Sherlocko the Monk The Adventure of the Bump on the Head THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MARCH 14. 191. Copyright. Mli, National New A'e, t ATTEMPT HAS HADC On MY CIFE FT W iy rvv,n -e W 1t RESPOND SO C v PgQHPqT TO M-f MtCM rtBlER MtHO COMPUHEKB PROCEED WITH Drawn for The Bee by Gus Mager I Ht-sBBuactt, S11 -.c-wsi I JSJ " 24iiA5V.. I -!.l!SLf!!!!5irl AH! worm's IK sTSe .iSimi I Wxi n I Xr- . stmt-TVA su-r 1 Mfe A woman's.- I UNFOUNDED I Thfcc wmmV UZZ1- ... vhn I f7-: I OFFERED FOR 8AI.K M laeella aeaoe. POOL tael-, storey fixture bought, sold. Levy. SMi N. So. Omaha lamps i?;ssu: lamp with crystal reflector clones and elf-ltRhter delivered for B.0A JOHN. PON LAMP CO.. CI 8. Hlu: IX 175: A-llli FOB SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables anl bowlinr. alleys and acce-aorle.; bar fix ture of all klnda; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balkc-Collaiuicr Co.. eOT-tO 3. loth Kt. it, Cal fur stove or furnace. Try it. J Harmon & Weeth. ffrtmff m. SAFES overstocked Kith second-hand safes; all sixes and makes; banralna. American Supply Co.. nil) Famam St. 5D SAFES. PKRIGHT. IH Farnsm St. PL'RE Vermont maple syrup and sugar direct from maker. 1 gallon,; t cans, ; .00. Sugar, assorted cekes, 30c per lb. Freight or express prepaid (cheapest way). satisfaction guaranteed. Refer ence Dunn Report. L. L. Marsh, tnos burc Fail. VI. FOR SALE-Ture pool tables, new loth, first claat condition. I8W. Call Harney WE rant and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-WB. Douglas IMS. NBBRAhK.V CYCLR CO., r ; . lith and Harney at. a-DAY BJO"V P.EMKDY. OUdl-h I'harmary. )?th and Dodte. Vital maasate, Anna riaher. 9I Ware Blk. IAIIU eave 40 per cent. Pennrll Mil. Unary Co.. Panton Blk. atepa upstair. "VniTxn .im.n ifiiniitf to Omaha aa etrangera are Invited to vlalt tlw oun W omen a Christian aai-octatlon bulldina: at Bovenieenth and St. Mary'a Av., where they will oe directed to aultabla boardlnf places, or otherwise aasiated. Look for our travelers' aid at th Vnlon station. t A IflV Swedish movement. Apt. ilAp&AUju liui Farnam. D. C. BWKDIBIl maaaaiie ror rheumatism, atomach trouble, poor circulation. Kara ten Tonseth, itraduata from Sweden, g Omaha, Nat. Bank Bld Uom. 7136. Ttr A i;y i CIV. Mrs. 8tele. Dour blk. IS iuAkAMuu tKxIge. ;d fir. Bulla n TUB BAI.VATION ARMY solicits cast off clothinc in (act anyUiini you do not need. Vve collact. repair and sell at IM N. lltli tit., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Pbona LwuKias 413 and wafona will rail. M AlurniFSrilNC. alanicurlna. Hliam- poolnc, ilealp treatment a specialty for ladiea and gentlemen. Mrs. naro, sni Farnam . H. MM; Ind. A-1C. CHINA DECORATOR IStftS?. 1NO REASONABLE. Special attention to club orders. Ruth Lctcbforu. Studio, all Bo. ZTti St. ' REAL E8TATK CITY PHOPERTV PUR SALE. Good Investment . $8,000 Buys a New Double Brick Flat Income $2.50 a Day This Is a new, well built, up-to-date, strictly modern brick flat bulldmc. lo cated within two blocka of Farnam car line, east of KKh St.. on a paved street, rlb around; each flat has living room. dining room ana -aucnen on floor and three sleeping rooms with oak floors on second floor. The honsca have been decorated throughout and are In first class condition. The beat of heat-in- mnA nifimhine? throuahout. It Is very seldom you can buy a doubl brick flat building in a, aesiraoio tooawon iw than and Ul.OOu. The rental of this building Is low enough ao that it will never bo necessary to charge the rental. vi.m u Atii vnurself and ae what a good rate of interest you would get on your money anu nave vestment with vary little expense for the upkeep of the building. About ROM cash will handle this property. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St URST bracer for own. Oray'i Nerve Food pills, 1 per box. postpaid. Sherman k MoConnell Drug Co., Omalia. Neb. MiCAnPa'hs. salt glow aromatic AiAUrjln,lm(nt, Mme. Allen of Chkao. lu 1. Ktn ML. 1st floor. D. ?. .Slasajre. Rlttenhouae. W Old Boston Hid. : MAGNETIC treatment, stairs. 716 t). Will, up. MRS. STEELE, scientific message, i S. lsth, room it. IMIly and Sunday, I to . HANSCOM PARK HOME MUST BE SOLD Want offer for well con structed, l-room, all modem 2-story house, located at 9109 Pacific St.; constructed of pressed brick and white pin lumber; has quarter-sawed white oak finish, mantel and grata In living room, plate glass windows, large parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; 4 attrac tive bedrooms on second. Stairway to floored attic; full basement with brick partltionts; paved streets. The price which owner has been asking la only 4.W. which la much less than the property originally cost, but on aoeount of change In business will consider any -reasonable offer. Purchaser can assume or pay off pres ent loan of W.MQ, payable H.H per month. Excellent buy for one who appreciates good construction. GEORGE & COMPANY . D. 758 or A-1TS4. M2-U City Natl Bank Bldg. RE AIi ESTATK CITY PROPERTY FUH 5m lJ CHARLES E. WILLIAM SON CO. KENT TALK NO. It. TO OWNERS. Ijo tom think it Is not a good plan to sell on the rent payments, we know It la from ears' experience and experience Is a safe guide. Read In Kent Talk No. 10 what zoia in one or nis ramous novels so admirably portrays as tho "Craving in every breast for a home." Tou can count on that very thing holding him "true" (and her, too. for the wife la often the fifth whel In the transaction. We find they are so tickled with the Idee, that they ore In their own home and yet do not have to pay more per month than they formerly did for a worthless tint reln: tiiat they Dlan ahead and aloaya have that payment ready and promptly cn hand. TI.ey are oounti to oo it aoa ex perience shows that they do. All the loan .uwoclatlcna of Omaha, also one of the banks will tell you this la their experience. Theru are many other consHera'.lunk thai are favorably Just to mention a couple: First, you get a better price than If you require cash. Sec ond, the i-npaid part Is Immediately ir vested at r. fixed interest and also a hieli rat. Tlw home purchaser expects both and gladly enters into the agreement with full knowledge ano no win tell you It Is worth It to him. We have a special plan for additional security to seller If desired. See us for particular , but. In anv event, send us your property to be sold on the rent plan and NOW. CHARLKS E. WILI.IAMSOM CO BY CHARLES B. WILLIAMSON. Insurance. Rentals, Loans, Abstracts. l . Kth SL Cor. Dodge), Street FIjor. Remember Charlsew Heights and other additions surrounding beautiful Fort Omaha. HPECIAI For pigs, chickens and gar dening. ask ua about a very fine chance to et a bunch of lots, rich ground. SO minutes from P. O.; !0 minute walk to street car, at only l per lot. Rental Plan. OWNER must have money, so will sell hi two choice 60x133 south front lot near tttb and Fort sis. for 1,00; other lots near are selling for IWU and 0 each. These ar all terraced and cement walk B RASP BROS.. 1 UK's rue Bldg. lug. 16M; A-KoX FOl'LTRY AND PET STOCK KUOH tot hatching from the Brandels .'arm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horn. L'tility stock. tl.M a setting or H per 110. Exhibition or show stock. U to a setting. Write for oatalogue. Address A. O. Brandels. Omaha. Tel. Benton 7i . FAVORITE INCUBATORS and brooders means every egg a chick: cost pries saved on first hatch; 00 days fre trial; catalog free. Leahy Mfg. Co., i; S. 13th. R. C Ktds. Walker. S. O.; Tel. S. IMO. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS UP TITLE.- Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract efflos In Nebraska, aw Brandels Theater. NKALE CAMFBBLU 14 Farnam St. - tit ILDKMS' l.NKOHelAHO.N. Electric, gas fixture. Omaha SilverCo. Ideal Cement Co.. l?th and Cuming. Kucha Son Blind, painting, decorating. , . C11 Y PHt)P.Hi V t un S ALU - Benson MOO Cash balance 13. Includlne interest, per cent, for new 7-room, beet newt and bath, all modern, south front. Just off Military Ave., barn, nine cherry tree, $3,160. SOUTH SIDE. $300 CASH ha'ano lli monthly, two lots, south front, block and a half west of Klvervlew park car ltn; only tttOO. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Plt Omaha National. P. or A-Ils2; evenings. H. BHJ or H. B1M. '.Neat Cottage Home Six rooms, modern and well kept; louih front, oa Marcy St., Just west of tomellke. This Is dose In and only a few steps to the many tore at Park Ave .and leaveoworth. Owner built this a few year ago for a home, but ha outgrown, price, I4.0W. Two other larger house In this same general location at about the same price. No better built nor better k'eOt than the above, but a little mora room. We are building two new ones at 31th nd Dodge 8ts. I to rooms. Look them over anv time, but we are not ready to make price yet. We want to build some i.vwe there, or will sell yon a lot with p. restriction that you build a good borne. . " narrison & Morton HANSCOM PARK Eight-room. trlctly modern house, trifle south or Han scorn para, in reiainuii First. Best part of city. Parlor, recep tion hall, den, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on first floor; three bed rooms and bath upstairs: largo eaei hum lot. Price should be $T..0i. but owner must have money and will take .. Now, tlt I a snap. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 3M-3U Brand! Theater. 60-fU lot with sewer. wter, gas, ce ment walk. 4Sth sod Capitol Ava Price l0t. Bargain. P. O. NIELSEN. , 70S Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. P. 04. ARB YOU OOINO TO Bl'ILD? If so. let ua furnish your plan and specifications. We are prepared to give first-clan service at a reasonable price. Trv us. Both 'phones. SCOTT a rliLi Kovcu uiua. REAL ESTATE rM HAWtH LA SOS FPU BAI.K -Arkaaaa. - ARKANSAS. 140 acres In Washington county, grain, stock and fruit farm, rich bottom and imisnri: a mile to ood railroad town: M acres In cultivation; balance good tim ber; W0 apple trees 7 years old: 100 peach trees; good Improvements; s-room house, large barn, outbuildings, good well; near arhvol: 3 per acr. Washington county fruit land In 10, and 4u-acr tract on monthly payments. GERARD BBYMER, K an-es City. Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM R M il I.AD PUR SALE Klerlda. FLORIDA IVND We offer fine land located near Arca dia, Deejoto county. Florida, at the fol lowing guanmiea ana price: 01 acre. io. &v acres, (. iu acres. S17.0O. ao acres, is.vt. w acre. tauuu. Reasonabi term inia is a gooa una as Is to be had In ueSoto county, being fine fruit and vegetable land. .( acre In all. See u at once aa this Isnd will last but a short time at the price. Next excursion to Florida. March l. LAKE BIDE UANU lu ll Oloyd Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. HW ABOUT YOUR BOYS! You got your farm when land was comparatively cheap. Where I your boy and your boy' boy going to get theirs? Jamee Wilson, secretary of agriculture, says: "For cheap land vou must look to the south." Dr. Knapp, Mr. Wilsons special In charge of farm demonstration work, says: "in sou in na not osen understood. Neither it soil nor It cli mate have been appreciated and lands are far below their value, and there la no better place on the continent for young, thrifty and vigorous men to sun In agriculture. , Write us ror information concerning tttverviaw farm. Florid. The best In vestment In lands In the I'nlted States today. Kxrurslon the rrt and tnird Tuesday of each month. RlVERVIEW FARMS COMPANY, BENSON & CARMICHAEL Ml Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy old broken watch XI. .Nathan. K Uth St WASTE! W nb.vl WANTED TO RENT Five or six-room modern cottage April I. Would prefer It In Benson or Dundee, or other sub urb. Address Y K. Bee. WASTED SITUATIONS WANTED-Posltion In retail ho tore; nine yer with one firm and two year as a shoe salesman on lh road. Can give good reference. Exclualv shoe preferred. In Iowa or Nebraska. Address T til. car of Be. TWO CONVENTIONS FOR TAFT Entire Virginia Delegation in Presi dent's Column. WANTEI A good plao to work on farm; have boy 14 year. E. V. Brunt- back. Nebraska City. Nelv YOrNfJ lady want office work; small salary to start Phone Webster fi. WANTED Work Thursday and Satur day. Telephone Webster LADY warns position a housekeeper for widower. '.HOI Dodge St. Harney tW. BXI'KRIENCED colored girl wants po sition a cook. Call W. m or H-MSl WAHH1NO and Ironing don. T.. H H ' Flrst-claa. practical nurse. H 41 A-IW4 kasisa, SNAP IN LAND Six hundred acre adjoining town site of Smith Center, county seat town of 1,400 people; all level land; all In cultiva tion. Four hundred acres In fall wheat, look fine: all fenced: email Improve ments. Forty acres alfalfa, good or chard: finest tract of 400 acre In county. Cltv na fin wtr works; twenty-rour hour system electric lights; fine high schools. Above located In one of the best hog and cattle feeding and grain counties of Kansas. Will divide. Prto t Writ and ask about It. HOBUS A DKTWILCR, Smith Center. Kan. MAN and wit would Ilk position In private family. 'Phon Webster 1!t Wimition aa hiad bookkeeier. by lady of five year' experience, K Ms, Be. UVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST ghlp your stock to South Omaha. mlleag and ahnnkage. Your consuja ment recalv prompt ami careful attee- ill?" stack Coas-lssloa Mrct. Bver Bro t Co. Strong and rwpon slbl WOOD BROS.. B4-M Kxchang Bldg. Oreat WeL Com. Co.. Omaha Denver. v7h. SMITH BON Just handle sheep." TAOO BROS, handle cattle, hog. hsn. Cliy. Robinson Co., tut Kschang Bldg, Tnterslste Ce. Better results. Shlptoua CLIFTON Cora Co.. S21 Exchang Bld'gT Kebreastaj 1 Farms and '40 Acre Tracts Two or three exceptionally good buys In farms near Omaha, on which 1 can still give possession this year, and also n hrilM M n at Mira on these and let m show you as soon a the ww ! gets off. A larg list and a few bar-1 gains. ORIX S. MERRILL COMPANY, i i;i3-lll City National Hank Bldg. ; HOMESTKAD-aw acre rloa farm UaC fat Ilia, filing fee and all. No land aula J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. "ITe. ROBERTS CO.. B Kxch. Dldg. Cox t Jones Com. Co.. bunch of hutlr Fsrmers L. S. Com. Co.. jut Excli. Bldg. Martin Bro Co.. S-4 Kxeh. Bldg. Deposit proceed of shipments In Slock Yard Nat l Bank. banlttyrda "OMAHATtHK ORAIM MARKET xrl Conatgnniants solicited, ni Brandata WB BUILD HOC8E8 TO ORDER. Do you want a well built home, planned after your own ideas, at a moderate coat? W will build for you In any part of the city, either on our lot or yours. Call and get our reasonable term propo sition. Both phones. SCOTT HILL. 307 McCague Bldg. AT BARGAIN, I-room houae. easy pay ment. Canadian office. 113 So. loth St. 100 Ft East Front on North 24th St. Half block north of Tort St.. In a loca tion where property ha been advancing very rapidly the last two year. Ha city water, evwer. cement walks and large hade tree lr front. A splendid place for a home or to build three cottages for in vestment. This la the cheapest property that can be had on N. 34tt St. In that locality. Price for quick saie. tl.iuu. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1SI4 Harney St. $2,350 $250 Cash wm tiy yon a dandy S-room cottage home, modern except heat. It has screen and storm window; cemented eeLar and sidewalks; nice yard fence; paved street; cue Mock from ith St.. near Ames Ave.; here Is where some one get a bargain. Also a very nice modern i-room col lege near SmIi and Anse at oniy ftlSO: $100 cash; rajance monthly or a good va cant lot win b- taken a first payment ti either of theee. i-or Lpotiftt OAj-gaina Country Home Ten acre with grove, fruit, orchard, gardens and large lawn, private water system, large barn and poultry house. The house ha I rooms, electric lighted, and there la a small house for gardener or other hired help. On mile weet of Hanscotn park, on Center road (paved. Kent, MX) per year. Will lea three years. Harrison & Morton Close In Home $2,300 13) cash, balance In monthly payment like rent, buys a good -room cottage, modern except furnace, on Ed, Just south of Leavenworth street. New plumbing, combination fixtures, etc For further particulars see The Byron Reed Co. Both Phone. MJ South TTth St GOOD HOMES MODERATE PRICES . UK V-Seven rooms, strictly modrn; cornet lot Uth and Laird St. U MM Seven rooms, modern In every respect, east front lot. 31st and Martha Sts. ; lees than 3 year old. 4E5o0 Six rooms, modern and up-to-date: house 1 year old. Cloee to 3sth and California Sts. GALLAGHER & NELSON, U Rrandet Bldg. Omaha. Neb. EASY TERMS-PRICE 14 589. t must sell my 7-room strictly modern Axasp Bros. 0J MeCaeue Buc TKiog. IKK, OVK I.ETTEr. duplicating wora i no- (way. a foot lot; house last year: e..ed- A i.iz . wii c-nctnc J- Ba on block to Fama -Dundee tir, Call j, v.- Lji tiui c iiec cwuor ilaruey Sii. California. No Snow at Live Oak California A friend said: "I'm sick of hovllng mow and feeding the furnace. I'm going out to Cllfornla and look at your land at live Oak." He went out recently and liked It so well that he bought SO acre. He found the laud Jmt a represented good rich soil, plenty of wter for Ir rigation purpoes. fine transportation fa cilities on the main fine of th Southern Pacific nd Northern Electric railroad. A beautiful country wuere you can iie II knri nf varrfen truck ome Of It twelve months In the year alfalfa, first cutting now being maae, grain oi kind, and the finest frultg to t found In California. It Was Even Better Than lie . Expected, ! la n.rfectlv aatlsfled ad so will you be If you lake about 10 day time and go out with us and look It over. . CHEAP RATES You pan mo out now for 128. nd you can't spend money tht will repay you half ao well aa a trip to Lava Oak, Cali fornia, right now. , Railroad Fare Refunded If you buy S acres or mora wa will re fund you all your railroad fare. That' fair, Ian t It? l oro i no tune uae in present to make the trip. The cheap rate are good any day up to April li t-none DoukiU luei or write us that you are resdy to go and w will go with you. we eoid over suo acres last weei,. hi going fast, but why net? It' tit best proposition in the famous Sacramento valley. Next Exeusion Any Day Trowbridge-Bolster Co., H City NatT Rank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. NUCKOLLr, Co. land Urt free. Ne braska beet county. E C. Moore, Angus, Neb. . "FOR SALKHalf section near Grand Island; over MO acm alfalfa; over r.iXN finest Improvementa Price f acr. Rea son, owner died. Wayard il. Paine, Orand Island, Neb. FARM bargain near Omaha, possesion. Orln 8. Merrill. Iil3 City Na Bk. Bnig. IN ACHES, unimproved farm land. t miles from town; will sell cheap; title clear. Fur Information addrea Lock Box . Big Springs, Usual county, iveDrassa, Calarado, FOR SALE or traie, 4S9 acre best Im proved Irrigated nd near Fort Morgan, rr ti3 oer acre: title and water right guaranteed; two aaes of building: wind mills; pest annnins r, t' aged and wishes to retire. Address Paul H. Waiker. Fort Morgan. Colo. Beetgl. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, blllMllsOMAW ATLAN TIC KA1..ROAD. Land adapted to ,e widest rang el nop. AU we money crops or tb sout klenUfuUy produced. For literature treat leg with this coming country, it sou cumaie. church and school advaaiasea W. 8. LEAHT. DEFT. K. tieneral Pasengsr Agent, -ATLANTA. OA. THK easiest way to rind a buyer rot roar iKrm I t insert a small want ad the lea Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the '- of iowa, daily The Capital I read by and believed I sy the standpatter cf low, wbs simply lefuae to permit any other paper in their heme Rate. 1 cent a word a day: U-ii per un per month; count six ordinary eords to uie line. AodreaS US 310SM cap,t. iMs xtwiaes, la BUY LAND; also farm mortgage front first handa W can pica you. Th Welpton Investment to., ugaiiaia. nap. il,6r3 will buy tn best Wo-acr home stead ' la Nebraska; partly Improve. Writ ivair, V. as. nuuwaaj .fciiiiweia Nb. LANDS IN GREATEST ALFALFA COUNTRY ON EARTH, S to W AN ACRE. LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS. VALUES GOING UP. IF INTERESTED CALL OR WRITE O. B. liNTHANK. CHADRON NEB. ; Maecenas) aa. Fmrme and land buyers 'all over th country ar iedlng Be want ad every day aud snappiag "P every bargain offered. Rate 1) cams per word II run only en time. 1 per eord if run tws e sour time consecutively. Write and mail your ad today to steal Katat depert- Boot W 1H u lusulta ar aura i REAL ESTATK FOR RENT. SarsH ssa aaavli iiwi TWO farms for rent The farm ar good tillable land, well Improved, contain ing 14 acres and 120 acres. J. T. Coluna, Council Bluffs, la Phone Black 411a REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property aud Nebraska land. O'KEEFE He,AL ESTATE CO.. Ml New Om ana Nat l Bank Building. MONEY to loan oh busineae or resi dence pn-pertiee. tl.OuO to too. W. U. 1HOMAS. 6u First Nat l Bank Bldg. lw to alu.uiw made promptly. F. Wad. Weed Bldg.. Isth and yamarn. GARVIN BROS. KtnXl LOANS Farms and slty property. H. Dumont aV Son. 1408 Farnam St. . CITY IA1ANS. tle-11 Brandela Theater Bemls-Carlberg Ca, ttiog. WANTED City loans Peters Trust C Wanted farm loans Kick Inv. Co.. Oma. IIARHESS Minufioturer Quitt Bitiinm W boctsht thtir mtir lock sn4 ara maJUaur g, r doctioa ct an to 60 per Mat la order to dhipo) of tn mttr) stock tbJa mt th. CaUrrae a 1 prttxt tJt will be mail 1 m appllctv tioa. Johnson-Danfortti Co. 8. W. Cor. tOtb and Jone. TOAITIMOUS VOTE IN TINKISSEI Chief Exec live endorsed fsr He. asalsatlloa Wllbost Dlasesllag Voir Heard Two Ssalk t arsllsa Detrs tes. ROANOKE, Va- March ll-Four dele-gatea-at-larg lastructatl to vol tor th .nomination of President Taft war named lat tonight by th Virginia re publican tt convention. i Thl action puts Into tb Taft column lh ntlr Virginia delegation of twenty tour vol In th Chicago convention. J Only two delegates tram th Third dis trict ar unlnstructed. Instruction of th delests-at-lrg prescribe that vote shall be cast for Mr. Taft on every ballot. They were adapted by til convention by a vote of Til to (4. Th resolutions derlars that Virginia republican honor th president for tha enemies he has md In vetoing Ill-considered tariff kill. A list flfh between C. Rideway Mosrs and Morgan, enlivened a commute meet ing, in h preliminary sessions sn Innocent appearing resolution compelling II resolution submitted to to resolu tion commute want through and shut out any proposltloa not favored by th majority faction. - NASHVILLE, Tenn., Mareh lt-ln a convention remarkable In that not a dis senting vote was cast on any question th republican party of Tennessee today mad nomination for two tala offices and adjourned aln die. Governor Ben W. Hooper was renominated, aa was Judas H. N. Cat of Nowport for th office of ludg t th court ot civil ap peals, which he now hold aa an ap pointee ot Governor Hooper. President Tft wis Indorsed for r nomlnatlon In decisive term. GREENWOOD, . C Mareh tt-Thlrd dlairlct delegate to 1h republican na tional convention. R. R. Tolbert. Jr.. and Earnest F. Cochran, Instructed for Taft UNION. 8. C, March lJ.-DIlrlct dl gatss to tlte republican national conven tion. F. J. Young and Thome J. Brier, unlnstructed. Big Four Past Train Crashes Into Freight,. Two Men Are Killed TCRREItAUTE. Ind., March ll-East-bound passenger train No. on tho Rtg Tour, known "Th Twenty-four Hour St Louis to Nw York" train; crashed head-on Into a freight train on th main track within S0 yard of tho nation at Greencaxtle at 14 o'clock; tonight. Two men were killed. The dead: JOHN C. MILAM. Indianapolis, toe gineer of freight trtln. UNIDENTIFIED IRON WORKER. "Doc" Donaldson, engineer, , and Dsn Hanman, fireman et th passenger engine, received probably fatal Injuries. T. C. Robinson, conductor of tho pauv enger train, was seriously Injured. . Th unidentified Iron worker was rid ing In th cab ot tho passenger sngln. He died a short time after tho accident. W. L. Davie, another Iron worker, who) Is said to bav seen tn the' cab, gut tered sever Injuries. The speeding passenger train struck th stationary freight trtln with suclt feres that both anginas were disabled. Th mall and baggag car buckled and th buffet car overturned. Several pas sengers were out by flying glass, but th most serious Injured wart member ot th train crew. Rallrvad official hr art at a ton to explain the confusion of rdr which led to tho wreck. Th freight train had been waiting at Orcea Castle for nearly half an hour, R la said, for Instructions to oontlua westward. Tb read It double tracked between her and Indianapolis, Vickery Eludes Two Federal Marshals SOUIX CXTY. la. March 1 J. Charles Vickery ot Council Bluff, while being re turned then from Minnesota In charge ot two federal offlclala. Jumped from a car window on the outskirts of th city at 7:3 o'clock tonight and mad bit es cape In tho darkness. United State Marshal Kltteown and bt deputy (topped Hi train and got oft. but could find no trace of their prisoner. Th train was running about twenty-five miles an hour at th time. They proceeded back; to th city In an automobile. Vickery had been placed tinder arrest at Minneapolis on a charge ot using th malls to defraud and wa being returned to Council Bluff when h mad his -cape. WANTED City loans and warrants W. farnam Smith Co.. It Fame- Ac FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE I hand s trades every wnere. if you want remit call Lh n. 417 Bee Bldg. D. 40 ACRES Lake Co.. (Ore.) land for va oantlot In Omaha. W. Wagner, Ml N. Isth. EXCHANGE a-room cottage, new. fruit trees. In email town In smitheter i Ne braska, for tiv or six room cottage In Omaha, or suburbs. Address Y-leJ. care Bee. 40 ACRES. Rock county, Nebraska, ' per acre; Incumbrance 16,(00: want Omaha income or residence, or what bav ye J. Address P. O. Box wa. omana.' STEAMSHIPS EUROPE la oomfort: select end limited party sailing June 11 via Mediterranean: eirhth season. Miss Anna Z. Re. Coua til Bluffs, la-. i; Willow aveaoe. NEW ISSUE TO BE RAISED IN THE NEXT KIMMEL TRIAL ST. LOUIS, March IX John Boon Se. Inner, Btcturesque New Mexico ranch, man, will not be called upon to repeat his remarkable story of how he taw George A. Kimmel killed In the wilds of Oregon In August, UN, and how he killed Al Johnson, th alleged murderer of Kimmell, when the uit to collect IJ0.O on Kimmel s life from an insurance com pany ot New York I called tor trial May 4. bcfor Judge Grimm Is th St. Louts circuit court. Mrs. Edna K. Bonslett of Chicago, sis ter of Kimmel, and plaintiff la th cir cuit court suit, which baa not been tried before, will base her claim on the aeven year presumption ot death, which wo not admlssaMo tn the suit recently tried In th United States district court, resulting In a hurts Jury. ROTTERDAM LOSES TWO MEN IN TERRIFIC STORM AT SEA New Trk. March li-The steamship Rotterdam. In today from Rotterdam and Bolougne, experienced terrific weather at sea March 4. and two ot Its crew were killed and two other seriously injured Congressman Henry Speaks at Lincoln (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March .-(8psclal.)-It wa glvn out today that Congressman "Bob" Henry ot Texas, chairman ot th rules commute ot th house, who It with Bryan and opposed to Houa Leader Un derwood on tho money trust investiga tion. Is to be out of tho speakers at the Bryan birthday banquet Incidentally there It fully aa much Interest among th democrat aa to what th meeting of progressive democrats In th afternoon of tho same day will do at there It In tha banquet Itself. It Is Planned at that Urn to select the candidate for dele gates and elector who will receive th primary support ot that wing ot tho parly and an effort will alto be mad to get the Clark and Wilson following to unit. Thl may be easier aia tnnn done, for up to tho present th Clark men hav shown symptom ot a dttlrt to co-operate with Harmon men. R. V. Cltrk. superintendent or tn Harvard school baa filed aa a demo cratic candidal for stats superintendent. TOWN OF HAZARD PUT IN DANGER BY FLAMcS HAZARD. Neb.. March ll.-(SpclaU -Fire of unknown origin last alght do- stroyed tho barn of M, P. Robertson, burning eighteen head of horse, includ ing a valuable stallion, hay, grain, sla Th fir was discovered at I o'clock this morning. Practically th whol popula tion of th town turned out to fight th fire. On cow wm all that wa saved from the burning building. Ther wa a strong wind front th northeast. Had it not been for this th whole town ot HaxartT would have been burned. Mr. Robertson suffered a loss ot from I8,0 to I10.0M, which Is partly covered by insurance. WiATED TO BUY Hnn-rh' d gds clothes tc shoe. DJ;i Hi) "!-' T Babies Tb slewed oy croup, cough or colds ar toon re lieved by the use of Dr. King" Nw Disco n-y. 60c and tl.W- For sal by Beaton Drug Co. ROCK ISLAND ROAD TIED UP BY DEEP SNOW DESIILER, Neb,. March M.-Speclal Telegram.) Three heavy engine and a sang of ahoveler opened th Fairbury Nelson branch of the Pock Island to this point thl evening and will get to Nelson tonight through the worst dr. .f the winter. Th Monday St, Jot j, .1 stock special la tied op at Fajrbury. 11-Year-OldGirl A Weds Boy, Aged 17 MOBERLY, Mo,. Mareh U-The com bined ate of Mr. and Mrs. A. flptcer, who live at Moberly la but ft year. Th bride, wile is tlw daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thomas drabBitt, Is but It year old. and tho bridegroom la tlx year her senior. Th couple war mar. rted at Hagar'a chapel, west of Moberly by a minister who had been conducting a series ot revival meetings In that vicinity. Th parent! ot both consented to tho marriage. DRYS MAKE SLIGHT GAINS IN MINNESOTA VILLAGES MINNEAPOLIS, March li-Karly yen. turn tonight Indlcat that th 'dry' hav mad a slight Increase In tho Wt villa gea where election were held today. According to w. G. Calderwood, secre tary ot tho prohibition Stat committee. about Kt of tho towns tn which elections war held today ar In favor of Uccnso and IS sgalnst It, On of th election fights which) aroused Interest In all parts of tho stale waa at Cass Lake, where Dr. V. 1", Dumas wsa defeated for heed of tho town council by A. W. Johnson, by a vol of 17 to K. Dr. Duma was con vlclod laat fall of arson In connection with th burning of a building In northern, Minnesota. Importaiit Tariff Ruling hy Court WASHINGTON. March 1I.-A deciatori of sweeping Importsnct In th ad ministration of th tariff law, declaring) that an Importer can appeal from an assessment of duty by a collector of eostomt on tho ground that tb assess ment wa too low, was rendered by tha United State court of customs appeals today. The decision, according to cus toms expert, means that manufacturers, disagreeing with th Treasury depart ment s Interpretation ot th tariff act, can Import a shipment and appeal to the customs court to get more protection through higher duties. The Wonderful New Method of Food Digestion st tsl & a Fall Fro Morse May Be Fatal. YORK. Neb, March IX (Special.) Sun day afternoon Sanny Creech, a young man 17 year of age, was thrown from a horse, near McCoot, and dangarously Injured. Wlren found by the roadside he was unconscious and remained so for seventeen hours. But very little hop 1 entertained for hit loco-re:?. -?. 'ai This latest dlscov. ery at toon as well known will tnarlc tho end of stomach. trouble. Spruee-Pepaln Tab leta digest your food like Natures self. Suffer no longer with indigestion, c.nitl patlon and sour gasey stomach. Spruce-Pepsin Tsb lets ar a perfect stomach substitute. Send for free sam ple snd booklet of Healthful Hint. Spruce Tablet Company, mao LASTS, R-rular sixes at the fo!!ow1nir drag sto-retl Shen naa laoOonaeU' Bra a- ares. Owl Brag Sure, an rard Phan aasj r, Iriryal Faari na y, Omaha, Up and Down? Co To Your Doctor AVer's SarsapariHa is a tonic It docs not stimulate. It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next There is not a drop of alcohol in it You have the steady, even gam that comes from a strong tonsc Ask your doctor ail aDour tnts. Trust him fully, and always do as he says. J.ttkm. Ltf!i, Mm. 1