Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    THt, HEfZ: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 18, -1912.
THE OMAHA. PAILY BEE)! TiSsnif frrerflqw..
At alert press correspondent ones
virT9RaoBWATkH! editor.
x Entered t OmAbA postalflce- a second-
Cles BMUU& :;
1 SJEdij- Be, a year , P
Saturday Bee. on ear (1
I'Ailjr Be (without Sunday), on year H
JJJjr Be and Sunday, one year.. ..'
. .vnlr.g lit (lih SuEday). per g
, Dally Bee sanday). per mo..iio
- Uaily Be (without SuuUayJ. Pr BM....4M
Address all complaints or irregularities
itwjng tiv i.ircuisuun wpv,
Bfrelt kr deal;, express of postal order
. payAoi lo The Dm Publishing company
Only J-c-nl etaraj.j leeelved ! pnymeat
' ef nail accounts. Personal check. ex-
etjH a Onus 41 cam era cchau,, sot
Omaha The Be fjui:4lng.
, koi)ih Omaha-SU K Si. .
, f'oui,cil Bluffs,! Scott St.
Lincoln- (.Mil liulldlnj.
" Cuicigo-M Marquette Building.
. kantaa titr-Kellance Building.
. ew Vorl-J( Weal Thlrtv-ibird.
iVaaMngion-TS Fourteenth St.. "I.
Comaunlrfcltong relating to r.swe And
editorial matter ihouid' be addressed
.Omaha He. Editorial Department.
FRenyARY pirculatios.
: : 49.463 '
: I fats' ft Nebraska. Cojcly l DoualaA
wint Williams, circulation manager
Tli Be Publishing company, belna
-djly W9tn. auya that the average dally
eiraulaiiea. let. spoiled, unused and re
turned copies, foe lb month ol February,
hi:. va ,tn - - T '
,J v : Dvmm wn i iiui
j. Circulation aicnaser.
. gubtrrtbed In my presence and aworn to
pemre me una sib cay or aiarcn. mi.
I Nqlai'X public.
, lahscrlkera, IrSTlag flit ally
emrerarllr fheaM Th
.Bee, mailed t tha. aUriti
will he fBsngrd, as fte
; '",!1V ........ .
' Yet, th frqundaog (or one p-
ppgr ( bfontojhjajqh.
i , p ia r-n
- Tb political fence la full of non-
partlclpstlng bid frlepdt these dgyg.
IMt (Ire look like Oraye weerr
'No. Mr. pe,mm tml m W
now; he U buiy ftndlni fteeOM for
rjjtln frlcee thl tetsop.
i Between (roundhogi and March
Jlona. (hlf hta bee freet fowoi
for itiirinf up tbe tnlrolt.
Dr. WUe'i mlfDAtlon mr Uk
aoipa ipjce out ff fmf food pamT
falgo, hut pone of the ptjrltr,
. Hi; lUfr mar be reticent boul
4lfciilia; hie tM? tof, but uit
alt eattl he becomM eontrlbuUni
rfllnv I A - ' )
oonaole. a)imaelf ltk the tbouht
be he fred better ttltn ba peace.
treatiee, aaywar. ' '
,' . -.a
Seaator La KUett threatena tq
piak:e ' eome, pf ' ihpM ' pretended
frlepda nickj who Jumped onto, llm
f ben b u tudUpoMd.
Thoia Virginian vm at tbe cap
ture of tk,elT detperidpe ft
ojirrereat way Iron that pursued by
o,ur orderly fcebrl(a'p.Hclln. .
. Mr.rup la lavla fltb pral, of
foiiette, which he would ukkly
retract, m etPUi ia, U Wl
cpntln un fver o( n front ' of a,
democratic nominee for president!
Colosel fiooieveU hoved about
the aam' pprecltloo of that law
yef'a peremptory challenge of hla a
Juror aa U UhtiBtcttu court,
to abov of hia pwpoaed tecail ol de
clelon : '
"Coder po clrcutgitiqcea. will I be
candidate for' pa ccept another
nomination." Norember I, 1104.
"I win accept tbe nomination for
preaMeBt pawpbraW- it I can
get 1." rnbrnari! 15. t.
wired to a New York,nevpaper that
a tornado waa beaded toward Omaha
and asked for lnrtructloni u to bow
much of a at or y to eend in wjea tbe
demon storm broke..
Without wishing to wlgwig any
falsa alarms, we can see now that,
unless all signs fall and precedent!
miss fire, portions of tbe Missouri
riljey are to be rUited by more
water tbu spring (ban . tbef will
really need. Fire feet of snow baa
(alien on the level - lands of Ne
braska, so that very much more than
that precipitation bat reached the
mountains to fh north end west q(
as. When tha break-up and thawing
time comes the eld Missouri and
other streams 'are pure to receive
larger volumea pf atr frPOj too
bills than they are equipped to carry
off. Omaha may be high eaongb to
escape, damage, and yet there are
some points wltbin sight 'ol Qroaha
that are bo( sq high and these are
likely to be inundated.
Borne day provision may be made
for storing this .fast vplume of
water against a (ime of necessity. If
storage reservoirs could be eon-
reach tbe sensitive ears of Pentral
Souiiern 4mericana. will not con
strain this government beyond tbe
point of trudent stateemaasbip In
dealing with this turbulent little
neighbor to tbe south of us. Inter
vention, war and annexation are all
ta be abhorred, tat 'either Mexico
must soqn straighten up and act so
berly or else this "self-constituted po
liceman of the western hemisphere,
as our British cousins say, will have
to do something to command order.
The Lopio si Esform. -
Before we go too . far with the
current idea of reform, which pre
supposes that the task in band is to
restore certain standards of purity
and certain tradjtiona of perfection
that bare been overthrpwn by un-
scrupulous forces ia a mad race for
self-aggrandisement, bad not we
better stop and remember, that tbe
standards and traditions of toe past
never vera spywhera near pur or
perfect snd that, even if they were,
they could pot, in thfs day. be d
rantggepusly restored. It would
help ut to yea tha truth and to at
tain it If we would frankly divest
ourselves of tbe false nqtiop that
structed sufficient to take care of lour early econonjlp and political
part of the water that overflows
river banks, not only would l save
destruction In the spring, but other
destruction by means of prevention
lster in tbe year whan water Is at a
. Bat Pesos Xorts 0i..
Tha senate's reactionary action in
defeating the arbitration treaties
may have killed those two compacts,
but it has by bo means deadened the
cause of world peace. What the
president, backed by tbe people,
sought to dp fl tbs case will be
achieved m soon aa we get g senate
with enough members whose vision
of large things is no cfrcumawlbed
by foolish mirage pf personal m
portBRce, Vhich goes by the, mis
nomer of senatorlgf dignity.
pet tha real cbaaploos of uni
versal peace take heart and be glad
that they have overcome' this" one
obstacle which bad to be met sooner
or later In tbelr course toward In
evitable success. The Idea that na
tions may agree to arbitrate pome
things, ret refuse tq arbitrate when
tha feel strong enough to pver
power the other, la not oaa pf the
ideas on which nations are going tq
be , brought Into a great union of
amicable arbitrament Mapy hy
pothetical Questions, which have no
likelihood of ever being raised, were
usea tq help block tbe way, but the
111 pot form much of an obstruo-
tiou, when lbs full power of the pop
ular demand comes to pctttlexprpt
sion Jq the seBst. as 11 certainly
A committee of the Builders' ex
change haa Pprpvf4 Vh court, boqse
coeWtrucUo. .s tar as It haa go.
Entirely lacking, however. Is any as
surance as to,, the, date .when the
bulldloj will be readi for occupancy.
TH Wt ol A,'rwlck tewing
tha coustry In a. private ear to
preach eolallm, mar know ever so
much about socialism, but she) lfckp
kj,owledga oi. huoa Bkturq w sae
would suit her private car fog a
tourist sleeper.
lt' easy enough o talk aboo the
need of h'igB-clasa Biri," (or tjqupcij
meo, asdex the commlafioa pla. bqt
to get them la the rah. Every one
sow drawing a salary and perqui
sites fo"tbecltif hU. bowever. It
quite, willing ta' be drafted or even
ta volanieer. -
The seats of southern delegates to
the Chicago- convention are to be
coptesud by, the Uoosevelt campalgs
managers. They were contested
foot- rears ago by tb ao-caUed
-allies" who were working for For
aker ad Cannon, and used tbe very
same arguments.
Governor Alirkh put some ol
the blame for the murderous peat
tectianr ontbreak npoB the yellow
)ouraala that hav helpeA) tq stir
nn discontent and Inaubordlnsiloa
amosg tba .eonvk-ta. Tha Bewspa
Pfra that bare been hit and the
goveraor aamea them Will promptly
start B eoaflrf at the other eat, of
Intervention i Mexico.
Twq rsw of Unclt Ram'f proper
attitude towsrd Max Icq ta tha present
crisis. dlamtrclly opposite Id tbg
matq, are, at band, which furnish, In
teresting coptrssts and open ug the
subject tq profiUblq tbQugbt. pn
view t expressed by John Barrett,
director genert) of tht psn-Amr(csn
union ad pns pf tbp best versed men
fan-American . problems. The
other flew pppesrg n toe National
Review of London over the signature
4. Maurice Low, tbe well-known
correspondent at Washington, p. C.
Vr. Barrett sees qq necessity or
warrant of slther American Invasion
IpterventioB. He says for us to da
either would, it tq ''strike a self-inflicted
aq4 fratultously staggering
blow to our own commerce snd pres
tige throughout all the Americas,
nullify halt the good of tbe canal and
delight all our competitors tor the
favor and trade of the world." . lie
thlnka we can easily, afford ta be pa
tient and endure temporary' annoy
ances for the sake pf future possibili
ties. He Is undoubtedly 'right la his
contention that the. United f tales
noma proceed csutioairy in any in-'
tercourte with Mexico, for clash Is
undeeirable. Just as air. Low Is, right
to assume thatVW wpuld fntall
heavy toll, mortally end, financially,
beside hurting us abroad, and that,
even after we had triumphed on the
field, we' would yet nave the Immense
task of evolving peace and orBer out
of the chaos. And It would be a long
time before we could hope for the
confidence of tha native, as essential
element la working out the ultimate
"Constant turmoil In Mexico the
United States cannot permit," says
the British Journalist "Perpetual
anarchy la bad enough - In Central
America." He then points to the
large American, British and German
interests la Mexicq and to the fact
that every nation must protect Its na
tionals. "By virtue of the Monroe
doctrine." be adds, "this obligation Is
imposed apoa the United Btatea.
which must either perform that duty
or confess Ita Inability and permit
Europe tq act. but fbera need be no
fear that tie Coiled, States will shirk
Its responsibility or afford any Eu
ropean power aa opportunity to
laugh at. the Monroe doctrine and
make, tbe United Statea ridiculous la
the eyea of theTrorld." . V. ,
N't, por I tbe United Stats going
tq b cperctd 0 cajoled lata Boaaciag
oatq Mexico. There. I po ocraslpa
for the chlpoq-tae-ahoulder attitude
or Jingoism, and Unci 'Sam will act
cautious! j, bat even Mr. Barrett's
pleading for silence teat .some casual
remark about tnterveiOB or war
Ufa and our parly leader In com
merce snd. po'ltlc were not fault
It is better standard and progress
we must cblev, not old one and
retrogression. - The fundamentals
have not been disturbed, so w'lth
them, we need apt be serlqualv con
cerned In this discussion. Tha logic
pf rafqrm gain nothing from the
current Idea that tb nation has
been shaken at its base by few
unscrupulous Individuals. Pf cqurap,
wrong nd pyJJ exist, but tbe
nation la secure at the has and
since from Its first. It masses have
boasted that It was a government
qf, fry and. for th people, why now
assume entirely to blame a handful
of powerful person for what. In all
fairness, tbe people as a whole are
responsible! 1
What bas com about I not ac
cident It Is the result of a constant
wideawake competition .between, w
may any, selfish Industry and nn
scrupulous politics on the on hand
and tbe Bias pf American voter on
the other, all assuming that th na
tion! economic and political system
was framed for tbelr special benefit
nd pngaglpg a tb competition tq
secure tb priie. A pne writer has
pxpresssd it:
Tbu the abuaea of which' w sre com
plaining r not wttds which bav been
allowed to spring up from nlec..'nd
which, can b eradicated by b"- f hey
are eultlvated plant, which, If not
precisely perl fled in ' th plan of th
American political and economic garden.
bar t toast been encouraged by .trad
ttonal methods of cultivation.
rq matter now grv in mis-
tge of tb past papltallxlpf appeal
lq pfsflon or prejudice for personal
gain IB the name of reform Is cloth'
log greed In the garb of deception
ad, only complicates be problem,
The old Idea that amn could b
ptrQtl withRUt being publlc-
s)ptrt)d qr disinterested has noth
ing to lose In comparison with that.
Th corn, market haa seldom seen
more strenuous time than this
year. Bull, determined to drive
every short tq seek - shelter, have
succeeded, by the aid, partially, pf
favorable weather condition, lp
forcing It HP dps to ciRt. At
the cps of tha week, however. It
had struck th down grade wi(lTlhe
milder weather and i sunshine.
nd; short were beginning to find It
possible to smile a little. It will be
a wonder, from now on, If this mar
ket can be held up artificially as
against all the natural condition.
whicji favor a slump.
Tha rule of the people exercised
by choosing candidates. Initiating
and adopting laws, and affirming or
reversing Judicial decision, .may
look fin In theory, but when it
come tq fitting it la wjtb, sn eight-
root ballot requiring each voter to
mk ninety odd croasmarka, theory
aad practice may diverge. ,
George Washington ' Is being
quoted as having said that be could
muglne aa emergency tbat Plight
call for the' re-election to a third
term la the White House of a man
qa whom the, people , universally
agreed. Tea, but where . Is tbe
emergency or th universal agree
Wonder how many city ball offi
cials have been making pretended
loans" from paving contractors.
corporation lobbyists and other re
cipient of public favor who are not
generally known to loan money ex
cept with a cinch on getting some
thing more valuable ia return? 1
Roosevelt boomer are appealing
to leaders pf tbe negro race for their
support, but the negro haa never had
a better friend la the White House
since Lincoln than President Tart
4r tke people r
WashtBgtoa Poet.
The peopi In America ara Individual.
They tblak tor Uwauelves. Tney are ke
roee tk Mag where they reepond to
lmpAaloned appeal directed at then ai
a herd. They Want logic the day, aad'
aot Da pktaae deaigaetl t) mak them
act as a aaofc. Ttw can de their think
taut for , tbeenexrvea, and' to about about
tk wtobss of tb vae-u tare know aa
tk tomunoa people" wlU not arcita any
ef tk Beteona wke' are eiinoa ta
aaak aw Ik dan an dMgwated.
llhisDay InOmab
r 0MP1IJM) fROM BfcS flLUk
- ' . i T,' '- V
r1 March 18.
Thirty Vears
At th opera kouae that famous actor.
MlltOB Noble, spneared In his reat
play, The Phoenix.'' and "th- villain
UU pursued her."
At the request of a larg number of
promiDerft citisen, Mia Uni CaJdar
wood bad consented to a benefit concert
prior to leaving for Boston to pursue a
course of vocal training to fit her for
a profeaalenaj music career.
Street car all stop aoV before going
over a railroad entering.
A fair Is la preparation for th benefit
of St Joseph' hospital. I
Proclamations for the approaching city
election nave peen poaua.
County Clerk Bauiner Is making out
th fee bills to trie deputy sheriffs em
ployed during tb strike, which swe up
to a considerable sum.
President Barton of th smelting works
ha 175 men at work, baring taken back
th old force they deeired an refus
ing ta employ quit a number.
' A conference was held in this city to
day between Sidney pilion. Thomas L
Kimball pad Samuel L Pguar pf the
Chicago, purlington A Qulncy as to the
joint us pf lfn depot IP Penver,
A new dry good store ha been opened
up gt Jll karnanj treet In lytl'i new
block by Geprg P. Browni Who CQmes
from Colorado. .
Oeorge 'licbett. comer St Mary's
ayeu and Convent street, want re
turned to Mm a etttcr pup about f
months old, which he think ha strsyed
or was stolen. .
Memorial resolutions for Edward Boddis
adopted by th congregation of 8L Mar
garet's church are subscribed with these
James Patterson, rector; H. O.
Clark, senior' warden : WUIuun Cleburne,
B. C. Cooper, 8. Robinson. William Tudor
Tucker and U Webster, vestrymen.
Twenty Years Ago
Captain John Palmer of Albany. N. T.,
commaader-ln-chlef of the Grand Army
ef the ftepublic, cam In from Dakota
on a tor of InspecUon of the Grand
Army of the PPublc posa, , ,'
uiy swoon men peiq meeting at toe
Toung Men's Instjtut pn rourteentb
treet preo,raiory to orgaoljing the
UuHor tteslers Benevolent saaoolatlon.
The meeting waa called to order by Kd
Rotbery after which John A. Waits)
wsa mad chairman. Fred Vuller Intro
duced Chari Scbwelekait of St. Lpula.
aecretary of th MlMouri Benevolent aa
soclaUon. who Hold the men fiow to go
about It.
W. K. Kurt returned to Omaha from
Washington, Philadelphia and New York,
where b bad been for some tlm puahlng
eversl real estate deala. Ha aald he
beard much lalt of Omaha In connection
with the corning people psrtx national
convention and th national oonvtntlon
of h Christian church. - '
County Commlaaloner Tlmm returned
from Chicago tpuoh, improved In ialth.
r. joaeptt u wnintb, formerly of
Falls City, wne bad bean visiting her
Parent for several months, Mr. and Mrs.
George Poweil, Q$ North Nineteenth
street, left for har new bom St Madison,
ia ' ' , .., .
Oeputr United '8tatef, Marshal Hill
fame in front VUimar county with a
coupie 01 alleged couilterfeltsra.
At th request of Superintendent Porter
of th Census bureau. County Clerk
Beckett dlaojoeed the record of chattel
mortgages filed in bis office for the ten
months ending February , th number
being l,U and li oah amount SI.).- uniy lit were released.
Tea Years Ago
Oeneral Manager Bldwell of th Fre
mont. Elkhom A Mtaaouri Vallav railroad
eaia tn scarcity of steal waa becoming
aerioua ana mignt becom appalling. BalU
ivu wiirwuun wora mat was very
neceeearv had tq be delayed for lack of
tort. ( ' '
Wgller Moiae Co. bought tbe Willow
duepn ivm, aa c-umlng , strt
broke ktf right eollarbon. dislocated bis
right arrn and fractured a rib, as the re
sult at a oolllaion pf two street ears on
Blxteenth between Cklcaro and Daven
port streets in th morning. Mr. Levla
a nanaing near tbe door holding onto
trap and the Impact 'of th coUlatoa
threw him forward In the car.
Horac Houghton died at th age of t.
Mrs. Martha Atwood. 71. died at th
family residence, hS Booth Thuly-eecoad
street t ' ' ' ; ,
The city eeuacll confirmed the appoint
ment of Mayor Moor of Dr. J. B. Ralph
to be heJth commissioner, uccedlng Dr.
Victor Coffmwk th aalary being fixed at
,00 a year. Dr. Ralph bad been aeaUt
ant to Dr. Coffmsn nd Pf. II U, Arnold
waa made assistant In place of Dr. Ralph.
All but on of tb twenty-nine Douglas
county assessor met at th court bouse
gnd decided that th basis of aaaenment
for th year should be ene-dxth of a fair
cash value of th property. F. D. Weed.
C George, I. B- Knox. A. L. Reed and
F. Harrison of th .Real Eatat ex.
chang. were' present tq plead for a full
return of th personal property.
People Talked About
Wajere Llskt I Seeded
OMAHA. March K.-XO the Editor of
The See: Before the grand Jury com
plete; it deliberations It perhaps could
find acme thing to interest it In this lamp
deal .in the vicinity of Clifton HilL Tn
lamp here were replaced aa I understood
by more costly street lamp. The eld
lamp furnished good, steady light, while
th new lamp ia place glv a poor light
or no light at aiL Th lamp at Jrorty
tbird aad Lake street bas not been
lighted for aevaral nights. Are tb tax
payers to be imposed on In this nuuuMr
wlikout a klckt All w aak Is a aquar
deal and. we bope at the coming election
the voter will select men of good reputa
tion who will look after the welfare of all
th people all th time.
Woexter De't Fernet.
the Editor of The Be: I am In receipt
of one pf those Informal nvitationa which
the president Of the Lincoln Bryan club
is sending put to democrats over th
stat to attend th annual Bryan birth
day banquet In Llpcojn.
kindly pernat me la this Informal
manner to inform the Lincoln bunch that
1 shall ot be present and that they
used reserve no plate for pie- I have a
lively- recollection of tb fact that a yesr
sco many democrats from out ia th
state were Indiscreet enough to attend
that Bryan baaqurt and that as a part of
the, menu they got a dose of vile abuse
from Mr. Bryan's map Friday. ea
BlabQB Bum beans, alia B, U Metcalfe.
It bas never been charged that Mr. Bryan
reseated, or even disapproved of that at'
tack on bis invited guests, and It Is
fairly to be presumed tbat It waa with
bl full knowledge and consent
It Is further to be presumed that at
the banquet (his year Mr- Bryan' roan
Friday, with beatific ami la on bis
countenance,' wUI sit In silence) wh.ll each
guast I seryed a dish of harmony instead
uj a uisq pi aouae. iwq yesf HO air.
Bryan and Mr. Metcalfs tried their best
tq defeat snd destroy fjve-eixtn of th
detnpprAUp candidate p tb state. This
year when these two delectable demo
crat are oandldatss tbsmseJve they want
bar many aad votes. 1 Outside of Nabraaka
Mr. Bryan don't want harmony until h
has klUed off ovary promising candidate
for th democ ratio nomination for presi
dent, and than be would be pleased to
bav the national convention harroonl
qusly bring the nomination to bim on a
anvr piauer.
jor ni SAaiaroiy wora m M campaign
of two fear agq Mr. Bryan said he iad
no spolpgle o make pnd thpt p ihpuld
"cpntipu tpe light.- fellow democtat
let uj heap ' coals pf fir oq tis b.esd
by now giving pin; boost when be
wants It so badly, and In return later on.
if be don't ge what be wants pu of
this praident(l mlxup h will. If he
ken bl prpmls, stick b sqlckersne
into us up to in biii.
('aad Bffeet.
OMAHA. March la-To tbe Editor pf
Th : All th world is holding up Its
hsBds In horror at th spactacl ef a
Virginia court being literally shot to
piece by a band of mountaineer out-
lawa Judge, clerk prosecuting attorney
and Sharif t, all murdered by desperate
men. What an awful disregard for es
tablished Isw an prdr.
On th same day in' our own stats ths
warden and hi wsslstants are killed, by
deaperate criminals, who bad been able
to secure arms and wbo "shot tbelr way"
out of state's prison. Another awful ex
hibition of th law's futility In dealing
with the criminal Instinct ' "
But fare w allocked when a map of
culture and discernment stood before sn
sudlence of Intelligent business men
few day ago snd berated the courta!
asserting tbelr failure to afford justice
or equity J Were 'we astonished when' a
man high In the esteem of bis country
men proclaimed that court decisions
ought to be subject to popular reversaj
by' plebiscite? Of did w protest wljsp
magaaines pt proteased high purpose t
tacked courts In general and pecfjc
terms, snd held them up aa failures or
woen pewapapers pr gentraj circulation,
by lpference, at leiat, denounce the
court as agents of oppression?
How cart ws expect th Icaorsnt
to respect h law, when the leaders So
openly preach heresy that finds natural
exprastipq qmoag u thoughtless
open violence r la 11 not tlm for the
alleged 'rsfofmefs" to review tb fruits
01 tneir agitauonz OLD FOOT,
pound; WIN soma an kindly explain
this coffee quesUou to ns through th
column of the best aewspapev la the
westt - A. 1. BMOWDEM.
." Tke Wearw qeeatloj.
OMAHA. March l-To''t gdifor .of
Th Bee: I often' wander if If this cout.:
try that boasts of being thp land pf thf
fre' and tb home of th bray if the
negro, who has fought so hard to apboM
the constitution, bas any rights which
the white man Is hound to caspectf The
negro without on aeiflak motive baa
again aad again proved bis loyalty to
this country. Aad what is his rewardf
Discrimination. Jus Crow laws and that
most heinous of all, the lynch las. A
few days ago list, a neara, wag barred
from a lawyers' association, sot becaus
he was not gentleman qr bad failed to
meet any of th requirements, put be
caus h was negro. U Is safs to say
no such action would bay taken place
bad Lewi been a jaPAneee, although no
Japanese regiment ever charged up San
Juan hill in defense of th Stars arid
8tripes. " '
The much-talked social equality doe
not Interest th negro on tots. All he
rents Is hi rights aa'a law-abiding citi
sen. He wants to be treated fair and
aquar In this country ha fought for aad
helped j)ul!d until today (t itsjide second
to none, fine this country PA f much
sympathy for th Jew lp Busals, why
not pas a law against the persecution of
the negro here? Charity begins atlrpm.
More than one senator s kept before the
public because of his biuty to yllllty the
negro. Japan, a country (hat Is seeking
the weak spot lai this country's armor,
haa students In West Point- it sjmosi
take a' special set of congress for1
negro to be admitted there) Do you
know what would hsve bsppsned bad two
negroes confessed ' fo blowing up the
Times bulldlnc In Los Angeles? Their
bodies would now be yinjf beneath Cali
fornia sod. Th -negro Is in the country
by nq action ef hla. pwq ad be Is her to
atay, so treat him as- a man.
,v ,' '. U M INTOSif.
iTes, Dlnsh Is a vary good cook., but
eh kas sue f faBing. Shs pasalnnsjrlr
theaa away -from bar.
fond of nerfu
'Yon can lock
can't your' .
'f use. But I can't gat nsad t
hearing her smitruic vades th a-V-Cleveland
Plain lklr
id fumped off
.-I waa talking with a sasual acaUAlnt
anee f metorf A car going home ta
other aeeaias' sad I bapaeaad to nmark.
that I did Ilka some touch and go about
a man. wneo ;
Whea what?" v
He grabbed my watch and J
the platform m A twugnnc-
' Mlgga Tour wife doesn't seem ta Ilk
mel " -
Rlggs Vaturslly! You're ths man I
always lay the blame oh when I am de
tained ' downtown evenings. Boston
"And doe this fat little boy belong In
your crowd r '
'Jio'm; e Just use htm to try the lea
with before we Co skatlB'." Houston
Post. " ..
"So you're going to make a lawyer of
your boy Jeabr'
"I dorVt "think hail make a lawyer,"
replied Farmer Corntoaaei. "But I want
him to auidy law ao that be'H at how
it work snd mebb have sense enough
toeep out e tawulta."-WaAblntoa
Tja 'ne msgnsts wjth bis ftpeks prig
TU hoi tb banker With bis board ef
' gold; -
Tis not th men wbo (Imply buy aad
sell. '
Wbo Wealth produce In this out busy
AJ1 wealth produced come from Old
Mother Earth. '
Produced by daily toll, wsat, and
blood; . .
Tb honest toll of those who dwell la
" Mother Earth - - ' ,
Produce ths Wealth that for the com-
B C a XI A fiJl'TT
mvn 1 . ?- adivk7
Obboij. Web. 1
Gutsoa Borclusa, the eculpter, says that
tin art school are a humbug and a
snare and ought to be dosed er turned
over to the teachlnf of young men end
women bow to make useful thing.
Three of our army men (Captain Henry
Richmond. Captain Conrad gs. Bab-
cock and Lieutenant Adna R. Chaffee)
sre taking a graduate eours In borae-
manahlp at th Saiunur Riding school. In
Horac 8. W'the. who bas bees a mall
carrier oa rout No, L Skowbagan. kf -,
tor the last ten year, baa never missed a
trip or failed to reach tha pcstotOc oa
time. H Uvea four miles from the peat'
office, and travel tnlrtr-thn and one
half mile every mall day. He thnata
that la all he has traveled HQ, miles.
equal to sixteen tripe to the Pacific coast
ana dbcb- .-' ,
VI. T. Horssutay, the famous curator
of th Bronx Zoological Garden, la Kew
York, who has been Identified wit collec-
Ubns for th Zoo tor many years. Is
considered on of tb best kaowa stu
dents of animal Uf Is this country.
Felix ttchwetghoff. the Gennaa oome-
diaa. wb died rceatls tstt aa eatat
valued at lepcsas marks. He was a
model" Otlsea as well aa a crest actor,"
say a friend- H was thrifty, wot bis
purse wsa swver dosed against th snedy
and what h did tW tkara was don a
Why Llvlaa r-eaaee High.
KEARNEY,' Neb March M.-T) the
Editor el Tbe Be: 1 se that President
Tkf has asked oongrea to'saak Inquiry
Wb Uvtnc U so high la this country. It
seems tq m that one doesn't have to
look tar from home to find wby It la so.
Take the bread question first. Ths miller
her at Kearney pays A cents per bushel
for Wheat, which to its cents per pound.
sad sells th flour for 1 cent per pound
tad the bran, etc, for about tVk cents
pet pound, frblcb makes tb miller about
nt) per cent. ana. of course, a turps bis
money eight QC tn time per annum.
Hie profit is evidently too high. Doe
remedy would be for each county tq build
rt't P!U d grind th people' grain
Th next la th meat question.' The
butcher pays from t to I tea la per pound
gross tor stock to kilt' He sella It ou(
at retail tor from k to cents per pound
and scarcely any for toes than; 1 cent
per pound. ' Cattle drea away about t
per cent and boss about at per cent, ao
you se the meat men mak about' KO
per cent which I H per cent too much.
On remedy is for people to kill their
owa meat and eat las meat anyway. 8o
yen se th causes of tke klgh prices ef
meat end bread are tight here at horns
peopi hav cet so they want more profit
than they should bay.
1 should like to have someone tea m
why coffee retails for the prte It doe
when tb wholesale priota quoted la Kf w
Turk ar w to li cent a pound. The kind
of coffee ottered at tha back coon try
towns Is sold wboleaal la New York for
from I to centa a pound, and tke saaee
coffee retailed ia th country for teas Muu
cents to apt fit to drink- Tbe coffee
quoted et IB and 11 cents wholesale la
Kew York costs ns BUM cents :
naV,fVvAsawryV tw i isrTWiawfVi S. . i.isr,. Hi mf
Ve Will Act as Your
Representotiye in
House Viring Jobs
i . .' .
Oijf CSompApy not in the housa wiring
' pr fixtur businefis. Our interest in bqusa wir
ing ia confined to securing new pustrtners an4
. eeprjjng ple8e4 ctomera,
At tha request of aqjr )9)8e owner we wilj
. plan liKhting installations, make specifications,
and advjge as to the reasonableness of estimatps.
submitted by contractors,.
i)(anw peope have . utilised ' thig service .
whioa is ouewd wiojTtily fre,
. . Our 0pajtra,c )prtrtii,s gl4 MwWl '
ta talk over eleotrioal installations wih nyonj
interested.. ' . '
. .
Power Company
No mqU's delay
Th quic rotate for
THE wirmfUf
Low Rates South
MARCH 5 & 19
iransea aw, Leeai
(, Aagxwaa, .-tu. M.I fJCOw
41 0
Ksw Orlasss. La. StkOO
tseiaiiills -. 9
ads . "
Fort llysn
Wsat fakt leaek
fllilalsJ-T-e t
kkd ..,fl,.
lay sWta Ala.
i Qty---fkv.
. , CUea. Se. lewl
KWf.-.rS. JJifg 12 LQ
A 'OS 1 Hill " M 60 29.40 rva, 34.M I1.4S
M Kassl .. 44 M J7M
IB 44) Orsva " 34 M 2x44
SAM Tauj..-, J $M tSAQ
I4.S0 rBsseh : SOsw 2 SAC
M.M Mmmihf" Sl.U 13 70
n.44 Mariaasa- IW l.T J,70
S0.W js. S0.C4) tlM
Si-4S Call part . -luea. SOlOO 22.04
22.00 bsasrsb- Aaw U.4t toJw
itUt Iwartreaa Ala, 2kAI KLU
frppartioBttaly Low Kate ps sassw Ota, foina Is
AeUbaj&a. FWkla, Cqcwwia, Tsnaee aod Mttaisairrpl
fP5 FUU. WOWaATlOl, sVBOWtM . i
J. L iAVEXW?T, f. It, U, fc.
r.. w. tsnvi, ft w. ft ckitHs a ;
lit PI