4 THE BEE: OJIAHA,. THURSDAY, MAEOI 14, J912. i Looking for a Pennant Pole 5 c k- Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman ROURKE LEAYES FOR JQPLIN NO GAME WITH JAYHAWKERS K Kium Manager Demaadi Guarantee It x- MJ.i ""Sfc . I - O5!?! ifcyw. -jp i vm. l - a .- . i a- v - I ! A V Wf U Una VnM hi J H5ja X f , -v Problem to Solve. ''Pjr r.T ' --C H-U . MA5 MIGHT HAVE DOUBLE DUTY Owner of the Omaha Team Beady to Start Spring Practice. BEGINS AT JOPLET OH FRIDAY Takes Fear Player with III Others Will Jot a Today at Kansas City Pa l Meet Hopef at . i ' 'of the Oellsok. . Pa.Rouki and tour of hi 11 squad left t)i Union depot over the Missouri Faeifle railway last night for Joplln, Mo., where they will meet the real of tha bunch tonight and Friday morning will becln the work of hammering Into ahapo a team to represent Omaha which will try to land tha Kit Western league pennant. Twenty-nv players will begin work Friday, among whom ara three catchers, nine Etchers, eight infleMers and five outfielders. They are: . Catchers Aroogast, Oondlng and Camp field. r, Pltohers Fent reas, Robinson, Rhodes, Christ, Ryan, Hall, tali, flicks and II earns. , -'.-, . Inflelders-Kane, Warner, Justice, Me hoff, ; Moore. Scsnlon. Farrell and Man, Ueke.' . ' ', Outfielders Thonruuon. Coyle, Sours, Bcboeoover and Lea, . , ' ' Meet Otkera Tedar. Tha four players who accompanied Pa from Omaha ara Sours. Christens-, Lots and Munneke. They will arrlva In Kan sea City this morning and pick up Arbo gaat. Just Ire, Thomason. Nlehoff and Coyle. Tbey leave Kansas City this aft ernoon at 1 o'clock and arrive tn Joplln at 1 o'clock at night, when they will be met by a large delegation of tha Mis aourlana , who ara read to ""show" Pa and bis bunch that they ara right. Tho players will he escorted from the depot ' to tho Clark eon hotel, where the Omaha' headquarters wUl bo until tha team leave there about April 1L 'I In speaking of tho' Itli prospect. Rourks, before leaving, sold: "Well, I i am belter satisfied with tha bunch this I year I ban I have been atnoa rJOS. TIo boy look right to mo and aro going to work hard ,whll In Joplln, to get a pennant-winning ' aggragallon' together, and. If I do ''not ml my guess, the Omaha ball fans arc color to get lb , best ciaa of baa ball they have la many year. I have a good pitching staff and lots of material to pick at leaat all good hurter from., I am going to depend a lot on Hall and Robinson and I have a good bunch of recruit material to get lb rest from. K entrees, 1 think, will show good this year also. -, fvoad of I a field. "I am taking great pride In my In field. There kt not a team la tho Western league that caa produo a better bunch of tafleldar than I bava gathered ap. Kan aad Nlehoff are known to the Omaha fan aad are high In their re teem. : Wanner and Justk-a I know will complete a star Infield. Juattca and iWannar are world beater and have played together and know each other taring kk book. This I on of tlx great eaaentlal of a good Infield. "The Mtfield ha not been settled upon set. but everyone who goo la the outer Warden will be a real ball player. frhatDason will probably hold down the ten tern ekt and b t without a doubt gn boat outfielder- ta toe leagu. In Soars I' believe I have mad a find, p sonny (landtag recommended this fellow .to mo, and when Johnny says a man I k good ball player It nds there. Coyle will probably complete the outfield. He was with v a short time during the 1st jler part of hut season and put up a good exhibition "of ball playing, both In th field and at bat. Tea. tr, th team which beat Omaha out this year WlU bava to a on the lump at all times." )p, ' LINCOLN. March ll.-(8peclal Tele gram.) A break In athletic relation be tween Kebruka and Kanaaa onlversltle I likely a result of th fallura of th two schools to set together In ar ranging for a chmatonhlp series to d terrain th basket tall till In th val ley. ' Nebraska was th winner of th north division championship and Kanaaa of th southern. Th conference rule provide that a aerie of three gam shall be played to determine th title, but this year It was thought that the gam ooulb be liipensen win. Inasmuch a Ne braska baa nef eaten Kanaaa In four straight game, two In Lawrence and two In Lincoln. Th break cam Wednesday sight, when Btlehm aent a telegram to Hamilton, after a delay on tho part of tho Kansas management In arranging for the rts which were to hav been played In Omaha. He flatly rotund to consider tn com pars tlv record of th two schools. ' Stlrkss bead T lea-rant. ' ' Following Is to telegram Btlehm sent: "I accepted your proposition of aJdrcb t. which did not contain a clause that Nebraska must guarantee ill xpens for a post season' gam series of baa ekt ball gstnes and do set feed under obligation to do so now. Now your tele gram demand guarantee and delays this matter, -snaking It Impossible ta oontlnu negotiations with you and complete ar rangements for games Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week." SOshm received a Mogram from Hamll tna I at Wednesday demanding that Kanaaa' expenaea to Omaha bo guaran teed, tho same aa th Jayhawkevs would have guaranteed bad tha garna been Hayed In Kanaaa City, although la hla tretlous ultimatum h did not mention It Th demand make It Impossible for Ne braska and Kansas to meet In a oham pionahlp serle. alnc th Nebraska team must disband at th and of th week. . Btiehm aald todav that after a gam In tl armory Wednesday night between th facility and th team dlobandmont would ta ordered. Wr.ll th title claims hav not been settled in th regular! manner there Is no doubt but Nebraska will be asoordsd the laurel tn the valley, having won (our straight games from Kanaaa and two of them u th Jay hawker bom floor. Fet U Vase Will Stand. Th series are how definitely called off snd speculation Is rlf a to what effect this will hav on th athleUo relations between th two (chool. Talk from Lawrence ws that Kansas would break with Nebraska, but this ii thought to t farthest from the wish of th Kansas management. Should Kansas break Nebraska would place en mors big conference team en th foot ball sshedul nrxt tall. Wisconsin hav ing an open date at th tlm of th Kansas gams and being exceedingly anx ious to tab It Tho negotiation with Kansas were Just closed for the game next fall and It Is not regarded as prob able that th date will now be cancelled. Nebraska and the Jay hawker are to meet on the gridiron In Lincoln a No vember 16. Iowa Schedules . Game With Indiana IOWA CITT la.. March tl-tSpedal.l r-Iowa will play Indiana at foot ball rrt season. This news was given out by ) Manager Kellogg today, following a week e correspondenco with th Housler lauthortttna. Contract hav not yet been jStgnod. but asuraacotb mad tho cam fprwcucaiiy rcruun. ne ww wm ne l November 9 and th gm will be played 1st either Bloomingtoa or Indianapolis. With th Indiana game practically cer tain, th revised and now probably un (Changeable Iowa foot ball schedule for ,11 wUl be aa follows: October e-Ctata Teachers college at Iowa City. October If Cornell at Iowa Oqr. October l Chicago at Chieo. I October M-XincesoU. at Minneapolis, .ovetnber J Open. November Indiana at Bloonilnston or IRdlanaiwila. November M A Tree at Arcee. XovoMr.-Wisconiiln t lottra City. iMistfelt3wrNetsv:- jum for Team KEARNKY.. Nrb.. March tt-Epcial fr--lca.Ti.-rongTit the home talent min- 'rel -mow. put on for tho benefit of the Kearney Base Baa and Athletic aaeoda fioa. netted the SMOCIatlon ttTLlL Two ad a half hours program was given, V 1th the bex musical and histrionic kot of tb dty la tba role. Th stat wrmal chortle f KK voices and th or Fbastra et the same Institution assisted f-ith the enteriaiammu Thl boost, with another that a " to am Just before the evening " sesoo. wut put tin aasoclatton ta a -mat financial eal for the opto- Governor Names New Chaplain at State Prison (Prom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb. March U-Bpecial.)-CJ vera or A Id rich has appointed Rev. Nathan Harmon of thl dty a chaplain of tho penitentiary, vice IUv. p. c John- win, resigned. Rev. Mr. llarmoa I at present without a pastoral, being en gaged as aa ervsngellst H Is a gradoat of Cotner unlversliy and a regularly or da! tied minister of th Christian church. Hs was formerly the pastor of th Chris tian church at David City, th governor's homo town. 10 brother. Rev. H. H. Harmon, Is pastor of the First Christian church of Lincoln. On the surface the upheaval over pen itentiary affaire, which brought about th resignation of Rev. Mr. Johnson, has quieted down, but ther I a feeling that it Is Ukely t break out again at any time. All that tn governor baa to say on th subject Is that If the parties who oppose Warden James Delahunty hav any evidence of Incompetency or neglect or any proof of causes which unfit th warden for th position. If they will pre sent them h will act but that ta will not lake actio on th strength of In. tlnuatlon , or general statsnwnta, Hs say they must ta speclfle and convincing er th warden will coatlau In hi posi tion. , . ' Northeast Nebraska ' Odd Fellows Convene "WAYNE, Ksb., March U-fApectal Tel- egrara.V Th annual meeting of toe Northeastern Nebraska Odd Fallows' as sociation was bold In this city ytrday, About W out-of-town delegate were la a lends nee. Th work Was exemplified by th Em- rsoa, Bloomflcld and Wakefield teams en fourten. candidates and It la aald to have excelled any ever witnessed before In thl part of Nebraska. Mayor Kate delivered the address of welcome and Rev. Mr. Reeves of Carroll responded. Supper eras served by th Rebekaa snd st midnight a banquet was given at ths Methodist church pari ore. In ths afternoon ths delegates war entertalnaH at th Crystal theater and by a slsf piece orchestra at th lodge room at night An Interesting address was delivered by lieutenant Go vera or MoorhMd during, tha evening. EIGGEST CUB OF TEE BU5CE IS HOPEFUL. V-V-i-. v.y-l. ' '&' ( ",'. -- -1 - M.. -'-j Frank Cbance. leader of to Chicago Cabs, who predicts lUs team will clean up oa the National leagu race this year. Washington Team Buys Eddie Gagnier LINCOLN, Neb., March 13.-A telegram from President Deipsln of the local Western league club announces that ths Washington Americans hav exercised their option on Kddie Oagnler. leading Adding shortstop In the Western leagu last season. The pure has price I It I understood that an American Asso ciation club If dickering with Washing ton for the player. President Despaln wired front Sycamore Spring, Kan., where be Is making arrangement a for a training trip for bis ball club. GRUENTHER RESENTS ATTACK ON HARMON AND SELF COLUMBUS. Neb., March ll-iSpeclal.) C. M. Unithinther. Moretary of th Ne braska Harmon league, baa Issued an ex tended address to tha democrat of Ne braska tn which n replle to charge mad (gainst ths Ohio executive In an anonymoito pamphlet aent out by th Ohio Progressive Democratic league. After denying Marly all tho statement It make he say In part: 'But It la plain that her and ther om democrats are allowing their mlnda to be poisoned by this sulking character assassin and a tew who bava read lb pamphlet even' derlsfre their belief that i, myself, hare been Influenced by sordid, mercenary motive In taking up th tight for Harmon. Now, I have given a great deal of my life, my energy and my en thusiasm to fighting for democracy and democracy's leaders In this state, t av mad my record as a democrat and a d It sen, and If that record does not apeak for m than I cannot apeak for myself. I can only aay now that never, when 1 was giving by best efforts t ths candi dacy of Mr. Bryan, or Mr Bhetlenberger, or Mr. Hitchcock, did I fight more unael- Bahly, more sincerely, without hope or deairs for personal reward, than I fight new for Judsoa Harmon. I ara for htm because I believe In him and trust him." OISTRICT COURJ IN SAUNDERS COUNTT WAHOO, Ksb, March i;.-(8pecll) Eight imb, wb ware Indicted by the last grand Jury, were brought Into court yesterday. Tom Andrew, Roland1 Sutton. W. It Sutton and Fred Larson are charged with killing a deer last October. Bach om pleaded not guilty and was re leased on bond. Charlea Dugsn of Val paraiso la aharged with having in bis possession slot machine. He was also -leased en bond. H. Resder. Oeorg Jackson and Louie Dvorak, each having a restaurant In this dty, were charged with sailing tobacco and cigarette papers to minors under 11 years of age, Each entered a plea of guilty to on couut, and was fined 19 and costs. Th ease t Anton Pi tela against Dom, inek Roubtlcek for assault with a "two by tour was tried to a Jury yesterday, which returned a verdict this morning In favor of the plaintiff for $100 and costs. Th plslntlff asked for 1,1W dam SEVEN BOYS ARE HELD FOR INVESTIGATION AT WYMORE WTVIORB. Neb, March 11 (SpedaJ.) Beven John boy were arrested her Sat urday and Bunds,', Effort to look up their past records hav failed; Tbey were fined IS and cants each today by Judge Crawford on a vagrancy charge. Tbey will be released n at a tlm tn an f fort ta break up tha gang. In a room at a hotel where two stared tafor their arrest war found some clothes from the Newton elotHng store, with tags still on. Tha two disclaimed all knowledge and ownership of the clothe. They or being held until Mr. Newton,, who Is ut .of town, returns Qthcr arttel, such' as underwear, shoe and similar articles, planted in small bundles la th railroad yards, stock yards and on th creek banka hav been found by local officer, but th gang says they know nothing of them. contain Si names. More than LOW per sons in ths Sixth district ask that the 1 names of w. v R...nM. r d riK I bono b placed on the haliot. HOWELL LOOKING UP THE LAW ON PRIMARY PROTESTS (Prom a Butf Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. March U-fSpedslV-R. B. Howell et Omaha was at the stats house yesterday looking up tha law re garding protests against pepers filed by primary candidates. He refused to say whether be wss thinking of filing a protest galast some oaadldst er whether be was fearful one might be filed amlnst him. Patrbary Man Kills HIsaself. FAIRBt RT. Neb.. March ll-fSpeelel.) In answer to a telegram enouncing that John I. Frlesen bad committed sui cide In Denver. Colo., by drinking car bolic acid, his brother, P. L Frlesen. left st once for that point. Deceased lived tn this county for a great many year, lie was a carpenter by trade and had worked In tha Falrbury Planing mills. He Is survived by a widow and two daughters. Tha body probably will be brought to thl city for burial. One of Highlanders' Hopes CITIZENS' CAUCUS AT BROKEN BOW NOMINATES TICKET BROKEN BOW. Neb.. March li-ft pe dal.) At th cltlsena mass convention held In the city hall Ian night a full municipal ticket was plaid In lite field It was ths original Intention of the con vention to nominate a double ticket, bat after the rules bad been suspended a number of times It waa found that but OM ticket practically remained, barring the nominee for council-Den from differ ent wart's. It was thought there would be a lively serao over the proposition of letting out the contract for city water pumplntt to the electric tight company, but a resolution Introduced to that effect wss promptly tabled, and another, sub mitting sll such prepositions to ths peo ple for them to decide by special elec tion, carried, thus making a closed Issue of the question of for a time being. The heaes of the ticket ss nomtnsted test night, ara a follows: Andrew Sny der, for mayor: Rasa Pickett dark; Ray Kuna. treasurer; A. J. Van Antwerp, city eot-lneer; Emll O. Schwtnd, police Judge. The socialists also slated a ticket during the course of the evening and put up J. O. Painter for mayor. John DeJsM for t res surer. Theodore Boyce for clerk d James Stoekhssa for potKe judge. Vw Pexitoffle Start ee. GENEVA. Neb, March li (Bpedal.) Work has been commenced on the new postoftlce building, the bite building being burned a week or more ago. .. "J ff . 1 4 "- 3 Jams A, Dosakse Files for Ceasnress , la Sixth District Joe Bares Oat far LegUlalsre Lancaster. (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, ' March lL-( Special.) Ed ward A. Roth of Holdrege has filed a a democrat and populist candidate for elector from the Fifth district This brireTS up an Interesting question. Sup pose the democrats and the populists should have different candidates tor president which one would Mr. Roth vote for should he be elected? In case Uk thl where there I no fusion Is the contemplation of the law In regard to placing hla name on the ballot under a bracket fulfilled f Secretary Walt says It seems hardly th fair thing to count th ballot for oq man tor on purpose when the voter had 'a distinctly dlffeernt purpose In mind when they cast their bal lots. W. J. Blab- ef Llnwood has filed a a republican candidate for stat senator. This makes four republican In the field for this office, while Henry Richmond Is th eole demoeratle representative. Mr. Blair la now postmaster at Llnwood. Dewoha Files lis llxth. The Brat democrat to get Into the con gressional fight in the Sixth district filed today. James A. Donohus of O'Neill think he would like to try conclusions with sent republican tor th place now held by hi fellow .townsman, Moses P. Klnkaid. Clarence P. Parker? socialist of Dun ning, ha entered aa a candidate for the senats from ths Twenty-third district John A, Robertson ot Joy, Holt county, has entered aa a democratic candidate for th senate from th Twenty-fourth district. William Weasner of Red Cloud would Ilk to represent the Twentieth district In ths senate. He Is a democrat Jo Barae Files Again. John T. Marshall of Panama and Jo Burn of Lincoln today Qled petition as republican candidates tor ths state sen ate from Lancaster county. Burns has had a long and varied experience In Ne braska politics and baa served several termg In ths legislature. F. P. Corrlck ef tho La Follctt league ha filed petition for delegate to th republican national convention from the Third, Fifth and Sixth districts. The Fifth district petitions contain til name and request ths names of A. C. Epper son and C. A. Lues be placed on the primary ballot The tint district petition I for J. C. Harpham and WDHam Ernst and war previously filed. That from the Third district names R. E. Evans and David Thomas as the candidates and NEWS NOTES JFROM BEATRICE Mrs. Blanche LasMley Files aa Amended Petition la Salt" for Divorce. BEATRICE), Neb.. March ll-(8peciaM Mrs. Blanche Lapsley Tuesday filed an amended petition for divorce to the dis trict' court setting forth the fct '.that her husband'. Lloyd 8. Laptle)', has been sentenced to aerv a term In th peni tentiary for forgery, which i suffIen grounds for divorce. A motion was, also filed by Mrs. lapsley attorney to strike " out part of th answer filed by lplry as Irrelevant. Incompetent, . . Immaterial and scandalous it. Ira Fern of Ellis psssrd awsy afer a brief lllneaa of pneumonia. Hs was i; years of age and leaves a widow and two children. 1 ' - j. Word was received here yesterday "from Los Angeles. Cel.. stating that FJ II. Humes, formerly of this city,, was. seri ously ill. Mrs. Humes died at that place last wsek and Mr. Humes wss unable to attend th funeral services. Harold Burgess won the district declam atory contest held here last evening. HI subject wss "Th Death of Benedict Ar. Mid." II will represent Beatrice in th contest to ta held her on th vnlng of March 17 during th meeting of th Southeastern Nebraska Educational association. NEWS NOTES OF FAIRFIELD Fsaeral oi Heavy C. Woodea, Who Dies! at Beatrice, Takes Place at Hie Former He, FAIRFIELD, Neb- March U-8psclI.) The funeral of Henry C. Wooden, who died In Beatrice Baturday'.at tha age of W, was held at the Methodist Episcopal church at 1 P. m. yesterday. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Reed of the Methodist Episcopal church and Rev. Mr. William ot ths Christlsn church. In terment was In the Fairfield cemetery. A great amount ot snow has fallen during tha last forty-eight hours, cuts being drifted full, and train service on the Orand Island Is seriously affected. Train No, t last evening, with three en gines, ws one hour late, and No. I thli morning was (our hours late. Tho Saint Joseph Orand Islsnd board of examiners met all employe at this station during th evening and thorough examinations were given each one. Naadall at Geneva. GENEVA, Neb,, March lt-ISpecial.)-Stat Fir Commissioner C. A. Randall gavs a talk in tho court room last night on prevention of fires to a fairly good audience. Mayor Slsler presiding. A Sadden Collapse ot stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels is most surely prevented with Electric Bit ters, the safe regulator. M cent. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. CURES t ULiU It aa old tor aztstad simply bee an th flash waa dteaaaad at that particular spot, it would b an aar matt- to apply aoma remedy dlreotly to tha placa that would kill tha germs; or tha diseased flash might b removed by a wrgioal operation and a oar affactod. Bat tha Tory fact that old aorea resist rvery form ot local or external treatment, aad von ratorn after being out away, ahowa that baok of tham is a morbid cause which must b removed bfor a cure can result. Just aa lone aa tha poUntioa continues tn th blood, tha. ulcer remains an open cesspool for tha deposit of lmpnrttlra which th circulation throws off. 8. 8. 8. cures Old Bores by purifytar tha blood. It ramora rvery trac of impurity aad taint from tha rtreulation, and thoa completely does away with tha cause. Whan 8. 8. 8. has cleansed ths blood, tha nor begins to heal, and it is not a surface cur, but tha healing process begina at tha bottom; soon tha dia charga ceases, ths Inflammation leaves, and tha place fills in with firm, healthy flesh. .Undar tha purifying and tonio afloota of 8. 8. 8. tha system b built up. and thorn who health haa been impaired by tha drain and worry of an old aore will b doubly banafltad by its uss. Book on Sana and Uloeia and any medical advice tree to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA. GA. Harrr Welter, star member of the New up la great shape Tork Xankees autCald, who la Umbering at Atlanta, Ca, la the training camp NEBRASKA MERCHANTS and THE PUBLIC $40 Clothes of Society Brand 81 Suit, Rain Coat, Overcoat and Slip-on. Small men, young men, stout men and big men. Come quick. Lease is soon np. Other good clothes., $12.50, $10, $750 OPPOSITE HA YD EN'S 107 SOUTH 16TH ST.