Looking Backward I . aa a) f nu way in umana stoty Twenty Ta T - so ZStsorlal Page eg 13 The Omaha. Daily Bee UTATHER FORECAST. Pair; Wanner VOL. XLI NO. 233. - N OMAHA, mSJiESIJXQ,1 MAEQI 18, 1912-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ) PLANS MADE FOR ALASKAN ROAD Taft ' Approve! Project to Use Panama Canal Equipment for. Purpose. paoposmoH made by fishes Secretary of Interior Advances it After Alaskan Trip. IKGINLEES REGARD IT FEASIBLE Outline of Scheme Will at Once Be Perfected by Army lien. . FEDERAL ROUTE FISHERY IDEA Secretary Flada from (eafereeres with Army Kmiitrn Method i Practical Aathortty ta Be Asked of Coegrees. WASHINGTON. March 17.-Secretxy Walter L. Fisher of the Interior depart ment today conferred with Prestdsnt Tift about his plan for utilisation. In the con tructton of a government railroad In Alaska, of equipment and force soon to be released from work on the Panama canal. The secretary conceived )he plan. tide In Alaska last summer and Fresl , dent Taft approved It Mr. Fisher returned to Washington yes terday from an extended examination of the equipment now In usa on the canal and brought with hlra a complete list of the machinery and rolling stock believed to be available, together with the prob able date on which It could be released. He also talked with army engineer who soon twill be ready for other assignment and found them eager to undertake rail road building In Alaska. Will rwrsaalat Maae. General W. U Marshall, the engineering adviser, of Secretary Fisher, wiU begin at once the outline of a scheme designed to show congress the feaslblHry of the transfer ot men and material by water from Panama to Alaska. Jt will contain an estimate of the value of the roa now building from Seward, Alaska, to the .Malanuska coal fields, which probably will be taken over by the government, if the proposition originated by Mr.- Flatter . is adopted. ' ! The best harbor on the Alaskan coast found by Mr. Fisher Is on Resurrection bsy and the best townslte la Sewsrd. The secretary thinks therefore, that It .would be advisable to take over the prop erty now under construction apd extend I It to tbo Interior and on to Falrbanka tie has no doubt of the commercial suc cess of such a venture, as the United States navy would bo ebia .o get. at a cost far less than Is now paid, coal for sll war vessels Jn the Paclfio coast A - test ot the Matanuska coal has been msde by the navy and officers have recom- mM.il.tfl that n.rl f th. fir. 11 K. u aside and coal mined under direction of the' government 1 - v Mrk Fisher it innwads that eongnas enact a law authorising the president to proceed with the construction ,of an Alasksa rail read. Just as the oanal baa been built. Ho thinks that by carrying out such a plan a solution wiU bo found of the problem ot Alaskan development Wife of Lorillard , ' ' Hangs Herself with . Strap in Bathroom NEWTORK. March n.-Mrs. Kath leen Leslie Doyle UMllland, wife of Beek. man Lorillard of Ashevllle. N. C, com mitted suicide today by hanging herself la the bathroom of the apartments she and her husband had occupied at the Holland bouse for the laat four or five days. Her husband, a descendant of Peter LorUlard. who amassed a fortune as a tobacco manufacturer, discovered the body. She bad fastened a trunk strap to a pipe nesr the ceiling, buckled the strap around her neck and then Jumped from the edge of the bath tub. Mr. Lorillard told the coroner his wife bad been suffering from nervous trouble for some time. Rear Admiral Melville Dead PHILADELPHIA, March 17,-Rear Admiral George Wallace Melville, United States navy, retired, died at his homo here today from paralysis. He Waa national commander of the Loyal Legion at the time ot his death and was a noted authority on Arctic explorations as well as engineering and naval affairs. - Resr Admiral Melville, who was placed on the retired list January M, 1901, was 72 years old. For sixteen years ha was chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering In the Navy department Ha was ap pointed as assistant engineer In the navy In 1WL and waa a member of both the Jeannette and the Greeley , relict ex peditions to the Arctic circle. Among thd colleges which conferred honorary degree upon him In recognition ot his scientific work were the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown and Stevens' Institute. ' He was a past president of both the American Academy of Mechanical En gineers and the American Society of Naval Engineers. At the time of his death be waa president of the Friendly Sons of St Patrick. Interment will be made In Laurel H1U cemetery, this dty, on Wednesday. Ca-Operatlva Bakery ta Ope. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March K.-The first co-operative business enterprise ever 'undertaken by organised labor In Minne apolis for organised labor Is Is be started tomorrow.' It Is a bakery incorporated for ISOOU) and stock is held only by mem bers of organised labor. A number ot local unions have subscribed sloe- from their treasuries. It Is said. The Weather Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: FOR NEBRASKA Fair; . wsrmer In a est portion. FOR IOWA Fair; not much change !n temperature. Tempera tar at Ossahs Yesterday. Hour. Deg. "A i 1.11 .1 a. m MO ! It:: 2 a. m P Is a. m Ve 11 a. m....T, S J P 11 a. m ... 94 r 1 p. m... K H It :.:: S lw. 1 1 mil""!!."!!!! Coasparattv Loear Record. ii iii. iie. an Highest yesterday 41 t 7! J Lowest yesterday 23 2 3 1 Mean temperature, IJ a 51 9 Precipitation i. - - - Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 37 Uefldeory for the say Total deficiency atnee March L IK Normal precipitation Inch iMCdency for the day 4 Inch Total rainfall atnee March 1 1.71 laches Excess since March 1- I N inches Deficiency for cor. period, W!l. .M inch Deficiency tor car. period. 1M. M inch . L. A. WELSH. Laos Forecaster. ( Nebraska Towns - Nominate Tickets WAYNE. Neb., Msrch i:.(Special.) There was a large attendance at the citi zens' caucus held at the courthouse last night John IL Katse was re-nominated for mayor by acclamation, J. M. Cherry received a majority vote tor city clerk. H. S. IUnglove was - nominated for city treasurer, as also were H. C. Henney and J. H. Brittel for members of the school board. In the first ward Jobn Musted was nominated tor councilman, George Lambert son In the second and John Lar son In the third. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. March 17. (Special.) At a caucus of the voters ot the village of Table Rock, held at the opera house last evening, two tickets were placed In nomination for members ot the village board ss follows: For two years. C L. Wernpts, W. E. Craig, O. W. Gritting and F. 11. Colwell. For ticket No, I: It. Freeman and C. H. Carmlchael. For on year to fill va cancy: F. W. Ault and Peter Stevens. At the election the electors will vote direct en the question of granting a pool ball license and a saloon license. FAIRFIELD. Neb., March 17.-l8peclal.) At the cltltens' caucus held last even ing the following nominations were made: Mayor, D. B. Potter: aldermen, east ward. A. Kuntselmsn: west ward, A. E. Hock man; city clerk, T. P. Shlvely; treasurer, A. D. Baum. S POLICE BMai) BIBOMBmERY Explosion in Home of Judge Roial iky Similar to One that Killed Helen Taylor. INFERNAL MACHINES ARE ALIKE Dirt Clogging' Mechanism Saved the Intended Victim. INSANE HAN PENETRATES GUARD Creates Sensation When He Insista on Seeing Judge. THREATENING LETTERS SENT Police Inspectors Baelly Engaged In Searching; tor Postman Wks De livered Parkas Inspector Presiding Elders Given Assignments KEARNEY, Ntb.. March 17.-8peclal.) -Rev. M. T. Maae, presiding elder of the Kearney district of the United Evangeli cal church, waa yesterday elected to the Lincoln district with residence In Lin coln. Rev. J. H. Williams of the Lincoln district will move her and WIU have charge of th Kearney district. Ordination sermon, and servlee, with Bishop V. F. Bwlngel, wiU be held Sun day afternoon. The assignment ot pas tors will be made Mondsj. " " Tn the lotto declamatory contest eleven high school students took part Oe Witt Foster won first place: Miss Stella Csp lan, second; Miss Jennie Saunders, third, and Miss Bessie Burnell, fourth. Th winner of first plsce goes to Au rora to represent the Kearney High school March In the central Nebraska declamatory contest, while the girls get ting th highest points In each of th other classes of productions will go to Hhellon March 73, where thjr represent the school In th Buffalo County Declam atory association meet. Knights of Columbus Hold Big Initiation COLUMBUS, Neb., March 17.-(Special Telegram.) Three hundred, end fifty Knights of Columbus met In this' city today for the annuel Initiation, taking In a class of thirty. The Jurisdiction of the Columbus council Includes twenty-one towns. Norfolk on the north, David City on th south, Schuyler on the esst and Central City on the west being the limits. The first and second degrees were put on by th Iocs team and the third degree by th Omaha team. After th work was completed a ban quet was given In the Orpheus hsll, covers being laid for 150. W. E. Btraub of Lincoln was toastmaater and the prin cipal speaker of the evening was Bishop J. H. Tihen of Lincoln. The musical pro gram Included the Council Bluffs quartet and Miaa Mary Munchhoft of Omaha. This being St. Pstrlck's day. th deco rations at the banquet hall, which were quit elaborate, were In keeping with the day. Grand Island. Oniah. . Lincoln. Council Bluff?, Fremont. O'Neill and North Platte were represented. Towns Isolated for Week by Snowdrifts DESHLER. ' Neb.. Msrch 17.-Special Telegram.) Deshler and other towns on the Falrbury-Kelson branch of tbe Rock Island have been cut off from th world for a week by miles ot snow drifts, some ot them twenty feet deep. This town has had no mall sines last Monday. Coal supplies ar exhausted and many are suffering from cold. A car ot coal belonging to th railroad has been emptied by needy persons. Several gangs of men ar shoveling snow.-' The first train la not expected here before Monday. GUTHRIE CENTER, la, March 17. Th first train In sixty hours pulled in over the Rock Island railroad her to night at t o'clock. GIRLS TAKE BOYS' PLACES IN CHICAGO CHURCH CHOIRS CHICAGO. Msrch 17. Positions as sing ers In motion picture shows are attracting so many choir boys that ehurcaes her ar considering Installing choir girls. On church, th Trinity Episcopal, already baa substituted gtrkt In the choir tor th boys. The glria sing at two set tlues a day mora willingly than did th boys. Matsl Hafld le III. TANGIER. March 17. It Is that th sultsa. Motel Hafld, ske has been serfenng rreea a sever nervous affection, recently aanouneed his lntetft twaa ta abdicate and tear the palae. He waa persoaoea, new ever, to aider his deekwow- Egam Uaa arrew Eaeape, NEW TORK, March 17.-Th horn ot Judge Otto A. Roealaky of the court of general aeaalons, where a bomb delivered him exploded last night, waa th seen today of renewed excitement caused by the appearance ot a man who wildly kicked at the door and demanded ad mittance. The stranger was a shabbily dressed man who forced bis way past the hall atendanta In the apartment building on Riverside drive and climbed six flights ot stairs to see Judge Roealaky, about some fancied grievance ot "persecution by th tobacco trust" Polk were called and the man waa taken t Belle vtia for observation aa to bis sanity. Hs gave his nam aa Wolf Berman and his business as that of cigar maker. Th police believed him to be Insane, hue harmless, and In no wise connected with the atempt mad an Judge Reeal sky's life with the bomb. Inspector Owen Egan ot the bureau of coabustlbles who was Injured while s amlnlng th bomb In th Judge's library. Inflated on leaving th hospital today, al though he suffered pain from a mangled hand and torn face. With fee and hands bandaged, he joined a score ot th best detectives In the nolle department In investigating the bomb mystery., It was Intimated that tbe detective were working on Important cuea suggested by further tslka with Judge Roealaky. Jadge Will Smt Talk. ) To newspaper men the judge would not express himself more fully than he did last night whan lis declared he had no particular suspicion of any one, but ad mitted that he had received many threat ening letters, one at th time he sentenced Carle!, a forger, to twelr years In prison two weeks ago. This threat was to blow up the criminal courts building. As to any suggestion that tbe bomb sending might have any connection with the Folk E. Brandt case, In which Rosal aky sentenced the former valet of Mortl- aji LSfcAltf to. tha-lhirty'-exo over which there has lately seen sucn a controversy, th Judge would say nothing. Postal Inspectors have joined detectives In th search for the letter carrier Who delivered the 'bomb yesterday. similarity la Bombs. Another feature; of the Investigation was a comparison of the Roealaky bomb with on which killed Helen Taylor In her bom on February S. The pollc never cleared up that myalery. Similarity in th construction of th two bombs Is said to be remarkable In some particulars. Both bombs bore typewritten sddressea on whit paper pasted on to a manila paper wrapper. The boxes war about of th aame also and each contained two tiny electric batteries and a spring sr. rangement designed to produce an electric spark when the cover was removed. That this did not work when Judge Roealaky opened the box last night Is believed to hav been due to small particles of dirt which hsd accumulated about the spring. Inspector Egan, who was examining the bomb when It exploded, believes he owes bis lifs to the fact thst ths Inside pockets of bis coat were stuffed with heavy docu ments. Without this protection he be lieves some ot the slugs tram the bomb would have torn into his body. HIS coat was torn and several slugs wer found lodged against the papers. Comes by Mall. Ths bomb came by msll and was de livered by a postman to Judge Roeaisky's apsrtments on Riverside drive at about tot o'clock this afternoon. It waa ac cepted by the colored maid and placed on the table In Judge Rosalvky's library to await his coming. There waa nothing of suspicious character to tbe . packags. Its dimensions were shout x4x4 Inches, and it waa neatly done up In brown wrapping paper bearing the picture of a department store. The address was typewritten. An hour later Judge Ro salsky reached home and unsuspectingly began to open the package while .talking to his wife. He took off the wrapper end found a plain, white pasteboard box. Judge Roeaisky's own story of a hat hap. pened follows: "I took the cover off without th slight est care. My first glimpse at the content of the box was enough. I backed out of the room as quick as siy feet would carry me. calling out to my wife and brother -Why! it's a bomb. It a bomb.' I ordered that n on go near th library. 8om on suggested that wa put ths bomb la water. "I aald: 'No, no on but aa expert shall handle It, there are some machine that go off when snbmerged In water. "I telephoned police headquarters a spe cial request for aa expert on bombs. Egan cam with David I. ellv, superintendent of the bureau of comnustlbles. " 'Be careful,' 1 told Egaa. aa be picked up tbe open box, you have th real thing there. Why take any chances by tinker ing with H here? Hav H taken where reu can make- the usual expert tests on It ' Ksa4eaM FoUewa. "But Egan went to work, examining the bomb cautiously. He took out a little wad, of tissue paper which I believe con tained fulminating mercury. I was celled out to tbe telephone and a moment later I heard th bomb go off. I rushed tn and found Egsn staggering about bleeding profusely. Th index finger ot hla right hand had bees Mown oft and th wboie hand mangled. His face waa fan of DeaserYt sad I regressive RepaMlo . aa N Nearer Vaderetaadlag Tariff Leailalatlea Aasreprl- - tCoatinud on Second ics. 1 The Great American Explainer WHAT ISIUD MAY HAVE SOvNOiD THAT WAY; WHAT I WROTt, MAY HAVE LOOKED THaT Vf"AY IN PRINT. BUT.ETCBtft From th Baltimore American. TEDDY Put record It hanged! I intend to make a boll new world-jarring record and to "recall" all decision! interfering with raj plans. TARIFF OCCUPIES CONGRESS Beviiion Xeaiurei Will Come Up in Both Branches. SENATE ITKAKCE BOOT READY WASHIXOTON. Msrch K.-TerifC re vision will continue to occupy 'both house ot congress this Week. When th hous pssss the excise-Income tax bill Tuesday and submits a woolen schedule revision to th democratic caucus poaatbly by th end of th week th revleion program there will have been ended. Democratic revision measure ere pil ing up In the senate. Th finance com mittee's adverse report on th house iron snd steel hill will be msde this week. Chairman Penuross and his republican colleagues wil make an ea borate at a te rn nt ot thdr attitude en the revision bills. The finance committee will hear Chair man Emery of the tariff board Tuesday on the house chemical tariff bill. bear Inks on which probably will occupy the wrk Hearing on the house free sugar bill will follow the enemies Ml. Meanwhile the deinocrata and progres sive republlrsns are no nearer an under standing, though sotn of them express confidence that the talked of common ground might be reached on some tariff leelsittlon. Democratic leaders In the house are determined to speed up legislation. Some members of tbe ways and means com mittee snd man)' other democrats sre Instating upon free wool, to which Demo cratic Leader I'nderaood la as .much opposed as he waa originally to free sugar. Mr. Underwood's Idea Is to re port a schedule which would confirm to th conference report on schedule K of th present Isw last summer, ahlch proposed a 27 per cent sdvalorem tariff on raw aool. Irleposltlon of the excise bill In the house Tuesday vlll open the way for further consideration of appropriation Ulla Th iwatotric bill, which would astabltsh a parcels post system, will be considered under a apedsl rule. Oppon ents of a parcels post hav opposed tlie bill on the ground that It bears new legislation, a olnl the new rule Is de signed to meet. The senate on Msrch 3t will vols qn th Stephenson election case. The Wis consin senator has been exonerated ot allgstlons of bribery and corruption by one senate elections committee snd con demned by another. On Saturday the special senate com. mltte which Investigated Senator Lari mer's election will vote on Its report. There Is no bop of unsnlmous action. TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IN KANSAS ARE IMPROVING KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March IT.-A1- t hough official ot all the railroads whose traffic was blocked by the recent bllx sard tn western and northern Kansas reported Improved conditions today, all tbo lines ar not yet open. There ar six Chicago, Rock Island Pacific passenger trains stalled between Phlllipsburg snd Goodland. The manage ment expect to release these trains be fore tomorrow. The private car of J. O. Brlokerhoff, superintendent of the Kaaaoa division of th Union Pacific, which waa delayed near Ellis, will arrive here this afternoon. Th Union Pacific la not open between j Ellis and Colorado points, but its offi- dala state that conditions will be practl- : ally naiiiial by tomorrow. I Tbe local superintendent of th Atchi son. Topekm Santa Fe Mated that th road I not blocked ar any point, al though trains ar delayed- Nebraska Woman Tells of Sending Money to Lewis ST. LOUIS. March 17,-Mra. Elisabeth A. Webster ot Emerson, Neb,, test I fyl sa in th trial of B. O. Iuwis In th United States district court on charges ot using th malls to defraud, said today ah In vested tMM In th Lewkl Publishing osm- psny's .7 per cut notes. Of the tKOt Were of the unsecured Issue. Bh also bought 113) ot the preferred stork. All ah ever, received ln return, ah said, was JO. " Mrs. Webxter was ths third woman wltneaa of the dsy and waa being cross examined when court adjourned. Her husband, according to her testimony. In vested 190) In the Iwis l'ubllahlng com pany's preferred stock. Each testified they hsd Invested after having read of Lewis' proposition In ad vertisements In ths Woman's National Dally. BANDITS HEADED FOR OMAHA Entire Country it being Scoured for Murderen From Penitentiary. FOSSE BLOCKED BY SNOW DRIFT Ossaba aad Ooalk Omaha Detective l aable to Get Bryaad Kalsfan In Aalmblle Hatlr Fewre a the Lewkeaf. The posse of Omaha and South Omaha detectives -whs left in automobiles for Gretna, Neb., to be on the watrhout for th drapcrsdocs who shot and killed War den IVIahunty, a deputy and a guard. In making their eecane from the state peni tentiary Thursday afternoon, were ma rooned In a seven tout snowbank near Ralston, snd hsd to return to Omaha. The roads wer In such a condition that auto traffic waa absolutely Impossible. In the posse were about ten detectives, armed to the teeth. Word from Gretna, that tbe murderers were heading that way caused the local men to go there to capture the bandits It they came In sight. . Yesterday Sheriff Gus I Iyer from Lin coln came to Omaha and gave the Infor mation that the entire countryside Is being scoured by poaaea from Lincoln and other towns near there . "There Is no doubt." said Hherlff llyers. "that the bandits will put up a fight before they are captured. I think It Is but a matter of time hero re they ar brought to bay and then there will be bloodabed as tlie three men are of such a desperate caliber that they will not be taken alive. From what we can learn the three are heavily armed. They ar reported to be headed thla way also, and I would not be surprised that they are brought to bay near thla place either to day or tomorrow," AH day yesterday every city detective waa pressed Into service. In twos they guarded all the railway yards and every available road leading Into Omaha. When ever a freight train from th west pulled Into Omaha tlie empty cara wer ex amined to see If by some means tbe men had secreted themselves In one and at tempted to get Into Omaha la that man ner. Four detectives wer Kept at the station all dsy yesterday waiting tor any word that might require their service. Th emergency automobile was not used for any purpose whatever yesterday, but waa held in waiting for a hurry call in case the bandlta had been sighted near here. Half a dosea pump and shot gun were secured yesterday morning and several loads at heils Oiled with buckshot. These were kept in the captain office for use In c;o ... detective wer nwaded. Every half hour th detective ta the railway yard wer required t report ta bsadquartera NORRIS EXPLAINS HIS VOTE Nebraska Congreuman Tell Why Ee Farored Free Sugar Bill. SAYS STEP BIGHT . DIRECTION Seaaht Mae Bill Amended la Order t At feed Meanly t ansa ' Beet Matsrra, bat Failed i. twis-- -"-.. (From a Staff Correspondent,) ' WA81UNOTON, March 17.-(Speolal Telegram.) While not favoring the enact ment of the tree sugar schedule which passed the bouse yesterday. Congress man N orris voted for It and n portion of his remarks on ths floor not Included In yesterday s brief report explains hi reason for so doing. He sstd: "We ar presented with a prouder par llaiueutary situation. A bill Ilk this must original In- th house and th senate ran consider It only after It has passed th house. . if, therefor, w ar to secure a revision of th sugar schedule the houss must ass this 'bill and svan though th amsndment which I hav offered, be not agreed to, I believe thoss who favor a revision, of the sugar schedule would be Justified In votltsf for It because only In that way can revision be had and relief obtslned from the Inluulty ot lit present unreasonable and unfair sugar tariff. 'The only hopes of real revision Is that th senate will so amend th bill sa to give legitimate relief. - If the senate lakea such. action, as I believe It will, there la some hope that In conference a result may be readied that will give re lief to the American consumer of sugar and at tho earn time protect Americans from the cruel monopoly of ihe sugar trust and tbe domination of our market by foreign producers. For these reasons 1 aha II vote for the bill now pending, even though sll amendments ar voted down." The nam of 11. L. Steven to be post master at Bryant, S. I)., was aent to the senste today by th president. arke's Indian Hill. Representative Burk ot South Dakota has reported from the hous Indian com mittee a bill regulating tho disposal of Indian allotments, money or other prop erty by will. Th bill provides thst any adult In dian, ptior to the expiration ot the trust or restrictlvs period, shall have tlie right to will such property under regu 1st tons to be prescribed by the secretsry of the interior. The secretary Is given author ity to approve or disapprove a will either before or after the death of a testator. When a will has been approved and sub sequently It is lesrned there baa been fraud In connection with Its execution or procurement, the secretary la author ised to cancel the Instrument. Th Burke bill further provides that Ihe approval of a will shsll not operate to terminate th trust or restriction pe riod. Mr. Burke also reported a bill reserv ing five acres each In the townslto of Timber Lake and Dupree, 8. b.. for school purposes. j GOVERNOR GIVES VIEWS ON PRISON Nebraska Executive Advocate tit Building of Reformatory and Radi cal Administrative Measure. SAYS STATE BEHIND TIMES Penitentiary Not Adequate for Se curity or Humane Treatment. BUILDINGS NOT AT ALL MODERN Not Single One of Them Up to Re quirement of Modern Prison. WHAT OTHER STATES ABE DOING Officials Hav Ma Definite Clee ta Kevaped Mea and Ar a staat Watch Prevent Their Escape Frwsa Nebraska. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. March '".-(Special Telegram.) The bunt baa been continued today with unabatlng vigor for Taylor, Dowd and Morrill, th prisoners who escaped from th penitentiary after kill ing Warden Delshunty. Deputy Warden Wagner and Ouiee fteltman and wound ing Guard Doody. So far aa results ar concerned, however, the search might Just as well hav been abandoned. Not a single positive trace has been found ot them since they alighted from th milk wagon driven by Floyd Dlekman about M o'clock Friday night. Thre men, whom, it la thought, might be th criminals, were seen sc&r Waverly going toward Omaha, but there Is nothing certain about these being th men. Many who war conversant with th methods of such men hold to the opinion they ar still under cover In Lincoln and will stay there until they think th search bas been relaxed before they venture out ot doors. Th officials ar working on thla theory aa well aa asking polio all over, the country to keep a lookout for them. A watch hi being kept on every known avenue et exit from th city and will be maintained Indefinitely, or at least until It hi positively known thst th men hav left th city, Atdrlch Talks of Prison. Governor Aldrlch this evening gave out a statement concerning conditions at th penitentiary which la th result ot th Investigation he haa made sine th "dope" eplsod of a number of, days ago and the mora recent tragedy which coal th lives of Warden Delahunty, Deputy Warden Wagner and Guard Hellman. Ha points out thst Nebraska, la the matter of prison arrangaments. la tar behind the times, both aa to security, human treatment ot convicts and th health ot th Inmates. Ha asserts th buildings ar old and not a single on of them up to th requirements of a modern prison. , . " , Continuing, h says: "To meet this situation and to treat th wards of tlia stat In a humane way and may It pos sible for th violator of th law to hav an opportunity to become better while be Is enduring punlahment. In my Judgment, th following definite and specific things mut be don If th state of Nebraska wishes to fulfill Its obllgstlon and keen Its rank among th progressiva aad highly civilised stat of thla union. Advocate Krformatory. "First, there should be bullded on inter mediate penitentiary, or reformatory, and It should not be built near or adjoining any large center of population or big dty. This intermediate penitentiary la bo ex pertinent It has been tried by so many different state and proven satisfactory that it needs no further discussion, and Into this Institution should be placed man convicted of small crime and who ar violators of th penal statute for the first Urn and who ar not lnhariteatly bad. but have don something under peculiar situations that makes them amenbl to th taw. , "For Instance. In my Judgment, a man convicted of crtm for a first time, espe cially a young man convicted of an or dinary crime for the first time, never should be sent to ths penitentiary at all. He should be placed In this Intermediate Institution under conditions that are not only hygienic, but will give bim an oppor tunity not only to reflect under good clr cumsatnees, but that will be ajonduclv to good health and Industry In a manly way. l itre other Slates. "For Inttsnre, about four weeks ago I had the opportunity accidentally ot meet ing on a train coming from Hastings to Lincoln tha man who hsd been selected by provision ot Ihe legislature to build for th stat of Pennsylvania a new peni tentiary. This ntan was closing a trip of Investigation of many penal Institutions. Hs went Into detail with m as to what his stste waa doing. "They bad purchased at a large cost, several thousand acres of land. This (Continued on Second ltigej SOCRATES OF BROADWAY DIES AT ADVANCED AGE NEW TORK. March 17.-Oeorg Arms, j known by his many literary friend as "Tn Socrates of Broadway . Is dead at , th age of 8 years. He hsd made his bom la a Broadway hotel for thirty- : seven year and after hla death th key that waa given to him by th clerk m lft waa found In bis pocket. During th erril war Arms mad a for tune manufacturing (words. H later traveled aa ever the world. Of lata years h has entertained literary friends sjmost dally at th hotel. Mark Twsia seed to be a frequent caller. Mr. Arms' c4 leetiOB at curio I raid ta be one. of th finest private eellertloae ta th dry. You Can Make Money through selling or buy ing articles advertised in The Bee classified columns. Many a home has been supplied with a good piano through Tlie Bee classified pages. There always are bar gains in this paper, and every day someone is reaping a great benefit from using these col-v umns. If yon want to make money throngh securing rare bargains, read The Bee want ads. Every day Eead Bee "Want Ads. Tyler 1000 J) i