8 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH A8, 1912. Council Bluffs POLITICIANS ARE. KEPI BUS Oft afore Week sf City Camptigi , J Prior to the Eectioa. corrrr - politics - wazjcd. a up 'I Kimball :Omt fa Ik atata Senate . all 'the! Hrpeblleon Ticket aal Tefls Wherw'tle' " ,3 r" stands, i t With. but' on more week of th. city campaign. iMtmt being IransTerred to the county contest for' tbo various of fice ; U (lie city campaign thsx ro Bdt htinr candidates. ' although three tickets are In the field, but for tba coanty office ther aft many aspirants. Several petitions (or conaWeraUon at the Council Bluffs Union Carpenters Demand Raise of Five Cents an Hour Council Bluffs CouncP Bluffi contractor are facing a earpaatar'a strike at the beginning- of the building eeaaon. Negotlatloue hay reached a point where a etrike la Inev itable, unlea the employer accede to the demand for higher wages, and the eontractor are declared to be a unit In the determination not to yield. The In. ereaaed union aeal I fit cent an hour, a rata of I cent an boor. The carpenter' union baa u ita mem bership more than K per cent of all the journeymen carpentera In the city and they are one of the best organised labor bodies her. Their orgnniaattoa baa grown Minor Mention The CoaacU Blnffs Office of The Omaha Be ia at 15 Scott Street. Telephone 43, June primaries are la circulation, aao4tulJ' strength for the last three cofjslderabl Interest la being aroused. This was added to vary materially yester day By City Attorney Clem r. KimbelTa official announcement that be desired tfnresent the county In tlx stata senate and. Would be aa active candidate for nomination snd election. ' Ttlls Bient was thaBe by The Bee seVtfsTweeks ago. Whan Kimball's statement that he would be a candidate only ia tb evsnt of Senjtor Saunders.aet-dcMrlng another termt . Sir- then Senator Saunders baa positMly" declined, to' be candidate under any circumstances,-" and this left tl way clear tor KirhMIL . )t ft said, howler, that. there will several other application for tb honor. Including O. 1. Mcalanus.-ss a representative-ef the progress! vea la the vest end. and Attorney A. U Prestos of A voce, who is wither a progressive nor a stand patttr, but will bate bis claims antlraly upon the fact that lie Is a rood repub lican and 1 a resident of A voce. Tb reputation that Mr.' Kimball has mad all over the slate as chairman ef tba legislative committee of the League of Iowa Municipalities, it la said, has given tilfn star wM promlnsn.ee, and his sc trVttle .of an. advisory character la the legislator have shown bis peculiar tit ties for legislative dull and make th Met certain la advance that he will be eefua the republican leader la tb upper house'.. .No man In fhe stats. It Is said, baa fc clearer knowledge of th taxation cjtn-aUons or could to fun her In bringing about, just cerpotattoa Us measure tnaa could he. pertlcalarly In relation to the development or 'tns cities and towns of th state. ... , fellowm la Mr. Kimball's statement dllcuimihg these Ind oilier problems vital to. pu bile Interest -tlpoa ' whkh he will make his campkign: ' . ' Th St In. anil Mai(n. - fa thb Voten of Pottawattamie Countv, Davis, drugs. Vlctrola. Hi. A. Hosps Co. H. Borwlck for wall paper. Wood ring Undertaking Co. Tel. M. , Get th habit for Morehouse printing. Corrigans, undertakers. 'Phones Ms. NEW YORK Plumbing Co. 'Phone as. (For 8ale-8ix-room house. 721 Sixth Ave. MUST BEER AT ROGERS' BliFFET. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 7. Ulckeraon for fine work on B- R. watches, a Pearl St. Bluff City Laundry. Dry Cleaning and Dye works. Mew 'phone No. tail TO HA VK OR BORROW. FEE C. B. Mutual Bldg. Loan Ass n., ia Pearl. The regular meeting of Harmony chap ter No. S. O. E. .N.. will be held on Thursday evenlns. March 51 not luncn noon, sc, chicken pi dinner rum 10 s o ciocit, uc. Broadway at. a. church, Tuesday, starch I. WlnlVm,n. . i ' . .... mi.1 iitj II ik ii, uviii rm- tent stenographer and bookkeeper; good Kiiin. Aaaress u, umana Bee, to. Bluff. , Excelsior lodge No. , nnclent Free and Accepted Masons, will have a special years and sow numbers ffl men. Three year ago It had leas than fifty mem bers. Many of th carpenters were work ing for KM and ft a day for tea kours Tb union seal waa St sent an hour for eight hour. The nonunion men were working for X cents an hour. On April 1, Ul. th union men demanded a rata to 4 centa and at once got It- They lso got very quickly about all th men who were workliur for X centa. ' On April 1 last year th union asked for!? .Tf,.0 y Yen,n " M toT wor" Mitu. S .- t. i t I c. Incubators. W-cgg capacity. 17. K; laa. egg capacity for 111.54. We sell the Pes Moines incubator line. P. C. De Vol lofts Mini dm It was, sofneWhlt ss for nomination . by the renublloan hrlaflv tttaH evme weess sso tnat l Ttoum e a ranni patty for ittte senator fmin.lhls county. At th time t had not definitely announced mr Intention. Since, th fstsUment wis huu'l.n.el 1 tiare had ,murhi Sncourste ment. Kor this reason and other 1 hsve ccnriU(,vi is be a cenftlAsKs The- are Ijitero-tiiHt problems or legislation wbleh ha been before th general anibiy fof the last time sesslens thai Will surely be prntell the coming sesalon next ,ear, r, the -least snisna thee Is a ravmon oi in taws of taxation. Includ ing rallwsr laxatlan. be of lo our people invse oil) H'jr, and ' Tfiera feeling that I can I In ll-lln with tnes questions, I am seeking ths aomma- aa wlU Strive to be elected. . , H're has bn eeeat antlvltv fnr I K, aavanccrmiit of Jtur state and Its Indus tries lh th Istt few years. .With the greatest srea Of uniformly th best and rivet, fartii Mnd.tn the .fill ted stains, 'i I bopulstej with a sturdy, ener ttle and prosnfaxlee people. The in f.ettv of this ApletMttd Cltllenshlp has called for lbs develcsmsnt of a "Orsater ", The gipreSftion cannot be con fined In-an to any ne-person, poet leal faoiton .or .dulry. Tb agricultural ItMireat oftae atslev call, for .continued ads iicenift ana encouragement, and shpuiU reshaps n-ceiv , flrt conldera. Hon. But Mu!!)- with such Intereets our A'ltttsr inf. towns ahould also be de teUiieil. 'It JtveWplhg our munlrlsll tle we.will urel-,lvMop,aur farming ItiteMsui. ritles aad town create mar krta. A triarM! li tii Urmet' mint. To build up. 1 ties- and towna and thus In rresss hsm nisreet miM enlkrae and- muino'r manufaeturlnc and com. uierclai Indiunnea. - The la-re .of a state hss muuh. to d wltk her development This lsbartlrulsely true of laws of tsaa ltk Our preaent'modr ef assessment la rtld and In.urtoU. It-je our levies tin. jthan fourvUme a Isrge ss they should bef This lives a wrong Impression In other slsiea ot our taxes and drives Inelry from our rate. The burdens, lo, of tststton are not aa nearly equal as (hey might be. Foreign capital I not aoeiiuately used and unfairly competes Willi local savthg. whtrb. are sublet to the-hiahest tsiatmn. This drive, bom e.M'al to' Investment In other states snd In , Canaua to avotd such unequal taxa II Jn. 1 ' . in- besoming a randldste for Mate sena lo 1 an) not hampered by obligations to sirr Person, taction or Intereet. and shall rlvar if elected to promei and con arrv the beat Interests of our state and l nlel A reprrarntatlve officer should bul nly b a faithful servant of the fl!e. .but. he should also be a student Of their protxems and a counsellor edvls litswtth thrin. .selected (or this work I will terot the sinte energy and fidelity lo lt a 1 have endeavored to give to the fiubttaeervtr with which lb people have leretnfora entruatsd me. Jurors Convict." ; ,'Kerns of Robbery The iury.in th fedaral aourt last vea- litg returned a vardlot eonvtetlng young Ketna.of tB theft of the mall pouch at lh alllKsukea. passenger ststloa aa the eight of rbuary t and assisting In the drttructjdii of Its valuable contents, in cluding nearly TTi.'eo worth of bank drafts, cDsrkt and. other valuable paper Kem stood trial after Papet. hla asaocl a( ,ln thla nd m4ny o(W crimes, had p!aded giulty. " ' Both youhg' men - will be ' sentenced htonday. Th maximum penalty Is tea yssra, tXma waa Indict oa thro ausmu, an, charting the theft of th malt' pouch, another th theft of its contents ind .the third tb deatrsctlow of tli pouch.-snd Jt. osatent. A fourth count la lb .indictment, charging the tlitft'dt tad other mall baga tilled with seaonw tlass", matter.' magaslnra, which were-, alas . destrorsd. was dlsmtsaed asrainSf Kerrsi, "as there w aa evldwae that h waa directly eonaarted with their thelt- aUbough b assisted la their de struction. .. , f Papet went oa th' stand and testified far his -confederate, taxing all ef the Warn, declaring fhat be seined tb mail Ucb and that he also eat It eVcn. Two confesdons , of. othera. Implicated bad ctargeil this to Kerns. Kerne' saatker Slid sister sins 1rTI!t"6htts atana and were positively that the boy was horn and in bed St th hours' It waa snow tn tarts rapet. Kerns and Alkao en gaged lav tb dretnictloa of tb man pew. - , - t- Tfct' conviction' of 'th two' yoorarstars waa a great relief teabd local aoUoa, wh ttaartiefl Uura aa'two erf tb aaost eipert and suinterou cBrikirillhg evty. there ar throe ladirlnients sgatnat'all of them " the stxte eun and after tbey sat-re their terms tbey may b tried upon then a4 aent to the state s arusss, These all iriat to burglary asd box car roObertea I - e- ' - - 1 All Negative ah rosltlve All Positive treatment, U.i parts fkmrre. Treated water 47 nettled water IBS Raw river water.. ..,! Bacterial efficiency of per cent. TuroKiity rap water, torty-rour er ml I Hon. Turbidity river water. Hi Berts Bar mil. lion. Total pumpage. .&t.l gallons. Ton can say goodby to constipation wkb a clear conscience if you us Cham-, ber Iain's Tablets, Many bare ben per manently cured by their us. For sale by all dealers. boor to th coats sf their estimates on nsw work for th coming building sea. son. Many large contrasts, however, have been takes en estimates based an th lower cost of labor, and . all con. tractor with such Interests bava led In tb opposition t ths Increase, .and. It la said, bar Induced th other to believe that If I hi raise I granted It will mean another advance of the earn character next year. Some of the contractors say they have been assured by the carpenters that the Intention la to continue th ad vance until th maximum of cents aa I obtained. Thla, ths employers y. Is mor than the business will stand and that -they will begin a stubborn re sistance now Thar ar not mack more than, a dosen gocd nonunion carpenters In th ally. easy materially check building opera tions In the aarly part of the season Many of ths contractors admit that M centa aa hour la not too much, and have expresssd a .willingness to grant It If tbey can be assured that tb ultimata sVcenf scale waa nothing mor thaa a threat. . . , after, asm delay got It. This year the demand far fie centa an hour waa orlcln. ally Intended to take effect on April 1. i Hdw- Co- M B'ajr. k.i -iiu. ih. krf td j.m i.- tu ... I 8AM 8XTDER fixvfl unvrr m th. purpoa, of giving th. employer. m.r. XTeu'r ag oSSlifS ,"h. ume to Milia aaoet iu ne Bew-ecaie wiu uausi rates. omc Over 329 W. B'dwar not bs put lot effect until May 1. ' - I Spring Is near, avoid the ruih. have Th employing carpentera tbua have ' .., 1 Papering done now. We have amp time to add the extra I cent. H.7 BEri2,5.i,5 S vT.V' J.r The funeral of Mrs. Nora Carroll will be held Monday morning at o'clock at Hie t. Francis church. Father Mc Msnus officiating. Burial In tit. Joseph's cemetery. l Brill BAOS repaired, reflnlshed like new. Repaired, replated, rellned at rea sonable cost. All kinds of jewelry re pairing. Lefferts' Jewelers, M Broad way. Klgn of th Clocka St. Mary'a chapter of 81. PsuPs guild will give an old fashioned spelling con test Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Fred M. Cralne, JUS Avenue c. All friends and others In- lereaiea are invited John IIUSS Castle. Itoval Ulc'nl.nrt.r. Will have an ooen mnetlnr Moiwlnv even. Ing, when members are privileged to In- ineir rrienaa it will be held In rreinrnui nail, uanclna and rermah. menu will be featuraa , Boulh First chapter of 8t. Poul's guild ill have an Sll-ditv'a aaeltn as Mn- day at the home of Mrs. Forrest Hmlth. 7M Madlaon arenue. Lunch will k served at 1 o'clock. The members will sew for the children of the Creche. A luii attendance or all Is desired. A telegram waa received yesterday by Carl ahulholf, K Mill street, announcing the death of his brother, Harry H. fhul hoff, at Athnl, Kan., and he left yester day to bring the body, here for burial. Mr. Bhulhoff waa B years old and until he went to Kansiis three years ago had long been a resident of Council rJluffa. He Is survived by a wife and three chil dren. Mrs. Inaa Qustava Anderson, si vmm T months and 10 days old. wife of John A. Anderson, died veaterdav aitunmnn at her residence, wa v-at Hrnautwnv. Th- cause of death wss cancer of the stomach. .me leaves, oeside tier tiuaband, three daughters snd three sons. Km ma, Marie ana tieien at nome; carrou ot Omaha, Ed of York, Neb., and Swan of Council Bluff. Funeral will be held Monday at I o'clock. Rev. Mr .Clledd of IK- Rwedlah church will officiate. On Tues day morning the body iu p taksa to Tork, Neb., for burial. Marcus Boorlclus received a telegram yesterday from his son at San Antonio. Trx., announcing that hla daughter. Miss Hssel, who was taken there by Mrs. Uourlclus several weeks uo for bee neann, nan suiierea a serious relapse. Mr. Bourirlus left for the south on an after noon train. The heulth of the daughter has been tvery precarious for same time, but Improved for a time after her ar rival In the warmer climate. She aiaf- fered a relapse some time ago and her uruiner, tiuy, wno nad been In Boston taking voice culture, was called to ber aiue. - The spine or a black bass fish which hs waa engaged In cleaning last evening about I o'clock may cause V. W. Walt man, rial Avenue O, to lose the thumb on his right hand. The spins penetrated more than an Inch Into the flesh of the ( Council Bluffs hla scope of Influence. He baa decided not to be a AMnvratfa, enmitlH-, I countv treasurer. Th nrnm nnlv Mv, ! I mlerrr salary somewhere la the vicinity of IU.0S) a year, and the reward is I scarcely worth the effort. He authorised 'lest evening this statement: "Considerable puDiicny nas oeen given tne statement j that I will be a candidate for the nomi nation of county treasurer on the demo- wish to Inform my friends, however, I that Inasmuch as my work demands my aMenuoa ana nave no political nnpirauons. i cannot unaer aay rfrcum stancea make the race for any office at this time. 1 appreciate fully the honor that would attach to the nomination and I desire to thank my friends for the kindly Interest they have taken In me, correcting at the same time any wrong iHiinnnvu mmi may prevail witn rexcr- euce lo.tne matter. - A press dispatch from Iowa City yes- lemay contained tne iniormatton that Dr. J. T. Jones, naator of ha (.. tlonal church there, was seriously con sidering the call extended some time ago mr too memoera or tne nrst Congrega tional church here. Dr. Jones made a most favorableimpression and there waa no question but that be would have fully satisfied the members. Th only question was the reluctance of Dr. Jones tn inav. a university town, and one of the strong- ' wnRiciKKniu cnurcnes ui toe state. The press dispatch indicates that Dr. eunea naa aoout mad up hla mind to .ii uie oner, it says: ."Rev. Dr. J. T. Jones of the Congregational church at Iowa. City may resign snd- go to Council Bluffs, to fill the pulpit of the fcf'W church of which Rev. Dr.- Smith, called to Pierre. 8. D has been the pastor. Dr. Jones preached tentatively at Council Bluffs recently and a committee from the church there cam hither to confer with him. Dr. Jnnen i. k. i t of the Iowa State Elsteodfod, and la one or tne loremost Welsh-American clergy. national conferenca of cbarltlea and cor rection. . He bj s member of th state board of chart tie of New Tork and baa been for many years nation al prealdent of the National Superior council of tne St. Vincent D Paul society. Officials WIU Kan Asnala. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. March 17 Secretary of State Cornelius Roacb to day filed his declaration for renomlna- 1 Hon on the democratic ticket- Juds-e L-naiiee B. 8tark r ft. Louis filed hla declaration for the democratic nomina tion fur Judge of tb supreme coon. If you have anything to exchange, ad vertise tt 1c Th Be Want Ad columns. Reducing the Cost of Living la tbess days of soaring food prices It behooves the careful housekeeper to pick those foods that give the tiost nourish ment rn proportion to their cost, with th price of menu beyond the reach of a table allowance that snce proved suf ficient, one must choose something that provides meat nourishment without meat ; ost- - That food Is found In Faust Spaghetti. ! rnust spaghetti la made from rich, glu tinous Durum wheat. It provide as much nourishment aa many tlroea its value In meat or eggs, a tc package of Faust Spaghetti will provide generous neiptng to five persona Toa cannot find a. cheaper food, nor a better food nor a food that Is so universally enjoyed. Many unity Housewives who serve spaghetti In soma fornv vary often, make It .the enter dian lor dinner once a week and iney say inat it aoee not only prove econ omical but also reneivee the henetv -n proval of their families. Write for our fro nwaiei ui reuai xtecipes. MAI LL BROS. issi an. &enia avenue, mx. antala. afo. Consumers Do Not Like Hard Water Tb alum treatment of the city water, mad necessary to Insure th Immediate nrerlpltatloa of th silt from th river, and tba chloride put Into it to kill gsrro Ufa. ha been th eourr of numerous complaints about tba "hardness" of the water.' Th precipitate from ordinary soap leaves a scum on the surface. Chemist Jacobson, who has charge of the purification plant, has been th recipient of many complaints and has given the matter some ooaaiderstlon and experi mental testa Aa a result hs yesterday gave tw Brocasosa, either of which will properly , "soften" th water. Here are th tw processes: Uma-Soda Process 'Hydratad lima, two pounds per I.OS) gallons. Soda ash, on pound per l.M gallons. CausUo 8oda Process Sixty per cent caustlo soda, three pound per 1.W gal kin. The average condition of the water and the total oonaumptlon for th week are show la this statement : Hsctsrta Persumptlve HillsviUe Raiders Taken to Roanoke CALAX. Va.. March 17.-Floyd Allen, bis son Victor, John Moore. Cabell Strickland and Byrd Marlon, Implicated In th murder of th Carroll county court officials, reached here In carriages from HUlsvllls at (:S o'clock this even ing in charge of a heavy guard. Judge - oiapiea also came in from Hllle vlll and the party left at : o'elock on a special train for Pulaski and Roanoke Word cam from Governor Mann di recting .Judge Staple to Issue an order so th prisoner may be taken to Roanoke jail, i n train will not stop at Pulaski, which was the home of Thornton Massls, th murdered judge, but will contlnu on to Roanoke, where It will arrive soon arter midnight. HILLSV1LLE. Va.. March 17.-WUH Juror Augustus Fowler added to the roll of dead, bringing tha total to five, little or no progress had been mad tonight looking to th capture of tha Aliens and their clansmen, who escaped to the moun tain after their murderou attack upon me oinciais ot tha Carroll county court ma reports which cam from tha mountains test night that Sldna Allan bad been captured and that his wlfs bad been killed proved erroneous today. De tectives who went to tha Allen home found It deserted. Hud mML Van I Psr a C Test for Coll. ! thumb. Ths wound caused such ex cruciating pain that lr. Warner was called. Before the physician arrived the thumb had swollen to twice Its normal slse, Indicating blood poisoning of a dangerous type. Heroic treatment waa resorted to. The member waa split open to th bone for the full length, but the Physician stated last evening that he had but little hopes of saving It. The fish was purchased at a local market during Hie afternoon and had been In stock for a long time, and had arrived at the stage known aa mellow. , Charles L. Kendrlck has concluded that It place too great n ourden upon a newapaiier man to become a candidate for any public office and limits too much Henry and Koller Form Motor Firm AUGUSTA. Ms.. March 17.-(Speclal.- Omaha Motor company la th name of a new Main corporation which baa filed Ita certificate at th stata nous rn Augusta, and proposes to do a raotunng ana saiee Business In auto mobiles, motor trucks, engines, supplies, eta The authorised Issue ot capital stock la t1.DW.IMS. The director at time ot organisation were D. W. Henry and W. W. Koller, Omaha, Neb.; R. 8. Bus- sell. E. J. Pike and L. J. Coleman, Augusts, Me. R. aV Buxsall la prealdent and U J. pike la treasurer, and tha clerk Is Charles L. Andrews, an Augusta lawyer, at whose office the Incorporation was effected. The other Augusta parties are offlc employe at Mr. Andrews. Mulry is Awarded Medal of Laetare NOTRE DAME, Ind., March n.-Th Laetare medal, which la confered an nually by tha University of Notre Dam on a distinguished layman of tba Roman You Can't Beat It "swbT f TaT4ss-sTsBBaa - tawaw because yon cant etpultt. The bottles bear the triangular label fvsBje BLATZ COMPANY PhesMt Pswglas aagg MENTHO- : LAXENE TOO GOOD Druggists Think So. Because One Bottle, Which Makes a Pint, Lasts a Family All Season and Cures Every Cold, Cough and Cv tarrh Victim Quickly. -muii.ui.ini, layman oi uie fioman I r a ,1 , Catholic church. It was announced today, OClWr Irtt 1119 rVI9 Essence Mentho-Laxene Save Mon ey and Health. ha been awarded this year to Thomas Maurice Mulry. a banker of New Torn. Hla devoted neea to works of charity Is the reason for tha choice. The award has the approval of Cardinal Farley. 1 In ISM Mr. Mulry waa .president of the FOR ALL MEN AND WOMEN I will give you free f sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, that have brought health and happiness to thousands also a book on any chronic disease you need. ,. " - The story of my free offer to you is quickly told. During my many years of practice I have used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records of results in case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results I am going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will relieve biliousr.es. and Ul health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample ora book. . But for the permanent relief of blood disorders and impurities, I can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery" blood medicine without alcohoLR. V. Pierce, M. Dn Buffak, N. T. 2 Nature's Way Is The Best. Buried dees) ia our America forest wa (ad blood root, mssea's root, i a atoae root, goldea seal, Oregoa (rape root sad cherrybark. Of these I XMJ1 T" a m ' Jit aaeadrak i n v. Piere sede a mire glyoeria extrsot which baa bean dvomhle kaan tne tnM. Tears. .He csUcd k "GOLDEN MEDICAL' DISCOVERY." This "Discovery " pariass ho blood and tooea aw tb atassMss. aeal tba aaujm I ! N Stars'l OWS WSV. It' WSt tba tisaaas Builder anal Sna aaa enanW (ftryiL ' . ' n' D.DrP!5,rcys:" Glycerine plays an important part ia U t!lU'Ue- rtM'.tCL. p,cr5e s Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart- in stomack WBf. .S.Y f PPte, grawing feeling - .v..KChiC.ii5 OI me stomacn, uver and bowels. ia cougns ana noarseness caused bv bronch al. thmar ,A !.,-. .flr.,:. - ption. the "Golden Medical n;T,.r ;. . ' r' al-r rwi?n"7,''rr i , T luuji .tiuinui rcraeay, especially in tnese , nane-onou2ns caused bv irritation anA r l'..', ' I he Discoverv is not so o-rwi fnr n. ,.,u. . t n n. . , . ' o -.v wuxua i I3iiis j mm mnnrn rains, nor d e People wbo'v "barrels ot money" probably won't appreciate thla advice. This Is for th reader who knows the value of every five-cent piece, and usu ally It saves from to 10 flve-eeat Piece for those who are Informed. Buy ing medicine la dribs costs mora than making a big supply yourself. Buying ordinary patent medicines means that you pay toa much far syrups, corks, bot tles, labels, cartons, etc. Kor Instance. If you buy a S-cent bottle of cough medicine, H contains about two ounces tour-fifths ef which la syrup and fur S cents you can make one-half gallon of syrup. By making Mentho-Laxen medicine at borne you save lots ef money oa syrup alone, and besides you know It's pur and quickly effective. Let us prove then that the best and cheapest way to" cbr coughs, colds, catarrh, and to proven pneumonia, diphtheria, la grippe, la to mak this fine big supply of medtcln. by mixing one-half pint at boiling water with a plot of granulated sugar. Then buy, ths purs concentrated essence Menth-LaxeB a ft, as. bottle) empty It lot a pint bottle er Jer and fill It up with th syrup. Directions with each Bottle tells how ta make and take, while tba manufacturers guarantee to refunc money to any disss tuned parcbaaer. Tou run ne risk and will have est band a mediclae which baa never seen equalled for eeida, cough, bronchitis, catarrh. hoarseness, etc. Its tonic laxative action puts the entire system oa a healthy basis and chronic disease snd sooaump tlon are avMded. The above prescription is manufacture.! by the well known pharmaceutical bouse. Blackburn Company. Dayton. Ohte sum obstinate branes. must IDected to cure consumntm in ire A,.A ,. . . i . , n t.:..... . r 7 V '"'"u iKcs no meaicine win ao tnat out .1- 7 ; . , ' . . ia J pnnapal dealers in medicines. TV J , . . . . " 'J rt ivnaumiimoniDfliit rru arwana m.nim..ii j: 1 , . .. . ... . . . ..j j- . 7r ZZ c V, j , . , . u upases ma an aoout tne body in neaitn rnarTK? PePle' Schoolmaster in'Medlcine oTtilJA'K of disei8d condition, and the practical, successful treatment .thereof. Cloth-bounr sent post-paid on receint of 31 cents in .oneKtxU sump, to pay cost of maOing Address Dr.Plcrce? firSltrle Harness and Saddles Bay rows direct from the firm that then, slave the middleman a profit Our harness are made of the best heavy oak leather and will outwear tw sets of cheap factory made hare ess, and cost you ne more. Our store has been ever forty yeara la Omaha Everything guaranteed. We jmSAX meet all competition on good baraeaa Writ fur catalogue. Altrcd CcnifSri & Co. ' te CeOta k Manas say Exclusive ' 'el- ' Features for 1912 A greater year for a greater paper The 'Omaha Bee i. . All the news that is real news. Mutt and Jeff Cbaraoter creations from the pen of "Bud" Fisher that have made all the world laugh and turned many a sad face into a smile. Poking Backward - This day in Omaha during the history forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago, ' briefly and interestingly reproduced for Bee readers. . The BeeY Wedding Book A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of Omaha's own people, simply and entertain ingly detailed from day to day. Silk Hat Harry Tad's dog-man invention who has mora trouble than anyone, but trouble that is so fanny it makes amusement for every Bee reader. Katzenjammer Kids These tw youngsters who are the source of Sund fun for thousands of children, promise many new tricks and delightfil for this year. Nell Brinkley Drawings Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen drawings, and her sketches of men and women caught by Cupid, not only have ar tistio beauty, but also always teaoh a lesson. Sherlocko the Monk x Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to many people, but Monk, the picture-detective, is more marvelous in the fun-way than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in a serious way. ,. . ' t Daffydils " " : ' Nothing so amusing has been run in any western newspaper in many years as these humorous play-on-words lines by Tad. Desperate Desmond A stage villain transferred to pen pictures , and revealed in the moat laughable light to . make every Bee reader roar and hold his sides. Happy Hooligan Poor, old Happy; he is continuously grow ing more entertaining, and now he is on the road to new situations to win smiles from all followers. A Carpenter's Travel Letters No writer of the present day sees events and situations in such interesting light as Frank J. Carpenter, ind none describes them so graphically. Heart to HeartTalks for Women By Ella Wheeler Wiloox, Winifred Black, Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fran-' cis Garside, Ada Patersen, and many others " who write for women, what women want to read. Each week in the Sunday issue Several big special stories of particular intereet to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa readers. Comic Section in Colors Besides the laughable comic pictures and -th special articles by women for women, The Bee will record dramatic events of im- - portance; present exclusive human interest , . stories and give an accurate account of events of politics, with absorbing sidelights on the two big political parties, their con ventions and their presidential campaigns. Complete Telegraphic and Cable News From all over the civilized world every day in the year. If you neglect to Read The Bee daily during 1912 Ton will miss these exclusive features, the greatest series ever published in a Ne- braska paper.