If n TIIE BEE:: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20. 1912. N -- l I t 1 - VHIBBBB Bl BW m mm. ax I ana. W W "V ,M. i "W T I W H I i 1 'I 'SB I I I II I I ft.'llVlBI I llt.il . X It llll I llf .-Til HJf" ITIIV JLlil W " -M IA . W f - IKlWD IT IIZZ, A LI Wednesday J nesday 1 " li inursaay inursaay g W Informal Opening g M ff.ffl Itl iXVW I 1 will ' : Kifl lit ' ii The public interest in Brandeu Stores 30th Anniversary Sale increases every day! AC entmui&auc! mnaiia nas w m.. i : - r 1 1 m.. .nt. u never witnessed sucn a celebration and no store m America ever conauciea tu.cn bjc Every day's special bargains are fresh evidences of the power of Brandeis per- fected bavin? oreanization. Here are Wednesday's events: J 1 Zjvery oay s special oargains are iresa eviucm Z fected baying organization. Here are Wednesday 75c All Wool Challies at 29c a Yard ; AVe have just received it shipment of. So yards of All Aool JtYench UiaUie f, 5 epecialy for Anniversary AVeek,' It is an. excellent quality and comes in the newest (, patterns and colors for spring. Included are the new bordered effects, Persians, Bui- ( garian, Chinese and Egyptian patterns, allover designs, dots, stripes, $ 4 . rings and pretty border designs very desirable for Dress Kimonos, Jf ' ? Children's Dresses, etc. gj i Regularly worth 75c, on Bargain Square while they last, at per yard ( if Yemen's Fine Embd.Unmade Robes Ea. Made of beautiful Swiss, Batiste, Voile and Unen raoncs in tne newest pauenis auu combinations for spring some allover embroidered, others with deep Q embroidered flouncings, in white, blue, linen, etc. worth up to 2 I M i $3.00, Anniversary sale price, each 25c Galcy & Lord Wo?cn -Iladras at 7c a Yard Here are woven Madras Cloths that are made into shirts and waists that retail at $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 each. The large range of patterns in light, medium and dark, colorings are a pleasure to select from Here is a bargain that will be I remembered. Wednesday from the' original Gatey & Lord bolts 2C Anniversary Sale" price, jer yard SPECIAL SALE OF SOLD GOLD JETOLRY 3.00 Solid Gold Cuff Unit with filled poaU. The , r A Rood, hry link and come In linry doalcn and plain tgnaia for moaocram. Aoqlvrar7 Sale price; a pair 931.49 $1.60 Solid Gold Tie Claapi all atylea tuth An nlvcrmarr Hale price !! J. 19 $i.00 Solid Oold Cuff Link, vwj heavy algnrla lor 00 Solid Gold Lapet Cbalna new. apring atylra la fancy llnki and -ropee fancy and plain buttona for engraving AnnWersary Sale price. -S3.49 $S. 60 Solid Oold Cigar Cutter, a large heavy cut ter In beautiful design Annlrerasrjr Sale price, $3.29 Any wild gold Baby Ring In atock; worth up to 11.60; apeclal at , 69 $3.60 Solid Gold Cigar Cutter Anntrary Sale prlc S2.19 $.00 and $$.00 Solid Oold Fob with allk ribbon In buckle effecta, alao with charm wonderful val uta at tbla Annlvertary Sale price of .$2.49 $10.00 and $12.00 Solid Gold rob with large, heavy lock or charm exceptional bargain for. the Annlrereary- Sale, at .SJ4.08 $3.00 Solid Cold Link, aet with' chip diamond. apeclal at SI. 98 Uroochee, Locketa, BUrk Pin, etc., at aboat Owe-half Off. DIAMOND JEWELRY $13.60 Diamond and real Ptarl Sunburst Anni versary 81 price , 87.50 $10.00 Diamond and real Peart Sunburst Anni versary Sale prle S6.08 flt.St Diamond Broocuea, special at ....(9.98 There are different atylea In thl lot large dia mond and real pearl sunbursts, fancy heads aet with genuine diamond and real stone. 1.00 Solid Gold Locket, aet with genuine Dia mond at S6.9S $13.00 Solid Gold Lockets, set with genuine dia mond at S8.98 $17.60 Bolld Oold Locket, aet with genuine dla mend at . S9.93 $20.00 Solid Oold Locketa, aet with genuine dia monds at i S12.98 $S.t0 and $4.00 Solid Gold Ladle' Rings, set with ruby, emerald, aapphlre and all color stone Annlrereary Sal price 81.50 $0.00 and $10.00 Solid Gold La Valllerea and Pendant Necklaces, big bargains at ....$5.00 $1.60 Solid Oold Stick Pint with all color atones, at ........ ROe $3.00 and $5.00 Solid Gold Stick Pint aet with gen uine turquoise, real amethyst, real to par, real Jale and real pearls, at , $1,49 See Brudeis Stores Big Special Ad ca Pi.e 4 BRANDEIS STORES Lace Dyeing No matter bow fine's piece of lace yon may have you can safely trust it to u. W dye lace and trimming to match your goods. If you cannot buy the shads of trim mings yon want for your dree. boy white or cream color, anu w will dye It the ahade you desire and guarantee a perfect mate. Jt Will Cost Yon from f 1.00 ta S1.SO. We have been doing good Dyeing and Cleaning In Omaha for the put fifteen years, ana today w have the largest plant and do the biggest business ot any Cleaning establishment lu Nebraska or Iowa. Out ot town bosUeas re ceive prompt attention. f UoodGuajiers AMD Dyep V 1513-17 JONES ST. GUY LIGGETT pres. We announce with pleasure that Mr. Luciuc Pryor bus again taken charge of our sheet uiusio department The service that made a recent change of management necessary will now be a thing tjf the past.' Jo More Long Waits for Ucsic ' Trompt, intelligent service like you used to receive, when this department was under Mr. Pryor's former management. ' ' . Mr. Pryor will enjoy seeing all his professional and amateur musical friends again at this department. "We will make a specialty of procuring unusual and imported editions which remain a "sealed chapter" to amateur and inexperienced musical managers, Largest Sheet Music Department in the West' Recent heavy buying has placed it on a par with anyf metropolitan music bouse. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas St. , OMAHA ITALIANS FORM i SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Omaha Italian Social cmn, with etv. esty-ftvw charter members, was formed at a meet Ins m Cuitln hall. EM&teeotn and Harney streets, Sunday afternoon, and permanent officer sa follows were elected: 8. Ralerno, president: Joseph ft. .lAcns. vice president:- BUrH rsrrnro. 'eecretarjr; Toey Costanso. treasurer. -; The etab's object is to make Omaha .Italians better acquainted with each other tr fraternel suetlnas and other est lal enterulnments. -Any Italian off good -et&odln ta the community may secure .membership la the club, provided be is a OUsen of the Vetted State. ffoe who tmply soioarn -brfe ;nd still dne'al iectaaee to luly cannot belong. Secular meetings wUl be held every : Sunday aiternooa at I e'dork in Curtb) "ban. - . Tor" Kansas Fair Sunday; Monday fair and somewhat colder. ; - 1 N these days it is not hard ta find a desirable Boarding House, because all that is necessary is' to turn to the Want Ad Pages of The Bee, and there will be found a list of many 'of Omaha's , best Boarding Houses See TODAY'S Want Ads. I . The past two days you have been enjoy- inp the new goods we have presented for your inspection from the various departments; reveling in their beauty, realizing more fully the position this store holds in Omaha and the entire Middle West as an authoritative style center. For Wednesday we wish to direct your attention more par tlcularly to the women ready-to-wear store la which yoa will find: Saitt at $19.50 to $59.50. Coat at $12.50 to $35. Drt at $7.50 to $50. Lingerie and Tailored Wautt at $1 to $15. Silk, Net and Chiffon Waitttat $3.95 to $25. e-ocA prica rtpr$nting tht maximum of valat- giving and thorough good ttyla. All eia'ferated feature have been entirely eliminated In our adaptation, while the simplic ity and sraoefil outlines to which the styles, rightly Inter preted.' lend themselves so charmingly have been emphasised; making our spring exhibition of spring and sum mer apparel one every woman will find a personal Interest in. Dress Accessories You will also find the very beat and choicest furntahlnga for women In style and coloring to match any costume or dree scheme madams may have In mind neckwear, hosiery, gloves, veilings, shoe, etc.; all, a fairly priced as the quality warrant. , And There Are Yard Goods, Too Representing the best afforded from the n.t reputable looms of the country. Painty nil Roods, delicate silks, sturdy wool sonde; each with Its own peculsr mlulon to perform. You will enjoy every minute spent In examin ing these beautiful new fabrics. 'It's Time You Were Thinking Seriously of a New Corset Every woman knowa that It la necessary to have' new and correctly abaped and fitted corset before purchasing a new gown-else the garment may require unnecessary alteration and it beautiful line be polled. Bnt It 1 more necessary this season than ever before for the new models accentuate the na tural figure lines and In order to properly preserve tbem you must have a corset designed for the sea son and fitted by an expert corsetlere. . Varloua lines at thla atore, priced up to $26. A Cortet Special for Wednesday FOUR DISTINCT MODELS, that regularly aell at $1.15. Wednesday only. 79. Made of batiste and coutll In the medium bust style tht will be most In demand. Have hip confinera, extra long aklrt, hose supporter nd non-rustable boning. Wednesday only, $1.25 values, 79c. 25 Peerless Vacuum Cleaners to be Disposed of Wednesday at Less Than the Wholesale Prices Th Peerless vacuum cleaner have long borne the reputation ot being one of the beat of the kind on the market and the reduced price re only because we wish to reduce the stock to sample line at once. We will demonstrate them for you and show you how to operate and car for them. In addition to doing the work better, they will save yon many hour of hard back-breaking labor. Investigate. $15 Peerless Vacuum Cleaners, $7.50. $25 Vacuum Cleaner of the Regina Type, $12.50. ' $85 Portable Electric Cleaners, for Hotel or Room ing House Use, $49.95. 1 $60 House Size Portable Electric Cleaner, $35. $45 Portable Electric Cleaner, Slightly Shop Worn, . Wednesday $14.95. at fir ' Notion Bargains for Wednesday Only tr bolts blank aunsrtse skirl braUs, flee yards to the bolt. Wnlueeday. 1 bolts for s Black or whit darning eettoa, a spoils for e se box smalt ) Bins Is sc nickel plated eafsty ptas, all elsea. I cards for Se Women's nnd children's ISe pin en hose enppoitsss In all colore, nair for an tic pa. Unen tape In fire differ-. ent widths v.ioe Chinese Ironing wan 1 znameiea ware pale One lot of four-coated Irory ware of an extra heavv quality, roneietlnK of (4-iuait UppeJ eauie pans, t&-iiart prsaerrlnK kettles: !, a and 4 -quart pudding pans; larse nit wanh baxlna. 10 Inch etra deep pte pans, Ion and handled dippers, quart cups, etc Wednesday only Up to 35c f C Values... a mnnmoi rom wiinisiT omr It Iba iranulated sugar , I .IS t can Evergreen corn .... .10 1 can Knrly June pee . .10 J-lb. enn a C baking powder .3 Kettle B. C. extract 18 pint can OnUUrd e ollv oil 4 Walker's hot tamales sad Is atamps. can lie Vegetable and newer eeeds ef all kteaa, at, pacitagt ... H Candled peel, asyorte end 1 stamps. In. Us pint can Frsnce-Amerl- cna soup, ansorted. at JS Four cakes Dutch R;e toilet op .."wanrvo: cakes Klactrtc 8park soap and, t atmpa. for full cream cheese snd IS stamp, lb. ....ass Blus liable catsup and tie stamps. H.M Dill pickles and 1 stamps, bottle ....10a Snider's ehile asucs snd 1 stamps, bottle ..as 1 -1 e s n Bennett's Breskfaat coffe and 40 stan.ps for aa Assorted teas and i stamps, lb. see Tea sifting and IS stamps. lb Is U-'e. can pure pepper and s stamps loo cans Cottage milk and IS stsmps for ....SSs La nee can Snider" pork and beans and 2 stamps for aoo FRUITS AmM iVEOETADLES Another Car of Redlands Oranges Ready for Yoa Wednesday Alwaya fresh and good-firm, yet tender; richest flavor, Juiciest and 'best oranges grown. To will agree with na they are the beat or ange yoa have ever bought at 1 Sc. 20c, J 5c, 30c and 35c the doxen, according to the alae and grading. i. J , fTesb. rhnbarb. 2 lb, for 25t B4uarta asparagus BIack Walnnt. peek o-l ss:...i..rrsirst, ib. tor gj Meat Bargains for Wednesday Only Choice Pot Roast ....8V1C I Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. for 25c Country Sausage 10c J Lamb Chops-....... t. 10c Informal Opening A Display of Imported and Domestic Designs 'in Spring Millinery That Witt Surpass Any Ever Attempted in Omaha. Bewitching creations from the workrooms of the best makers in the world.. ,. , . i . ' Designs from our own workrooms that we're proud to show with the best. , 4 Right Styles and Right Prices. - Your Money Bach If Yoa Can Duplicate Value We do not claim to know ecerytning-, kmt we Jo lutmm that yu 'I find big sseitmenrs ens' fossesf prices at Omakn right A ere. ' Pattern Hats, $25 to $125.00. High Class Street Hats, $5 to $13. English Walking Hats & Sailors, $1.25 to $7.50. Wt guarantee Wu7ow Plumt as moO as eoeryfnutg- ebe we e& Si Si ss aavna wna wav a. av - iaazzHIIVIIE- Mirflivc mi Beys' Blsass Waits II Tallies In black sateens, madrss. percale, etc., all colors, all perfect, on sale at e Oklldrss-s Wash ' Salts 1 1 tsIups, plsin colors. fi-i ures snd stripes,' all sixes t to 1 years, en sals at ehlldrsss Wash tanu "Hydea-rado brand, stripes snd plain colors, new spring styles, 'on sale Wednesday $3.00 Nemo Corsets for Slender Figures All sises 18 -lot . 24 while they last in ednesday's sale at, Q ; tf a New Long Hip Dorset with draw tape, extra klrt hook and 4 to t garter; $1.06 ACkt.' values, Wednesday. ... X7 C choice. $1.60 Corset All standard makes, die 18 to 80, new mod el but broken line, t 88 ! ....... 75c Domestic Room Specials ....f.....Se 10 .iMe J0 Bed Hpreads fl.25 yslues Yard wide fine half bleached Muslin, Ulo vslusf... Lrfinsdals Can.brlv the regular lie grade Amaaanaltte 7zx00 Rheeta regular Sse ealus Kelvedere SlxtO theta, regular 6c value ........ sterling, regular tltoc Pillow Slips 4xl( . Blackatone, the beet unbleached Muslin, mads,. liUc value -.PWs bleached Tiirklsl Towels, ralus lie ; loo No. I wo Brown Linen Crash, regular He value H Ked Beat (iinghams and Tell du Word Dress Ulnghams, regular l!So goods, on sale at THe Fllk mixed remnant, tie values ,.MHs White goods that sold st lsc, lie and itc, yard .....10 St A. XL I case of Hope bleached , .. S,s At 10 ISO I caao of il.00 Bheeta, li0. beet made, at .fr...7S At I P. XL 1 car of Ttr bleached Muslin at a,s At 4 F. St. 1 case of 11.16 large, heavy Med Spreads, full slxs ... .Te High Grade Wash Goods Sale 15c French Fntlste, fins colors, at a lta Psumatua, fine line of rot ors aio lso snd lie Dlmllles on sale at "H Trench Organdlea, tio values at le 40-in. French side band Batiste ftj 3fts (0 different lines of fine spring jvh novelties now opened up. st lme, l&o, ISo, sas, e and . , , POs At A. M. I cane of llc printed Batiste. 10 yards limit, at, yard . Wednesday's Specials in Our White Goods Pept Sheer Victoria Lawns, full JO inches wide, worth J 5c per yrd, at ........ ;...5 Full bleached - pure ' Linen Walitlnga, worth J 5 a yd., .18 Wide Wale Bedford Cord and Pique, worth 75c per yard, at....... 39 Dotted Swisses and liadraa checked and striped, worth SOe a yard, at -25c Spend your noon hour hearing - Grand Opera t Victrola Parlors Free concert every day 12 M. to 1:30 P. M. Extra in Our Hardware Dept. Wednesday we are going to put on another one of our famous broom sale. Wo have just 200 doien left out of our car. We are going to sell these same tOc brooms for lie for Wednesday only. Yon had better get these while they last a It wtll be roar Isst chance to get such a bargain. Watch our ad for Saturday' bargain. KEEP DOWl THE HIGH C3JT OF LI VUG Trade at Xaydenw and Mtim right the Srusv IS lbs beet granulated sVvar gl.O IS bar iAinox. Beat 'Km All yf Dia mond 4 soap S&o Keltogg's Toasted Rice Flakes, g st . li-os. eats Condersed Milk .'.... 1-lb. caita Pork and Beans ......Sin E. C. Vrn tlakes. f kg. .H Grape Nut. rA- loo 14-a peg. beat domestic Mscaroil st . THe 48-lb. saAs beat hlgli grade DiamonJ H Fam.ly Klour. nothing like it. per each $1.83 1-lb. cans assorted soups 7 Gallon cans Golden Table Synip 3So I-lb. cans fsncy TaMs Apricots, Pears nnd sliced Peaches. In nesvy ay run. per can te OH or Mustard Sardines, ran Se 100-lb. ssckn Oyster Shells, tor chickens .....S IS lbs best mixed Chick eed .. pint botUes Canadian Maple Sugar Svrup lae Sllieco Scocrlng soap. pkg. like aapollo ; ' The best Tea Siftlnga. lb. The beet Santos Coffee, lb. SSe Bpsolal Sale Soda Crashers. -Thrss are packed in boxss cooiaitng lbs. beat selected Soda emitt ers, hlglet amils, special sale Wire, pr box . . . . attar. Eggs and Battwrtae'apseiala. ,iJ'iKCMwr Bu"r. carton i Ths best country creamery ' b'i 3am lutter. it. The best dslry Butter, lb. . - . 17. Iba, good Butterine . laso 2 Iba. Table Butterine .... ..' Z The beit fresh eggs, per doaen'aae The Trait an WegetakJa atark . Osaka. ? 1 f,r.K i.e i... 1 bunches fresh hothouse radishan 3 green peppers California pieplant, lb. ' rancy eaulirionsr. lb. New poutoes Sa. .... California aeparajrna, lh. ..SO JWs Ho ISo las &e Kancy ripe tomatoes, lb.' II Long sulks celery ...... large soup hunches ... in. Freeh beets, carrots or . VurWlpT F4ih miaaeh. nwi " Fresh wax or grre. hiana! ' ik" Jo! j 1 bunches fresh paraier Try HAYDEN'S First