Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    rii if art
. : ?l VP
Spring Coats With the Smartness
and Style Character Which Appeal
to Faultlessly Attired Women........
Not one. bat many of the mo it exclusive designer bav contributed to this
beautiful showing each different model possesses ita own individuality, but all ex-
preaa the newest and cleTereit la distinctive apparel designing.
The departure front ideal at pstraesaon la radical, centering la the
delightfully original treatment of collars arid cuff; -"there are many Inno
vation in revert, while the new trimming of contrasting colon and the ,
um of large buttons add aft exquisite touch. of refreshing newness.
Materials most favored are whlpcorda In plain and two-ton shades,
plain or wide wale serges, fanry tweeds and worsteds and mannish mix
tures in the man-tailored models. -
A perfect kaleidoeopa of new colore from which to choose.
Junor slats, IS and 17. Sixea 31 to 38 for women.
Prices: 812.50 13.50 915.00 S 17.50 819.75 S22.50
225.00 $29.75 832.50 up to f 60.00.
We direct especial attention to a handsome abowlng of auto costs
la beautiful two-ton combinations. ,
The evening and street costs of ailka, chiffon, taffetas, serges and
crepe bengallnea are worthy a Special trip to Inspect the most compre
hensive display w have ever mad are now ready.
1518-1520 FA&NAM STUMT
Rapidly Deroming Omaha's Most Exclusive Wearing Apparal Shoe) for Mea, Women aad Childrenu
Auditor Telia Them They Kay Form
One if They Desire.
ITmrr Ceeelr Treeewrew ( Law
raster aad rteaeer ef Ceeaty
plre at H.ta rrsntler Day
for the Slate fair,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March l.-Bpeclal -The
Bute Krabelmers' association has asked
the state auditor If It en organise wMhia
Ita membership a Hfe InauraM aetnpaay
ea the asesestnent plan and the auditor
has replied that they may.
A. fcU Howard, attorney for Alber
Prince, the colored convict who k 1114
Deputy Wardea Davis, asking that a
compulsory processes be lesued to tak
the testimony et Charles Burns, James
Culllvsn. John McAdr.w. Edward Stage
mu and alike Berry, coavtcts recently
dlacbaravd from the' peniuntlary, by
whom he hope te prove that Prises had
bee mistreated by Devi and other prison
William MrLaeghlla Dead.
William McLaughlin, formerly troaaurer
ef Lancestsr county, and neldaat ef Un
eoln tine UCI. dld at his home hare at
UM 0 dock Utl morning, ita ml red
from office January 1. but during th
last year of his term had bean unable to
perform any of the duties of the office.
He wa son. of the beat know a and meet
popular residents of Lincoln. '.
It Is announced that the university
cadets Willi have their annual encampment
early 'la. May.
')!. Harry Ness.
The local depots were crowded this
morning and afternoon wttk university going home for the spring vaca
tion. . '
The Lincela Traction company today
Informed the Bute tRUway commission
that R would withdraw Us application to
have the Six fur a quarter ticket order
et the beard rescinded and the straight
t-cent fare substituted. It was rumored
some time ago the company would take
this aetloa on ths theory that under
present oendltteoe such action was un-
members of the Board ef Education are
Um nomliHies of the first caucus; which
was dominated by the -wet" element. Mr.
Mead was named en both tickets to suc
ceed H. A. Wlggenhorn. who resigned Ms
nomination for the Board of Education
to accept the nomination for mayor.
Lare Para Man Bl rlee.
ASHLAND, Nek.. March UWnpeeiel.)
-The large stock and gram farm of Fred
Christian, located three miles east of
town along the Platte Hver, waa aold te
IL Oaudreault of Campbell, rranklln
county, who has large land Interests
throughout the state, The consideration
wss PC.UIS, Including the live stock, the
term com prising N acres. Arthur
Oaudreault, a m, has moved hla family
onto the place and hla father especta to
move hers later.
Meeaae le lame at Silver Creek.
SILVER CHECK. Neb.. Maw 11-tpecll.r-At
a erUsena' caucus held last
night B. P. Laeey. A. A. Banders and P.
EL Layton ware nominated for members
of the village hoard of trustees. The
question ef licenses for pool hells and
saloons art to be voted on directly by
the electors and so tt Is probable that
there will be but on ticket In the field,
the candidates bring pledged to abide bv
the result of the vote ea these questions.
(rentier Par at tlaewla.
secretary Metier of the stste fair
board has dosed the contract on behalf
o fib board for the reproductioa of the
Cheyenne Frontier Day program at the
fair this fall. This show, put ea by
the people ef Cheyeane for the peat flf
taea years, has attracted thousandeof
-people and la pronounced the best capo
autoa of the sports of the frontier that
has sver been put on. Jt Is to be under
the aXiegemeat of the Irwin Brothers.
Streaaeae Trip la Seew.
Miss Anna V. Day of the stats super
lateadent'si office, has been having a
etreaissus time et It la the northwestern
pertloa of the state. . Bb wss twenty
five miles out ,tn the country when the
btiasaiv struck that section and drove
te Chadroa la a oae-horss rig through
the worst of the storm.
Firs Cewimlssleaer Randall ha Juat
succeeded hi digging hlasselt out of the
snowdrift at Bed Cloud, arriving kerns
'today., I
la.atry 1st laveataaeat Ceaapaar.
secretary Royes of the banklag board,
has resolved several letters ef 1st cen
ceratag the Staadard Home Investment
eompaay of Birmingham, Auk. at which
the ieuewlag la a sample:
"In reply to your fever under date of
the llth Instant, will any that the
Header Home company of Wrmlnshem.
Ale., ta not a eulKtui and lean anaocia
Uvn. and has no 'authority whatever te
transect business in Nebraska, and any
'one transacting hmlnaas, or aollcltlng, or
attempting to transact huelneae lor thai
cunpany In this Mate without authority
Iran the State Banking board, would be
subject te a crtmlnsi prosecution.
"1 eacleao herewith a copy of the Itv
stellineat lnvaatment company lew under
which Uita company would be governed.
It see as authority from the Mate Bank
ing board to do business la Kebraeks, and
i would be glad to have you furnish m
the naaMe of ihoa who are reprceeatlng
the company In your community."
Lasaeea Over Btra Brills. -
Fire Marshal ttaadallhaa issued A
circular catling attenttoa to the failure
ea the part et school teachers sad school
officers te comply with the law regsreV
Ing fire drills hi all of the schools. The
law requires that not less than half an
hour each month shall be devoted to sue
practice, but that ta many tnataacas no
. driils at all era green. He argea the
iimi salty ef eomptiaaae with the law,
watch at tor the prelection ef the child
Oeedfetlew Ptlee tew Senator.
ASHLAND, N.b.. March lt-(BpecUI.)
-James K. P. Ooedfallow, a prominent
farmer residing here, baa filed ae a re
publican candidate for float senator for
the Third district. Saunders and Sarpy
counties. Mr. Ooodfsllow has resided m
both eountles, hsvtng largs farm Inter,
ta in Sarpy county near Orstna, So
far no on has filed against him for th
nomination. . (; (
Netea freas tjlewwreed.
OLENWOOD, la.. March )SSpscUL)
Osing te the blockaded eonditle of
ranch railroads and country roast neu
trally, ths southwestern Iowa declama
tory oontest that waa ta be held at Tabor
on March II hi postponed until April a.
Judge W. Scott Lewis of Oleawood waa
salcsted ae one of the two delegate te
represent the Ninth district el tha repub
lican convention at Chicago la June.
Forty-two reel crista traaafers, aggre
gating IMS, 90S, were filed with the county
recorder lest wtsk.
J. W. Murphy, the widely known fruit
eipert ef Mills county, says: "With the
unususl amount of snow ths ground will
remein eold eaeugb as that It kt not proh
ibit that apple tree will bloom before
The annual eaaveaUpn ef the Methodist
Wemaa's Forslga Missionary soetety will
be held at the Metbodttt church ta Oten
wood March It and M. Miss Fanala Per.
klas, India, and Miss Olstabumer, China,
wtu aiake addresses.
Vine Workers of Iowa Make Thii
lequeit of Operator!.
reareatUa Advpts Reswlatlea D
aatlns Haaelrea Dellara Frew
met Eatabllamaseat ef Paelk
Itlea to Tht. End.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
DEB MOINES. March ll-8peclsJ Tsle-
grsm.)-At the convention of miners of
district No. 11 todsy sa Important resolu
tion adopted waa that In favor of a
weekly pay day. Under the present sys
tem the miners are paid only every two
weeks, Thsy claim that this syetem In
variably worka a hardship and voted to
petltlea their representstlvea la the nest
leglslslurs t enact a weekly psy day for
the miners ef Iowa.
The oenventloa adopted a resolution do
nating Slot to promote the establishment
ef facilities for first aid to ths injured In
mine accidents and asking tha mine own
ers snd operators to co-opt rate la ths
Creea t'uSer Arreet.
Clarence W. Green, who waa 'placed
under arrest near Cincinnati, O.. several
daya ago ea charge ef white slavery,
wss brought ta Dee Moinee snd plaeed ta
Jail, where he will bo held until the aest
term Of the federal court ,
PORT DODGE. la... Marth M.-Four
person were Injured, three serioasly,
when a southbound passenger on the
Chicago, Oreat Westers railroad waa e-
railtd four mile eoutk ef here, early to
day. A broken rail wss the cause of tbs
acoldent. according to the officials ef the
road. Roy Pox. mail clerk, la the most
ssrlously hurt, he hsvlng sustained a
broksa arm and leg.
The wreck occurred at H:t o'clock last
night, but news did not reach here until
neon today. The train turns over on
its side about IN yards from a bridge
over the Boone rtve. Engineer Miller ef
Perry, la., was badly Vjaldsd, while Al-
vln Fisher and W. T. Meres of Eagl
Orova sustained minor Injuries.
lews Hews Melee. ; i
K EOT A One of th. few herds of buffa
loes wtst of the Mltslaslppt river waa
sold ysatarday by their ownsr. C. P. Sln
maater, to the Home Zoological arena of
Kanaas City. Tha herd numbered twenty
five splendid snlmaJa,
CAR HOI. William Chrlitr. aged at, of
Coon ttaplda, who was found deed In bed
In the home of a friend near Coon Rapids
yesterday, drank himself to death, accord
Ing to ths verdict of ths coroner's Jury,
which was returned todsj". '
PIERRE, 8. D.. March nV-tSpechU.)
Attorney General Johnson hold thst ths
oounlry merchant cannot handle parts
green or patent medicines under the laws
of this tuts unless he carries a regis
tered pharmacist sn his force. The opin
ion hot da that under the existing statutes
none but a registered pharmacist may
handle and deal la drugs, medicines or
poison. It has long been the custom of
country store to hsndls parts green and
other poisons used la extermination of
plant pests, and many of them also
hsndls pstent medicines, but It th lint
of this decision is to be followed, they
ran no longer desl ta such srtlcles unless
they are reaistsred pharmsdsta.
(Continued from First Page.)
things and that when the Uuiulry.baa
concluded, be would make up hie. mind
what to do. ,,
MdfTrk Talks et Price'.: '
Hs wss free In speaking la ths conduct
of affairs st the prison under Warden
Deiahunty. In ths first place, he said
that the tytteh of government hsd beta
largely the development of the last tea
years. Or commencing with Wsrden
Beemer, aad from that Urn to th pses-
eat the methods had beea less harsh, and
thatthis wss partly due te the clamor of
the public or a certain portion of It. Sons
newspaper and some persons, hs said,
had Indulged In reckless criticisms which
were entirely unwarranted by the (acts
and that this had had a tendency to cre-
a feeltng of unrest snd discontent
among the convicts, who had been -told
by such people they were abused., while
as a mstter of fact ao harsh punishment!
had been Inflicted for years, . - - .
Prleaa laadeaaate.
One trouble, the governor said, wss In
herent In the prison ttaelf, regardless of
whs might be warden nr what course he
pursued. The building were Insufficient
to properly segregate the various classes
of convicts and In addition were poorly
ventilated. What la needed. In .; his
opinion. Is a separate prison for the lees
hardened convicts, as K was unfair and
had policy to subject such to regulations
which were abeolutnly required for -the
control of the more vicious sal confirmed
criminals. If kept In the earn prison,
one set ef rules must be made for all aad
they are either too lax for one class or
too htrsh for ths other. The confirmed
and desperate eriminale should not' be
permitted to associate with or even work
with the others.
Fewer Visitors. -One
result of ths lats developments.
hs sold, would be the curtailment of the
privileges of visitor. Whether the sys
tarn of trusty" prisoners would be re
tained or not. he aid, was for ths future
to decide.
Governor Al (trick asserted thst In -Ills
talks with the convicts they without ex
ception hsd a kind word to say for ths
murdered officials, and sspsclally for
Warden Detshunty, and that In the man
agement of the prison he was always
fair.. !
Ths militia will remain at tha prtsoa
until the arch of the entire premise Is
completed, which probably will be some
time tomorrow.
Scarf I'wrewaHtlaa. '
Search, for Taylor, Dewd and Morley,
the three convicts whs killed Warden
De.ahunty. Deputy Wsgner and Guide
Hetimsu and wounded Guard Doody and
then escaped, has been kept up with un
remitting vigor. All the clues that could
be obtained Save beea followed.
Poeses under ths direction of the sher
iff are traveling over the country la
every direction and every house either
In dty or country that ts the least sus
picious is being searched, but to no
avail. -.-
From College Mew this morning came
the report ef three euspictous mea and a
posse went sfler them. They proved to
be three Italian horse-trader. When the
erased poiwee came In sight the Italians,
much, perturbed came and protested
their Innocence. They speedily convinced
the officers they were an right
One of the Incidents of the dsy wss
the arrival In Lincoln of eight stslwsrt
Irishmen from Osy county, old friends
snd neighbors of the kite Warden Deia
hunty. They came to offer their services
to the officers in hunting down the mur
derers. Waraea KllleS ea Birthday.'
It hat Just developed that Wsrden
Deiahunty waa killed on the fifty-ninth
anniversary of hla birth. The funeral
wtl ltak place Monday morning at
o'clock, from th Catholic estbednil,
Fourteenth and K streets, snd ths body
will be sent te Peoria, 111, In the after
noon for burial. The funeral of Usher
E. O. HeUman will ha Monday afternoon
at I o'clock at the German Lutheran
Evangelical church; Interment la Wyuka
No arrangements hare been made tor
the funeral of Deputy Warden Wsgner,
the officials hsvlng been unaM to locate
any relative up to the present time.
Chspe; services will be conducted as
ususl at the prison tomorrow.
Tom .JBmlth pf York, Delshunty's
predecessor as wsrden called on Governor
Aldrlch and tendered his services If
needed In the emergency. Smith wss In
formed that h. had been suggested ss
warden, but replied that under no condi
tions would he accept the position, but
was willing to be of any service In the
emergency. The governor thanked him
for his offer, but said that until bs con
cluded his Investigations he teas In no
position to say whst he would do.
March It Sentrtea at th fortifies tlooi
her todsy shot snd killed two men at
tempting to break into one of the forts.
Thirtieth Aaalveraary Satee.
Brandels Btores devote entire news
paper section to advertising todsy.
The key tt euceoas m business Is tht
persistent and Judicious uss ot newspaper
One Patrolman is Injured in Clash,
at Lanarkshire.
Every Day Adda Thoasaade t List
f tTaempleyea Ipactwrlee Cea
ttaae ta Cleee aad Railroads
"to Cartall Service;
LONDON'. March M.-The first dis
order of ths British coal strike occurred
todsy st Lanarkshire. Scotland, where
one patrolman' was seriously Inlumd In
a conflict between officers sr.J Ulklng
union miners. The trouble wss preceded
by a raid on the homes of Sd nonunion
miners, who had left to return to wurit
In the mmta.
The critical moment has now srrtved.
the authorities believe, and extra pre
caution ar being takch ta check out
breaks. Hundreds of thousands of men and
women will bs sdded within a fsw days
to the two persons Idle throughout
Great Britain as a result of the ttdkt.
Tea thousand skilled mechanics were
thrown out of cmiiloymeot today by the
closing down the the Oieat Western
Railroad Construction works at Swla
ton forced by th. coal abet-tate, aad ths
London ft Northwestern milv.ay gave
notice tt would curtail its service Moa
day. . ' . .
. All Iadastrtes Affected.
The failure of the conference between
the (trlktra snd the mine owners to
reach a settlement of (le strike brought
the country todsy to the realisation of
the serious position tof other Industries
beside the one directly affected. '
In many places manufacturers hsve
only kept, their work going by extraordi
nary efforts. They will new a longer
be able to do this.
At Sheffield many ot the works hsve
only continued In operation by the moot
careful bearding of coal, but even with
thla thriftlness over S.000 men In thst
city hsvs been dlscbsrged. and on Mon
day It M f eared. that practically every
factory In the town will be closed.
Not only have the passenger service on
the railroads been cut down, but the
freight trains have been reduced to such
an extent that It ta Impossible almost to
ship any goods st all.
A few smalt roller! are still working
snd w axons from the neighboring towns
form long lines over night awaiting the
doling out f th aoaaty supply. -
The British mine owners snd miners, st
the request of Premier Asqulth todsy,
both appointed representatives to confer
with th government during the prepara
tion of the forthcoming minimum wag.
bill for underground workers.
MCianana liuiiiy
of Causing Death of
. Miss Elsie Coe
' PITTSBURGH. March 1. Rev. Dr. W.
D. McFarland. minister and edaewtor,
former heed of the Pittsburgh Central
High school, but later connected with
United Presbyterian mission work at
Greenville; Tenn.. waa eoavicted by a -Jury
In criminal court here this after
noon ef causing the death of his former .
secretary, Elsie Dodds Cos, lest Jsnuary
HJ attorneys took aa appeal and It wiTTt
be argued on a date not yet set. next
The defense rested its case soon after
e urt convened thla morning and the time
until the noon hour wss taken up with
tns argument. The defense won whst .
it believed was a victory when It sue-,
ceeded in having Judge Haymaker eUm- ,
mate all but th fourth count ot th in
dlctmtr t. the count which charged that
Dr. Merer land admlalstered medical
trcUaiut ti the (trl on January L
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising
Quality Laundry
a trial biindlo to demonstrate
real quality ot ita work.
requirement are als-ays considered
and personal attention given each
is floe owing to the superiority ot
our work It epeaka for Itself.
$12 Overstuffed
Maive frame of solid oak, wide spacious back and comfortable seat, foil
, steel spring construction, hand tied construction of guaranteed Imperial ;
leather; looks like and weas like genuine. Deep diamond tufting in
1 back and -front handsomely ruffled. A beauty and a bargain for this
Bum vuij-, ipii.w viuuty cm to . .-.... ,
Size 9x11 Peet
Seamless luxurious pile vel
vet rug, worsted surfiice; a
large quantity of desirable
patterns to select from. F
Don't Delay -Your Easter
Suit-Order It Now!
Slate Kaaeed at Aahlsuad.
ASHLAND, Neb,. Marcb l--gBecsL)-A
secnes caucus, eoatroiled by la advo
cates et a ' err" sown, bold here mas
ntgnt. named the following ticket for the
April election: stayer. U. A. Wlggva
'" barn: dty clerk. J. U La Chapsli; city
treasurer. M. A. Wtggenhora. Jr.; oouncll
"nen. PTrst ward, long term. Oscar Kotf
sn; short term. A. 8. Whittaker; Second
et '"".pa. Q u gcott; members ot the Board
'Education. M. U stead and C J. Roe.
' Um men aomiitated. La Chapatie for
twos ifr tltrs. e. A. wttrtennorn. Jr.. for ritv
- . . surer. M. U Mead and B. t. Boas tor
Only It mors shopping daya until
Easter. And you 11 surely want your
new spring suit by that time. Now Is
the tine to order one, tailored to
your Individual measure by out! ex
pert saea tailor and Utters, tat ta
style sad materials yon want You
win b delighted With Ue charming,
perfect flu ing garment well make
for yon. Aad the coat Is ao mor
than the chance-fitting ready-to-wear
Spring Suits
To Order
AU th newest and prettiest spring
fabrics are her for your seleetloa.
And remember,. It yotrr suit doc not
com up to year fcifhee sspectatloas
dea't tak tt. , The mpQwstbllrty la
all- aura. - -v -
! TijrMuiifF6t. :
ll I 9-0 Ms. ggjr 6 AHA jj;;!
II X. - - - ... a "3
H. wmE Mm
; j , W Oak Dining Room
ill '4 , chairs si.59 Each lMM;lMarn
V $25 Buffet $12.25
This nandncBM tzl 04 Colonist Buffet
is beautifully polisaed and of durable
construetl. Base la fitted With two -";;
drawers, one Mned for silverware:
'(' iinra drawer and deukle Acer dish
,vm il LMtn't fell to se thla If
- in nee or tsuiiei.
We know absolutely that $3,00 cannot duplicate
these chairs in any store in Omaha. They are made
of solid quarter sawed oak and highly polished.
Have genuine Imperial leather Beats, heavily braced,
with a spacious seat and broad back. A wonderful
value. For this sale only ;
lean Decorated Puelt, tt T1
The post of three handsome beds ar
exceedingly heavy, hsve 3 broad decor
ated pansla at the head and toot board.
They are enameled In the popular gold
bronse finish which la superior to any
Imitation braes bed offered; wUI not
tarnish or rub off.
Hartman's Complete Home of
Four4 Furnished Rooms. Pos
itively Every Article to Fur--
Parlor, bedroom, dining room and kitchen or any other
four rooms yoa desire. Eemember, every room com
pletepictures, rags, lace curtadna aad dishes included.
Atlt model collapetble Ge-Cart
that folds with one motion, ail steel
frame and body of waareateed tmpe-
tal leather, tjeespiete wits
band, offered tomorrow at
the extremely low prtc
1414-1416-1410 DOUGLAS ST.
Golden Oak Dresser
Base measure 45 fetches, beanttful
swell front, two email and two lares
J" who ereae drawer pslla.
. rainw act
la beaarlrully carvod frame
and brilliantly poiiahed
base. Price ,