Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Railway Commission Anxious to
Know if it Can Value Line.
Fifty Tewas t Stat tfav Decide
Vote Dtrretl r. ee Lle.r
Ilea last Lra".alatere Over
lki Bet - Site.
iFroni a bta.i vui respondent-
LINCOLN. March a -(Special. -Mem-ler
of th State Railway commission
ar becoming anxious tor the test as
to their right to make a physical valua
tion of street rallaay properties, but for
the present are beM up by the, non
action of the Omaha street railway com
pany. The city council of Lincoln has
asked the conunlaslo nto make such a
valuation of the Lincoln traction com
pany, but In view of the euatlon of Its
right tiesistates to expend the money
necessary to do the work. While the
Lincoln company has not committed Itself
on this particular question It has made
reports to the commission which In
volve the same principle of law and
whieh the Omaha company has refused
to do. It Is erasonably certal nthat no
attempt will be mad to make a valua
tion -on any street railway property until
the courts have passed on the rlfhts of
the commission. When blanks were sent
to the Omaha company they wera ac
companied by a notice that sixty days
would be allowed for return, as provided
by law. It was the understanding, how
ever, that the company would reply with
a t refusal . and mandamus proceedings
could tiien be commenced.
The company has shown a disposition
to take the full sixty days and all the
commission can do Is to sit down and
wait fo rtii rcptratlon of the time
limit. If the demand is Ignored or a
negative answer returned the matter will
be taken Into court at once. The street
railway company Insists that under the
wording of the law a street railway com
pany Is not subject to its provisions, as
the law says "railway." which they in
sist does not mean street railway.
Governor Aldrirh, who is a memoer or
he Irrigation board, favors holding up
application! until after the legislature
has time to act If It can be dons legally.
, . I.eeser Reappralaeaseat. j
The Board of PubMo Lands and Build
ings has received the reappralsement of
school lands In Oosper county and they
run about 5S per cent higher than the
old figures. Thesa values are the basis
of rentals paid to tba stale. In Dawson
county the board has a complaint from
on party who has school land under
lease. Under the old appraisement he
paid 138 per year for th us of Us acres.
whit under the new It will cost bhn H-t
per acre, or a tout of S3) per year. He
say a he Is willing to stand a rates from
th former figures, but thinks this I a
little too stiff. -
The supreme court has granted a new
trial In the Hall case from Cherry county
This Involves title to a quarters section
of land claimed by both Ball and tn
siat as a portion a fthe school property.
Th differences arise from variations In
surreys. Th state won in th Hg1nsJ
Where- lealslatare Failed.
. At th publlo ownership meeting In the
capitol last night savoral speakers advo
cated that th Stale Board of Irrlgaijoa
reject all application for water for
power sites and give th legislature an
opportunity to change th law. so that
lor projects might be developed by
the state Instead of becoming the prop
trty of private Individuals or oorpora
tlona Member of th board are In
clined to believe that under th law they
Itav no right to reject a filing mad In
due form by a person who complies with
the present law. In this connection It
is recalled that Engineer Price of th
board tried to persuade the last legis
lature to adopt a saw which would re
tain till to such power sits in th state
and that the state might either develop
und own them or at least lass them
under proper restrictions as to recom
ixns and control. Th legislature, how
ever. Ignored his suggestions.
Daweea tear! Haas Wera Oat.
It Is understood at th capitol that the
t-ounty court house which lire Marshall
Hands 11 proposes to condemn Is located
at Lexington, Dawson county. A proposi
tion I now pending In that county to
ot a 4-roill tax for two years to raise
funds to erect a new court nous -and
there Is a prospect of Its carrying. In
spit of the fact ths county has three
times voted against issuing bonds for th
erection of a court house.
Tbe hearing on the protest of WilUsm
Coed to the power right filing of Chart
loas has been postponed from tomorrow
to Monday, starch U. Th postponement
Is du to th fact on member of th
Hoard of Irrigation cannot be In the
city tomorrow on account of official
business eteewhere.
- Kls P. Hansen, deputy food commis
sioner, will adres tbe Omaha Manufac
turers' club tomorrow noon at th Com
mercial dub ruuma.
. Th orchestra of Wesley an university
( as gone on a tour of some of the teams
In th Elkhorn valley. Th orchestra
contain twenty-two plena.
BartM Oat with Big Stick.
'Auditor Barton has Irsued a statement
that it has come to his attention that
many large companies and business In
stitutions In th stats have been placing
their Inauranc In such companies at
London as- Lloyd' and similar Institu
tions which are not licensed to transact
Luslues In Nebraska. He asks anyoo
taring knowledge of such Insurance and
or parties la the stats who are writing
it to report tbe asm to him and th
nle writing the Insurance will be
prosecuted If they an within th Jurts
ilicttOB of Nebraska eoerU, for tbey are
in plain violation of Nebraska law. He
points out that In cam f mas the In
sured has no udreis If the company
writing the insurance should sec fit to
contest th psyment, as there would be
t o one la the state on whom the loser
could obtain seih.o of summons. He
also points out It is not fslr to glv in--uranc
to companies which refuse or
sre unable to comply with Nebraska law
s against tfeoce which do comply and
-pay thetr share ef taxes to support the
state and are subject to -amlmt!on and
regulation by Nebraska authorities.
rffty Villa- Vee Dtreet.
' According to officials of tbe an ti -sa
loon ltague only about fJft7 twon and J
village is xieoresxa nav nsea aavaai
age of th new saw to vota directly on
th queatlea of license or no license St
the town elections to be held April S.
Kvory Incorporated city and village In
th stat except Omaha sad Lincoln has
Its municipal election on that data. It
was to take tbe question of license, which
is generally th ram la such elections
at of the turht aver efnee that th
law was passid. but not many towns
seemed to care enough about it to c!r-
To Properly Treat
Obstinate Wrinkles
"Particularly w here wrinkle ar long
and deep, th inmost devote is apt to
nib too hard and too frequently," says
Dr. Limoges. "This loosens the skin,
causes muscles to sag, aggravates the
wrinkled condition just the opposite re
sult from that sought.
"Batter than maasage. or anything else.
for the most obstinate wrinkles ss well as
th finest lines, I a formula well known
in Franc;, which you may readily avail
yourself of. aa you will have no difficulty
procuring the constituent from your
druggist. It Is this: On ounce powdered
saxoUts dissolved In one-half pint witch
bezel. Bathe face, neck and hands la
this Til effect Is really marvelous, not
only aa to wrinkles, but also in eaass of
baggy cheeks and chin. The application
Is cooling, soothing, tending to relieve
fstigu snd insomnia." Adv.
culale and file the necessary petitions
thirty days before th election.
Maar tattle DrUg.
Reports from the western ranges sre
that many cattle are dying aa a result
of the severe weather and scarcity of
feed. The heavy snows have covered up
the ranges and the temperatures have
been so low much of the time that stock
has suffered greatly.
The German Alliance has filed a
lengthy petition with the board of educa
tion that commencing with the opening
of echool next fall the German language
be taught In the publlo schools E
D. E. Thompson, who has been spending
a short Urns in this city, left today for
Omaha, from where ho will go to New
Torlt for a short stay later going to
OreaToa Marker Read.
Fifty of th markers which ar to b
placed along the Oregon trail will bo set
aa soon as th wathr will permit. Th
markers ar rough, gray granite and
boar th inscription. "Oregon Trait
Marked by th Stat of Nebraska, I91i'
An additional twenty-five markers sre
being prepared and probably will be
completed and set during the coming
summer. The legislature provided for
th making and placing of these monu
In addition to the plain markers at sev
eral places local people have provided
additional sums and more pretentious
stones will be erected. For Instance, the
point where the trail enter the state be
tween Gage and Jefferson counties, will
bo a more elaborate monument and in
Nuckolls county, on tbe site of the Btoux
massacr In lSoi. there will be an Ira
posing monument. This spot also marks
the place of Initiating county government
in that county.
Xeie Barter llaak.
Permission has been requested of the
banking board to open the Farmers and
Merchants bsnk at Exeter for business.
The sre J. V. Alnsworth,
Issbell Aiasworth and T. 8. Nunnemaker
of Tobias . . o. mifins of OeWItt and
William Jensen of Exeter. . The capital
stock is fci.WO.
Rschael Merle Holinan, aged So. was
found dead in bed this morning, death
being due to natural causes. She cam
to room with Mrs. Irene Thompson. Ml
South Fourteenth street, some months
ago. She came her from Elgin. III.,
a here aha has soma nieces living, but be
yond this no one In Lincoln knows any
thing about her as she was always retic
ent in speaking about herself and her
past. From things she said It Is evident
shs had traveled extensively snd was a
well educated woman.
Kklaurd treat Head t Heel
s Ben Pool, Three!, Ala, when dragged
ever a rough road, but Bucklen's Arnica
Salve healed all his Injuries. Sc. For
sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Like Comfort?
Then what's the us of breaking down your vigor wben there a
way to make and keep your dally life comfortable?
Most persons need all tbe vitality tbey can secure. Some have
an excess and proceed to destroy it with one or more of tbe sedative
drugs among the most common of which are coffee and tea. Tbey
could use that vigor to "get ahead" la buaineaa or whatever pursuit
tbey are engaged in, but, strange to lay, many prefer to nullify it
with drugs.
However, each one must make choice and pay the bill.
The one who can cut out coffee and tea when they ar known to'
cause sleepless nights and nervous troubles will surely win tbe laurels.
The change from coffee
or tea and their aches and
ilia to well-made
with health and comfort, is
really quite easy.
Postum has a dark brown
color which changes to rich,
golden brown when cream is
added, and the snappy, dis
tinctive flavour (when made
according to directions) is
-very like the mild, high
grades of Java coffee.
Tbe change brings refresh
ing sleep, drives out the cof
fee and tea trouble and the
old condition of health and
comfort returns.
Iass t Martnss.
XT aVsaudi in
"Experiments satisfied me. soma five
year ago,- write a Topeka woman,
"that coffe a as tbe direct caus of th
Insomnia fronv which I suffered terribly,
aa wall aa ths extreme nervousness and
acuta dyspspsla which made II f a most
painful thing for me.
"I had been a coffe-dr Inker sine
' childhood, and did not Ilk to think that
lb beverage a as doing m all this
harm. (Tea Is Just aa harmful because
It contain caffeine, th sum drug found
in coffee. ) But It was, and th time
cam wben I bad to fac th fact, and
protect myself. I therefore gav It up,
abruptly and absolutsly, and adopted
Postum for my hot drink at mes?a
"I began to note Improvement In tt-T
condition very scon after 1 took on Pos
tum. Th clang proceeded gradually,
but sorely. nd It was a matter of only
a few weeks before I found myself en
tirely relieved. The nervousness paassd
away, my digestive apparatus was re
stored to normal efficiency, and I began
to alaep rcatfutly and peacefully.
These happy condition have contin
ued and I am safe In saying that I ow
tbom entirely to Postum. for whan I be
gan t drink it I ceased to us medl
ctna' Naiue given by Postum Co, Bel
li Creek. Mich. Read th little book.
-Th Road to WellTllle.' In pkgs.
'There really no joy and comfort on earth quite so satisfying a
Ue perfect poise of mind and body generally yours for the taking.
"There's a Reason" for POSTUM
And Now
Which Car?
Cf To you who have decided but have not bought.
Cjp And to the intending buyer who has not yet
picked his car.
There is no exaggeration in the claim that there
will be a shortage of the choice automobiles this
This condition is just as' certain to prevail as is
the fact that the city's transportation lines will be
, Unable to accommodate the traffic demands during
the rush hours of any business day.
v The reason for such shortage during the Spring
months even of the less desirable cars is that no
manufacturer has the production facilities necessary
to meet the season's ordinary demand.
No manufacturer can build cars as far in '
advance of the actual selling season such as is pos
sible in other lines, as, for instance, in the case of a
hat manufacturer. More capital would be required
to do that than any manufacturer can command.
So for that reason it is necessary that whatever
car you finally decide to buy, your purchase must
be made now.
The choice seats at the theaters when the popu
lar shows are being produced are always sold far
in advance of the performance.
Unless you buy early you must either pay &
premium to get good seats, or else accept what
is left.
It is just so in the case of an automobile.. For
with the coming of warm days and other indioa- .
tions of Spring, others besides yourself will want
immediate delivery.
They too, will want the best car. There are
not enough of any of the ten choice automobiles
to supply the demand.
Do you think it safe to wait?
And Now About the
New. Self-Starting HUDSON "33
What has your investigation up-and-down Far
nam street shown
With what experience and dependable knowl
edge have you made your examination of the cars
that appeal to you?
Has it been the color, the lines, the personality
of the salesman, the atmosphere of the store, or have
you depended npon your own knowledge of mechan
ical and automobile value?
And if such has been your guide, are you confi
dent enough of your own judgment to back it in this
instance with so large a sum as is involved in the
purchase of a motor car $1,000 to $2,000?
''' Engineers do not agree absolutely as to values.
1 " Each has his own preference as to construction
and certain other details, but all do concur in the
credit that is paid to Howard E. Coffin, America's
foremost engineer, and designer of the New Self
Starting HUDSON "33."
Not for an instant do you question the value of
any article sold by Tiffany.
Napoleon said that when people have no confi
dence in doctors, they have no need for doctors.
You choose your doctor because of what he has
done for others and for you on account of his per
sonalityand you implicitly abide by his advice.
Why not buy a motor oar in the same manner?
Here is a car that is the duplicate of thousands
in the hands of owners everywhere, who are daily
proving that Howard E. Coffin has built better than
his contemporaries.
Such service shows the value of the car's great
simplicity. Understand the advantage of an auto
mobile having approximately 1000 fewer parts than
has the average car. Know that that means lower
manufacturing cost, fewer parts to get out of ad
justment, fewer parts to attend to. Realize the sav
ing thus effected and you can appreciate why expert
enced buyers some who own many cars which
have cost two or three times the price of the New
.Self-Starting HUDSON "33" have chosen it as
the choice car of the market.
All cars sooner or later, for one reason or an
other must receive the attention of a mechanic.
. The more complicated its mechanism, the more
time will the automobile be out of service and in the
hands of repairmen.
Ask repairnien what cars come most frequently
to them for such attention. .
There are approximately 200 HUDSONS in serv
ice in the Omaha district. , We give practically all
the mechanical attention that a tjig majority of these
cars ever require yet we need for such service fewer
men than are employed by other distributors having
less than a fifth as many oars to look after.
Service is, of course, essential but it should be
seeded only to meet contingencies. It should not be
needed to constantly readjust and repair tba car. .
' ' Even though such servioe were furnished with
out charge you don't want a car that requires such
attention. For you want your oar to be ready for
use when you want it, and sot in the repair shop un
dergoing attention that but temporarily fits it for
Are you sura that the car you had made up your
mind to buy is as simple, as el-gant, as beautiful, as
quiet and of as much value as the NEW Self-Starting
Hudson "33?"
Are you safe, think you, in postponing your final
selection until so late in the season that all the
choice cars will have been taken?
Place yourselves in the position of the man
about to buy a house. No matter how well satisfied
he might be with any property, he would not defi
nitely place his order before examining the house
which experts declare to be a greater bargain.
And no one seriously thinking of buying, would
delay his decision when he knew others were snap
ping up all the property in the locality.
Come see the New Self-Starting Hudson "33"
and thus be assured that you are not choosing
Come at once and thus be assured that you can
get the car you want when you wast it and that you
will not have to accept a car with which you will not
be satisfied.
Reminder to Get Book
Examine Other Cars, Tool
And then you can understand the meaning of
such simplicity. Come to us with a vivid recollection
of the confusion of rods, wires, etc., common to all
other automobiles, and contrast it with this simple
car of few parts and much value.
In any repair shop you can obtain conclusive
in information bearing upon the much talked about
subject of automobile service.
Touring car 3 passengers; Torpedo 4-passragers; Roadster 2 passengers; fully equipped, f 160O.0O.
Equipment Includes:
Seir-sUrler JUxnrto Dual system windshield 84x4 inch tire oa demountable rim extra rime tire Iron
storage battery tool box 2 gas lamps 3 oil aide lamp 1 tail lamp Prest-O-Ute task rob. ad foot
rails license numbers jack pump. Nothing additional la required to pat tb. car la service.
"How to ChooM m Motor Car"
Ask for th book at tbe store wben rou call to see
New Self-Starting HUDSON "IV, or write or telephone
to btve it mailed to you.
Thar la eastalag Mr level ve la tk sale f
ear taaa tk tseaafsr ef material talags. Xoar,
eeartesr, mlams!m, mlar aa attefaoclea ratsr
1st vry trotte with Our V sail.
Get My Dealers Proposition
I have a few good point maC good territory open for good lira
dealer. It will par 70a to Investigate the Self-Starting HbmIsob "83" be
fore rinsing op jour 1912 contracts.
Write at onee for territory and terms.
2205 Farnaro Street Omaha, Nebraska
Pcs'.um Cereal Company, Limitel. Btulo Creek, Mich.