10 . THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1913 new. ts 411: American mixed old. 6c lid: new American kiln dried, (a M; futures weak; March. 2d: M tl . 6 IV- SEW YORK blVtlll MARKET GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Hotictable Bearish Feeling Derel ops ia Wheat Today. BEACTION IS C0E5 PEOBABLE alllak Coadltlaaa Will Be Frit Mar Keenly- aa tb Setteea Ad tiacw let Vale Will Br Mlfktr. OMAHA. March '-, Ther was notably a mora bearish leei- UverVwl cable "haven t followed domestic j WHEAT-Spot market e,4V7 .So. ,h. mot trad ha be- ti.ow elevator, export bar, to arrive. Qaelallaaa er Ike Daw aa Veriest oeaaaodlt Ira. - NEW T0KJC Mint tt FlaMTrt Quiet: spring- patents. tvioi': winter straghts. Haatfca.at; winter patent, KM IrlSO: spring clear. H5S4H: winter extras. No. L 3.sOJlS0; winter extra, No. i 9 i s: Kansas straight. M Toy 4 Si. Rye flour, ateady: fair to good. H t'M K' choice, to fancv. 'Ofti.ii. Col:.MEAL-jlliet; fine white, and yellow, l bit1..7; coarse, flXSC)!.'; kiln dried. f!.!S. RYK-Quiet: No. 2. Kr e.1. f. rhital. BARLEY Quiet; maitinc. H.35S1.S c L r. Kurrawt. rnore mlx.xi on the uneven price The condition. s.vrounding the ire! crop are auch that bu-ing on the brsaii of the deferred month appear to be the mo course. 1 . ., The moat enlhusiiwtle boll on corn ai reeoV t concede that the alack de mand and heavier receipt rol" cauae a forth.- reacttoa from to strong advance. '- Bullish condition wt felt more keenly aa the season advances and sui pile rua low and lets summer values mil mora than likely be bigher. Wheal ruled weak sjai Prt Mggy throughout the eeawon. New wa featureleee. but traders were favoring the selling ' We, Cash wheat wa 4c '"Heavier com receipt awl alower caah demand cud heavy telling and the market eaeetT off aharpiy. Caah corn a Mile lowr. . Primary wheat receipts were .M OJO bu. sod .p,n .3!1lKb,'".,;2l receipt la.t y-r of S4i,0O bu. and ahlp- trema of 1S4 bu. . hll Primary em receipt, were UW bo. and slilpmeiws were 49 bu.. ega net receipt last vear of W bu. and .lilp- ment of DW bu- , , Clearam. fre X.M bu pf corn I. bu. of oat ami wheat and flour aqua! to "'Uverpoo! closnd hisher on wheat and VrHd loaet on corn. The following cash sales - "P0, Wheat: No. 5 mud. car li.ds. No- 3 wring, 1 car. .. fom: No. 3 white. 1 car. ichoicei. frrxc: 3 car, ff i 1 car, iHo; Ko. 4 color. car, No. i yel lowT I ran. fcHc S"o. yellow. car c; 1 car, Jc: 1 car. v: "J1,-. tare. ic; 1 car. Sic; No. 4 mixed. 1 car. c: i ear, ttc: S car, 'r; I cara, C: 1 car, Sc: t car. !: "Vjf1". 4',e; 1 ear. .. Oat: No. ,.. car., siHc: No. 4 white. 1 car. H'tc. Onaka g'aak Prlcea. WheatNo. a ' 2- 5 fard. Ko. 4 hard. IMicejIl OU fORS-No. 3 whiw. No. 4 unite. C'tratr: No. t yal'oa. iHc: No. yellow. iytc: No. A orfc; No, 4, 4rUc: no grade, tWUf.c. OATS-N'o. 9 while. &:,.: atandard. ("trMV-: No. t whlu. l'jlV. No- 4 Hitta, 61U-: No. I yellow, HWlUc; No. 4 yellow. i!c. RAMtET-klalllng. 1 !l.n; No. 1 feed. Twtec; heavier feed. fiK- live- No. i li5c: No. S, K31c. . tarLt la-le. Wheat. Cora. Oata Chicago Omaha ' m a liululb rnicaoo craih Ar rROViiiosi Pea I a re of the Tradlaa; aad TlaalaR Pila a Heard f Trwde. ' CHICAGO. March ll-htn that there waa a liberal floating eH'iMy of wheal In the market today devekaped mora cour. ace among bear trader than at any tuna In montha. Lateat flu ahowed a drop of HwVi to nfl'.o under taat night. Thar waa a net loaa ft SWH to ic In eom and a had to for oat a Hog product flnMhed th a 'aat niaht to eo up. It wa a day of a'moat eontlBuoua oa elinee In the wheat pit. A cargo of wheat hipped out of her to Manitowoc teat tall w eold to com back to .Chlcaao for delivery on May oontrarta. Buffalo iwratuently offered wheat. Recelpta con tinued largo In all directiona. foreign aa ,'huH were araak. and now wwa for caated In the winter wheat belt. The vnrot weaknea am luat before the dote, when a group of houae had aeillng ordera which the market aaamed unable to. dlimat. Between the opening and lh laet eat May raiared from ll.tc art. IBS to HO, with the Onal ton com paratively ateady at l!Jolt:t. a eat back of WKi from qaotatlona car rmnt twaotv.four hour beSpre. . An opening bulge In corn on aocount of coal weather wa roiiowea or a aiiarp ge lln. Receipt war on a bug anaia, and because of an eaatern blookada ahlp--nr wr not buvlna caah grade, Fu ture uffered aroordlngty. On local leader waa aald to have let go of l.UU.iM liuahala of May. That month aa a reault of extra preaaura, ahpped to a dloount and after having varied from He to "V, rloaed weak at 1no. a net loa f to even. Xiowneee ruled In caalu No, 3 yellow wa rot quoted. i In oata the trade appeared In be get ting out of commitment In May and lakina mora Intrreat In July and Ser irwiber. May ranaed from UtnOelV.0 to Wa. and cioaed .o oft at HSc . The light run of bog her and at other Hacking center mad proylelon rang 'upward. Thar waa conatdarabla atop toe buying by ahorta. In the and. pork varied from lh earn aa laat night to r-wc higher, with other product a trifle iiior firm on the whole. and ti dbit, t n h afloat: Nb. 1 northern. Duluth. II t. o. b.. afloat, opening navigation, runirea market j " 1 under liquidation aalea due larger re celpta falling off In the export demand and a alow trade In caah wheat and flour, closing Sal'ec net Icawer: May. .i e;it-1 ',. doard at tl.OTH: July. tl 4 t(l.l6; cloeed. tl.OtH: receipt.1 . bu. CORN pot market weak, o. I. Tc elevator, domestic baaia, toarrlve. and ex port. 7c f. o. b.. afloat: future a. market waa nominal: receJpta, H,tti bi. OATS-8pot. market eaay- Btandard white, :. In elevator: No. 1. aac; No 3. wc; No. 4, aic: natural white and white dipped, fs3c. on track: ltura market waa nominal; receipt. bu.; shipment-. 1(U) bu. . H A Y ateady-, prime. I11SO: Ko. 1, 119 (il2.M; No. i Hl.MlliLOO: No. J. IIO.W inse. ' HOPS-Eaay: 'atate common to choice. I'll, ilic: l. nominal. Pacific ooaat, 111. lltiMc: mu, nominal. HIIKt-iradyr Central American. Mo; Bogota. 2V.c L.KATHriH-Hteady: hemlork first. S4i2Tc; eeconda. Mtjte; Uilrda. :t)c; rrleita, !." PItOVI8IONoV-Porl,-. trteady: me. IU . eu.: ranuly, lis.ldej .; ehon clear. in.0(SI rVef, eteadv; m, f 13-.aXa l ': family. IA.fc.iO; heef hanta. t-i.h13.W, Cot mcatu, chill: pickled belllea, n to t4 pound. 31; pickled heme, I10.T5. Itl. firm: middle weal. aj.JusrtJti: refined, ateady: continent, tki; South Anwrl ian. 3M.-5; . compound. ta.fSdV7.l0. . . , TALliOW-Bteady: prim city hhd., ac; special, Mc; counto', eH't1. lirTTEIl Mrwarr; recetpt. ,J tuba; creamery aiieciala. V. creamery ex tra.!. 2Sv: cn-amrr)' first. Jfctja'ro, (tat delry, tub. finest, 38Utv5. CHEEnhV-ieirm; reoeiota, V4 pack, ages; weekly exporta, l hoxe; Mat, whole milk, held, epecl!. 13".c. UHkt leady: relpta. rf caaee; prlc unchaiMted; freah gathered exlra. TMItc: ftrat, ac; econfl. Hic; wet ern gatneretl wollea, 3IM3C. POLt,TllT -Alive, nnn; cnicsrna. ir; fowl. Mrt)lr; turkeys. l,"-tl)o. Ureeaed, easier: tspoue. lleriac: fowl,' wostern. 14914V. turkey, iso.ie. St. eket. Artlcl Open-I Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Tst y. .WhiaUl May-! 74 I t iWs July.;lHtV'IMittJvl S I eept. arkaii! Aorn I ily.Tl.V ' 4uly.i71'T. Hept.tnv71W I ' I I My.fe,9' July.eadov,! kept UOrli I TS W. Ww 5lilt0l 1"1 May.1 July Sept. 1 ard !!n4Kl 11 W H'.'WeCi si M B0 i urn May. j .luiy.l I Rib May.f t July.f S Sept-1 THl r t UK MS I 1M Tit, n say is . H -'Htt u US m an ei W o us WMHi 14 at It 49l Ut .H 3tl iwhi i Km tn k w rv,l 17H l.eate tffweral BT. LOUIS, March ti.-vVHT.AT-Weak: lick. No ? red. ll.BRtOl.Wt; K9. 1 hard. tl.wMfl.ll ... . . rOTT irregulars track sea; 3 while. eatrtHTC, OATS steady; mac, -no. a, no. ahlle, tec. t'loslng price or future. WHtAT-Lower; May. litis; July, C- . ... mt C'JIl lleer; ,viay, f-ec; jwij. -r OATS-tltrady: Kay. ISHc; July. iMka. HYK-t'tKhanged at Mc Klillt-l-lrin: red winter patent. KwtnYW; extra fncy and atralght. S4. W4.6; hard winter clear. m. KKKD-rimotlry. tl.sH911W. 1 1 R mi V. AIJ3.II. HRAN-Btcady; sacked east track, 11 3 HAT-fiteady; timothy. 31Mes.W; prairie. IU)tl.. HAtKUM-, , TWI NIC-Hemp, TtiC povirtloNrt-Pork. unchanged; job- blna. !!.. Lard, anrhanged; prima teamed. SPg.K. Vry salt aiaata. unchanged: boxed exlra shorts, So. clear hba, tc; short clear, t'tc Bacon, unchanged: boxed extra ahorta, Hie; clear liua, H40; short clears, WHa. POULTRY Klrm; ehtcken. 1ite: springs. Mc; turkey, lc; duck, 7Ho; geese. Sc. Ul TTKR-Uiwer. ittjatc EGO d-steady, lHc. , Recelnl. Shipments. Klour, bbl. low 1T 9W Wheat, bu " 71, rwe bu 730l . 41 fMia. bu - Sn Kaaaaa CltT tiraJa aad Peavlalaaa. KANSAS CITT, March 1I.-WWCAT- Caah. tea lower; no. 1 nam, si sartfi iw, No. I. 11 BVrTH.um; No. t red. U.M4 1 at No. ft. avw. w41.tm. IX)RN'-wO lower; No. I mixed. S ma; Mo. 3, VH; 3 whlU, Ht !e: No. 1 tec- OATS Unchanged to Ho lower; No. t white. UVrOVSr; No. I mixed. aMMfWHo. I'lnelna price of Mures. WHEAT-May, fl li,fll.olS: July, K t3ss, sellers; Me pt amber, SOSC aeller. CORN May, 71,o bid; July, 3vmo bid; Heptemoar, ante. OATS May, iHc, July. Hc. nvev-sntHSc. iiiYsirona to 11 higher: choice tim othy, tit.VOtJSl.M; choice pralrt. lt.MI ii.oa. mrrTER Creamery. Sc: firsts. Sc second. Me; packing atock. 7JV-. Kikia Kxtraa. 31c: nrete. Lu4 Recelpta. Shipments. Wheat, bu n am m.m Corn, bu ,0O) Oat, bu IKW 130 Mlaaeapalla Cralat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March U-WHKAT-May, H.ssH; July, tl.sTfllJ;!: cash. No. 1 hard. 1.1H: No. 1 northern. 1.S: No, I northern. II ,; No, I, 1.V -LAX-i;.aSH. KAKLKT-drl 3. CORN No. 3 yellow, taffCe. . OAT8-N0. I while, UMaSC. RYB-No. 3. a. HRAN-Is K pound Back. tS.Wf ISM. KLOtnt mint oatents. K.tttK.W: aeo- ond patent. M aVfvt-; first dears, !. lib; second clears, xz.)eoj.i. Mllwaakea brala Market. M1LWAIKKB March li-WHEAT No. I northern. B lft9l.ll: No. 3 northern, ll.Ml.l: No. 3 hard winter. 11.0301. M. May. II sXhn.tSH; July, WHO. CORX-No. I yellow. WHc: No, I whtta. scraHc: No. 3, eHHc: May, 71c; July, HHtflSo. OATH Standard. Mc. BAKLEY Malting. U.31.S Cash quotations were aa followa: FLOt'B-oteady: winter patenta, M OOfl t.W: winter straights. S.t.SB; spring jtent. 4.)feW: spring straights, H M 4.; belters, KTOtHisV RVB-No. 3. SJc. l;ARLr-Keed or mixing. T0Oic; fair no cholc maitinc. U.ltl3. stKI'i-Timothy, Ul.jotjU.M. clever, lii.tr m. PRoVlKIONB-Ui.CC 14.43. Lard, (la tierces). TTH- SHORT RIBit-fLooas) tt7,. Total clearancea of wheat and flour ara equal te Zt.eu bu. Primary receipts ner Mt.M bu., compared with SMt.a) bu: the corresponding day a year ago. Eatl icated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 43 cars: corn, 4S car; oata, 14t ear; bog. :;.tm head. Chicago Caah Prcew-Ne. i red. 31 43HS I.M: No. 3 rod. aHcvl.t(H: No, 1 hard. l.iS,l.0H; N. I hard. C.tbtl.ct; No, 1 aorthem, fl.UOl.lI: No. I northern. fi.wVol.ll; No. 3 nortnern, tl-OWli el, No. : spi.ng. Illfrl.l:: No. 3 prtng. tectl il.au: No, 4 spring. WcffXi 7; velvet chaff, : ictfil.; durum, tOc4ji.7. Corn: No. 3, .-.ir.vc: No. 3 white. 4ttc; No. 3 yei low. .'4rrsc; No 1. VhsV; No. 4 white, uttu: No. 4 yellow, sirslc Oat: No. ! whit!. U&c; No. 3. Wc; No. I v h;;e. c. No. i whit, itfauic; ataad sid. 'tJVc. !l: e: No. Z. Kr. BarleT. Scejtl Jt. Tlm-t-Ui.r seed. tlWutfH- Clover seed, tu.t i- . ht TTKfl-Bteady; crosroerlca, iMSc; ,atrlea. Uvl'Cc. jmia-tMt : rtce.ots. TCO ease; at raea Included, l01Hc; ordinary fjsia ?; Prsts. 1V-CriELaE-Bteady; dalsie. ITHeisr: tains. i.tlTc; votihf Americas, usrft iir- ter.e borne, !TH41C. POTATOtlS-Easler; receipt M ears V. isconsin. tl lHil-C. Mlcnxa aad Min nesota, si.jeeu.a. POt' LT R Y Weak : turkey, hve. je: irnwo. i-;c. cnicKert, auva, ic: Jjc: a-.irings. irve, lie: dreaaed. He. VKAL-eiieadj. ,'Ue. SIOCKS AD BOM1'. Review t Operatloas (toek. Ei rkaaare DartaaT the Day-. NEW YORK. March 13 Early activity oa the stock market today aa ascribed to moderately largo buy In for lmdon. l-m MUnim huMi nreaumablv on hope of a satisfactory outcome of the coal sinks, prevailed. American Sugars r'a followed rumors that the company would soon issue its first detailed annual report and that the showing would be sat isfactory. International Harvester roe to the accompaniment of further rumors of voluntary dissolution. Before noon selling for profile had cancelled no small part of the tains In United elate Steel, Union Pacific and Lehigh Valley and Reading. Bond aier ateady. tnder- ground Railways of Londoa incomes rose point. Prices hardened on Wall street gup part and the close wa atoatly. fMcideH etreneth and activity marked the opening dealings on the stock ex change today. All the active Issues made substantial gains st the outset, and tneae were soon extended to a point In I'nlted Pacific and Louisville Neahvllle, United States 8eel came out tn fairly large blocks and soon gained . Lehigh Valley. Reading. Erie first and second preferred, the copper share and American amclt liic all made eubetanilal gains, npaculatlon became broader and stronger. Many of the favorite stock. Including union Paciric. lenign veiiej. United 8 tales steel. Amalgamated Copper and American Smelting, ruled a point over veeterdav'a eloatne. There were ad vance of between 1 to t points In a lung list of Iras active Issues. American To bacco and Lortllard gained i points. American Suarar gained X, reflerUn.' apparently little concern aa to the out come of the government inveatlgallon of th company. Solution of the four-point na in Ameri can dugar waa found In the publication of the company's annual report for 1911, hlro ahowed prunt ot over iit,vwvu aa against lea than half that amount In il. American Beet sugar. America cot ton Reed Oil. Consolidated Gas, American Telephone and Central Leather were conspicuous in toe rise alter mioaay. Pittsburgh f oal broke zh ana ouierai Motors 3 polnie. . The market closed Heavy. The ton was hesitating In (he laat hour, when It be came known that the anthracite coal ownera had formally rejected the de mands of the miners. Reading and Le high Valley were heavy and I niteu Stales steel fell 10 the low point of the day. A rlae of 4U points In Central Leather pre ferred and a decline of 7 points In Amer ican Tobacco war Indicative of the 111 conflicting movements. Number 01 aalea ana leading Quotations on stocks today were as follow: Bslaa Hir. Le. Close. SIMs-Oulei.rs M SO 4t 4H awsifssisies ueeeer ... zo.tvs Amsrtosa Airieehsrsl ... l.MS ASMrfeta be ger... I ."! Aieertrea CSS 1SSU Awertcss C. 13 Aw. twin ml l a Aswriou H. a u sal., v-m los Bscarltles tst 'it St M'S tea as UH si 3 a i. . a a h la. a A R. M Aw. Stew. reun4rts.. la iur lunslas... t. a t f 1I0 71 " Ml n i tt 1i1 ltt! rt in't ". Asacesea aualsg Us Atckwa AUklwa M AllaslM CSeat Lisa eliiwoni A Oku mekaw Meet snMlia Raaie Tr. tasssiat rwins tWtml Lesilwr Ostral Lsuher r'4 dseutl at Nee Jener,.. eseske m OSis tMsas A Aiwa Ckhaas O. w., as tsikaae O. W. M CUMase A at. W rtiaex m as. r a. a. c. s k it. CWlenule F. A I cetenule A aeetasrs Ceesslisaie oea Oors rveSwits Delawsre A Hsass,,,,.. fwsw A Rt brass.... d. a m. o m DiMiitars' erarnlet .... CrM ns 1 Vtt gtle M X Ueowsi KMrls . ....... Urau NerUnes at Onwl Nsrthers Ore sttl., llllnels OMiisI latenweMta Mat later. Met pf uiterasiiessl Hsrvsstsr.. Islw-MsTtse f4 Isieresuenel raeer SS M H't ns IStlt Wl, ew n U4 ' las J e iws let m ii'. mi istv Id 2S lt T.M 1ft S 1,14 PUS 1H lfclt it ill's lei's ism MS IKS UU't ltd LW Mk M't laili ts tot It t IS, I MS Hit SIS &l I. stt n ' it. t.is ttlt st lilt nt teas iMi it tut ii Its IIS IIH M its n t a MS 1 lwlt lSMt MSI 11 ISIS 1STS H Jt SM 41 41 43 l ea MiH S w to u n ns MS !7ti4 utit I4t let It a sS 4t tst ' w. t U.M S4V, SH ll't t US US M us tf 4114 U 4.1, l.m wis, leek lets LtM lU iut it:S ta as 10 imt Ut'4, l; ttet its us is Lies eat I.MS III lo Its tili IHS U'S "S IS t sts w , si lets ksst IMS IMS lMtt s 7tt IBIS IB tst a a It 41 44U, "iai ls CSalral lim Clir saataars.... k. O. s. tt Usslats Oam loslstlll A hssavills.,. Miss. A M. Lsms. ti . at r A a k... Mlawsrt, K A T U . K A T. M Mlamrl Ferine X.1 BlKUtt Nstlml las W U', UH S B B ml St. M Sft.. H llw tIS Vm Yerk Cwilral. I.M lit US HIS Nwtslk A Wasasra...... is Ms las la Nortk AsMThaa I.sw s ttu, ri, rlanbsrs Pscins . liau lilt Fsclrw Mall s US US reaswlvsai .! 3Sl S IS Fsssls s Oss t MtH MSS rs F. u, C. A at. L Flltalartti Oatl M II II Fwaa4 Msel Car IN K'i Il't Pal I ism Pslses Cat KaiL.r gtesl ". nli twllal tttst IMS IMS RepuMIs gusl 9S U' I1 FUeuMIe uwl rli... 714 Reck Isles Oa MS Reck bised r. ttl. sat tiit St. U A I. r t . 'S Lsals w im M. b W. N lesefriel4 A At Ferine las Raileay ...... 4t its a Rallwer s " 7S Twine ii cesser I Tesss A Fsctr T., st. b A f T., St. 1 SI W. SMS-..., ... t'arte Faeltit tl Calse Perltle s'4 falls Slatas Resn. t'sltet States RtiStaw..,, 4 tslta sums atssl II V. A Steel I4 PklUdelpbU Fratsri Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 13. BITTER Cncnansed. EtHla tUeady; Pennsylvania and other nearby tints, tree case ava per esse; current recelpta. free cases, K3 par case; western ftrste. free cases. It s per case: current recelpta, free cases, M .3 per case. CHEEWE Finn; Nw York, full creams, fancy, IK; fair to good. U'.tltA.c. Peoria rala Maekel. PEORIA. 1U-. March U. CORN Lower, No. I yellow. Hc: No. 4 yellow, tc; No. I mixed. Hc; No. 4 mixed, sac. OATS Steady: No. i white, SiHo: stand ard. H'.c; No. I Ball, 3Sc: No. 4 whit. s2Hc . .. . Evaporated Apple aad Dried Prwlta NEW YORK. March U.FTVAPO RATED APPLCS-wteady, with small offer of good grade; on the spot, fancy, somic; choice. taisHc: prima, Tv,tjc DRIED PKI'ITb Prunea dull and easy In lympathy wtth th market on th coast; quotations ran front 4Sc to lie for Callfortilaa up to AVtas and 3HUe for oretrona. Apricota, ouiet and steady: chotro. lWttflf.c; extra choice, lei4.c; fancy, tV6l7'o. Peacnea, lesa actlv. with price nominally unchanged: choice, WMiloSc; extra choice, uauw:; fancy UH7l3c Raisins, ateady. with a little more buamess doing; m some departments, leoee muecatela, fiaiSc: cbotoe to fancy eeeded. StYTHc: seed leas, eH9'c Lotv don layers. Lut1.4k ' t,leeraww brain Market. , LIVERPOOL, March tl-WHEAT-;. mmsnal: futures, steadv: March, as .v: May, 7s s'fV. July. : d. C'OKN-epoi, xtdy; AnnmcAB Buxad 'f Tarpeatlae sat Maaiaa. SAVANNAH. Oa, March . TTRPKV TINB-rlrm: tsc: aalea. let bbla.; re celpts. Kt bbla: shipment. 3 bbis atoeka 3t9 bbla Rotjixrinn; aaleA 47 bbla.: receipts. mi bote.: shipments. 33 bols : atoca. 1.- 9K4 bbis. Quotes B B lu: o. Btat; K. BA.t: r. a. 34.KH: h. .-. L .: k. r taar;.!: m. r.s; n, : ; w. g $:.; w. w C.tll . ' . . Ksisr Market, ' , , ' NEW TORK. March li StGAA-Raw Boeninal: muacovada. S teat, 4Jle: centrv. fugat, s teat. 4. sic; mo i sees. test. tetc; rafiaed. aasj'. . . . as KS ist" MS "; sa 71'i OS 11 IMS !S 5S an i:S 4 1 as its MS IIS iS S3 MS S lj IIS "s III Cee 1st ref. 4s. ttusti Fsc. cv. Is.... TS Ister. Met. ma. tS,Fajusa is Isl'a Bis. eiotteres. Loedea block Market LONDON, March 13 American securi ties onened around parity ana improvea on fair buying. At noon the market waa tteady with price ranging from un changed to s higher than yesterday's New York closing. London cloning stocic quotations: Cossets, wasar .... 74 toiiisvllle A KsBlL.ltl d sccsetit ;i.Mo.. Kss. A Tax.. 9 Aenal. Copar ,3SNew York Cstiml..lU Anscoees ',.Velk A ll.hlM 103S SS frfd . to pet letSOaurH, ft w. Baltlmors A nis..ls PeBasrloi .. Canstus Fscltlr ..:SRse4 Mises .. (1wH.ii A Okie. Tiwheserng Obi. Great Westers. USSoetkere Rr .. Co.. Mil a St. p.nts a pM D Bears ltlasovtkera Fscifie Desver A Rie Q.... llUnioa Faeifie . 4e pf4 cn pre 111S si 1S ... as 4 ... . ... s ... 71 , ...n:, ...i-k ... ts ... 47 ...111 ... 71, ... 11 Erie Slit-. A steal.. So fat S4 tl 4e s'4 .... 4e ii M WtWsbssit .... Crsn Trunk 24S 4e efd ... IlllBott tntrsl ....IS SILVER Bar, steady at X li-lSd per ounce. MoNET 33li per cent. The rate of discount in the open mar ket for short bills Is SSSr", per cent; for three month' bills. 3 t-KtjMts per cent fleetee Stack Market. BOSTON. March 13. Cloemi quolations en dock were follow: AlioUSS Amsl. Caseer . k A .-., Arlsosa Cum. ... A C C. A . "al. A Aiin Wl. ti). ... tewMoksrk .... II Neds On. . .... Nltlmnx Mists .... tHN'Artk Butts ... M. IWVonk laks .... .... 41 Old DooUbmb . ft Hoc Is. H CMueola inlal ISHOQalncy Ksnte C. C... MMIksnnoa Balls tt M... i:saserler .. truklla ltitSuperior ARM. lllroex Con 4.Trorsr;k uraabr Con 4SHI. S. R. A M hue itorsls Capper. 7S 4e p'4 lake T7l Uh Cjw. Ike Ceeper 1 15-UTUk Csppsr Co. aalla coster ssi.aisons Misial Cepper 'tWslrsrtss Bilrlsen. ... !si ... US ... ts ... ns ... ts ... us ...in ... MS, ... lilt ... 17 ... 't .11 .lUli ! 0MAM LIYEJTOCK MARKET j Ellin Cattle Generally Tea Centi Higber Than Tnesday. HOGS STEONG TO FIVE HIGEES Fat. Sheep aad Lasaba Ten Ceats Lower Ikaa Toeeday aad Trade oa All Klads la " Rather Qalet. SOUTH OMAHA, March U, Ull Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday .) ? Official Tuesday 3.173 lv. 3.49J Eatlmate Wedncsdas'.. , I: Three days I'nis weeklifttt Same day last weeX..lAt5a Same days 2 weeks ago 11.1U7 Same dsvs 'i a'eeka ai;o 14.19 riame daj's 4 weeks atf o lCrj Same dais last yeAr.,..i:,Sk The foUowlns; table shows tU receipts of cattle, hog at,J sheep at Boutu Omatia for th year to list a compared with last year: - Mil lilt. Inc. Dec. Cattle 8.te4 216.123 t.l Hoga S2S,lk7l Blieep 4u.ll SSl,lu9 4s,7! The following tablo eboas the rsng of prices paid for hoga at south Omaha for the last few da.vs. wlih comparisons: Neve Vark Mlslsg stocks. NEW YORK. March 13. -Closing quota tion on mining storks were: Alio 7St IJttle Chief . Brunswick Cos 4 Msaiesa Com. Tonne! stock.. II Ontario le bosds :? nriMr Cos. CSI. A Vs 7t optiKU-j .... Iroa alitor 134 Yellow Jacket ouast.llle Cee. 1 utfores. .. I ...MS ..lot ..It ... a Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March U.-Bank clearlnca for today wera K.U.V4.W and for the eor reepondlng day last year, t'.JSIJOl.tS. Coffee Maekel. NTW TORK. March 13.-COFPEE Fu ture market opened steady at a decline of Itfl point oh near months, supposed to be Influenced by scattering nnutuatton. while later deliveries were 1IK1 points higher on scattered covering aiul reports of continued firmness In the primary market. The close waa ateady, net un changed to 4 point lower, near month being relatively easy, (tales wera 6J,7oO bags. March 13.28c; April, 1132c; May, is.asc; June. U.3tc; July, 13.43c: August, 13.43c: September, 13.Uc: October, Hole; November, 13ttc: December, 13.47c; Jan uary. 1144c; February, 11.42c. Havre was unchanged to ty f. lower. Hamburg was unchanged In S Pfg. higher. Klo waa unchanged at klTis; 6amos unchanged. 4s. sxeai: 7s, "IDiiu. Receipt at the two Bnulllan port were 33.0W bags, against 6.nt) bag last year. Jundlahy reports 9.U0O batia, against 103 baga last year. Rain waa reported In all but one district of Sao Paulo. New York warehouse de- Hvertes yesterday were 7,310 bags, against 1,703 bags last year. Today's special ca ble reported 4s unchanged and Mao Paulo receipts ,nw bags, against 12,090 bag yesterday, trpot corree. ateady; mo no, 7, 14Hc; rJanto. -No. 4, liHc; mild, quiet; Cordova, lettlgc, nominal. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 11 METALS Htandard cooper, firm: soot. 14.3014.o7H: March, l4.3ut14.X: April and May, llt.l'H WI4.37H: June and July, llCCHW ll.to. Lon don market firm; spot. tb Is 3d; fu ture. U it 3d. Arrival reported at New York today were 236 ton. Custom houss returns show export ot 11,470 ton so fr this month. Lake copper, lU.iAc 14.76: electrolytic, M4.oubi14.ksw casting, 13.7Hil13H. Tin. eaey; spot, ." 42.2s: March. Ml.841s0: April, M1.409 42M; May, MlSJt41.7: June. MS.i64LjU; July, i0Sutytl.3&. London market easy: spot, tl (a: future. Cltt 6s. Lead, quiet; M.C0&4.10, New York; MI04J87H. iaurt St. Louis. London market quoted at U 17s d. Rnelter. steady: MtOtn.10, New York: 3SJ0i.W, East St. Louis. Lon don market quoted at 3t Has. ..ntiniony quiet: Cookson', 3739. Iron. Cleveland warrants, bo id In London. Locally Iron wa ateady: No. 1 foundry, northern, 14.;541 ; No. 1 tl4.Sei4.7t; No. I south ern and No. 1 southern, soft IH.754J15S6. e)T. LOUIH, March 11 METALS-Lead, aeady at M-Ot. Spelter, itrong at te.909 S.H3H. 31.M1 4i.2ra a.sio 36.S14 4V.iJi W.oi W.0S0 3i.l 11.IIS Se,o4 Date. 19U. lU.191O.ilua.l!IUI 190'.lli'. M en 4. M'ch I. M ch. A M'cil 7. M'ch M'ch 3. t El t SZi sni ( 4 37SI SI C 31 an 60! i 2l i aw 3j lblWi-)j JH Mi 3 ki lli 7 E t 721 S3 711 9) t (IS ?Ji A is! u t S3j ii f 741 ! ".SI 48 W 96 it 68 4 kiv;. uH I f'2i (ft t 3 Wei, Hi 4 M Is St 10 ?I, 4 4 4 341 7.-1 M'eh t t 474 110 37 f 4S 4 o s w , M'ch 13 j. IS t47 4 37ts!lZ but the trade as a whole showed mod erate declines front yesterdays high levels. Most offerings tn both of the leading branches of the market had tn move In quiet fashion at figures about a dime lower. Receipts wera not as large as yester day and quality was not quite so at tractive, although there were several strings of toppy stock Included in the run. Lambs were more plentiful than sheep and good ewes were especially scarce, nothlni? on this order showing up In time for the early resdon. Tne yard estimate called for a total of head, everything except one of two shipments cr mi'iut ia the fleece. Packers favored hlxh-frrade fed stock from the start and wore Inclined to avoid the near-feeder classes for the first time In several weeks. Best lambs on sale, the Javenworth Mexicans, brought JT.tJ while fairly pood westerns cleared around S.7or85. Plain to common varieties ranged from 36.30 downward, but there was practically no buslnesa in cooled good below the 38.09 mark. Extra cood shorn lambs acted creditably at 35.31. Ewe tlial were nothing to bruB noo'Jt changed hand at Hft and less, indicat ing a quotable limit of I5.10tf5.i5. Weth er met with a healthy demand, some toppy 120-poundera bringing 3.4o. anile yearlings with quality and liandy-weight usually brought fair premiums over good wethers. Feeder trade had a little nr.ore volume than usual, owing to th more fastidious attitude of packern, bat the country de mand was none the leas limited. The mar ket showed no price change of conse quence, two day' shipments not exceed ing iiut head. Quotstlons on sheep and lsmbs: Lambs, good to choice, S. 75-67.15: lambs, fair to good. :.'ui.75; yearlings, good to choice. fi.0Hit.0l): yearlings. . fair to good, 35. 4 tj 5.1x1; uethrra. good to choice, 35.254x5.50: wether, fair to good. 35.0010.25; ewes, good to choice, 34.&a.lsi ewes, fair to kood. H.&4.lb. COUNTY NEEDS MORE MONEY , - . Additional Funds Heeded to Coin1 plete lew Court Home. THunns it rrjBDs a wax out CeoBSaieeloaere rlaa la Let tke 4rad lag aad Appreeicbea 5a ITBYtil ' ' Tlxae Wkea Mare . - Is Available. Sunday. tlecelnte and dlsrjo&itlon of live stock At tha Union block Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-tour hours tutting at p. in-, yesterday: : . . 11UCK1PT8-CAI13. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C, M. aV St. V It 11 -- 1 Wabash i;. It 3 Missouri Pacific... 3 1 Union Pacitlc SS S ' C. ti N. W., east... 5ti t s 1 C. St. Y. M. ii O.... 63 il ' .. C. B. U., east.... 6 IS 3 C. B. W . west.. 33 31 3 C. R. I. A P.. east.. 4 Illinois Central.... 1 8 .. 1 c. a. w .s jt ji Total receipts.. 304 2W ' 9t 11 DISPOfJITluN-HEAD, Cattle. Hobs. 6beep. Omaha Packing Co..,. W l.aa 1.433 8wlft A Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Schwarts & Co........ Murphy Morrell Sinclair Hill A (-on F, B. Lewis J. B. lluot A Co J. H. Bulla L. P. Huas "L.v Wolf MoCreary . Kellogg. Werthelmer A Degcn. Mo. Kans.-Calf Co... Clin A Christie Other buyers .1.105 1 231 . MM 41 lit 133 17 48 S4 a u 1 s C4 353 2.74t 1104 S.Sli . i.VS lit) .m 5'JO 1M, 387 II Tt 41 WS i MS 7 S 71 S 1I7S S s ItAk Oassar Va -carouse casatiasi .. Wskask st Wasters tlarrlsit Wtstlatkoeoe Klsctrts i;sia WMoliB A b B Uahlsk Vsiloy ones Caeeer Rar Ooaoeltaats Asaertasa Tobsose Total as loa ear ta sy. 11 MS 1IH lit 5TS S7 U't MS 7 7 "wi "ii'i MS I't IW M t so ts l ast lMlo Kt SS M KS tM ns i't l.ttO 100 BU 1)4. est taares. ns S lie M;t '. 4'. US H IIS US 11 S tr 1U . Keao York Master Market. ' NEW YORK, March U-MON'ET On call, flrmer. HH Pr cent: ruling rate. Stt per cent; closing im, s per ceni; oi i.m4 at xH ner cent. timb LOANS-Stead-; sixty dyt. 3 ner cent: ninety dsys. Pi per cent; six n.n. slA ner eent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKR-44 Iteri1iNO EXCHANOK-Sieady. wltb actual buainee In bankers' bills at 34.M for slxty-dsy kills and at 34.172 for do- TfTviMERClAL BILLA-MJSH. SILVER Bar, it He; Mexlcaa dollars, 47c. BONDS-Gtn-eraBMat. steady: railroad. Clostmr qooUlloa aa boo a today war as follow; G A rat. at, re.. W'it. M. M. ISs.. S at oSsa ...V-.. SJsssa 4s til, B. A MTrsg " tS a i iMtsa c as. lot la... St c g. ro IUSU 3. eob. ts ttu... ass e uiaaaw 11SU m . sat ta... as .iuwwi. tst ts... VX K. A T. tst ta at ur. At as. -W s r - '4 t a T ov. ts..li".wo Fsrtn to ns Am. Tesseoa ts- k B B f M 4S SIS a, to is. T. a t fts... rs otrww A C t'ss. Vok . M't A0.S1O0 . 4a.... ISSN. T N. B, A H as ov. ta v. ta o ev. ts tss ex. ft w. lot a tv Its A C b tot ....-tS SO cr. 4s. 1SH, S.I. A Okas as. stVhe. Pketn 4a sK a ih us e ta ss 1 w. ihs. ti ,o a b rtt. ... ks Brass- Tr. e. s... ssvrawa. .. s ttu,.. kh . ml Os. ka.....S eaa. w... wtit (Sa. lastkor Is tl Raatn sa. as nt o. w S- 1. s Is tSS b A A P. ft, 4S t4 TM A Okie M-H to se. 4 n eo ev. 4S. k I, t t c. 40-. tl, ocuto A A S- ss s pa got Is..... W c a a o t. "' a. b sj. to ... n4 . ess. 4s tt , Pse. 4s.... tiS rv M. A A F. A tt 1 w ev. ts. tt sc. ft L A F. a tl s let ref. to. ti t, rqt . stsss. kinnr is. 1st orwax ! "s 'S Okie. Mia. ta BSraija PatMc ta....tss c A A r. A a 4SS "t e. 4s. S, 9 13. v S A ht ear, te... BH aon. A IC A. - f . Bettor fc... 0Ju 4e ref. to U'-r stool U to .. tel reuilors Is ..... "v "sr. Cxeei. is.. .Its to . L aa.. ....... 7sa,rokaw m ts. lerii as son. to. ; o lot a ss. ta... a ac k ser. A. s:v.woHrs MA to.,... tl o mm B aSWoat Vise, ev to.. Oea. Bos. V. la.. .150 Csausl ta Dry tode Market. NEW YORK. March 11 DRY GOODS Staple prints have been advanced to a basis of 5c for Americans. Other ad vene made during the day were av per cent on American flannel and He a yard on cambric. Th cotton goods market rule strong and active. Jobber pj retailers reoort an Improving trade. Worsted yarn are held good. Net good ahow B steady Improvement In demand. OMAHA UfcTV KHAL MARKET. ' BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. carton. 3Jc; No. I. In BO-ib. tub, tic; -o. i. ac, pacaupg. 31c. CHEESE-Imported Swiss, SJc; Amer ican Swiss, : block Swiss, 31c; twins, 31c: dslalcs, 1.1c; triplets, 31o; young Americas, tic: blue label brick, SJc; liru berger, i-lb., 20r; 1-lb., Ho. BtK" CUT PRlCES-BJb. N'O. L 17c: u A ue: No. 1 i;,c Loins. No, L lsHc; No. 1 Wc; No, 3, 14c Chuck. No. L tc; No. 1 7So, No. 1 Hc Round. No, t. IftHc: No. 3, wc; no. s, c. riatas, No, 1, Hn; Na. 1 Hc: No. 1 tc , BIBA-No. i. 17Hc; No.. 1 14c; No. 1 LOlis; ro.-e, jsc; r.w. s. urtc; io. t, c. CHUCKB No. I, 3c; No. i ;.c; No. S. ... . . ...... ... HOUfiUO CO. a, , ftw. iir jc , io. p'lATES No. 1. tic: No. 1 tPic; No. tiara tireon ,wc, . ,v, "io. 10c: pike. 7c; trout, UtJlJc; lama crapplea, 127J Uc: Spanlh mackerel, 7c; eel, lie; h.Hncka lsc: flounder. 13c: green eat. fleli. 16c: roe shad, 11 each; shad roe, per pair, Mc; salmon. Wc; halibut, lsc; y. low perch, so; burraio, sc; omineada. He POULTRY Broile is, Ie-U0w7j0 per do.; springs, Uc: bent, 16c: cocks. 10c; ducks, U42Uc: geese, lie : turkeys. 2c; ducks, per dot.. II ' Alive, broilers. 12c; hene. He: otd roosters and stags. 6c; old ducks, full feathered, 71c; geese, fuu feathered, tec: turkeya, 14c; guinea fowls. t5c each; pigeon, per do.. aWc; homer, per dot.. II. at); qusb, No. L 1150; No. S. 60c. ' MIrKTLI-ANKOUa Almoruis: Tarra. Kona, par lo UHc; In ack lot, lo lesa. Peanute: Roasted. In aack lota, per lb, 71tc, roasted, leas than aack lots, per lb. Ic; raw, par lb., tc. Paeans: Lars;, per lb., 17c: In sack lot. Ic lesa Walnuta: New crop. UH. California, per lb., 17c; In eack lots, le tea. Cider: New Ne pawka. per I5-gal. H-bbls . 11 e; par -gsL bM.. 35.10: New York Mott't. per 1&. gaL H-bM.. Hit: per 30-gai. bbL. Msk CatTkiw Martiet. NEW YORK. March 11-COTTON-Spot closed ouiet points higher: mid dling uplands. 10.70c; middling gulf, ttXavc; sales. 303 bales. Wool Market. ST. I.OL'18. March a-WOOL-Steady; terrllory end western mediums lotjiic; tine mediums, litjllc; fine. Mi5c. Rrflaed Basar Is aeiseM, NEW YORK. March 11 All trades of refined sugar were lowered today Mc per MM pound. Total 4 911 11K70 IMS CATTLE Receipts of cattle were fair thl morning, a few over 20 cars being reported In. Th total for tha three day this week fool up UK head, being A gaun Of about 1400 head over th same day of laat weak, but still lighter titan th average for recent week and lighter than a year ago by over I.OOJ head. Th demand for doslrable fat cattle was very good thai morning and buyer wr out In the yard In good season. The trade became active and everything that could be classed a desiraDl sold very readtlv at prices that war safely 10 higher than yesterday. In some case salesmen thought that they got prices that wr lOtjijc higher. Cow and htfer went alio In actlv damand, they, too, selling At an advance of 10c, with torn salesmen calling tt 109 lac higher. There wr hardly enough stockers or feeder In sight to make a market, but anything at all desirable along that line commanded good, strong prices. Vluotatione on cattle: Uood to choice beef steers. 36.76ifrs.Ot; fair to good beef steers, Kj.ti-o; common to fair beef steers, 35.50o4.X; good to choice heifers, M i'ul.: aood to choice cow. M 75-M..50; fair to good cow. X4.O0tJ4.75i common to fair cows, IS. 764 4.00; good to choice Block ers and feeders. 6.uti.: fair to good lockers and feeder. M. 7686. 50; common to fair Mocker and feeder. M 0US4.7i; stock heifers, ROutjlOO; veal calve. Hot tS.oi; bulls, stags, etc., ejt.!M. lleprewntatlv sales: Ns. U.... 11.... St.... 11.... I. ... 44... II. ... 11.... II.,.. 21.... Jt... 4.... 14... II..., It...'. It..., No. 41.... -v.... it.... Fr. 11.1 IU U(t I u , u;i i u .i:w its si... tin in M 151 7 N '- Bit 7 t SI ..lilt 7 it It 1111 1 Ii 7 lilt 7 U 17 11. i 7 1. 11 7 So : i;ti 7 : ism 7 1 Uu 7 H No, 78 fed ewes ?7 fed lambs ...... fed ewes 24 spring lambs .. 195 fed wethers 126 fed lambs 144 Mexican lambs 30 shorn lambs . .. 207 fed lambs 270 fed lambs 3M fed lamb 226 fed lambs 2S& fed lambs 359 fed lambs . K . si ...83 . . S) ..12 .. T4 , TO . S3 . 8 Prlca, 460 . 650 4 56 1 60 5 46 75 7 15 6 Su 6 90 7 10 7 10 c eo 75 95 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Deaoaad for tattle Steady .Ho; lllsken Skecp . CHICAGO. March 13. CATTL13 Re ceipt 8. 11500 head; market steady; beeves, li.OtrljS.SO; Texas steers. 14.7i4j.OJ: west ern stoent, li.10tJ7.00; Blocker and feeders. M.ioi.i: cows ana neirers, i.A,ww, calves. f,.7Cv8.2i. HOGS-Eecelpls. S2.6S0 head: market 10 6150 up: light. r 703f.9;H; mixed. M.70& 7.05; heavy, W.77.10; rougli, W.70ft).a; pigs. 35.(Xki.45: bulk of sales, to'.9oW.0- SHBKI' Anil UAJiBS KeceiPts. .w head; market weak; natives, 33.7ttff5.09; westerns, M.2i8S.; yearlings, 3S.tXt.!0; native lambs, ko.xa', .uu, wcsiern lamuo. k,. 7587.50. Kansas City l.m Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March ll-CATTLK-Recelpts, 5.400 head. Includliur 3M south erns: market ateady to lvc nmner; dressed beef and export steers. 7.3ti.so; fa r lo aood. BS.uusw.2i: western steers. 36.75t97.60; stockers and feeders, M MUASo; southern steers. fcof.36; southern cows, 33.ZWe6.75: native cows. il'&ji&OO: native heifers. M.eots7.00: bulla, icoooo.au; calves. lt.60o.2S. tiouo Keceipta. t.uw neao; marxex wo to 16c higher; bulk of aalea, t6.5Mi4.S5; heavv. 90: osckers snd butchers. M.70il: llirhls. t6.5(rfS.7S: dIks, li.3yi6.7. SHUEP AMI bAMBB KeueiPlS. 1X.W head; market strong; lamb. 35. 754)7. le; vearllnss. 35.00lSO.00: wether. 34.60in6.60: ewes, 34.v0i.16; stockers and feeders, SS.0O STt.W, ' St. I.eala live Stock Market. ST. LOl'IS, March 11-CATTLB-Bo-celpts, 1903 head, Including 500 Tenuis; market, 10c to 15c higher; native shipping and export steers. 37.5ftii.M; dressed and butcher steer. 15.6018. 00; steers under i.ono sounds. 3125H6.76: stockers and feed ers, I126WO0; coas and heifers, txoojf. 7.3e: canners, t.vitjit.w; ouus, x&im.to; ealva. MOOrTltai: Texas and Indian steer. tD.0ov7.00; cows and heifers, 3S.W t)26. HOQS-Recelpts. I.S00 held: msrknt Wc lo 16a higher; pigs and lights, sKOOtjlOO: mixed and butchers, 36.867.1; food heavy. r.OOfW.li. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt A 1403 head; market steady: natlvo mutton. M.OOtjAOl): lamba, 3s.OOtV7.: culls and bucks. 33.15tjAj: stockers. tisOfcluO. Stock la SlBkt. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: . . Cattle. Hoica. Bheep. Sooth Omaha 6.000 15,'0 1600 St. Joseph 1.000 3,51 4.000 Ksnsaa City ..; 10 . 11 000 St. Louis 1900 3 600 1400 Chicago 13.609 32.000 34,000 Tl Oh nnlv about X4C.0W left OUt Of th 1200,000 raised by sale of bona to com- ni.i. end fumtsh the new county btuld- i he xtoard of County Commlssloneri finds Itself In need of about 39,0 addi iin.i vault fixtures will cost At least 130.010. and If the vaults are furntshe-1 as they should be the coat will be Abou'-35,009. Th hoard snent Wednesday wim John Latenser, county building architect, going over plans and specifications for the steel vault fixtures in the hope that they might be changed to reduce the cost, it was found that the cost can be reduced only by sacrificing valuable fixtures. The commissioner believe the work should be done right It tt is done at all And f must be done. Contracts let for furniture. Jail work. carpet, window shades and other Items reduce the $200,000 fund to shout H."" Items yet to be arranged tor and their estimated cost are: Vault fixtures !..!.. w.oo i..... .amiIa. 2ArAk Grading and approaches iaVOO Total 1.J Th nnlv w&v out of the financial diffi culty that the county commissioners have been able to find Is this: Contract for the vault fixtures Bt 340,000. leAvtna; 3S.O0O In the fund. Transfer 315.0OO from th general fund when It is repleted next Au srust. maklrur 321.000 in -the county build ing completion fund. Use this for inter ior decoration and let the matter ot grad ing and approaches wait until mons fuses are available. Preach Aviator Killed by rail. PAL", France, March 11 Lieutenant Henri Paul Tibull Sevelle. an army av iator belonging to the Sixth regiment of African moumea niiea, emeu mww today while making a uigui. re V. HEIFERS. Kt t MS t I 1U 1 t Ittl 7 t... IS... I... 3... ....na i ....19 i tt .... Ill I as ....Mil U tea I !t i tk : na tot : ittt tst I taj its K 14 SI. Jawes Lit Stack Market. T. JOSEPH. Vo.. March 11 CATTLE Receipts. LOW head: market. Mtrtte higher: steers, tt-00e?.0: cows and heif ers. 3t.3sttai.it: calteA 3J0tloi HOOti Receipts. tiuO; market He higher: top, 3&K; bulk of sale. 34(60 4K r-HEKP AND LAMBS Recetpt. 4.IN bead: market, alow: lambs. H00ty7.lt. BVaak Akeeamde Swrse'wdcT. POMONA. Cel.. March 11-Earl Stand ard, formerly bookkeeper of th PI ret National bank of Pomona, front which institution he waa charged wttb bavins; absconded witn nearly xue.w. deted at Inva, CL, last Btgbt and ia Mil br today. A. Ft. IS ItM I tt lets I M Ill I M ... lit I it ..... IM I S lira I M Kt It lttt t t Ittl I 7a 1M t 1M0 M IKI I tt ittl I W ..... aat n nit 1 1. STEbRS AND M II i... 7W I ... tu l aa u... Ci im u... mil COWS. ci in ... rt la itit Its ltw 1 71 m i it 4 III! i li I ....iota I tt 1 list t Si I nil I it t lilt I to COWS AND HEIFERS. n.. ill! I a I HEIFERS. 141 4 tt i: ttt t m it , 14 411 4 74 U M Ik 1 ' BLXLS. I Hit 4 4 IM 4 1 , 1 u t St 1..... IK I It UK I Ot 1 .....113 I 4 ituvktiu a.iu rtuie.nx 2 MS 4 54 I ISt i M II Ill ill HOO.S Seller of hogs encountered a stow demand from packers, due probably to a natural unwillingness to keep up with the pec set by outside buyer. Some early business aa done on ship ping and speculative order at figure 1914c higher, the advance being prompted by bullish advice from elsewhere, but killers refused to enter the market on this basis snd tit trade remained at a atandatlll for an hour or mora. When movement was resumed, price had weak ened to levels merely strong to a nickel up. and cost of larger droves usually reflected this improvement. Receipts were fairly large, amounting to fully 15 tot head, and quality on an average waa reasonably attractive. A good crop of smooth butcher and heavy hogs appeared in the run. but In spite of this (set. th demand during the main session wss unresponsive snd clearance proved late. Best heavy bogs on asle brought li-70, as compared with yesterday's top of 34.C while butchers landed largely within the KSswVtt spread. Bacon welgul ranged at t4i and teas, but very little tuff wa light and poor enough to move below K.30. Totals ,....371000 S.700 42.900 . TM I M . 711 III . 711 I St . Ii I I .Htt i ..UM I M Oaaaha Hay Market. OMAHA, March l!.-HAY-"No. 1, 117.00; No. 1 I1C0O: coarse. 112.00; packing Mock. 38.0OSI.UO; alfalfa, tlt.00. Straw: Wheat. to.50; ry snd oat. II.UBjlsO. 12 Months Service , Drexel's . Diamond "V That is what you get when you buy Drcxel'rj Diamond "T." A shoe for Policemen and Mail Carricm Our customers always get from 12 to 18 months service out of these shoes.. They are double soled to heel double steel . shanks plump, glazed ' kid, kid lined foot form last soles water proof. A $10.00 shoe for $5.00 Drexel Shoe Co 1419 Farnam le. A. s. Fr. Na Sk. Fr. let. u It let i ... a iti ... a ;t it ... 4 . at nt rt tt ... I It 77 M B IM a n ... w 42 :i ... tt it st ... tat tt tn ... to a ju ... to K- :u ... tu ta im ... tt n :J ... t tt j...... at ... i s tj nt ... t tt ..,... r ... t at ...... .frr ... ttt 71 Ct ... I M ti SI ... I C ta n: t t u ti rt ... t e Te. ttt,) ta ... ic .....!. 4 rtt ... lit ....... .b mm .......:: ... ii, ,4. tu t 4 u a m ; sat t ti ti tn to ii s.,...rn ... t t Tt ..... !M ... tM 4..--2t ... 7 4. : 4t .CT FIGS. ... . . ... II 5 "tl Pacific Coast Round Trip Fares Tit Rock hind Lines Sis Frucuci Yuctarer, B. C Ctlilortii TO Im Aifelei Ptrtlni Tit Portlul SuDiei Seattle Ose V)ij FROM 1 DATES OF SALE! BATES OF SALE 874EEP Improvement In sheep and lambs price was not only effectively checked by a generaiif btaxiah demand. Omabi Council Elyffs Lincola Itngl Trip Farts April tr te te. 3CT te S Jaae is Aag. te I Daily Jane 1st to Sept. 30th $55.00 $60.00 Stay lit IT May 17 te IS Jaa3u aa rr U 30 fair I te July 11 to U Ost.ll Oet. 1 t II Daily Jane 1st to Sept DATES OF SALE Asr.tTtsSt) Msyl t.1 AS IB t IT Atay37tett Daily I Joittj 1st ! Ja3t JaaellteM tn , ns ST tM w Jairh't.'iil Sept. j 3h !S?-,?"- 30th lOot-lttell $55.00 $60.00' $70.00 $75.00 Daily StutUrJ ail Tesrisl Pallau 3 1 nice te CilitVi'i Psiati ti'i 5c r sic Cilonit vtth Ckoice ti Twt Rntes. Excellent Senke ti Calibra a PiaU a alt allarJe. ?ia El Pats - Saotkeri Roate. Diflinf Car Serrice all tke Wa; - - 1 ' . ' Low One Way Fares March 1st to April 15th reiFcimaaVsTauMBriiTi J S. McNALLY, D.P.A. 1322 Faraan Strtt