1 10 THE BEE: OMAHA." .MONDAY. MARCH IS.' 1912 Bouncing 'Em Off tb.3 A ligators (Copyright, Bit "Natl. Newg Association) If Drawn for The Bee . by Hal Coffmapt f -,- : ftouT shooli, look-. , - .WAV j- '- t.p?K .H ' : : r" rr : H.. If .vvr-i , CHAMP FIYEjEATS PACKERS if fyVf 'lx Lonu Omiha High School Wiai from Sontit ji, VA . A CviVl. f" i II I MUCH SOUGH FLAT ON FLOOR I V;,'T- J I 7" - . w . nrJnX - ,-rr- ImI Basket Ball r-llagers Agala Urff JsVeU ,'"' I '5 i, f"' Vi OMAHA BOWLERS GET MARKS Jipptn and Beye of St Clamber Into Leal JUST A2T0 1ICHA2D COME BUT wium aa sallaadee at Chirac . Farce Oat af Flml Paaltlaa la Doable After Heldlag - . riaea Twelve Days. I TOICA. - Mai-eh 1 17,-ISpeelel Trle- prawr-U M. OJerde M IIm Omaha howlers who rolled In the singles of the eir1csn Bowling Coagrcai tourney yea eraajr with a count of M. Ht roHca l(h. aut a break or error la hl flret two lamea which netted t ana W. 8pllti In hia Oral and third rramee. rherry pKk in th Of hlh and apllt In th ninth frame al hla Onal gam Hopped htm at ' 171. T., Noalo waa aecond high of th Ne tiaakaa. counting M, thro errora In th bat four frame of hla aorond gam fcuruag hla chance. f a hlghtr nark. - af. Huntington epened, with Ml and fol lowed wlta.M, hut at ruck, th toboggan la hta final sr In whkh be had three aegragated , itrlkaa, two errora and a wilt. He opened bl aecond gam with fha gtrikoa.1 . . . . . Albert Krug and Phil Walnea.of th Luxoa team were th leading Omaha pair la UN double, oountlng I.U1. Kng at ruck nalr once In hi flrit game and Waient awt at all. geUIng aim aparea, with a apllt la th third frame. Krug opened Ma aecond with twe atrlke. then blew, hot fecovared with five link, a apart kbd a atrlke, getting J." 'Walana draw a apllt to a tart hla aaoond amme, thea at ruck and after that had eight pain la a row. The men were un able ta bunch their atrlke la the final gam and landed M plna. ' - 1 After leading th double of th Altierl taa Bowling eongraa tournamant for titlT day, with a aeor of JOk Hum aod aLUandt of Chicago were foroed out t th poattlon today, -Henry Blppen and Foreal By of Ht. 1k)uI thot Into th lead with a aeon of 3'Se-ten plna ahy of th mark which on first nrla at th St. Loul tourna ment a or ear ago. It waa their aenaatlonal giolah that enabled the Moand City play. ra to take the lead. Starting th aartea with tit they dropped to aU In th a. ind gam, hut wound up with 4TS In the tjiird. , Hbortly befor Blppen and Bay fia aahed. T. C Hart and O. Richard of Vouth 'Bend, Ind., regtitered a aoore of I.: whloh gav them third poaltloa. Although attaokad by m playera. Larry Cut ton' a acora of,m In the) alnglea waa ret la danger today. 1L Bchonald of Am- brldge.. Pa., waa high with C4 and went tole tenth ptaoa. ... - . - lollowlng an th' acore atad by jmaha bowlera and th leading (con wf all team for the day: a la glaale. , m . IM , W4 , . 1M L. M. OJerd f ele " ... -M. Huntington ... J Biakeney v. Baiaer... M. H. Mtuna 41. t'ochiain . F. Weber ..... T. v.. Chrletenaaa l B. W. Fritcher m Merge a. .Kennedy.... 14 K. Uenraeo ...let; A. J. Koch 1 f. Haaera ll eerge T. Zimmerman 17 P- A. Andeburg lxi run wlna ,.! A, tin .-! 1M M IM m l 1 ni If! ' HJ ia t;i IIS 1J4 17 r i;i l tt-M M7-MI Local Mew la Deable. tlt-U4 m-im NI-UI lat-Ul m-ni irt-eil 1I4-45J l-i 14a-ou lat-ta I. Cover, o'ff I !7 The ACW '. FCNCE BSKEiC 1.4 m vn ie tm )ki tea 11 m m m it 14 If Ml 114 let 17 171 11 let ll Albert Krug rhll Weleira y, c. Chrtoteneen aieorce T. Zimmerman II. W. rrtteher r. m T. Nel . K. Denman... II. H. man .......... U M. Cochran ...... i. M. GJerde Hllllam F. Weber..., rtley Jtuntlnarten V. B. McCabe .W. B. Ana-eiaberg... U Hi Hanuaend '. Hansen ............ i J. eieinaer itlakeney .'. tieorg aV Kenaedy. A. i. Koch Twe-alee reaae H. BKtea -. Bye. St. Leula McKenna .. McCurdr. Madlaoav WIa.-. A. Remmel H. O Brtea, Watertowa, Wla.. A Krua P. Waeena, Omaha.. .... Stout Thlemr. Peorta. lll.... K. "hrtMenoa ' '.. JUmmetoaaa, Omaha , J. K Jth 1 U. Neuman, tuwauaee Fhtecher... a ...... Lpineki. Omaha .J. rinr X. Wale. BC Urai..., ...... Jjenean: Omaha. -L o Brim : J Brford, St. Loeia -.. uma.;.... i. Cucuiaa. Omaha adlvMaata. M. licheficld. Aahbrldce, Pa. y. Watte. LoutevUle . '"Mt'abe. Pltteburg Tt. U-rt. Janeretown. . T... Ueroe. Oiuaha .... JL iui. St. Paul ..... i. amieT. -rtwith Bend T. KK, Omaha. , . Crune. c Louis. ....... ri. No. Pi. Louis I.ubtwr, Ltril!e V... Ji. utir r-l. St. Paul . 4. titte-t: imth Beetd. -.. nttaMmB. n'lit(. Peoria .J). It'tmiafi.en, Omaha MilHuee. At-LJsa Mei' ynm . ..... . ih (ei- ,-a W Rapids eske M. Injia ro rui isi 7 17-1,U1 Ha-I.MI m IW-1.M IK 177 LM SJ lie-tm IM lS LOT XS4 11 K4 1S7-1.W la 3n 14 174 M M-l.MI ) Ml 14- 17 M7 1W-LI9 14 1(4 i: Mt m us i.ia it it lti m in m St i .mi . 4e-l, . sea -. b-!.ia . U4 . t7-i,h . eK . m-un . i7-l.U . -LM eat . V-1,0M . M . e,a . .Sfl-1. . S73 .. fc-i.ei .. MI-MH .. ite-i.an !4 ......... 431 at M HO iKI h ! S4 1 77 n r4 571 $71 ......... J71 573 m oei Lease UtaadlaB. P. W Pirate . ......... ........I .! Omaha High achool II Orelghton It 8iut.i Omaha High school 11 Hellevue II 1'nlverelty of Omaha II Tramp 14 Council Blutfa ,"Y" 11 The Omaha-High' achool floor quintet showed Its class a a state champion bas ket ball team by .trouncing th Magic City High achool five In a. hard-fought contest marred by much rough play, 31 to 17, at the local "X" association gym nsslum laat evening before th largest crowd of th season. . . . , Omaha woa because of superior team work and a handy knack of. locating th basket hoop, coupled with soma fast work on ths part of lll Burkenroad, th premier floor guard of the state, At tlm was th parpl and. whit In danger, although the Packers kept th crowd In an. uproar by, some fsst work near th close of th final period, , Mark Heeah Work. Rough play - featured throughout; a total of five class B fouls being called during she two- halves Johnny Collins, th iouOito ij'a sturdy little left for ward,, had two of these fouls called on him, which according to th rules barred him from further participation In the sport, but after a Woueultatlon on th part of th officials It was decided to let him remain In th lineup. Lealle Burkenroad, left, guard, alarred as usual for the Capitol b".l five, rolling up a total of n points for hts teem. James Gardner, right guard, also pat up a stellar fight, and his efforts kept many of th Ferkera from sheotiog baskts at ooportun times. Shirley Mensfs, right forward, loomed np strong for. the South Omaha bunch, placing th leaUisr wind bag through th net . several, times la th second period. Cottlna played a consistent game, but lilt rough play, marred him aa th real de pendence of his team, mates, , Th crowd was rather dlssatlsfisd with the. work of the officials on account of th .constant willingness . of th rater and ampin to Interpret foul play. Baskst ball Is a game ot brawn aa. well as brain and geatlemanly play,. and whea two .players an striving to gala pos seseeon of the leather sphere, one is not nahl to allow the other . to secure It without ome effort. Refer Curtis cov ered th floor to . best - advantage, . al though ths Packer contingent was con tinually 'trying -to Interpret- lb rule niter their wa fashion. Hooters tram both schools made their presence loudly known wltk their lung power and' a supply f novel yells and cheers. Th balcony and gymnasium floor were crowded to their full capacity and many present wen forced to remain standing during both periods of . th gam. A large delegation of ; femlaln rooters from th Omaha achool ' were present with aa array of penaanta that lent a tinge of color to the seen. By winning last night's contest, Omaha lump Into second place in th Trl-Clty league. , tying the Crelghto university la da with tan games woa this season out of thirteen played. The purple and whit flv will close Its season next Hatarday evening with a second gam with the Magic city., squad. The lineup: OMAHA HIGH." I 8. JO. HIOH. Hushes ........ ..R.r.lRF Menefee Ciecr (C) ..UF.,L.F. Collins ic Reotor C.jC Lymes Burkenroad ....1U UU Nixon Uardnrr ...... ..R.P.1R.O Kit Is ' Mcor by halves: Omaha High, first half. IS: second half. 1; total. M. South Omaha High., first half, 11; second half. 14. total, Kubstltuts: Meyer for Hughee at right forward. Field goels Crorker n. Hughes 111. Meyer. Rector (II. Burkenroad (1). Collins !. Msnefee 47), l.mau. Free throwe: Burkenroad (111. Collins O. Point awarded: Omaha HHth. Clesk B fouls: Collins (1). Nixon Hughes. Burkenroad. Referee: Homer Curtis. I'mplre: Ous Miller. Scorer: R. U Wslksr. Time of halves: Twenty minutes. ,.,-we-. MASSACHUSETTS TO COMPETE WITH IOWA FOR RIFLE TITLE WASHINGTON. March K.-Ma chusetts Agricultural college team won the Kastern . Intercollegiate Rifle Shoot, big league championship this weak by fee ting . Princeton. Massachusetts woa eleven straight victories. Princeton aad North Georgia university tied for second place with alas win aad tw defeats each. .,; ' . - Th aboot-off for the - Intercollegiate championship of the United States. tweea Masaehusstta Agricultural . coilee-e, the Eastern league winners, and V'nl varsity of Iowa, ' th Westers leegus champfens, win take plac March a.. Re sults ' this week wen: ; Iowa City High school . and . Deerlng High school. 1 Portland. Me- rifle te by winning their matches this wees', cow ttaued ' their tie tor first plc' In th later-City' High School Rifle Snooting league, each having twelve wins and one defeat . " ' Deerlng. Portland. Me., defeated Manual, Philadelphia. Kt to SB. Iowa City de feeud Central, Washington, M to (by deUult . Split in Big Eight , ' Conference' Certain 1 - . CHICAGO, March 17.-Warring faction of the "Big Eight "l colleges' may form two, temporary conferences of four mem bers each when the ' representatives of th Institutions meet' here next Tuesday and Wednesday. It eas ssld by western university leaden today. The brsak. over summer base ball' already has com. and It It thought that after 'discussing; ths situation aa a whole, the . conferees will part If for no other reason than to tak up the bass hall situation. All of ths eight schools will b. repre sented by their presidents. It was an nounced by President A. W. Harris of Northwestern unlvsnity today. Th meet. Ing between tb presidents aad the dif ferent representatives of th auhkttle hoards for final action will not taks place until iai Wednesday, it la thought. , Reports tram the. most .radical .ef ths Institutions msks It appear that th con fnne cannot survive. Minneapolis, lll. ' nols, Indiana and Iowa an expected to organise a body undsr th compromise provisions of th new "Big Eight" sll- glbllUV, cods. Chicago, Purdue. North- western and Wisconsin will stand for strict amateurism ( In . athletics, . It . said. MAJOR LEAGUE PRACTICE GAMES Blgf Teams Wla as They Please Over Smaller rethrew. HOUSTON, Tex., March 17. Th Hous ton Tsxaa league team was defeated by th New York Nationals today, 1 to 4. Mara.ua.rd. Ames and Tebeau pitched for New York. . AUSTIN. Tex., March 1 17.-The first team of th Philadelphia American league. with Coomb and Dsnfortu pitching, won a they pleased over th . Austin, Tex., league playera today, 1! to S. GALVESTON. Tex., March . 17,-TUs 'regular" division of the New Tork Na tionals pounded the Gslveston, ' .Tex., league pltchen for. nineteen hits today and won. It to I. Myera and Paulrtts msde home runs. HOT SPRINGS, Ark ,, March IJ.-Th Philadelphia team. of the National league won from Boston of th American league, 11 to X. today In th first nt a serin of exhibition games to be played here. Hunt and Brennan pitched for .Philadelphia and allowed only five hits, while Leonard and Anderson for Boston were hit freely. SAM ANTONIO, Tex., March 17.-Man- ager Mark loaned Pitchers Glpe, Bender and Kouck to the San Antoal Texas teaguen today and used Pitchers Bon ner. McCleary and Salmon for the Phil adelphia A merles ns. , Th result wss a defeat for ths major leeguers. U to 1 DALLAS, Tex., March 17.-Th Chicago American's second trsm won from th Dallas Texaa league team today, t to 1 WORT WORTH. Tex.. March 17.-TH pitching of Delhi aad Roggs for the first team of the Chicago Americans and the a of the local playera explains th defeat of th .Fort -Worth -Texas leagu wan looar, is to t. . Noted Golf ers Enter ; ; North and South Meet iPINEHLRST. N. C, March 17.-Entiias for the annual , united ' .north and eouth amateur: golf champtonahlp.. Including! men's and women's open .and- amateur and prcgessional events scheduled ( from' March ' to April 4V Inclusive, announced I today, pixtmlse a fast and representative field. ' . ' For the ; women's event, .which starts! March J5, the entries Include Dorothy Campbell. ' tltleholder and twice winner thrice winner .of the Canadian champion ship and former American champion; Miss Louise ' Elktns ; of Pittsburgh, ths present tltleholder: Miss Mary Fownes, winner. la W. aad Mis Myra B. Hemer, Midlothian junior champion. ' For th men s event, which starts April - the-entries Include Charles Evamvth tltleholder, former western open cham pion and the present French champion; Walter. J. .Travis, thrtc American cham-' pi on, former British champion and twin winner : of the united north and south championship; ' Allsn Lard of Chevy Chass, twice untied tournament winner; James D. Standwh of Detroit, wlnnsr In 1909; William C. Fownes. Jr., of Oakmont. UM national champion: Dr. C. H. Gardner of Acawam, thwRhed Island champion;. Parker 8. Whtttemon of Brookllne, th Massachusetts champion, and Irving B. Robeson of Rochester, whose sensational defeat of Mr. Travla was ths featun-of the recent spring tournsment. ' Cfeightpn'Atliletes ' V i Ee'ceive Sweaters . '.'.'..: j .The . eighu members: of ths Crelghton basket bell team have received their var Sl(y Paakst .ball sweaters sndtlettera In appreclatfon' of tbelr'. work during ths season which I almost concluded The -"learn' has one mora gains In ths trl-clty league, with 'th - Council Bluffs Toung Men's Christian association next. Tuesday svenlng, snd 'IWo'mors' gamea out of town. . one ' with . ths Fremont , Business collegs and "one with the Lincoln Young Men's Christian. assosUtlon. The eight of the British championship title sndf men who received th sweaten snd let ters an: Captain Prucha, .Belderson, Hhlmerda, Bliss, Haller, Festner. HoH msn artd 'Coach ' Delfs. Prucha and Delta l received whits, sweaters with a light blue C. while the remaining players wera' presented with dark -blue-sweaters with a wnlta C. If Crelghton wins from C.OMncllBlutts she wlU'.hold .undisputed possession of second plan, and Crelgh ton students an well pleased with th showing of their, first ysar team. RIYERSCKSODT WHITE Mexican Joe Girts the Chicago Boy Severe Beating.- a LTTD COMES UT TWELFTH BOUND La Aaaelee Paaillst Shows Marked laperlarlly Over'Oppwaeal at All Tlsses, laeladla Mech Better - reach. SOUTH OMAHA ALUMNI BEAT OMAHA GRADUATES la a good etd-tuhloned exhibition of the floor sport th South Omaha High school alumni quintet trimmed the Omaha High graduates la a rough and hard-fought gam t th local "Y gymnasium last evening by th score of U to L Ths lineup: SOCTH OMAHA. I OMAHA. nick man R.F.;R.F Nasi uranam ir. ur...lMdds, Kavan Stryksr ClC Carson Conn L.a.L.G...Patton. Harris Shields RO.jR-O Raumann FIM goals: Ksgle. Carson. Grahsm til, rxekmao. Coha. Shields. Free throws: Dodda. Baumann SV Cohn .. Point awarded: Omaha. 1. Referee: Uus Miller. Brorer: r. L- weiaer. Time of halves. aunutea. REOFIELD SECURES TROPHY - IN CONTEST JH DAKOTA HURON", a D- March 17.-8peclI Tel egram. Eight teams competed tor the silver trophy In th state -high school basket ball tournament that closed Ben tonight. Th teams wera from Lake Preston. Madison. . Salem, i Centsrvtlls, RedfteM. Miller. Arlington and Pierre. Red field won the trophy In a contest with Lake Presto), score a to S. . Key. ta ti Situation-Be AdvtrtUiog. Creighton' Seniors ; . Defeat Omaha Um The Creighton sen ton won their sec ond, victory; ove- the Omaha I'ntvenity reserv flv at th' university gymnasium Saturday .evening by the score of 4 to 11. Th game was bard fought through out, but the Sentore eould not be over taken after they had taken the lead. Festner and Russum did most of ths scoring fur the Seniors, while P, Slreh- low starred for , ths university. Ths lineup: . 8EXIOR3.' I RESF.RVED. Russum R.FjRF.... Rfifrehlow Torrey -L-F.IL.F..... , P. Strehlow Feetner X".C.... Solomon Miller RG.IR.G Jorgenson O'Connor Lil:UO Perclvst Uoals from field : Torrey Si, Russum 7, Festner . O Tori nor (1). p. Btreh- Jow tl. Solomon (I. Perelval ta. Ooals from free throws: Torrey (41. P. Streh low l. Rereree Psyxslny of Omaha university. Timekeeper: Moore of Te ksmah High school. Scorer: Qulnn of Crelghton. Length . of halves: Fifteen minutes. , Western' Nebraska. to Have Base Ball NORTH PLATTE. - Neb.. March 17.- Special.! Plans are Bearing completion for the .forming of a Central - Nebraska s . Ball leegus to Include Lexington, Gothenburg. Coaad, Juleshurg, OgaluUa and North Platte. It I th tntenUon'te play a short schedule aad glv th people of - this section soma very . good - semi- professional ball. ' " It Is the Intention af the league to use only local playsra. North Platte , I twenty ball ' men getting ready for. the season's work. ' Other towns ban already signified their wtlllngaeas to get Into the league and a meeting will be called at North Pk-tte In the near futtfn to' for mally launch th enterprise. DELTA UPSILON QUINTET DEFEATS DANA COLLEGE i i i "-"- . The Delta UpsHon fraternity basket ball team of th Nebraska University I woa a fast gams from Dana College at Blair Friday afternoon. to ML Tne.Deite Vnslloa teas consisted of R HaskeU.' varsity.-, ltr L. Owesv varsity. ,11; A. Schmidt, varsity, f; Sam Waugh.; 8. Bates, D. Russell snd J. -Pod ma a West by be seidlvrs. . , ' CRAWFORD, Neb.. ' March IT 8pe- rlal k The orficera of the Twelfth cav alry. Fort Robtason, Issued a chaileiise for a bowline contest between the. city of Crawford aod the fort.. Mayor Porter with hla party ofNbowlero went to tne con last wvamns- ana was auaaxruusu iuscatod aW UscateawsnKiaw Rangers to Church and'Then Toss Ball , JOPUN, Mo., March 17.-8pecil ( Tele gram.) St. Patrffk's .day wan properly observed by the Rangers. In the morn ing, the boys went to church and In th afternoon 'took a long walk with Arbo- gssf' Then'was light batting practice la th afternoon snd th boys tossed th ball about a W. : No attempt was mad to get. bate i tm Ball Player Stahbed; .May Die or Wounds CINCINNATI, a, March 17.-Robert Spade, former, pitcher for the Cincinnati National, league atid the Atlanta South ern league teams, wss stshbed snd prob ably fatally wounded hen tonight. Dan- lei Even Is under' srre.-t charged with disorderly conduct. in connection with th cutting. St. ! Wins liaaie. 8T. PALL.. .Neb.. March lT.-.fo-clal.)- In a faat came of banket ball the local college tesvm defeated Grand Irlsnd High school team by a rcoie.-of It to II. Th game throughout waa xery close, the first hslf .'ending II to 7 In favor of the bom, teem. The local lads wen more successful In avxd shooting than ths vtMtnrs. This 'was the second time the college tesm met spd defeated Orand Island Higli. About a week ago -hey de feated them by . a' score of a to U. on Grand islsnd s floor. Frulsy s ended -tus sesson for the local team. 4 Plaebarwt Tewals Resalta, PINKHVRJiT. N: C. March 17.-In to day's final .round of the annual-country Hub tennis championship Hammett Mor ton of Nutley, N. J., defeated Charles H. Banes of Overbreok. Miss Hsrgsret Blanche of Netherwood won ths -women's singles from Miss Helen Bamett of New Haven. . ... MeVey Oaiawlata Barry. . ' RVDNKr-N. R W.. March VT.-Samuel McVey. the California puglllat and heavy weight champion of Auatmlla. easily de rested James Barry, tb Chkagn heavy weight. In a twenty-round cor tee hen today. McVey.gut the decision oa Points. Jea'rauUasts Take Raee. PAP-m. March W.-Kugene s Fbw-hofs Journal I ale today .won the Prix-Amadou, two miles one and one-half furlongs, at the Auteutl track. The stake waa valued at tl.es). . PRESIDENT OF GUATEMALA ' GIVES A DINNER FOR KNOX GUATEMALA CITY,- March 1?. The afTiciaJ. fuactioa la Qualaraals aty la oonnectlen with the visit. of ascrstary of State , Knox ware concluded .tonight with the . prestdeiu'a dinner at Ue gov ernment palars. President, Cabrera gave a toast to- Pnstdent Tart and the Amer tcaa psopie. He ax pressed In fuutertas terms bis ' sppreciatioe fot President Taft's , sending Secretary , Knox to Guatsmala'aad hoped for a coannuatlca of mutual prosperity aad peace - f Tonight Colotiei Rooseveit said that his only gueat were "fire naturalists." LOS ANGELES, Cel.. March lT.VMex lean" Joe Rivers, the Los Angeles light weight, was an easy victor this after noon over Jack Whits of Chicago In the. Vernon arena, stopping the Chlcsgoan In th twelfth round of a scheduled twenty- round bout.' Only Ad Wolgast now stands between - Rivers ana Me lightweight championship, snd th two probably will be matched to fight here on July 4. - Whit never had a chance against th local boy,, who showed marked superiority over th Chlcagoan in every department of ' th gam. White's much-vaunted cleverness was nowhere In evidence and his blow wen entirely lacking In fores, In th entin twelvs rounds White hardly snc reached Rivera with a clean, telling blow, and all of the time h was receiv ing terrific punishment. Tim after time White was knocked down by. lefts to th jaw or right crosses to th same place. Threw times h took the count of nine, and half a dossn times ths bell found him In such distress that ths snd seemed imminent. Although un able to msks anything except a pretense t fighting back, the Chicago boy wss sameness personified and probably would have com up willingly la tb thirteenth round bad not Referee Char lea Eyton stopped the fight In th twelfth, with Whit lying oa his back In tb center of th ring, struggling to rise. - Rivera alerts Karly. After an uneventful first round. In which White did the leading, the Mexican started business. Toward tb elos of the second round, a left hook to the Jaw sent Whit to th mat for a count of nine, Whit took th count again In tb third round, whan he went down befor a hard left uppereut to the Jaw. At th does of the fourth round Rivera hooked rights and lefts to ths Jaw and had Whit ovsr th rope when the bell rang. Ths Mexican failed to, hear the bell and al most put tb Chlcsgo lad down after It had rung, for which the Mexican was hissed. Th fifth round was slow and uneventful. Rivers feinted White out In the sixth and slammed Into him with rights and lefts to tb face, Th CM- cagoan was groggy when th bet sounded. He cam up stronger In tht seventh and tried to force th fighting, but his flash was short-lived. Hard lefts to the face drew th M004 freely from White's nose and mouth Is th eighth and at th gong WMta wa wobbling from a hard right to th heart, Punishment of the Chlcagoan continued 1 th ninth. White being unable to get -aw a J from the Mexlcan'a blows. He waa sen) down again In the tenth, but was up agat to be brushed about th ring with ths Mexican working rights and lefts to tht face. In the eleventh a right to th taw lifted Whit off his feet and dropped him on his face. He cam tip with the count of nine, and another right to th Jaw Just before th gong rang sent hint dowg sgain. Whit tried desperately In tht twelfth to Isnd. but the Mexican laughed at his futile efforts and dropped him with a right cross to ths Jaw. Then tht. referee stopped th fight. When th fight - started Rivera proh, ably was flv pounds heavier than White, Ha weighed In at M O'clock, acaling 128. th required weight, while White welgheij IS. - . I x' Stiff Neck For any ttiffoesg of lameness Sloan'a liniment' give relief at once.- It acts like massage quickens theV blood and Umbers up lame muscles and joints. SLOANS LINIMENT is good for any kind of pain. lkUsaeverepalabecwaessiyekosl ders. ssd sotleiag your sdvartisawsot in the street eart I got s bottle which sulckhf rsllavsd ava." R. D. BoaaorxB, Mays vills, Kastacky. Atalewkae. tuat Me.. Me. a d-st ' Dr. Kri S. Som - Bcatoti, Mas. Move before the moving season You will have a much better se lection of offices how than if you wait until the 1st of April or the 1st of Mav. When choos ing, select a building, the pol icy and organi-t zation of which have been tried and never found wanting. It takes years to develop ' service' and a seasoned organization in an office building. A build ing wliick is kept iu constant repair never grows old. Select a building, th location of which la known not only to ovcryono bar, bat to varyona who has aver been in Omaha. The best "service," the building that Is kept In the best repair, and the best known office building in Omaha is - ' , ' THE BEE BUILDING There are only eight offices vacant today, . but among them are some very choice ones: ail Tlsi siillim Room, privets office, tw larw cloasts, large sorsreocw pub i m " . - - - sternal pee .... ati pa i t,' Tr ' i ' h -H n architect - auenth.. aooser r otber profiaalnil Reess aa Tht I i llgab fees Lai. i long narrow ream, 19x11 H. baring a north par auath - tXIM ' Swriswa Lacerwtlwa and wounds are healed without' sVngr of blood poisoning by Bucklea's Arnica SxtTe, the beal'lag Wonder. Only Sc. fur sale by-Beatua Uru, Co, - " ( t p.. i . ' , r .... ... . . . li-sxlt la aixe. located an the court, eloss ta awe llgat, thws basing astellant natural light Tb suae eould be divided so as le make tw vary leasee at room Price, , par stteutn .. ........ ....aauo BaosB HQ Office m th northwest corner, eavta- tmsr lares wrn- A ravprsn vault awe we ww"" oa vwvaoe sail SI s oroed in tula room. There is a fa much In gemsnd and la effort .total C II euer feat ef floor spec and some would be ejuippei with partuiui t satiety gove uoant, Th rental ' prk U par neeth - . wstVda Thf Bee Building Co. Bee Business Oflice 17th and Farnam Sta I 1