Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    .THE BEE: '.OMAHA. MONDAY. MARCH 18. 1012.
'eft W. Bradford CoaL
oa. w. Blaekeaxa for eagTsas Adv.
We Wars-Jag TmU, Burgess
Grandea Company.
Bascser 'tyCajididat.' for com.
mlssloner. primary April . Adv.
Tonx Homey and Taaustes Is ths
American Safe Deposit vaults in Th
Bee bulldinc. Boxes rent for SI per year
.uoom to B Hade PrlwReT. c H.
Bascom will become a priest at All
alnts church March H, Bishop Wllllame
""""I we service. Ret. Mr. Baacom
will (a to aa rector ot St. Ste
phen's church.
AcT Property Bold Susan K. Danes
haa sold to O. Ji. Brotemarkle twenty
tour and a halt acres on mile west or
Benson on Military road. The considera
tion was 17.300. The sale was made
through the Payne Investment company.
tors Beta rata Track The leaden
In business all over tlie country are mo
torislng their hauling systems. This Is
beta demonstrated In Kebraska by the
tact that the Stors Brewing company has
lust purchased its fifth Alco a five-ton
truck the only five-ton motor truck In
this elty.
Save Btaay rank numbers Ths United
States National bank, the McCord-Brady
company and the Paxton Gallagher
company now hare each ten representa
tives oa the membership roll ot the Com
mercial club. The membership commit
tee la trying to induce other Bouses to
attain the same mark.
Present Due Wharton
as Agent of Cupid
Postal regulations say nothing about
conducting a matrimonial bureau in con
nection with postofflces, but nevertheless
It haa bees the custom ot Omaha post
masters for many years to assist D. Cupid
In his work. Generally It la a thankless
Job, but every little while twin souls are
brought together and the local office gets
letter something like the following,
which came yesterday:
JOHNSTOWN. Pa.. March U.-Frlend
Postmaster: I wish to thank you. I got
i letters. Now you can look for a present
from me anny time. It wont be much,
But It will bee aomthlng I got them from
all kind ot men I got them from butchers,
and cowboys and young men from collage
and all kinds. 1 thank you very uch so
goodbye from Ella Tust, tnr .Voodvale
Ella la the young woman who wrote
everal weeks age saying that most any
kind of a man would do for her Just so
be had a steady Job.
. Postmaster Wharton says when the
present comes he and Assistant Post
master sVeodard will draw straws for It,
as one la recognised as the right-hand
and the other the left-hand lieutenant of
Mr. Cupid. -
Builders Approve
Court House Job
. Fifty members of the Omaha Builders'
exchange Inspected the new Douglas
county building yesterday afternoon, ap
proved the work of Caldwell Drake,
the general contractors, so far as It has
gone, and recommended that the Board
of County Commissioners give Caldwell
Drake aa additional thirty daya In
which to htsrry the work to completion,
tf the board takes the advice et the ex
change it will not oust the general con
tractors tomorrow.
The committee's recommendation that
the general contractors be gtvea an ad
ditional thlrt days was made to the
commissioners orally. The approval of
(he work was written and Is as follows:
Resolved, That we as a body of con
tractors, representing the Omaha Build
ers exchange, after Inspecting the new
Douglas county courthouss this day. re
port the work as fsr aa we could see a
first class Job. and the dtlsens ot the
county may well be proud ot the build
i .'By Committee of Fifty."
Viola Johnson wss as calm as a cu
cumber and that's considerable calm.
But Viola had a message of dire Import
when she walked Into the police station
early last night ' '
"Ue'en," she began lastly; "a man's
dowa to my house, 101 Jackson street,
an' aaya he Jits' got out'n the pen aftah
illlln' alt them people.'"
Viola' described the man aa having
"great long hair, kind of lightish."
The rollce took up Viola's fruitless
due, although they usually never take
Viola seriously. They take her' Intoxi
cated eometlmes-and that la what was
done last night
Potter' Hubbard of Cheyenne. Wye,
dramatically staggered Into the police
station last night and fell bleeding upon
no ot the benches la the Jail office. He
was Meedlng where his upper lip had
keen lacerated. Between gasps hs said
he had been robbed of S3 by twe negro
women and when he. had followed them a
few blocks a negro man struck him.
Hubbard's complaint waa Investigated
and he waa locked up after It waa found
his staggering waa not entirely due to
loss ot blood.
Wives and mothers find there la one
thing of which Omaha men never tire.
Morning, noon and night his -lordship"
will cat Hianesota" spaghetti or mac
aroni and be delighted with it's rich.
sut-Uke flavor.
If yon have tried other macaroni or
spaghetti and have disliked them, the
'Minnesota" brand will be a revelation
to yea. For every day meals, for
dainty lunches or for big i feasts, there
la nothing better than this healthful
food served la one of the many ap
petising waya
Bat if yoe want that rich, nut-like
'flavor be aura and get the delicious
-Minnesota1 brand macaroni or spa
ghetti made from the finest Northern
Durum wheat with all the nourishing
Gluten left In. It la easily digested
and never gets soggy- All good Omaha
giocers sell It
tlteraiy, ;Brninatio aad Oratorical
Activities of Kormal Schools.
powxa o; raima by seetsq
A BevelatUa la TeubUg Metheoe
la rsaaaylvsata. Matters at
General let rest la Eda
r ' catlaaal Circles.
strikingly ' original designs, were, u evl-
The most delightful affair of the school
tear at Wayne Normal was the o'clock
dinner given by Miss Elsie Ford Piper
to the senior class at the home of Prof,
and Mrs. C. H. Bright on Saturday even
ing, March . An elaborate five-course
progressive dinner was served. The table
decorations and favors were ferns and
Jonquils'. . President and Mrs. Cona and
Miss Jennie K Piper of Lincoln were
honored guests. Miss Piper was assisted
by Marguerite Chaos and Ardath Conn.
The annual debating contest between
the state normal schools of Kearney.
Pern rnd Wayne has been set tor the
evening of April li
Prof. J. T. House was a judge la the
RandolpH-Hartlngton debate held at
Randolph. . " ;
Miss Jennie L. Piper, after an extended
visit with her sister In Wayne, returned
to. her home In Lincoln. i - . :
Dr. I. F. Roach, i member of the Board
of Education, has accepted aa Invitation
from, the class of W3 to deliver the bac
calaureate sermon at the normal on Sun
day. May K. '
Folders announcing the Northeast Ne
braska Teachers' association have been
received. This gathering will convene at
Norfolk on March and JO. The normal
school will be represented on the program
by President Conn, Prof. Bfltell and Miss
McBoth. The normal, male quartet will
give a concert at the Saturday morning
session. .- "
- ---- ' -
Brief-Mearloa et the Week's Hap
penings. Fred Pfelffer. , a graduate of the' com
mercial, department of 119, has been
lately elected assistant cashier ot the
First National bank of Arlington.'.
Ouy O. Martin took the state pharma
ceutical examination .last February and
is .now taking charge ot his father's drug
store at. Stanton,-Nek. ' - .
Peter I'mmel. after finishing his work
In the pharmacy department, has gone to
Cincinnati., .where he contemplates . a
course In veterinary surgery.
James Donahoe, who is a former .grad
uate from this college, has filed for the
of flea of congressman In the. Sixth dis
trict on the republican ticket '
Miss Naana Lynn Forbes wss called
to Waterloo -and Scrtbner during the
week to. coach high school students prior
to local declamatory contests and, with
Mrs. Mendenhall, observation teacher.
went to West Point to act as judges In a
declamatory contest '
Wednesday morning the class In minor
surgery gave a' demonstration In chapel.
The art of .bandaging- and artificial
respiration wag demonstrated for the
benefit of the student body In a most sat
isfactory manner. Profs. Hudson and
Jordan were commended In the presence
ot the audience for the good work dene
in their department during the. year bv
President Clemmons and they , have won
the admiration and respect of the whole
student body. '
The voice pupils of Prof. C. W. Weeks
had the platform Thursday, giving tan
number In chorus. It wss a rare treat
and appreciated by all. They were fol
lowed by Charles Frederick Adams of the
Congregational brotherhood, who ad
dressed the students on the subject of
True Leadership and Our Responsibility
as atlsens." ' . - ''..
Miss Naana Forbes, teacher of expres
sion,' read a paper before the Shakespeare
class on Wednesday evening showing the
development of the English drama. In
which, aha. portrayed the miracle, plays,
the moralities, origin of the English Re
ligious drama and the. Shakespearean
state. This paper was exoellently written
and excellently, rendered. .
Former Itadeat Donates Medal! for
' Track Stan. ' -
The election of the Owl board tack place
last Tuesday afternoon. Harry W. Davl
son of Alniworth waa re-elected editor-
in-chief and practically a new set of asso-
clts editors were elected. ' ',:.':
Friday evening occurred the concert
given by the Young Ladies' Olee club.
The organisation, under the leadership ot
Miss Lucile Reed, showed up finely and
rendered an excellent program .of high-
class music, besides a number ot selec
tions of old college songs. These last
were sung at the girls were grouped
cosily on the stage. In rocking chairs of
on rugs. . The ladles' quartet which
rendered several numbers, waa -also up
to the standard and -the .concert oa the
whole waa very well received. ,
A letter from President Perry was read
to the students Thursday morning. It
wss en answer to the greetings that, the
students sent him on his seventy-third
birthday. .He said that besides the tfltt
of the students he received cards front
ll of the alumni of the college and per
sonal friends. . "
Medsls have been donated this yesr by
a former student ot,Doene to be-glven to
the Individual stara of the heme track
meet, which is slated to come off . in
about a month, the weather-permitting.
These medals' were displayed in . chapel
one morning by Captain E. 0. Dickinson
ef the track team. Donne's prospects for
winning the state" track meet are bright
thla year, and with -a decent spring for ought. to put out a winning
team. - v -
, ' - . . .. -
Activities efStadeat .Oraaaisatlsae
aad Social Diversions.'
The students of 8bakespesre gave a
dramatic reading of scenes from "Mac
beth" during the' recitation period on
Thursday of last week. "'This was very
profitable work, and much enjoyed by the
students. -'
A greet deal of interest Is being taken
insocial- activities at present The A. Ft
P. society,', which waa organised a short
time ago, now has - a membership ot
fourteen, . aa follows: Laura de. McEl
baney. Flora Daboil, Ermine Carmean,
Bessie Fisher, Emma' Nerud, Fern Mar
shall. Grace -Pollock. Eva Lean, Neva
Lataey. Fay Hersberger, Winifred Fisher,
Anna -Ktwlxenbeck, Caroline Click and
Hasel Rose. , ' ." , "'
Another girls: society Is being organised
and plana, are. being made tor a boys'
debating sockty. These societies will
be a great help to the students in many
ways. .
The chemistry class enjoyed themselves
by etching glass In the laboratory with
hydrofluoric acid. Needless te say at!
their glass plates 'were branded when
they got through, cad many curious aa4
Borne of the bays-have been whispering
around the last few daya that there wis
something doing, and tt IS now under stood
that a - debating and dramatic-club Is
about to be organised, the boys fell
that they cannot 'afford to" lei the girts
get ahead ot them In these organisations.
Thursday morning aftet.the devotional
exercises at Chanel., the faculty walked
oft the . platform, and fourteen girls,
wearing the green and white, took their
places. Mr. Stockdsie Introduced them
aa the A. F. P. society, the first society
organised In the northwest state normal.
A abort program waa given by the so
ciety. 'Xliss Fay Hersberger sang "A
Perfect Day." ' Miss Laura de McElhaney,
the president, told of the life and work
of Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, for whom
tne society waa ha n ted. Then Mlra Bessie
Fisher gave a talk on the "Lewie and
Clark Expedition." After an Instrumental
duet "Lustspell Overture," by Miss Clsrk
and Silas Elliott President parka, who
had Just returned; from St. Louts, waa
called upon for a speech,' and was given
aa ovation.
TralalaB Class Has Clara el Chapel
- - Eaerrises We daeaday.
Rev. George Netherly ot. Omaha was a
chapel vlslton at the Kearney 8tat
Normal school Friday morning and ad
dressed the students. Mr. Netherly was
a student in the normal in 1S-.
' Profs. ' 11. a Sutton and- Oeorge N.
Porter went to Broken Bow Friday te
Judge In. the. dectamat dry. contest at that
place that evening.
.Ainorg the visitors at the normal dur
ing last week we were glad to welcome
Miss Hssel Anderson,' '10: Miss Mary
Herendeen, '11. of St Paul, end Mr. Bcn-
Leskey of Miller. ' - -
The training class had charge of 'the
chapel' exercises W'ednesday and pre
sented s very creditable performance,
Their, program consisted of a moving
picture show, pantomime. "Wanted, a
Wife:"' Mr. Ralph Towell wai the lead
ing man In the performance, awieted by
some twelve young women ot the train
ing :ClSS.' , ; ,'. ' , .. .
Miss Oertrlde Gardner of 1 the depart
ment of Latin 'aSd TBIss Cora O'Conhell.
high school critic, went tn Olhbon Satur
day. t6 act a' Judges In the declamatory
contest -at that place.
Coveraor AMrlck laepeets Schools
and Addressee ntadehts.
The Peru Olee club finished a short
concert trip last Friday. . They sang at
Nebraska City, Stella and Verdon, wind
ing up with their regular annual concert
on the home -stage. ' One really Interest
ing feature of the trip is thst It paid ex
penses. , ,
Miss Myrtle . Ferguson ot Boston, who
was hired to take the place ot Mrs. Net
tletoa. who recently resigned from the
expression department, ts now on the
ground and at work, - . .
On Wednesday. evening the students aad
the people ot Peru assembled at the ad
ministration -building to attend a recep
tion to Governor A Idrlch. who' earns to
visit ths ' institution. A short program
was given.' consisting of an address ot
welcome by Prof. Beck, speeches by
President Hayes and Dr. Sheilhorn, music
by the glee club and s. short talk by the
governor. At the chapel a mice oh
Thursday morning Governor A Id rich
made a more formal address, his subject
being- ''What- Constitutes Education.''
Close of Most (aecessfal Besslea la
. Its History.
Tork college closed one of the most
tuccesjiful sessions in Its history Friday
evening,' a hlnh mark being reached In
attendance end In-the charaot-r of the
work accomplished. 'A .week ot vacation
ensues l-eforc the opening of the spring
term. ' - - . i
', EdVeatlcaal ftotre. ,
A dinner whoa. Identltt- is coneesltl has
given R.ano.Aia to the.tasachusetts In
stitute of -Technelbsy. - - - v -
Mrs. rtsipn vornees oi l union, n. J ,
has lust slven ai.OOs to Rutscis collftfe
to be used for the benefit of the Ralph
Vorhees library: This library was a gut
from her husband and was erected In
1SK8. '- '. '. '
Mrs. Margaret Byers. who died at hef
home -In - Belfast. Ireland,- holds a dis
tinguished nle, Hi the history of the
hlgner education of Women. She was
the Munder of Victoria college tn Belfast,
ot -which she tjss-diiector from law. .
Carl A. Opnelior MlnheaiKills. a Sl'j-dent-at
the Mimtwwiaj State agricultural
col Use tt is asld.'by catching frogs nrd
shipping them tn Chloags and other iarre
osmmiwlon. centers In six-weeks ' mauo
nearly sw . . . . - .
Miss Heater E.- Hooford; teacher ot
senior literature .In - the Orange, N. J.,
tiign srnool, nas won tne 1 1 rat prise of
the Mart Lansing foundation of New
York, amounting to stun. The prise is
awarded ones eefy three years to litera
ture teacnera oi special merit. Tne sum
Is available for traveling ekpeuscs In
Europe. -. . ' ... ,
"There Is something of the' dreamer 1n
most of our (Itv bo vs." sslfl a teacher
quoted by the New York,u. . "When
the school authorities .iesrned- from their
records that many boys leave high school
because ot their Inability to master an
additional language they offered a Course
which would fit a boy tor practical work
at the. trades. .For a while tbe classes
In this .course were overcrowded, tlrad-
ually, however. It Became known that i
boy who entered this hew course Weill,
later (should he ever desire to enter) fin.
the. college : and university . doors, . closed
to him. None who knock at the doors of
these hls-her institutions of leamlna-. may
be admitted without, credits In .German
and Latin. ..Immediately the course be
came unpopular. . ion none wished to
sacrifice the chance ef college, be It ever
so slender." . .. , , . . , .
Anonymous Writer '
. Attacks Grand Jury
Fifty-Six .CoadidatesAr Out for
Office ef Commissioner.
- 1 1 i i
niriar' mows oats to nix
There la Also' LaaavLlav of CaadU
. datea tor State Semate aad
Haooe aad Cooaly
Fifty-six candidates have filed for com
missioner, subject to the action of the
(lectors of all the city. Filings wUl close
March ,
, Fourteen "candidates receiving the high
est number ot votes at tbe primary alee.
Hon on April t will be declared noml-
j rated. Voters will cast their ballots tot
seven st both ths pnmar.ea and the
sriHng election. Msy J. The seven receiv
ing the highest number of votes at the
election of May I will be declared elected
and will -take their seats aa the new
directors of the city a business on Msy IT.
Following Is the list -of candldatea. In
etder sjnee the filings begsn, January 1:
0. F. Brticker M. F. Ftinkhnueer
Charles A. Shabata Charles It. WitHnell
Charles. J. Karbath Thomas Mctiovern
Jnnn Oram . Oeorge M. rtchofleid
l-oula IWtka John A. Rlne
( J. Andenen ' Frank M. Woolley
Frank A. Furay A. C. Kugel
M. H. Byrnes J. ir. Bennett
thv F H MMener Clete K. Dunn
Jnnenh tare - Eugene F. Hrando
Albert Leamone W. B. Kenson
Michael E. Csllanan J. a Philllnpl
Peter K. floon W. O. !"lood
Fred Kehroeler Julius Trvltschke
Homer Kirk - Ueorge R Normaa
W. S. flheldon- Eilaene Meere
E. L Morrow Ytxt Mehrens
Thomas Jorgensrn F. A. Bamett
If 1. W. Mnrsman I'larenoe Vsughsn
John 1". Wenthery Henrv K. Mevers
W, J. Hhrtver Jeff V. ttedtnrd
Alfred C. Kennedy Oeorge 11. Thummel
Albert Calm lisn II. Rutler
James C. fahlman W. 11. Msllorv
Ueeeher-lllFoy flrWtn - -a.
(J. Wallace Nathan Bernateln
John D. Weaver Hubert Houghton
John L. Nehle Vr4 Urunlng
Legislative and county candidates filed
In large numbers Saturday. March I is
the last day for tiling. Those who have
filed are:
Republican Democrat ,
F. 8. Tucker E. E. Howell
M. O. Cunninghsm John H. nrossmann
Fred J. Ulboe C..B. Liver -Arthur
C. l'ancoast John K. Reagan
John M.-Tanner
Rehuhllran1 John Fred Rehin
A. w. ek-hoap - - James Allan
Ira Flanagan K.dwant Rlmon
M. F. sinslston 8. a. Holt
1. A. Oavls , Democrst-
Michael George Holmes
A. L. Uemulst J. H. Crsddock
Albert Kaplan W. T. Denney
Martin U LUgermanJ.-N. Bulla
Charles L. Thomas
William R. Howard
Ben H. Hayden
Henry McDonald, First district.
Peter U. -Wsesser, First district '
B. J. McArdle, First district.
Republican' Democral
Sidney W. Smith Georse A. Marnev .
J. U Ksley ,
Tnomas K. Hrsay
A. H. Murdoek ........
Charles W. Bsrs . .
Repubtloan Republican
H. U Coonnnaa Charlea L'nltt
Henry D. Ree1
Republican '
W. A. Ehlem. First wsrd.
Oeorge H. Hchnell, First ward.
lr. K. Holovtchlner. Second ward.
T. J. Lynch. Reoond ward.
R V. Cole, Fourth ward.
Socialist .
Harry Beehtd, Third wsrd.
Jacob Kopp, Se.-ond ward.
Water board.
Democrat ... ,
D. J. O Brien ' ' ' ......
Frail and slek, a woman who. gave her
name as Mrs, Belle Miller stopped at a
rooming house st 11M. North Sixteenth
street a week ago and' asked for work.
There wss none for her, but the proprie
tor of the plaoe allowed her to stay whlls
she nought 'employment' Shortly after
ward she was taken alck with pneu
monia. - . i
The county. physician waa called in to
attend to the destitute woman, but she
had gone too long on scant, food and
clothing.- She died yesterday tfternooa at
I o'clock.- Nothing is known of her. She
toid the rooming house proprietor she
had-llvejl ,: in. Omaha. sixteen years,-but
about her 'fsmlly connections shs said
nothing. Bhe was about to years old.
Coroner Crosby took the body end will
bold It for someone to claim. If It Isn't
the woman will be Interred In the pot
ters' field.. j ... , .'
An' anonymous ' letter attacking - the
Douglas county grand Jury and accusing
Its members of belnft "arafters" waa re
ceived by Presiding Judge, Abraham L
Sutton of the district- court yesterday
afternoon. The tetter referred to paving
matters, according, to a report When
asked for a statement.1 Judge Button said:
"I will not disclose the contents of the
letter. I do hot take R seriously. I be
lieve the grand Jury Is on the square
and no anonymous . letter Is going to
change my opinion. No attempt to tell
what M skid in the letter should be con
sidered - aa-autherltatlve. tor I have not
told anyone Its contents. If I did not
have the faith I have In the grand Jury
It would be different, but t have faith in
them.". '. . ' " '
Wly He Waa Late.. .
"What made you so later'
1 met Smlthson." ' . -"Weil,
that - la - no 'reason wby you
should . be An hour late getting home
to -aupper." -
"I know, but I asked him how he
waa feeling, and he Insisted on telling
mo shout his stomach trouble." -r
-Dtd you .tell him. to take Chamber
lain. Tableta?".- ..... i . , , i. .
"gore that is ..what be needs." Sold
he" nil
Deputy Sheriffs Musgrava, Hangar and
Wright last nllht raided the Hotel Roma,
anWtalian boarding house at . Eleventh
and. Dodge streets, snd took sight men
and a woman to tbe county Jail. Julius
Cantont. proprietor of the place, was
charged - with . selling liquor after I
o'clock. Canton! contends that the per
sons in his place were boarders belong,
ing there. A "few bottles of beer were
seised aa evidence.
Shortly after midnight the sheriffs
raided Pat. Johnson's place at lBlt Cept
tor avenue, taking eight negro and white
persona to Jail. ' Johnson was .charged
with selling liquor without a license. The
others were charged as inmates of a dis
orderly bouse. . Some ot the prisoners se
cured ball. -
The Nebraska Laundry men's som n
tlon win 'meet In annual convention at
the Rome hotel Tuesday and Wednesday,
tne opening session being Tuesday after
noon at I o'clock. . A banquet, followed
by. a vaudeville entertainment, will be
held Tuesday night. About M to la)
lauhdrymeaare expected.'
Oeorge. M. Strain of the Kimball Laun
dry company 4s presldent'of the associa
tion.' H. A. Jacobberger1 Is, secretary ot
the 'Omaha Laundrymen'a - assoclstloa,
which will provide for the entertainment
of the visitors. .!-.'. ' .
Prof. E. A. Roes of ths 1'nherslty of
Wisconsin,' formerly ot the University ot
Nebraska, who will deliver an address
next Saturday afternoon at tbe luncheon
of the public affairs committee ot the
club; haa written Chairman C. M. Wit
helm of the committee that his -subject
will be-"RelatloB of the State University
to ths Stata Government' He will speak
before the ralimpsest dub Saturday even
ing. ' . . - ' .
- A Life aeateaew
of suffering with throat and lung trouble
la quickly commuted by Dr. King's New
Discovery.. 50c and B es. .- For sale by
Beaton rug c. . , , .
GoM Dust is a blessing to tired housewives. It
relieves them of all of the hard part of housework, pro
duces spick and span homes,1 and gives them more
leisure for personal enjoyment. ; ,
Y ' ......
If you are trying to keep house without Gold Dust,
you are not taking advantage of modern methods. Get
sbme system into your work, but let Gold Dust do all
the hard part of the task. All . you need to do is to
direct it.
There are millions of women in America today who
wouldn't give up the use of Gold Dust for anything.
Are these women all wrong? If you want to get
right, buy a package of Gold Dust today, and join the
million of happy housewives who .
"Let the Gold Dust Tvrtns do their work" , .
Um Gold Dust for wgihinf clothes and
dishes, scrubbing floors, cleaning wood
work, oilcloth, silverware and tinware,
poliahin j brutwork, cleaning bathroom
pipes, refriferatort, etc., softening hard
water and making the finest soft soap.
Gold DllSt is gold in
5c aiza and LtATSe package '
The large peoaagS msani grsstsr inonify.'
Makers oi Fairy Soap (the oval oaks)
Solemn High Mais Said in Sacred
Heart Church for St Patrick.
Telle of Barly LI Is of aalal aad Im
presses . I psa His Hearers the
Crest Kellgleas Work Dooo
ay ratHck.
Por Patrick, pal ran- sslnt of Ireland,
solemn high mass wss said yesterday
monitor; at Sacred Heart church. Rev.
C. Cclllna wss celebrant, Rev. Thomas J.
Smith drsron and Rov. P. 1. Judgs sub
dee con. The sermon wss preached by
Rev, Father Smith, S. J., of Cleveland.
rather Smith briefly told what is
known ot ths early history of St. Pat
rick. From his native land, either In
Oaul or In north Britain, hs was taken
when a boy as a slave Into Ireland.
After six years he returned to his home
and studied for the Priesthood. After
many years of study hs wss consecrated
bishop and was sent by. Pope L'elestlns
to convert the Irish people.
All nations honor thelA heroes, said
Father Smith. 'They seek to immortalise
them In bronse. These will 'stand tor
a time, but soon the pillars fall and ths
bronse tells no mors the story of their
lives. But If those lives are touched by
Ood and religion their names are Im
mortal, .to It is with all God's saints,
but most of all with ths apostles. So
It Is with Patrick, the patron saint of
Ireland and the Irish people.
"Through Patrick's prayers the faith
was given to the Irian In his day," said
Father Smith. "It remained through ages
of persecution, and that same faith has
corns down to our own day. , Other na
tions have had a day when faith' flour
ished in their midst, but tew nations
have the record of tracing an unbroken
steadfsst faith bark to ths dsys of the
first spostls who preached It to thssL
The day came in the history of most
nstlons when faith waa taksn from them
through tha Infidelity of their children.
This can never be said of Ireland. Irish
blahops and cardinals, Irish priests and
nuns In every land of the world proclaim
by their example . that Patrick's faith
Is aa strong todsy ss It ever was."
rather Smith spoke of the beauties of
faith, how when It la gone there Is no
hope, life becomes a riddle and mystery
snd grief and evil flourish.
touy or Lirm or saint told
Father Gaaaoa Delivers Serssasi at
' SI. Patrick'.,
Beginning with the birth of St. Pat
rick, Father P. Gannon told yestsrday
morning at St. Patrick's church. Four
teenth and Castellsr streets, . of ths
years the patron saint of -ths Irish
people spent in slavery, and of his being
ordained priest and bishop and the years
he spent among the people of the Rm
arald Isis converting them to the word of
"Today St Patrick la ranked among the
saints of the church as a confessor and
la often spoken -of as an apostle,' be
said, "because ho converted the whole
of Ireland to the faith of Ood, tha country
that has glvea more martyrs and saints
to ths church than any other nation.
"During tha six years 6t. Patrick spent
la slavery among tha Irish people m
became so attached to them that later.'
when he became a mlnlsts'r In ths churcn
hs returned te the scene of his early lift,
and taught the word of God. In s
little over twelve years be banished
pagantam and when he died. In tbe lattet
part of tha fifth century, be waa sur
rounded by a christian people. Theet
great warriors, the Irish,' wars ssade
christians without the eh add ing of a drop
ot blood. - . -', -.
' Feaad. First Free Schsol.
"St Patrick founded the first free
school In Ireland. At tills thns these
people were the moat advanced In
learning, and Irish teachers were in all
parts of Europe spreading civilisation
and teaching the word ot Ood. .
"During the enforcement ot the penal
lawa thousands ot people left Ireland
for thla country bringing wttb them the
faith taught them by St .Patrick. On
tha way hundreds died, all eagerly glv.
Ing up their Uvea that the light of Ood
might shins In the hearts ot the Irish
people forever. - Thla waa the greatest
light that haa aver shone upon the people
of the world, aad jwe lof today, should
Join forces 'to keep V this light brightly
burning." . -'J fr .!;"
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