Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1912, Image 1

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j i PAST 052.
Unsettled; Colder
' vol. xlj-no. 39. :
- i
Lincoln Chief of Police Auiiti Peni
tentiary Murderers Through
Drift Before Hit House.
milk; wagob
Force Tenth to Drive Them Through
N Ttl Tn.V.
Box'i Month Sealed hy tun Held
at His Side.
Terrorize Woman and Her Son with
' Gun Play. '
Geveraer Rearaee Llacala ' Bad
.nakea Trip la - Pea Deelaree
i . Matlay R'Hll ICallMlm .
j Leap; Ceatlaaed,
' BlM.ETl.
Chief of Police Brlgg of South Omaha
Udt night received a telegram tram
Sheriff llyors ot Lincoln .that the three
f penitentiary murderer had been righted
twelve miles east ot Lincoln , walking
alone the Burlington tracks. One pistol
they had discarded lias been found. A
lores was ent at once from South Omaha
to throw a guard line In their path from
the Jllssourl to the Platte river.
Two ot the men are wearing black soft
hats and one a gray cap. All are wear
ing overalls and black coats.
Coming -and Going in Omaha
. .. .A , r -
... -ja-v ; p i --ts-4 : d,PM' m r
- '
- .
.& :
mUT ' -6NOW
LINCOLN'. March H-The first trace
ot three convlcti who escaped from the
Nebraska etate prison after killing the
warden and two assbtants hut Thursday
was" found Saturday afternoon, when It
was learned that they had stolen a mils
wagon and team . from a farmer near
College View and pad driven to town on
the evening of the prison delivery.
The three men earn to-the farm house
thurify before t o'clock. They lt&4 Men
t , een in Jiaystaoks In this vicinity- earlier
In the evading, out a searcn naa proven
fruit) i
The gten found a boy and bis mother
. at beam They held as the sous sad
cona elled thani to kft them during the
night. . Karl la the looming tbey took
a aiilk wagoa and put tha boy In with
them. The party then let out for tha
My.- r; 1 fv. f-'r'.-'. V.
; Cklaf Help Tkeas'XMH.-.-- '
Shortly after I alack to the morning
the Wagon stuck la a snowdrift near the
home of Chief ot Police Hunger. The
' " eli let wa Just returning from a search
when be aaw the wagoa suited In the
drift. ' Tha boy. with a revolver against
hut ribs, told tha officer that ha was
driving to make aa early delivery, and
the chief helped his horses through the
drift and headed them up tha alley to
a paved street. The boy then drove to
the railroad tracks in the northern part
of the city, where the men got euL
Terrorise bp Caavteta.
Both the boy and hi mother say tbey
were terrorised, The convicts, aeeordiag
to th story told the poUce this moralng
by the bay, told his mother that fet aba
telephoned In and they were stopped they
would kill th boy first. They told the
boy that It either be or his mother ever
talked they we-.ld ."-. ie back and kul
them. The officers believe that- tha
lory hi true sod are working on th due.
Caveraar meackee Llaeala.
Governor Aldrtch finally succeeded la
reaching bom about I o'clock tha morn
ing after being snowbound at Auburn.
After a short nap be went to th peni
tentiary and spent most of th day I sere.
In answer to a buestiua whether he
had any plans for a permanent wardea
b rpUed that b had not It had beaa
suggested to him, among other things that
Colon! MeCloughrey ot th ' federal
'prlsoa at Leavenworth be asked to racoav
mend som on to takaeharg temporarily
at toast until affairs could be straight
end out, but that this, with ether ptans
would be considered. The first thing, b
said was to jaka aa Investigation and
ascertain Jus what th conditions were.
He Is aommuiJcaUttg with former prison
official and with other wb at sup
posed to know something about suck
(Continued wa aeeeod Page.)
The Weather
For Xebraska-Unsottled weather with
ram or snow; much colder; cold wave
Borthweet portion.
r'or lowa 1'tteeuM; warmer east por
tion; eolder west portion.
Teaaperatara at Oaaaaa Teateewap.
's7tf&: .t-r.:r.:::-:
t f 'J m. a
stf' JM r a. m...,..,
r-sA ii a. m. X
tLJt "
t3l. m.inirnn
t ffiiJl f p. ........ 1
i - i m. v....... 4i
' Camparatlva I seat
. nu. hnL i. ms
Ilufbest yesterday m t u . U
Lowest yesterday ft tl s 5 ' H
Mean temveratur ..... 31 H el - M
relpltaaea M M i A-' M
Temperatar and sreatpitaUba depar
turee fr.m the normal:
formal temperature 8
eCcleflcy for tha day I
Total deflcteacy etna Kerch L Ut
' Mermal predpuatioa............ .at sack
Xxceas for the dap M laeh
Total rainfall ita-l March 1... l.Tt Inches
Kenaas alaee Male. I l.w laches
LwrtekHKy tor our. aerled, 111.. JH Inch
JjeOeieae tor car. period. 01.. .at tack -h.
A. WKUii. Local Perecastar.
Mr. Hall Says it Will Produce Sixty
i s Millions.
Leaawerth Challeagres laderwaad
to Dewtara Illaaeelt aa fVe
' Weal Pnsasss f Col- ' '
leaaae. , J
' t ,.' ;
WASHINGTON'. March It-Consideration
of 'the excise bill taxing at.l per
cent net income of corporations, firms
and Individuals In excesa of SS.0W yearly
was taken Up by the house today.'
"The ends tan propose to dispute
custom house revenue to the extent of
at least lOO.we.JCA shl'ft th burden to
those having annual net profits exceed
ing 5,00 asd at th same time Bare to
the people the relative sum of S30o.4ua.
now collected aa tall by th manufacturer
for th privilege, of payment by ,!h peo
ple .of high protective tariff taxes," ar
gued Mr. Hull of Tennessee. . " .-
Mr. Undrrweod decided not -to prees for
a vote Monday,- but agreed to close gen
eral debata Teesoay,, with ha-'powlbillty
of psaalng the bill that nlikt; ' -
Keprestntatlv Longworth of Ohio ar
raigned the excis - nnn ""' aud
snconatltatlenal measur) laytng it was
unfair, unjust and - mequtabl and an
likely to yield mora than one-third tha
revenue expected from It said the
Carnegies, Roekefellers aad.Aatorx would
acspo payment. inherited wealth In
vested In property asrapad th tax. he
said, yet the effort ot brains and ability
was taxed. He chlded the democrats for
keeping pepper and other table supplies
ea the dutiable lift and challenged Mr.
Underwood to declare himself on th free
wool propaganda of hls colleagues.
The National1 Capital
Satarday, March) i, 1P1S.
.. ? k The Senate.
Senator Kern spoke In favor of (Sher
wood "dollar- -day" pension bill and de
nounced Smool eubatltude.
Adopted Lea resolution sailing on De
partment of Justice for information re
garding proposed re-organ Isatton of Har
vester trust
Opposition, was expressed by man
facturera before- laborer committee to
eight hour government control work Mil.
Bill authorising homestead . antrles on
oil and gas land paed.
Paaaed Philippine Spaniards' cltlsenshlp
bill, which now goes to the president
., - i The House. .
Consideration of exdae bill taxing In
oomea begun with expectation of a vote
Chairman Moss of Agricultural depart
ment expenditures committee announced
investigation into affairs of department
would be continued. "
Representative Stedman declared com
merce asd labor report criticising cotton
I mills of south was absolutely untrue.
Chairman Adamsoa of Interstate com
merce rommlsnloa favorably reported
Panama canal government bill.
Representative Le (Pa) introduced a
bill to extend Erdmaim arbitration act
previsions to owners of coal mines.
Strikers at Barre " ' '
Attempt to Prevent'
Moving of Freight
BARRE. - Maaa. March ' . It-Several
shot were exchanged betweca a band at
inkers at th plant of th Barre Wool
Combing company and a detachment of
otvtl offteera today. Malt a dossa off)
oar were slightly Injured and five men.
all Italian, were arrested. Th clash
followed th removal ot some car from
the plant ot th company. One man
managed tb escape from the officers
after he had been severely clatbed about
tha head.
Th management of X the ' mill had
planned to ship some ears loaded with
good and although the strike committee
last night agreed not to Interfere when
the switching angina puffed lota the
mill yard over the-spur track a great
crowd of strikers and townspeople had
gathered about tb mill gates awaiting
developments, and sixty of fleer were on
guard near tha mflL Without Interference
th train -moved up th track, when sud
denly a crew of about IS) striker sur
rounded aajd attacked a group of half a
dosen officers. Reinforcements were sent
to their asslstanoa, bug meaawklla, per
sons eoacealed behind a building opened
fir on th otOcera, wh returned it
A bullet grased the face of an officer,
another scarred a 'poJIcemen'a back, and
a third want through aa officer- helmet
Another polleemaa bad his -head spill
earn by a club and; ether were hurt by
The rlpt was quelled -n- a short Urn
and the streets' worn cleared of strikers.
Liner from America y
i . is Reported Lost
CBCTA. Morocco. March K-A ashing
boat reports that aa Itatlaa transatlantic
vessel has been wracked oft tb coast at
Almaaaa aa the African ride of the strait
ot Gibraltar. Tae fiaherMea declare that
a number of tb steamer's boats-which
put off from the vessel oapsessd and that
th acapnias war drowsed, ' r
LONDON. March 1.-Tba only wreck
near OibraMar reported at Lloyds Is that
ot an annamed at earner ashara at'Ca-
aboals. to which assistano has
WASHINGTON. March ML-Thw'tavss-tltatlsa
at pondltuo in th federal
ot chemistry by. tb house has
With th resignation ot Dr.
Harvey W. Wner. Charnaaa Ma-aa-i
nan ail his eseaierttes bad aot . closed
Its hssxabr -and that farther utreetlsa
t -was proabie ef the frletMi that
Dr. Wiley declared forced hiss to mire.
Editor ef Bt Suoeeedg John J, Hill,
;.' .- Wha Siaa in Bostom. -
t . . '
Edits la Statessent Pay Trlbnt,
t ta High Character aad Ability -.
x if Ttran Cavrur f '
. i MaBe. ; ;
KKW TORK. March M. Th chah-msn.
hip ot th republican national, commit
tee,, mado vacant today by the death of'
Jolm Fremont Hill, former governor ot
Maine, will be filled, up to th time ot
th national convention at least, .by Vice
Chairman Victor Rosewater, editor and
proprietor ot Tb Be of Omaha.
Announcement of Mr. Rosewater ap
pointment to the acting ehalrmanehlp was
made tonight by William Hayward, secre
tary', who was formerly the Nebrasks
member of the nsttoaal committee, but
now reside her. Mr. Hayward said that
tha selection of Mr. Bosewatar waa ac
cording to precedent, and that no ipeclal
meeting ot tb national committee would
be called to elect a permanent chairman.
Th selection will be mods by th com
mittee at the national convention.
Mr. Hose water ta a member of the
executive committee of the national com
mute and ta a member of tha subcom
mittee of arrangements for the Chicago
Hill Die la Bestea.
BOSTON. March It-John F. Hill, tor.
mer governor of Maine, aad acting chair
man of the republican national com
mittee, died here today.
Mr. Hill was taken III early In th week,
with an affection of tha heart
.. Mr. HUt wa bora October 9. 185. He
belonged to on of th most Illustrious
families of Main and for years was a
leadlig . bunhseaa man. He waa twice
married, tn first wile being Lixxle a.
Vlckary. wb died In UN. Four years
later Mr. Hill married at St Louis Mra
Laura Liggett widow of Hiram 8. Ug
gett and daughter at Norman i. Coleman,
secretary of agriculture la President
Cleveland's first cabinet. ' . '.
" EeUaeata' at Victor naatwster,
"Although I had been advised Of Gov
ernor Hill sertoa Illness, his death
grieves me greatly," aatd Victor Ross
water, th Nebraska member ef th re
publics national committee. Governor
Hill ' waa a man ot admirable ability,
quiet aad reserved, but forceful. I came
into close association with him in com
mlrtee work, and waa greatly Impressed
with Ms high character and amiable dis
position. -Hi health had seen poor tor
soma time, which deterred im from ac
tivity, and kept him from participating
la th work St . the subcommittee In
charge of the coming convention, where
hi counsel woald have been valuable"
Einger Consulting
Os South Omaha2 Case
Trm a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March M- S(erUU Tele
gram) Dean Ringer of South Omaha,
wha baa assisted th attorney generals
office In th ease against Ryaa and
Plvonka, members ot tha Sooth Omaha
Police commissi oa, was consulting with
Attorney General Martin today regarding
tb caa which is pending la the supreme
coast i
On phase ef tb rase considered wss
whether ht they should ha re-eleeted at
th spring election and Judgment of
ouster saonld be ea tared ta this ess, they
could scrv ander the new electiaa. Th
attarae; general la Inclined te th opfatoa
they could wot
Hulk of Battleship Buried with
Solemn Bitea While Smoke of
V .. Gum Pormi Shroud.
Caskets at Victims Which Are ta He
Braagat Home Are Berne ta
-' llarher ea Paealdrrs at
Caaaa Sailers,
HAVANA. Cuba, March IS.-The solemn
funeral rite connected with th sinking
of th battleship Main and with carrying
to their lent resting place th bodies of
msny of Its sailors were th center of
Interest here today.
The old battleship ass sunk In Hie
water of the Uulf of Mexico, the smoke
of th saluting guna ot war vessels serv
ing for a funeral shroud, while with all
th pageantry and pomp ot national
mourning the-bodk of the sailors ware
started on their way back to Washington.
Followed in proceesloB by the president
ot tha Cuban- republic, asd by all th
other high dignitaries of Cuba, and amid
a. Vast ftojteoura of all eJaesM Of Cubans
and American ottlssas, the dead ot the
Maine acre borne on tle shoulders M
Cvban Bailor and 'ilKet-ymea through
the streets i-t Havana. Cuban infantry
Itned tha sUn walks, on which a great
multitude uncovered as th bodies passed
from th mortuary chamber LB the palace
to th aide ot the harbor.
There tbey were formally placed In th
custody -of officers of the United States
nsvy. In th service ef which they had
given their lives. - -'
As th casket, draped with Cuban and
American flaga and covered with flowers.
Were borne out a guard of honor saluted
and all along tha line the aalut waa con
tinuous until the procession reached the
harbor. , '
At the harbor Itself stood a guard ot
honor of Spanish-American war veterans,
and facing thee was another guard ef
honor of Cuban soldiers.
Th day was clear aad warm, with no
wind blowing, and ths inhabitant ot
Havana cam out to witness th proces
sion almost to a man.
Th great function, the sinking of ths
wreck of th Maine, Is taking place this
afternoon. Th old battleship, it decks
hidden beneath great masses of floral
offerings and escorted by warships be
longing to th United States navy and
ths Cuban navy, is being towed out to
sea. Under the salute ot esansn from
th Cubans fortress It Is proceeding to
find Ita last resting place in th on-,
ounded depths ot th Oult ot Mexico,
Bomb Sent to Judge
. Injures a Fire Chief
NEW YORK. March It-A bomb sent
to Judge Otto Ji Kosslsky of th court
ot general teutons exploded In the Judge's
apartments tonight and Owen Kg an. chief
of tha bureau of combustibles of th fir
department who had been summoned by
th Judge an receiving a suspicious look
ing package, wa seriously hurt Ills
right hand was mangled and his face In
jured, Judge Kosalsky escaped un
harmed. He waa the trial Judg la tb
Folk K. Brandt case.
Textile Unions at Fall
River Reject Raise
FALL RIVER, Mass., March It -The
Fall River Textile council, representing
S),0M operatives, announced today It has
virtually rejected th I per cent wage
Increase offered by th manufacturers
and has demanded a flat lacreass ef II
per cent '
KANSAS CITT. ;Mo.. March ht-At
though offlclsJs of all tb railroad who
traffic waa blocked' by th recent pits
sard in western - and northern Kansas
reported Improved condition today, an
the line are not yet open.
There are six Chicago, Rock Island A
Pacific: passenger train stalled- between
PhUnpstwrg and -Oood'and. The manage
ment expect to release those trains be
fore tomorrow. a .
Th prtvat car of J. O. Brlnserhoff.
superintendent ef the Kansas division ot
tb Union Pacific, which eras delayed
near Ellis, will arrive her this afternoon.
Th Union Pacific is not open between
Ellis and Colorado points, but Its offl
etale stats that condition will be practi
cally aaiaul by tomorrow.
, The local upertnmndent of the Atchi
son. Topeka Santa F stated that the
road is not blocked at any point, al
though train ar delayed. " .
... - '. '
Acting- Secretary Culver Present
Petition! from Various Dittrieti.
OWelll Mia Already Filed far t ea
gres a Faeloalet aad laclade ,
Other Party, Which Already '
Ha t aadleate. -
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March ltMSpectal.W. H.
Culver, acting secretary of the Htats Taft
league In the absence of Frank Currie,
has filed th petition of the Taft candi
dates for delegates te th national con
vention and also th petitions of the
candidates for electors. There r T.1SP
names en th petition of th detegatee-at-iarge.and
thee for th district dele
gate are as follows: First 713: Second;
i.Ml; Third, I.W; Fourth, : Fifth, 4;
Sixth. 1.2m. Additional .pelltlona ar
being received hi every mall and will be
filed a received up to th tlni. limit,
which will k t P. m., Tuesday, March lk
. Following grain candidates placed, on
the republican, tlekeb by th action, of
Mr. Culver In filing th petitions and ac
ceptance of the asms.'; ; (
lelegates-at-Lerg-J. I., Webster ot
Omaha, A. W, Field of Mneeln. . B.
Perry of Cambridge, R. B. Schneider if
Krcmenl, 0. K. Acfama of Superior, C. x.
8chspll of Pawnee City, K. M. Currie
ef Mroken Bow, C. H. Heutalnger ef
Grand Inland, the tut four being ondl,
date for sHernates. .
First rHMrwt-r. Sheldon Ke
hawka, Frank Ilea vis of Fall City. H.
It, Howe of Auburn. Charles Marshall
of Nebrsska Cltf. th Is tier two being
alternates, . . .
becoud rust not J. , C. Hoot Of umajia.
C I, tiannders ot Omaha. F. P. Claridge
of Blair, th latter two being alternates.
mire- uiairici imvar esmpson oi taia
and. H K. Glailfrlier of Central City,
Hurt Manes of Norfolk. Ksrl Kramer of
Columbus, the last two being alternates.
fourth, Vletnct-H, J, Kiiuatrtca ei
Beatrice. J. H. Culver of Mllford. W. L.
Overstreet of Vork. J. IV Thleasen of
Jsnaen, the last two being alternates.
ruth Ltwirirt -n. visrKe oi nam
ing.. A. C. Rankin of Oxford, ' i, A.
Andreas 'of Holdrege, 1. B.' MoGrew ot
Hloonilngtpa, the last two. being alter
nates. Klxth Wstrlot-A. E. Cady of St. Paul,
H. K. Wiener of Scott Bluff, R. It.
Harris of Lynch, V. A. Stewart of Lsx-
Ington, ths last two being slterpaleg.
Doashae Files aa Seelallat.
Jamas-A. Donehue of .O'Neill baa filed
a petition as socialist candidal for eon
gress In th Sixth district, lis already
ha a filing as a democrat and populist.
What looki th most peculiar la th fact
th socialist already hav a candidate
In th field, Fred J. Warren of North
Platte, and as the party Is not In the
habit of having conflicting candidates
there Is a suspicion that th petition hv
behalf of the Holt county man is not en
tirely on the square.
C. O. Lobeck of Omaha has presented
a populist petition aa a candidal for
ootigr In th Second district to supple
ment his democrat filing. - .
W. H. Westover of Ruihvllle hss filed
a petition as a candidate for delegata-at-
larg to ths democratic national conven
tion. - , - .
James R. Dean, already on the ticket
aa a democratlo caadidat for elector, has
presented a populist filing for th tarn
office. , :
Ernest von Forretl at Scott' Bluff has
filed as a republican candidate for the
senate from the Twenty-seventh district
A number ot. Clay county men have
sent In a petition ta hav th nam ef
Roosevelt placed on tha primary ballot
as a preferential candidate for president.
H. E. ReJsche of Chadron I a demo
cratic aspirant for th house from tb
Seventy-fourth district Fred Llnd of
Polk county has filed as a republican
from th Eleventh senatorial district aad
Ben r., Skeen a a populist from th
Third senatorial district.
J. .W.' Wood rough aad C. i. Smyth of
Omaha filed petitions aa delegates te tb
democratic national convention. They
are both supposed to be In th Interests
of Wood row wuson aa a candidate for
the preiidency.
' John W. Outright, a well-known news
paper man. filed today as a democratic
candidate for elector from the First dis
trict - -i
The socialists filed a number ot primary
nomination papers today, aa follows:
Treasurer ef atata, John W. Vaa Allen,
Fremont; representative, IX Blank
meyer, Pender; a. P. -Anderson. Fre
mont; Chris Jensen, laglewcod; J. H.
Loper,' Lincoln; senators, Oarrxton Bar;
Pender; Jam L. Chrlstoffersoa, . Elk-
horn. V
E- L. King of Osceola and a W. Neill
of Tork tiled this afternoon a candidates
for delegates from the Fourth district
to the rrpubUcaa national convention.
Tom W. Smith of Tork filed aa a candi
date for detegat-U-!arg to tb demo
cratic national coarvantloa.
W. J. Taylor of Merna, Custer county,
filed the lists as a democratlo candidate
forvnngress from tha Bhith district.
C. W. Btsping f Crawford wants ta be
a member of the house from ths Seventy-
fourth district He Is a republican.
Men Who Killed Court Offioert Are
1 Located in Blue lidje
Mountain. '
Report '. that"gldaa"Allea , Wa
- 'Arrested, aad that Hie . Wife i
' " Wa killed Are Beer
i' -5 v y i nmir4' ' ' ' '
', CHA RliOTTB, ' X, ' C, March " Il-Th
staff representative of a local newspaper
wire today from Fries, Vs., that Sldna
Allen. Claude Allen (a eon ot Floyd), Sid
ney vdwarda (a nephew of Floyd Allen)
and Freeman Allen (a son of Jsck Allen)
with twenty ot their clansmen hav be
located at Devil's" Pen m th Blue Ridge
mountain on th North Carolina-Virginia
border. ' ' .".,' ' '
Fir in Hlllevllle Jail.
.HOANOKK. Va.l March McrTh only
prisoners hi Jail at Hlllsvllls' era Fiayd
Alln. hia sot) Victor, Caber) Strickland,
Byrd Marion and John Moore, the last
named being arrested today. Moor hl
tha Allen gang's horses whll thay wr
in the courthous. , Member ot the clan
at largo In the mountains are Stdna, Jack
aad Claude Allan aad Wisaley aad Sidney
inwards. ) . , s . -. ,
-i Na Attempt ta Make Arew.t.
. H1LLSVILLK, Vs.. Msrch It-No at
tempt hss beaa mad yet t captors
Sidna All ar aay of hi follower in.
votved In the (hooting of the three court
officer berg last Thursday. .Until ths
men new In Jail her hav been moved
eo as to release the heavy guard now
kept over them It Is unlikely an attempt
will ha made. 1
Tha grand Jury today returned six In
dictments against tha nwn la Jail. -
Kllllag ef Mra.' A Ilea Dealea. J
PULASKI. Ve.. .March lt-lUllavllle
hss practically been cut off from direct
eommanlcatlon since ear'' today, A long
distance telephone message from there
lust received here, however, dee! area that
th reporta from th mountains yesterdsy
ot th1 arrest ef Sldna Allan and tha
killing of hi wlf proved rranou and
that th outlaw, with hi brother Jach
and their elan, la Mill at large. Or
ganised hunt for- the -murderere of th
CarroU county officer began In earnest
today. ' r ' - - -
Four Slayers of Mrs.
Kaufman Sentenced
CHICAGO, March M--Tbe four men
who shot and killed Mra. Hattl Kauf
man near her horn on the night of De
cember t today were sentenced by Judge
George Kersten aa follows: -
George (Towhead) Rabenau. tl years
old, who fired the shot, life Imprisonment
John Stacey. a year eld, twenty-five
year' Imprisonment, .
William Roilln Channell, IS years aid.
twenty-five years' Imprisonment
Fred Boneham. ,H year old. twenty-flv
years' Imprisonment. ,
Relatives of Boneham had expected len
iency to be shown him because' he had
plesded guilty, and when the court today
pronounced hla sentence Mrs. J. C. Bank,
a suiter, tainted and had to be carried
from th court
Boats Replace Street
Cars at Augusta, Ga.
AUGUSTA. Os.. March It. -Regular
boat service today waa Installed In place
of street car on some of Augusta' flood.
filled street. Th Savannah river, ordi
narily wot more than IS yards wide, to
day stretched a mil from tb Georgia to
the Carolina nor, while a 45-5-foot depth
waa shown by th gauge as tb channel.
While property aad llv nock loss la
expected to be considerable In the low
lands, there hss been no loss of Ufa re
ported so far. Many families bar been
forced to abandon their home.
Consul Miller at Tampko Beceives
Letter Warnirtf Citizens to
.Leave at Once. -
Strong Representations Are Made to
' , Mexican Officials.
Women and . Children Leave Yen ,
Cms on Short Botice.
George A. Beater Sayt Anarchy Pre-:
' vaili All Over Mexico. .
Conference ef Brotherhood Sea at)
Saa Aeteeta 'Deride la Ask All .'
readaoter and Eaglaeers ,
- t Metara Heme. , -
WASHINGTON, March lt-Amerlcan
Consul Miller, at Tamplco, Mex.. In-1
formed th Slate department today that,
he had received -en anonymous letter'
warning alt American to leave that vl-.
-J'clniiy before 4 o'clock this afternoon.. .
MKXICO .CITY, March lt-Although,
n American eltlsens were molested by
the mob which terrified th resident of
Tamptoo last night great apprehension
ar felt there, according to a consular1
report raoetved here today. .
Th American embassy her has In
structed Ceaaul Miller to take every
possible precaution, arming for aafe pro-1
lection It necessary, and to make strong
representation to the Mrxlcsi authori
ties there. Who will be held to account
tor any loss of life or destruction at the
property of American crtlsen.
' San Fernando and Durgos. 'in' the
northern central' part ' of the state of
Tamaullpas, have pronounced against the
government. ' --::.,.
' . Xe Amerleaa Safe. '
NKW" YORK. March 11-On hundred 1
and thirty refuges from Mexico, all of
them Americana arrivtd her today en
th steamsnip Morr Castle Two-tblrd
of rhera wen womek and children who
nad left Vera Cms pi) tventy-four boura'
aoMe. 'The youngest ncrsop in the party
waa Robert Caamll Hill, ethos father
wss unable ta book passage en th vesael,
but sntrwstsd the boy t the cant ef sir.
and Mis. George A. Beater of Mlllvllla,
N.J..' .',- , y v. , i i ',
"Aaarchy practically rules ail over
Mexico," said Mr. Beater. -No American
It (ate and It Is madness for as Amirloan
women, to appear along th streets. . .
American women and' men ar swsrm
Ing Into Vera Crua and every ship from
now on will bring a load ot refuges who
X literally fleeing tor their live. Uw-j
dreds Implored the ship's officers to take
them ea board th Morro. Caatle, but of
eourae only a limited number could be!
booked. , " . . , .
"The worst of th mailer hi that there
I so many Women and children. En
gineers, business men and miners with
their families ar waiting ths first op
portunity to get out of th .country."
Amertraafralamea Will Lea..
SAN ANTONIO,- March K-Amerlcan
railroad -men- employed- on -the Mexican '
National railroad ar te be withdrawn
from Mexico 'because of disturbed condi
tions there according to a report result
ing troiil - th assembling hare ot twelve
engineer and conductor in secret ses-
,10n,' - . - - ' !
Ore are Kieeatee Aldaaa.' . .
CKlHL AliUA. March M (Via El Paso.)
-Major T. R. Aldana. chlef-of-staff to
Pancho Villa, taken prisoner yesterday
In th fight between rebels and Villas
band on th' Concho river near Santa
Rosalia, wag executed ' at eunrke this :
morning in' accordance ' with orders ot j
General Orosco. I
AMaha had sent word to Orosco that
he would be executed If captured by the:
federals, and Orosco' reply was th ar
dor for Aldana' execution. . , - ,
Texas Asks for 'store Troops.
AUSTIN. Tex.; March It-Governor
Colquitt eald today that oa Monday ha'
would ask Brigadier General Joseph W.
Duncan ot-ths Department-at Texas te
station ten detachments of United Btate
cavalry at towns between El Pasa and
Del Rio to assist Texas rangers In- pre
venting raids by Mexicans , oa ' catti
ranches. 1 - ' .
NEW - TORK, March tt-Oeorge H.
tHeat, Jr, preeldent of the Fort-ire Ma
chine company, waa arrest ed by . federal
officers her today on tha diarg ot
ander valuing leather cutting machines
imported from Germany. He waa re
leased on &9M bail Pending examina
Tha approximate kan to the govern
ment through the aUeged frauds will
not be less than, it Is said. AD
in -u . re. ,u ,uc uua vt .fie r OT-, ..'
tana Machin oomimar bag been seised, j
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