Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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    rilK BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY". MARCH 14, 1912.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Great Sale
Reliable Shoes
for Women, Men and Children
In Our Bargain Basement
We will LolJ one of the best money-saving
sales in oar Basement Shoe department beginning
Thursday that we bavo. ever been able to offer the
people of Omaha. There will be thousands of pairs
placed on sale at almost half their regular prices.
Women's Oxlords
tOO pain In dull leathers and rid kid odd and
end, many of them small sties, worth $3.69,
II. t) and 13.50 a pair, on eale at, CO
per pair .........
Many 13.00 and 13.60 Oxfords and Pumps
will be marked ..'
womeitb battx fcmpb
la all colon with ornamaaU; QQ
worm 11.60. tor the sal at.. tOC
la vlci kid, patent kid and dull leathers
13.00. and 11.00
boos, at per pair ...
Odd a and ends, mostly small aliaa -all
tood and thoroughly reliable ahoee;
values up to 3.60,
at, per pair
Bluuher lac styles, In all
slxea, at par pair
0)Tr patumt wit aeaja over the toe
a ttubby. dressy ahoa In all
sites, at per pair . .
100 pairs la dull calf or kldakln. These are good
snoes in au sues, at per
la dull calfskin, blucber and button styles, hlgb
toes, Goodyear welted soles handsome shoes.
in aii sixes, worm ij.uu and
at per pair ,
Button and blueber lsoe styles all sites
up to I, at per pair
tr tbe toe
Women's Fine Shoes,
1,000 pairs In dull calf and patent kid, 1 .-button,
cloth, or dull kid tops, wide high toes with tips
and short vampe, or toes without tips on stage
laets. Well made, nicely finished shoes that will
give excellent service with all the style that Is In
any 23.60 shoe. In all sites and A (rj
widths, ,at per pair P 1 V 4
In all colors with silk pom poms, with or
without heels. These are extremely
popular with women and are sold
everywhere at $1.00 and $1.26. all
sties in the sale, at per 7f
pair IDC
Made of soft kidakin, . common sense
toes and heels. In. all sizes, at qq
per pair , )OC
With carpet soles, serviceable and com
fortable all sixes, at per 1 g
pair lUC
For men and woman Imported
from Japan per pair ......
la patent leather, dull leather and ni
storm tan, at per pair $ 1 O
Button and blucher lace stylea In dull calfskin and
patent leather new spring styles with wide high
toes alaes 1 to , are marked $!.; 1 A
sites less than 1 are p 1.47
Made of soft, fine kid In button and lace stylea,
hand turned soles; worth 76c. all sizes. A r
at par pair , . HiJC
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Brandeis Bargain Basement
fen's New Silk
Hess&e Dresses
Hera are the prettiest and
cleverest styles for spring
they are well made and
corns In charming, new
spring colors and patterns:
worth to $10.00, a? AO
Thursday on seo- h
floor, at v
Women's Leaf
Serge Coats
These new spring coats axe
made from a superior qual
ity aerge In the smart
, plain, trimmed or large
collar effects tisnil t.n.
ana inrougnout
- nerfect fit.
ting; special
New Ttilcrcd Suits
for Spring
True elegance, Individuality
of style and perfect work
manship are cardinal fea
turee In tbeae suits they
are smart and practical aa
ran o; worth
31.60 and $1$,
second floor, at ,
4 a
Thursday Chocolate Dv i n Pnmnoinn Dr.-.
"7UU a ijmer oweet Uiooolates with soft creamy crushed fruit . f-
w, M vOT oir vur rveuiar 4UC CIlfVYilatPS. iTmruliiw nn v lh ajsll.
m , '"J'1 Novelties-Scores and scores of the newest novelties for parties,
, am uero ai me most moderate or prices.
. 30th Anniversary
v Sales
Beginning Monday and Continuing All Next
Week Will Be the Greatest Bargain
Occasion Ever Held by Any
-'''.' Store in America.
This Series of Daily Bargain Events Will Mean an
Actual, Visible Saving of Thousands and Thous
ands of Dollars to the People of Omaha.
Entire Sections of Newspaper Advertising Next Week
Will B Required to Give Adequate Publicity to
the Wonderful Bargains We Have Pre
pared fcr Omah Women and Men
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given
With AH Purchases at This Store.
7i Week We are Demonstrating the Many
Advantages of Using
Pictorial Review Patterns
the entire line of which we have installed
only this week.
When you choose any one of the manv
TERNS you do not run the risk of having
a dress that is out-of-date as soon as made.
Pictorial Review
Patterns Are . . .
60 to SO days ahead of all others
Strictly authoritative in style
Easy to work
And contain many Important features
that can be found In no others.
Wa want you to get acquainted with them at once and therefore
made special arrangements with tbe makers to allow their expert
demonstrator, direct from New York City, to be with us this week.
She will take great pleasure in showing all of the women In Omaha
and vicinity who are Interested in paper patterns, why it Is to their
advantage to use Pictorial Review Patterns. Make It a point to visit
the pattern department Thursday and learn, about these wonderful
patterns, whether or not you now need them.
Boys Suits, Suitable for Spring Q
Wear, to Close, Thursday.......?" yO
' There are about 1 75 in the lot, of medium and spring weight ma
terials, pruaranteeed all wool. They are from lines we have always sold
up to $4.00. the suit and were It not for broken sites we .wouldn't be
marking toe'm at $2.95 for tbis Thursday sale. However, you can find
all sizes in the different styles and materials if you come early in tbe day.
Boys' all wool extra lrou$er$ worth St. 00 and $1.25,
Thariday, 89c. Another extra special lot
is offered at
"Little Tudor" rompers, play suits and creepers are tbe best made.
Experience baa proven It. The new spring lines are now here and in
vite every mother's inspection. Ages 1 to years, SOc tbe garment.
Wash Goods Special
for Thursday
27-Inch cotton voiles one
of the most favored wash
fabrics for the spring and
summer seaaona-ln light
blue, pink, old rose, navy,
reseda, brown, Alice blue,'
Copenhagen blue, cream and
tan colors; regularly sold at
2 So the yard. Thursday
A Sale of Brooms
for Thursday
The brooms in this sale
are 4-tie 6tyle, made of
specially selected broom corn
and should not be classel
with the usual cheap sale
brooms. A close-out of a
manufacturer enables ns to
sell these fine He brooms
for only
Pure Food Bargains for Thursday
Combination. Special for Thursday
1 can fnlder". pork and bums lSc
1 ran Er.rfrwn corn 10c
1 can Karly Juiw paa 10.
H-ln. can B. C. baklns powdtr 3u
Buttle B. C lemon or vanilla sxtaact Ike
Tkanday's Prle. ess
aa jtm r 4.. eaa BaaaMt's CapMo! rare
lappet VkM.
tlb. can Bennett's
Hreakfaat coffee i
40 stamps for 10
Assorted teas and to
stamps, tiis lb....3Se
Tea slftlnn and 1
lamps, the lb ISs
it-lb. sack "Queen or
the 1'sntry" pastry
flour 40 st'ps. HM
Full cream cheese and
1. stamps, the lb..8Se
Oslllard'. olive oil end
to stamps, bottle. 46o
Vegetable and Howe
needs of AU Uses, tbe
sky. for Ho
Walker's hot tamsles A
' 16 stamps, the csn. lse
Andre boneless sardines
and 10 stamps, can. ISO
Bennett's t'spltol rasp
berries and 10 stamps,
the can for SDo
8ntder's chile ssucs snd
lit stamps, bonis... Soe
Bennett's Capitol pears
10 st'ps, the csn. Sss
Bennett's Cnpltol plums
snd 10 st'ps, can, 80s
J-lb. roll- Premium but-
terine for,.- 4 So
Bennett's Capitol
peaches snd 10 st ps,
the csn for soo
Dill pickles and 10
stamps, bottle loo
pkis. flter snd Cres
cent macaroni and 10
sumps sss
Maraschino, Creme do
Mentha snd White
cherries (ae bot., SOs
Sue bottle for sos
Quart can Ftanco-Amer-
Iran soupo for Sos
Mb. pks. bennstt's t'sp
ltol osts or pancake
flour and lu st'ps, 10s
Large can Bnldefs pork
snd beens snd '
stsmps for SDo
A Fresh Car of Redlands Oranges
These oranges are (shipped to us direct from
Redlands, tal., and ars without an exception
tne finest oranges grown anywhere. You will
buy no others after yon have once tried these.
15c, 80c, 2.V, 80c and 8ftc the dozen.
I quarts Cape Cod cranberries for !Mc
S bunches fancy radishes for loe
3 large beads plain lettuce for toe
V .
1-1 lines
ast daily train service from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the
Chicago C North-Vestsrn Ry.
connecting at the latter point with all
tor all points t-ast.
The Best of Everything.
Pullman drawing-room sleeping' cars, composite
observation, bullet and library cars Booklovers .
ibrary free reclining chair cars, standard day ,
coaches and superb dining cars service a la
carte. Tickets sad fell hforsMrlna as spsBcsdoa ts
140)1 aae) ISO fire ess I
OSMMA, Rcth,
mot szt a a.
wn, auma, i.
ISM Faraaaa St,
Plat ...
Fillings ...
Crowna ...
tz.w up
j..aa.ovp n wears lus
Phonm Doag. 17SL
SUsstag Teeth supplied
witboert PUtea or Bridge
work. Xervee rcasosed
wlthoat pais. Work guar.
Vfflft MtSP years.
March Sales Offers Splendid Savings
We Guarantee
All Onr
All Millinery
Marked in
Plain Figures.
Every Visitor to Onr Soit Department is Simply
Deli Jit id With the Magnificent Showing of the
Spring Garment Styles
The most complete assortments,
the "most attractively priced stock
ever shown in Omaha or the 'west.
Twenty Distinctive Designs in
Crown Jewel Suits
Every graceful line expresses indi
viduality, the fahrics, the fit, the
workmanship, placing them well in
the $30.00 class; truly ME ft A
matchless values at ..eWeUU
Nobby Spring Tailored Suits
Small sizes, just 100 in the lot,
greatly underpriced in Thursday's
sale, at $10.00
One Piece Serge Dresses A special
lot of natty, new style dresses in
all colors, while they last, Thurs
day .................. $10.00
New Spring Coats A handosme
line of the new loug spring coats,
in serges and fancy mixtures,
at .... $10.00
Come with large collars. or iu
plain tailored -effects; certainly ex
ceptional values nt Thu'd'y's price.
Women's Long Kimonos
Either Challies or in Flan
nelettes, worth more than
double, choice 08c
Women's Gingham Under
skirts Eeg. $1 val, 59c
If i
Women's Lingerie Waists
Values to $2.50, laCe and
embroidery trimmed, all
sizes, Thursday, nt ..9oC
$1.50 House Dresses and
Wrappers, on sale at 79c
Embroidery Sale Extraordinary
The greatest display, the best bargains in embroid
eries of all classes ever offered in Omaha at this season.
We promise you a rare feast of embroidery beauty and
values Friday, Come!
White Goods
Fancy Mercerised Waistlpgs, as
sorted designs, worth Tie yard,
t 39e
Dotted Swisses and assorted
fancy walstlngs. worth 25c yd.,
Fine Sheer French Lawns and
Chiffons, worth 60c yd., 25t)
Soft Chamois finished Nainsooks,
worth He yard 12 H
Fine assortment Checked ' and
striped Walstlngs, worth 18e
rl 10e
Hlgb grade Imported Embroidered
Swisses and Mulls, worth $1.60
yrd 650
Domestic Room
18c Serpentine Crepe . --lSHt
18c Scotch Ginghams, 22 inches
wide 12K
18o Foulards 12 H
15c Batiste 12 Ht
UMe Batista 10
10c Batiste 7(4
72x90 Sheets, 75c values . .58
72x0 Sheets, 69c values ..48?
At 9 A. M 1 case of Lonsdale,
genuine article, '10 yards lim
it .....'..
At a '80 P. M. 1 case of 38-ln.
Percales, light or dark percales,
the 12 He grade. 10 yarda limit,
t y"J 7
Four other sales not advertised.
Two In forenoon, bed spreada.
Two in afternoon, bath towels.
Wash Goods Thursday
VoIleaT white." colored; ahadba; voiles, printed voltes, plain Toilet
atriped voiles 27 Incbes. 36 incbee. 40-ln. voiles, all of the fine
class, underpriced. yard 18 25 ? 35 39t 50s nd 75
New French Organdies ..25 1 French Batiste, fine prints 12 Me
40-ln. Bordered Batiste ..25 I Iomestlc Batiste in
Forenoon Only AU 25c 8cotch Ginghams .' 15J
After boob Only 50 pieces of silk mixed Organdies, regular 25c
. rade' " 15t
Free Concert Every Day
In Our VICTR0LA PARLORS Piano Department
. T," Spertal Records Include:
ISew I!ecord ' Caruso's Famous "FarUve Fear." Faure's Noble
Crucifix by Canuo Journet,
The famous Amato sings two acenea from Rigoletto: Testi s delight
ful song "Afterwards" as auug by Mme. Karnes
and many other favorites.
It's a Paying Proposition
Waea res eaa save tram seat una
' axae-s le gTeeeriea
1 lba btst sranulated aunr a, m
IS bars Lenox, Beat 'Em All or lia-
niMH v soap afla
41-lb. aark beet hlsh (rede Diamond
11 Family Flour, nothing like ft,
per satlt HM
l ib. pk. best iMoiestle lfecaronl
Gallon cans Golden Tsble Syrup slo
pint bottles Canadian Masle furar
Byrup lTWs
4 Ids. faucy Japan Rlue. Ifts oualliv.
at ass
5 lbs, best whits er yellow cornmeal
t is.
lbs. be: rolled Breakfast Oatmeal
at S5c
14-os. rate Condensed Milk at.a
Oil or Mustard Hard Ires, can ... m
1-lb. cans assorted souoa IU.
X-lb. cane fancy table Apricots. Pears
or Slices uemon cilns Peaches I So
Large bottles Pur Tomato Catsup,
W or renter Kauce or Fickle , as
sorted k(nds sss
X-lb. cane tiolden Ek Plums ISUs
tat atlfklaaa ST aval Oraafss Wew.
i iisy ars extra aveet. Juicy and rK-h
f )a .nriul j. ...
. ' - w vuea os, avo, see
ThiT.f.? sk-
MK rli carton r
XiSifjj; ako
atrTTsa, xauST just as rood
- ' uuiirnn. .......
I It- ! ood ubl Butterlne. . .
X lbs. lancv tufal ti..! .....
Old Beete. carrots, J'arnpa or Tur
nips, lb. , mim
JYeeli Cabbate. lb. .' .". io
l-ancy v.x or Green Beans, lb. Mo
lancy Motheuss Mushrooms per In.
rsncy Hips Tomatoes, lb.
Kreeh FpluacB. peck
Kreeh Shallots, bunch
rreeh firusseU Sprouts, lb.
Rutubafi-. Turnips, lu. ...
2 l.eaos fresh Leaf Lettuce
- "tmiir. ire-n Kantehes .... Se
Brrs TsbeIs Bows Araia. Tfes Were
BeM btrtctly rrw. Sfgs, pes Soe'
a ana
Tiers are bobs better.
Try HA YD EN'S First
You, Mr. Business Man that
sin in your window won t get
the kind of a man you want
A few cents spent for a Bee
want ad will give you choice
of several good energetic men.
Telephone Tyler 1000.