A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 17, 1911 of-comer in omaha SKail Kelieveit in H Vnrrimr'i V Spouse Visit Artist's Stadio. ' PICTURE - THAT OF CM2CXA1 she Eaaware j. D. In to Reteaea - Llknna, bat Jietara ana Tnn " ll Ptetarc ea Day ! tne ? Llaeela Matter. ' 4 J- D- the Bra Yi Tonu f a pletu O. Bowen. artist, with a studio la Brandela Theater building, says that , woman calling herself Mrs. Taylor left picture of John Taylor, the convict. who with two other prisoners escaped i from the penitentiary last Thursday after killing the warden and two guards, j According to Bowen' story, the woman f lea the picture three weeks ago at his ,. studio, asking that It be retouched and framed. When asked where abs lived - sua said she was a transient. Bowen re ' quested deposit on the picture, and she 3 Raid that she did notiiave the money j with her. but aha was going out of the ". city for a short time, and whan she re 3 tuned she would trine up the money. J Iltere ia Destroyed. Friday night at ( o'clock the woman i walked into Bowen's studio and asked for - the picture, aayinc that aha would aot hare It framed after all. Bowen thought f that she did not want him to do the work ', becaas of a tittle newspaper notoriety he bad received asm time back and said: "I supposo you don't wsnt mo to do the work because of that trouble." When he ' said this she snatched the picture out of his hand and tors It into pieces and left .. hit office. ', When he picked op in evening paper a thort time alter he noticed that the ' picture of Taylor was the same as the ; one llio woman had left, and when he lerorred to the trouble he thinks (he , woman Ihought he meant the Lincoln affair, lie reimrted the matter to the police. IOWA GIRL TO EXIF DAISY CHADJ. CASST , " " V -Ja . - ; : '.'. x M188 HELEN WINTER. ' Iowa will be represented on the Daisy chain at the commencement ex ercises at Vaasar college by Mine Helen Winter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Winter, of Mason city. A year ago this honor fell to Miss Miriam Winter, a sister of Miss Helen. NEBRASKA HOG PROGRESSIVE Eu an Individuality of Its Own Which it Displays. ACHIEVES MUCH HONOS ABROAD - i t,- Kmlali Are Heavy, bat Demand Has t'oatlaaeel Be Kseeptlow ally Cnod Maay w Bee- res Are Mad. BRIEF CITY NEWS Save Boot Print It. Jeff W. Bedford CoaX Taos. W. Blackbara (or congress Adv. Slectrie Warming Pads, Burgess Granden Company. Keep Tonr Money and Yaauslss n the American Safe Deposit vaults In The Bee building. Boxes rent for 13 per year Pioneers to Meet The Douglaa County Pioneers' association will hold a meet ing next Thursday efternonn In the city The Nebraska porker is an unas-j hall at I o'clock. The meeting was to aumlng. easy going sort of a chap, with' have been held last Thursday, but was but one object in view, namely, some-j postponed. . thing to eat- This trait" makes him - of: Jewelry Stolen from Boom The roon . especial Interest to the commercial world, occupied by Miss Nellie Hoffman at MI He gr.nds about In St he alfalfa which his South Twenty-fourth street were en more aristocratic .companion, the steor.j lered by thieves some time Friday night scatters from .the rack, munching the and jewelry valued at Sis was stolen. Storms Are Braved by,Trio of Nimrods W. A. rixley. J. J. Derlght and Herman lieu deserve Individual medal when It comes to being chips off the origins! old block, for this trio of nimrods braved the ordeals of the recent snowstorm to . indulge In their favorite (port at De- right's camp, "Hyberboreaa," on the Platte river near Clerks, last week. The party left Omaha Wednesday even- . Ing and reached camp without mishap ' the following morning, but the fierce ' blasts and blinding flakes prevented them from even taking a ihot at an occasional r English sparrow. With the aid of a sturdy truck horse and a farm wagon the .,. trio was able to reutrn to Omaha empty. - handed Friday night, none the worse for their sdventure. Derlght and Plxley left for Camp Hy. - oerooreaa again last evening to spend a 3 few days plugging the ducks and geese, and Herman Mets will Join them Toes- to. DAYIS BURNS HIS BRIDGES Kegel Says More Than One Know Whereabouts. : BALLOON FORCED TO LAND I .. BY A HEAVY SNOWSTORM t 8 A LEU. Mo., March U. The balloon "Buckeye I" la wbch I. D. Wade, Jr., of risvelahd set" out from Baa Antonio Wednesday night In an attempt to break the world record for long distance flight landed in a remote section of the Osark mountains, twenty-four miles from Balrm. at 1 o'clock I yesterday afternoon. A heavy snow storm compelled the land ing. Wade and his aide, Thomas Cook of Ban Antonio, spent the night In a moun tain cabin and walked to Salem today. When it was decided to come to earth Wade estimates that he was at an alti tude of IT.Snt feet In descending the balloon struck a tret tip on a mountain side, but neither aeronaut was hurt nor wss the balloon damaged. During the journey ground was sighted only twice and the balloon traveled through several rata and snow storms. MODERN WOODMEN OFFICERS ASKED TO PAY0VEr. VONEY MINNEAPOLIS, March 1. Suit to compel the camp officer of Hiawatha camp No. Is3t Modern Woodmen of America, to pay ever 2S collected in aid of the Insurgents' fight against Insurance rate of the organisation, was begun in court here today by E. W. McQill, "In surgent treasurer." It Is claimed that the money was raised by the camp, but that the officers of the camp are "regu lars" and bava refused to surrender the money to the "Insurgent." HMde-a Loot Mar Brsw Men. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., starch 11 ( Special.) The local officer are watch ing every possible development of the hunt for the three men wha mutinied end broke away from the penitentiary, and especially with reference to the fact that somewhere in the Platte bottom, known only to Shorty Orey-of the three lie buried the loot ef the OIHner bank robbery, for partidpation la which Grey was sent to the penitentiary. The fact of the capture of Grey, Forbes and Martin ts recalled vividly since their des perate and murderous act of yesterday. It Is realised mors fully than ever before What chance were taken by Chief of Police Arbogast in this city, when sta sia handed, he held up the trio and placed them under arrest a they broks out of some underbrush la the effort to - elude the posse that was hi the vicinity searching for them at tha time. Lillian Bnssell'i Warning. Sore Feet: Bad Health Li ,- - w- 1 H 1 I 1 JfL, Lillian Russell is a phyelelal wonder. Now In mature years, but bavin pre served tha fresh beauty of youth. In the Chicago Tribune she says: Car of Uts feet, hardest worked members ef ksa tne oody, la aftso- t lutely essential to neaun. - irritation from sore feet often causes serious nerv ous disordera. and nothing brines face wrinkles quicker." Here is the best treatment known to science for all foot llmeme ft sen tue pores and i amove the i-ause: "Dissolve two tableepoonfuls of CaJoclde ewmpound in a basin of warm water. &neJ( the feet In this for full fifteen minutes, gently rubbing the sore parte." The effect ia magical. All soreness disappears Instantly. Corns sad caitoueee can be peeled right off. It give instant relief for bunions, ach ing and sweaty smelly feet. Any drug gist has Caloclde In stock or will ewick It get it from his wholesale bouse. A Twenty-five cent box usually cures the worst feet. Caloclde is not a patent medicine. Deu't wast money on uc" tain remediea. Insist on getting what yog w-au cran to orunirii dm RELATIVE BEFORE GRAM) JURY Farattar Has Beea fleaeeved from Heme ef Ex-Coaacllmaa aad na Beea gtered Away by John C. Klaaek. Whereabouts of (former Councilman Charles M. Davis, who. with his wife fled before the Douglas county (rand jury got around to having him sub poenaed to tell of grafting operations still are unknown. Effort to locate Davis have resulted In failure, despite the fact that John C. Klauck. unci of Mrs. Dsvls, was brought In and ques tioned by the Investigators. Klauck told the grand jury he did not know where Davis waa and all he could say was that Davis and his wife left for Kansas City Sunday night Furniture was removed from Davis' home. Silt North Thirtieth street, and stored by Mr. Klauck Friday. Mr. Klauck told The Be he took this action on his own Initiative. lis said Davis rave him no Instructions whatever re garding furniture or anything else. Part of the furniture was placed In a storage house at Nineteenth and Nicholas streets; the rest was taken into tha Klauck home Several Might Kaaw. Councilman A C, Kugel declare he baa no doubt that there are several per son In . Omaha who know just where Davi went and where he la now. "I don't know when he baa gone," said Kugel, "but If there were any way to prove it I would be willing to bet that there more than one pn in Omaha that could teH." , . Examination of Kugel and Councilman Jo B. Hummel was completed by the grand Jury. Not only the Davis scsndal. but many other matters were gone into. Littl headway ha been msde, but some testimony regarding the alleged domination of certain members of ihe city council by a corporation was given and this may result in further disclosure If the grand jury aucceed In following out the lead. Five Deaths Result From a Hurricane HEADLAND, Ala-. March la-Five per son are known to have beea killed in a tornado which early today struck this town, injuring at least a dozen others, several seriously, and demolishing score sf buildings la the residence and busines. dlatrlcta. The windstorm covered considerable area. At Hartford, thirty mile distant a son of Wiley Adams waa killed in the presence of the family and another bo I said to have beea badly hurt la Geneva county, acoording to the meager advice obtainable, on boy we, killed and three persona Injured. In Headland the dead war: J. C. COft.LA.ND. an attorney. TWO BAWlMllMj CsLtLUtlttN. TWO NKOKOti Cope land, his wifs and two children were asleep la a room oa the top f ioot of theti home, which was upset by the winu. Husband and wife wars found lying sev eral yard from the site. Headiand' eitiaen isised a relief fund of SLOu and it 1 being used to feed and clothe the victims, many of whom Iom everything they owned. kernels of coin which fall from the lordly table and Imbibing now and then of the rich buttermilk conveniently provided by the thrifty farmer. Without any pyrotechnical display this professional mortgage lifter moves along the even tenor of his way, Incidentally convert' Ing by his own peculiar process, the aforesaid alfalfa, corn and buttermilk Into til more marketable product of ma tured pork and thereby adding to the Income of his owner at the rate of one pound per day. of a present value about cents. "TRo'ugh only a hog, the Nebraska porker possesses sn Indlvldusllty of his own. He believe that since tie must be a hog he should be a "top-notcber,' and that's what the Nebraska specimen has come to be. Thus when he goes tol the packing house and assumes hi role! on .he stag of commerce lie render among which was a gold cms eet with chip diamonds STsw Stlga School at Oakland Oak land, Ia., will shortly commences the erection of new high school, having re cently awarded the commission aa archi tect to Frederick W. Clarke of Omaha, who designed the Vinton and Edward Kose water schools. . Clothing g to lea frvm Wagoa Mra Elisabeth Halley. 2130 Douglas street re ported to tbe police thst about S3 worth of' of clothing belonging to her waa stolen Frldsy afternon from an express wsgon which was moving her household goods from on house to another. S)tal While Womaa Sleeps While Mra Anna D rem tier w as sleeping In her apartment at 710 South Sixteenth street Friday afternoon a burglar glided grace fully Into her room, gracefully lifted" tt from a table and gracefully glided out good, account of himself. His sides make The police are now looking for him. the best bacons In the world: hit quarters! Braalaf rile for Oommissioaer the choicest hams and shoulders; from! '"fed Brunlng Is the fifty-sixth to file bis loins are cut the most delicious ehopsj for .commissioner. D. W. McVea has and roasts: bis fat give the snowiest, taken out a petition for circulation. T. J. flakiest and richest of Simon Pur Lard.j Lynch has filed for member of the school while his dry-salt clears are accepted I board from the Second ward, running on i in the home town of Mr. Ilaxorback as republican ticket In opposition to Dr. : the daintiest and most nutritious delicacy; E- Holuvlchlner. to MRS. GRACE AND HUSBAND . . TRADE BACK THEIR RINGS of tho pan and bean-pot Best Pork la World. Fancy park products, purporting come from "nut-fed," "pea-fed," "pumpkln-frd" hogs would be minus in! ATLANTA. G., March It. Mrs. Daisy quality were it not for Ihe flavor and Opie Grace today requested from the texture Imparted to Ihe ment by the diet' prison where she I held for shoootlng of corn and alfalfa on which the animal was matured In the fcd-lot of the Ne braska farmer. Re-irdlees of the label. you can be mighty sure- lust tnn r. her husband that her husband. Eugn H. Grsce, return to her a dismond ring and It resulted in an exchange of val uable between the couple. The ring. hraaka hog I going to be prominent la valued at HOW, Is said to have been left supplying th beet irk of the wond. , "T Webster Opie, Mrs, Grace s former Whether at Sherry' In New Turk or, husband, for his lltt boy now la a Phil Rector In Chicago, the Fairmont ' In adelphla Institute for th blind. San Francisco or th Casino at Palm! 0rce- ,'ln ,n a pll. apparently Beach, your dainty, crisp-brown bacon! dlo not rlv raue Pl strips, or delicately marbled plnk-and- ur' whit, slices of hsm. prepared and ' " hr -" ' packed especially for discriminating f'J '" palate by Messrs. So So, through Mrs. Grace sent back her husband's fraternity pin and a diamond ring, both of which she uld she had recovered from a Philadelphia pawnshop shortly after her marriage to htm. Grace's condition seemed more promis ing today. No move toward obtaining bond was mad by hi wife's attorneys. tholr own secret process, from 'nut.fcd'j or "pea-fed" or 'pumpkin-fed') pork. raised In th Grampian Hill (or Blue Ride mountains)"; if they are good particularly' good, no matter what the menu card Implies to the contrary, you may gamble that th Nebraska hog has rooted himself Into high society of mod- stlmulste your business by advertising era Luculli. tin The Eee-the newspaper that reaches The rain In hog production during si) of tne buyers. recent fears la not due so much to the , , . .m,i.il,,n ihl. f.llnw has at horn u"Ts!SITt OSf OCBAST BTBASIBBB. to the honor he hath achieved abroad t .rdaM... through the modern packing house and ;; rjKiuM ...cMMMe. live tock market For th first two Ihkukn "X::"""": month of this year there have pasted i pi nta AHCMAl. strstkiMM The Third Week of Our 53d Anniversary Sale Daring' this coming week we will place on sale the fall line of Aeolian Pianola Pi anos, including the Weber, Wheelock, Stuyvesant, Steck and Technola. These instruments are world renowned and re quire no emphasis on our part to explain their hi?h standard of value. A call at our Pianola Parlors will readily convince you of the perfection of the above named match less Player Pianos. Special inducements will be given during this week's sale, and there is no need of your further delaying the purchase of a REAL, LIVE Piano. 25 of our own Schmoller & Mueller Player Pianos will be offered for sale at wholesale prices. You have seven different styles to select from. Terms will be made to suit your con venience. We give below a few special bargains in slightly, used Player Pianos: Former Price $fi.W. Plajano Piano Player Pianola Piano Player HH-Note Sample Plajer Piano Ktuyveaent Pianola llano . . Harrington Autotona Player Technola Player Piano Former Price Now $-HO....S 35 "j.v.... 70 .ttM....3e( .fiiso.... 94 55 .fcyj5....$390 Antotone Player Piano SrhiiKilIrr Mueller Player Stuyvroant 88 and OS-Note llajer Hard man Antotone Player, 88 and OS Note .94100. Sow SMSO S3 95 ...9J00.... $570 ,. $1,000. .'..$650 All of the above Instruments are fully guaranteed to be in perfect condition. We have 17 of the Special Art Style Pianos left over from last week' sale, which we will aril for $238 each. Three instruments formerly sold for 9130. A 2.Vyrar guarantee goe with each of these Piano. We also quote below few special bargains In slistitly Bawd upright pianos: - Klmhall ttilrkering Son Story t Ounp . . . Fischer Collage I'prlght , Former Price J30. , 9 .., 9 230. , .9-KKI. ........9273., Xow S K5 S140 75 S16 S 1H I vera A Pond Knalm Vims A Son . Ntelnway , . . . Harrington . . Former Price 9M. , 9430., 9400., 9A00. , , 9300., Now .$125 .175 ..$155 ..S255 . -S275 Surely tlii ia the best opportunity yon have ever been offered to secure an instrument for your home. Can yon afford to pas it by? ' We are exclusive representatives for the matchless Stelnway, Weber, Hardmaa, Sieger ft Sons, Knirrsun, MrPliail, snd our own celebrated Schmoller ft Mueller Piano. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.' New l'1- nos for rent, $3.00 Pr month. Free tuning, free insurance, free cartage, if kept 9 months. Telephone Douglas 1023; bid. A-1623. SCEir.10LLER&r2UELLER PIAHO GO. MANUFACTURERS, WHOLKSAIJJRS, RETAILORS 13I1-1S14 FARXAM STH OMAHA, NKB. ESTABLISHED 18M. ...Csllts. TWO-YEArt-ULD GIRL DIES FhUi EA I ING PILLS PAJUCERSBL'Ra, I a.. March ltWSps- claJ.r-Vera, S years old. I dead, and bar baby sister, liabel, aged 1 year, nar rowly eeeaped death by eating pills, which their mother, Mrs. Louis 1 Boer, had placed oa a shell The elder child died last night. It Is believed the baby's lit will be saved. The mother entered the kitchen Just in time to prevent the baby from eating another pill. The elder child bad already swallowed several, and It died before a doctor could reach tbe PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS , Rome Miller, has cone to Battle Creek. Mich. Itailreaa Set aad Pereeaala. N. H. Loomta. general solicitor of the L'nion Pacific, has cone to Washington, where he will appear before the Tatted states supreme court In behalf of the company, arguing the St. Joseph Grand Islsnd railroad merger case. Passenger Traffic Manager Fort of the Union Pacific has gone to San Francisco in connection with the new train service that ia to go onto the Overland system May U. W. H. fund Iff. asststsnt general pas senger agent of the Union Pacific, is In the western part of Nebraska securing dsta on the acreage of spring wheat that is to be sown. Otto tlemmer of the advertising department-of the Union Pacific Is the father of a ten-pound boy. Numerous girls have been born to the men of this department, but this is tbe first time that any of them have become the father ef a boy. Charles J. Chisam. general agent ef the Great Western, is be from a trip to Portland and the Pacific roast. In the north coast country he reports tha wtntn. ajsmiaii in Heaviest us 2 through th South Omaha yards for slaughter O0,M porker, averaging 0 pounds, in return for which th farmer ha received from th packer 19.000,000 in good, cold cash. In ths course ef th year 1912 Nebraska alone will market at South Omaha two and one-half mllllan of hogs. for which It Is estimated th packer will pay S3.000.aa. Yet less than two per cent of the products from these Nebraska grown snlmals are sold back Into the state. This Is In sharp contrast to the "good old days," when Instances were not rare of th fanner driving hi bog ninety to NO mile to a trading point, where they were peddled out at Hi cent per pound. Receipts Heavy. While this season's receipts of hogs have been very ' heavy, especially at South Omaha, the demand has continued exceptionally good. Ninety-five per cent nf the receipts at South Omaha have been lughtered there. In consequence of which the big. packing plants hav been or king over-time lnce the first of th year, and considering the severity of the winter this has been extremely fortunate for thousands of laborers released by cessation of business activity In many other line. Incidentally many new record have been established in slaughtering oy these Decking concern. Th "Omaha" company mad tta heaviest purchase of hogs on February a. whan It secureu 46 head. Cudahy bought S.7M head on February 9. and followed this right up with a S.W purchas th very next day. Armour established a nsw record when for the week ending February 11 h bought and slaughtered at South Omaha 30 do hog. Armour, cuaany ana awm have each been killing at the rate of S.0 to 7,M hog per day. Commenting on th Urge beg movement th other day. K. C. Howe, general manager of th Armour company, stated that the hog raiser of Nebraska and Iowa were set ting a pretty lively pace, but added that tbe packer of South Omaha were glad to see these hog coming along and would be able to take all that may b offered. Incident to the reputation established by the Nebraska hog In the east there ha grown up at South Omaha an order demand which ha assumed gigantlo pro portion. Relative to this particular feature of th hog trade, J. W. Murphy of South Omaha, without doubt the largest hog shipper in the United 8tatea, say: Vines the beginning of the year I have bought and shipped from South Omaha to outside concern SO.OW hog. I receive order for Nebraska hog from packers in many of th targe eastern cities; you would be surprised to know that in th course of a year I hlp hw to Indian apolis. Pittsburgh. Milwaukee. Evan vUle, Detroit. Cleveland. Cincinnati. Lanibrvilte. Baltimore, New York and evea Boston. Th Nebraska hog is the best In the world." Peace of Europe . Held Endangered LONDON". March K.-The Daily Tele graph this morning In a paragraph nnw tha head of Th Peace of feuropw" says: "In diploma tic circle th European Cfv nation is giving rise to considers bc nxiety. It 1 understood there Is the possibility that an acuta crisis already la engaging th attention ef more than one ef the great power. " PKNANO.. HALIFAX .. Maurax... . Tcueer.., ....lealaa.. sank.. OMAHA BOYS ARE MURDERERS Arrested at Los Ang-eles for Shoot ing" Street Car Conductor. THEY GIVE FICTITIOUS NAMES Identified Hay aad Elmer Srbaelder, Who Held I'p Street Car When They Lived la Till City. Two Omaha boys ar said to have bean arrested In Us Angeles Friday night tor holding up a street ear In that city a few days age and shooting a conductor, after having robbed him. Th boys whea treated gave th name of Ray Nettle nd Willi Knowles, but have been Monti. fled by photograph and measurement a Ray and Elmer Rchne'der, who until s year or so ago lived oa South Twentieth street. Th two boy were Identified by the picture sent to Loa Angels from Des Moines, Is., where Ihey are wanted for the murder of Utrert Car Conduotor Frank Ford. Ill car was held up on Ihe night of March 4 and ha was shot, dying th next dsy. As soon as the boy were arrested In Loa Angeles the officials sent th measurement to Des Moines, and II la said they tallied with those held by la Des Molnea polio. Pollre Knew Him Well. Ray Schneider ha been airested sev eral time before, and his record ia know In almost every city In th country wher BertUloa measure menu and pictures are held, Ray I well known to th Omaha police, whs have arrested, him for severe, shady deals. Ia 1W7 he waa arrested for holding up a street car on South Thirteenth afreet and after robbing the conductor of all hi money escaped, only to be arrested a few day Istsr. H was tried and oon vloted on Ihe charge of highway robbery. II was sentenced to a long term la th penitentiary, but was paroled by th guv. ernor before h had served a day. Elmer Schneider, th brother, la unknown to Ue local police, or at least they aav no rec ord of him. ICE FORTY-SIX INCHES THICK ON THE ELKHORN RIVER WEST POINT, Neb.. March tt. -(Special.) lea on th Elkhorn river has been measured and found to be forty-six Inches thick in exposed place, creating another grave element of danger should the river break up suddenly. Tbe progress of th expected thaw will be anxiously wailed. a Lit i f Ilk ft A WOMAN who is tired out with housework is so tired that she loses appetite. If she doesn't eat she gets no nourish- I I r ment if she forces herself to eat she still eets no benefit, because in. her tired aT state her food is not digested. A tired woman can take a little Pure Malt Whiskey- If yon hav. anything to exchange, ad vertls a m Th. He Want A4 columns. in water before meals and so tone up her tired nerves and muscles. that she will have both appetite and digestion. In moderation a little at a time before meals Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey lifts the tired woman to the point where her meals give her strength and power. At druggists, grocers and dealers or direct, , $1.00 large bottle. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. Rochester, N. Y. J2i r