V THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 17, 1912.- Staging the Mammoth Conventions Called to. Nominate ; : Our Candidates for President at 'rT VTCTOR OS E WATER, Veen ber Republican National Comodtte - " from Nebraska. - K 70a have vagrant notion that the work of arranging (or a big president nominating convention to not a full grows Job, ret rid of It u soon u roil cu .; The United 8tatee to a great country. and the convention habit has been grow tug bp oa na steadily, but of all the mam moth gatherings, of which there ara now many and a great variety, none la quite la the aanw daaa with the quadrennial conclave of the clana officially known aa flia republican or the democratic national convention. Thla rear the npubllcaiu are to gather j 1a Chicago June II and the democrat la Baltimore June S. The time and place In each case waa decided Ova months In ad vance, and yet the period elapsing la not bit too long to permit of the prepare- (iona that arvi necessary to pat the big how on the boards. 1 For each of these great political meet faga a subcommittee of arrangements has been put In charge to act In co-operation Jlth a local committee representing the osta of the city whoa Invitation has - Been accepted. In each ease tha money 1 has been paid, or guaranteed, to take , ear of all tha legitimate expenses of tha j alonvtnUon and eecura tha professional : ajerrlces and experienced help Hkely to . shake (or perfection of tha aceommoda tJona and equipment that will be called la. Being a member of tha subcommittee for tha republican convention, my ao- " apunt has mors direct application to tha ; snsetlng In 'Chicago, yet what la being done In Baltimore to get ready foe the J democratic cohort will differ only In I minor details. I j Praflrlag by Past Kaseriewew. f ?t waa takes lor granted from tha out- i Bat that the convention would ba held II the Conseom. which la tha same ball hi which It waa bald (on- Tears ago and sight years ago, and tha laat experience : with this building waa to aatls factory , that the asms ganaral plan (or seat, aisle, entrances, exits, ate, was adopted . vwacdcaily without dlaonasioa. Tha arch , aact who laid oat the design (our years age waa delegated to sea if he could Ira - arovs ft la any respect, but baa bad (ew saariges te auggesa. The actual Biunber of seats that can , ba provided (or delegate and spectators at lust about J1.H0, which Is doubtlasa ' aonslderafily leas than tha popular Im- suasion. . a. lot of standing-room people can. It Is true, "be crowded In. On tha day President Tttft waa nominated la Mot It t. eartala UaU aot leaa thaa U,W bad, la on way or another, squsesed them , salves within fcSs walls, but they did aot all get la aa tickets , The points of v advantage ara rorvnd ' for a eoroparathretr favored (ew. The I speaker BlaKanm la built across an, , and of the auditorium, and tha tpaea ' tannedlataly Is front aad an both aldea . ' tha rostrum Is green ever to tha press I sasocletlen ad special newspaper ssiiavpoadenla. There will ba accommo- aatlocV tor about working newspaper aua, waa will be tha cream of tha pro-, ' ail us, sswlgned t deserfsd ba part- evaata aad writs a th nrscssdtngs for tha auDlsas spots aillllons aagarty view- W ' Ik a vzj HowMyilair Chicago .and:Baltimore IS lOIPgUlIl! y .1 ft hm h wM i fr 0 l Cuticiird Soap dndOintmeirt SooSoSoS- aOeKS2 RALPH K. WUAAAMi, Oregoa. ' WILLIAM r. 8TONR. dJergeaot-at-Araia, Maryland. FRANKLIN ML'RPHT. f.ew jersey. B. C DUNCAN, noru carouaa. . ARTHUR t VOBT8. Ohio. , . MARRY 8. NEW, . Chairman, Imllana. ( FRED TJPHAbt Treasurer, Illinois. WILLIAM HAYWARD. Secretary, New York. Kansaa VICTOR -ROSEWATER, Nebraska. . . Tonight rub your scalp lightly with CutiCura Ointment In the morn ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. No other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or do it so speed ily, agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. iOisi lng tha gama at long distance through ths newspaper columns. Each corre spondent will bev a chair to alt on part of a long board, built desk form, to write on. It will not be luxuri ous ease, but It W1U b all that la really needed for a man who la there tor bust- whtch la what they ara supposed to be tnera for. Bat Few ravarad Class ea. Tha next favored class comprises tha delegates, who will number exactly tt!K and aaxt to them tha alternates, whs ara of precisely equal number. Tha guests, which Includes all tha other apectatora, ara permitted to uss all tha remaining space, part of It en tha mala floor and tha rest of It in the gaiter lea. It la safa to say that mora than half the people la tha building will bav to ha satisfied with what cornea within their vision and with listening to music by tha band, not being able la bear what said except at rare Interval, But they can read It all la tha newspapers tha next ssysud by a slight stretch of tha Ira aglnatioa make themselves believs they recognised avery ana who spoks and un derstood every ward ba said. Another busy baablva wUI ba found down la the basement under ths platform where tha telegraph operators will be sound ig tha keya Ilka madmen, messenger boys fly ing In all directions, and 4 hi oca counter suffer periodic raids. . Tha building will ba ready, K goaa with out saying.' at tha appointed time, bat hew will the people gat lnr carefully devised set work of badges -and ttrk Hempen of the Subcommittee en Arrangementi in Charge qf All the Details of the Coming Bepublican National Convention. will ba brought lota play for this pur- easleof sca wsllsS fise. wtttiaks, "Oalissra." Dek HH. ttmum. iiaiiliableMb ess BBaetas sues, aa at smsss er er wsU, castles ( the Csavcatlaa Hague. Tha badges worn at a big political con vention ara things of beauty and Joy forever. A man without a badge to Iden tify aim la almost like a lost babe In the woods, and sometimes a badga-bedacked official resembles a royal potentate dis playing all hi insignia of honor and no bility at tha same time. Tha badge ara usually mads to conform ta one general typa, varying la material, and lettering and la tha color of tha ribbon netting them aft. Tha badges of tha delegates aad alternates ara tha standard, hand somely finished with gilt and the na tional color. Ths press correspondent have a badge n little less resplendent, and tha corps of assistants for tha ear-geant-at-arms. the doorkeepers, ths ush er, tha messenger aad ths pages are a'l properly babadgad. Tha officers of tha .convention and tha committeemen aacb enjoy tha distinction of aa edlUon eVluie badge of real gold, which may be later exhibited la a curio case er packed away a so heirloom, , s Art Bales tha lekele. Tha convention ticks ta ara likewise works of art. and of even greater variety. They ara aU engraved ilka a baa knots ta prevent Imitation or forgery, and bear aa easily distinguishable portrait at asms gnat jrablls Bean such as Wash ington, Lincoln, Grant er McKlaUy. The datsgatas. altsrnatea, officers and ans paayes'ara provided with cards St ad ayasiea good all, the trine, although saly at particularly dcaignated entrances, something Ilka tha old season ticket to tha base ball park or annual pass on ths railroad. Tha higher-ups get theirs encased - In handsome leather - pocket holders, but for the rest a good strong envelope serves the purpose t For tha seats off tha mala floor the Ucketa come In sets, on for each day, and aacb ticket with two coupons to be detached for as many dttferant.seslons should they be bald and numbered by entrance, asctlon and chair. Each set la Jacketed with corresponding direction oa tha outside, and thla arrangement facllltatisa the division and sub-division of tba privilege of admission la ths halt. Few people ecurea full set of ticket ( (or all tha session of tha convention. V(ot visitors consider themaelvea lucky ta gat a ticket for a aingl day, and often thsec are cut op aa between two holders, ens for ths first session and aaothsr for (ha secoad. Each ticket tat contemplates a flva-day convention, which la on day mora thaa ha been the actuality. Should something happen to prolong a convention bevond tha fifth day, than would bav ta ba soma tall harrying and acurrylng to provide and distribute supplementary tickets, .-. ataay Mlaer Details. Adds from this a lot of things bav ta ba taken ear of Inside the hall, a must be mad to look cheery and attrac tive with suitable decora t loos. Brass bands must be, provided ta furnish music ta fill in the waits. Secretaries, reading darks, tally clerks aad stenographers must be ready to help transact the busi ness, and keep a complete record of aU the proceedings.' Meeting place must be provided -for the different committees when they retire to deliberate. After the convention la adjourned- thla record 1 Issued in a printed volume, copies of which go to all the delegates. There la always an aftermath, too, to a big con ventiondismantling of the hall, dis band roent of tha corps of employes, tha picking up of ail the loose end which takes days and some time weeks but must be done to clear the deck promptly for ths field batteries of tba campaign. . A Hawaiian Habit. . , Servants In tha Sandwich Islands have a curious habit, says a writer, of calling their employers by their first aama Hers, she add, was always saving "Ye. John." to her husband and "Very wcIL Mary," to her. When we got a new cook T told husband to avoid calling me "Mary,1 tnat the cook, not knowing my name. would hare to say -mlMua: to ma. So my "WRINKLES GO QUICK! John alwaya called me "sweetheart" "deary," never Mary. One day we had some officers to dinner I and I told them of tha rule I had adopted 2'? !H PRINCESS TOKIO !.., U Ik. .. auwih BlaaeaJI tltss ef USl Utegn til) iivjv vwa. .saaaaww w i , , . BIU0RT AbTXmxOAsTS Me bowed and said to me, "Sweet heart, tha dinner I served." "What?" I stammered, aghast at hi familiarity. "Dinner 1 served, deary," answered tba new eook. Popular Magaxlne. Pointed Paraarrapha. When the cats play the nnoa ret away. Friendship and confidence ara plants of I slow growth. : Usually a- man I a poor judgs of bis own importance. - A woman seldom eats It there Is any thing els for ber to do. - . Bom women are passing fair and some other cannot pass.- Many a man cannot afford ta dress be cause hla wife don. Virtue may be its own reward, hut the reward Isn't always legal tender at the comer, grocery. Chicago . Kewa. LOOK YOUNG XGAIN i Thie Free Book Ouinnismio te Ba ' mows Tou Wrinkles a One. Beast Sectors aad tba sasdloal Frofes- stoa Stand Aghast la Aauaeawnt. starveling at this Wondrous few Method, of BeaoTiBg W rink lee, . Which Baa te Ages Baffled the j BaMutiag Bxperte of the Barth. f - -r v . h Be. Oresaaa, Be Plasters, Be Masssgs. Ba B olli B B MedlaUa, Bothlng as Sajes Vsder the tie absolutely Bow Treat stent Breves' Bet ara Of- . fared rr Others la YOTO OPIPOKTONITY ' IN WESTERN CANADA mmmmmjmmmmmmmmmmmQQQ 1 MILES" EDMONTON S2 3 r- ii s GRAND L TPOrWK 'RIGHT .eBIGCAR pacific; siAVPiAs te 1 WINNIPEG MELVitl r JAMEa J. HII.I, the pre-eminent ralrread builder, when work era first begun on Canada a aeeond great araaaeeatlaeaial rail way, the Grand Trunk Faclne. said: "If our ewa Weat was new. and this read was being birllt through II, It eould not offer aa great enpertunitle lor amall American capital aa it will la Its presort looatloa." PRBnRNT lOHtBJtAJI at Cornell University, Speaking ef -nit eti hew going i Canada, (aid: , ether area left for nci atrlcsltuTal dsvaloyssest a Is la- aa la thoae task Blaine? IH rl' MNilbltiMMpi, WtaWtmBsM. L v p r i; saldR CnAMhS BEBsjgroBO speaking ef Canada, recently "This Is the country for Investment, I cam t get a closer acquaintance wHh the country and th people, and else to sue Into anaaelal projects. And do yea know what I am going to do aa a result of my vtoltT I ra going Is scrap up every Many 4 wwa and send It ever sere for InveetmsnL I've been alt ever the country thla time from Montreal ta Vancouver, aad I say agsla It a the bast eeuatry la tba world." , . Western Canada ii.Experiencin. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY ' "And thla great era ef prosperity In Western Canada la tn reality Just beginning. It will roatlnua for many yeare Just as It did during the period ef great railway development In the American 7eet. Mflllona aad Millions were epent oa new railway construction tn Western Canada laat year, aad avea greater espendlluree ara planned for 1hl year. Railway projects already under way will require several yeare for vwmsletton. I Western Canada haa a greater area of wheat growing land thaa baa the ' TJhtted Btatea. The report of the Interior Department ( r 11 states, "That deaplt tha rapid) eettlemeat of the Wait, only 1 of the total estimated area available for agricultural cultivation waa filled - j Mare than lat.so Americana crossed the Border last year and they did net retars. Those vrho crossed the Border a few year age Into Western anada ara Bow the prosperous and uheteatlal cltrsea of their eommaBltyi riowhere wn th A merle a Continent doe Aha imaa ( limited mean, but possessing push aad energy, have such a wonderful epportanlty. - Many of the best business openings snd Investment opportunities in this new Northwest center about Canada's second, and destined to be greatest, Trsneeontmentsl Line, tba Oraad Trunk Pacific, now pushing rapidly to completion. Where waa open prairie three years ase, before the arrival of tha new Transcontinental, are Bow located thriving and rapidly growing towns The most vigorous growth Is found In the nataral centres .the Di visional Points ef the Bsilway. The Townslte Property at these Divisional Points la owned by the taad Department of th Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way. anaVaold through its authorised sgeate, tba lntsrnalioaal securities Company, Limited, .... ' . - f. r...- . t Tli final Tnok Ptctfto feihny's GREAT u TOWN Combini tici Offer' ' The towoa of Melville. Watroos, BiMar Md Wainriglit are eacli T)i visional Points, where are looted" ytmnd I, " ,rom these uivuional fointt that Branch line are aad wtu most likely be BeJd tt a Junctional Point and a coal minine- rentre I area linil Inta Wrlafl teet Pan ba aernreil towB, conveiiient to busmen centra and well located, at price, ranging from $101) to $130 each, on ay terms. wi niese ii v pest towns oa th Grand Trunk raahe Railway from Winnipeg- to I monton, a distance of SCO mile, (and which town already boast population ranging from 600 to 2400) nar be parcbaied for $500, with payment of $2S cash and $25 monthly. What an investment really mcaus b iim nvc sown can nest o realized by a comparison. If yon bad pur chased at first price a few years ago. h Calgary, lloose Jiw. Brandon, Medicine Hat and Kegina (located simiJarly on Canada's ftrat great Tranacontinental. Cana dian Pacific), were at the same period of growth and age as tha tow. of Melville. WatroOB Bsfc-gir, Tobeld and Waiawright (on Canada's second great Transconti nental, Grand Trunk Pacific), your investment would ba worth today aarwherc irons one utousauu uvc in on una per cent over, tha price yon paid. Make sa il:. CCSSISSI.aEI, ItsbI Treat rSciS. laawey. WWaVas, te. Can, - n ' i rub iihieiii mtnlnl s.sst esw. I. r. smaesg ssr ssuis ssssoseos ses. sPUt,Lsf,ssl r da sals ef Gessd Treat teak s every chy snd lews ea i sr aw .- cocpox. irauTsMAi stcarrcs csitfliT, im. bssd aw, wfcksnt esjlsvtiea sa ssr part, sssfrlpeve saner sleeve seCeeuaeeoea Odwef lee- si asses avesa si aeCee- BerSneM, earsnlsjs et Besaesas Osaaaess Issse sv OraesTresk PeHac Kaileey sad I Oseelee a DewWwM.- atetie. Xaasa e Address , The t)ue'tlons answered below are gen- - 4iiM,wr, in, symptoms or OIS- ease are given and tha answer will ap- .w " ' mww vi eimaar nature. Thoee wishing further advice free, may address tn. Lewis Bsker. Colieaa Bid. College-Ellwood Rts., Daytoa, a, encloe lM self-addressed stamped envelope for repiy. r uu name aad address must be given, but only Initials er fictitious nam . will be used In my answers The prescrip tions can be filled at any well-stocked . drug store. Any druggist can order of vtuvieemier, ... vrnssl "I seaM Ilka etlr skis. I saner bea ess- stlsstles, ksssssa sM Sl4ltaeurm.-- Aiwswt set tnsl rear ersaalst tkrsi is ealsserk UMets sad lass seeerslat; sv nellssa. Tkess tasMa are aseke la seaM tsses sal eestsla (all Sltectlees fee aslas, I asre teas rsea te ks las snet rsllasle la s auasets es sMw trass senatlsallss. Taey or wes m ssaaar, ereass at Isnar aa aerk swal- euas aa It Ukes lasalsrlr will est rear stlaauea as ssrlty Ike sues, Ikes rif-i year esia as sssesw slear. Tkess ai Das Bsrr"-Tes esa eaellr save year Mtls (IH ef-bMwettlaa kr sunn i es. el eesu. DM kalBverti ( Seaaw Uactsrs eaeaks. Mis kker eyslit as stre ta vaier akeet ens sees ss Bue seek sual, B) te IS ansa e e - Beaten 'My klesa.' steausk aas bevels rs ksslr snerkM sa u van severe eaaa et ea. Ian et Ue keaa. Caa ne ispisianaS s ewer J. a a lea Ikinll eat tre leUeetaa toeal Uas'sieif Get Mr eaa. et aautaytla vtlaee see ker aaa suae a eaiarrk kalw kr ausiss see mesitahu el Ike sevear alia see eaaee et ves- etiee er laps ass ase la tee aeefrua aa far aa tmllla Alas east! treat Iks sala el Ik kaaS tkraask Iks eortrus Ue reueela vask: TV -kalf leueeeefal e Vllsas seeeer see a slat et vara viler aas aas tve er tares nasi eatlr. rer leunai ireauseat Je tse SMes. stoaack as seeela ektals Iks saUewIn lssreSlests: alls. eaase veil sas use a leueeosial sear lusas a l Ceas, nM kalawerv I es. OaM iraH-saess, t ea as4 eaa. ara ssraiserllls, ea. . e e e "fatte- ears: '1 aUslacet tke stesertnUes yea em as lor ti adrift aa Bcklas scalp, will as suaia mm h asaiar aasevr: Tiere Is sot bias teller far saa4nR aas Iteala seel Ibaa alsia renew alsrol ekteh if MIS la 4 ea lira at ear veil sleek eras tors ta tkti aceersins te ilraetlees aa ve will seas SB earet et sU.aussses el Ike salt sad stl. . Ii . . , .. ..v "ITIaa K" wrltest . "Fleeae aevles as what" te Uhe U Biiirtoat eslrvae thaaea. My aras as Stat kavs ae eeveloeaeat saS mf face a ea tBIa Uat K la seelUTelr kesMlr. altkeek ar iwve an iiw. ... aarer: Benr eeM ke sasck eate otlfwl It tsrr were emewktt neakier sei SS kKneaea vetstl k pealMe USUI intr ef-ei- weaaa t. ka alwara at Ber eea. tawia, lakraa tares srata krsoaaelaas taMeta wtikk are ektalee la lealeS carina vrttk strecskaa. ae easttaea saul veer vain rrstasstlr PsUSTOXgg TOKIO Jfrw -Wrlnbla Treatmsat rsees Toaag. ' ' DM vse aier sa s Jaaaaeea eaaaa wrtstlei. Irreaertiti Sjf assf Tses lears tkey ssklsvs as en la taut a sstsslh laet, frea vrleklea. rer Iks fin uae la Aasrlai, Ike Old sitk sew ersa ve Besisr mat neet adeS ft as keslSes seala aura eelee la- tte " " ra eea warsn r Bssith ts las rTlncaet Tekle Imlaest to keloa aaea kaewa. aa R M a levaUlloa. Mfter ketore kste carli- kees skis te ealve Ike aaersta ef "sua. vj." si an ipuea ar reiaaillea WkU yea Save a I tba tieerare-trei. kea Bees ealeckes. Ter- seas lias sa-' . . I a est Balers everr Aaerlcsa Mr. wke wruas 1 shall be Terr - ale Sa - ia I laaaeslitelr. Ike fail kaewled akesl till ves- . .. - i srves new aeuea. se miMi eare SB MIewtB Th. VHiieMi Takte BaetM ef Baiale t- isaresleatt as als swersslf. laala a tassfssa-1 aesass tall et sliterlr Hells an araaatkr lu m saesltlsaa aa at eelttaa lesiae w M.irer ike Aaeneaa waiea. n leiia, witaoat a sraaai aiiM miimM- a I utvaa. Mi aaeet tn rnaceaB ls?i new Ireel- i -- uais auawen, I sa: leal sseilasrea karalsl ef asrSleU 1 ill syras wnaasrltls. tsrlts srestnastsa -see "CkarleUe"rlua: "ka easvsrel tkrssak year sslsi saw te ears baa sseak s slselr teseat tke tenausr sas,. Tsls to ar fa ll -e SS kelllBg "liarte" sM. WIS I saail ka vary glsd ks reseat , tke wke r re. Oat treat year aiwauat SH onrmas a sirsisiiss ea las kettle, vary aJM Issatlvs sat vlU avsty e sset ss a few ears si asst.' a a a very sleaaest M tabs. . If res srs s astrsa. wwal res like te Itefe tike s alrl scats? if yea sre fifty years ef ssi, weaM rea wlik a took like a eeleeSle jooif wnaia el tweetr-flve? II rea srs forty, would yes llks a took like s alrl Jest sat ef ker teaser The te yes tats Book will Be ef Brest valaa. Ne saner will ke aeceote Mr tke ntaeeu Tekie Booklet steel ertaklea. It will ke fine m rnaa skai.su phtvatblt, kr eaa keuevea tkal Ikore has sawaet Ike aeat ealeaSId eay far Aasrleaa weaea et sll saes ua a teres ty. II a aiinss ef Iks aeat keana SoeS ekeer, as m aalike aaytkla Aaarleaa. !t Is s treat la MS atlesf eenteata All yea aeel e ta aak far a FRKB soey, adSraalaa rrlsotea TeklA Salu Mt, Caatral Bask Belleias, Seaiar, Calensa, D. A It tela are a I tattle wrrakM ay sattrsiy BOW trealBeat a only etsa ear -Tet" wtmsbs .-I hsvs atd oareato aeea. V AIM DO ltla ar seas Uaa eat 1 ssaaet eeaasl a as I . f atrauoe. My eiaasaek to a a ke ssaettas lsf eaa yea ewserSeeai sua. Caa yea any aaf lr, M r "IZ-Pavs ft Aaawer: Ta, eaa KMstlOs as aalltn iai i J IlStleTi trill atel ar ye to Ukiea trlisipllaa. wklek - T V yea eta set a say welllecsel n stsra. Tkey tf ".' itilasssvTntsBilsTiT in secke ta eaa eansoa eiu tall elnalisa I'- l taut aaay eaaa I ke srsveatet to Uliiaat'ltl sisrir. . . e e s , "Mra T " wrtta 1 ut, bees tick tar Uae sa ea net seas Is ks ska a al saytkia a vv ae snasa i sa uaeM res sevaerise saa teator MAIM DO (CP)v Mlleleey kaewa. Lanre teeale f LB ft mill lee. Bead Saw kexJllel free. . .t as--i.K-1 Josephine Le Ttm Company j PhlHislpbU. a, Sold by Beatoa Lrug Cox. ths Bell Drug Co, and ths sttaoett uoapsny. Omaha. aeee. uttus res sesaense a ate teator' I m jO Aaaeer: Tba keet aratea sa aarvs aarle 111' a Ueeyeeefel kotea aala Tkia a na aato I I a ar as ss leea. . . i a y e e e . - r X. T. myr. "1 tlw tut twm I Ul llfBasH ks IftC U4K 1 sUB "wTy MBtBaflat.M DM ea-4 .HiTttw o mtm t VAT bT-Va cwwr: I rrlr uilr IMlmrn from UriNi f tnutn vmmrn Imt ttmm ttn fMtovtaf ommmL t&t n-tciic (Wtr miiM. I ; M-l t t.lThM-e ttetfja MfMITUMr N It aTOaC I uiy nMUi.irM; ArassBsiiM iiir, aav; cirfl. ttkm t. tmrnowM tar tba fim am ttar. fr jm mm am UMMnr uw tw nm mPti tcvtal ym vm LM -wick ywi wttm - Every WOMM should know about t&k. wonderful Marred mirliiif Spray" SYRINGE Beat safest most convenient. ' - Cleanses instantly. If year drurrist csanot supply i fllnatraad l,iti lii'Mir't:,'. ti Ut lltlii- tv 'final i . in i: J MARVIU sesdetamo for -eea lea. iontsms tavaaabietd MAKVEL COMyANT 1 23rd Street New Verb tot aala By a be rasa a-aaasll I Drag C. Mail srasrs olltaa. rv H A- irT sT I ROTBLa. Hotel Flanders ' IS3-1S7 Weat 47th Btrect, , K. r. CITY. 209 Feet East est Broadway. A BioderB fireproof hotel is the heart of the theater, dub aad hotel distract: convenient te sll car lines An sioepoonal orchestra. Room with private bath g2.e per day grata Grand Central Station, Broad way cars without transfer. Proas r-ennavlvanlA Station. 1th Avenue cara without transfer, ns H. B. SHARES. Prop.