Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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When Our Olympic Team Sails ; on' Its Own Ship r
VC, Rational Ken Ana.
Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman
Changs Are Made in Two First
Positions in Bowling Tournament
Tkims "Jo Wrry A&u".
wat . vvvtv' v irwv shops i 'jrtn 1 hi
l.lsaaa. at ("kins faatrh Tap
I" la re la rive-Mea Teaa. Errata
' frae the faersaaalaa at
i , ran Wsyae.
S CHICAGO. March it-Former national
tampions took the lad m two event!
in lh American Bowling eonireaj tour.
urment todey. With a acore ot tM the
Xipmans of Chlcafo snatched top poet
;tion la the five-men team event from
Ilia Grrmaniaa of Fort Wayne, ind., by
fc marrln of ihre pine, while Larry Sut
ton af Borheater. N. T with a ecore ot
71 put Will Wwert of Toledo la second
plac. Slwert. a former Toledo baaa ball
flayer, bad topped lite alnitea for aaveral
a ita with a acoc of OH. Uoth af the
w leader woa the American Bawling
iosgreaa chasiplonshlpa at , Pittsburg
litre year ago,
Pittsburgh scored heaviest In the tan.
wirn tasks event whsa W. J. Hchad aad
.W. H. Melster hunt ap a acora of 1.171.
TUe aaark laatailed tka pair In third
biace, Hod with Srarelbor aad Bam of
Chios. Tka Pittsburgh ptayera had
Splendid ehaacs to ta Into the lead, but
leister made a mistake oa hht last shot
and drear three "railroad" earlier Nl hi.'
final attack. Peter Howley and Edward
kebmidt af Chkago rolled a II for
tlevcnth plac by dropping 1.1U ptna, tile
second high score of the day.
Luck wa Kith Button from the atari
if eerie, for In tho la-'t gam be hit
jth pin three time In a row for a epar I
count, only to nave the pina topple over
Car a strike. Ha scored K In hla final ;
gam. Hla middle game gava aim Ml j
He started off the aerie with a score of
L. Sutton, Rochester, T..'. , sTI
0. Bears.. Chicago ,
O. Oberg. Rockford. ill....... (.'
J. Deller. Duluth, Minn l
M. fneider, Rochester. N. X an
J Connor, ChMago ras
K. Pundt. Rochester, N. Y 14
T. W'lleon. Chicago ,........3fB
H. Oerslbuen. Hittstiurgh iK
M. Hui-kman. Rochster. N. Y, in
A. Hamea. Rockford, III MJ
M'. Hartley, Mat Liverpool i-i
V. Holley, Chicago
B. Miser. Chicago
B. Tuttle. Chlrago W
O. Halbmg. Chicago....
M. Wetter. Chkago
' ,, Trela Kveata.
W. Bchad
YV. Mriner, Pittsburgh.
P. Holley
B. Dchmldt. Chicago.....
H. D lng
H. tioorbeaor. Rockford
H. Poggenfea
4. Km sit, Chicago
A. Huar .w.,..
(1. Wisdom. Chicago..
R. gumdshl
P. Wilson.- Chicago...
K. Pundt ;
P. Brut. Rocheetar. N. Y
A. Manrrr
K. Klack. Belleville. 111....-..,
U. Buttos ,
M. Kvser. Rorheaur. X. T ...
C. Nelson
A. Selvera. Chicago ,
vt. By
U Thomas. Pittsburgh
l Hopkins
J. We.eH. Chicago
B. M l hie
J. Williama, Kast Liverpool..,
. Wass
si. Mcl'lura, Chi. ago
H. " Iuy.''oreeu''Hay','Vvis!'.!!!
E. barbeau
C. Reinhold. Chicago
R. bergman.... ....i
I, bemet.-ChWaga
M'. Hartley....
. Sailer, tfaat IJvaipMI
v ytTeMsi Teassa.
.Iimians. C'hlciigo
tr'Uearrs. t'hlcago..
i. . . . .
... 4M
... .ail-J.ll
. .HIT
I . -.I J hatUk
. 1 y Backlaa.
I J Ff a h.
VTX Balilk,
I I I 'raest 2 k.
Oeneeeea. ttucheelvr. h. Y
Jamea 1. ill HrrmclH rhloaao..
Purtsniouih car. Pvrtsmautli, U
Loretis No. 1, Chicago.....
Kid Mrhola, Kansas Ctty
Tiie Perils club. Kansas City,....
Bissinys, vieveiana, u
l-exlnglons, Lexington, Ky,
llck el Hros., alaniws Qiy
iMl s Kuperbss. liariun. O...
washltas, vvicidta. kau. ...........
: J
Pre I la.
a av
EVERY one of
these LION
Collars has prov
en a big favorite
with the alert men
of thic Country.
Tb stouo ahown
bore includes Krr of
the msutett and most
popular collar style
ever thown in America.
Each collar ha a
dLUtioct feature of its
own that aaTes too
time and t rootle.
Thete feature are
found excluaivelr in
UON Collars. If you
don't know about the
patented "Lock-that-Locks,"
and "Burton-leas-Back.
the "Slip
Orer" Buttort-bola, and
the "Ewy-TusSlide"
space, go to your good
haberd&aher today and
ask him about UON
Collar. You'll become
a UON enthusiast, too.
2 far 25c . QeauHar tarn
UsehW Skat a Calar Co.
Teach Children
Cafe of Their Bodies
in Kindergarten
Pica for open schools and teaching ot
practical physiology to small children
and a mild wrnaare of the Men and Re.
Ilgwn PorwaM movement ware deHvarad
by Mr. Albert Kdholm of thej health de
partment of the Omaha Woman club
at a masting ot the elub yesterday.
"Let us begin teaching children to care
for themaelvea when they are young,"
said sirs, fcdnoim. 'The earlier they
are taught tb first principles of per
sonal hygiene th better. I don't mean
that education of little children regarding
complex subjects which their Immature
minds cannot grasp should be attempted,
but th simpler truth about the body
and the proper methods for earing tor It
and keeping It In health may be taught
rea to tha kindergarten child. OrsJtne
of school on a bast of health aa well
aa one oa arithmetic and grammar would
result In th making of better clllatni.
Wise apea schools will do much to do
away with wide open towns.
'Those Interested la tha Men and Re
ligion Forward movement and at roller
movement would da practical mission
ary work If they would give leas alien
tlon to dinner for themselves end moni
ta feeding those who are starving sroun I
Mrs. U M. Lord, chairman . ot the
civics committee of tha Mouth Onuha
Arlie s Antics Pay Well
Arlle lthara. suedal bane runnlna . iralnlna ancambment. , dolna ona of his only alves tha baaa runner good counsel.
coach of the New YuK. Ulanls, photo-1 chaructetiatlo stunts. Latham la bacora-lbut lie perpetratea antics that rattle th
graphed at Marlln Spring, Tex.. In to ling a second liughey Jennings. II not) opposing aide.
Basket Ball Girls ,
Strive for Places
Competition for places on the- girls'
elasa basket ball trama at tha Omaha
high school Is eiceedlngly keen and th
vsuibful floor enthusiasts are working
bard to make their raspctlve class
quintets. ' Mm Mary Herbert, asslsunt
physical training Instructors la coach
li the candidate.
A eerie of Interclaas contest to start
next week will be arranged lor the
eophomor. lunkir and senior tire. The
freshmen girls have not taken up the
basket lrt, but ar playing Indoor base
ball Instead,
Following are the junior and sophomore
at-.uada: , .
Juniors ,Vttle Slulr, captain and for
ward: Alice Peter and Carmeilta Jea
Mn, forwanla; Ruth t'omp, Ila Whltely
and tlasrl Leaver! on. gunrite; Laura
Mvere. center. j '"
Pophumoree France Bollard, captain
and forward; Ltillo riamuelson and
Pranc- Wsterman, forwarda; liar bars
Churrhlll and Amy 7achau, guards:
I.ucllc Henchman, center; lu Scheubel,
fecoad center.
PINEHLRST. N. C. March U.-Irvln
Century dub, apok of social condition I a Robeson of the Oak Hill Country
la naulh Omaha and aald titers Is nerd
for more enei gette social settlement work
among packing house employe and their
famine. '
Mr. Hamnet Rees reviewed an artlelt
oa "Bringing Dead Cltle te Lit Through
the Commissi) Pisa of OovwrnaMnt-"
Auditorium Bonds Go
, Over Another Year
club. Rocheatrr. captured the chief
trophy in todav'a rounl of the elxht.
annual eprltg gulf tournament, defeat
ing C. N. Phllltpa of tha Greenwich
Country club, 3 up on tha hum green.
Mr. !:oo-sun rounded out a card af 3 t
tl for bis opponent.
Chbbulnt Beech of Fox IIUI defeated
C. U Becker of Woodland J Jip and 1 to
play for the consolation.
Competition In th vthr principal di
visions and the tna overflow) consola
tion waa keen. W. U Mllllken af In
dianapolis won the second division; W
K, We'ls of Pleub-nvUIk;. the third: t. Jl
Hennetse of Cooprrttwn, th fourth;
1 1 Msbesr
-ect w .'t- 1 'r (
Aa rd. nance providing for submis
sion of a proposition la rot tm.N bonds
for tb purchase of in AwJItonura was p . liaat lh titth. w, a
placed on Hie fy the council la commit-! Rathbone of Detroit, the sixth: Donald
is of tb whole yesterday afternoon, j p.rson ot Younwown. tha aevanth.
" -''" r. t. A. clMibam of Salisbury, the
tb dty attorney ta which h he'd that I ,ighth; F. A. MrUarter of New York, the
mtk. and H. a Wheeler ot tb AUe-
I at n Uas eoald mor than tSDjtm
voted and ealy !, oaala b voted for
that purpos this year.
Kabsak aefesia Mens.
. ALBANY. W. T.. March 12. -A I Kubtak
beat Al Moran. the HttUburait heavy,
weight. In a ten-roond bout her tonight.
Kublak won every sound ky wid msr
gin aad In th eighth the be.l saved
Mona from certain knockout.
Iowa Waseemi
eta Mgna.
Mareb C aarlaii
Eoonvelt Will Preient Ideal on
Begnlation of Big- Buineu.
Colonel Nafca Fifth Trip ta Court
Haass aad A gala Klads Hla Herv.
Ice aa Jaroe Were !et
. Hralrd.
OTfTKR BAY. ' March li-Colonel
Roosevelt's next step In th campaign tor
th . presidential nomination will be i
presentation ot hla views on the regula
tion of "big business," he said today.
The hardships of an old-fashioned cam
paign, with mar meetings, parades and
bran bands, are already confronting
Colonel Roosevelt, but while lie has de
ckled It will Ue accessary for him to
make some speeches he said today he
would make a tew trips as possible.
He had hoped to be abt to establish a
"-art tall" campaign, he said, but argent
requests for speech hav been received
be K In doubt whst to do.
No plana all) be mace until be has
completed hla service as a Juror, th
leimth ot Which I problematical. The
colonel said that at present he had only
two fixed en ss seme tits to speak, at the
neighboring town of Huntington at
Ft. Patrick' dsy dinner and on the bat
tleflrld of Uottyabur; to tha convention
ot the Brotherhood of Locomotive Ka
ihieera on Memorial day.
Colonel Itoo rveit made hla fifth trip to
the courthouse at Mlneota tadsy and
again found that his service as a Juror
would not be required. When be found
that he was free, Colonel Roosevelt mo
torrd oa to New York and spent tb day
at Ms editorial offlc. Ill visitor In
cluded Alexander P .Moore, publisher of
tha Pittsburgh Leader, and Frederick W.
Whltrldxe. president of th Third Avenue
Railway company of Nee York.
The hi member of th South Omaha
Bowling association met at O'Neill'
office yesterday afternoon to arrange
a city tournament ot th South Omaha
bowling team of th Magic City, Park
er and Central Alley league. Tea cap
tain of th varloua team wee present
and th following permanent officer were
Chairman, John Prlggs: aecretary
treasurer, K. C Kohanaky: schedule and
handicap committee, A. Koch. It. A.
Hammond and Jay Lefler: prise com
mittee. Lew Utter. Mike Culkina. Pet
Peterson and John Brlgga
The tournament will be a handicap
affair and will start at I o'clock Monday
night, April 1 All event ar to be
rolled In to evening on th Garlow and
Central alley. - All entree and fee,
which I M cents per man for each event
entered, muat be filed with Secretary
K. C. Kohansky. care ,of Armour and
company. South Omaha, by midnight,
April L Th prises will b numerous.
motsbtsitts or ocsajt stbakxju.
r1 ArrMd. - belles.
New voriK ..t Iml
Ft NT aRCMAxM.fVl.s ''
TSNthlFH ...rttisetrlck
HANDIU1 ...oaissls '
NAM.CS Tseraln. ,
aot'ixiKg fetssssi.
aOTTKItUAkl -Veluini. ,
Kebmkan Addressei Ohio Constitu
tional Convention.
My Jadae Who Waal Be swerved
by Kear af Recall Weald Not
Ba Fit Far lb Place,
COLUMBUS, O.. March li-V'llllm J.
Bryan today gav th Ohio c.'RStltutlonal
convention hla view oa tna making of
th constitution. He spoke In favor of
tb Initiative and th reteradum and tb
recall, saying tha recall I aa volution,
rather than a revolution. Mr. Bryaa aald:
"The only difference betwaea (h recall.
I now proposed, ant. smpeacb.ent at
It ha been employed, I that m Im
peachments the trial la before body of
officials, whll th recall places th de
cision In the hand of th people."
Mr. Bryaa aald there waa no darker
page m our Industrial tit than that
which recorded Indifference to th wel
fare of children "th coining of divi
dends out of childhood, th darkening of
the prospect of a rising generation and
the Impoverishment of poeterlty." ,
In championing th Initiative .and
referendum, Mr. Bonn cl: "Experience
ha ahown that th defect of our gov
ernment ar not In th people them
selves, but in thos who, acting a repre
sentatives ot th people. mbesal power
and turn to their own advantage the au
thority given for th advancement of th
publto welfre.
"Th Initiative and referendum da not
decrease the Importance ot tb legisla
tive bodies, nor do they withiraw au
thority from those who ar e exited te
represent th people: on th contrary,
when th people hav th Initiative and
referendum with which ta protect them
selves, they can safely confer larger
authority upon their repreaentatlv."
Concerning court and recall of judga.
Mr. Bryan aald:
Tb Judge. Ilk vry other officer, is
th eervant of th people and ther I
no reason why h hould b mad In
dependent of a permanent public opinion
upon question fundamental In character.
Th people are much mor apt to aeai
Justly with Judge than they ar to re
ceive Justice at th hand ot Judges, who
distrust th good Intent of th masses.
Th Judge who would be swerved by
tear of a recall would not be fit for tb
plac anyhow. If ther Is any ejueatloa In
which w need rlgia. uncompromising
uprightness It I In th bench and th
recall. Instead of menacing th inde
pendence ot th Judiciary, la more likely
to Improve th character of thos who
occupy Judicial positions.
"With th recall, official term may
with safety be made longer. And speak
ing on tha length of term, th ten
dency Is toward making aa executive in
eligible to re-election. No on can devote
hla ' best en rile to th public It hla
vision I clouded by political aspiration
or hla Judgment perverted by' personal
Referring to taxation, Mr. Bryan aald:
"Th tncom tax la likely t ba em
ployed by th federal government, but
that I no reason why It should not bs
employed In th stata. It I not doubling
taxation to Includ a tax on Income by
both rut and federal enactments."
ROCK ISLAND. I1L. March U.-Illlnoi
capitalists, according to an announce
ment mad hero today, hav taken over
from New York banker th control of
th H 1.000,000 City Railway and Light
company, which operate th public
vtllltie or Rock Island and Molina. III.
and Davenport, In.
Tfl.n-.rm t- Manager Ketaon at
today signed a contract wrtli Manacer
Killer or wiseoewa I or uta lowa-v. m- j
xm.ii gam of Ult The coatast will I
bs ataxed aa aa Iowa field.
' Death trwsa Blawd Fwiaaet
was arevaatad by O. W. Oord. Plunk.
Ma. who bealca hi dangerous wound
with BockUn e Arnica Sahre, Oaly Be.
For sale by Beaton Drue Ca,
ghney Country dub. th tenth.
J. O. Nicholson of Sew Bedford, aad R.
C. Bbaamia of Cehlll. woa th overflow
YORK. Neb.. March Ji t Special. y-
Yrk base ball manager havat algwd
enough playera to Inure thern a selec-
Uoa of so of th best trams lu the State
leagu la 111. Some of the xeea aigned
hav a record second to none ka th west.
' It baa been g!va out t' at York could not
! In f4.u to finance the team, but If
.. Is required tact em a at cam be
I raised. York waa the best city to the
league ta txU and wtll nay ta that cues
Ittle a
Councilman M. T. Fuifkbouser reporbrl
of th conndt Monday afternoon that
lbs special committee a headed, ap
pointed for th purpose of investigating
telephone rates ta Osaka would not ba
able ta report before sixty day. Chair
man Sheldon of tb sonualtta of tha
whole told him ta bring la a for
further tiro. u -
Mr. runkhouser baa submitted ques
tion, to the telephone companies, which
th companies allege win retrain several
week to answer. ; Th quasoon sua
KJtted bat recently, although the In res
titute ha been la progress tor moatha.
covered tha scop f th Inrsstlgxtkm
aa directed by tb council.
Information aa ta tauspbon rat la
other" ell lea bar baaa rscdvad by th
committee. Mr. Funhheoasr sUted to
the rami that tW aWt Sell tb
rpra(aUve of th telephone c
pan lee before th osaualtws aad res. air
tbtxt I ansvnr all aueatlena.
, Gives quick relief from pain. It's an excellent
remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago
and sprains. kjutU svr pi ta swwer.
Mr. J. UDItwooD, at toco Warra Ave.. ChKXfO,
TJL, writes i " I am a piano polisfcer by aaapatioa,
aad sine teat SaC hav saflared with severe pan ta
both shoulders. I could act rest night or day. On
af s friends told me aboat oar aaiment. Three
apphesiions completely cored , ana i am aaeer oe
rMj jaj siaasaaatuaa
Mr. A. J. Nawci. of Oak Hitt, a. writ : "I
i I - nsm
VI eras so I coald aot walk tot a ton tUnc
I even ate srr swaja oa th Soar, bat vwer
knimeM cared ma 1 aaap saw
koaae all th Usm Mid hav 1st others
as k and It cared theen. I sent to
Iroatoa. Cx. the char day and fat
to sot bottle for other people.'
Sh. -wash
i "v- rzr 'i. 4
AtJaaalars, Us. sas.atl.aS
Louis Veilstitch,
Kansas City Bowler,
Makes World's Mark
CHICAGO. March U.-A world' record
tor tournament competition was estab
lished In th American bowline congress
tournament thla afternoon when Louis
Vsllstlch of Kansas City dropped 2SI
pin for a single gam whll competing
In th doable. He clipped the farmer
American, bowling congress record, held
Jointly by Harry Muggley of 8t Paul
and William Miner of Chicago by ona
pin. Vlelstltch played a remarkable
game, falling to strike only In th second
frame. Ha waa paired with "KM"
Nichols, the former Boston National
league pitcher.
Klchots, Brack and Glen Fisher ot
Chicago, scored high gam In th doubles
today, getting l.ltt plna. which put them
In second plac. Vellstltch and .Nichols
cored l.UT. - "
Among th leading scores today In the
two-man matchea were: -Makepeaca-Welslnger.
Kansas City, I.13S; Nichols
Vlelstltch, Kansas City. 1.117: Tralneri
Hoyer. Sioux CHy. 1,137: Orlmm-Mld-daugh.
Wichita, 1.11 ; Laldlow.Rocder.
Kansas Clly, 1,080; Lang-Lorens,- Du
buque, 1.477.
Th stats champion Omaha High srhost
basket ball tlv will clash with th Soutli
Omaha High quintet In their first gam
f 111 Trt-Clty leagu series at th local
"Y" association gymnasium Saturday
evening. .
Coach Joy Clark' bunch of premier
ectieol toesers will end th season with
second gam with th Packers on Marek
8, whlob win . al be Included In th
Trl-Clty league series. : ... '
" .e -at taa 4 MbS Has
rr-e li i rM. IV...
iiT rA?n(iB os burnnucs
TrM Fmm let.
draggle ta sad dssaatasaas avaraa
a at I
a film of mud or
water or greas
between the tire
and the pavement
Cut through and
chm away 'his film
and the nrs wor't
Easier said than
done in tact tht
Diamond safety
treaa lue t'
the only one
that does it.
The Diamond
Safety TreadTire
ii a year-round
tire, greater in
mileage even than
the regular
Diamond Tires. '
At Tow Dalrt ogl
SIS south 30th Street
t all vsrlsilee eared la
' a fw day wtthoat
sat or kssi of thaa. Mo
ay aDlbesocepMdas-
1 the petteal Is eared
Writ or call.
klslkf nashtr tr