Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Shorts Axe .Frightened fcy Sharp Ad
vancers. Liverpool Cablet.
- CwBatderaM anrM Talk la Ht-rI,
fcwt Medaettea la Rearve Stoeka
'. Will Be Felt Later la .
the Seaoaa,
dressed, l4c: chicken. lie; dressed.
ae; springs, live, lie; dressed, lie.
OMAHA. March 14. 1H
I There was a sharp advance in the Liver.
ooi cable today. This frightened the
shorts and gav wheat a strong and
higher opening.
Sentiment is generally bearish, but the
trade (eta easily oversold and anything
in the way of a bullish feature starts
earsrins; of short contracts and stops
IB decline. With the crop scsre period
ahead, it makes a good fighting market
for the distant futures.
The most active bull leaders in corn
. have dosed out their holdings and the
market has had Its reaction on this haul-
aauon. considerable bearish talk is
I heard, but the big reduction In reserve
stacks will be felt later la the season and
I greatly strengthen both the cash and
Wheat rallied, ahnwinr sntne advance.
(due to shorts covering on the higher
cables. Cash conditions are not Improved
i ana tne advance Is not expected to hold.
Cash wheat was t-e lower.
Corn was strong and higher, liquidation
oe-mg apparently over and new buying
I power cams In on the unfavorable
weather. Cash corn waa wl higher.
I Primary wheat receipts were W3.0"l bu.
and shipments were bu.. against re
ceipts last year of 3;.w bu. and ship
ments af la) bu.
Primary corn receipts were Us' bu.
' and shipments were 470. (1U0 bu., against
raeslpu last year of bu. and shlp
, luents of 3V,0W ha.
Clearances were j 410 Bu of corn. 443
; nu. or oats and wheat and flour equal to
IJverpool closed 'ttjl'.d higher on
wheat and Hd lower to d higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat: No. 2 hard. 1 cars, tl.eiv,; No I
hard, 1 car, 11.91',; No. I mixed. I car.
.Il elie. Corn: No. 4 color. 1 car. 4Sc;
No. 1 yellow. 1 car. 44c; J cars, t&V; No.
' yellow. 1 ear, 44 He: t cars. 43Hc; I car.
, sse; 1 car. die: No. 4 mixed, i cars.
4c; 1 car. 44c; ears, "Bttc; 1 cars. (He:
3 car, CHc; 1 cars. Bc. Oats: Na t
whits. 4 cars. ,c; No. 4 with. 1 car.
tlataha Cash f-rree.
' ' vV HEAT No. hard. 141.M: N. 1
.hard. II 0S4l.:V: No. 4 hard. ictrll.'H.
CORN-No. white. HMtV: No. 4
.white, 4Ht45c; No. 1 color, tiVtensi'ic:
"Vo. 1 yellow, j',rnic; No. 4 yellow. t!tf
iIV: No. I. 4f.i,tjic; .So.. 4, gUrtsMo;
. no grade, Et)le. ,
OATH No. 3 whits. Utni'.r: standard.
lBl.51c: No. J white. 3l,nl,r; No. 4
. white, I0esi,,c: No. t yellow, U'Vb
,tnc: No. 4 yellow. Wattle,
BARLKY-Maltlng. No. 4. tl .WsM.9;
t. I feed, TiQMx-: heavy feetl. Kftth.
i. RYB-Mo. 3, UtjtVe: No. I, WSj-Mc
y Carlat MeeelptB.
1 Wheat. Corn. Oats.
.'hieago 43 t lie
Minneapolis at!
"Omaha ,... 35 43 J
-iDuluth H
real ares sf (be Trading and (laelag
rrtees aavWard af Trade.
fHICA(K), March 14. -Wheat prices hers
;Tolt tha effect today of a siueese In the
.-March delivery st Liverpool. Notwlth
Manding heavy selling---' the dim was
firm at km night's level to SftSc up.
Corn scored a net advance of Vtrsr and
.oats a gain of MrHo. Th finish for
hog proa iK-ts varied from IW decline
- Ho Increase In cost.
For a while the wheal trade seemed
.aleposed to regard the scarcity In Liver
pool as a temporary condition which
' would be rectified in short order. Con-we-juenily
attention was given to lha suh
. jeot at I he outset, hut not for long, save
1 dally as a prominent snuthwi-etern specu
lator began la pound prices with remerk
aWe Btlddennesa and vigor, bevhlea, slillt-a-ients
from Argentina were nearlv double
those of a year aco, and there waa news
'wf a cargo of wheat bought at Falrport.
-"Nfil.. to come h.r for delivery on May
umlrsrti Different Ideas hecah lo pre
, i-atl when the fat was pointed out thnt
Vhe amount of wheat on ocean passage
stocks tn Kurope promised to diminish
further In the near future. Hltst:tnt re
ymrts from th west putting strenrth Into
mars grain had likewise a gytfil-ethetlc
-sffvet oa wheat, particularly as the rtsy
Sjeared an end. lmrlng the session May
fluctuated between tl.tiZ'.iil ms ami
JI.4SV with the close at fl-Mfe, a rise
uf over last night.
A rold-out condition eslsted In rem.
Cloverlng by shorts who were uneasv be
cause at the Wild winter weather tended
-la boost th market. There was also
neavy commission uaineea Based on
. prospects of a better shipping call. Couns
try offerings showed some increase. May
ranged from WrTc to THc, closing
ateady, Stc net higher at 71 c Cash
grades wire firm. No, yellow ass not
Oats were held bark somewhat owing
to heavy receipts. Twe leading houses
lid a good deal ou th selling side, when
there wer bard spots. Nevertheless th
storm news proved mors powerful, I p
Jxr and lower limits touched for May
wer cr and 'c. with last sales UV.
J ist Stu higher compared fwlth 91 hour
iWfor. ,
' Foreign orders to sell lard depressed
that staple. Demand from short lifted
t other -packing nous products. In th
;nd pork was up ftc, but ths rest of th
- : list not to exceed a nickel either way
t Jiom last night.
. (HMtatlons on futures closed as follows.
itaotatloae of the Day sa Vsrisai
4 ess ss eel ties. '
NEW YORK. March 14-FXOl'R
Bteady: soring imtenta. K.ava.w: winter
straights. M.Jtbt.; winter pstents. $4.40
tJ4.SU; spring clears. 14.35414. 40; erinter
extras. No. L CHM13.M: winter extras.
No. 3. B iti) ; Ksnsaa straights, M KK
443. Rys flour, stead-; fair to good,
Hil . choice to fancy, K Si.
CORN'MEAL tjuiet: fine white: and
yellow, tl; coarse. fl.eS4l.'t)f'Kiln
uneo. v -. .
WHKAT-Spot market quiet; No. I red.
ti ws elevator, export basis ana u.l t.
o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. li:n
f. o. b. afloat. Futures market opened
higher on tlie Liverpool cables, declined
on estimates of large Argentina ship
ments snd more favurable reports n th
cron Drosnects. but rallied on covering.
closing V- net higher. May. Sl.Wet
).7ts. closed ti e? -i: July, ll.04Stn Ve.
closed llutV Receipts. 4t,Wl bushels;
nipments. Z7.14I bushels.
(XiHN pot market steady; No. 2, 7ic
elevator domestic basis to arrive and ex
port 74tC fob. afloat. Future msrket
was nomlnsl. Receipts, 19.13s bushels;
shipments, 14.js4 bushels.
OAT8 Spot market easier: standard
white, iaa In elevator: No. 2, 6te; Na
t. sV: No. 4. Wr: natural whit and
whit clipped. iLrOWHc Futures mar-
fket was nominal. Rerelpts, SU bush
els: shipments, 376 busnels.
HAT-steadv: prime, aij-so: k. i. bii.os
61W; No. & tll.s0tjli. No. 1 Sn.Vt
HOPR Easy: state ccanmon to Choice.
111. JTtui -. im nominal. Pacific coast.
!iu. 4144r: nn, nominal.
HIDEti so-ady; Central American, :tc,
Bogota. ;sf.'4eu.
LKATHKR Kirm: hemlock firsts,
Su.Tc; seconds, :)fl34c; thirds, iltjtc;
reiects. tjc '
PROVIHlONSf-Porlt. steady: meat, 11" .
f!7 30: fsmuy. tK.jOtJIt.iO; short clear.
117 wj It uu. Brer, steady; mess. fU oOt)
n jf: family, tUOnvii.SO; heet hams.
fcT Cut meats, quirt; pickled
bellies, I to It pounds, pickled
hams. tto.7i. Lard, steadv; middle west,
JOyVJO; refined, steady: continent,
to; iuth American. tlv.S; - compound,
TALLOW Quiet; prime city hhds.. tc;
special, 4c; country, S',Ji',c.
Ri'TTEK Receipts, 4. 710 tuba, Market
steady; creamery sperlala Mr; creamery
specials, extras, tc; creamery specials,
firsts, aytJsc, state, ustry, tubs, finest,
CHKE8R-Recelpo. 1.4U pktcs. Market
firm; stste. whole, milk, held, specials,
colored. I,e; sklnst. '7Stjl&c
iCUUB-Receipta 34.W, cases. Market
firmer; fresh gathered, extras, 324i23c;
fresh gathered, flaels. tlvSltsc: fresh
gathered, seconds. jnSfrw.o: western,
gathered, whlti-s. .ty34c.
POL'LTRY-Allve ittsdyi chickens. Mc;
fowls, UUOUc; I.'4c. In-sssed.
quiet; capons. tltJiSc; fowls, western, 140
lHc; turkeys, Kilc. ...
Hi. Issll Ueaeral Market.
RT. IOL IS. March l.-Closlng prices of
WHEAT Firm: May. tl.olb: July. 4
I OKN-Jllgher; May, irsc: JtHr. TK.
(lATH-Hlgher: May. Mc: July, e.
KIjOUR vulet: red wlnterisuents, 14 4
tf-'-OU: extra fancy and atralrht. Itysu
4.14: htrd -winter dears. B mJ.7s.
PKKIt-Hmolhv, 110-sVUU.VII.
HHAN-,1-biner; sacked, seat track. 4130
UAT-Hcsme; timotny, aKta.w; pml
rlr. lisintiissV)
HAtHHNtl-V' ,
FIIOVIHIDNK-Hork. unchanged: lob-
bltig, tMitu. Lard, unchanged; prime
steam, rli '. I try sail mrata
tlioxed). unchanged: extra shorta. ss.s:
clear ribs, t 7i; ahort clears, n.S. Bacon
I boxed), uncharated; vli snorts,
clear riha. ss.A: short clears. it.
PtJtJLTHY - Firm: chickens. Utso:
springe, 14c; tU'keya, 17c; ducks, lHo;
geese V - I
bi'ttkk nuitt Jtejaac
EXiOB-Lower; Nftc.
Receipts. Shibmenta.
Flour, bbls , l s,mn
Wheat, bu - iK 47in
Corn, bu jR.ajRi Stf.1100
Oels, bu ...U.0 4MUI
1 .rtlcl Open.) High. Low. Cloee.l Yst y.
kWheatl I
' Jday. l 4HV
i July. ja 1,1
' Sept. ass,
(torn -I
I July.7!M?a
' aept.(?lWTjt
f , aiay. arMtvj
1 sii ajt,a,J I Jn' 4CS'
Tl ;isi
1 :isl
71 I Jl-a
... I
July. aO
aeix i i :
It as i
' May.l C't
. ept.'tgftr. I
' Hsy.lsS-TH1
r July.
14 k I14CVI
1 3
V SI ( S tS
W iVM M 4
it ri it
7i I sVK I K-7 ItM
civs' sv; ) i a si ?v,
i I is i ii I cm c,
'ash quotations wer aa follows:
FLOt R-oteady; winter patent. Kstkf
a -, erinter straights. ttAsM sf ; spring
vatrnts. Kstpsl: spring straights, 44.0
sj4 7; Bakers, RUtllL
P.YB No. I tec.
BARLEY-Feed or mixing, 70ic: fair
1 rhoic malting, atlstrl 3. '
eTF.njiH-'TinKKhy. tllrUI; clover.
titwvJZ &
FRovlfiiO.VS Pork. mess. new. I1L7S:
id. tiaJa. Lard, ia Ueroes. short
l ibs, IsasJ. tt.72.
Total ctearaAoes of wheat and flour
wars squal to bu. Prtssary receipts
were bu. compared with X;.
Ihil the corresponding day a year ago.
-stlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
4 cars; core. 347 cars; oats, 131 can; hogs.
ii.tjvt head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : Na 2
i4. B.04tl.8V No. 1 red. ssrtUl.e?,
StroEf Tpwmrd XoYemeat Followi
Period of Solliiess.
Sessl-Orflrlsl Statements Indicate
Disintegration af the Hamster
Traet geew Will Be
NEW YORK. March II-For the
greater part of today's session en the
rttock exchange business was dull and
prices Irregular, but In the last hour the
market reversed It position and broad'
encd out under thai lead of speculative
favorites some of which went to a new
high level for the present movement,
wtill Amalgamated Copper sold st tts
highest price in considerably over a year.
Activity was maintained until the end.
tlie business of the last hour almost ex
, reeding that of th rest of the session,
with closing prices at or near the top. 1
There waa no newer to account for the
sudden Chang of qritlment, other than
the prospects of a general advaac tn
prKxe of Iron and steel product and en
couraging advice dealing with crop con
ditions. The general labor situation at
home and abroad was without material
change, except for some betterment In
New angland mill town.
Tbr wr again specific reasons
for th further advance of such stocks,
aa International Harvester, th coppers
and American 'melting. Semi-official
statements indicated that Harvesters
disintegration will soon be announced
and the copper Industry continues to
wont in the direction of high prices for
th melsl
Respecting metals and affiliated shares,
ststement sttrlbuted to the attorney I WUe. lad. Is.
general at Washington that no ant!-
creased, fl.US.4M; public deposits In
creased, fluXwu: notes reserve decreased.
tlCT.euu; government securities decreased,
The proportion of the batik's reserve go
liability this week is tttu per cent; last
week It was 44. J. per cent-
New lark Moaey Market.
call, steady. 2W&2 per cent; ruling rate.
2Vj per cent: cioaing bid. 2s Per cent:
ottered at per cent. Time loans,
steady: sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety
days, 31. per cent: six months, Si per
actuai business in bankers' bills at 4.4A
for sixty-day bills and at HK7i for de
mand. Commercial bills, R&i1.
KiLVER-Bar. ague; Mexican dollar.
47. .
BONDS Governmen t, firm,' railroad.
Closing quotations on soaoa locay wars
s follows: -
S. s. ret. 3s. leg...lM'Istsr. at. at ties -as
esapsa lJasaa a Sit
0. g. 3s. rsg I-"s es 4ie -
as esasoa M:K. C. Ss. M ts. .. bis
I', g. 4S. is lUL. g 4sa 4S SHI... kw
e rsapea 1!U a N. asl. I. .. K
AIIH-Ssl. 1st ss.... dVI g. 4k T. 1st 4S. 44
aassr. Ag b 14 sea. 4Hs. eH
A. T. T. sr. a..Utals. Pacific s R
Aia. Tesssce 4s.... SN It K si M 4s Uw
So as UV. T. C. g !... S71,
Ansae O. 4SS.. K es ess. 4s tlsj
AUkBBB tea. 4s.... avN. T. N. H. a, H.
s cv. 4s. 144 ct. fs 133
e cr. is. 1T. A W. 1st c. ts.. Sjw
A. C. t. 1st ts S4 4s cv. ts l-
sal. A Okie 4s. siisNa. Paelfis 4s.
as s es 3s u
ht. Hs na. i. u rttt
Brosk. Tr. sr. ta-.straBa sv. 3s 114.. viu
tsa. s Oa. 4s...?.!Hk es esa.
Lva. LssUMT is aWAsaals ss- 4.... SH
c si .N. I. g la..m g. u a s. r. is. 4s n
Chss. a Okie 4ha..ltl(s ss sea. is a
as 4'ts Mlst LAWS. .. tlV,
Chtassv 4k A ts. Silt ee 1st ssM 4s.... as
C. B. a VI 1. ts.... ST a. a. I,, ssj. ia.... a
e gae. 4s 14 as. pK. cel. 4s tlt
C. kt. 4k a. P. 4S 114 es er. 4s M4
C. R. I. 4k P. a ta. Ttls es Ist let 4a. U
so ng. ss. trss. jtsitwsy as. IN
i as see. as ttlt
isittBlea Paelns 4s.. ..14
trust proceedlnge are contemplated, wea!fJ- r i "' ---: J
nrohshle . r.v.kl. lnn,v. ? H- j 4a fc let a let. 4s... rf
probably a favorable Influence.
increased strength In American Tele
phone and Telegraph was concurrent with
reports for a demand of the stock In
Pane where It la listed on the Bourse.
Apropos of this. It was rumored Ihst
arrangement to place emelter stocks in
th Parts market are again under way.
Concurrent movements in ths Rock Is
land laaues and American Can common
and preferred, which are controlled by
the same Interests, excited soma com
ment. Ths strength of the Harrimans
waa naturally associated with an ootl-
mistle interview Issued by the chief ex
ecutive of that system of railroads.
Bonds were sctlve. but reflected Utile
of th stock market' strength except In
Knea Total salea. par value, H. ..
I'nlted Blates 4s advanced Sk per cent on
Number ef aaies and leading Quotations
en stocks today wer sa follows:
salsa Hire. Lew. cuse.
Allts-Oulnws 0(4 ....
A wales mats. Oasser .
sa ainrtmwral .
isrtcaa hast suasr...
Aaeertesa Caa
c. r,
M a L. an
Ass. ke satertllea
Aassrtflsa UsaM4
Aassficsa LasssMtive ,
. 4k K
a a. Hi
Am. SI Ml t)n4fiss..,
Ah. saasr Hsflalag...,
T. 4 T.
ra 4.
, 14 W ii
. I.Itl )
M4 11
. 34 e
, im ut
. 41
M 13
Kaasas t My 4ralB aad Pro vis leas.
KANiAS CITY. Mo.. March 14.-WIIEAT-4'aah.
Stu: hlglisn No. i
MRs.ll.atll.4Hi; No. 3. II 4Bttl.Ht; Na
3 red. Il.gjtfl S. No. a I1.4W1.01
CtJItN-Lnchanged; No 3 mixed, IH4
tax-: No. L 47ic; No. I white. BNt7c: Nu.
a 7Hc.
OAT!-l ncliangsd to 4c higher; No. I
white, altstteir; Mo. I mixed. UWUHv.
Closing prices Of futures:
WHEAT May, II 011.1S; July. Knac.
bid: September, VSs'.
CORN May. Tiv. sellers: Ju y. 7tac:
eptember. ci'iffHisc sellera
OATis May, jc; July, rtje.
HTB-44HUC. .
MAY Firm: choke timothy. 134. (Us)
UU; rhoic prairie, Iljntl7..
Bl'TTEK-Creamery, afc; firsts, So;
seconds. 34r; packing Work, rlc.
KOUb-Extras, Uc; firsts, Ik-.
Recelpta ghlpmnls.
Wheat, bu 4.00 man
Corn, bu 3MnO , M.asi
uts, bu sv.OB) u us)
MtaaeapalU Oral a Market.
11.06V; July. tl.7ll.I4k. Cash. No.
1 bard, ll.O.k: No. 1 northern. H.47; No.
1 norliiern. Il.ta'a; No. a H W's-
CtlRNNa. 4 yellow, IWWsv.
OATD-No. I wlilta, UStleM.
R Y K No. I. grr.
It RAN In K pound sacks. M..
FLOUR First patents, kV4utia(l; sec
ond patents, M.astH ): first clears, l&Mtl
7t; second clears, H30r;4. .
Philadelphia DaslBca Market.
-Firm; wastsrn creamsry specials, 2149
nVtc; xlraa, 9Qc; nearby prints, extra,
E108 Firm; Itrnnsylvsnls and ether
nearby firsts, frdk cases, as 44 per case;
current receipts, free cases, 14.34 per case;
weetern first a free cases. 344 per case;
current receipts, tree cases, I at per case.
CHBKSK Firm; New York full efwama,
fancy. He; fair t good, levoisr.
Milsraake tlrala Market.
M1LWAI KEE." March ll.-WHKAT-Na.
I northern. H.I3W1.UH: Na. t north
ern. ll.ksji.U: Na. s hard winter, U.uaa)
Lit: May. tl.4B: July. Use.
COKN-No. yellow. 4MrOSe; No. I
whita 4sc-. Na. a S4J47H; May, 714a;
July. c , 1
OATia-otandard. Mr.
bAlU-EY -Malting, tl.3asi.34.
Peweta Market.
PICOUIA. Maieh M.-CORN-Lear: Na
4 whit, attec; Na, I yellow, esc; No. 4
yellow, ; e. a mixed, etc;
mixed 44'tc; sample. 44ttc.
OAT8-t-tady; No. 2 white,
standard. Uc; No. a whlu, Uc
whit. aTsC
Na 4
No. 4
Hvei pes! 4ralsi Market.
nomlnsl: futures, strong: March, as
3Sd May. 7a 7d: July, 7s Sd.
CORN pot. steadv: aew American,
mixed, kiln dried. -as TM- Future, firm;
March. I 3d; May, 7s ISA
( altaa Maeket.
NBW YORK. March lt-COTTON-8i-ot.
closed quiet, i points higher; mid
dling, uplanda 75c: mid-'llng. gulf. lie.
Kalea. bale. Futures opened firm:
-V. 2 hard; i sas-Sl-W.: No. t hard. ai t. I ZST'L,? vT-v" YTii. J?J?
m 4: No. 1 norlhem. tl.lOwl U. No.
tionham, tl.assgfl II: No. I nonhera, 31.14
eel.-. No. 2 spring. gl.Hrl.; No. 3
soring. tkcwB 7: No. 4 spring, 9ctU .;
leivet chaff, ssefari .; durum, tajeogl C.
era: No. a SCTHc: Mo. 3 white.
arc. Ma 3 rettow. ra;r: K. 4. 4i'i4J4tc;
Aa. 4 whit. sec; No. 4 yellow, 4S1
-v. Oats. Na. 2 white, aettaesc; No. 3
riiie. Jii,c; Na t white. s44jtc;
a-aMara, aS4i0sc.
I: Vs.-So. h. Sc '
8 A RLKY 40r4ei J4.
TIMOTHY BKKD 71.46efl4s.
LOVER BEED-gi4.jtC2s.
fcl TTKH-Skead, ; crssmsriea. 4c,
e-ew-ie. Vsriie.
euiieWFirai: receipta T.43 eases: at
i.-rk. eases included. lMlrc; ordinary
' lirste. hw; firsts, sue.
:HEEsE-Bieady: aaiate. mgr.
twin. i7.t17Hc: young Ajaertcaa.
Jir: long horn. lTtjiac; receipts R car:
.-U aeoBtln. 4; 1LC; MichigsB and Mia-
iS.ais. s .jfe?).:.
j a,uvXTRS.-isaa)r; turkrja, llvs, lie
ber (effered). Ml4sc; October. 1.4b: fx
cember, M.77e: January, M.t1c. Future
dosed steady. Closing bide: Msreh.
M.43c: April. 14 43c; aisjr. M.i2e; June.
.i7c: July. WOc: August. aOc; Sep
tember. Hale: October. m.aV; Nsvemser.
lc: Decern her, ls.7ac; January. M!4c;
February. M.sM. .
Tarpeattae aad ee4a.
OaS-eJV tale. Ill hhda.;
racalpts. st hhda; shl passu Is. hada.:
stack, tr.423 hasw
I.OAIN-FIrm; aales. 3a bbls: receipt,
43 bbls.: ehlpmente. none: stack 3147
bbls: P. K a): D. 34.45: E. MM; F. M.ieS):
O. aVi; H. s.l&s.;; . k,
I7.4: M. I7.: N. and WO. KM: W.W
agesr Market.
VTCW YORK. March 14 -1CAR-Raw.
nominal: muecovad. a teat. AAasAkr-
'feentrifugal. K test. 4k44.sic: mnlaaail
sugar, test, ..flsMev RcfiBed, easy.
Asaeenaa MlalBl Oa....
AtrSlssa f4
aiismis vssa Use
a nuis.
Bstsisaeai stesl
I4 Tr
CaesSlaa Partus
Osalnil Laslber
Osatrsl LesilMr anl
ibacrel st Nre Jiisil-.
casasseslis Obi.
0le 4 Altss
Ohtaaas 0- W., asw
9. w. r
CMsess X. W
LSieeaa, M A St. p....
c. a at. b.....
Cslsfaes F. I
rtlsreet a sautaara....
esii4i4 osa
I'yorm PraSurtS
Oslawars A HilSsss . .... 4 His uraaaa ..
D A K 0 s(4
naanisn' aKsriUes ...
-arts ,
ane ta m ,
grle M s4
ilsnefal fcteslfit -
wast Nsnsees shl
Orsat Ntmaera Of stfs.
luteals (antral ,
Istsresfsaah MsL
leisr. SM sat
latemsltsasl . Hstiaslsr.
tMer-aUrlas H
laisreaiisnsl Ksee .....
lelsniailsssl Paw .,,,
Ie istiirsl
ksaaaa Clu Ss.
K U ss 44
larleas Osa
eaksrllls Ksshstlts.,
M law a M taala
u , at. P. a s. I- M.
Hitseerl. K T. .......
M . a. T. sM
Ulsasert Perifle
Nsilesal Unit
Nil Meal Lss4
N. R. R. ef M M Sf4.,
New Tsrk Usntral
K. Y.. O. W
Ksesslk a
Nsrtk ABMNHcss
wen hare Psoitis
Fertile Msll ....
Psseis's Oss
P.. C. St.
Pitlsksnili real
Piiw,4 stssl Car....
Psllmsa Palace Car.
Rallesr Itsal
P-rrsSlle' Btssl
RssvaiH StsM SM......
Kara i.aise r.
Rack Iiiaa4 V aM ...
St. L 4 a P M pf..
Lssls a w
t-aw aft
e-SMCflsl4 4. 4k I..
Sselaera Parlne ,
ssllisis Rsllssr
as. Bsllesr 4 -
Tseesssss Cassw -
Tease 4 IVlfU
T.. at. L A a?
t. sc u a w. an....
, Ita
fat isi 34414 let
re w r. zs
. ill's! ms isnt
. 4.144 141 144 117
43 IS 3S
, tl.M 4S
, 3. Ms iss i m
364 M let MS
set 1 13a 134
431 W1 144
, 1.144 31 34 3S
, 3.4S4 14 14 Bl
3W 3 341 S 333
test ns 31 33
114 44 14 lS
-. 5
4.444 7i .1 S
3H 14 14 ' 14
rts 3t 3344 34
1 s ms I4s vis
, 344 344 31 I4SS
, it
n S 11
31 41 ttS 43
l aw ll 141 His
344 11 ItS 11
let 11 US 144
344 31 '31
4s IS,
e 1 s
S 34
MS 44 U 44W
4.444 44 44 44
- 4.3S4 147 144 M
I SM 133 133 ID '4
a 34t ri
st 133 1 134 l.
' 1st ii is ls
SJS ss ss
4.4S4 117 II4U
ym 14 is
3. aw nia ms
Ml It
sm n
144 a.
1.544 IIT
444 33
SS 114, 134 13S
34 14 34 3S
It 44V 4 44
1 aw 144 Mf Iistt
344 44 44 44
IV 31 II 34S
IM lira, 111 HT't
444 14 MS, 34
5i H4 JS1 !
33 14 44 S
4. 44 134 1144, 114
MS) 31 m 31
a 14 lax 113 ins
44 14V US
MS 33 33
3.344 141 '4 114
. tAiw lil USS IMS
4U4 les at
S34 41 4
34 tt
MS 41
Law lis
4.M 3444
444 SIS
'"144 'ii"
t 144
S 34
11 14
34 3,
Ustea Parma 43.14 14 IO IBS
false Psrint sM 344 41 41 4t
I'sHs Slslw kssnr.... H 4 4 44
tialss Sum Rsbksr.... 1M44 I'S '-. 'N
I'SHS SUa Blssi II4.3SI S 44S S4
tl. a stnl sf4 I lias 114 11
lata rseew asw 4; 47 4:
Ve-risiellas Oswlsll .. est 4s 44 V 44S
Wsasa 344 . 4 4
Weeaeh f4 "S
WsMers Uarylssg 14 t. i U
wwiaskssss Blertrte I. IM is 14 T4
SMIN A L 41 4 H 4
bsklB VallST lt-SSt 444 1C 143
rsiae rent esi -S 34 ti
Bar rbassli4ats4 t34 i: r l
Asssskas -TMSSOS 344 444 W &t
A R. O. 4a 34 11. g Raster 4s.
se rst. 4a. skSV. 8 Stssl M as.
Plsllllere' 4a Ilk'T-CkrCasai. is
avi. . l ts. nWaosak 1st 4s. in
e sea. 4a 14 es 1st A si. 4a... 11
es ct. as. sw. A.. 44 Westers M4. 4a.... 1.-4
e striae B 54SV.SSI. Bmjc. St. 4s.. 41
Gsa. Kiss. et. 4a.. .lit wis. Casual as.
III. Csn. 1st rst. 4sS34. Pas. ev. 4a.... 47
letw. Mat. 4s t3Puaaat M !
BK. ssoflwei.
aetaa Stack Market.
BOSTON, March 14. -Closing quotaUont
en etoca were as loiiowa:
i .
Cattle Are Scarce at Opening- audi
" Prices Adrancc.
Keeelpta Are Hravy aad Desaaad
freaa All ttaartera Is black -Sheep
aad Laaaba Weak
aad Isrer.
SOUTH OMAHA. March It, 191i.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Official Monday 4W s.M.
Official Tuesday 4.17S 16.374
Official Wednesday.. .. 4.W4 16.23J
Estimate Tnursdsy.... 4.401 30,4W
Four dava thla weak.U.liT iiS)
Ssms days last week.. 14.333 C1.7M 3S.m:
Same days I wks,3s ut.lll Sirli
Same days 3 wks ago..l3.49- 61.71 31.9M
Same days 4 wks sso.. 18.314 73.1 31174
Same days last yr..U.U aiK
Th following taule shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South
Omaha for the year to date tl compared
wah last year:
1M2. mi. Inc. Pet
Cattl 112.413 23.43 ....... U,l
Hogs Ui.XO 4&.M
Slwep 371.48a s7.M
Th following table show the range of
prices paid for hog at couth Omaha lor
the last few day; with comparison!
17 us
4.3U4 141 M3
1S.804 33 S4
73 :u
45.411 34...
Pete. I 1111. lU.jlM.l.ire.lll7.UK.
M'ch 4.
M en, a
M'ch 1.
H ch 3.
M'ch .
M en M
4 1744
4 31 1
(34 I
4 31
I SSI 4 i; 4 Ji 4 7Ii 4 a
i 4 34 4
g 83
3 as I Isj 7 ti
a 1 731 4n
4 4i !( 4 i 4 t 4 4ij '.J
is nrc; si,
1 ii
alVI tr ( Iv IV II) M - I 1
M ctl 11 I Mitt 37, I 4H 4 Ml C 73
M'ch 124 l- 34 iff 4 w 1 i
U'nsa Y'li at Xfi-i at aMl il A', A "71 at at J I at i-
M'ch Ml lat'1S4l i4 slCU
I Mill Ml
Awal. Coepsr ......
Artsoae Coav
Bsue Csslitlee ....
l. A Hecla.
Us. Kanae C. C...
Hast BstU C. M..
Glrset Csa
OrsnSy Cxts
t.rses Caaasaa ....
Barale Can.
KSNe.s4a 4s. ..
37 Miasms Miaea
llNsrtk Butte ....
U JVortS Lsks ......
1UM Dasuslea ..
. taAe
Uake lvaeper
la sails csissr..
kllaavl Ciaiptr ...
I auulssr
13 Sapsrtsr
13i.aspsnsr ss a. at
34 L . 4 4 . A. A M
IS so are
441'Mh Use.
... IS
.... 4'
.... 4t
Receipts anil ruaooeltion of live nock
at tn union stock lards, eoutn uniana.
1 or iwenty-rour hours cndlnt at 3 p. m..
Cattle. Hasa. Chaen.ll'r'a
t . m. 4t m. sr. ay. s
Wabash R. R. .... 1
Mo. Pac. Ry I
Union Pacific R. R. 37
C 4V N.-W., East ,. ID
C. AV N.-W., West.. 3b
C. Ht. P. M. a . .. 3
C. B. At Q . tat....l J
C. B. 4k U . IVM..U
C. R. I. ek P.. Bast.. S - U .. J
if. S t s. D 11' . )
rrilnois Cenlral Ry. ..
C. ti. w 1
3 U-ttUlak
... 31 Wlaaaa ..
.. iSWstvsnae
... 34
. its
. 31
. 3
. 3
. 37
. 44
, IS
. 47
- 4
teedllloa ( Treaaary,
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14. At
th beginning of business today th con
dition of th United States treasury waa:
Working- balance In treasury offices, leu.
1K.M. Bank and Philippine treasury,
134.443, WC. Total balance In general fund
waa I123.471.6iat. Ordinary receipt yes
terday were liilTA"! with, ordinary dis
bursements of H.Wl.lOB against a deficit
to date this fiscal year of UO.oeO.SII
against k deficit of IS774.44S at this time
laat year. These figures exclude tha
Panama and public- dbl transactions.
Baa h rlaarlaga,
OMAHA. March 14. Bank clearing for
today were and for th cor
responding day last year 33.17aM3.7L
Tetsl islei tw the ear. 411 14 skirts.
Lcadea gtaek Market.
YjOKDON. March 14.-Amertosn ecurt-
tlsai ooaned a fraction higher and Based
en lack ef support. At noon prtcaa ranged j
from 44 higher ta 44 lower waa yester
day's New York closing
London closing stock quotations:
n BVMtawtttllle a Keta.14.
..341'taMe. Baa. A Tat.. 34,
.... nvNte Ytrt reetral .lU
.. 4MertsU 4 Wsslara.111 1
CSsiiai. Biaif
estisal ,
CIIBBtllO-Imported 8wls, XX; Ameri
caa Swiaw, lie; block HwUas. He; twins.
Sic; dsisies. 2lc; tiipteta. 31c; Young
Americana, 22c; blue label brick, 23c; llm
berger, 3-lb.. l-lb . lie.
HtKF CUT PRICKH-Rlba. No. 1, 17c;
No. 2, 13c; No. 3. lJSc. 1-olns, No. 1.
lSy; No. a MSc: No. a 14c Chuck.
No. 1, r: Ho. t 7c: No. a 7tc. Hounds,
No. 1. ltc; Na. 1. Wr; No. a Sc Plate.
No. I, 4c; No. t c; No. a 4c.
KIB8 No. 1, 17Hc; No, t, 14c; Ko. a
24c. I N
UOIN8-N0. t. lie; No. t lMr: No. a sc.
CHL'CKS-No. I, 3c; No. 3. 7sc; Na. t,
7tyr. t
ROUNDS-No. L He: No. 1 N4c: No.
a mc
PI-ATKB-No. L Kc: No. a I'io: No.
a c.
FRUITtt Apples: Entra fancy Ilea
Davis, pe- blil., 33.10; Jonathan, per bbl.,
MaO; faiK-y Wlneaap, per 34-i'a);
fancy Miaaourl Pippins, per bbl.,- 33.7e;
fancy Oano. per bbl., 34.04; Idaho Jona
thans, extra fancy, per box, S-d0; Wash
ington Bpltaenberg, per boa, 32 SO; Wssh-
liia-tnn K. Heautv. per boa. 43.; Wash
ington Rtyman' Wineaaps, per box, 32.40.
Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, 32.34
tjr- W: Jumho. per bunch, 32.74)0.7 Cran
berries: Wisconsin fancy, per bbL,;
per box, 33. 73. Dates: Anchor brand.
new, m l-lb. pkga. In boxes, per box.
37.3a; Dromedary brand, new, 30 l-lb.
pxgs. in boxes, per box, Ktss. rigs: Cali
fornia, per case of 12 No. 12 pkga., atoJ
per car of aa no. u pegs., sw: per case
of 440 No. I Pkga. 33.t; bulk. In 34-lb.
and u-lb. buxe. per lb., 10c; New Turk
tan. 4-crown, In 3-lb. boxes, per lb., Uc;
4-crown, In lb-lb. boxes, per lb., lie; 7
rrown. In ao-lb. poxes, per lb., 17c. Orp
fruits Florida, M Use. per crate, 3k60;
41 slse. per crate, IV Ou; -64-4 Usee, per
crate, iVsii. Grapes: Malaga a rapes, In
Bbl.. ab.aotsa.tis. Umon; Umonetra
Selected brand, extra fancy. 303-3UI slsea.
per box. Is.; Laima Limonelra, fancv,
HO-MC alas, per box. Iota: 31 and 4
else, 50u per box lea. Orana: Call.
fornla Came Ha brand, navels, extra fancy.
at-iiav-i.iKaB)-2l-jss sites, per box, 3434;
extra, all sixes, per box, $2M; Ele
phant brand, . 12-ls-17t-I-l-gl at lee,
per box. lit. Cabbage: Wleconsln. per
lb., 3c. Carrot: Per lb, 2c- Celerv:
California Jumbo, per do., 31.40; Florida,
In the rough, I and I do., par case, 44 at
Cucumber: Hothouee. per do., at. do.
Eggplant: Fancy forlda. oar doa.. t w
Oarlicf Extra fancy white, per lb., Tjc.
Lettuce: Kit re fancy leaf, per dot-, 46c.
Onions: California, white, boiling, per
lb.. 7c: Wisconsin. Yellow Globe. Ber lb..
3Hc: Rrd Globe, per lb., 4c: bpanlah, per
crate, ae. rarsiey: rancy southern,
per dos. bunrhe, tutyTtc. Parsnips: Per
lb., ;'c. Potatoes: Mlnaeaota Early
Ohio, per bo.. II. M: Wieconaln white
stock, per bo H i Kutsbagast la sacks,
per In., IHc Tomatoe: Florida, per e
sasket crate, iM-ia): Cuban, par a-baakat
carrier. 3ii Turnip: Per Ibv. (L
HBH ffresh froaenl Flckerei. 7e: whlta
He: pike, 7c; trout, Ut13r; large crapptae.
L-tt ic . apanian macaerai. 1C. eel, lac ;
haddocks, uc; flounder. 13c: greea cat.
flah. Uc: re shad, 31 each, a had roe, per
II,. bW aalnnn ISrt I -1 1 ... ., . - - . . -1
low 'pick, fc; buffaiot 4c: buliheada, He I?
4 Oaie..l44 Pasattwsa
raaaaise PsdfM ..33lHaa4 Hlaae .
scaasa 4 Olw.... lsKsaaia
CSL Otsat Western- USStatasra Rr
cu.. Mil. 4 It. P lies s set
t Bean saaaaere Parti
Beater 4 3Ue a..... asbatsa racins
ee pt4 a ass
in V a aissl..,
as 1st s4 47 at set
a 3 44 44S'saask .... Tlaak 24 s af ....
llltaelB Ceatial ....134
ILVKK-Bar. steady at at li-ltd per
- 44
.... 41
. II
ONET-ltf3U per cent.
The rate ef discount in tee apaa mar
ket far ahrt Mils la 34 per cent; for
ttnnra nssntha aula, g a-ta par ceal.
Hew Yard Jtlalag Itacka.
NEW YORK. March H-Ctostnc quots
tlesa a mining etacks ware:
ABse 34 "JtlS Cakw 4
matin caa. .... aitsKaa SM
I Osteite .34
w ral. 4 Ta....
rse glltar
st is stills Osa,
13 esMssam
-04 TaUv Jacket ,
... 4
... 41
aak af CMraawa1 Itateaseat.
TjONTX). March 14,-Th weekly state
ment the Bank af Eagiaad enow th
follwwTng changes:
Total nasi e decreased, fsftl - circn
!attoa creaeel 04.; bullion 4e
creeeed. 1 3kT.n7 : other Becuritles Ift-
C r.i.otf. oxtm r depottig la-
POLXTRY-Broiler. V00tr4.a ser doa.
mines. He: hen. Mc: cocks, Mo; ducks,
IMS Air; geese. Uc; turkeys. 23e; pigeons,
per do., 113. Aliv: Broilers, Uiy;
hene. Uc: old roosters and Mags, Ic; old
oucaa, run featnered. llci ge, full
t?5I '!:::::.'::iei cswsrw 4' wai.r: ,;1thered. Mr; turkey. Mc; guinea fowls,
3to each; pigeons per dot.. V; homera.
per do., KM. Muab. No. I. 11.40; Ne. J,
MrSCEIXANEOrg - Almonds: Tarra
gona, par Ik. !!: In aacks. 1e less,
peanuts: Roasted, la Back lota, par !..
7c: roasted, leas than sack lota, per Ik.
Ic; raw. par lb.. Ic. Paean: Large per
lb, 17c: la sack lot, le less. Walauta:
New crop, till. California, per lb , lie:
in sack lota Ic lea. Oder: New Re
new ka. per li-gallon -bb4.. 334; per 31
gaikm bbi.. KM; New York Matt a. per
la-galloB VbbL. 33. S, per 34-gallon bbU
BTaatarBteal Ap4re aad Dried Frnlta
ATKD APPLavd (Needier, owing to una!!
stork: so th apoe, fsney, aensVec;
chesc. ttjesc: prime. Tee. V
DRIED FRI IT8-Prunes, beavy an th
spot, notwithstanding th fti nuiea in
th weat: quotations rang from st?12c
for California up to 3 aa. and SHiiUc
for Oregon: apricots, quiet, with prices
mostly aominal: choice. 14S4L4Sc: ertra
choice. Ubi'c: fancy, lStJ17c:
Peaches, quiet, but firm; choice, MS
WScs extra cholc. Utilise: fancy USeu)
Uc; raistas. dull and rather beavy;
loea BBUscatels, 04Sc; choice Is fancy
seaded. n7Sc; aeexiless. H7c; Londo
layers. U.l 44.
I 3
II 2
33 1
13 3
3 1
Total receints. .171
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 603 2.71a 3.137
Swift ft Company M 4.491 t.t
Cudatiy Packing Co....v 775 &.M3 I.9K3
Armour ft Company. ...I.Ots 4.134 2,ae
Schwartx ft Company 414 ....
J. W. Murphy Mil ....
Morrell M ....
Hlnvlalt't its
W. B. Vsiiaant Co..... Jl .... ....
Hill ft Son- !
F. D. Lewi 13
Huston ft Company .... , 1 .... " ..
J. B. Root ft Co. 81
J. 11. Hulls U
L. F. Huas i . ....
U Wolf 3
McCreary ft Kellogg -....
8. Werthelmer ft iicgen tkl
H. F. Hamilton 0l
Lehmer Broa 12 .... ....
Mo. ft Kans.-Calf. Co. t
Cllne A Christ! in
Other Buyer .., .'. 3M .... 17Uo
Totals A4M 23.017 11.473
CATTLE Cattl receipts wera quite
liberal that morning, but owing to th
heavy anowstorm trains wsr lat In ar
riving at tha yards. When th market
opened only about half of the reported
number had arrived at the yard and
delaed train kept wringing in during
th greater part of the day.
In anticipation of liberal receipt for
th day the killing gang et the packing
houses ,!iad all been ordered to report
thla morning, and In consequence af that
buyers were anxloua to secur cattl to
4 sep them busy. Thu It happened that
the market on beef steers opened In fair
season, and all tha early arrlvala sold
very freely, th gemral market being
quoted as aetlv and wronger. ' A a
mailer of fact asUes actually ranged any
where from Meadr- to aa much a 10c
higher on anything that buyer happened
to especially want. Uood bene oid aip
as high as 37.74.
Wliat has been said regarding beef
steer would apply In equal degree to
the market on cow and heifer, which
was active and stronger. Early arrivals
sold very readily, with salesmen quoting
such cattl aa buyer especially wanted
s much as toe higher In om cases.
Th supply of feeder waa very mod
erala, although there was quite a sprink
ling of light cattl tn light. Horn good
feeder soid up a high as 34.04. and a
feeder buyer paid aa high as M M for
caul that had bean fed sum corn snd
that were already carrying some little
flesh. The feeder market as a whole
might be quoted as fully steady with
Quotations on rattle: Good to choice
beef steers r onejI.OO; fair to good beef
steers. Ss.i0y7.00; common to fair beef
steer. lo.aOusi.&O: good to choice heifers.
VeOtj.30: good to choice cow. 44 Wtju W.
fair to good cow. 34.0utel.40; common to
fair cows, 32.764s4.u5; good to cholc slock-
srs ano reed era. Bj.uuria.M. fair to good
stockers and feeders. it.OMt.iO: common
to fair Blockers and feeders. 3t.W4is.4IO:
stock belters, M aotji 09: veal calvaa, 14.
ijk.W; bulls, stags, etc.. l3.st4J4.S0.
Representative sales:
I ...
5M 4 44
44 4 14
.... ill 4 4a
....! 4 a
....MS 4 44
.... 433 4 4
.... Ill 111
444 4 4
.....en 4s4
.... 4M 4
.... 44 4 4
.... su 4 l
.... !
....Mil 4 5
... US 34
....IL. 14
....1313 4 1
... ma 4 at
....H44 4 S4
...JIB) a
....ISM 4
....131 44
343 I 44
41 4 44
W tl
414 4 li
1st 4 44
M 14
414 4 74
. 444 4 4
44 IS 4 3
4..,........ISU 4 W
33 1441 I ta
3. .....llig 1 4S
t mi 14
14 US4 1 4
7.....4.....1JS1 T 4
33 ....ll4 T44
23- Hit t 1
- I3M T 1
..UI4 I U
...4 t li
...11 I 34
..list f 34
...1144 1 U
...13K T a
...1314 1 34
-.1314 7t
..IK! 1 M
..1343 I 34
..1444 I 44
..1444 I Is
41 314
!7 SIS
14 304
71 ?a
44 334
74.. .....114
a --1
4 344
W 434
... 4 34
... 4 44
B 4 44
... 4 4S
41 14
... 4 14
... 4 44
... 4 44
... 4 li
.... 4 44
44 I 44
4 4t
4 4i
orders early in the session, while clear
ance of bulk waa left to packers. Figure
on larger killing drove allowed c ilea per
coat of very nearly a dime In most In
stance and even at the break receipts
wer lata in clearing.
Supply waa estimated at a short zi.uw
head. Including a very respectable crop
of smooth butcher and heavy bogs. These
classes were Invariably favored at lim
ited premiums, the existing margins be
tween the three general classes of stock
blng relatively small.
' Best heavy hogs on sale brought 34.15,
ss compared with yesterday's top of
K7244, while butchers moved largely
within the 3a.40ijii.3a spread. Bacon clasae
ranged from H.4U downward, nothing
much eelllng below 26.30.
Na k. la. Pr. Kt. At.. 6s. Pr. .
4 713 ... 4 34 ' . 44 337 ... Hi
11 IU ... 4 34 U 33 134 4 47.
i - 44 4 34 114 232 ... 4 44
4 3-"i 44.. ...4a St 1 M ,
I 34 31. ......243 ... 4 at
3S 4 at
-.1 J43 ... 4 48
3 !47 ... ID
82. ......341 IS 4t4
!.. 37 44 4 43
4 341 ... 4 43
14..... ..244 ... 4 42
44 244 ... 4 si
44 134 4 to
S3 Hi IS I u I
44 371 ... 4 si
..,... t74 am
(4......34S ... 4 471,
44 273 3 4 44
M 4 4 ' -Jt Mi ... 4 42
SHEEP For a Thursday receipts of
sheep and lambs were unusually heavy,
about eighty leads showing up. This es
timate included a full uainload of Colo
rado lambs that were consigned through
to an eastern point, but even after due
allowance is mads for the several thou
sand head under eastern billing. It wiu
be noted that the actual supply- had a
rather burdensome appearance.
Fat lambs mad up tn bulk of th run
snd practically everything came in the
fleece. The snowstorm kept much of tne
stuff on the road until late In th morn
ing, however, and character of tardy ar
rival waa rather doubifuL Quality of
early offerings was nothing to brag about,
in fact some complaint was heard In
packing circles because of too much short
finished stuff and too little high-grade
stock In the receipts.
Packers acted bearish from th start
and insisted upon cheaper cost in both
of the leading branches of th trade.
Lambs sufiered more than aheep, beius
more plentiful, and the market as a
whole was generally quoted an yw Iter
from weak to Uc lower. Very lulle busi
ness waa done until well along toward
midday, although most of ths good to
choice grades cleared without much
Fed western lambs sold up to 36.90, with
In-between kinds around Ib.oO&i.eS. Usual
spreads existed between poor and choio
quality, th range In vaiue amounting
lo a full dollar. No Mexicans were avail
able early, but something prime In this
line would probably seli around th even
money i.
Uncertainty In sheen, due to limited of.
ferine of ewe, wethers, etc.. attended
weaker trend to values, and few tops
were possible. High-grade ewes reached
34. SI early. Compared with last week
ctoae outn sneep and iambs are selling at
figure generally steady, hut the demand
I by no means as active as It was at
that lime. Four days feeder purchase,
4.400 head. -Uuotatlons
on aheep and lambs: Lamb,
good to choice, K esh7.tlo; lamb, fair to
good, .ib4.; yearlings, good to choice,
li..00; yearlings, fair to good. If.40
06.44: wathers, good to choice, 3s.2i4jo:
wethers, fair to good. 3.00416.30: ewes.
good to choice, 34.ti4j4.J0. ewes, fair to
good, st.3tfH.tto.
No. J Av.
107 fed ewes, oulls Ill
S fed ewes, .culls 101
2W fed lambs', 30
71 fed lambs
30 fed wethers, culls........
331 fed iambs
K1 ted lambs, culls
270 fed lambs
2a fed lambs v
174 fed lambs
II fed ewes
341 Mexican lambs :
4 Mexican lambs
6c Mexican lamb
221 western lamba, feeders...
l.3 fed ewe and wether....
30 fed ws
33 fed ewe
174 fed lamba
. 103
4 S
f 7i
4 3&
4 Ut
. 131 I 6 23
. LS 6 00
.116 4 00
.74 IS
Ueasaad far tattle Steady Mega
Letter hheep Weak.
niltrimi . u.m. , i r. . i. , n n
celpt. 4,4(0 head. Market steady; beeves,
ls.uMra.40: Texas steers. l4.7i.0O: west-
ern steers, I4.10sf7.00; Mocker and feed
ra, 34.Mttle: cows and heifers, llti; calves, .gLaeaa..
IIOUS-lleceTuta. 30,0 head. Market
generally tie off;. light, It0oii7'; mixed.
b.OB40i heavy, 4.lSas: rough, 3t.4n0
4.. pig. It-300 0.3k, bulk of sale. i.iat
8HL7EP AND 1 MRR-Recalnta I7.0M
neaa. starKrt weak; native. 43.,
weelern. 44.3tft 4: yearllnga 36.0un,35.
Lamb: Native,; western, luittjl
th first of th week, such a storm
serges, which are priced at per cei
Metal Market.
vrn' VORK. March 14. MKTAU5
Standard copper, steady: snot. 314.3jilA2:
March and April, JH.VrOlJH; May and
June, 14.35ei4.S. London, nutet: snot.
IM las 3il; futures, b lis Zd. Arrlvala
reported at New York today wer i.i
tons. Custom house returns show cxporta
of 11.470 tons so far this month. Laks
eopper, ItVfHrc electrolytic Hiifl1!:
casthit. ITtUtB. Local aales 25 tons
of May at 314.25. Tin. firm and active:
snot, 142.37642.4i; March. 34!.!542.;
April. KLS042.20; May. W.5oii0(; June.
341.Hk941.40: Julv, 440. 8744141. 21 London,
quiet: spot, fill is: futures, fl7 lis.
Local sales, ten tons spot at r37H. five
tons snot at 342.S. five tons spot at 14131,
five tons spot at 342.35. ten tons spot a.
Hi.JP-,. five tons wiot at 312.40. fl-e tons
arw.1 at tAi i& le-entv-flve tons Mlti-Ch Mt
4S.S7s, twenty-five tons Ai.-tl nt 342i'',
twenty-five tons June st liLlTtJ. Lil.
quiet; 34. OutU. 10. New York; 33.iCe3.S7i..,
East St. Louis. Iondon. 1 SC.
Spelter, quiet; I0.9uti7.10. New York: ;
(r7.u. East St, Louia London, at Ts 'VI.
Antimony, quiet; Cookson's. 37.25. Iron.
Cleveland warrants. 9iaj d In Ixindnn.
locally iron was steady: Na 1 northern
foundrv, sl4.7Bei3.2i' Ko. S northern
foundrv. n4.SiJ14.7i: No. 1 boutliern and
No. 1 southern soft, 314.76 25.
ST. LOUIS. March 14. METALS Lea.!,
firm. 54.00. Snelurr. higher. F.00.
Oasaka Hay Market.
OMAHA March 14. H AT No. 1. 31. ;
No. 2. 314.UV: coarse. 11100; packing sloe...
W.0Ot)s.O): alfalfa. IliOO, Straw: Wiieut.
34V50; rya and oata
Refuses to Desert
Booze Supply Base
Ann Tatum, colored, did th bast wash.
Ing of her career Wednesday. She came
up from South Omaha and received em
ployment from Mrs. Max Wlnthrobe, 2111
Cass street. She waa sent to the base
ment of the home, where ths washltio:
and all was In iwadlness and where she,
found inspiration to do her best.
She found other things that foamed and(
si axled besides th wash boilers and that si
what brings her publicity. At S o'cloc
Mrs. Winthrobo telephoned tha po
lio Utlon that her wash woman waa in,
her tnuement and Defused to com out.
A trip to tha patrol wagon to tha place
was futlls th first time.
Ann had heard and hid. Then when th
coppers had gon aha returned and con- ,
tltiued her lntertalnment. Th patrul
wagon was called a aecond Urn be
fore tha woman could b placed In
all. She waa charged with being drunk,
but discharged in pollca court.
Kaaeaa City Live Hteek Market.
llecelpta, 4.300 head, including lug south
ern; market steady to-strong; dressed
beef and export steers. i7.2M4a.3b; fair to
good, B.oVui..3; weetern steers, 3&.7&477.W;
stockers and feeders. 34 00(y&20: southern
steers. 36.eutj7.25: southern cows. 43X43
5.75: native cowa, fa.lOoi W; native heifers.
H&0r7.U0; bulls,; calves, KOI
UK t.
HOtiS-Hecelpt. 3,1X10 head: market to
to 10c lower: bulk of sales. m.Mti..
heavy, 3t.r.: packers and butchera.
m.tbm.tlW. lights, 3i,lj.70; pigs. 34.40
SHEEP AND Lwt MB Receipts. I.OTB
head; market steady; lamb. 36.vsf7.10;
yeaiilnga. BuWr4.IO; wether. 4.24&aO:
stocker and feeders, 32.00tji.00.
1 .
3 ;
4 ....
4 ....
! 4
1141 I a
ia 4 4
M44 I I
itn 4 u
MBS I 24
lal 4 S
41 4 44 tl
71 A 3S 14
441 4 24 4
42i 4 44 44 ,
....1344 I 23
....1144 13
.... M 111
....147! 6 44
....14 4
144 I i
.... 4a) 4 44
....1U4 I 44
...11U 4
...1M1 4 44
....1117 4
...143 I 34
....13) 4 14
....UU 4 44
....1174 4 4
.. 431 4 44
.. 441 4 34
.. 444 4 34
..alt. i
.. 13 4 a
.. 13 I 44 1
.. 474 4 44 1
..1444 4 34 I
..ISM 4 t.
..144 4 4 1
r I..
tit 43
n 1
7U 444
174 I Si
4 -i.. 711 4 44
m i
M4 4 44
4 Hal 4 44
a 414 4 44
144 4 24
...IU 4 3
...3344 4 44
...ICS 4 41
...US 4 i
...iu a is
...lm a ia r s US! 4 4s
...Ui 4 34 2 i 4
... 574 4 S 1 34 t 74
... 34 4 44 4 11
...31 4 4 3 It 4 44
... SM 4 14 W 143 4 4
... as i M 1 14 ts
... 3S 4 W 1 te 4 44
... Ui 4 a la 4 4
I 4 - 24 A 4
, 144 I 34
1 - 173 4 44
131 T 74
t 3CJ 4 3 44 3 44
4. 434 4 44 41 431 4 4s
a 713 4 1 H 113 i
HOGS A heavy crop of bogs produced
a decidedly saggy snarket, prices ruling
asottly a dime lower early In the sees km.
with the demand from ail Quart era man
or Is backward. Trading did not start
ta earnest until after a coup) of bouts
af Bcattared buying bad paiiaid and va
after the demand took oa a fair degree
of life th improve roe nt tn values was
waa Milr alieht Kmm fiealn, mmlt
Market. iitsKc off waa doa aiona toward middav.
ST. UH'18. March Mv-WlaTIL Steadv; but the larger decline waa ueuaJiy quoted
territory aad western mediums. Ia$l4c, by the rank snd file of eeiler.
line medium. arui:r; fine, ftric Sit ppt.'s sad oevulurs fiiled tair-sUed
St. Iwla Live stack Market. .
ST. LOUIS. March 14 -CATTLE-Receipts,
1,700 head. Including 301 Texans;
market steady: native shipping and ex
port steers. 37.50ljs.5O; dressed and butcher
steers, 35.50434.00; steer under 1,000 pound.
33.2543.76; (tockar snd feeders, I3.36.00;
cows and heifers, S3.oooS.75; canners. 32-01
H4 00; bulls, 33-euusat, carves. Sa.00tje.35;
Texas anu Indian steers, aV.OWg-7.10; cowa
and heifers. S3.50tja25.
UOUb-Receipt, a. KOI head: market 5c
te too lower; pigs sod lights, 5u0V-9a;
mixed and butchers, tototTl.ViW, good,
heavy. M.sMrT.OTV.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 2.708
head; market strong: native muttons,
l4.0OtnS.75: lamb, 36.OW7.45: cull and
bucks, stockers, a? Uff3 50. -
St. Jeweph ale Stark Market.
Receipts, 1.HKI head; market ateady;
steers, g. ai ou: cows and heifer. fLS
6.40; calves. H.
HOGS Receipts. 11.031 head; market
SeiOc lower; tap, 6a; bulk ef sales,
SHEEP AND LA MBS Recefpts. 2000
bead: market strong; lambs, Si.13j477.1a.
Stork la light.
Receipt of 11 v stock at the five prin
cipai western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs, EneeP.
South Omaha 4,409 o.e in. 00
St Joseph l.M ' M.o 1
Kansas city .4 So I.M loot
St. Louis L740 . 1.73)
Chicago aM S0.6U 17.4O0
. Total receipt .13,i0 OM H7M
Coffew Market.
tures market opened steady at a decline
of 3 BOinta for March, which was again
influenced by acattering liquidation.
wail otner pttnnmt were ancnangeo to
7 oeinta higher. Marck recovered it tm-
Ijial loa later andath close waa steady.
Dei uncnaLiigeo w pwuia nicntr. oaiea,
St 751 baga March. 13.33c: April. 11.24c:
May, 1131c: June. 13.43c; July, 13.4Sc: Au
gust, 13.54c: September, 12.4c; October.
U Mc: November. 13 54c; December.
usee; January, U44c: February, lilac.
Havre waa 4 (rane higher. Hamburg
via pfennig higher. Rio wa un
changed at 833-1: Santos, unchanged; 4a,
SS403: 7a, 73400. Receipts at th two Bra
si Ilea ports were UM bags, against 6.09I
bags last year. Jundiahy receipts, IM
haga, against L3M bag. New York ware
house deliveries yesterday. 1.267 bags,
against 1044 last year. Today special
Santos cables reported 4a unchanged;
Sao Paulo receipta, 12,011 bags, against
3.09I bags yeaterday.
Spot cofftee. eteadj ; Rio No. 1. 1414c:
Santo No. 4. livc Mild, quiet: Cor
dova, MeJISc Bomlnal.
Oey ties 1 Market.
Th cotloa gaud markets are very
strong. Extraordinary order came for
ward during the day on atapl ginghams
and p.1nta. Four yarn kheetias, have
heer. ordered free, for futare detivwrv
at 4 ctcu vrd, aa sUtaate f ,c sine
Board Fnds No .
Place for Reduction
In another effort to find 4 fcaslbl
plan to reduce the cost of equipping th
vaults of the new county court building
with steel futures, th board of County
Commissioners and John Latenser, county
building architect, visited all tha officers
yesterday to se If they could set along
with less elaborate qutpmant than was
planned. Th visits won not profitable
No material reduction cajvbe made. Th
commissioners win have to put In about
340,000 worth of vault fixtures and lat
decorating of th building go until next
autumn, when there will bo as or money
on band.
Fire Warden Warns
All Gasoline Users
Firs Warden Ed Morris, has served
grocers, tailors and merchants who us
gaaotlne with notice that th ordinance
prohibiting th careles osa ot axploslvsa
will b strictly enforced.
"Oaaoltn must be kept In tanks under
ground and clothe must bo cleaned In 4
building separata and apart from the -tabllahment.
Not mor than on quart
of gasoline must be In as at any time."
Probability of fire has been increased
within th last few weeks by an Incrcageil
careleaanea In th use of gasoltn, c
cording to Mr. Morris. These dtctri
evading or violating th ordlnanc will
bo arrested.
Complaint against Ut coal dealers will
b placed tn th band of City Prosecutor
TMoklnaon today by Juhn Grant Pegs,
city sealer of weights and tnoaaure. Thlt
action follows a resolntion by th council
rdering Mr. Pegg to collect th occupa
tlon tax from all coal dealers.
A few of tha larger dealers hav paid
their occupation tax of 325 each, but 4
temporary organisation of US or IN small
dealers bar refused to pay, aaytng the.
tax Is unfair. They hav retained at
torney to resist collection and to tntl
tuta legaj prooeedtnga to test th validity
ot tha ortlinance. They will demand 4
gradual occupation tax.
Mr. Pegs had. hesitated to collect th
taxes until tha council took action, a dit
fereno of opinion basing aroa u tu
whoa ditty it was to collect. Tho matter
waa brought to 4 climax wrhon 4 amall
Dealer woo nst paaa oss IB I aa assstl suet
they b refunded If bob ot th other 1
wer compelled to pay.
SIOCX FAXIA 8. D- March 1L
(.pc)al.) Mystery aurrouncU tb wbare-,
bout of Richard Resrmuaaeu and Miss
Irene Tastad. young people wbuo par
ents iwatoo in th aam farming; aactiou
ot Sanborn county. Tba young anaa and
girl bad been sweethearts for mor than
a year and wlihcd to marry, but th
marriag was oppoaad by th girl par
ent, not kecaoas tbey had any objoction
to tho young man, but bc4ua ot tb
ago of th girl, who Is not yet IS -asarg
014. While tb parents of th girl were
oa 4 trading trip to ton sh slipped
from th bouse. Joined ber lover and
they dlmtajeared. It i belle-red they won
married la tb first tows wner th could
oocuro a Mcetnaa and that In duo tim
their rarenta -arm b retermcd st thetr
w hereabouts and asked tor th parental
SIOCX FALLS, 8. D.. March IA (Spc-
ctal.) Waborato Preparationa ar baiaj;
mad by tba friend of PreatJent Taf.
for 4 Taft rally, which la to b hld in
Slouxf Fans on Friday rnlng ot this
week. A teaegram has been recerrcd from
Senator Oamblo stating that ho -sill ar
rtv In tb city Friday aftaraoon and will
b on band at tb tally Friday ovamtnc '
to maks aa addras on PraWdant Taft
and glv tha people ot Sioux Fall axel
South Dakota hi reason why rmlilin
Taft ta n titled to 4 renornination. 460,1
progress ts being aaade la aec-artng wiein-
bers t the recently organised allnaefca.s
County Taft dub, the membership e'
which already baa reached large jmu