THE BEE:'. OMAHA, FRIDAY MARCH' 15, w 1911 Wanted-Three Thousand Tons of Blotters Copyright. 1J1J. National -New Ass'ev Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman , fosse A&T in is- M in W- let liu ei 11 r u-n --r ffirf 010 GetSR V till hwWi ' ' f -""T rTV s ill miWvMi' .jfK ww ' : ,' ' . r n.Mim a 1 . .. . . . . , i pJ -l' A sW'O HOGAN IS DISQUALIFIED prrsS2TO mm LiiB Duwiers n v Amimmmm i -zttt. . championship. , - - - U KWlmWWmmL JS fere Stops Fight for Hitting in hot, tonight tor s to c.m.ys 1 l i T . WJ f ll II SlwiH'tov the BreaktWtTl. . bl. safety play making Carney look 1,---' wjwev ' ' "Hi Th. Brodegaard Crown. took Hire. In mlPM4lW - 1. an an-tew. Th. aoor. now stand. SK . row fro- U. Permit. In the Comm.r- MWW ? CROSS THE TOSt TO fflmS Tb, to btock '-.'A W""" ,cr M('Wi 'dn,A 10 0ITSD will be pi ayd tomorrow night. Nr of Vt ud high total ot MS fur the JJ '.' fn ?S "vjfc-rs Al ' X'' M hl(H total ot WO Jur th. Pr.ul. MrlcV?! 1 V 'Pfl l , r.-U--.t O- ' I .ROOKOAAKD CROWN.. f4 I ',. , Jl l' I V V,...- ..b, F H. Prlnwau j N g ' 'U th. rim roun. of bl. fHht with AT fJ fAi -"l Jf Ir;;- Olu?!? ),...,ht.ttb.judi. 'll)AC v TotU 1 H. W ' f Jjf ? iC-lj fclob bar tonight by Rttet Cbarll. . ' VI i:j 1J i Vrf" JSiiW 'ms-r Uon. which cm. ftw two rotnutw ot I - S S ir k!" SI vW? 'Sr'''- hUn. Cro punUhrf Hotran ldottd I i t "J5 I", ill W ,C;lr--c taerinf him with a,ldMM rifht swlnt I "-" ' J ! "i' -i- &r?Sr2. ana o.uns him t. hold with . Mrt ot l V V-,, P ! Totmli 1 - l -tT - " V muhw to th. (w. I f T't -v"" C ' ' II' MOT'. , v , , , cro-i wu tb. Ilrwt to offend by UtUnc I I BWTEKi TA1U.K.m t9(bi ' V.. . .72, ,X in tn. brMk.wa, .ml R.te. Wbll. I r V V- I A Ifl 1T1 4 cwitionoa nim. inntnuw awwire ' " "t IX 111 W tn ' : Hocan hit Oob ovtr tb. ifrM' Jt., S- ' ' 1 4 ' M vL 4 ATHLETICS WIN, CUBS LOSE, iTTattrlpTT'! Wnrl frPtl thoulder and wa. m turn cauthnwd. Th ',-" i ' VVj, . IN GAMES WITH SOUTHERNERS 2 6VrT A ) v i nf 11 inn ami nniHi h i i v . , i y i i uiuuvu uuu xuuuuiv imr, '111 ' " .",iw :i " . I 1 OfS25;d00PerYear C-P A mi til K i "Till 1- "r" r i $ "r FRANCISCO MAES A SPLASH Holli Second Hisheit Scoro for Day ( in Cnicago Tonnuuncni BOWIXES SCAEE THE LEASEES BHIL Via Wow rirwt Snttoal CbaanUaablp Claaan Yaara n. Mlaaaa thanaa to Ratabllab ' Wsrldl Mark, . CHICAOO. arc i.-Eipanai imiw rrm-C J. rrandac of Omaha earn. oar cutUnc daap Into tb. slngla. In tha Aowrlraa bowllog catena tournament 'hare tht afternoon wban ha pllad up for tanib' poaitloa, hi. loore being the eoond hlghaet ot the day. In the flrat Kama h mad. an orror on top of a row tf four atrlkaa and than draw two rail road, at the eloe for HI A apllt opened th. Buddie gam, but h. want th dle taaee afterward unill the alchth frame Of the met game, wbaa good bit left tip a apllt on top at a itrlke and ooet felm aavaral peelUona IB th tandlng. f. r. Kuny aleo roilad well In the aama arwit. Martin and Kuhy bammerad out la the doubt tor th beat cor .from hebraaa during I he day- Bcora: Omnia Lraeklaa. J. if. Mania let lit J. B. Kuhy m 1TI C. J. rranutao..... 1 v.. nhm ia ii AUllam K)t. tad 171 r. A. Haiaar M r IM tamaba Blaalea. C. J. rrnctco....... Ill r. Huh " M. Maiua in t A. Haiaar I lt M. Rprague 1 ye. Eeat . M Laadar Hoi) riaaaa. Bowler omptteg la th mmor tcnu threw a car lata tb leader today but tad I dlaplae tbeav -Kew eecond plaee Man bwd up tn (he doable Aleaao Kraua and Ed ward McNew at WaaMngcPB. IV C-.-who cared UU while r. 1. UrlU of Cblomg. b. waa tb drat national ajiamptooenlp Ja.aa year. ago. rolled n m xh oiajlaa for ftfU plao. Kraua. bad aa eaeeUent' hano attabllab world record in lb all aveota. aa he had an (or hla har af th double and M la th tlro-mea taaa MmpatlUon laet Bight. Needing Ml pta beat BaUaadan- wa topped the all nu, and Ud to b tb Orat Bian to drop mora than law pine tor Bin game, be fall dowa'ta tb elm lee, oerd and braugnt bl total bp to U3 plna Um patytag In the doubl wa ana tlenal. bla aoly open tram, la th laal tw gama being a qWlraad" which tie cut down. H bad an error In bl pen lag gam. - BrUI rolled a brilliant gam. Th rot eras' only mletake wa la the flrat gama whoa he picked off the "two" pin on a iwe-aavaa apiu. H draw a railroad In bl middle gam but flaiakad with iitUm. . Two-Maa laama. i - fMvA A. Krauae. Waoiagt ;-Ull Vf. Hlta.-lunMt J; W. aiacheBdorff. Chicago.:.... I-MJ J Itlaarra M C. TuiaMcaan. Van Wort. O luaart aa Uaibralth. aannaw. Mich...... (OV-LM 1. mm Ma T. Camay. Madleoa, Wl.. -U3 T. Wauaa W. Kcbarry. ond Ow Lac Wla. j'. wrW.''Miaooi'wi.."!;; in-tUI V UitMwta-t, - Ml R ljonahue. Waahmgwa. U a. 7V-UU II. H'lt. oaundar Brown .... Kernel ... Taylor Iw A. Uooara: la Zlmmrrmaa , 11 W. Bowar. 1! Total H OMAI1A ntCU) CLUB. Hughe .... Kohn leoman ... iiouaUerty L'baoilier .. lu ..XI ..1U .aw w. ins 1 1 1U 191 M. Total. tn M . Tvtale ITK UVOH3L OLD 8 AXON BRAU. 1.1. M. . Id. Total. Brower .......I) Weber 11 Batooy ...IS mum ... 1 7 Cochran i.lw i; Us lil lil I 1W Stl 1 ll tut Nnle .. UtryKar Total U tiTKIktK MI10B CU. , 1L M. M. Total lei Ut IW lm Hartley u " l If r Kui Trary .: ..l4 C ' tat - ' 7 Huntley IM I.U . l' t.l Ooff ...;..Y...t li , tul Total. ...... ..'... fti' W t.l&4 Toalght tha aanual contaat take plac between the Council Bluff. Florl.t. and I ha Omaha Ftorlata. A. each-team ha. on a anrie thle one will decide who gel the Individual loving cup mhlcb waa donated by tha florlet.' aaeoclaUon. ' GOTCH FAILS IN HANDICAP MATCH WITH 0R0EMANN mlNNKAFVUS. Minn.. March 14- rrank Got oh, world' champion wreatler, tonight loot a handicap wraitllng match brr to Henry Ordamann of Mlnneapolla. Gotch failed to throw Ordcmann In twenty mlauiea. ; Madleoa. WU.. . Mi . tO-UM . eu . UI-1.1U . UV-l., . (i-LttN . M . t-i. est .,u-LU . HI . !a-4,m .. u ,. e;-i.; ,. M-i.a .. ait ,. w-i. T. Bchwoagiar A. Kettwoegler. 1. Threm-.A..,..-.- C. FauibauuV. Toledo J. ttartta-:..'. i. Kukry. Omaha. Keh C Rauaeheri... t. Raymaa, Toledo. O. T. Buehio ..A 1. tJi aril, MadUon. WU E."WlrhB 3. Park i neoii, Madlaon. Wla.... T. Uoodria. ' . K. Stawall, Cntuago 1. Ptrraa H. JaarAe. Chicago T. ilelRMIicri n M. Janear.Wa.hlagtoa.:....... rlachar , KliiriteA, Ceaaeland, 0 M. Ul;lee: ' W hiaag.jjbrr Uaulo, Ind H. Vllller '.....: ..... VA. Curua, Chicago Wtllaclr vu-Ura. Sagtaaw, Mlcb., i i Mraecju- .;. Mchter. Toledo, O Ka-t,0M u. paw. ..r.. : im W. aeuad.. MaouW Wla BH-I.0U iaale. V. Brill. ChJcago.v....n M O. Frandaco, om&ha C4 U. McCJMllei. naginaw. Mich 1 U. Ecatt. eVMiaaw. Mjch.- K. bkiuin. C'kicaao .. i: nl-in Ctalrmao OJ1 1 F. amare. CMeago... 7 J. kuhra uinklia ..... Wl r". CodOard. Baaiaaw. Mk-h SW1 IS. Cartwriaht. Madieon, Wla SKi J. rl. Madlaon. Ww ii V. WlaaaiHea. Cbteaao.., ial C. Lenamarer. Oucwo.. It. Btaer. Madlaon. Wl. l. Coowav. Chicago.. ....... .4... aT5 it. .IMHtiamr. Fond W Lee. Wla in I'. Huhner. Chicago.. tri 1- Rert v Chicago. Vi kt. U-aiipuhl. Chioago in i. liubcru daginaw, bUeh i;e I . kVhamajlar. Madieon. Wkt. W I', Ar. Madleoa Wla M tl. Foalkaa, Tarr Haute...... W9 A: 1-enftund. Clitrago......... M IV btroa. Chicago...., v a. Ii HHird. Iomoo. eM klao-atra Teaaae, Iticoea, ChJ-ago.:...... V& ualca. Cbicayo ......m. 2,"4 jdiiwj. Cntcwo..... XTM ..ra tM-tja.. Olruo . t" aanrmuii, aluwauaae 2.dn iuiMU, ful.. ...... . m. ClitTKco... 2. II Cliflorw, Caicaga ttj .e Ovmem No. 1. Chicago.. v. ....... lusaarr. Cakago 2.7 ,ea Ooejva Mo. 1 Cuk-aso...... &ad fAN ANTONIO, Tax., Maroh 14.-Th. Philadelphia American league (regular) piled up eighteen hit In today gam agalut the' Ban Antonio, Texa league, team and wdn. U to t ' ' NEW 0RI-KAN3, La., Marcb 14,-The New Or lean. Southern league club ad mlnl.'lered another defeat to th Chicago National, her today, I to L Chicago', only run being .cored on a double it.aL CHAIUJOTTKaVILLE, Va., March 14. The Washington baae ball team, la train ing, quarter here, wai .today defeated, S to 1, by the I nWernlty of Virginia. It a. the team' flrat day la th open. OKLAHOMA STATE LEAGUE ' EFFECTS ORGANIZATON v -u a-.- ' . . . ' - :t . ' M'ALCSTKR. OU., March It The Ok lahoma Stale Baae Ball league wa or gatilaed hero'-, today and i will Include f ranchlae. In the following cltlre: Oklahoma, City, Outgrle, McAleater. liuako.e.'Til.' t ;.-ijilU Okmulg. end Aiiadarko. Ie 'Mtjer. Vaa elected preaident aud a achcdul committee wu ppolnled. " Delay la Diet Ci HARVAUD.' Wl.:. March 4.-The' caaa K.nt the Diet, family, defender of Cameron dam, whlrlhwrre aet.for March in. will not cime up until the eVmember term of rourt becetise of the pendency uf John F. Plata' appeal (or a new trial In the .upromo court. Maybe He's Right, at That lb keg to-ictca la baalaeaa b) the peniatcst and tdlcteua aa ot ocwapaper advettlatcg. . . . - K : ' ; " 1 ' t-"'j'r' .1" l, r, A- J----e -! ,t- ,; , ... ..." .. ., - f 'j.'.'- A . ' ...... -V-V.. v' 'ft - - . . i '. . 5 . : MV t; . - . j - 7 -, e,wT iru ' ... ..v ., . ''..: .-a"" " ;V i v. " ' ' ':. .".x v i'.r-lArt',,,..:- :, r' . ' . . . ' .-, i. ' f .' . ' . - .' . 5 .. " ' . -rr - .-J ww Hliaumw w&S&$fjjL kiwi llavuLtMHNMMa cy i' NEW TORK. March 14.-Viae Margaret Cameron, known as the ward ot Edwin Hawley .and whoa real nam la Emma Sturge. baa ' bean, deeded by th late financier' heirs property art! mated to be worth S1,000,CM and allowed a life Income of t&.OU. a year, according I to a atata ment mad today by John B. Stanch field, attorney for th heirs, --The settlement wa. mad. Mr. tanch field sold. In aarordsnc with a letter written by Mr. Hawley aom time batnr hta dram, requesting that generous prof vino it Mfsa dakneron. whom be lime Introduced ss bis niece, be mad by. tbe who should divide bis estate., I :, Anthracite Miners . ' Decide to Stand Pat NEW TORK. .March H.-Th UnlUd Mine Workers ot America will not oa promise a alngla demand that they baa mad ot th anhraclt coal operBtors." declared John P. White, preeldent ot the mine worker. .thlt afternoon. "I look for a general suspension of work In the anthracite field on April 1." ha added. 'The operators, save notified us that their reply I. final.. When wa meet them tomorrow we will file merely a formal reply reiterating ur demands. It will then be up to the operator. If they make no conrewion every union hard coal miner in Pennsylvania will lay down his tools erf (he night of lurch XL" 'It seems that the beat w can hop for now a a- mer suapenslon Instead ot a otrlk. While the aoale committee ha authority to jcsll.s . tribe we will prob ably postpone eoch" action at least until after the meeting of the bituminous coal miners in Clevelsnd on March M. The whole situation will come up for review before the policy committee on March A aud a stria of th bituminous miner. Is not unlikely." NEW TORK, March lC-One-Round Hogan of California waa disqualified la the first round of bis tight with Leach Crass, th local lightweight, at th Madi eon club here tonight by Referee Charlie Whit for hitting In th breakaway Up to th tlm ot Hogan' disqualifica tion, which came after two minutes ot fighting. Cross punished Uogaa vtctously .taggertng him with a, vicious right awing and causing him to bold with a series ot smash to th face. Croee wa tha flrat to offend by hitting in th breakaway and Refer Watt cautioned him. Immediately afterward Hogan bit Cross over tb referee', houlder and wa In turn cautioned. Than Hogan bit Cross five time In breakaway and tha referee disqualified tb mer. Tb houa wa la an uproar. Crtee of fight!" "fightr" were heaid from ovary part of tb house. ImmeJIately upon, disqualification Hogan leaped from tb ring. Referee Whit climbed back la to tb ring to announce: -Under th F raw lay law any parson taking part tn boxing bout la th Mate must break clean. Hogaa alnegarded my caution .flv time and than I disqualified him." BRITONS LOSE TO SLASHERS IN ELIMINATION POLO GAME , SAN VWUO. CaL. Marcb 14,-Kagland waa defeated by the Baa Mat Slasher. In the ellminatloa match tor the Cad fqrpia polo trophy at, Corooada today. Th ecor Was V to X. Corohado will try foe tha trophy with Sea Mate la the final tomorrow. . Ja th third period, Julia, a pony valued t ILM. ridden by W. L Breeee ot th Ban Mateo team, wa (track on th left hind bnkl and the bone fractured. It was shot. ' HORGAN INCREASES LEAD , IN CUE MATCH WITH CARNEY DENVER. Colo, Marcb 14. -'Banker" Morgan ot St. Loul. . tonight. Increased Jock-" Koff, -young recruit who is ex pected to make th pitching staff of tb Now Tork Taakees. This photograph ot tha youngster, takes In th Taake train, lng cams at Atlanta, Ga., show him about to out .loco hi queer underhand delivery that I th talk of th Yankee t . , , a- y-t ' f . catri'p. ' ,By this odd . Tuder-arini molidl the youth can propel the ball.' wtu pro digious rspe4 and can .deliver, aa . aiR hoot .with,. a "Jump" on lCoo oi th most peculiar shoot knows 111 irKH!( year. . '" ; .''. i Roosevelt Excused '" ffqm"Jury. Duty M1NEOLA. U I.. March 14. Theodora Roosevelt' Jury duty la aver. Supreme Court Justice Putfnen told him today be could be excused. Counsel had confided In the court thst Mr. Roosevelt's presence i la the bos might d It tract bla fallow juror mind from' any ess and tat that rea- aou they would challenge him. ' The colonel appeared, at court a usual (his morning and when a court officer touched- hlnv On th shoulder,- ha'stepped to the bar. I understand," ssld the court, "that there hi Utile likelihood, of your ser vices being required, Colonel Roosevelt, end on account of your other engage-1 men la I wlil'gisdly consider any request : you wish to matte" ' V. ... ,.. ' Ml fk MilnlMl - T I nave been her two weeks. I shall make a request to be excused It that Is a proper request." Th court granted the request and (book hands with tb colonel, who then left tor Oyster Bay to resnala all day.- MURRAY SECURES MATCH j WITH GATLEY AT GRETNA i r.i .-.',-A. - . Paul Murray, th colored Omaha mid- , dlewelght fighter, has been matched tor ' A .ix-rooodr gsr. with . Mike Oat ley at! Gretna. Neb. The rtglit will be ataged I by (he Gretna Athletic club, on April 1 ! - Tbe el lew Peril. - I . Jaaodloir! malaria, blhousnes vanish when Dr. 'King's Kew Ife .Pill sre tsken, .Easy, safe, guaranteed, S& For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Horn Ran BakVr.-star third, baseman if the Philadelphia Athletics, who pre dict, that.trwi team Will asajn'-win th American league championship. Baker aayi .u will ba.a walkaxaj. ais year, --'-- - - - with tha Athletic taking th lead at the tart sad increasing It every day. He ss. he experts the winning percentage ot tbe leain.tu Je more than .(, whkh would be creating the record ot a-doeade. x f In every department News Editorial Magazine features Amonj; Nebraska -Newspapers The Omaha Daily Bee is the