Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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Miss Xarr . Simondi at the Head of
Cui School.
ttadeata Avw Sfeatlr reewtewer rwa
AO Ore Aaxleae tear
Ha 4 Flnt lUinl Trata
taS Dcmavtatrat. -
Twenty-seren years aco Miss Mary B
Hmood came from Davenport. Ia.. to be
teacher in Caw echool-tli old caw
school-not tha Una bui Idles whtca nsw
stands at Flfteentli ana Caw tret.
had hot finished her course In the
ti sinter school and area starting out her
rareer aa a teacher.
As om of that email rorpa of bread.
minded and capable women who for
over a ejuerter of a century have worked
to make our public Khool what the?
are today. he haa reaaon to view the
result with Interest and pride.
' Her enecial Interest in the education of
children ia manual training tor tha boy
and domeetio adenoe and arts for the
girls, and It was In her aechool that these
ecttvttto were first Installed six Tears
ago when former rUipertntendeut of
khool Davidson was looking for a
chaaoa to betin manual traintnc In the
grade schools, ha found an enthusiastic
co-worker toi Mis Klraonda and chose
Cass school In which to try the eiperl
tuent. .
Kew the carpenterinc work apd sewlnc
ar aa aiurh a part of the school work
as tha litres R and neither teachers nor
. ipils would care to n them up. Two
hf rooms am given over to the manual
tialntns department and here tha boys
luhlon chat! and tables and all aorta
f practical article of furniture and
fancy bric--nro. And when their hour
tomes the (irta troop In to learn to basts
and ham and out and fit.
-One of my moat valued possessions
I a needle book which on f my (bis
mads for me," asid aftss Blmonds.
Mis Almonds school t ales noted for
Its lack of th need for discipline. 8 tie
does not believe In corporal punishment
and say that her pwpll never need It.
no say that th kny and (trla of Case
school era so lntaraated In their work
and so ai'nrechutva of what Is don for
them that they do sot need discipline.
This I due both to th achool and to
the pupils, most of whom bsve com
from foreign land- or who parents
have com from th old country and
who are ambitious to become first -claes
cltlsena of th adopted country.
When asked how many nationalities
are represented la Case school. Miss
Mtmonds said, "Tlier la not a en lack
m." .-i
Juvenil court, official . have decided
en stringent regulations to deal with
boy at th primary trad f th public
scnooi who carry revolvers. Dunne th
week several cases where little fellow
from ( to a year war carrying deadly
weapon hay' beta reported by th
On little fellow awaawered Into a
school m th park district with th butt
af a twetkr-tve-oallber revolver pro
trudtnf from his hip pocket. Th teacher
knew Mthlna f th affair sntQ reoees,
when th boya nlbtnt la admlratioa
around their pUymew whll ha draw th
run and palatine it at the aow proudly
polled th trigger.
" There was a uprt of erooke and an
other and another and th anew was
saattared where the bullet struck froaea
Mrtlclc. Th teacher secured posses
sion of th (ua sod at one reported the
Other ease have com to ll-ht and are
peine invest Ixexed. Juvenile authorities
win maa parents parties to suit ukely
to be brought.
Mr. Brldcet Fore, aged M. died rather
suddenly at aa early bow Friday moralnt
at th bom of her dauchter, Mrs, VI.
. Klley, UM South Twenty-fourth street,
tin had been ailing mor er less Jhroush
th winter, with heart trouble, shortly
after midnight, when bar son Emmet
cam In from, hi tour of duty aa a
policeman, Mrs. Ford took a cup of tea
with him whll he ato hi lunch. She w
ea after taken with a fit of coughing
and died before anytbinf eeuld b don.
Mrs. Ford bad resided la Omaha sine
when she cam here with her hus
band from Maryland, to which state they
hid foe after being married In Eng.
land, about forty-five year ago. eh
leave four Ban, Dr. Michael J. lord, th
well known aurgesn; Emmet, June and
Jslia. Beside Mrs. Klley. tws other
daughter survive. Mr. . D. Behrena
and Mr. J. M. Kell. and mvea eran
eaildren. Th funerel will be held from
EL Peter s church, Monday, at aa hour to
announced later.
Tangier Temple
Has Victims for
the Slaughter
The Scottish Rite Masonic reunion closed
Thursday night with a banquet at tha
temple, cover being laid for 40 persons,
the festivities ending at midnight.
At th banquet Judge W. 11. Munger
presided at toast master, addresses being
delivered by Grand Master Gibbon of
Kearney, Paul Clark of IJnooln, Bishop
Beecher of Kearney, J. C. Root and B.
8. Raker of Omaha.
Members of Tangier Temple, Order of
th Mystic Shrine, had charge of th
work hut night. The victims for the sacri
fice began to gather an 1 o'clock and the
trouble started two hours later. There
are an even lfls candidate scheduled for
the trip serosa the burning sands. Over
the door of th hall where th mulatto
Is going on Is this Injunction:
Don't try to max friends with th
camel when the goat I around; If the
sands are too hot. remember that coal
high sod ws are buying It tor you re
gardless of expense; also, remember that
you ar paying for IL"
George West, In charge of th work.
has been putting up the decorations both
inside and outside of th temple. These
decoration ar of Wast own conception
and consist of streamers of March air,
ail cut In strips about six Inches wide.
on th outside harming from th roof of
lb building and Inside from the ceiling.
Th Shrine banquet was held hut
evening. Illustrious Potentate James A.
Howard of Benson presiding.
. Pure has of aa automobile fb- truck
by th town of Benson was help up by
tippeaenu of th proposition Thursday
nfteraoM. when temporary rder re
airaialag Mayor Robert L. Robinson and
City Clerk Edwar A. Btalger from making
tb purchase was secured from Judge
Howard Kennedy la district court.
Thome Galligber was th petitioner.
II earing on application for temporary In
junction was set for March S.
The town council voted to buy th truck
for C.M0, SUM cash and th balance oe
time. Th opponent of th plan claim
th streets ar unpaved and tha truck
would be oeetees except la fair weather
whea th reads ere la good condition.
Police Captain Henry Duaa Is of th
belief that a Mtuera I a sure cur for
cruse. 11 base Ma belief ea th fact
tint but twelve persons have been ar
rested ta th last thirty-six hours. Up
te noon today not aa arrest had been
wad and but four were arrested hut
night, and la taos eases It was for va
grancy. T hare noticed," said the cap
tain, that whenever the weather get
real eoM or it snows pretty bard there
arw very few arrests.'
Omaha Has Plenty
of Coal of All Kinds
Th report of a prospective coal famine
la Omaha 1 apparently without founda
tion. A canvas of the situation develop
th tact that tin street railway com.
pany ha enough hard coal to supply
ha need for at least fifteen day should
cold weather continue. It haa enough
steam coal to run thirty days and mor
arriving dally.
Th water work company haa a sixty.
day supply on hand and another of the
large consumers, the eJectrta light com
pany, ha sufficient to last ninety day.
Dealer are ft 11 111 short on some
kind of coal, as Is th usual custom at
this season of th year. However, of
th larger dealers, most of them have
I aria quantities of steam and soft coal
n hand. In anticipation of a itrlk In
th mines, they her been buying and
storing thee two kind of coal and con
eqaently th supply on hand la much
greater then usual th middle of March,
Th supply of hard coal 1 low, but not
alarmingly so. It always run down at
this season of th year and Bow to a
littles lower than usual, owing to the long
continued cold weather.
Health Department i
Aided by New York
L'nablfl to secure tnne entl.menlnettta
serum from th manufacturer en ac
count of th heavy demand occasioned
ny in epidemlo In Texas, th Omaha
health department baa arranged to se
cure the serum front the New Tork de
partment of health.
Th serum will be supplied to alt prac
ticing physician In th slate, aa wU SI
In Omaha, and charges will not exceed
th actual coat. Tha Omaha
haa had severe! call tor th serum of
lata, and being unable ta secure It from
th manufacturer arrangements war
Immediately mad with th New Trk
department, which , will aupply all that
Is needed. Th eermura will be dis
tributed through th drug (tore stid
Come Into Court
. With Man's Heart
'Tou ar hereby ardereA en mm, e4h.
With t Court room Ka 4 and hrlne artth
you tne heart of John Moo,
o read an Unueual aubnoene dun.
tecum served upon Dr. Samuel Me.
Cleneghan In connection with th X.or
ult of Mrs. Llbbl Moon tn collect from
in Lmtea commercial Traveler on
accident Policies carried by her husband,
the late John Moon.
Th heart, which waa removed by Dr.
Mcdeneghen when Mr. Moon died a
year as, is wanted hv the n.e.. t.
hope an namlnatloa will show the
heart waa diseased and the ti.-
rather than an accident. i
Moon' deeth. .
' 'if
( HI
Arrives in Town
With HisStraw Hat
Dr. and Mrs. Hargen of Hot Borlnee
D., Who have been anerutine ih. hm,m i
Klorlda, ar In th city oa their way
nm. When th doctor left Florida th
weather was a warm that be ahlnned hi.
vejvjoat hem, thinking that he would
not want It. When he arrived la Omaha,
seerae ni summer suit he waa wearing
a Unca duatur and a straw hat Inti.
atly upon getting up town he Invested
ia a winter sutnt.
' Two lots at th northwest corner (
Sixteenth and Davenport streets have
been sold by th staa of H. H. Vlaacher
to th Independent Realty company, the
hoWIng concern for th 8 tors brewer).
Th consideration wa about &,.
The Vlaacher homestead, a relic of the
early day of Omaha, at and en the
property at ltn Davenport street. Aside
from this th ground la occupied by old
two-atory building. They will be al
lowed to stand at present, though the
erection of new buildings srtthia a year
ar tw la contemplatod.
. Prat. Bisnvw A. Ros of tb University
vf Wisconsin wfll be the guest of honor
ul tiie Palimpsest dub at a dinner at the
Krai ha chin, Saturday evening, March S.
Itof. Rs wfl speak ea "My Observa
tivii la China.'
rtU Koaldiag aad Art Ce. fH,
1 f y "Owaa- gaeitty art " I 5J f .
Jr ni risene rmmudr'
w Pwteies Arueuf Besnss
Oef fricm sie WKSia Reec ef AH
Oae s fXm.ff Aiwe. s (!imw
n;xo sicvxnu.Hu. fhons d. ktx
. announce to Omaha, men these
Bur jour new gait Saturday while thee gpecial otters
last. Choose from hundred of autu tn our old itore.
Hen's Spring, Suits
New spring models for men and young ta. In blues, browns
and grejs values up to tie, at
515 and $17.50
Men's Blue Serge Suits
Strictly all wool and, hand tailored Each suit bears Brandeis
'guarantee of fast color men's and young men's models
values up to ilZ, at
$11.50, $15 and $17.50
Mcq'i Fancy Worsted and Tweed Suits
Spring models tn new shadings 7 Eft and (t 1 Eft
values up to $18. st 'V V 1 1 iuU
. Hen's Spring Trousers
New shipment peg top and- regular made hand tailored pants
worth up tatiS.OO pair high CO ni QD
l,St..frr. Pe!eVi7 PaJ.e70
Boys' Clothes in Basement
Boys' Suits with two pairs of pants New spring o Cf
shades and,fabriee f S values, st sJOsUV
Men's t) snd 12 50 Pants All sties and shades f"
ne ityles, sV. P 1
Boys' 50c BIoum
lOTm 50c BIOTIM AF. I OveralU lull
Waists, at ...t.,
and knees, pair . '29c
Bridges the Distance
With Safety, Speed, Comfort
Between Omaha and Chicago
Leaves Union Station
6:08 p. m.
Electric lighted throughout, with drawing-room, sleeping car,
observation car, dining car, chair cars and coaches.
Arrives La Salle Station . . . . .
Only Oa aa tb XlTta Loop
8:09 a. m.
7:54 a. m.
Arrives Englewood Union Station . .
Conrenleat to Sootk aid Blstrioi
, Other Good Trains at 4:10 p. 13:38 a. m.
For ticket, rcxnatiuni or t"iioroialion plane, writi tr coJL
Tk-ket Office:
1322 Farnam Street
J. 8. McXALlT.
DtvtsioB Passenger Agent.
New Shipment Hen's Negligee Shirts at 69c and 98c
Mostly samples,, pleated or plain bosom, many coat styles
. thousands to choose from values up to
thousands to choose from values up to 7A- QQ.
i:.oo, at ,.,.DCt yoC
Mens 76c Negligee Shirts at ! -5Q
Men's S5o Usle Hose; at. pslr .......13H?.
Manhattan and E. ft W. Shirts, new spring 1(11 styles
t fl.50 to S4.0S
Brandeis Correct Spring Hats for Men
Pick your spring hat from an immense .stock in
the leading gpnng shapes and colors madcihy . the
best manufacturers. 4
r- . .. i. ' '
The Famous J, ft Stetson Soft and Stiff
Hats, new spring styles, at . . . . .' ... . . .
V i ?
$3.50 W
English Health Eats, at $3
Wilson's English Hats, at .$2.50
Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats at ........ $2
The Kew S2.00 Felt Cord a roe HU, also silk and cloth stitched hsts.
at ;
Essrkt'i EtU at
$3 Velour Hats,' Scratch
Ups, smooth
finish and:
etiff hats, at.
Trunks at .... . M 50. S5.0O. S7JM) ap to $30.00
Buit Caaes at.BSc; $1.50, $3.50, S2.08 to $34.00
Traveling Bsga at. .Se, $1.60, $s.WI to $23.00
Th celebratef Innovation Wardrobe Trunks,
at , $23,00 ap to $;3.oo
Boys Hsts new styles.
Boys School Caps Spring
styles, plain and fancy col
ors, at. .25 40 80
Qistermoor Mattresses
Greatly Reduced Prices
We did not sell all our sale mattresses Monday owing to the condition of the weather.
We've about one hundred more 0STERM00RS that we decided to place on sale and close
out Saturday.' . ; . . " , .
These mattrees-have slightly dust soiled tickings; this, however, ia,Carely notice
able, but we wan tUo dispose of them at once, lienco these prices:
" $lj.OO Ostermoor,"one part mattress ......... ... ..$12.00
V " $16.50 Ostermoor, 'one part mattress $12.95
t, ' v $18.00 Ostermoor, one part -inattrees . ..;.$13.50 '
', $30.00 Ostermoor, one or twov part mattress ...'.1.$ 18.50
1 V , -34 in. Ostermoor mattress $10.00
3 ft. Ostermoor mattress $ 9.00
$20.00, 3 ft 6 in. Ostermoor Box Springs . .
! ' e .
Came Saturday for these great Osteraoot Mattress Bargains.
Orchard & Wilhelm
C2arpet Company
A little want ad does the business.
Everybody reads Bee want .ads.
Move before the moving season
You will have a much better se
lection of of f ices now 'than if you
wait until the
1st of April
or the 1st of
When choos
i n g. select a
building, the pol-j
icy and organi
zation of which
have been tried
and never foudn
wanting. It takes years to develop "service" and a
seasoned organization an office building. A build
ing which is kept in constant repair never grows old.
Select a building, the location of which Is known not
only to everyone here, but to everyone who has ever been
in Oman.
y The best "service," the building that is kept in
the best repair, and the best known office building
in Omaha is .
. . There are only eight offices vacant today,,
but among them are some very choice ones:
SSS Reception Room, privet office, ewa terse cloU, lrg
workroom with two north window Ideal offlc for enrineer,
architect doctor or other .profeaaloal men. Rental per
aiontn ' ,
':' ; ". Zjj.
, ;, .,
mill III I.I llll. II ll llll II I , Mil ,-mM-aa
This la a Ions narrow room. 10x11 it. harins a north.
UUL Kantsl. per. month gU-M
Boom SO In ll-txSS In atae,- located en Ih court, clea to ske
. lliut, thus having excellent natural light Th epau eouM
be divided w H to make two vry plaaaant room. Price,
', per mouth .......... , faT-M
Bops MS Of (lo In th northwest earner, havlnc four lart wi
dowa A fireproof vault for tha protection of valuable papers
' te much In demand and I afforded In tola room. There I a
total of 120 equar. feet of floor space and some would be
equipped with partition to satisfy good tenant. Tb rental
prlc la per month,. ..,...H04)
The Bee Building Co.
Bee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts
Shoes for
Your Boy
That he cannot wear out
We have a shoe for Boys la.
button and lace that we guar
antee to outwear two pairs of
ordinary bore' shoes.
We can do this because they
are better shoes, and we have
never yet had to vske good on
tbia guarantee.
Just a little better shoes than
yon can buy anywhere else for
12.00. -
The boy needs better shoes
and you will save money by
putting these shoes on him.
-i to i ........82.00
to 13J& ....$1.75
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam
lumber Six
at Six O'clock
leaves Vnioa fitatioa, Omaha,
at 6 P. M., arrive Cnlom Sta
tloa, Chicago, at 8 A. M. via
St. Paul
, i " .
A traia of q oaiity arrt ea
ateel sUadard aleepen, coactsss
aad chair cars eirgaatly
eqadpped baffes library car
anexcened diatsuj car service,
olid electric lighted. TW
traia deaerres jour aatroaage.
Two other flae traia to
Chicago at 7:42 A. M. aad
7:50 P. M.
' ; ' "N' ''
1612 Famam Street
Yon, Mr. Business Man that sign in your window ;
, won't get the kind of a man you want. A few cents
sj.nt for a Bee Want Ad will give you choice of several
good energetic men. "Telephone Tyler 1000.