Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE - BEE: OiCAHA, FRIDAY1, iMABCH 13. 1911
' TRHQUSHQUT the coortry
&if?uti An Sending la Bua Or-
Hen for Few Eemedy.
Haklas !vrrau Mri aad Weeaea
la the Whole Wert Healthier
ma nappier u Better asm
ta Cape with Life.
..w vujit preiu( ue ever own
old In America tor which there ts suck
treraendoos demand, aa Ton Vita."
The medicine u unknown In .this coun
try until a few month ago. and today
the Mia of the tonlo la o large that It
has been tmpoarible to prepare it fast
snough to supply the sudden and great
demand. Dninteta from all oyer the
country are ending' la aire about
"Rush mora Tona Vita. last hlpmeat
all gone, gale tremendous.'
No medictne could bo ao tremendously
successful unices it had a mission to
accomplish and waa accomplishing that
mission. "Tone Vita" la aocompUshln Its
mission. It la making tired out, deMlltaed.
nervous men and women happier, health
ier and better prepared to cope with life.
Nervous debility la the curse of this
age. It is produced by the strain of mod
ern Ufa The symptons of this disease are
little vitality or ambition: tired dragging
feeling of both mind and body: nervous
ness and depreesloo of spirits; stomach
sud liver- trouble, constipation, head
aches, poor circulation and susceptibility
to oougb and colds. "Tona Vita Is re
lieving thousands ' of this miserable
condition; It ; will positively' do this,
where this is not some serious organic
trouble. In a mnarkably abort time. The
vary first dose will bring Improvement
and each following dose adds health and
strength. The tonic must prove satis
factory or the price is returned by our
recognised agent Don't drag along hair
deed, any longer. What "Tona Vita" Is
doing for thousands. It will do for you.
Lee's Rhubarb Laxative, the assistant
preparation, Is the finest family laxative
In the world. The natural medicinal
dualities or rhubarb nature's purest and
best laxative, are obtained In this medi
etas. Lee's Rhubarb Laxative will not
barm the weakest constitution and to
therefore Ideal for1 children. It Is v.
pleasant to the taste. Sherman at MeCon
nell Drug Co, 1Mb and Dodge flu.: Owl
Drug (A, Mth and Harney 8ta; Harvard
Pharmacy. Mb and Farnam Bis. and the
Loyal Pharmacy, W7-I North Kth St
have the agency in Omaha for these two
great preparations. Ad v.
lint ftute Kan Bon in State Vifr
iting in Omita
Any curb
stone will
j top a skid
j but only.
i ....
flThe Diamond
Safety Tread Ttrt
xvUI prevent a car
starting to skid on
slippery, greasy
It it bae4 on t
scientific princi-
iamond Engi
neers. You know
how tqtieegve
window cleaner
-worka. The Dii
Triond Safety
Tread worka the .
Mine way. and it
will not tMd.
At Yoer, Dealer's or
Kessessbers Betas Teasel s Sheet
with Bew aad Arrow rln
where rather Waa Barled
Haa Beea Washed Away.
Old settlers of Omaha will have the
opportunity in a few days of bearing the
reminiscences of a man born la that
vicinity over seventy years ago. when
his parents were the only white people
living among the rvdskiiis. They
the first of their race to. ever settle hi
Thlsman la Rev. Bemuel Pearce Mer
rill of Rochester, N. Y.. who la visiting
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. MUroy, Slit Farnam
street-- Some of the leading Baptists
are arranging an evening's eiitertsirunent
at which Rev. Merrill mill be the chief
The venerable minister's fattier. Moees
Merrill came from Maine to the trading
post at what Is now Itellevue In ICS
sa missionary to the Indians sent by the
Protestant Missionary society of the
east and paid by the government With
him was his . wife. Sarah Wilcox Mer
rill, who stayed at the little mission
while her husband went with the Indians
on their buffalo bunt '
Learns Ss Sheet Arrow.
Samuel Merrill waa born In IBS. The
most vivid recollection he has of those
early, day when he and his parents
were the only white people in this part
of the country. Is of the time be first
shot an arrow over the top of the log
mission and watched it disappear. Me
has a dim recollection of the trip
which he and his mother and soma of
the Indians msde across the river In the
February of 189 to bury his father on
the' east side. Immediately after that
he and his mother went east to, live
Although the soil In which his father
waa burled has long since been swept
away by the river. Mr. Merrill Intends
If the weather moderates) to go to Bel
ievue to view the place where he was
born and which la sow, a farm owned
by Adam Mohr.
My father was very religious," aad
Mr. Merrill la telling of his parent's
work among the Indians at Beuevue.
"Both he and my mother believed that
they had a call to bring the Uoepsl to
the red people of the west
. . Mas Father's Chars.
An Interesting memento which Rsv. Mr.
Merrill carries with him always la aa
agate watch charm which Moses Merrill
wore. The diary kept by " Ms mother
which relates the struggles In the now
land Is bis most valued possession and si
one which he may at some future date
transmit to tha Nebraska Historical so
ciety, i . ,
. Rev. Mr. Merrill baa contributed much
Information relating to tha early days to
tbs society aad was la Lincoln Wednesday
to see Clarence 8. Paine, secretary of the
society. ...
Ha Is vary active and wide awake. Ha
was minister In the Baptist church most
of his Ufa, after which ha spent several
years teaching In a theological - seminary.
The mat ten years he has spent travel
big. Ha made a trip around tha world
after his seventieth birthday. Hs has dona
considerable writing sod Is a poet of
mean ability. His wlfa la la Charleston.
DeU-wfth their married daughter. His
son, John, la late rested la mines Is
Mexico. '
Mr. 'Merrill has vtlte hers twice since
he left seventy-two years age, the hut
time being twenty years ago. The prin
cipal change hs speaks of Is ths topog
raphy of Omaha and ths surrounding
country, dus to grading for now buildings.
N . "W . 4
Preichers Adopt Hew ' Method
Dramming Tip Congregations..
Ptetare sbowe Swell Ceegresatlea
la Omaha w here Prayer !frv- "
ices Have railed ta At-
A St Patrick's program will be given
by the Elaine society, one of the girls'
literary clubs of the Omaha High school.
at the home of Miss Helen Hows, l3
Georgia avenue, Friday afternoon, when
the shades of old Erin will predonilnsU
In the decoration and a number of short
-Shamrock' talks and Irish musical
sum beta wilt be reeled off.
J. D. (Dad) Weaver filed the longest
petition yet presented when he handed
In his long list of nearly 1.M0 names of
cltlsens who endorse him la his rsos for
Bestore Faded and Grav Hair
to Natural Color-Dandruff
Quickly Removed.
There fa nothing new about tha idea of
eetng Base tor festering the cater of tha
hair. Oca- grand root bers kept their balr
dark, gtossy and abundant by the use of
simple "Sage Tea. Whenever their
fesrr fell out or took on a dull, faded or
stressed appearance, they made a
of Sage leaves, sad applied rt to
hair with- wonderfully beneficial effeet
Nowadays ws don't have to resort to
the eld-time tiresome method of gatberJ
iag the herbs and making the tea. Thiai
w dona by skillful chemists better thaa
wa eould do tt oursslvee; and all ws here
to do Is to call for the reedy -enadsypro-(.
dud, Wyeth's Bags and Sulphur Hair
Resnedy, containing Sage la the proper
strength, with the addttjc of Sulphur,
another aM-Hme scalp .remedy.
This pre parados grres youthful color
and kaaaty to ths hair, and Is ana ef the
heat rsmwllss yea can ape for daadraft
dry, feverish. Itching scalp, aad Calling
baa-. ' Get a fifty cent bottle from your
drewatot today, and yon win be surprised
at tha quick results. All druggists sell
It under gaarantae that tha money wfil
he refunded If the remedy ta act exactly
I Lifeless Bewdaste
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kid
ney troubles Is nndlsss. Electrlo Bitters
Is ths guaranteed remedy. Only Mc. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
as rem tainted. -
Special agent Sherman A
Pros' " . -
Tba market
in the only .
complete aad reiiaMe
market report- '
Balldlag Peesatta.
Am creep Securttv eomnanr. KM Fat
Irene eweuing. SZ.WO.
(From Ths Feminine World.) .
The quickest and surest way to
gooa complex loo out of a bad one Is to
actually remove tbe thin veil of faded or
discolored outer skin. This can be
easily, safely and privately by
of sen tie absorption. .
Oct aa ounce of pure mercoUsed wax
from your druggist and apply at Bight
like cold cream, washing It off In the
morning. In a tew days the wax will
have absorbed the disfiguring cuticle, re
vealing the fresh young skin underneath
yea will have a beautiful, dear, natural
eomprexlon. The face will look brilliantly
attractive aad ' youthful. This also ef
fectually removes freckles, moth patches,
titer spots, pimples, etc Bvery woman
should keep a little mereollsed wax on
hand, aa this simple, old-fashioned rem
edy is ths best complexion beauUfler aad
pranrvtir known Adv.
Health Your Most
Valuable Asset
asert s eei ef sB
ay tea e ef
year ewrta.
leftiee 4
Antiseptic Powder
BetJe te tao4t eTlleate
ease w!?V trftMi,
ewtn sir Hat XI yew
?-rett wetas
Irt IF
a SMei sir
-s-eest weuse SIM I st-
w ptaeeiid eilsVua.
fffiijfmif"jlll',ll'l'i ff
Picture shows are swslling the oongre.
gallons In Omalia churches where prayer
meetings of the eustarnary kind have
felled to attract The latest of ths
churches to try picture -shows sa
means of bringing out slnnsrs Is ths
Southwest Methodist Episcopal church, of
which Rev. Thomas Btthsll ts pastor and
which will glvs the second of Its series
at travelogues Thursday evening. The
congregation flocked to ths first show
a week ago and enjoyed It so much that
tbe shows are to be weekly events.
Ths Idea started with Mrs. C. J. Rob
erta, president of ths Frances WUlard
Women's Christian Temperance union,
who gave ths first travelogue, the sub
ject of which was "New York to Alaska,
Illustrated with post cards used la a
rsdloptkan machine. Tomorrow even lag's
entertainment will be on California. by
O. J. Ptckard, who baa Just returned
from the golden west The motive be
hind the shews Is ctvio as well aa social
and religious, sines tbs proceeds of the
small admission fee are to pay tbs
church's share In the tax levied for grad
ing the street on which It Is located.
A church which used' pictures to win
back an Indifferent congregation Is the
Presbyterian church of Benson, of which
Rsv. J ease C. Wilson Is pastor.
The congregation haa Increased five
fold slaos introducing the pictures," ssys
Mr. Wilson. He usss Bible themes and
stories, tha Ufa of Christ and stories'
which bars ethical value, such as "Ben
Hur" and Ths Vicar of Wakefield."
The pioneer la picture shows . for
churches Is Rev. M. O. McLaughlin of
the United Brethren church, who started
them In bis church early In ths winter. He
gives s different subject each Sunday
evening. Hs declares his eongregsttoa has
increased S00 per cent since starting the
shows. He combines bis sermons with
the pictures, using one to Illustrate the
other. His subjects are Biblical and taksa
from other literature which has a
llgtous or ethical value.
"Lest year, traveling through the stats
on Christian Endeavor work, I noticed
that the people were crowding the the
aters and neglecting ths churches. Ths
reason Is psychological. People receive tan
limes stronger Impressions through the
eye thaa through ths other senses. So
decided to ass the pictorial method
my evening servloes."
Chamberlain s Cough Remedy haa won
its great reputation and extensive sals
by Its remarkable cures of coughs, colds
and croup. It eaa be depended upon. Try
tt Bold by all dealers.
Omaha Motor Club
7 Meets Friday Night
A meeting of the members of the
Omaha Motor club will be held this
evening at I o clock at the Roma hotel.
The election ef officers and directors will
be held. Various committee will be i
pointed and ths worlr'for the coming
year outlined.
The naembenhip of the club Bow Is IN
and ranks with ths largest clubs In the
st The members are going to put
forth ovary effort in aa endeavor to In
crease tbs membership roll.
Fashionably Inclined women of Omaha
whose chief anxiety a few weeks pre
ceding Easter Is the selection of becom
tag hats aits aglow with enthusiasm Juet
now over the arrival of an original cre
ator of millinery whose designing la
n a unlcjuat theory. This new
arrival, whose coming has caused
little stir In feminine circles.
Is a woman whose servloes for some
years have been demanded by New York
la eicruetve social sets. Her
plaa. like most Ideas that sound simp!,
calls for unusual good lasts and skill.
Instead of making women conform to
allllnrry style, she sdspts the style to
suit tba Individual woman. Easy? Try
This designer was Induced to come to
Omaha by a store fsmous for Its targe
buildings. Its arcades and Ma beautiful
The Idea of adopttag hats to hsrmoa-
Ise with the features of my customers Is
of my own." declares this recent
New York arrival. I can tell at a glance
Just which of the accepted styles can be
to harmonise with each face 1
and I rarely have any trouble in
bringing the woman to share my eon-
vtctioa. I Cnd that Omaha women know
what tt correct and what tt good form
aa generally as women oa. Fifth avenue
They take to the new method of
creating slight departures from reigning
meant to suit their requirements and 1
am delighted to find a new field thai
re pood so readily to my own theory of
oeaagnmg nam lea aad beauty to the
Brandeis Stores
30th Anniversary
Begins Monday, March 18th,
and Continues Throughout the Week
It Will Be the Supreme Bargain
Event of the Century.
Our twenty-eight buyers have exerted every
means to bring to Brandeis Stores the most ex
traordinary values the markets would yield.
The people of Omaha and vicinity who at
tend these sales will shani in the savings of
v thousands and thousands of dollars which these
anniversary bargains will make possible.
To properly announce this sale and to give
an idea of the vast number of specials events
which will mark this anniversary celebration,
Brandeis Stores will place 32 pages of advertis
ing in the daily papers of Omaha next Sunday
and 26 pages during the week. This will be the
largest amount of advertising space ever de-
voted to one establishment in one week since
, ......
the founding of this city. , ; N ;
This 30th' Anniversary Sale will mark a new commercial
epoch in Omaha. For years to come every great merchan
dising event will be judged by the neV standards of bargain
giving -which; this monster event will establish. .
Cards for St. Patrick's Day
Our . new department of Volland cards and senti
ments contains quite an assortment of St Patrick senti
ments. Yon will find any number of catchy sayings all
effectively illustrated.
, Ton surely have some friend who would appreciate
receiving one from you, and the cost is entirely out of
proportion to the pleasure you will have in sending one.
(rramei. Craft Shop)
15i3 Douglas Street
Eradicates A?
IV eelrl AM Kaawai,.iujl
IfililiUwt) , U-fW
The Skin
? Ksslai'
sMs5 at SOa, 7S, RIM
Cleaning or Dyeinj
Juie Orer GtnneaU
If iron hers any made-over gar
minis ta be cleaned or sired,
theee sucveeUoas should be fol
lowed: Rip your carmen Is entirely
apart and send the plecea to the
cleaner Just aa they are; bo can
I hen clean, or dye and finish
them on the cylinder,' which
leaves tha (ooda mora like) sew
thaa any other method.
flat Berk only can be flnlahed
on the cylinder. If you do not
care to rip It all apart, do what
ripping Is required, maklnf sure
to rerkove all trimming and. but
tons, then send to him.
Trimming can then be drjr
Dry cleaning vill not benefit
gooda that are faded or show
pleat maras they must be steam
cleaned, and sometimes that will
not fix them then It becomes
necessary to dya them some dark
Never make over a garment and
then send it to be cleaned: have
It cleaned first and yea will get
sstlsfsctory work, that la. If you
sand It to aa
Wsgona verywtasrs.
1515-17 JONES ST.
Phonis fajau9tth.naV-3&8
A Common Sense Trmtmeot
for Golds and CataxrL
Gives IfisUat Selief.
Ka mattes' bow sseeissl yea are
catarrb sr a ease hi the basts, aoae s
pod aa, throat sore, ayes'
psla ta (b bead, dry oa
areata. Bri Cream Mas wto
It gals rlatM ad las see at (ha rjenkle.
chsrge ao that yea ere rest launlwiHj .
blowing the boss end witting la a tew.
doing Be work at cassrtng tba bead. tBs'
pain i
Big li norms oris si eaa tne sroired up
f esUng aa gone. Tms .
MVsr spotted yea aaa feel
stria i is are riMaaad. the bssatb-
rJnnsbig. batting .
Balsa osatslas as mei jy. ea.
calaa or otaar hannful arac. U I
ta apply, pleasant ts see, aad never fails
to give iwaaf. even ta the worst asarasv
Never neglect a sstd. aad doat saTscr.
the sitssrlss of eacarrb nor dtagust your
friend wMa yoor bawmlng. sptttaag sd
foul breath. Oat a st ass berrt of By
Cream Bala tram year droggst, an start '
tha treatment at eaas. Tsa t fUM U:t '
It win bo the beat
Women are the buyers; the pa
per that goes to the home is
read by the women; ' The Bee is
"the- oaoer that oes to the homes"