T. W. -inlth. Tork (dam.), at large.
J. W. Wood rough, Omaha (dem.),
C, J. Smyth.. Omlia Idem.), eX-ond.
T. i. Dunn, Omaha Hem ), Jlecond.
John C. LrdwIth, Lhicoln idem.). First
R. ( Mnchlaw. Omaha (dem.) first.
James Klnnlran, idem 1, Sixth.
W. H. Wrstour, Kushvllle (dem.), at
large. ' .
Orin Reed, (dem.), Sixth.; - '
' Felix J. Mcfhane. idem.). First.
Harry J. .Wesner trep.l, Aith.
Allrraairs Oeleajatr. '
P. C. Van Puaen. (rep.), at large..
Ivan Oarber. Red Cloud, (rep.), at large.
J. A. Davie, Hutte, (rep.), at large.
C. B. Adams, Superior, irep l. at lara.
C A. Dchappell, PSwne Viity, dep.),
at larg. . . . ,
F. M. Currie. Broken Bo, (rep.), at
large. i
C. It Ilcutslnger, Orand Island, (rep ),
at large. . . .
F. H. McCarthy. Union, (rep.), Flrtt.
U H. Howe, Humboldt, (rep.), Ktrat.
It. R. Howe. Auburn, (rep.), First. ,
Charles Marshall, Nebraska City, (rep.),
!. L. Saunders, Omaha, (rep.), Second.
F. P. Clarldge. Rlalr, (rep.i, riecond.
Burt Mapc, .Norfolk, (rep). Third.
Karl Kramer, Colnmbus. (fep.). Third.
H. Ilaldorson. Newman Grove, (rep.),
Third. v
L. F. llolt. Randolph, (rep ). Third.
' J. M. Cox, tlampton. (rep.). Fourth.
Henry Keller. Western, iren.). Fourth.
W". U Overntreet. York, irep.), Fourth.
J. P. Thlessen, Janaen. (rep.). Fourth.
J. A. Andrew lmiiUv-ge. (rep,). Klflh
J. B. McOrew, . Blooralngtr.n, (ten.).
Fifth. ; ,
F. N. Merwfc Bver, CTt -freK);
8. V. Bailey, Holdrese. (rep ). Fifth.
J. 8. McUraw, Broken Bow, (rep.).
J. M. Cotton. Alnaworth, (rep,). Sixth.
' R. 11. Harris. Lynch. Iiea.l. rHitii. .
W, A. Stewart, Lexington, (rep ). 8 xta.
NatloBal remmltfeeaaaa.
P. U Hall. Lincoln, democrat.
C. E. Fanning. Omsha. demon at.
Victor Rosewater, Omaha, republican.
R. B. Howell,. Omaha, republican.
' I sited Stale Senator.
W. li. Tlionipeon, Orand Island, demo
crat. - - ,
' Norri Brown. Kearney, republican.
A. C. Shalienherger, Alma, democrat.
George W. Korrla. McCook. republican.
Willi E. Reed. Madison, democrat.
' Paul F. Clark. Lincoln, First rcpuh
llcsn. -
8. R. Barton. Orand Island,' Fifth, re
publican. J. A. Magulre. Lincoln. First, democrat
T. W. Biackburn, Omaha, Second, re
publican. B. 8. Baker. Omaha, Second, republican.
W. A. Selleck, , Lincoln. First, repub
lican. ' : : t
C. H. Sloan, Geneva, Ftwrls republican.
C. M. Sktlesav D Id City, Fourth., dem
ocrat. 11. D. Sutherland, Nelson, Fifth, demo
crat. M. P. Klnkaid. O'Neill.' Sixth, repub
lican. " - ,
W. A. Prince, Grand Island. Fifth, re
publican. ;
H. H. Baldridge, ' Omaha. Second, re
publican. '
W. F. Stow ker. Omaha, Second, demo
crat. C. O. Lohec. Omaha. Second, democrat.
- Dan V. Stephens, Fremont Third, dem
ocrat. .
J. C. Cook. Fremont. Third, republican.
Fred J. Warren, North Platte, Sixth,
J. A, Donahoo. O'Neill. Sixth, democrat.
W. J. Taylor. Merna, democrat
R. L. Keester, Alma. Fifth, republican,
a Arlon Lewis, Omaha,, social
ist. ,
C. R. Oylcr, Lincoln, First, coclsllst.
Mtrnisr, s
J. H. Morehead, Fills City, democrat
C. W. Pool. Tecumseh. democrat,
tt L. Metcalfe. UnceHn. democrat.' '
C. H. Aldilch, Dald Clly, repubiuan.
J. 8. Newton, AWmdra, repubUcao.
C. J. Wright UncolB. aotialiat
' t.Matahst Mverwof. - -Herman
Dler. Oreaham. ' democrat.
8. K. McKelvle. Lincoln, republican.
M. L. Fries, Arcadia, republic n.
J A. Vamer, merllng. republican.
. Sewretwrr , wt States
Addison Walt, Syracuse, reunbltcwn.
A. T. (Htewood. McCoua, demoorat.
J. W. Kelley. Bearer City, democrat.
Charle P. Whitealdea, Aura, democrat
Aaalltor. .
H. C. Richmond. Omaha, democrat.
M. A. webbert. Kearnej. repubikaa.
W. B. Howard. Omaha, rVpoblioan.
). D. Evans, Kenesaw. republican.
K. C. Austin. Harelork. soclalurt.
State Treaawrer. i
Floyd Seehott, Geneva, democrat.
W. A. George, Broken Bow, republican.
F. C. Hamer. Omaha, republican.
George K. Hall. Franklin, democrat
J. W. Van Allen.. Fremont, socialist
; . Stat Saarrlaleadcat. -J.
E. Dtlsell, I'Umetstty Place, republi
can. -
O. XV. Whltebo'rTi.'gperlcer, republtcan.
John Speed is. ttenton. dertvoerai.
E. F. Monroe.. Hhelton. .democrat. -R.
V. Clr. 'Harvard, democrat.. -P.
M. Whitehead. -Oothenuurg, demo
" . rtarwrtr beaeral.' '
it.' M. Mdrrlsey. I Jncoia. defnocrat. .
M. W. Terry, Beatrice, democrat
O. Q. Martin, Fremont, republican.
H. H. Adlee. Bteels City. aciaUt
lad a'atsssstaaamler.
C C Bnaiaw, Tork, repabllcaa.
W. a. M ail. Loup City, republican.
)j. M. Jt;hm,. Broken Bow, demo-
vt ". L Minor, Morrill. Tepubllcan.
Henry hoa.d. Elk Creek, republican.
8. t . Ramett. Ohhon. retiirt,lirn.
Fred B-cn. tyncola. repunl can. ' '
St. Q. Stamai, Lin.ln, democrat
E. C. Simmons. Lincoln, democrat
8em Hlnkle, Havelck. democrat.
B. M. Him ma, Hastings, democrat.
William col ton, York, republican.
C. B. Harman. Holdrldge. democrat.
H. O. Taj-lor. Central City, republican.
M. T. Harrison. Dunbar. . republican.
Will McMaupia Lincoln, democrat.
Insurgent Woodmen
. Meet at Columbus
. COtl MBl . Neb.. March 11 -(Special
Telegram.) One hundred and twenty-five
camps aere represented at the Insurgent
Medern Wodmen of America meeting in
this elty yeeterday. ,
Ctrl Kramer of Columbus,' who was
temporary ehalrmsn. aald th purpose of
th meeting, w to mske aa appeal to
Head Consul ' Talbot to reconvene the'
neaa camp in vntcago to moo try tne pro
posed change; In Insurance rate, or. that
Mlllng in this, that legal steps be taken
td prevent thf proposed raise from being
made; The lilt way. he aald. would be
to advise .alt member to. take the. atep
rat and When th next head cmp .la
elcted to send only men who oppose any.
such mean as th Mobil bill.
Nathan Bernstein ot Omaha was elected
chairman ot the meeting and A.- II. Mur
dock of South Omaha, secreury.
Committee . on credent!), organisa
tion and resolution wer appointed, end
th latter reported a resolution to affiliate
with th Minneapolis movement and fight
th raise, within the organisation.
Th committee on organisation selected
th following officer subject to th p
provel of th Heating meeting: Nathan
Bernstein. Omaha, president; W. I.
Thompson. Orand Island, vie president;
A. H. Murdock. South Omaha, secretary :
O. VT. Phillips, Columbus, treasurer. An
executive committee of ftv members was
Th resolutions committee, whose chsir
mn . wa Edgar Howard, brought In
report Scoring the head camp for Its
action in Increasing tbe rate and recom
mending a tight within the order to se
cure more satisfactory rates. Th report
wa adonted. .
In connection with th resolution for
affiliation With th Mlnueapoll organisa
tion each member of th order In the
late was requeued to contribute 30 cents
to a fund to continue the battle.
' A committee wa appointed to confer
With, a committee from the Hastings
meeting, to be held Wednesday, and
strlv to get Into full harmony with the
Healings meeting. Headquarter for th
movement )uat launched wer designated
111 Omaha,. But t'na committee was given
authority to change this If advlsabl after
th conterencs with th 'Columbus com
mute. , '
True Blue
The Guaranteed Serge
The finest serge made, bar none. Finely twilled, woven
double chain and warp, which gives the "body." Color deep,
rieh and guaranteed not to fade under ordinary conditions.
Sold for less, grade for grade,, than comruon serges are sold ,
for. Swell models' for spring. wear, f ' ' .
$10 to $35
A Word About "Guarantees"
It took two years of close observation for ns to feel justified in
guaranteeing the color of our famous True Bine Serges.
It took .but 'one glanue at onr first i Guaranteed Blue" ad to
. induce competitors to guarantee. their serges. Which guarantee
is the more likely to be based on fact the one backed by past
performance or one backed by plagiarism! The first time an
Omaha store ever offered to guarantee the color of its Blue
Serge Suits was Sunday, March 10. ;The. first store was this
store the store ; that '.has revolutionized, the business of
clothes selling.- , '. .... . ..
The Store That
Other Stores
Omaha' Only Modera" CloUiIng Store, ;
The. Haas of Qsjaltt Clothe. .
homa II Is survived .by th following
children: i- W. Dickey of Detroit, Mr.
Elisabeth WIIHama of New York City.
Joaepti T. Dickey of Chicago, Robert H.
Dickey of Kansaa City, Chsrles W.
Dickey of Chicago. Mime Virginia. Jes-
le. Mais and Carrie Dickey of thla elty.
The funeral will be held from the family
residence Wednesday afternoon. HI
phew. Jam Dickey, died last Wedfiea-
day la th aunt horn and w burled
Friday. : . , ,
Col. J, F.Dickey
,; v . Dies Suddenly
NEBRASKA CITY. March l.-(8pec)al.)
-Colonel Joseph Fletcher Dickey, died
suddenly at hi horn In this city yester
day. He hid eaten broakfaat and after
a short talk with hi family complained
of feeling sleepy and went to hi room
for a Short hap. and when hi daughter
went to call him It waa found h
dead. Me died from a stroke of appo-
ptesy. Joseph F. Dickey wa born March
JO, HM, In CkpipbeU county. Mo., and h
anarhl rarest wer th nrat to move
to .Brunswick. Mo.4 to make their home.
He was married September J, 1C4, and
for mtny yeara made hi home, at Bruns
wick. Mr.. Dlokey at th breaking out
of th etrll war wsa a Strang adherent
of th south and nlliteay under General
Price, being a colons 1, and served from
iat to. IMS,. Me made. his hem fnr .s
tim at St Louis after the war and on
th. death ot hi brother. Judge R. H.
Dickey,-cam to this city, to mk Ills
Mia Kalssaa Wlai caateat.
UKAND lUINI), Neb.. March .-
( Special. )-Ulaa Dorothy Kalraaa of . the
clan of .'IS won th flrat honors in th
local high school declamatory contest,
Mia Blanche Wade second. Mis real
ms n will represent th Orand Island
schools In th district declamatory con
teat at Aurora next. week, at which it
will b decided who will represent the
district at th tat content
Don't be surprised If you hav - an
attack of rheamatlam thla aprlng. Just
rub th affected parts freely with. Cham
berlain' Liniment and It will soon dis
appear. Bold by all dealers, ,
mm suck
.For, Tender Faces
In'daipenubl for Iboa subject t red
nets, roughness, end sther Irrltstlos
of lb s kin. A having luxury. No mug,
, germs, nowaswaf
lawMI stores or by mall. Llberalssmple frs.
IlIWl Addr"Cuuur.I)ep.,BOsa.
Victory in Chemistry!9'
esra. . Wild Laaaa. . nissess? .
t atVag parr-
' I neaa
sssssa lac- U esaasi aWj
Jkajrtsas, Obaa,
A ' " Kili
cmusra ray sac
YOUR customers get the
jjoods for which they pay. You
'should be as sure of getting the
money for the goods you sell.
j Whether you do or oot depends entirely on the
system you use in conducting your business. .
"the old way was to depend" on memory and habit.
, t With our new system, you depend on machinery
which enforces accuracy and stops mistakes in' your
. store. ' ' '
The National Cash Register will systematize
your "business so that you will be as sure of getting all .
your -profits as your customers are of getting their,
goods: - ' '
, j It will pay you to investigate. Call or write.'
The National Cash Register Co., Bjton, Ohio,
, H. B. WEITEH0TJSE, Sales Agent, -424
South 15th Street, : : : Omaha, Neb.
; 1 Dokuilful mBiterpieoss from the Orient.,' Buch
wdll' known weaves ns the Bolourhistiinn, Afghan",
Khivair Bohkaras, CabistAns, Cashmeres; Daghei
tans, Hermans and Kermanshah and Royal Kasbana
on sale at' great price reductions. . Every tng in-this
notable -wile waa selected from the bales piece by
"piece, thus enabling us to guarantee everymga per
fect .specimen of . Oriental handiwork , -'v
A few sizes and prices given below:
Regular , , ' Sale
" . " Price Price
Afghan, 9 ft. 8 in. x 8 ft. .... .$185.00 155.00
Khiva, 9 ft. 9 in. x 8 ft. 8 in. . .$220.00 S168.00
Iran, 10 ft. 3 in. x 5 ft 10 in. . .$185.00 $165.00
Kazack, 8 ft. x 5 ft. 8 in. '....$ 70.00 $ 65.00
Cashmere, 10 ft. x 7 ft. ..... .$ 75.00 S 60.00
Khiva, 9 ft.. 11 in. 8 ft. 2 in. . .$220.00 $168.00
Afghan, 9 ft. 7 in. x 8 ft. 9 in. $200.00 $160.00
Shiraz, 9 ft. x 6 ft.. 2 in.i $100.00 $ 90.00
Beshir, 20 ft. 6 in. x 5 f t. 9 in. $375.00 $325.00
Buluk, 13 ft. 1 in. x 9 ft. 6 in. $265.00 $225.00
Kerman,-9 ft. 5 in.x 6 ft. 10 in.. .$265.00 $230.00
Royal Saruk, 12 ft. x 9 ft. 2 in. $495.00 $470.00
Shah Abbas, 14 ft. 4 in. x 10 ft. 4625.00 $555.00
, Saruk, 13 ft 7 in. x 10 ft 4 in. . .$670.00 $595.00
Kerman, 16 ft. 1 in. x 10 ft. . .$675.00 $560.00
Buluk, 17 ft. 9 in. x 11 ft 2 in. $375.00 $335.00
' Iran, 12 ft' 5 in. x 3 ft. 9 in. . .$ 82.50 - $ 68.00
Kerman, 6 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. $110.00 $ .92.00
Saruk, 6 ft. x 3 ft. 11 in. ....$100:00""$ 80.00
Meshed, 7 ft. x 4 f t 7 in. v. . .$155.00 $140.00
Kaahan, 7 ft. x 4 ft. 5 in. . . . .$245.00 $195.00
Belouche, 4 ft 10 in. x 3 f t $ 31.50 $ ,28.50 ,
Afghan, 4 ft. 1 in. x 2 ft. 10 in. ..$ 27.50 $ 22.00
Belouche, 4 ft. 11 in. x 3 ft 10 in. $ 20.00 $ 17U50
. Senna, 3 ft. lin. x 1 ft. lin. ..$ 16.75 14.95
Orchard a Wilhelm
Carpet Co.
., 1912
t 191
'Special '
Our Annual Advance Exposition
, ...of-" "i.
Evening Gowns and Lingerie Dresses '
Rtprtunting Authentic -
. .. Exclutiv Styles - -
Will continue wm mr day Wednesday'.
Yourself, and friend a are eerdially invited. TAis event
. will: be of ' epecial interest, as the eoUoctien vill
include original creations by the world's best
makers and surpass in beauty, style,
". excellence and variety all
previous displays' .-r-'T ' ,
Floor ,
Hay dm Bros.
- 0-tv m. to -.
, S:$0p. m-