Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Hinted . that .Damage Eeporti Will
Come from the Theft Belt
'futures, dull. May, Co 5-iiJ; Scpte.iibcr.
EW YORK liKMllL Xl'klTl
Milder Weather Will Ael Hath Wir,
ilanaxt MaOroade Will
ate lUt llaatf tram Ike
reaatry Itonn
OMAHA. elarcll 1, lii
A m BnAn a a t Kb warm 'Wf-atheT make
appearance ami the tee. and in aw dle
ttn from the wintet . wheat states.
tivere la reason to believe serious
C4 11...... . r,v--&. cim. it. 5.. t"t
!H .. Ml Mo. Par, v. st..-... r.
,lt. Wet 4f Hi 'Fawua --4 --.--Hi
1 , 0!!trfl4.
,.,..,1... .b-Dny .. v-rMi" w.Sr xiu-s. . .. . ,,,,,
leaaellH. i SeBllBd I BeaneeO." I WNWlX, March Ik AlCylicsd i-e.ll-
xew vttKK. Match M.-FLOUR-I - I t;e were ..u,et and stead;. uu-int; the
Steady: wtrSnt; ,. ,Tn' uour tuA?. Atrwn triajj. ,.n,,
U,yaVaA.VLll VU.l.i)aA.U.X.) nvlUI. IiUm ulM:liaiis;eo .u 'fjnsimir i-m
, ttettiay's New Vi rk tr)cl;a-
.. J London clo-ina S.ocK quottsiioris
r Far Ike Greater Tart of Day's c , ii-i.uaf..!i:e '-,.:
1 a s-ouai .li a-xio.. Kaa. 1st., at
ad. Cowf : ivfcSow Vol Caatral..lUii
SneCSBSa -.M-l,-:s B .... , ., .,
siis;H, s4.SJt4.e; wmcr (talents. Ss.aut
4 -e, sorm: ctenT. i
Iran. N"o. !. 5S.:i-M: wnler extras. Na.
C.v3.fc; Katt straiite. 4 74.iii.
Rye flour, quia,: ra!r to Bsd. J4-St4;i4.-:
choice to fancy.
fXTKN'MEAL tteudy; Una wnfte and
velkiw. 41.iui1.7ti; coarse, UiitoLvi. kilo
Cr'ed. K ii.
ItYK-Ouiei: No. I. sue. e. I. t. Buff..
WHEAT Spot nwrket stead- No. 2
red. M.iH' elevator, export baet to a
rive and 11.08 t. . b.1 afloat; No. 1 norfi
ern Hulutil. ti ls f. a. ! afluat. openinf
.Wiie "a Italton. . ruture market f inner on
rerwta UI oewnt ''""'" if , ot w fc-ads of Manitoba aiai .r.
rhew reports will affect ; i" new or. 'I'
futures. reardHr of th bear;ri newa
In retard to caali wlieat and liour bual-
Wa an not aa all IIKUt baai, ao
InrelCil newa la a aeeonoary factor.
Tha com tarda la aoinr through a Period
of tha harder teat for Vuyeni and hold
era of corn. The milder weather will act
hoth waya Inaamuch a railroad, will
be able to haul from country hounes and
aa tha other hand ehlnpera will be able
la eend rare forward to fill already
niaoe. It la very evident tn auppliea will
be llf ht dunn tha late aeaaon.
Riarta are umtd In preawna their ahort
aetl!n and cuver on tlie leairt of
kulllah newa or oparaUau. Caah wheat
waa V hlgncr.
Corn held atronf. and fcracaat for an
other atom over tha moat of the heavy
feedlna territory nave buy era another
chance a boaat prlcea. t ajh corn waa
t, te le hihe
Primary receipo were JT1.0M bu.
nd ahlpmenta were JilW bu.. aalnet
terctpta laet yrar ot MW bu. and ehip
menu of meet bu. t
Primary ooen. receipt were KMW ha.
and ehiptneraa were a." bu.. afalnn
recelpta Uat year of cs,u bu. and ahip
menta of bu.
Clearance ware I7. bu. of corn. l.0
Vu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to
1!.W bu. x
Liverpool eloaed 4a higher on wheat
nd unchanaed to rd hither on corn.
Tha faliawlnc caah aaiea were repo-te-
Wheat: No. i bard, t car, Hal". Ko.
"hard, 1 car. II : 1 car. I1.MS: 1 car.
KM; I ear, SI 0V Mo. 4. hard, t r, tic;
J car, fcc. Corn: Nta white. V cara,
aTe. So. white. 1 car. 44c; i cara. tBHc;
1 car. Be. No. t yellnev, 1 car. c No. I
? allow, t cara. c. No. 4 yellow, i cara.
mac: cara. 4c: 1 car. BV4c: No. 1
mixed. li cara. SSc. No. i mlied. 1
-ar. Kl4c J can, )c S cara. ac: i
!, Uc: t car. tPre. "o rde. I car.
', I car. Mr. Oata:. No. 2 white,
tua, HVer; car, el'ict No. i white, I
cr. He Na. rada, I ear, i-,c; I
tar, ,
' - ftaiaba (aaa. Vreeva.
WHEAT No. hard. 1.1.I.4H: No. I
f ard. tn.MHw !.; "" ;4
-. ... .
while. 3c: No. 1 jreltow, 7c; No. t
rejiow, &rmc; No. 4 yellow, KhMV;
So. ( MKutfc; No. 4, aabt!. "o Irle,
a-lc. '
OAT9-NO. t while. H'-tWEc; standard.
i;ViilSc: No. I white, (llwIHc; No. 4.
Itfi.-Oilc; No. t yellow. HVilS,c; No. 4
jeliow, e-,4-ASc. i
BARLKT-Maitinf, mclfit; No. 1
lead. 5i (W; heavy, mwe. ,
KVB-No. 1 lltjute; No. . M4lc.
, Carlat aleaelpta.:
. , . Wheau Cora. Oata
rhloaao K
Minneap.Ua-, -I"
Umaha II W
realarea af tbe Tradlac aad Claaln.
Price mm Hoard at Traala.
cHilCAQO. March 1.-Buyln fone In
the wheat pit ranelved Impelus today front
a big fllln off In the worlcl'a available
auppiy total. Wheat flniehed VyB'o to
,4e "at hilr: corn up 'iftH" to S
V, oata at an a.ance of (atrSo to
and hoc pruducte. dearer by mo to I'M
At tha outeet wheat apeculatora who
Itad contemplated aanrejatve bear opera
tioaa felt the neaeaolty for aacond thoug-ht
becaune of reoutad decraaaea In Burofiean
toka and fear of crop damac aa tha
iiinw disappeared In the American crop
belt. On the other hand the liuae plla ut
conlract wheat in alora here waa not
olmlnlehed to any approclabla extent,
Hercae hlpn.enta to the ettjr continued
ium IlllnoU. Indiana and Mfrhlaan.
May fltinctuated between l.4" and
(I WSwI.ttUj. with tha cloae ateady, HtPSo
up. at II area. ..
It waa the aeneral Impreaalon In tha
com crowd that one of the lanceet ahorta
waa trylni to cover May, meanwhile sell.
Inf July. There waa a great oral of realis
ing by torim on tha bulge. May ranged
fiotn 7Si-flWV to TlVirf. dosing ateady
& I narTlhui. a aaln of a.c net. Oaah
, gradNi were at a standatlO. Na. I yellow
w as not quoiao.
Predict lone of additional delay to aeed
ln made a atrona market for oats. May
ranged from :"o lo Me, with laat sales
h.'tr, a rta of Un last night.
tackera took advantasta of tha grain
strength and bid up provisions. In tha
'cad pork and ribs were mainly as to 10c
Vglter and lard IV to a nickel.
ViuotaUona on futures etaaed aa follows:
Inc. cloning i,e n higher Jtae,
n.ecuiiinrv ' closed li-Ki: Julr.
drum! l.(l'. tieorlnm. ".; ouaaels,
shipments.' k.UUI bushela
t'OKN' 6prt toarket 'irm: No. 3 corn,
yr elevator, domestic basis to arrive
and expurl, H'.ic f. o. h. afloat. Futures
irsrket a nomlna,!. Kecetpts, 14.(3
bushels; anlpments. bushels.
OATS Spot market firm; standard
white, We in elevator; No. X 4c: No. s,
a, putuos mark waa nominal. Re
ceipts. iai.s) bushels.
HAY-irm: prime. UK: No. 1. tl.Jsd)
J.J5; No. g, n.iatii.ia; No. 3, tl.Suajl.W.
lKiPSV-Steailv; state, common to choice,
lll crop. SitrtOrr, l1 crop.-nomtnal; Pa
cific coast, toll crop, 41vl4c; li .crop,
IUIES-Steadv; Centre! America, i4c;
Buguta. ZPWMC.
I.BATHKR Steady; hemlock firsts.
.7c; seconds, Mtgsc; thirds. av22c; rs
lecK. ISc. . .
PROVIIOXU Pork, firm: meea. $li.
tM7.7a: family. $ls.a0o.; aliort clears,
Ili.Oatils.w. Beef, firm: nwaa, $11 two
KM: family, llSSufcliae;. beef ha ma, Cl.t
(ta CO. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies,
IS to 14 pounds. gSK: pickled -Jta, la"e
till. i. Lard, strong: niMldle west prime,
fstitri.; reflnrxl. steady: continent, tf
South America. 10K. compound, l.7i
I.BW. "
TAUjOW-8tealy; prime city, libds., c;
special. Ve; country. HitrfHc
CHKE8B Firm; receipts, l.iU Pkgs.;
state, whole milk, bald, whits or colored,
lia-; skims. IVolie. ,
BUOb Barely wteady; receipts. I5.43S
cases; fresh gathered, extras. n-JSlec;
firsts, S.tja"c; seconds. HHt):H,c. wesl
srn gathered whltea. Ull-Sc.
BCTTfcUt Firm. rrceliHa, 7,H tubs;
creamery epedata. KWc; extras, . He:
firsts, atHt-Suttc; aeronds, S'tJk; stats
dairy, finest, ailc; good to prima, KwJSc,
common to fair, ZsiiM:; process special,
iTtuiTc; exlras. S4. ,
POULTRY Dressed, firm but nnlet;
western fowla, lettMHc; turkeys, ,
SI. I.aala tearral alaeket.
KT. Ul'IS. March H.-WHEAT-fTaah,
firm; track. No. J red. ll.tCfc: No. hard,
CdUN'-Higlier; track. No. J, C4c; No.
I white, vTc.
OATS mgner: traca. ro. J, o.-jc
;o. 3 While. Mi.e. , .
t losing prices ot TUtures; .
WliEAT-llighstr; May, ll.alfil.ft'sc;
July. KViSSV.
Ctm.N Hlher; May. TJ"c; Juiy, ii-sc.
OAT-Hlgher: May, Mr; July, S
ISSc.- ' I
lt.YB-i;ncnangeo: -soo.
iruii'R bull: red winter pa ten Is. M.4TJ
u: extra fancy. and straight. St.eoll4.tS:
hard winter clears, gJ.4nrrt.Js. 1
8KBD-Ttmothy, t.wl..w.
hllAN-Kinn; aacked east track. fl.M
HAY-oiilet: umotny,; prai
rie. l) oortrti sn. . , ,
PROVIHlONiv-Porg, uncnangeo; jos
blnr. Hi. 7.v lard, unchanged: prims
steam, IS.WMJ .46. Drr salt meats, higher;
bosed extra snorts,; ctear rjoe, as. as;
short cleara, et.TS. Bacon, higher; boxed
extra short,; clear ribs, $10.15; ahort
clears, IM) 75,
PoliuTRY rirm; cntcaens, lifci
springs, ix; turkeys, ltc; ducks. Met
wslaeaa Traaaaeted la Early
geaalaa Plaal Oewllaga af
Xodrrate Valaase.
lArtleial Open. Hlgh. taw. Cloae Tea y
; V mail I I I
1 Mav i ! 4.1
; July, am tl M.
, ep. mWSttl ss
.WftWil flffS
. 411
f July.l 71'ai
dept. ;iHwM
i .:.? f
! ..lly.i4Vlsl
I aeoLltiisflt:;
;lora i
; -ulv. l. io-i
' StPt 'l M B
May. far-mi
, uulv.1 74 4 7!4?.M ITS
eeut.i isnt iksi ssitii
7o',n fi
it s n
1) Hi
is b
ill.t-a I
. May.i 14
juij'.j IS I I
Jft vt-1 4JJ I
il'aih auoutiona were aa follows
rijOl'R Eaey: winter patents. U.iha
kte; winter straights. tlwIM.. spring
,).atrnu. K i; eprlng straights, KM
(4 i: naaers.
kVB-No. 1 Kc.
iiARLKY-Feed or mixing. TJcvfl.W;
fa9r to choice, malting. U.1M1.K.
ttKKDtt-Ttmoihy, IU.0ttui4.3V; clover,
IN, ";.!. ...
PROVltilONS-Pork. mess, till, lard.
tin tlercesl, ga.A tjhort nba (loosel, S" ss.
Total clearances or wheat and flout
a err equal to llu.OS) bushels. Primary re
'celpts were 371.01s) bushela, compared
,tt a.) bushels the corresponding
iciay a year ago. Tha worlds visible
supply, as shown by Bradstreeta. da
.iiasaed X.i0s.4tsi bushels. Estimated re-
Mpts for tomorrow. Wheat, ag cars;
. tvrn. 4!S cars; oata, US ears; nogs, 2.uu
NEW tORK. March --Prices of
stocks tended higher again today, al
though the almost uninterrupted aovancc
of the last fortnight found Its clearer re
flection In somewhat icduced ovmantl,
buih froia Invest ment and epeculalive
aourcea. ' '
Ijong exltting uncertainly. Including In
dustrisl and political conditiona abitad
and within our own confines, are be
ginning to stiract more attention. The
snore conciliatory auitude of employers
probably waa imt responsible tor Uie
Improvement shoftn by such isauee
:eading ana l-enisli valley, out oinei-
stsndaid shares, l.m- United States Kteel
and L'nioa Pacific displayed k-se buoy
ancy. Tha Hill stovka were notices oiy
backward until Islet- in tha day, at wlilcj
time tlie Harrlraan Usuea also made a
better ahowing.
There waa further activity In American
Can and Rock Island, whicn are asaumed
to derive their financial support from
Interests mora or less Identical. There
was a marked dimuniuon of -interest tn
such Issues as Kile and Missouri Pa
cific and tha market as a whole lacked
some of Its recent breadth.' -
Partial confirmation of another ad
vance In the price of copper metal con
duced to Increase strength in the copper
storks. Amalgamated making a new high
record for the movement.
By far the greater part sf the day a
bttstneee waa transacted In the early ses
stdh. Fine! dealings were la moderate
olume. but net chaogea were compara
tively unimportant, all - standard issues
registering gains except steel.
Ixssdon waa again a moderate seller
here, but Its own markets were tolerably
firm, with especial strength In coppers.
American influence aa aa Internationa!
money market waa again shown in the
sale to American . bankers of t3.000.su9
Bavarian government two-month notes.
UoM to tha amount of KW.ut waa drawn
from tbla center for Pouth America, mak
ing a . total of thus far this
The bond market waa Irregular in early
dealings, but later developed mora
strength. Totsl sales, par value, C4.,tM
fans ma coupon as advanced s tier cent
on call. . .
Number of salsa and leading quotations
oa stocks today were aa follows:
salsa ansa, lav. Class.
IllaOalsm sts 44
xulsawatee laeser ... IS, Set 1li 'IS
Asasneaa Aarirsltursl ... las suit Sin
ASMmaa Meet gagsr.... set K-a fc:i
Asrien ess 13. ms u u !
awerlraa C. a t l.MS st fcisj Si's
ltua oil..... Mt
aswrlcaa H. a L. aig... aw n im,
lie Sammies. ess u Zla siw
11 US II
Ills - 14
BCTTKR-Plrsn; MfiMc,
Ktl(l!t Lower: ltu.
Rscelnts. BhlDmenta
rtniir. ha reels - 4.SW t.PO
Wheat, bushels , 3t.m
Corn, bushels 13l.s J.(m
Lists, bushel KM W,M
Kaaaaa 4 Ity Urnla aad Pravlalaaa.
Cash. unchanged to lo higher: no. i nam, no- i's; no, i rao,
ii.o tti.oife: no. a ssAscfiu.tsj,
i'oun-wi ills her: No. mixed
"He; No. 9. fVi; No. I white, ssHD'vi;
Nn. a ssnswi.
OA TB Unchanged; ko. I wnita. HiiO
Mic: No. I mixed. KO.Jo.
t losing prlcea of in lures:
W H KAT May, l OUS; July, l',tjic
genera; neptemher, si'sc.
CORN-Mar. TIVms; Sc. sellers, July.
74V. bid: tteotember. ssMMIc. bid.
OATa May, efac, seiisre. July, sijto.
ItY li-HWrelc.
HAT-eiteady; choice timothy. tWOW
Zl.oO; choice prairie,
tit r I r, H creamery, c; nrsis, sac
seconds, lee: packing stock, 11 Wc
KtiUrt Kxtras. lie: firsts, lie.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bushels t,W MOW
Corn, bushels ,.u .
Oats, bushels 4,0 ll.M
Available Kapplles af Crala
NEW TORK. March -Kneels! cable
and telegraphic communications received
by Bradstreeta show the following
chenaee In available supplies, as com'
pared with previous account: Available
Supplies Wheat. United Watea. east
ftockles, decreased l.sis.sos ousneui
rnlted ttlalesw west Rockies, decrease!
7i. bushels: Canada decreased 1,51,-
M bushels; total United fltates and Can
ada, decreased 4.a.w busneis: atioat tor
and In ICurope, increased i.nOB.otsy busneis;
tutai American and lturoDean auDDty. ae
creased Ijmom buaheia. Corn, United
mates and Canada. Increased 47.0W bush.
els. Oats, United Hlatea and Canada,
decreased l.C.0U bushels.
The lead ns; decraaaea and Increaaes re
ported this week follow: Uacreaees
Manitoba, l,tS,0ts) bushels; Portland. Me.,
iri.ouo bushels; lulsvllle, lU.Ou bushels;
Port Huron, lon.oo) bushels: Kingston, t-,-
uot) bushels. Increasea Unooln and vl-
111 is 06.714 cinlty, li, bushela The visible supply
,5 lift of wheat in Canada Saturday. March 14.
1 f 1 .ii I waa KI.9S1.SUV ouaneia. aa inoreaao s ivs,-
1 4TVa tKW 4M bushela
Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat. No. 1 rod,
Il.w-l.C'i; No. t red. STcofl.Ol; No. I
,ard. M.Ms).; No. hard. n.OstnoiH;
-v. 1 northers, SI QSwt.U; No. I northern,
Sl.rl.S No. northern. fl.0Jfrl.tM: No.
; spring, No. g spring, ll.Slty
No. 4 spring. aVtrtl.O". Com: No.
:, soi.ife.Xrt; No. 1 white, si 410; Na.
1 yeoow, lMac; Nxl. 4 bttjwsc; No. 4
vbita. aVrtS'C: No. 4 yellow, g'S".
4Jat. No. i white, Uf.4V-; Na. I white,
U'rt3Sjc; No- 4 white, sHraMsc; standard.
el-atse4C '
Rye. No. t fc Barley: WcSttK
T.mothy seed: tu.0eit.s. Clover seed:
aiiaa S. .
Bi ITER-Steady; creamenes, lttac;
dairies. 3J-;:c.
KuOS Weak: receipts. cases: at
mark, -aasa Included. Urt4tlc; ordinary
xrsta. lec; firsts. B!e.
CHSili-8teedy: daisies. lTlrfltc;
tains. i;i,il7Sc; young Americas, 1741
.e; iothi home. 17iylar.
POTATOES Ka4er; recelpta Mi ears:
V. laconsm.; Michtgaa and Mia
a etota tL14l.l.
POCLTRY-oteady; turkeys, alrra, Mc;
ite-ed. lSe: cnickena. . alive. Uc;
areased, ljc; springs, auvs, lee; dressed,
EAU-Steady, 7flle.
.tjvsi'past trata Market.
ii-n. aieady: Na. 1 Manitoba, fa fd; li
t ea. nim; March, as i.A. May, 7a fHd,
J.-ly. is i4.
i c;., t..t. sttad ; Amerliaa mixed.
IteA. J.: A,.rt,u..M .r.ltetf. DM. SS
MlaarapatU tlrala Market.
jlINNKAPOt.18. March H.-WHBAT-
Close: May, fleH: July. fl.fTV Cash
Na 1 hard. fl.W; No. 1 northern. l .7Vs
No. northern, l.w; io, a fiss.
BARLfcCY tOpgfgl.Sf.
COKN-No. I yellow. rtrCWe.
OATS-No. t white. UVswaic ,
BRAN In NO pound sacks. t&fOtjdM.
FItH-Flrst oatenta. fvtsu.; sec
ond patenta, M4MM.w; flrat cleara. ft.); aacond clears,
PkUadelBkta Predaes Market,
Market firm: Ha higher; west era cream'
ery special. X3c; western creamery extra.
Sir; nearby pnau extra, arc.
KUiis Futaen cenu per rasa tower:
Pennsylvania and other nearby nrst,
c. Is.a ner ease: current receipts. I. c
Hi-M per case: western first, t. c gtt
per case; current receipts, L faff per
CHEESE Market firm: Sc higher: New
York full creams, fancy. lHwlc; New
Kan gum c. M.
Glroux Csa. ....
OreAby Osa. ....
Ureeas Caeaaea
Awsrlcaa Isssoasetlvs ...
AaMrlass g a k
ls.1 4 I pt
Aa gtsal VasiNlriss....1..
Am. saaar Rarisisg.
AaaHcaa T. a T
AsMrteas Tssaoes sft...
AaMMTieaa Wseles .....,.
ease Hialas l.....
AUklsoa s'4
Allsatle veeet ua,
IsltlSKae Otis
astklsSeal Blast
graeklva RasiS Tr
IsisSISS rsems
Osatral Lsaihsr ..........
Csstial lster IS
Ovstral at hsa Jarasy...
t-aasssasas a OB is
Cblcasa AHaa
Cklesae o. w., see
Calces u. W. srg.
CUssga a K W
Ckkaas, St. A St. P....
.... c a st. u
Cslenvte P. a I
CetsrsSe a Soatkera....
Ossasliesisd uas ,,
Cars Pratt WHS
Delaware A HaSssn
Usavsr a Rio ureses...
D. a ft. O. N
rsst liters' asturnHs ....
Erie ,
grie 1st sis......
ana M sf
u aural ssaftrle ..'...
tnaat Nselaers sft
Orsat Nerlkers Ore sua..
lows rostral
iMsrfcaeessk Met. ......
IsMitaroasa stsl. sn...
Istsrsatieeal Harvester .,
at mi at
tes lu Inst
J.res its ins ms
0S lettt IMS H
loo s- at
l,M tote
a,les lots let ie,
1st M isl. late.
I.Ss) 1M 1WI4 1S4IS
sat ant Mit
S.SM SI'S, K, tt
l. wo fast MS Uii
s.Teo h a- n
w an us "S
i.tos ns S tr
141 111 HIS
-.. 14S
let 4SS S 4:s
as His 1I H9S
SM Uw ll'i 11
ns us us
11 Mt SS
41 . 41 4SS
lot 101 141
UfMies tejfc is yfj 1.... !',
tkuletorw A oeis..!S? ?4nsiTsslS ....... 3
ctseslsa Psiilx- ..-lll stljsa It,
tkassasako U1.H,. ;-Lfa4iSf ... .7..:...:. i
Cnt. tlrsst Weii. Usjasie,s. Ar 3J "
ail., alii, a st. r.itaa. eta .sr.
Us Bssn Urscslllrro Pstllk,
Dsfrer a Kle 0.... :ISlaloa Pss.Us
eo SIS 43, u tt
tne ,. I S., ftstl...
. ejH
. SS
.111 i
i. ik ft
... til. a .utt ......
... J- aa is is
I'U i '
, t4dyst-M. liUM.-per
.! 14 4
ea Tt Vi
Grand Trust ...
Ililaois ceaKil
.1. ,'it ila'
fcO.VSV :ST4 par cent. I
'i n ts!e ot discount In the- open mar
ket fvr short bills is t'itjJ per cent; for
Hire' bills,: 3 s-l;tJ3' per cent-
Cattle' f AH Kind Both Slow aid;
Lwer.3 ' -
Boston stock Market.
BOSTON. March lS.-cios n( quotations
an. siocks were- se ifoilcws: ,
Aliases nt;si.b ss
ASMI. Cttspf Tlk,,T4s fas lK
& x I. a a.. .....rrtLVmiKlns llisss
Arfasaa Cssx llSJrth "alt ". .
a a c c. a g. m. :t,Nini uko ...
1X. Arlsooa. 41, (lid rMaiaMS .
'1. a Hseio .tie OMeoia
Oateanlel l3lsrT""
Oss. Range 0. I". .. $tSQM
U.Sissf.or I I m:.
lgussrler A P. C.
30 Tsnur,
l:-lt g. I.,R. a M.
..... 7
..!.. "S
..-..,- .. n s'- ..........
Kerr Lake JHlttk Cas
lAko Casper ts-ft'tob Copser Co..
Cceser..... a wiasns
Hloeil Cesset ItVWelTWIeo .... ...
BI4. , . . . '
. st
. IS
. 4
New Vark Mining Stacks.
NEW TORK, March lf.-Cloging Huota-
tlsna aa mining stocks were: ,
Aiire M utile cklef .
Brtieselrk Can J .... IS lisxtcas
Coin. Tub eat slock.. 1) Ontario
see bones U uprilr.
CM. rat. 4 Vs SS ogusSsnl
Iran Silsor Ili Tolloe JScset
oimStIIIo Cos. IS , i , ,
ooiloroS. - I
... I
.. SS
Sheep Arlixe Sellers, ;.xi ltb Pries a
'Jtrm to l lfteca Cents llitther, .
While la sabs Are Steady aa
ike Ijtrce Receipts.
(OUTH OMAHA. t arch
Officii I Alonday 7a) U.7X9 lS.ki2
ui.nam Tcesoay s.w :,SW 10,j
Two dass tills treek..U,3i;
came da.vs last week.. .xt:
mc daa t wcea agu. , ti7
Same auys weei:s a. li ll-4
i line dr vs t Wteka aSo 11.4m
same days last year.. " ll.&i
Tr.e Isr.owicK .aole sno- tt receipts i
ef vabtte. i.asi , am, rniep at bj-:u
Criiaoa ftr - s ea-' .o m: as .jiii,-s:e.
tilth last sa,': -'
tr.:. - ii. liic i'--
C&iUe l4.&rl ' 7..7T;
Hogs sts,a aal.Jtt '-S,t; ..I...
Sneep 47C6.J SsSr i.:.S ......
7f t f i.low.r.g uo-o. i.:.. . df
pr.cca pa.d lr t.c-J v fc''L n-fc..-s f-i
the ins; :etc .;a.v. y J , . v,i tti.-mi
.S S4.UJ
l-V.'tl iS.Jv
J.,4 li.iti
i,xii 14,5;
Brahdeis Anniversy: Cake
lisle, i Uil. ili:v;.,iiitf. ici.;;,4,.lii,.ii:Vi.
M'ro t. t at i . a st; a set a lo, I 15
M'cll . 11 l e Wi f la- k as. 4 4v. e U li
Mca Uj i ,! a k' 4 3;
M'rh 11 id il MtlO M. C 1. "t 4
M'ch 12, 47; ,19 i 4J: 4 Tj, ti to. O
ki ck U. 6 ej, ; 4,1 4 l t HI; i.
At vh 14, f 4o, i i lC M ' I 4 t , U
Jl oh li 1. 19 1 4 td 10 O- 4C; - j M 4 01
M'ch If. f tnti 11 fa; oil 4 4", f 48l f M
Al'ctt i7' 1 ti SiiiO tot C Si 1 t U
M'ch If, M! U 1J 04' s: 1. 4$,
M'tll UN.. 1 . lis 1; ilLl b.' 4;
(unaay. -. '
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union stock yard. t?outh omaiia,
(or twenty-four hours emilm; at 3 o cioca
yesterday: -RBCEIPTS-CAP.S.
Cattle. Huga Sheep. H sea.
4, as)
Inter-Manse sfS
Lies 1U ll) IMS
4, too !S iss
1.100 iit litis in
. i.toe i 114 tin
. 4,0a) n ns t
, est ins IMS ms
us n, - s - s
. i.tos jr il us
. , tee ,t . s .
f... ..,1 u
. sts ,r? ti 11
, . ssa a- it 03
ie J0414 isi't lot
Istaraailenal Pasis W
maa las tat ...
Cits Bo.
K. C. So. ah..
Laelsoa Use . . ,
LoaloTllle NaskitUe.., MS liA IMS li
Ulna a at. lends n
h . at. p. g. a M... sof i iS is
Ulsssarl, k T .-. l.MS S) S "S
U . K. T. aM '.. M
Mlsssari rSrlflo 1,XSS 44 43 US
Nslleaal Isralt IS) HIV 141S 111
Xollasal LaaS - l H US US
N. R. R. of ST. SB fit .-. .. ... silt
Ns Ysrk tsetisl Mat 111 111 111
N. T , O a W SI II It n
Nortslk A Wsstsra...... , 7u 10s lss lei
Nenk AaorKss
Nertkere rStltle .......
fSrine Mall
Pouelt'o Uoa
t:.. i'. a st. a-...
Plttseursfc (leal ,
fiiietl stool Oar.
Fnliaua r.lsos Car....
dtallasy ftoel earing..
HsaSlag ,1
ftesuelle Stoat .'.
HspuHte stool sts
Rerk Island Co.
Itock Isteag Oa sU..,
St. U a g. P M mt.
St. Us la a w
sc u a w. to.......
niiMs Bhsmsts a a i..
Ssataara Facltle '.. HISS HIS lSMf ItV
Ssalaera Rsllaar ,...-.. aoee rs na, xe
Rsllasr sS MS tm tew raw
Tseeaaeee Cssaoe .....1. eae S ' S
Tszss a ParltM ;, 0314 rsi.
T-, St. U a w aa iiis iji uj
, iss isi-a jsw
17.4SS HIS ITS 4 110
, . too tt .11 11
. Kttt i ' ms
.- mm isl , m s
,. u
..- a
.: ISS 1M li lk
. M ats nvi ims 'im
. goa) . U IIS
MS US 71 . T
. !.! Mt 15 J
. M.aa) 11 1114 11
, m S. 41 41S
. IW Kl, US Ji'k
., ret. !tsi Tt ti .
tea -ta is - n
4.ea U , 11 11 4714 sts ms
lies 1113 ms ms
. I. we i! 11 7S
1,70s US U i:s
ses TS
I.aj sts
ISO r ss,
1.19 U4 It! ICS
1.WS MS e Sts
MS li 11 17
Mllsrawke Urate Market.
No 1 northern. CUtrtU; No. 1 northern,
fl aftj-l : No. 1 hard winter, fl.ltLt:
May. n H: July, "ko.
CORN No. J yellow. f7e. No. t white,
(7c; Na , tKc; May, ;i'atTlc; July,
OATS-Standard. Sf jC
BARLET-Maltlag. fl.a04l.a '
' Pean-la Market.
PEORIA.' March If. -CORN Higher;
No. 4 white, 4Sc; No. yellow, etH6Sc;
No. 4 yellow. UV&Vic: No. 1 mixed. OS.
fjeae: No. 4 tulxed. 04f4e.
tlATD rtigner: r-o. 1 wntta, sse; axaaa-
aro. we: so. g sntta, ssc; no. 4 waita
Osaaha Ray Market.
OMAHA. March t -HAT-No t 11 8;
TJnlea Par 1 1 la
llslaa ranfla sts v
ValteS States Realty..,
Vskss Ststae Rsfceer.,
Ilaaa4 Stales Stool.,..
V. g ateel sf
ttak Ckveer
Vaarallsa CaosaKsl
Wsaaah s"
Westora fclsrrlsnS ...
Wmisekosss EioetrM
Wsstara tales
fcsa)lag a U .
Uklak Velio,
1-klao Ceseae
Ray (Tsasallaatal .....
Total sales tor tea say, oii.iss aeeiea
Naer Trartt JUanaap Market. .
NEW TORK. March lt.-MONET-On
call, ateady at ttJS per cent; ruling
rate. 1 per cent; closing; bed. JS per
cent: offered at ri per cent. Time
firm: sixty days. 9ttt per cent
ninety daye, JSf3"i per cent; III months,
jit.- per cent.
actual buslnass la bankers' Mils at M.S43
for alxty-day bills and ft 74S for da
mand: commercial 011 is, st aiit.
uit vch-afexlcaa dollars. 47c
Bel N UM O01 erntnent, firmer; railroad.
Closing qooUUons ot) bonds today were
aa follows: - -
0. a raL .,-aJ...0Shor. M. M. tSe...7S
es eoaaaa leryj.pea s Hit
0. a. laTreg aVS 4o H
a. ifnt c a is a... nta
n a ss. eas 1USU g. See. st IsU... SSS
ea esusaa ,.UHtU a N. aai. 0a....
AlluMot. let as... w a. a a "
. . u Is lam as ses. 4Sa
A T. T. ev. 4s..lUMe. PacUts oa 1
Am Takaeos .... ISN. R.R. at ate 4SSMS
ea Ss . 1. g. siaa.... s.
a ca. 4WS. rn. sa. ea. 4s
luaas aaa. 4s..... etSK. T. N H. a H.
as SB.. ....... .ml vs. ...... ...... .1,1
as ev. fca U7SN. a W. 1st a 4s.. st
1 C L ut a ww -as ev. at lat-
asl. a Okie 4a stwta Peatno 4a. MS
as Keo aa a as
Ms S W. so S0. a U rftg. as... HS
Brest. Tr. ev. 4s.... acrsaa. ev. It ISU.. fit.
ISa. of Oa. ia.....MS as eea. a.........iera
Oos. Lsttkor lo a Jtaaatag gas. oa. ... Sla,
w- a s. J. s M..iaai a s t r. a a a
Jcsee. a Okie 4ajS..MUS aa ssa. Is at
T ea ref. ov. es. H at. U a W. a. 4a. 11
ocwoaaa m a a. saw aa tat gsM ea... S3
c- a a Q. i. 4s.... 1 i 1. . to.... a
OS ass. ex. e aa. rea. oat.
C M. a a P. 4 e St as ev. as. sa
c R tir.ian ea 1st pot. ea...... m
Sa rig ex naiiamy SS rm
Bank Clearings,
OMAIIA, March It. Bank clearings for
today were f2,l.M.M. slid for the cor
responding day laat year. JifcO.en.SI. .
. - - .
RCTTER-No. I 1-lb. canons, JIc: No.
t. In OV-lb., tubal Jlc; No. 1. c; packing,
ac --. - - .
CHEKSB-lmporletl Bwiss, ac; Amer
ican Hwlsa Itoc; block Hwlss. Sc; twins,
tic; dslsles. 2: triplets, flc; young
Americans. JSc; blue label brick; ISc; Itm
berger, Mb., 90c; 1-lb. 51c-
ITitc;. No. f. 14c: No, g, ttac. Loins:
No. I, ltc; No. i. IOtc; No. I. fv.. Chucks:
No. 1, ov; No. X, 7c; No. S, 7Vt. Rounds:
No. 1, lie: Na i WSc; Na 3, 10c Plates:
No: 1. s,e: Na 1 c; No. , c
RIB8 Na X, ltc; No. x, 14c; No. t
2Hc. .
j JOINS Na t UVi No. t IWrf: No. 1. la
CHUCKS Na L So; No. t JV; Na I.
,lOUND-Na L UcJfa S, lc; Na
t, Wo. - i w , - .
PLATE Na I. He: Nb. S, .; , sc.
FIBH (fresh frosenl-Ptckerel. 7c: white,
lec; pike, Ic; trout. llftlJc; largo crgpptes.
UifjlSc; Spanish mackerel; 7c; eel, ltc;
haddocks, ltc; flounders,. Be: green cit
floh, lie; roe shad, fl each;' shad rue, per
pair, Mc: salmon 13c; halibut, (Vic; yel
low perch. Sc; buffalo, sc; biitmeada, 11c,
POULTRY Broilers, o,00iji.6g per dos.;
springs, JOe: bene, iter cortcs. Ifc; ducks,
IMIUc: geese, lie; turkeys, 2SC. pigeons,
psr dog., . tl.jf. Alive: ' Broilers, 12Mc;
hens IIV: old roosters and stags, fc old
ducks, full feathered, lie; goes, full
feathered, He; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls,
lie each; pigeons, per tins., tV ; homers,
per doa, I1.M; be, Su l llH; No. i,
Ma ' ' -" - -
FRUITtV-Applea: Extra fancy .Ben
Das la ner bbl.. 14.0: Jonathan, per bhl..
Ik Of; fancy Wlneaaps. per bbl., MOO;
fancy Missouri Pippins, per bbl., t40;
fancy Oanoa, per bbl., M0; Idaho Jona
than, eatna fancy, tier box. tl.sti: Wash
ington fipltienberg, per box, i.M; Wash
ington R. Beauty, per sox, K.S,: Wssh
Ington Btyman Wlnesaps, per box, .60
Bgnsnas. Ifaticy select, per ouncn. .
wLtO: Jumbo, per- guncn. .iseyo-'s.
(Vnhn-lea: WlacnnBln. fnllcV. tier bbl..
Hals; per. box. $).... Dates: Anchor
brand, new, l ib. pegs, in ooxee, per
box. r.S: Uromedary brand, new. 10
1-lb. pkgs. tn boxes., per box. fc.09. . Figs:
California, ner case ot It Na li pkgs..
Be: per case of No. 'U tgs..-fs:D0; per
case of M Na f pkgs.. KM; bulk. In a
and tsMb. boxes, per-rb 10c: Turkish,
s-crown In Sf-lb. boxes, per lb., -Ike; tv
w,Wn in xft-lh. hoxes. ner -. lb., ltc: 7-
crown In 30-lb. boxes, per lb.,1 15c.- Orape
Fruit: Florida. M wis, per -crata -I5.0O;
tS'sixe, per crate, to.50; W-5444 sixes, per
crate, 17 0". drapes: Mslsga grapes In
hbla. OlXt7.00. Lemons: ' Llmonelra
selected brand, extra fsncy. a.3j siios,
ner' he. a Oa- l.troonelra. fancy,
SDO-Sts) sixes, per box. i.":.S40 and 420
elsea, On per box ins. oranges: v-ai-fornla
Camellia brand.' navels. extrA
fancy. 9-lJ-lio-17s,a-fl-Ja) stse. per
box. CX.,: Kleohant brand. lJ4-ljS-I7f-)-
!1b-3 ses, per box, U.M.
VKGKTAB1.K8-Beets: Old .crop, per
ih' i Jiin.. t.'abbaavi:- Wisconsin, per :1b.
ic: new California, per lb.. nc. Celery;
,i-n.nts jumha ner dos.. il.OU: Florida
In Mm rough, a ana doa. per case, n.m
Cucumbers; Hot house, tier dot. fa 40.
Kgg Plant: ' rancy' Ftorldsi pen dot..
CO. Garlic: Extra fsetcy. white, per lb.,
ISc. Ittuca: Kxtra fancy leaf, per dos..
9c. Onions: California, wmte. eoiinn.,
per lb.. c: Wisconsin, yeuow umoe, per
ID.. 4c: red Globe, per lb., 4c: ifienisn.
per' crate, I2.&. Parsley t Fancy -southern,
per doa bnncliSs. KstTfe. Parsnips:
Per lb.. 2-'. rjtatoee: ainnrrois r"J
Rlier FArly Olrfb seed, per bu I1.;
Wisconsin white elocft. per bu.. Il.ein
i tL- viinnsania Karlv RoSe swed. per bu.. Bliss Triumph seed., pen-bu.. 11.40.
Riltagabas: in urit, ler ., 'v- '
matnaai Florida, per s-bsk. crate, fs.w;
Cuban, per e-bsk. carrier, fi.ia. Turnips.
per lb., !c. . - -
gons, per lb, lsTsc! Ih saf k lots, lb leas.
Cocoanuts: Per sack. (. Filberts:
i, ik 1S tn aartc lots, lcleaa. Pea-
nuts.: Roasted. In sack-lots', per lb., T!Jo:
roasted, leea tnan sarx iota, rer .
. m ik s eaesm . Lam. mt d..
-. 'in ucii'lota. lr leas.. Walnuts: New
crop, Ml. California, per lb.. Br; In sack
. . . . . .. v,, V,l.ak. r
toes, to irwa, ,u-i . . " - , . . .. ,
Ui-aal. Uj bbl.. 13. W. per wgai. 001., ..
C, M. ft p, p....... g a
Missouri Pacific ..I t
Union Paoiiio ft 3b
C. tt N. W., west.. 42 W
C. at N. W., east.. W 7
C. M. P., at. ti O.. St 31
C. B. at y., east.. 14 1
c, b. a y.. west., k, it
C. R. 1. a P- east 11 l
Illinois Central 11 I
C. ti. TV, 1 t
I.Jil 4Mi
.1,214 ,n
. Sul , i . tni
...... a
Total- receipts ..373 aa 4 - If
Dli-rOHl'l lO.N'-K EA I). .
' - - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.,.. ar! :..-.;i) .'l
Mwltt and Company...
Cudahy racking Co.:.
AlKAMir ec . to..,.....,
.-thwarts tt Co
Alurpliy --,..' -
C. et Co ,
W. B. Vaneant Co.a..
Hill at Bon
K. B. Lewis
Huston a- Co.
J. B. Root A Co ' 3s
No 2. tisll; Na i. 11911: Na 1 mid- fa " Ii;lrs,,lL '
lanrl l l: No. 1 lowlsitd. nt?: si-!-. ......, 'atasss rarrn, , mv
S :
103 .
. at
J. H. Hulls
L Wolf
McCreary Kellogg.,. 117
Wertheimer a- Legen.
H. r. Hamilton........
Lea Rothschild '.
Mo. at Kan. Calf Co..
Cllns sV Christie:....
Other buyers
MT ' .-V"--
r J
1 v I. v :. -7.' '.: V .V v.-:- .T
tA,y'"-z-s till ii
eane-a, , v 3 t
r, Tr
- CELKBRATION. -'. . -s- r t " .'Mi
tl !t "W ' ... 4 Ti
t. ..,.:.!. ... S SS lkS j.-llii
t: 1 .... 4 S!li !i iSo- - 4 75
K.::....m ... l 41 '..SCt, ... 75
SI 2 ... IE S 177 41 7
af tii ... si 41 Ml tS 4 7i
71.. 211 ... Its 37 275 ... 7S
7i Ill ... 4 ti ' 70.......5H 14S 175
Tt 253 ... 15 (J.... ...361 4 75
tet ... 4 43 47 a ... i e
St 2x5 ... I S5 SO 2 ... 4
7t 214 ... Si 1 ... 4 SS
w tit ... 5 ' .......:... Ill
St.... .. 241 ... I SS . tl ... 4 k5
234 ... I ti
SHEEP The main features of yester
day's sheep and lamb trade were again
apparent today. s-'heep were wanted,
selling icr.dily at prices lOgljc higher,
white lambs went begging at steady fig
ures. Two causes mere larsely respon
sible for pronounced prcfei-cnce In baying
clreles thu continued heavy proportion
of lambs In local receipts urd the tact
that tlie tiutivo ev?u crop in the east s
deficient owing to g'.'vcio lliiulduftou of
this rle:. of stock a short time. ago. -
Wetlieia and yearllna wcio scarce,,
despite an climated total of over 10.010
head, but ewes wera' in fair supply and
met with a vigorous demand tiora the
start. Toppy western ctves In tlie wool
brought as much as li.3S'si and any
thing at all uttractlva In the nay of
matured muttons changed Hanua within
the first couple or hours) of trading.
lateotkK.lop. S6.S3;- bulk .of , sales, f fe.fOP
VtfiiKEP AND I,AMBS-Uecelpts,T .m
head. AlaiUct steady.; lambs, fe-Wt) '
Metal Market.' " ' '
NEW TORK. ilarch 1. METAL8-
?tiitiduni copper, rirm. but quiet; spot,
$14.;vi-i.W; March, JH.iiSt.i0: April. ,
Ma3tl4.45: May. 14.;rP-S14,t5: June and
July, IH.TJ'iti 14.50. London inaraet easy;
spot.. tj,- futures, lSu Sd. Arrivals
reported at New York today were 1)
tons. Custom house returns show ex
ports of 14,015 tons w far this month.
Lake copper, !4,:iya,15.i: ' electrolytic.
114.755-lg'l's; rastintf, 1142315 14.S0. Tin.
otiiet. but steady; spot, n:.2MN'i.4o;
March,; April, 41.7r42.20;
May, S41.40i2.tW; June. f41.12tefj-4l.7k;
Jim, $41.i)Si1.6Jte... Ioudon market quiet;
vtint iilai oa: futures. i:la7 tH tsl. r-ales
t.eia SO toils May, 60 tons June and f
tons July at. H1.2 l.eaa, tirm; oe.israiuw.
New York. London market quoted at
Hi Ss W. Spelter, weak: J(i.VS7.10, New.
York; ftj.30, Eaat-St. Louis. London mar
ket quoted at 2. Antimony, quiet;
Cooksons, 7.H. Iron, Cleveland war
rants, 61s "lHd in London. Locally Iron
was steady;. No. ' 1 foundny, northern,; -No. J, IH.imhli.01); No. 1
soiithein and No, 1 southern, soft, I15.W
ST. LOUIS,. March W.-M PTTALS-Iead,
, . .s, o .....iilwl sl b 7:,J
Good to choice weflters were quoted up'J'if" " ' -
to fi.75 and an otillot exlstetl for prime, I1'1 '
Totala -.. 4.!7f, 10.322 ,41
CAT 1 LK Cattle reoelote wera the laig-
est of any day for a long lime" back, 2i2
cars being reported In. 1 he total for the
two daya foots up iiSdS head, -the Urg
es! number for a number ot weeks back
and larger than a year ago by i,wu head.
At tua same time advice irom otner
selling Points were not encoursglng.
which made the situation still Irs fav
orable to the selling, interests.
Buyers feeling that they tiave been pay
ing very high prices were Inclined to
maka tha most of tha large receipts and
they accordingly started out blddllng
prices that wera lotjlau lower tnan yester-
rinw As a matter, af course, salesmen
wera very slow to take ott all that buyers
wera asking and aa a result tha market
not only .opened .yety . slow, -but was
decidedly dull throughout the forenoon,
so . that it was well . along toward mid
day before enough cattle - had- changed
lands to really make it, possible to quote
the market.
In tha end buyers and sellers finally got
together on a trading basis that waa
mostly 10c lower man yesterday. This
would mean that prlcea were fully Kxaluc
lower 'then -last week s close. Thin waa
true ot practically all kinds Of killers,
steers, cows ami hellors. Feeding cattle
were weak to Has lower than yesterday.
In aympathy with th break In fat cuttle.
Among the beer steers sold was a small
bunch good enough to bring fs.00, tne
highest prloa paid on thia market since
Lecember. . ,
Quotations on Cattle Ootid to choice
bf steers, t7.0tkue.00; fair to good beef
steers, ta.Mnh.7.00; common to lair beef
steers, good to choice heifers,
6..rmt;.t; good to choice cows, f4.7iaua.av:
fair to good rows, fktlOWt.TS; common to
fair cows. f2.7MM.Oil: good to choice stork
ers snd feeders, o.Um.: fslr to good,
tvl.ootrt.30; common to fair. ft OUQSOO: stock
heifers, f4.uU6.2o; veal calves, ll.iXijS.lAi,
bulls. Mags, etc, ft isM..
Representative rales:
xta-hir' etTttaiiia.
handy yeurllnga within K.0i)$
Business in Hinbs was slow and un
certain .as offerings- of the medium
grades seemed to be a little In excess of
trade requirements. Pair to good clarses
sold around e.r)y in the session.
Indicating a quotable top of 17.13 or 7.2j
for choice Mexicans. '3ltie4 claimed a
full dollar range, th same as recently,
and tlie near-feedrr strings wens
avyiidfd throughout on packing ' ar tiers.
Almost everything same In the fleece and
carried more or less finish.
Demand for feeders bad a stronger tone,
due probably to mora favorable weather
conditions, and daily purchasera on
country aeeouut are becomiwr a little
larger. Yesterday's buy, according to
packers' tab, amounted lo about l,ta)
Quotations on sheep and lambs: I.amb',
good to choice, fs.tsVh7.i'.; lambs, fair to
rood. Iii.3iiits.: vearilncs. uuod to cholee.
!6 ls.15; yeal'lliuts, fair to goorl, f.Vtwl
S.KS: wethers, good choice, H.Z&;
wethers, lair to good, af.xi.a0; ewsa.
gott to rnoice, .eu.tuisaai; ewes, taur to
good. H-l4vo-lO. . . . . ,
Representative sales: ' - 1 1
No. , Ay.
34 fed lambs.. 73 '
S4 native lambs i-
281 shorn lunibs...". 75
224 western lunibs. feeders ii
211 western lambs M
211 western lambs, ,.,..... 64
10 western lambs. ........
AW fed ewes...
4:12 fed lamb:
267 fed lambs
107 western lambs, feeders,
list fed ewes....
20 fed ewes, cults. ....... ...
i! A.
... lit I so
... SI! I tt
...10.1 S 24
...1011 I K
...1014 SM
... Ml I SS
S.. ,! IS
..:...!. .! S Si
at.v.. -..leu
10.. 1RI SOJ
ass s a
No. I .
Av. Pr.
......mi 4 ii ,
Ill: a)
11M S5
1111 S M
uvj ; si
......lilt t B
i in 7 io
...... IM4 TH
13 t J4
.1421 7 I
t "24
..ill i n
.i.. lit l is i
.... Ill t is
...Iss, le)
.... 114 5
.... SM I 41
...IMS t OS
....lilt IS
,.147Sel X4
.. tSi
Mt 7 at in
..12 t IS
falfa. choice. 3d and 4th catting, far) i, , I at 2 Lt
. od M cutting. BOtrn; Na t to Sr7!mQ
V-"f sM, taaaseaf -aa. a i
It yau have anything te eacbao,
tar Use gain xnta .rraat avij cy.Mmno, i
Kaa. York Mott'a r U-ggl. U bbUfs.s0;
ner fs-aal. bbl.. tt.Hk- Honey:. New. r4
msus CLTi. Krout: Per-lf-gal. keg
tkii; psr f-gal.- kesT..fl.. . ,
" " Coffee Market.'
kkw YORK. March l-COFFEB-
Futures market opened- steady at an ad
vance of 1 to points In reaunniie to
higher European cable reimns ' b'gher
cost and freight offers from Brawl. The
cloea waa ateady at a net , Advance of
from I to 12 points. naiea, ss, ,ev wis
March. UHc: Apsll. M.soc; issy..
Jane, l.4Se; July. 15.7k'; August, 11.74c;
Befnember. U.slc; th'tober, U. .-: No
vember. tl.7r; December, II. Tfo. January.
U.Jse; February, U.flc . . ; . , -
Havre waa fraae,-higher: H,amburt;
waa StaH pfennig highetv Rio. 7 reis
higher at oftso: envntos. 14M reta higher;
ts - ttfca ; 7s. 71700, Recelpta at tha two
Braxllian porta were-IS, bags, against
f ijM bags laat year: Jandiahy receipts.
7 Oaf bags irtant !. osga naat liar.
Now York warehouse deliveries yesterday
wera bags, against .'Afi bags last
year. Today a special Saatoa rabies re
ported 4 steady at stife: Sao - Pauta ire
cefpts, lt.k) bags, against H.kW bags
the previous day. " . ' ' ,,..
Spot eofte. ateady: ,No.- T Rlo,14He;
Na 4 Santos. l&Sc Mild, firm; Cordova,
tstuc nominal. i , .:
aWaaasraoew Apea aad DHea Fralta
NEW YORK. March lf-Evaporated
aualee: Quet and steadf : on tba spot,
fancy. f4Mjc; choice. s,4-, puroe.
7Vrjec Dried Fruits-Prunes:- quiet and
easy: qaotatlena range frottt 4rjMH0 for
California, op to JO-eys and tllc for
Oregona. Aprlewta: Doll, -bat steady tn
absence of selling pressure- choice. MS
liVe: extra choice. ls4TlUc; fancy.
Kt17e. Peacoas: fnacttva but- prices
are firm; caotca. isrwnrav, rn cwm.
ii to t te
u : 113a a II
v cuwo.
t.........i. I7S IT
4. 73 4 a ...
IDS 4li ' 21...
l. 7SS 4 5S . a...
Ml 4 TS ...
i...; x t si . t....
I., MS tsi . .. 1..:
4 Hit lt
- - HE1FWR8. -
M.. w l it. tee i ik
g , ,u I a v
T Ill tS ; . .1
Dcau). -1
T1S 4 U .1.
i.,.. use 4 3. .1
!... OSS I St -. I
I 1st I Ti , , I
a, nt ttt . I i
I. ! ast 4 M I 74 I 4t
t . '.-. 4H I H I MS t ti
U...... SI IS 24 Ml IS
HOGS Packers lost control ' of hog
trade filled with over 2s w head and
Were forced' lo pay big advance fjr
their killing droves. Everybody seemed
to regard bogs a excellent property and
n marttel aliened in brisk fashion at
figures about a nickel higher. Competition
became even more lively aa trading prog
rtssed and prlcea rapidly Improved, ruling
Holed higher at mid-session and closing
hstiiac higher. During final rounds, tlie
demand waa aoout aa unteuv aa i ue
auentiv la on a wild, runaway market.
several buyers waiting at tha chutes to
njaca htaa on late artivaia
Hulk of croo was purchased on local
slaughter account ahd clearance was
mad early, practically everytmua tsaaa
uts mm the aeatea before 11 o'clock.
Skiooera and apecukttora furnished an
outlet for something like '10 per cent of
the total recelpta, usually favoring quality
aaA arasarht La.asmbiaailOn.
Beat lard hogs on rale brought M-af, as
compared with yesterday's ft M top, while
butchers movea arowoa ea.wwo..v, nacon
gradea made up only a modest ponton of
receipts, but still claimed ta sow spread,
ranging at Ik as and less.-. Sales below
fk,4S were rew and ratierea.
aast . aunt ts ia...iat i nanw fancy. l.WuUr. Raisin: Dull
1 ntaiiisaa' ss ttvar. ckow, la hs I about ateaar; loose mwaeaieia. (4Tac:
ad- a l ' " choice to fancy seeded., e7: seed-
.l-SaC.. L0f41.VIS
v ., . -
Na AT. a h. Ja Av. gg. Pr.
s Mt ... IS ' tt 1st ... Id
n...v...i at tn st. tot ... i a .
M "I ... I . tt !tt ... lit
H1......10) .:. ta) TI 91 ... tIT.
I la ... I et st l ... i ;,
..:....m ...ta i tn ... its
S) ISS ... tst M SH tt ta)
..... I") ... It 7...... tll 1X4 IB) ,
SI,....ItT ... I - SS M 1st t - ' ... 4 IS T4 IIS ... t
SI IS) ... S at 14 Ml ... I I
t2.,....rr? ...tie at- ut ... t it
e.....m ... in n...... m us its
M ..US) ... 4 44 If 171 at ITS
st ..... im et 4 u st tt) ... i Te
st ..til ... Sat 0 Ml ... IT).,
at ... is tt .Mt ... it
....... no a) it Jot
a). ...... tao ... tst n aa ... in
M la) S SOt tl 224 ... I 71
I fc..,...SH ... tea a tat ... t Tt
ja , ' US Mg JU ... I as
214 fed ewes.-..
210 fed ewes.....
z& fed lambs
ltl fed yearlings.,..
242 fed lambs
104 fed ewes
173 fed lambs..........
si fed lambs..
31) fl lambs 7a
Ml fed lambs.,., o
10 fed labms. culls.. 73
404 fed ewes M
203 shorn wethers and yearl'gs 13
... M
... 7
... 7t
... S4
... SI
... ii
... M
... l
.... 94
... 77
... 74
443 fed lambs
220 fed lambs
u40 fed lambs..
313 fed ewes
.. 17
.. 7
5 W
i r.
7 00
1 00
4 Sa
e 13
3 M
i 40
I 20
I 75
I 20
4 71
7 W
I Ti
1 7.7
2 50
a 33
4 a
7 03
t 10
7 10
0 25
" Waol Market.
BOSTON. , .March M.-WOOL-Market
for the last week has been quiet, al
thoiiRii w Ith a strong undertone. Labor
troubles have disturbed the general aa-.
nation somewhat, but wools have been .
mimtaloed on practically tho same level
as a week -ago. Th good situation le)
generatlv satisfactory and some lines of
wges have been marked up. Territory
wools have add at EKaCJ-vc for three
eighths and ISttJIo for quarter bloods.
Supplies of- fleece wool are practically
exhausted. -
BT. LOUIS. Mo.. March If. WOOL- .
Bteartv; territory and weetern mediums,
liHfitc; fin med.uma, lublVc; tin. Ww-ia
i , '
C4toa Market.
NEW TORK. March 75. COTTON-,
Spot closed quiet and unchanged; mid
dling uplands, 10.00c; inlddllng gulf, W.lficj
no 8 uj OS.
Futures closed steady: March, 10 ct ,
April, lO.xlc; Marcii, W.41c; June. 10.47c;
Julv. M.5f: Anguat. ID. tie, September,
Ml Uc: October. lO.aic; November, lO toc-i
Deaember. W.tstoi January, iv.Oro; Febru
ary, 10.6SC. - -
Oils aad Koala
Firm; 4k V: sales, 141 bids.; shipments,
Sa bbls.; stock, bbls. , -.
ROSIN Firm; sales. 6u0 hhls.; receipts, -113
bbls,: shipments. 1,' bbls.; stock, m9
bbls. Quote: B. fci.80; D, 16.80; E, ts.;
F. O, 11 and I. 17.00: K, 17.11: M. J7.40; N,'
I7.4; W, O., $7.50; W. W., e7.oi.
tlrr f.'ooda Market.
The cotton goods markets ar Very firm
with -trading ateady. Lines of men's
wear and dress fabrics are being ad
vanced. The yard market ar film
with stocks lik'tit.
' l
gagar Market.
NEW TORK, March H.-SUOAR-Raw";
steady: Muerovada M teat, 4c; centrifu
gal, W test, 4.00c: moUaaea sugar, tt test,
1.75c; refined, quiet.
Demand for tattle ateady llaga
lllgber kee Firs.
CHfCACO. March 1.-CAm.lS-Re-
ceHds, 1.m head: market steady tor
steers; cows and lieifel-s strong: calves,
254r;.0a lower than last ulslit; beeves. I4.4M
7.7a: fancy nominally gstutwciii; Texas
atears. ll.5Mit.S3: araS western Kteers.
K.tX) stockera unit feeders,
cows and heifers, f2.254ie.ij0; calves, li.jovf
is. . -
HOfiS llcceliits. 1S.00O head: market
mosllv IV. hleher than last nlellt: light.
fu.-0(i'7.12: mixed. heavy, fs ti
wi.20; rough, K.MSi; ,plga. M Xtj'T);
bulk of sales, t7.00a.r7.!,).
HHF.KP AND LAM BH Receipts, lS,tX)
head; market firm; Wi2r higher than
laat nlitlit: native. KOlKrAOO: western.
M i'iOS.10: yearlings. tS-jcaj? OK: lambs, na
tive, fk.OUlli.av; western, sn.auvs.aa.
Kaaaaa tlly Live Stock Market. .
KANf AS CITY, March 19.-CATTLR-Receiota.
O.Otaj head, ineltidtna 3ts) south
erns; market, steady to 1c lower; dressed
beef and export steers, si.ivws.ou: tair to
good, f8.tl0a7.00: western steers. f).7Ttl7.aO;
atorkers and feeders, ft-aftS M; steers.
xil0tr?.2S: southern cows, ti V)- na
tive cows, 3.2tji.t: nsllve heifers 14 2
tfi.w: bulls, st aaafa. m: eai'es. sa.tssiae.u.
Hi K18 Receipts. 7.i."s) head: market. Sc
to Hk higher: bulk of sales,. fv7ui.r,:
neavy. ,, , . n . j v n - siiu u u , . ... . ,
K-fs.4j7.sU; lights, fk.3Wila.ff; pigs, K-Ho?
i.50. I
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700
head: market, 0c to 30c blither; iambs. I
t5.7Sai7.58: yearlings. S.!3; weathers, '
(M. ViS.i; ewes. KOottu.uO; stockers and
feeders, t3af 4.S0. ,
St. l.eala Lire) Stark Market.
eetpta X,2ta) head, including 30) Texans;
msrket. ateadv: native shitintna and ex
port steers. 7.itkdS.50: dressed and (
butcher steers,; steers under
l.aa pounds. fsUusia.73; stockers and
feeders. M 2614.35: cows and heifers, tt-M I
4V7.9I: cannera. E.9&t4.': bulls, fliftiiae: i
calves, tS )fr7.3; Texaa and Indian i
steers. u.iXg7.0l); costs and heifers, fLMK I
(.25. I
HOGR-RecsMpt, bead: market vm
Uc hlg-ber; pigs and lights. tu.0nty7.1V.
mixed and butchers. I7.0rrj7.jk; good
beaw. r.Mfr7 30.
SHEEP AND T.AMBS-Receifte, l i
kMs- market tuttaae hhrher: native mut-!
ton. MOOS: lambs, f0OfJ7.; eolls
aad bucks, ttL264S3-i0; stockers, fc508i.iv.
, Stark la Sight. '
Receipts of Hve stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Pheen.
South Omaha JJo
St. Joaepb IAS)
Kansas City ?
St. Louis. 3.2IS)
Chicago 4J0
District Caart at naakvllle.
. RUBHVILLE, Neb.. March .-8pe-clal.
District court convcyned her
Monday morning with Judge Westover
on tha bench. Th calender la a light
one, with forty civil rases on Uat docket.
Including four divorces. But two criminal
rases are to be tried, the State va James
Standing First and John and " William
Bears. Tlie defendants ar Indiana
charged with -ottering - and caehlnc a
forged cheek. - The Stat vs. James Mur
phy and filmcon Ganoug l a caat invelv
big rattle. '
Cltlteas' Caaraa at Haaaaeldt,
HUMBOLDT. Neb., March .-(Spe-cial.)
A cltiaens' caucus waa held her
Saturday evening and th following
nominations for th coming city election
wera made: Jam B. Davie, mayor;
George ban ford, alderman. First ward;
Wenxel Skalak, alderman. Second ward;
W. O. Lydlck, clerk,- U 0. HecketL,
treasurer; W. J. Davis, city engineer.
.14. tO.iJO
. LSsri . 7.2W
7.2 " ?.
tf.OM U,
St. Jaaaewai Llwa Stork Hsrkrt.
ceipts. 13u head. Market steady: steer.
ti.aaaoj.10: cows and heifers. tX2&ej7.t.
calves. MSSta- ' . ...
UoG-Becipit, a;M.atg4, . Msxaet
W1U kan en security rsqulr.
lag paclal lBvaaUgaUoa
r doa aupervisloB, and
. not available for bank loana
Largo enterprises financed.
Plan pt Invastigation f
security offered, wbatevar
Its character r
frgrW TOata:. IS aroad Streal
pam.gngT.rIA...aaxfayeTta BUg.
CaOOA4W...llxt Mat1. ataat mUtj.
nkAWWTaflWaAlAstsWivW TVm IT
Bnrwtm rvmwmj ZOf tabs,
Itasr nJfWJl
key i
tssl,.'k, sTTTr-'T '
erket. Masau kators saiaglkTs
aamedr, sofforod lnteeieaiT a-Ik
mi saw ttrtavasd tsi si
went asraussx, kaeeaat no
wee rsSseea. rsawwauuloa aatf aa'a aGao. sua) I
save bad ao roearreaes f ta. tiaalaartea sa
aaoa ax 10- A" enaavea (Jotuw, JH"afBl
SwoitUajs, Weea Ciuj. Cailesaas. BrWsnl Bs-k
Sad Blaa'oasealoratloaa ate, la a r' III saaaasr
Prlpe flM aad a koala at araasavta ar aaMsasadl
IVsaagSfraa. Wriiaraslt. -.eras.
MltiaMJi (M Isaaaj ta. I