Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    I EPE BEE: 0
' SherioCko the Monk The Episode of the Scattered Bowling Baiil
Drawn for The Bee by Gus Mager
QUICK 1 r- tstmctiT (taiiDw! " nucr uJiJSSTS? v-J AWEiiriOM S T"txo.Na a man's TrceO
V I l 1. i 1 rr N I and uok minim1 I U lifMwl,"wr) I
I . ykr Cv ) ' "fo, 1 seta ot V J tAl V" u Tr bau. .
1 TX -t4 JSV S!1!?.r towUN tZT. tJO" eoufinr FROM H,M fj
v v lyj T ) ca Iha ait- i nko toi r. y , 'CJl 's-.
' ' ' I t
NEW tVhola coal rang: also refriger
ator. In good condition. Tel. Harney 347S.
FURNITURE. Inclunlna- niann a,-,.,.
nam. Harney '
Musical Inatranaeata.
SMITH A NIXON, hlgh-grad upright
piano, nearly new; bargain. a N. ma
RENT an Oliver typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. Doiigtaa
VISIBLE typewrltere and all other
makes, sold or rented anywhera at 14 to'i prices, allowing rental to aiply
on price; shipped on approval. Write tor
circular, im Farnam.
Typewriter Inapectloo and 6uppiy Co.
FOR RALE AT a harsajn A K. a
llemlngtoa typawrtter. PI. Tht hnt nt
running order. Call at U03 8. Uth St.,
letween a ana t:w p. m.
VD&Tt tfvD a . 1 M
r , i . , ,,i , i. . , v., i ii v, iuwmi iigure
rvar quoted: mom ha, s. CentrKl Type.
rttar Bachange, wn Farnam. Doug. 8M.
FOR FAM! Two acholarhlpa In tha
On-.aha Commercial college and one In
Boylea coUtft. tlualnaaa offlo. Omaha
FOR SALE New and aacona-hand
carom and packet Millard tkblea arti
bowling alleya ana aecesaorlea; bar fix
'turea of all kinds: eaay paymenta. Tha
Brunawlck-Balke-Collander Co., 407-eM a.
Iluth St.
POOL tablea, atore, reataurant fixturea
bought, aold. Levy. lu N. tki. Omaha
Coal for atove or furnaot. Try It.
Harmon A Weeth. Webster M.
3323 Myrtle Ave.
ThU modern alx-rooro house at the cor
ner of Mth St.. right In Bemla Park, at
tractive and well built, must be sold tins
week, and we Invita your inspection and
oiiera, ir you want a Borne oc thia also,
mveeiigaia tnia.
Glover Realty Syndicate.
A Good Buy
8-room, all madem linmaL well InmfMl
In Bemts Park, a fine, sightly corner on
tna oouievara. ana tna house all mod
ern and nicely arranged; hot water heat.
non-resMent owner aaya we vo sol to
aau at ouoo. roc HM
Glover Realty S)-ndicate.
Dundee Lots
. W. corner Slst and Davenport, ona
, an excellent building site, nonresi
dent ownar wants offer at once.
MN) each for two fine, sightly south
front lota north of Underwood Ave.
Glover Realty Syndicate.
NEARLY new. all modern 7-mon.
houaa at IMS No. lath, two blocks front
Sherman Ave. car line: nice neighbor
hood and five blocka from Lake dirter.
Csll owner. DoukIbs
A'i' ia..oa.n, t'lwuiu lioiue. easy y.
-ants. Canadutn oirieo. Ill So With lit.
8AFKS Overstocked with aecond-haaa
iaafaa; all suwa and makea; bargains.
A mart can Bopplv Co., IM Farnam St
ID SAFK8. liERIOHT, 1U farnam 8U
SUE1.V1NO and fixturea for aala:. ea
ipeOally adapted to hardwar store.
Pat ton-Bowman Hardwar Co., lilt Far
.nam aX.
Oladlsh Pharmacy. Ifth and Dodgo.
Vital maaaage, Anna r laher. 401 War Blk
f.AfP Imarted gaa lamps with
J-"v-u 13 crystal railector globes and
retf-llghter dtUvered for e.V JOHN
PON lamp ca. ra A. Mth: a n: a-hv
LADIKS save 40 per cent. Pennell Mll-
rtery Co., Paxton Blk. av steps upatalra
YQtlNa wumesi oomlnz to Omaha aa
Itrangers are invited to visit tha Young
Women s Christian association ouiiaing
at eaventeenth and St ataxy's At., where
thsy will be dlrectad to suitable boarding
piaooa, or tbrwla aaalslad. Look tor
our travelers' aid at the Union station.
FOR 8A LB-room house, good barn.
chicken house and three lots (0x150 In
milara. wililaai Andersen, lllllarO. Neb.
I Alt building two modern a-mum
kousea. bangalow style, one block to car
and only ten minutes tram 16th and Far
nam Su.: all oak finish downstairs, full
cement basement, pressed brick founda
tion, bast plumbing, two large porches,
tine sleeping porch, best material and
workmanship throughout; will sell at low
price, easy terms and will make any rea
sonable chang In building to ault buver.
Address F fct, Bee, or call Douglaa 152.
A VERY desirable borne, Ml Wool
worth Ave., rooma. all modern. In (list
claaa condition. Inquire at 310 llamas
uiug., rnuM uougiaa WW.
EXCEPTIONALLY nice 4-room house.
modern except heat; best neighborhood:
In South Omaha; paved street; apodal
Price, felt. Tat, South 1717.
Faran aas Haach Uses.
TWO tarns tor rent These farm ar
Hood tillable land, wall Improved, contain
ing no acres ana lm acre. J. T. coiuoa,
Council Bluffs, la. Phone Black till
OMAHA property and Nebraska uvnda
Kit Hew Omaha Nat l Bank Building.
MONEY to loan on bualnens or real
aenee propertiaa, tl.ftM to W. It
THOMAS. Sui First Nat l Bank Bldg.
tin to llv.ouv made promptly. F.
Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
LOANS Farms and city property.
H. Dumont A Bon. HiOB Farnam 8t
rlTvr uliv. u-.i- c.ik...
O Rr.nri.1. Th
ANTKI-Clty loans and warrants.
W Farnan. alth 4 Co.. la Farnaa at.
WANTB-D City loana Peters Trust Co.
Krm tivruih'rivisi . k
land; good soil, living water, f mllea to
good town In Pennington County, Houth
lkota Want general merchandise or
live stuck. Price. 14.0m Want .h1Uii ...n.i
value. Write C. B, Powllng, Warner.
8. D.
HirST 8ELI. L'nabla lo make nae.
menla 11100 home. K ROD mnrt.i m
tl.act due now, on September 1, bal
ance oy year. win tak clear lota or
email cottage for tar Interest. Addraaa
A an. ttti,
handle trades everywhere. If vau want
rreul'j call Dean, 017 Bee Bldg. O. IV.
i ACRES Ike Co.. (Ore.) land tor a-
cantlot In Omaha. W. Wagner. Ml N. Mth.
irai'P to 4,200 Seres, a mllea from Pine
Bluffs. Wyo. Will carry back all iu ta
l.t an acre at per cent.
10H Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
EXCHANGE 4-room cottage, new. fruit
trees, In small town In southeastern Ne
braska, for five or six room cottaao In
Omsha. or suburbs. Aadreaa Y-19 oare
Household gd. clothes a- shoes. D;i Bust suuUs. Kieer. U'Ait riler. D. :
WANTED To bur eld bruaen watoaas.
M. .Nathan. lu S. 11th 8t.
t A Q"J A fj IT Swedish movement. Apt.
ui-.Kjx.vjAj, Famam. p. P4.
tWEUIBH massage for rheumatism,
stomach trouble, poor circulation. Kara
tea Tonseth, graduate from gwrdea. W
Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 71
'FHE SALVATION ARMY oollelts cast
off clothing; la fact anyuung you so not
I need. Wo collect, repair and sell at IN
N. Uth St., lor cost of eollotio. to to
worthy poor. Phone Xwuguts 413 and
wagons will call.
i HAlKUKKSalNU. Manicuring, sham
pooing. Scaip treatment a apeolalty fdr
.ladles and gentlemen. Mrs. Pierce, Ml
II ajpam. rt. suni. tno. a-im
, WE rent and repair all klnda of sew.
log machines. Ind. A-lfta. Douglas lull
lath ana riarney ota
INO REASONABLE. Special attention to
club order. Ruts Lttckford. Studio. Ill
iBo. rthst.
RiesT bracer for men. Gray a Nerve
iFood pills, W per box, postpaid. Hherman
' - . - it iw,, tn lltnah. Ketl.
fACAfiir Baths, salt glow axoroau
liilCOiVUJi.Ueatmnl. urn. Allen
lot Chicago. 1W S. i;th HV. 1st floor. P. 7ta
C lot Chicago. 1W S. i;th St, 1st fi
l iMasaag. Rittenhouse. X old Boeton Bkt
' lMunetlc tjreatmeuL lr S. Jh. upatsjra.
MR8. HTttLs, acleotlaa mansaga, loii
ja Mth, room S. Dally and t"unaay.toa
EOXiS for batching from the Brandels
iFarm. Thorougnbrod 8. C. White Leg
horns, utility stock. a setting or
fs par 100. Exhibition or show stock. 13 to
fi a setting. Write for catalogue. Addrsas
A D. Brandels. Omaha. Tel. Benson BV
mat brooders satana every en a chick)
cost price aved on first hatch; days
Ire trial: catalog fro. Leaiiy Mfg. Co,
rt a mh.
R.' C. Reds. Walker. 8. P.: Tel. S. XA
setting of la. s per k.v. nsiiiy
riutm w -
i, . i. 1 . ni.. .tK ttM.h Anekerels
eanr,bi' , ,j iuu.u. - - - - -for
sale, rao nch, or will trad f.r
j,iUIts, any breed Call sujwiay 4-
Vranklln. Phone Webster toll.
"FOR tiALB-Iwo Knuih hunung
bounda Prixa pedigree stock, nine
months old. M. Kanouae, Florence, Nctt.
Tel. r lorence aj.
iawraaa. ,
Travarard br tha
Lands adaatetf to Ike widest rang el
crop. All the money crop of th souta
plentifully produced. For literature troat.
log with this coming country. Ita skmc
limatt church aa4 schssi aiivauuvsoa,
fiaaaral Faaaenger Agai
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your fnrm is to insert a small want ad
In the Da Mouses capital. Largasi cir
culation In th slat of Iowa. 4i.wue uaily.
1h capital I read by and believed la
bl th atandpattwe of low, wn auapiy
refuse la permit any other paper la lueu
bomes. Raias, 1 cent a worn a day; li.ll
par Una per soon til ; count six ordinary
aords, t toe iia. Andreas 4t Aioiusa
CapiUI. Ie at (.lues. la.
FOR SALE 47 acres improved Harden
land. I mile cast of city limits. Council
Blulfs; large commodious house, fine
Well and cistern, substantial bam. every
convenience; must be efB lo be appre
ciated. MoUucktn Farm, Star Route. Tel.
Red aV
WANTED TO RENT Five or six-room
modern cottarfe April 1. Would prefer
It In Benson or Dundee, or other sub
urb. Address T tSf Bee.
WAalll.NO and .himu done T . H Hat
HU Sealed proposals. In triplicate.
win be received her until lt: a i
April It 1I3, for the construction of an
Irrigation pipe system for the pared
ground, athletic field, etc.. at Ibis depot.
Blank forms for bidder, apavlflcatlona
nd full Information may be obtained
upon application. Th United Mtates
reservea the right to accept any or all
proposal or any part thereof. Envel
opes containing proposals should be
marked "Prouoeala for Irrigation Pipe
System." and addressed to the Con
structing Quartermaster, Fort lAgan.
Colorado. T. T. Frieaelt. Captain and
Quartsrmaater, U. . Army.
orrira, 1'hicago, in., March U, Il-'.
Sealed proposal, In triplicate, will be
received by the Quartermaster, at Fort
Kobinson, ixeo., until u o clock a. m
mountain lime, April 4, 191!. and then
opened, for furnishing the construction,
steam heating, electric wiling and fix
tures required, for th Improvement ef
th Hospital at that Post. Full In
formation, plan and specifications fur
nished on application lo that officer.
Deposit ot M required for th plana, which
will b refunded when the plana are re
turned. Plana and specification can be
seen at this office. Co. J no. L. Clem.
Chief Ur. Mr. M. lg-lt-ls-tl. Apr. 1-1
Ulvuion. t n let uuartermaaler'a Ofnre.
Chicago, III., March II, IHt-flealed
proposals. In trlpllcste, will be received
by the tiuanermaster. Fort Omaha. Neb.,
until It a. m.. central tlm. April II, IMX
and then opened, for furnishing all labor
and material required In the construction
of a reinforced concrete sewer and accom
panying work at that Must. Full In
formation, blank forms of proposals, plana
and apecltlcatlona will be lurnlshsd on
application lo that officer. ITpoalt of 15
required for plana, wnicn win ne refunded
when plans ar returned. Plans and
specifications may be seen at this office.
CoL J no. L, Clem. Chief Quartermaster.
M. U-IS-a-B. A. u-u.
Londua Paris Hamburg
gals'. A1 Vla.Msr. . A St luuvla.
Msr. as, is ansa, rret. ureas, aani a. -ameriaa.
April II.
rtlllKjineB a is tsm aesasrsni.
Hun burs street as aeroe uui Only
alarakoxg-Amerlcaa .iln, UO Wt Mau.
delvh SK bataaco, (U, tooai agsa,
Flrst-olas. practical nurse. H Ml. A-2S74
SKWINO by th day; 2211 N. 2th St.
COLORED lady wants rooms to clean
or assist In kitchen work. M tug. Bee.
LADY want offices lo clean avaulngs.
rnone wenater wis.
RKLI A B LE lady wishes work In office
or store where she ran make herself gen
erally useful; low wages to start. Ad'
dres P 61 ;. Omaha Bee.
SINOLR. experienced poultry and In
cubator man wants position. 8 fie. Bee.
RESPECTABLE woman or young girl.
In plain family. Horn treatment. Small
wages. a-H Military Ave.. Benson.
CREDIT man thoroughly experienced
in eredita and collection, will consider
change; last three yeera reeponalbla for
credit sales ever xuu.uw yearly: salary
B.W. liOrk Box , Omaha, Neb.
fSx hundred acres adjoining town alt
ct Smith Center, county seat town ot
l.M people; ail level land; all la cultiva
tion, jour nunarea acres in tall wneat,
looks tin; all fenced; small Improve,
stents. Forty acre alfalfa, good or
chard; finest tract of OHO acres In county.
City aas fin water worxs; twenty-four
hour system electric lignu; fine high
school. Above located la ous of tbe best
nog and cattle feeding and grain counties
t Kansas. Will eUvldu. Price 7i. Writ
ana ask aoout &
Smith Center, Kan.
. ......... . .1 .,. I) . ..-I. mgam tnt
Bilinur riyuwuut, - .
bat cm oa. from my champions of the
west; a few cockerels. Write for pries
list. F. C. Ahlqulat. Box D. Ames Ave.
Station, Omaha, Neb. Pbon Florence
Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract etCe
In Nebraka. W Branaeis Theater.
NfcALB A CAMPbSLU 1714 Farnam St.
a)Llt.UKUV lAFOalMAtia.
Electric gsj xtue Omaha Wlver C-
IdJ Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming.
Pitch. Son A Blind, painting, decorating.
$100 Per Month
Price $8,250
Trrac of i hoaMS on Wool worth Are.,
ftvciM. beautiful Himcom ptrk; every
boiM m I rooma; all madera; lo good
condition' aivar rented at P eaek.
Twin &i4 etury. T'b wner is foui
, E A. Wolf
O Frrandet PT.da.
Pnoaea Doug. .6v Ind. A-3ST1.
MUST SELL Unable to make pay,
Bienta. 112.000 home, W.oM mortgage,
li MS due now, .'" September I bal
ance I years. Will tske clear lots or
ismall rottags tor any interest. Address
A Sta. Be.
HAVB a farm ot IN seres, five miles
from good town. 49 mile from Minn
apolla, 7a acre under cultivation, Su acres
meadow, balance paature and timber.
but can all be opened up. Clay loam aolL
Good house, ltxJMM, with "L" lxi4xi.
full lavwuneot, new barb, CxMxl. gran
ary, eara ana and machine shed, good
well end wster. Buildings In first ciaiei
condition. Cannot he duplicated for K.U
On main road, one mile from school
heaaa ana creamery, rnce, vw per acre,
barty terms, cluulcs L. Swansou. i;ik
River, Minn. -
ieNacre farm adjoining a good, railroad
town. ) mils from Minneapolis; two
houses, one iarce bam and other build
ings: buildings originally cost ti.ous; IS
acre under culihratlon. balance timber
and meadow land; no waste land. Price
tU per acre. CM cash, balance easy.
IS Guaranty Loan Building, Mlnneape-
l!, Minn. "
farm land. tlS.v lo u.o an acre. Easy
terra, cloee to th Mg tnarketa Any
atxed trects from 40 acres up. Write for
fall particular, r. H. Steers, ac Cora
Exchsnge bldg., Minneapolis. Minn.
n ebrasVa.
FOR SALE Well Invprored tarn W
acres; running water, heavy aoil. ftv
miles east ef Grand laiand. Neb. Address
Mrs. Ueisinger, fl South Pine. Grand la
land. Neb.
NORTHWEST ef O Neill and northeast
of Emmet, six miles. Is a good No. 1 farm
of M0 acres; IM In cultivation: good
yeamj apple ere hard; all good building.
You can buy at your own price and terms
for a short time; fcmiaedlat peeseesioa
can b given. See or write Parker 4t
parkbam. O'Neill. Neb.
FOR SALS Half section near Grand
Island. Over 10 area a.fslta. Over f7.
finest Improvemeats. I'rl e P6 acra
Reaeoa, owner died. Baard H. Paine,
;rar.d relaad, Keb.
POSITION by clean cut young man. Ex
perienced In men'a clothing and furnish
ing goods. Presently employed, (tat par
ticulars. Address K t3, Bee.
Ship your stock to South Omaha. Savs
mileage and shrinkage. Your coaeiea
ment receive prompt god careful aiisn
Hon. ,
ute Sleek Cammleetosi U escheat.
Byers Bros A O. Strong and respontlbla
WOOD BROr!.. 04- Exchsnge Bldg.
Great West. Com. Co.. Oroahs A Denver.
W. R. SMITH A SOJ2uat bandlejheep.
TAOG UROti. bangle cattle? hoga. sheetT
Clay, Robinson A Co., N kxchang Bldg
Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to ua.
iuiriuA tm co.. 7zs Kachaxig Bids.
, (uario rfuns.
, b.M; Wash
, L.s; Waah
fc.i; Wash-
Cox 4k Jones Com. Co., bunch ot hustiera
ajera L. B. Com. Co.. Exch. Bids
Martin Broe. 4 Co.. M-4 Exch. Bldg.
Deposit proceeds of shipments la Stock
Tarda Nat I Bank. Only bank at yards.
WEEKS GRAIN CO, grain mere haul.
Consign menu aullclted. 7JJ Brand au. .
bealad bids will be received by the city
at Mound City. Missouri, up to 1 o'clock
p. m. Aprtl s. IJlt, at City Clerk- Office,
In said city, for constructing t.Xl lln. ft.
M sasHary sewer main and II manhole;
also 1.1s lln. ft- U siomt sewer. HI Inlet
and I manhole. Plans, profile, epsclfica
Hons and further Information concerning
bids sn Ml at City Clerk' s office. In
Mound City, Missouri, and at the offices
of hello-Peter-man Engineering Co.. l.
Joseph. Missouri. For further nartlrular
call on or address City Clerk, Mounl
City, Missouri.
By order of the cttr council at the
City of Mound City. Missouri.
i. B. UEARMONT, City Clerk.
Ms let.
FARM bargains near Omaha. Possesioa
Oris S. Merrill. ,ia; City Ns. Bk. Bids.
il rou have anything to exchange. aoC
iiTtls. It la The Be Want AS columns.
Stock Ja the matter of Edgar Huber.
bankrupt, MeCwok, Neb,; In pursuance of
an order directed to mn in the matter
of Ltljar Huber, bankrupt, la the dis
trict eourt of tbe United stole (or in
district of Nebraska, McCook division. 1
will sell at public sal to th high
eat hUder for cash at le clock
a. m, on th fed f March, nit,
at No. IS Min avenu In the eltv
of McCook, Neb., ts entire stock of
gracesiea. que as ware, clothing and all
other articles of merchandise belonging
te th Ed Huber Stock, together with toe
furniture and fixtures betoaglag la the
bankrupt ae4 In connection with said
business. Psjd stock Invoices the sum of
shout tVCttu. Sale s rf))eei to confirma
tion by the court fated this nth day
ef (March. U- W. B. WHIJTAKEB.
Trustee la Bankruptcy.
BUTTER No, 1. 1-lb. cartons, lie; No.
I. la SMb. tubs. Uo; No. . Wc; packing.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, Be; Ameri
can Swiss, fee; block Swiss, Co; twins.
Us; daislss, Dei triplet an; young
Americana, Mo; blue label brick, 13c; lira.
berger, J-ib.. sue; l-io , sic.
BEEF CUT PRICfeJt-Rlbs, N. 1, 17o;
No. t, Ur; No. a, izc. Loins, No. 1.
lSVsc: No. J. 144c; No. 1 14c. Chucks,
No. 1, It; No. t 7l,c; No. i, 7Mf. Rounds,
No. 1, lVx No. t, 10c; No. I, fo. plates,
No. 1, ttttc; Ne. t, J; Na t, sc.
RIUS-Nu, 1, liVi No. I, ltu; No. t
U)HSS-No. 1, Uc; Ko. t UV: No. t. lo.
CliLCKS-No. i, tc; No. I, Jc; No. t;
'itbUNDS-No. 1, Uo jeo. i, lOHc; No.
i, 10c
PLATES No. 1, c; No. I llc; I, tc
FRUITS-Apple: Extra fancy Ben
Povl. per bbl, Jonathan, per bbl.,
4.W; laocy Wine saps, per bbl., 14.60;
fancy Missouri Pippins, per bbl., Ii.76;
fancy Gsnos, per bbl., M OO; Idaho Jona
tnans. extrs rsncy, per eoa,
Ingion Spilsenbars, par box,
Uigton K. Beauty, per box.
Ington Styman Wlneasps, Par box, tz..
Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, S-
2.a0; Jumbo, per bunch, W.7aii4.7i Cran
berries: Wisconsin fancy, per bbl, I'.O. II;
per box, II. 76. Dates: Anchor brand,
new. W 1-lb pkgs. In boxes, per box,
fc'.tt; Dromedary brsrid. asw, a) 1-lb.
pkgs. In boxes, par box. I 00. Figs: Cali
fornia, per rase of 11 No. IS pkgs., leu;
per ease ot M No. IS pkgs., SO; per case
of Mo No. I pkgs., ii.w, bulk. In K-lb.
and So-lb. boxes, per lit., loo; New Turk
ish, a-crowa. In alb. boxea. nor lb., lao:
S-rrown, In W-lb. boxes, per lb., lie; 7
ernwn, in Hb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Grape
fruit: Florida. St also, per crate, 6.av;
41 alas, per crats. 6uu- to-a4-4 si sea. per
crate, SU. Grspea: Malaga x rapes, m
Dbia., fc.oorjl 'JU. Lniona: Llnunalra
Selected br ind, extra fancy, sm-MI si see.
per box, IAw. Lome Llmonelra. fancy,
w-M alas, per box. Ma; Mil and jg
aixea. Wc per box lsj, Orsnses: Cali
fornia Camelta brand, navels, extra fancy.
l-l.'-io-i,a-a-.i-ii suwa per box, H2S;
extra choice, git sixes, per box, $!.; Kie
phaut brand, IW-liu-l ;--21-i slxee.
per box. M i. Cabbage: Wisconsin, per
lb., Ic. Carrots: Per lb., lc Celery:
California Jumbo, per doe., tie); Florida,
In tha rough, I an I dug., per case, H.M.
Cucumbers; Hothouse, per do., $2.00.
Eggplsnt: Fancy Florida, per dot, .' uo.
Uarllc: Extra fancy white, per IbL, aiu.
Lettuce; Extra fancy leaf, per dox., 46c.
Oniona: California, whit, boiling, per
i o. , hi, nscuiuuii s eiiow utooe, per lb.,
eVe: Red Globe, per lb, 4c i epanlah, per
crate. tXaO. parsley: Faaoy southern,
per dot. bunches, ao(r7Sc. l arsnlps: per
lb., & Potatoes: Minnesota Early
Ohio, per bu., i.js): Wisconsin white
stock per bu, II S. rtutabagxe: In sack,
per lb, lHc Tomatoes: Florida, per -basket
crate, JfSUi; Cuban, per a-basket
carrier, ti. Turnips: Per lb, ricT
F18H (fresh froaent-Pickerel, 7c; white,
10c: pike. 7c; trout, llvlJc: large crappies.
llejlko; Spanish mackerel, Ic; eel, !
haddocks, Uc; flounder. Uc; green el
fish, l&c; roe shsd, II each; shad rue per
air, sue; aaimoo. Itt; halibut. SHc; yel
low perch. Ic; buffalo, fcv; bullhead, lie.
POULTRY Brollor. K . peTdox
springs, Uc: bens. Mc; cocks, 10c; ducks.
IMfZuc; geese, lie; t-rksya tic; pigeon si
per dox, H.. Alive: Broilers, 12Hc
nens, lie; old roosier and stags, tc: old
duck full feathered, lie; geese, full
feathered, 10c; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls.
!sc each; pigeons, per do,, c; homrrs.
per do., .i; souaba. Mo, 1,; No.
MISCELLANEOUS . Almonds: Tarra.
Pons, per lb., lye; In sacks, lc less,
eaauts: Roasted. In sack lota, per lb..
7hnc; roasted, less than asck lots, per lb,
lc; raw, per lb, sr. Pecans: Large per
lb, 17c: la sack lots, Ic leas. Wainuu
New crop. s)ll, California, per lb, He
rn seek lots, le less, cider: New Ne
hswka. per U-gallon W-bbl, . per js
galioa bbl, i.a; New York Mott'a, per
U-gsllon H-bbi.. ttM: ner AVsraiio. i
Iteek la asgrnl.
Receipts Of Sve stock St th five arin.
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Ham IhMi
nouin tnaana. iai
St. Jeeeph irw
Kansas City pa)
St. Louis. ,)
Chicago sag
Cattle of All Hindi Show Good
Week's Advance.
keep asd Isaha la Liberal Receipt
Darlag the Week, with Priors
Tea le Flftrea Higher
Thaw lt Week,
SOUTH OMAHA, rrarcn It, 1911
Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday....
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday..,
Official Thursday ...
Official Friday
estimate Saturday ...
1 134
io. rs
16 to
i 19
11 dava thla week..i9.r; 17.173 at n
Sam days last week ..17.1V1 'CtSI ll.4
Same days I w'ks ago. 14, 7!: r.,117 tl.tM
Same days I w ka ago..U.M 7 4M P..H1
Same days 4 w'ks sgo.14.iv7 lfC.TM 4V.lc4
Same days last year KAX 41,:
Tl"- following table allows tu receipts
ot cattle, bogs and sheep at South
Omana for the year to oat as compare!
wit last yeari
llll 1111. Inc. Pec.
Cattl 21. mi 2S1.U? 1.11
Hogg sUWl 11111
Sheep 431.WI SW.Sst 70,4s
The following taut shows II. s range ot
prices paid lor lioga al South oniaiia fui
the last tew days, with comparison:
Halt). I lsu. ,liill.(ll.lio. linos. IIW..IK
M'ch l. I J7Si ! i I sui M I iji it
M ch 1.1 u
M'ch k.
M'vn .l l
HUli I a uui s
HI - I IS H)
I 141 I ill
l k sal I oai 4 4ki I Ul I U
M CB 1 7a. U ill t all I ail IIU
ai'cn Ui I 4U I i j,UI i,, 4u 4 a4 I Ttj
lis si ) a ssf as; s & s ws
111 1 14.1 in lull,
al 10 Mi 14 4a, ei i 11
Jd rh lii. a to IV Ui C 4u) , I w
m cn is, nil Hiio i in 4 i 44, s 01
a cn ui ai su
M'ch 111 I !ti
M ch li I wwi I
M'ch li I j tu
W.lUMi .
CATTLEAUhougn ther were no
vattK ui any ouusuunca here yeatei
day r touw tn receipts lor inu Mat
lour aa were so larse luat tn total
lor th weea loots up i.4tn heau,
utigsr than last week ur week beioi
aiKi fully up tu th varage uf rucani
weeas, oeing only l ouu bea ruiui
inau for in corresuvnuing week ui i
Th market has been In very satis-
factory condition as viewed from a
a. liar a sianopoinl througuout th week.
A a matter of fact ther war soil
spots but aa a rui in tendency on beei
leers was strong ana at ths close ot
the week It aa.a to quots tnsm iurlso
h gner than at last week's oieee. it
u.iahl be well to note in this connec
tion ihst ths advance naa been tn moat
pronounceu on in tnMtum giaaee, uest
oatii wnich were already very high
snowed tna lesvit advance.
Con and heifers nave also been In
aery gooa demand throuahout the week,
they being quoted li-'aJoc over laat
week's close.' Aa was Ins cass with beef
steers there were low spots on soma
aaya hut th ton to th market gen
erally waa stronger.
'ins supply oi block cattle ana leeaers
w as vary moderate throughout the week
sou th better grade ofieeuera skewed
a material advance. In sympathy with
th improvement In beef eieer. They
oouid safely be quoted lotrlfa higner. The
medium and law desiraols graues of
leeuers and torn stackers are stray
quotations on cattle: Good to cnoics
beef steers, 7 fj.a.W; fair to good beet
steers, kxertyi iv; comon to lair beef
steers, Kmu.j, good to choir del I ere,
.Mo.j, good to onolce cow, 4 Wlo.,
lair lo good cows, M.ti4.!i; common tu
iair cow. IJ.714j4.uO, good to choice Block
er and feeders, a.lwti.60: tstr to good
Blockers and feeders. lo.usat.Mi; common
to fair Blockers and tenders. M uwoa.W:
stock hdfsrs, M.OOiujt.00; veal calves. H
S.w; cutis stags, etc.,
HoOS Hog Usds rescued the highest
point oe ins wee wun a suppgr uui
plainly reflected the Inability ot the rail'
roads to handle very mucn stock. Re
oelpts amounted to a short 4.0Gb head and
ths market ruled fcajoc higher than
Thureaaya business. Early demand.
especially from shippers, was reasonably
active at these advances, but euuids
competition did not sxlst toward tns
close, nd lata movement proved rather
dull at prlcea weaker than those la force
tinning have developed In the local trade.
Th demand en moat day lately ha been
fairly active and broad, producing good
clearances at better prlcea. Summed up,
the general trade has been In very satis
factory ahape throughout, current quoia
llons on ewea and lamb showing ad
vances ot lOfSc. Wethers and yearlings
were too care to afford. Anything Ilk a
fair lest of value.
Extra good, mpty Colorado lamb mad
a top of IT.Ui yeetentay, but they had Buf
fered an unusually big shrink, so that the
price pstd doe not mean very, much ta
th general market. Excepting- the aale
noted, week's lop on lamb la 17.2. both
lope being th highest on record locallv
in several months. Sheep usually sold
wllh greater freedom thaa lambs, good
ewe bringing aa much aa CaY
Kecelpta were reasonably Isrge during
the week and aversge euallty of offer
ings showed some improvement. On late
day iiacker refused lo work dawn Into
the near-feeder claseea. but th early de
mand from kHIera was wot very discrim
inating. Practically everything came la
t fleece und the big end of the run
had more or les finish. Feeder business
waa a little latger man usual, th week
buy amounting to a I moat ,u) head.
ttfootatiune on sheep and lambs: Jood
to choice lambs. t.: fair tn sood
lam he, M . Rem. 71; good to yearling.
K..jw.w; iair to goou yeariinga. a
l oo. good to choice wethers, la 2v.i.i;
fair to good wethers. 5 tr(i.: good to
choice swea, 14 (ra.S; fair to good ishl
DeataaS tar t'altl aaS shoes SraaSy
Hesra Lower,
PHICAOO. March Ig-TATTLB-Re-celins,
pal hesd: market stsady: beevea.
It UOOVBO. Texas ateera, H u-uti.l); west
ern Bleers, IbdotnOO; Blocker and toed
er. M.KHTO.00: rows and heifers, C.JUU
ItS: eslvee,
IKiGM-Heeelpla r,000 head; market
mostly luc lownr than y ester day: light,
pMi); mixed,; heavy, MTOri
1.00; rough. ,.7v.n:.w; pigs, HUwlUi
bulk of sales, KMs7 a.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 1.004
hesd; market steady: native, t7tll40,
western. MPflutlO, yearlings, Y.O0jij.M;
hunba, C.47.MI: western, l3.ftif7.BV.
Kaaaaa Ulty Live Sterk Market.
Receipts, as) head, including liO south
erns: market steady, drvesed beef and
export storr. I7fc4i ji; lair to good,
Kj7a, westers aieers. i7ai,Jiu;
Blockers snd feeders, M"i: southern
steer Siauel A. southern oowa, I1B.O
Lit; native oowa, la iutiiiO. nativa heif
ers, (i .wil.tsj; bulla, al.uiwjAjv,- calves,
HuUa Receipts, tWO head; market
steady: bulk of sales. M.eiivfO.sO: heavy.
Ii: ft u,k.M .nl h.,lel,ri BS TIMS
.su; lights,; pigs, Ib.oisti&Tt.
iiaar a,u LAatiita ,o rscetpis;
market steady; lambs, 6T7.15; year
llnxs. K.ois9ii 16: wet her M ewes.
fc.7atue; stockers and feedet. kO
SI. Iaal Live Sleek Market.
T. LOUIS. March
celpts, bV hesd. Including loj Texaru;
market steady; native shipping and ex
hort steers, fj 50; dreased beef and
butcher at.wts, i,.KS); steers under
l,i! Il.s,, :iSe)i.76; ito'kera and feeders,
la jf.rW.u0; cow and heifers, olr7 li;
oannars, .vrM.0O; bulls. K.t M;, tii'ioiia.Jii; Texaa and Indian
ateera, tt.Otkyl.W; cows snd half era, P.U
Htxifa-Recelpts. IK) hesrl: market M)
4) lie higher; pigs snd ll(ht. ..ij I.Ou,
i, i . a. -nil wuivuce, fi.wvi.nri jw.
heavy, fi liel.SO.
head: market stasdv: nativa muttons.
U.xw.1t; lamb, piuiy7.46; culls and
bucks, 2.SiJ.!sj. Blockers, CMXKj).,
Wheat Prorei Bather Hall Affait
After Sxtrp Decline.
Valawe luise Oil Iteedlly I adrr Per
alatewt Selllas aad Frfrew Will
Probably Seek Lower
OMAHA. Mareh M, Jll
The wheal market nroved rather a
dull affair today after tn aham ideclln
yeeteraay. The trade was anxlou to
even up before th Sunday holiday.
nnert war not nvcUned to host over
their short contrseta
Newg of ny featur ws lacking, but It
would seem natural that values have
some Httle reaction after a decline ot
fee from tbe recent bulge.
Corn wss the weak cereal today, value
easing off steadily under persistant aell-
tnsj oc long sturr.
Th caan demand la not active see ugh
at these levels snd prices will have to
go an me lower before th trade will be
wilting to lake the bull ld again.
Wheat na dull and prk-ea ranged ear
row. Trading waa of the evening up
character. Cask) wheat waa firm snd
sold lee higher.
Corn waa weak, and bear, assisted
by liqutdstlo'n, pounded values to a lower
level. The more distant future suffered
ih heaviest kiss cash corn waa Vaa la
itu lower.
Primary wheal recrlnfe were 433.000
bushels and shipments were Wl.oo busk
els, against receipts last year ot 4la.w!
bushels and shipments ot SC.uo bushels.
I'rimsry corn receipts were 711.000 bush
els snd shipments were 4r bushels,
against rcliat last year of an.OOa bush
el and shipments of JuYO) buhl.
Clearance were 10.00 bu. ot com, none
of o.u and wheat and flour equal to
UI.0UU au
Liverpool closed Hd tower te Hd hlsttsr
on wheat and Vd lower on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat-No. I herd: car. l.uuA; No.
hard: 1 car, lil,l car, ic. No. I
mixed: 1 car. In. Corn; No. while: I
car, HHe; I car aiVto; No. I color: 1
car, MVsc. No. I yellow: t cars, MVar; 1
car, Mc. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 2c; 1 car,
Slec; I cars. 43c. No. I mixed: I car,
ate; 1 ear, aTWc. No. 4 mixed: I car. 43c;
I cars, alwo; 1 can, lie Ne grade: I car:
flo; 1 car, He. Oat (kandard: I ear.
llVac; 4 ca.-a, 1114a No. ) while: II car,
II wo; I car. Ma Na. whits: earn, Uo:
I can, avv.
aiaaaka Caaa Pr-eew.
WHEAT No. I hard. POOttI M; No. I
bard, SK-ell Of: No, 4 sard. MVWL0OC.
CORN no. I white, 4WV:; No. 4
white, SIHaa'fV; No. I color, a4yS4ir;
No. I yeUoa, a4iu4tr; No. 4 yellow. siee
a So; jVo, 1, aMrlc; No, 4 auVatt; ao
grade, aaayale
OATH Ne. I white, llViOMwc; MandV
ard. litjolVar: No, I whit. UWc. No.
4 while, B0MMle: Na a yellow, avVnJeie;
No. 4 yellow, aovtrOrSc.
HA RLE Y Malting,; No. I feed,
iKi; heavier teed. sMtxoa,
MY re-No. I. MirMc; No. a 9Vlc
lariel Meeetpta,
Wheal. Cora. Oat.
Chicago I ISO If
Minneapolis IS?
.ntn IU 41 SI
Duluin a
1 mo
Total receipts Iu ujm n.SuO
Bhipoen and peculator favored euai
lly and weight In combination, buying
over one-third of th total ortenugs.
Clearance waa mad In very good eaun,
despite dullness altar outs id buyers re
tired, snd spreads between the three gen
eral classes 01 stock war not very well
Best heavy hogs on sale brought M.75,
while bulk of the crop sold within IVeMf
S.4V On reason, tor the narrower 'range
appears In seml-famlne receipts today
and y est rosy, an Influenc that seldom
falls to Increase the popularity of the
cheaper classes pf live stock.
During the week receipts have been
very poorly distributed because of the
demoralised railway service after
TnursSsy. On that day au.ux) head ar
rived, wnii Friday run was nardiy vla
ible. only 140 head showing up. Thla
total la th lightest for any single mar
ket day at thta point In aeveral years
Price hav Improved considerably as the
result of a vigorous snipping demand
and fair packing demand, current values
averaging about a quarter higher than
those In foroa A week ago.
Representative sales:
Ne. At. aa. IV. Na.
r. in 41 oa r
.,..a ... at
,...H4 ssi 1 4
....IBS ... I 4
....IS? ... 4
... 1M ... 4 4
,...ti a 1
... til 14 4a
... tn ... at
....1M M 4B
... IM ... 0 4H
,..iav ... IDs
... IN ... lit.
... 4
1BI St S t
Ill ..." I 4
Ill ... 0 4S
.....las ... I as
ass ... e ee as Ms
11 UO I as M4
.....ssi ... I M m
sas s im n tH
ta n is sa .m
ui 4: m
ta it M n ...
Av Sk. fr.
...tit ... I al
...III ... 1st
1 211 12 I II
I Ms ... It
I tit ... 4 U
I ' ... I U
1 ts ... a
1 14 ... 4 4S
tea 4 t as
MS 4 4
til 4S S SB
Ml ... 4 41
M 4 41
Ml ... 4 IS
! ...
m ...
211 SB I 44
in as
ill ... lu
m a 1 a
u n M4 ... I u
71 ... I H 41 Ml ! I 71
si. at ... ai it m ... tu
SHEEP-Rheev and Iamb receipts, is
indicated by tha board estimate, were
rather deceptive. Something Ilk 10.000
bead war eapeetes. but they proved to
be through hipmnts from the west snd
were only stopped at this point lone
enough for feed and water. The actual
market reoisir etl barren ana nominally
i rrom a stronger trend to values
piing the; tew cbaiiges worth men-
SI. Joseph Live Stock Market.
celpta, ion head; market steady; steers,
tT. 7Mrt.00; row and heifers. t3.BVl.40;
calves. iJd IS
HUlis- Receipts, l.tmo head; market
strong; top. li.Hl: bulk of sale, tthiea)
market steady; lambs, M
St. Loais General Market.
ST. LOUIS, March ll-WHEAT-Caah.
weak, track Na I red, Il.0itfl.a2; No. 3
CORN-lxiw.r; track No. , Sac; No. J
White. tntlsTVkC.
OATS l.ower; track; N. , Me; No. j
Closing prices of futures:
W H EAT Weak ; May, 11 00 VI: July,
CORN Lower; May, Tic; July, Tlie,
OATS Ixwer; May. SPac; July, 47?c.
RYE Nominal, 12c.
FIiUK-Oulet: red winter natente.
M.wel.W; extra fancy and straights, MOO
(!.: naro winter clears, S1f.10tu1.1i.
KKHI-Timothy. liO.ouyU t
BKAN-ekaady; sacked east track,
HAY-Firm; timothy, t3.IOM.W; prai
rie, tis.ouniai.oo.
BAUGJNtl Sft '
PKOVISIONS-Pork, unchanged; job
bing, 115.75. Lard, higher: prime steam.
Dry islt meats, steady; un
changed: boxed extra ehorts. Is. 76; clear
rtue.; snort clears, sn.zb. Bacon, un
changed; boxed extra shorts. S.7&; clear
nus, an.a: snort c:an,
POULTRY Firm; chickens. line:
springs, lee; turkeys, lie; ducks, lee;
geese. He.
butter duii at itaaic.
EGGS-Hlgher at 204c.
Receipts. Shinmenta
Flour, barrels 7,300 l.osi
Wheat, bushels Il.oisi
Corn, bushels ..v. VOl.ouO kl.ono
Oats, bushels 71.0UI st,m
Kaaaaa Clly Grata asd Prevision.
Cash unchanged: No. 3 hard. II 1il 69;
No. 3. 11.01 liLOa, No. 3 red. U.lvtal OiS: No.
3, siic.
t.OKN t;nrhnged to higher: No.
mixed, sStec; No. 8. arinAc; No. 3
whit. Oti'.ue: No. J, ev.
oath enchanted; No. z white, ue
UVtc; No. 2 mixed, SA9o3c.
v II EAT May, Sc bid: Julv. siiiri
HHc. seller; September, aSr;ro bid.
CORN Hay, 70;,c; July, Sc; Septem
ber, r,ri;7 bid.
OATS May, 4ic; July, aTitHTTic sell-
KTE sotpre.
HAY-Strona lo tl W higher: rholra
timothy. tAi.OOua.iO. choice prairie.
d I . TT. K creamery. Sc: flrnt. a.
seconds, 24c; packing stock, SlVtO.
aouo-uuaa zc; 11 rare, 30c.
Keceipts. Shipments.
Wheat bu S.O
Com, bu HUM
Oats, bu 4.1X10
Pewrla Market. ,
PEORIA. III.. March kt-CORV-
Steady: No. 4 white. 44c; No. 3 yellow.
Oic: No. 4 yellow. Mc; No. 3 mixed, etc;
No. 4 mixed. 4c: sample. Wjc
OATS l.oweij No. 1 white. 53c; stan
daid. iCc; No. J winle. t-"ic
Haotatloas ml th nay Tarleas
NEW YORK. March ! t -FLOUR-Quiet:
spring patents, lo JitpiiO, winter
straights. n.i04 ai, winter patent. t.Mt
lev, aptlng cleara, 4.3at;; winter ex
tras. No. I, li;irui v, winter extras. No.
1. la.Mrl4a: Kaasas straights, M.7utaV
Rye flour, steady; fair to good, .( 4. a;
Choice to talH-y, lo.Osua.s.
XiHNMKAL-8ieau1y; fine white and
yellow l.la41.70. eoars. u.lo4Li; kl'a
dried. 11 7S.
RVIi-uulet; No. I tc, e. I. t. Buffalo.
WHEAT e1 pot market firm; No. I red.
tl-oay elevator, export basis, lo arrive,
and ll.tbta, t . h. aflaai; No. 1 north
ern Duluth, It .171. t. o. b. afloat, opening
navigation. Futures market opened firm
on better Uverpool cables and covering,
eased oft under renewed selling pressure,
but rallied In sympathy with lbs aorln
west, closing lac net advance to 'ic de
cline. May, II. 0a, closed at
II Uo 14-11,, July, II IUI., closed at
t! OSV Keceipts, IJ.JU bu., shipir-enlJ,
S4.0M bu
CuRN-Spot market steady; No. t, TJ'ic,
slevatcr, domestic basis, to arrlva and
export. 71V. f. 0. b. attest. Futures
market was nominal Kaveipts, S4.7isi bu.
OAT3 Spot market quiet;
white, 67c, in elevstor; No. 3, HHjc; No.
3, aac; Na 4, 6s'c; natural white and
white clipped. Itjc, on track. Futures
market wua nominal. Iteceiixs, E.lTj bu.
HAY-Qulet; prime, II. sj; No. I. 11O0U
l.M: Na X ll.LaaLM: No. I. ll.uatiLla
HOPS Firm: slala common to choice,
1911 crop, U41 joc; lalA crop, nominal; Pa
cific coast, tail croo. 4laic: 11 eron.
HIDLS-Flrm; Central Amcrtca. Jlcj
IATHtK-Meady; hemlock firsts. S
(37c: econdf. iarxe: thirds, xiarxto.
Jecta. 16c.
PKOVlSIONS-pork, firm; taeas. 917.3s
fl7 filtuly. lli.Jt,ll iu. short clears. Beef, steady; mesa, tlJOOta
13. n0: family. Ili OOtili heel kama 1JJ ai
W CO. Cut meats, steady; pickled bei.,es,
10 to 14 pounds, ts li; pickled -ma, ilais
fill On. ,Ard, firm; middle west prime,
l2a.a.3i: refined, steady; continent, S.V:
South America- 110.3: eoannound. atalse
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhd, fc;
speclsl, Sc; country. 6t4c,
RUTTER-Steady; receipt. Ira tnha-
ereamery ipecials. 3Hc; extras, Joe, fust.
n-SHic; state dairy tubs, finest, ot;
good to prime. JbtJe.
i nr. r.n r.r irm; receipts, ssi pack
age: stats whole milk heist sneciaiw
Whits snd colored, 15c
KUGS Firm; receipts. n.SSg eases:
fresh gathered extras, 23fr:3e; firsts.
EMtic-ec; seconos, ;i-k;ic( waste, n
gathered white. 13 3c. .
POULTRIi Alive, firm: western chick
en. Uc: fowl. lH81'c; turXeya U4tnr.
Dreesed. quiet; westers fotwa, lltjMc:
turstrw issiuc
Mllwaakee Gralai Market.
MILWAUKEE. March S-wheit-
No. 1 northern. H0al.U: Na 1 north.'
era. t1.711.0w: Na 3 hard ennter. Il.eute
1 aa- ti, ti oou- liitw bbi.s..&s.
CORN Na I yellow. rt!7c: Na I
white. 7w7c; May. Sti:V; July, 70S
t a 1 n Btanaaro. aac.
HARLEi Jlaillng. 3L3(,
Liverpool Grata Market. ' '
LIVERPOOL. March h-whpit
Spot, nominal. Futures, firm; March.
SslSd: Msy. 7s7d; July, tslHd.
CORN Spot, steady: AmerHaa mired
new. 4 4d: American mlxasL wia am u. .
Americaa mixed, new kiln dried. 4
ruouvw swwij, aswy, SWsi I