THE BEE: . OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 191! IOWA DEMOS TORN TO CLARK Speaker Has Large Majority of the Delegate! to Far Chosen. FIRST DISTRICT IS FOR TAFT rumitln WIU BM at Bu timet WHtcWar Teatk Dis trict Will Be far 6wvemr Caavaslaa. (From a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES. la.. March l7.- Special) The political iliuatioa la regard to the tholes 'of Iowa for democratic candidate ror president is turnlns la the direction at Speaker Chump Clark. Convention held tkiu far give Clark a very law ma- jorttr of Ux delegate to the nut con vention. The Clark committee has compact organisation which has beea ac tive for six weeks ami spending a great deal at money. wiU the result that dele- Bates are being garnered for the Missouri man. The Woodrow Wilsea committee has sot been able to do very much and Is paying attention to very tew of the convention. Among the republicans the situs lion has not been materially changed tor soma time. Ttie southern Iowa counties have alt beld tbelr conventions and nearly all are for TaiL The few that have been beld In northern Iowa hare beea nearly all for Cummins, four canveaUon by districts have been beld and three were for Taft and one for Cummins. The first district convention will be beld at Burlington on Wednesday and it wtii be for Taft. The only other one called it for the Tenth, which will go for Cummins April IT. : Until the national matter is cleared up there will be very Utile dona in the stale ' campaign. Will settle with Treaaerer's Estate. U A. Wilkinson at thla city haa Just completed aa exhauetiv investigation of the affair at Lyon county with re gard to the aooounta of the county treasurer. The result la that a act abort see found due the county at W.Vi has beea discovered. A. P. Weberg. the county trcasarer, died and his daughter niaslned la chares of the oft Ice for a ties aad then Joseph Weberg waa ap pointed to tlU out lb unexpired term Following this It bees me knows that the aetata waa Indebted to the county and the inveetlgstlon was ordered last cum mer. Preparations bar beea made to affect settlement with the estate It to possible that soma of the Hems will be found covered m some way, but the amount at the short eg wag a great sur-prba. laaalry an Liability Law. The state com mission headed by Sen' ator John Clsrkson to prepare a bill for a law tar employer- liability and work men s eampensatlon starts out tomorrow ta give a serlea of bearings where per son Interested -can state their view as fa this new legislation. The commission ha don much investigating and h) prepared t aiak aa exheusUvs report a lb subject. But then Is desire to have the people heard an tba subject so that alt day Bar a fair show at the bill. The first hearing will ba her la Dee Moines aa Monday and Tuesday, follow ing which a tour of th state will be taken ending In Ottunwa March 3. Th matter la of apodal Usportaao la labor unions and t large employers of labor, lews Ha Par Bred Kerns. Under the new stallion law, which be came affaslK January I, 1111, requiring that no person, firm, corporation or com pany shall offer for public service, sale, exchange r transfer la this state any atallloa or Jack aver 1 year aid unless ha shall have procured from the secretary f th stale board at agriculture a certifi cate of enrollment and soundness, theio ha beea Issued l.M certificates tor stal lions and eighty-eight tur Jacks. Of this Bomber of stallions l.tTt or all per cent, are of pur breeding and are recorded la record books recognised by th depart went. This only substantiate) th claim that la often mad that Iowa ha a larger percentage of pur bred and 'registered lire stork than any other list la th union. By referring to th reports of th stallion registration board at Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota It la seen that In Hanoi M.7 per cent of th stallion licensed for public service are of pur breeding, m Wlseoosln 4M per cent and In Minnesota SJ per cent. atallloa owners wilt havs until April 1 to comply with this law and It Is hoped that when the stallions are alt reglsured that the percentage at pur breeds indi cated by th first LTO registered will be maintained. Iewa te Shew Health Wark. Charts aad data oa the artesian well pooet mil ties at Iowa wlU torn aa Im portant part at th Iowa state exhibit at I he International Cone-re of Hygiene) to be held la Washington, U, C Septem ber a te a. The Iowa delegation appointed by Gov ernor Carroll, consisting of Dr. Henry Albert at Iowa City, sou bacteriologist; be w; W. Pearseoa of tba- Drake medi cal college: Dr. V. O. Trey nor ef Council Bluffs, former state university re and A. E. Kepferd. state lecturer a tuberculosis. Is at work preparing tor the part which Iowa la ta play in that great meeting. The congress Is held every fire years It waa organised evseur-flve yeara ago. and this Is ts first time it meet in the United State. Twenty-vae countries will re representee. Dee Mesa) Water rase. Circus: Judge Waiter L troth aad Dis trict Judw W. H. Monger of Omaha, both at ft federal court, wil preside curias; the hearing to dissolve a tem porary mined Ion secured by the water company to restrain th city from pro ceeding any farther a 1th the eoodevnoa noa at Its plant, Aa order ta thla effect was filed la (he federal court by Judge Smith MrPberson. The bearing on the injunction will be held at Council Bluffs next Tuesday. Paving Streets is Issue at Harlan HARLAN. la., March T7. (Special.) Interest la city politics Is running high here now. There an two ticket la th field, th ant! -Improvement and th Im provement element. Th trouble area over the passage of a resolution of ne cessity by th city council that certain tract be paved this year. There ha beea ooaaiderabl paring don In th past two year and the an Us believe that there t enough for to present without laying mora. To anils packed both tba clti sens' and people's caucuses and th men who war aommated la In people's cau cus were endorsed by th eltlsens caucus. Th progressive element In th city tha proceeded to put aa Independent ticket la th field. The slogan of th anti-Improvement faction I: Every time I come down town. The boys start eussin' the pavln" 'roun'; Makes no diffsrenee If it kills the town. We've gotta quit puttie' this pavln' down. Mexleaa Fatally Shot. FORT MADISON, la.. March IT.-iIoa Ponce, Mexican, employed a a section hand by a railroad, was shot and killed last night by Julian Heraanden, another Mexican, Hernando 1 Mill at large. Oparallea Prave fatal. FORT MADISON, la., March 17 Frank Kelle, son of a local grocer, who waa operated en tor appsndicitl and la whose appendix waa found part at a tooth, died today. DOtl'T BLAME . . YOUR HEAD What th doctor call ai taenia head ache ar no fault at th head. , They are th misery ef the poor blooded, th , folks with pals, hollow cheeks, dull area, whit lips, flabby aiusriea Agwaislng a It la, ,tha headache la merely ene sign of starving blood and unfed nerves. Jrhed every hungry tissu is you with Osoaraiatea; add to your capital of bounding red Mood and th anaemic basilar will term est ywa ne more. ' Kampt Bold Frew By Mall Tkat those who are sacking health aad atrength for tkenuelvaa, children, rela tives or friend may experience the llf. girl&g properties of this sxcluslr Nor y gold medal eaanlacd ced liver oil medicinal feed emulsion as well as t know OsomnlaioB superiority la bains; aaost palatable aad easy la tsr a gas. aroua -a bottle will bo seat by mail ta tho who send idnss by pee beard er letter to Oseroulssua, Ml Peart St, NT. T GOVERNOR GIVES VIEWSON PRISON (Continued tram First Page.) ' land was adapted to. general farming, to truck gardening, te stock raising and had Mm mineral resources and It also bsd a large stream pad abme tributaries be longing to It, and portion of It wars heavily wooded, and It wan' this man' idea to have thla vest tract properly en doeed and all of the men were to work land, some es gardeners, com fixing up tb landscape, some as general farmers, eotne as general itock raisers and come In clearing up the bind and building road and park and drive. Hsarluble Advancement, -"It oocurred I -ene that tMa waa th Mat lessarkabla advancement that I had ever. heard of being undertakes. The uaxeatkm or tba detail of the above facta, u. seams id mo, 'ought to appeal to th people of thla state and re mind them that Kebraaka mutt da soinc thtng lik thla. . ' "Wa should hn build an Intsrmedlste penitentiary or Institution that would tak ear of this class of violator of law. ' W could buy a tract of land that would Beet this situation and hn have the young ata who ar unfortunate enough to be incarcerated, learn th art of horticulture, agriculture and of build ing good roads and helping and assisting In taring out parks and be given an p portulty to make the moot of them selves. v . i Remodel old Price. "Soood, having by such method a, made adequate provision for the lesser cri minal, th present penitentiary should be used solely for the tnor hardened and deape rale violator of th law and It ihould bo remodelled la such a war a to make a thorough, trn-to-date institu tion. " To this end the following e hemes should be made: I "First, a eecarata reside nee aad office should be -built for th warden Imme diately north at and facing the main en trance ta the penitentiary. In thl should else he uartered the itaward. Keeoed There should be Installed In th penitentiary aa up-to-date tslcpheje system, all wire being carried under ground, so that th warden's office and tba deputy warden' office could ba put in Immediate connection with all shops, ell souses aad wall guards. -Third Th deputy wardea'i office aheuld be removed from the e ha pel and brought forward tnt tb present warden's quartern. By thai arrangement with reference to th deputy warden office, all convict who have complaint or business with him could bo first admit ted to th turnkey office and then ad mitted to the deputy warden's presence, one man at a lime. Th present location of the deputy warden' office and it construction la uch that any number of convicts can com 1st hi offlc at on and th Sams time. , atarae Cell Hoasra. "Fourth-Cell bouse should be enlarged ta tb end that model- system of classl, ficaUoa'Of different kind of crlmlnala can bo adopted. "Ptfta-Tb present antiquated and un safe door and gat tnm tb cell house and th prises yard ta tba chapel aad to the turnkey' office and ba the out aid corridor should an be removed aad replaced by modern, and up-to-date locks and gate. ' "PUt h Reception rooms should ba Coo. struct ed. a Inmates visit with friends aad relatives, and modeled along modern and up-to-data lines aa shows la English and leading American penal In stitutions to th end that a certain amount at privacy la Insured the visiter. tut at too same time making H lm poaslbia for such visitor ta be rloae enough to hand anything to the prisoner or receive anything from him. In modern English prisons such a room haa aa mtarvening apace, protected by sleet bar of from five to tea feet. Such a ratmt la wholly lacking in th Ne braska penitentiary. Tie! Una Privilege Abased. "I am aallefled front the mveetigetisa that I have mad and from th obaarvn twn and report that I have been re ceiving tor esvoral ssoathe last past that th privilege f VIslUsej at tba Beaitew Uary has baa greatly abused and that trass BOW OB it must be obeefced. Thar ha beea afforded by ,reasoe,.o( these feadeauata tadUtie above mafitlnpad aa- doabtedly opportunities to pass things to prisoners and to receive things from them. "eleventh, the old wooden gate and wood stoekadeei in th east wall at the nertfterttla ry yard where cars, wagons, etc, are brought Into the yard, should be removed. A heavy modern steel gate ebwaM be placed ba th wail. Thla gate should opea into a steel stocksde suffi ciently ta sis to accommodate tb larg est freight car. to the end that the ear could be brought Into tb gate and said gat locked before the Inner gate out of the stockade Is opened to admit the car Into tb yard. EXPORTS TO MEXICO DECLIKE Trade Falling Off materially Due to Disorders in South. Mara Guards. "At thl point there should be a guard house In charga of a guard night and day, with direct telephone commanica- tloa to th warden and the deputy warden, and an up-to-date alarm system attached to the mechanists thereof, so that any tampering of this gate out of hours would Immediately aotify the warden and his deputy. A mere state ment of these facilities Is of itself a powerful description of the fatal weak' nee and absolute lack of facilities to afford th management proper safety to thwart the escape of convicts and th bringing In of dope and other materials. There is much mora that could bo said along this line end many mora details could be enumerated here that cannot be In this srtlcl given out to the press. bltaatloa Well Is Head. "I recognise that the burden placed upon me a the chief executive of the tat of Nebraska at this time la the most Important and tba greatest that any governor haa ever been called upon to fact. Tba situation nt th present la the penitentiary 1 well In hand and everything I being don for th com fort of th prisoners and th management of the situatloa that can be. "Under these condition a now exist ing the warden la celled upon to Inaug urate aa entirely new prison, as It were, with aS Inmates to begin with, some of whom ar tha most desperate criminal to be found anywber in th world. Many of them ar well-disposed men, who are In there aa victim of a act of circum stance who ought to. be In an Inter mediate penitentiary Instead of the place when they are. 'I am going to Install a man as war a who, In my judgment, possesses much executive and admlnlstrattv abil ity, who will, bo firm, yet kind. I will recommend to th management down there to put la a discipline that In some degree will be analagou to th disci pline required of Midlers. Everything will be required to proceed along well- defined line end the line must b ad hered to. 1 will recommend th latest up-to-date and approved system of prison rule and regulation in vogue and force them ai far as they can be with tb -poor faclll- Ilea that w havs her at our prison. . Keeglag Deeperadees Apart. "Tb segregation and classification under the present building and facilities down there I well nigh hnpeeelMe, but thl will be don aa far as it oan be. For instance, it should be possible that such desperadoes aa those who murdered and escaped (houM b kept by themselves and a guard placed over them and they be mads to perform their labor on tasks separately. I do not mean by this that they should be punished er anything of tha Wad. but they should not be allowed to , samsle with other prisoners under laoy olrcu instance. ,.,BUre lelephear AieededV . "On suiter I bsvs- overlooked that I want tomeutloa la that tha guards and the man In charga ef th shops as they sit at their desk should not only bava a phene connecting them with the war den and th deputy warden, but there should be aa alarm that they could touch with ihetr foot that would notify the wsrdea and tha deputy warden that something la wrong, In cess they should not be ahl to phone. Thl Inaugura tion of tha system of alarm hould be provided for In every shop where there I any number fmen at work, under aa overseer. . "la conclusion. Perm ta to say that I have previously expressed my con fidence In the warden and nothing more need be said along that Una, I feel sure that tba axt legislature, when these things are pointed out, will take hold of thla matter vigorously and the result will ba modem Institution for erim Insls, Insane and other ward of th Mat that will rank Nebraska aa high along tneee line as dot br splendid educational system." POLICE BAPPLED BY BOEbMKSTERY (Continued from First Page.) Bound and bit tuieanus and left ban' were terribly lacerated. "It I ene of God' wonder that I was spared, but I feel at ibis moment that I would bar rather opened that package myself than to bar stood by aad per mitted Kgaa to touch It aa be did." An ambulance waa called and aa Kgan was being carried to the vehicle ho aald: "Thl la tough. After I've been work ing tor seventeen years, have opened hun dreds of bomb and Infernal machines, I am caught I knew it was bound to corn to me ta the end." Judge Koaaleky'a apartmcnta bear evi dence of th fore of th bomb. A thick plateglas which ovred tb mahogany library table wa ground a tin a anow. a great dent waa made In tha desk Hself snd the celling directly above wa puna lured with many bole larger thaa a ma' flat. It la believed the explosive used wa nitroglycerin. Judge Rosalsky said ha had no sus uiciott to express as to who had sent the bomb. Asked If ha believed tha Brandt ens bad anything to do with It, be replied: '1 refuse to answer. What do you think?" DROP OF A K1ZXI0I A XOITS Other Ceaatriee Baler lam Trade with Seataera Repablle ausd They Ar Ketielag Decided stamp la Baaiaeea. ' WASHINGTON. March 1 17.-Trade of the United State with Mexico Is show ing th effect of tht disturbed business conditions in that country. This is espe cially true with reference to ejrnorts. which show a much greater decline than imports. Exports to Mexico during the last year show a fall of about 31 per cent when compared with th immediately preceding year, while Imports show also slight decline, but less than that of ex- porta, i no total value of exports to Mexico during the twelve month ending with January. U12, is 152,171.97. against tM.n,T In th corespondlng months of th immediately preceding year, a decline of about Ji:. ,, or an average falling off of a little mor than a million dollars a month during this period. Imports from Mexico during th same period amounted to JW.S7.Slt. against S,UJ9 during th corespondlng period of th preceding year, being less thaa n.000.080 decrease. mill Dollars a Heath. This falling off of II!. O30,0oa u th ex ports to Mexico In th twelve months end' ing with January, Ult, become even mor apparent when contrasted with our trade with other pari of the world. Exports to south America, for example, show an Increase, of S par cent in the seven month ending with January, 1912. when compared with the corresponding months of th preceding year) those to Cub and the other West Indies, a slight increase; while ta Mexico, th export during the seven month ending with January, 1H& decreased nearly a per cant, and during tb year, aa Indicated above, about 90 per cent In every month sine April, 1U. th value of merchandise exported to Mexico ha been less than that of th corresponding month of tha preced ing year, April, 1511, having beea la fact tha only ono of the last twelvs months which did not show a decline In exports to Mexico when compared with the cor month of th preceding yer. Facterlea Keel It, Manufacture form by far th largest part of aur export to Mexico under or dinary conditions. Of the taO,ao,N worth of domestio merchsndls exported to Mexico during th fiscal year 111 manu facture of iron snd steel alone amounted to over tao.O00,a; care, about a,K.m; boots and hoes, and other manufactures of leather, about I5.a,09; cottonseed oil, nearly I. 000,600; lumber, nearly fi.Wo.00v; sdenUflo Instruments, mora than tun.- chemicals, chiefly manufactured, over n.M0,00o; explosives, nearly tl.00u.a; au tomobiles, aver kHO.oN; agricultural Im plements, over tuOO.ow; glass snd glass ware, nearly we,M; manufactures of India rubber, nearly 7Jo.00; furniture, about $768, Out; and a large number of other manufacture In less sums, whll In other article th reports of to baroau of statistics show corn to the value of nearly IMWMlut snd meats about H.m.00. In each cans a material Increase over the preceding year.'', ' Other, aistleas Hit The falling oft la export to iMexlco. a abdvs outlined, I evidently- a 'mere pert of th general reduction in It imports, a reduction In which th United States par ticipate to a somewhat lea degree than do other countries. An examination of th later official publications of tha Mexi can government received at th bureau of statistic shows a falling aft of about ar cant la It Import from th United States and approximately n par cent in Its Import from all other countries dur ing the six month ending with December. 1ML It exports to tho United States In the asm period showed a decline of about S per. cent, while those to other countries showed an increase of about I par cent Th,shar of Mexico' Import which were drawn from the United State In tha six month sndlng with December, nil. was In round terms w per cent and tba share of Its exports to tb United Bute about 77 per cent. In tha fiscal year lsW-M the share of it Imports drawn from the United States waa In round terms H per cent and of It exports sent to th United States 71 per cent. DEATH RECORD Sire. Jab a Itaaerlsoa. HARVARD, Kb.. March IT.-Mra. Rob ertson, wife of John Robertson .and aa early resident of this community, died Friday evening at tba home of her eon- la-law. Judgwstlner t Clay Center, after a tew days illness with a severe cold that terminated In pneumonia. The deceased waa close to H yeara of age and at survived by her husband and ntn children, three of when ar daughters, Mr. Btlner of Clay Center, Mrs. J. H. Webster of Harvard, and Mrs. Prod Kenneth ot Hastings. Three of tho sons reside In Harvard, two la Omaha, and on la Missouri. - ' A Break far Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble mad when a Ko box at Dr. King' New Life Pill Is bought. Why sufterT For sale by Beatoa Drug Co. SeMI's COUGH SYRUP where mothers give this celebrated remedy for oroup, whooping couga, or cold and coughs, H Deedllr cures tha child. Da, Ftni's Coo a Stbcp 1 constantly reltnhia and truly LTOXa. la kiareh rt n.i awioTiou. niii Muuiza. en ting sixteen camp, of th Modm " MORPHINB OR CHUWOTOIMt. Woodmea of America in Clinton county I TBy atue W Brgeest frees e bsd esat er erawk tto, of the agaw. to the Chicago WrrtfSSl assetlng who recently voted to raise the aV C MtVfckdCO BaUSoRB. ma Woodmen of Lyons ..Protest the Raise av -am Greek Author Given Seven Years in Prison MASOX CITY. la.. March 17l- Oeorgis, aa author, today wa sec lanced to. seven years la tha stabs prises far obtaining money under false S He was srnsted la Denver. nn Wares The Orphean nod Shew Bvwry Saw sua, Bsoiy Barb s.-IS. Eight raise Girls; Simon d Beryl: "Honor Among Thieves;" Bay eamuelo: Sckeack Van. Cennlghan-ds Marten; Kremka Brothers Tiima BTlae is, au. aOe. TSe. sfstlass. lOe. beat eases Us, x ospt aad Sunday. , Pbeasa. Bong. 4i lad. A-10S4, N5 333 $300 ba 'Vi, 1MB Join the WiseWomen's lya-WearaNemc) THIS "league" comprises millions of women, all over the world, who have learned by actual experience that Nemo Corsets give them greater comfort, more perfect style and longer wear than any others. v . V Join the league, forget your corset-troubles ZZ A WISE WOMAN 1 Nemos for everybody for all figures. The three models pictured above are typical of Nemo variety, style and economy: SELF-REDUCING FOR THE SLENDER SELF-REDUCING The elaatta saaeerdne heads ataa fine esppert, baalsa all dancers eg t Kldraet vary kmc aUrt, low rtr. With the baarsved Newe Renef seeds, which save elasae eaee sad give grsstw seppertj skirt With the sew -AewMasssao" device, which eeteellr Serves ewer ska fat aad makes sear surs tar tit an em nails smeller. Part act die tee asa far Ma. All etyiaweaderroJeaaifart: SAM. Ak favstHe- N. sLw hot ) evO en Na, Ui-Um keal ) at) aa ha. eaS-Low heal Ne, UfBeaani "tf" wa. 1H StorlBai f , ha. !3-5o rSiiisri i3-oo mtittisr 114.00 NEMOS AtC SOLD M GOOD STORES tN EVUY COUNTRY WHtR CORSETS ARE WOM . KOPS BROS. Mfr Horn Office and American Factory, Now Yrk una Neaw rider, CaaaiUW ,larlir , . Ui) , . . .. sWUeh Nome Rsilsry Siwi.1, Eaeieaa J THE. EQUITABLE LIFE iSSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U. S. 165 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, . The 52nd Annual Report of the Equitable Society, embodying its Financial Statemcnt 2&A full details regarding its progress during the year 1911, will be sent to any address on application. This Statement shows that the interest rate is higher and the expense rate lower than for the previous year. Increases are, shown in Premium Income, Total Income and other important items including the following: 1 or4ie,au AMSTS, Df OKMBIR SI, tail ...... .......... MLKVf PUttO OS) RKSiavO M1t,1tt AND OTMIR LIABILITIES avo,aoa 4S,eBS,aS SURPLUS (INOLUDINQ DI'IRHD-WVIDCND FUND) D,7B7,SS NSW INSURANOK.IS1I HI,Oai,IN OUTSTANDINO INwURANOI DCOSMSIR ai, 1 SI I .... 1 ,S7d,441 ydwO PAID TO POLICYMOLDSRS IN IS1 1 54,821 ,901 NtrVhOS (OR tMVIMNOa) TO aOLlCYHOLDINS 1tl 12,867,227 raereaaeai $ft,700rM1 10,03,M1 LMavsae a,7t,i7a S,3S2,7a i0ft8,7M 1.7.2,070 Of the Society's domestic Death Claims paid during the year nearly 99 were paid within 24 hours after receipt of complete "proofs of death." Its policies are simple, direct, and liberal, and are issued in great variety, for the protection of individuals, families, partners, corporations, and the employed of business organizations. Par ticulars will be sent on request H. L. NZELY & CO, Managers, Merchants National Bank Bldg., 13th and Farn&m Sta, Omaha, Neb. Everybody reads Bee want ads