Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE:. OMAHA. - "VTEDXESDAY. MARCH -13, 1912.
travel you
are exposed not
only to unusual
temperatures, bat to unusual variations
of temperature.
In and out of trolley cars, in and ont of
railroad trains, in heated hotel bed rooms
and draughty hotel corridors, the body
constantly meets Taring degrees of heat
and cold that are responsible for slight
chills and consequent heavy illness.
Pure Malt Whiskey
takes ia Msxjente anonatf immed-
utdj after a duD, ud without
mends nMeqaeat expsiire
is nraluMe m warding
tm Bool Mat It
Jssf W. ers CoaL
, B1. SlXtST, IBIMI Mtlitl.
Taos. W. Blaeksars for eenrrsee Adv.
. MT ul Qalahy rite Beecher
ftfflltT. 19 Pond, hu filed for eemmls
Mow. I J. Quinsy hu ulna out a
I atlooss TowU IfiselBf Fred Paulson.
sKU Korth Thirtieth strttl. la looking tor
fourtsea blooded chlckcna which. w
'stolen from tho chicken ooof in the back
soyat Wlghlaaiers Meet Kerneline
outli Ke, m will hold an open enter-
talaraant meeting for thslr nembera ai4
Irtends at rratarnltr hall. Nineteenth
aad Harney atreata thla availing-. .
Tmmrn KlaieteT Batoraa ReT. B. B.
A. VcBrlde, former paator of Central
'United Presbyterian church,- now at leav
en worth, Kan., 1 assisting Rev. O. B.
Fisher of Dundee tn a aerlea of evening
Wallace Ifles for Ooauniaatoaar .
Oaorfe O. Wallace has filed hla petition
for commissioner. The lone llat of M
laamea was made up In various sections,
cenststing of business men. lawyers,
nelg hbora. worklngmea, auburbanltea and
Uaeola Wants to Debate Prof. V. a
Hays, principal of the Lincoln High
school, has written the local high school
"0, 1 Can't
Eat a Thing!"
Vou'll Never Say So Again After You
Bead This, and Act on Ik Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets Are the
Opes Secret.
Trial Vaokara Seat Tree Te Prsve It,
Thousands of people who hadn't really
enjoyed a meal for years have given
their stomach a new lease on Ufa
through the little wonder-workers, 8tu
rt'a Dyspepsia Tablets. They promptly
pot an end to flatulency, - heartburn.
Store It's oc, sad Thla Maa Kates te
Thlak of X,aaea. If Xe'a Only Take
naarfa Bywpepala Zaslets Ba Woom
Always Ba Sappy at stealtima,
dlsxineaa, sick headache, dyspepsia,
burning sensation, brash, fsnuentatloa
ad atiter i'Ja attendant upon a disor
dered alstnech.
Btuart'a Dyspepsia Tsbleta are com
posed of pepaln and other natural ele
ments that help out the gastric Juices
of the atomach. They are Natures di
gestives, the same kind the atomach
uses when !t Is In good health.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not
Merely aid digestion they actually di
gest the food themselves. All the hard
work Is thus taken off the stomach and
It gets a chance to rest snd recuperate.
'The undigested food which formerly
produced nauseating gases In the aton
sxk becomes thoroughly digested and
as a reeult provides new brain and
orawa and nerve cells to replace nat
ural waste always going on.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets art quick
ly, aafsly and naturally. Just like Nature
herself. They are aa essen
(the stock ef every drug store
eld at lee a box. Ton can get a trial
kWM T til ,1 k. nIM.- . -
Stuart Co.. IS gtuart BuUdlng. Mar
ball. Hick.
ntlal part of
torend are
management, stating that the Capital
City school- la desirous of arranging a
debate with the purple and white squad
for some lime In April.
Mother Beks go a Mrs. Betty Cowell
of Boyles Kills, Mo., has written a pa
thetic letter to the police asking thera to
try and locate In this city her W-year-oM
son John, who disappeared from his home
several weeks ago and has not been heard
of or seen by the mother since.
Thieves Xaks Jewelry Baul Thieves
gained entrance to the home of August
Wellen at SOU Webster street whlki Mr.
Wallen was at the theater and stole aver
r worth of Jewelry. The thieves un
locked the front door with a ekeletou
upreme rrsslseat Oossiag T. B.
Hsnley of Des Moines, supreme presi
dent of the Modern Brotherhood of Amer
ica, will arrive Friday to address a mass
meeting of members at I o'clock In 'Red
Men'a hall, . r North Twenty-toa rth
street. South Omaha? '' " ' .
Basuaoad'a Acooaata O. B After
spending a week going over the accounts
of Rosa Hammond, collector of Internal
revenue for Nebraska, K. L, Mills, spe
cial examiner working under the revenue
department at Washington, completed his
task yesterday and told the collector that
everything was found to bo lit ship shape
Imea 7 lies for Bspreeentative Ed
ward Blmon, a young Omaha attorney,
has filed his candidacy for a republican
nomination for state representative. In
connection with his filing as a candidate
hs filed the statutory "statement No. 1,"
wlilch la that If elected be will cast hi
vote for United Slates senator aa In
structed by the people at the senatorial
primary, '
Keller Baa Close Call Uoone Kelley,
ohlef of the Janitors at the federal build
ing, had a close escape from death by
ptomaine poisoning Sunday. Kelley psr
took of some canned peas for his Bun
day dinner, as did his entire family. A
few hours later he waa deadly alck and
only the timely arrival of a physician
with a stomach pump saved hla life.
Other members of his family also were
III, but their condition was not as serious
as waa Mr. Kelley's.
Joseph Scully ia Buries Funeral serv
ices for Joseph Scully were held Tuesday
morning at o'clock at St, Peter's church.
Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth streets.
The big church was 'filled to capacity
With old friends and associates who cam
to pay their last respects to the well
known Omaha boy, who died on March I
at Los Angeles. Father McGovern offi
ciated. Interment was In Holy Sepul
chre cemetery. The pallbearer were
Dan Butler. Ed Lawler, lan Foley, Clar
ence Clarr. Jehu Dinwu and C. F. Brad
Takes Be. Savidfe for Partner ia
. the Sows aad Out Class.
Deetde Preacher Might Da Mere
Geo by MlagMag Mere Pre
sently with Feaple Wfcs
Are la Hard Leek.
Rev. Charles W. Sarldge enjoys life,
and admits It, even though he Is a
Nothing at all In the world to prevent
a preacher having a gooa a time as
anybody else." he says "It be will get
up at daylight every morning, fix the
tires, feed the cow, do the houses chore.
shovel the snow, eat one egg occasionally,
give the best spiritual advice of which
he ia capable to his flock, marry aa many
people as have a good right to get mar
ried, officiate at funerals when neces
sary, visit the sick, care for the old
folks, hustle tor money, provisions, fuel
and clothing for hla poor charges, split
the wood when coal la not handy and
cany In the coal when It ia to be bad
why evenv the most solemn souled
preacher can find considerable Joy la
life; and at night he can say hla prayers
and go to bed In the lull and happy con-1
solousness that he has nothing to worry
about until tomorrow.
Take a case In point. Monday' morn
ing, after plowing through some dosen or
more small tasks.' I wss called on to
marry a couple. Then 1 put on an eld
uit of clothe and look my trusty shovel
en my shoulder and hiked over to where
our cow Is kept In good weather, to clean
the snow off the sldewstk. While I was
thus securing some good exercise a man
came along with a new shovel which the
Associated Charities hsl furnished him.
He waa seeking work, and aa he got to
where I waa working he Inquired, 'Well,
partner, having much luckr
"I assured him that thing were com
ing my way a ratlsfactorlly aa could be
expected In the present stags of human
development, and gave him a word of
encouragement which stiffened his back
bone a little, perhaps; and a I pro
ceeded with my morning exercise the
thought came to me we ought to mix a
good deal more with the down and outs
and get their viewpoint. In that way all
of us could do better work at straighten
ing the tangles of life."
Which remark recalls the experlenc
of Mr. Savtdge en a train. He was rid
lug In the smoker, "to gain knowledge
of the other fellow's viewpoint" He fell
Into conversation with a worklngman and
they became quit chummy. When they
were about to part the stranger told Mr,
Savldxs what his Una of work was and
asked him aa to hi own. "I'm a
preacher," said favldg. "The h-l you
are!" replied the man, Indicating Intsnst
Mr. Savldge was at that .time pastor
of the First Methodist Episcopal church.
and the wonder of the atranaer con
vlnced blm thai preachers ought to get
oloear to the common man, which h in
sists he baa been doing ever since.
In the preliminary contest to chouse a
speaker who will represent the Univer
sity of Omaha In the Nebraska Peace
oratorical contest, Harry Jerome of the
Junior class was selected by the Judges.
Mr. Jerome's oration was entitled. "Stren
uous Peace," and waa given In a very
masterly way. The other speakers and
their- subjects were: Robert Strehlow,
"Federation of the World;" Mebane Ram
sey, -America's opportunity." These two
tied for second place. The Judges were,
George E. Fisher. Rev. M. V. Hlgbee and
Mr. F. H. Cola
The contest In which Mr. Jerome wl
represent the local Institution la one to
which all Nebraska colleges are eligible
to enter representatives and will be held
la Omaha. April 12, at the Crelghtod col
lege auditorium.
ia the force that keeps
the serves well poised
and controls firm, strong
Men and women who
do the world's work can
void Braitt'fag and
guard their health by feed
ing brain and body with
Scott's Emulsion
Swanson Estate is
Sued for Broken Auto
John O. Slefus of Elk horn. Neb., whose
automobile collided with that of the late
Hrlwig Smanson, causing the latter
death, has filed a Jl.O claim against
the Swanson estste In county court. The
clsira la for damage to Selfus' automo
bile, which was badly smashed when the
two cars met.
The accident occurred December t on
the road to KIkhorn. Swanson and John
A. 8wsnson were driving toward Omshs
and Self us with his daughter and an em
ploye was driving homeward from a
ahopplng excursion te Omaha. The rare
met aa they turned a curve, all occupants
of both cars being thrown out.
Helwig Swanson was the only person
seriously hurt. He suffered a severe
fracture of the skull and died after lying
In an Omaha hospital nearly three weeks.
Masonic Candidates
to Receive Degrees
Semper Fidelia chapter. Knights Rose
Croix, order of Free Masonry, convened
yesterday, with J. 8. Davit presiding
aa wise master. The afternoon wag de
voted to lodge work snd this evening a
class of seventy-five will be given the
The class Inducted Into the secret work
ings of the prder waa larger than usual,
the candidate coming from all part of
th atate. .
James Currle, member of th Park
Board of Milwaukee, architect, engineer
and landscape gardener, bellevea cre
mation will In time replace burial In
America. For proof of thla he points to
the increased number of cremalurk-s In
this country and the Increasing number
of bodies cremated Instead of burled.
Mr. Currle la here to superintend the
construction of the Forest Lawn crema
tory, which has been begun and will be
completed, with the chapel, at a cost of
I1W.0M. City Engineer Craig and hla
brother, J. Y. Craig, accompanied th
landscape artist on a visit to ' Forest
Lawn cemetery Tuesday morning.
"In Milwaukee US bodies are cremated
each year." aald Currle, "and more and
mora are being cremated In other parts
of this country." Currle has superin
tended the construction of several cre
matories In the middle west within th
last few years, completing one last year
tor Minneapolis.
Crematories are' one of Currie s spec
tallica and he has become recognised as
an expert designer and builder. At noon
today he lunched with friends st th
Commercial club. He will remain hee
several dais la the employ of the Forest
Lawn Cemetery association.
Itarjorla Basalltoa, Who Bas Itade er-
siassxy eg BmboapoUt,
Offered Blg-h VolMeal Beaera.
A deserted girl-wife ef zl and her baby
of IS months have applied to the Asso
ciated Charities for assistance. Th girl
wants housework m a home where ah
can take the child. She has a high school
Now la the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. Ton can do It by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging
the parte freely at each application. For
aale by all dealers.
The kev tu success m aasfneaa at th
persistent snd Judicious use of newspaper
advertising. -i
n,n,M, iiiimi ,
T . . ... a r. Mugna ,K L
uoa. t uia. tat lam u m. m,m,
41. ii " u ''
wedaeta ser cawpalg assist fat. Ma, M W
sas-r an la the matrr: "at V.-
- - ' "r. Tea tarrrasMs Mtrrt utt
aa-. taat ate east, u Imtar. tarawa tk.
Mia. Uawllua a a srlsM stt esarsetle ran
'TraaawfoaZ'1 " Umm ' aba st
- - "- " Mn aa
4m (Mr wlsat flit sw sew
aa wlta ear saw trauraaau lar ebaaltr as
ataeatlta akllR. la too aa aa a pawerfal i
tT the asrfrase Ittrttra, Mtet Hawlltoa has t
as Utt ejtvtmlaa atrtaaalr as bar affUaa as
. mutu mm iMiMias ere sow tareasa
1 "N'aw. that I at. Oris aaala Pn
fn' "r -M att tor.taM Mia, Uawlltaa. la a
platforat ana ear eaMaaff,'. atoaaa taaat1
V .Biases a Pwrad a Dar." I eaelea't raa
affair, era keeping bar tea Star U aa eartata bat
hope t artae bw to aaatst tat attar fat a pat It teal
tnK It woMbt M Vi , u.... .
saeetas aa a fat teasels special US. aseoM btt
to th White Heuat.
Rspreeentallve from the First. Second
Third and Fourth wards are to be elected
to the school board thla year. The fol
lowing have filed for the place: Harry
Bechtel, socialist. Third ward: Jacob
Kopp. aoclallst. Second ward; Qeorg H
Schnell, republican. First ward; Dr. K.
Holovtchlner, republican. Second ward
R. V. Cole, republican. Fourth ward.
Key to th Situation Bee Advertising.
Son and Heir of Famotu Impresario
Wishes to Work.
Seeklasr Essptayssrat Klee
where May Be Lawk I as;
far a Dlverre.
Does anybody want to hire the heir to
some of Oscar Hammerstetn'a millions?
Abraham Hammerstetn, tha famous
Impressarlo'a son la in Omaha looking
for a Job Just Ilk any other member of
the great army of unemployed. He will
accept a situation or a position If it Is
offered, of course, but It la a Job he '.
Young llanimerstein. It Is said, has
received notice from his father, the gist
of which was that. -Able, if you don't
cut out some fooilshments I'U cut you
out." so Able la Inclined to give a good
bye kiss to merry-merry and be a good
little heir.
Monday be applied for a Job to a
local department store through hla at
torney, but was turned down. He tried
snolher store but tailed again. Now un
less he can get a regular Job he threatens
to buck the local theaters by starting
one of hla own and have his father sup
ply the talent. He told a reporter
the reporter, could have the poettioa of
stage a variety show and motion pictures.
and that if the deal went through, be.
the reporter could have the .position of
press agent.
Young Hammerstetn vehemently denies
that he I getting a divorce here and that
he needs a Job to show vlslbU means of
suppport while establishing a residence
here. The fact that he la looking for a
Job gives rise te th theory that he
either ha been visited upon by his papa's
displessure, or els lie I getting hi
Officers Testify
in Goldman Case
Testimony of officers from Fort Rob
inson was Introduced la the hearing ef
Lieutenant Colonel II. J. Goldman before
the army retiring board yesterday,
Among the officers to testify wss Colo
nel Murray, commandant of Fort Rob
inson, who Is responsible for Goldman
being called befor th board.' Other of
ficer who testified were Captain i. H.
Morgan and L. W. Oliver and Lieutenants
B. A. Keyes and Charles Ttlford. The
testimony ef I he officer was kept
secret, aa are all of the procsedlag of
the board.
Young Men's
Spring Hats
We are showing the strongest line of $2 hate
in the city including the new wool soft hats in 50
beautiful 1912 mixtures many new and original
surface finishes, stitches and edges. Also rough
and semi-rough fur felt soft hats full of "ginger"
for the young fellows we have more conservative
shapes for business men.
A style a shape a size for every man.
HEID CAPS HERE 50c. 75car.d $1.00
How to Keep Your Hair
Free From Dandruff
Parisian SaeUffi"
BANISHES DANDRUFF rm" wh0 ,lM'r ,9 p"" " hair
I m Bia sroiTio Yfiu.ui iniurniaviivo irorn
OR MONEY BACK th. knowing:
Have our own brush and comb at
home and at hair dresser.
Nver use a brush or comb la public
places, they are usually covered with
dandruff germs.
Wash your hair brush once a week with
soap and warm water to which la added
a disinfectant.
Shampoo the hair once a week with
pure soap and watsr.
Use PARISIAN DAUB every day, rub
bing thoroughly Into scalp.
PARISIAN 8 Alibi la guaranteed to
destroy dandruff germ and abolish dan
druff or money back.
To atop hair from falling and scalp
from Itching, or money bark.
To put life and 'beauty Into dull fadf I
hair, or money back. Price U cents.
Parisian Sage
Parisian Sage
The food thai builds real boys
Feed your growing boys and girls on Faust
Macaroni and watch them grow strong ,
and robust They'll be brighter at
school and more joyous at play.
Don't give the children or the grown
ups either so much meat, it makes them
dull and overtaxes the digestion. Faust :
Macaroni contains the food elements the
body most needs and it is easily digested.
For sale by1 all good grocers in 5c and
10c packages. Write for our free book .
of Faust Recipes.
Millinery Opening
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
March 14, 15, 16,1912
take pleasure in an
nouncing th opening
of spring millinery ex
hibit during the above dates. I do most cordially
invite the women of Omaha and vicinity to visit us.
Direct importations of French millinery, exclusive
models detigned and trynmed by our own expert
milliners await your approval.
Special Prices Will Prevail
During Opening Pays
High grade millinery at market prices
One Way Rates
British Columbia
. Until April IStli
In Tourist Sleepers or Chair Cars. (
Through Service to the Coast-
4:10 P. M.
. THROUGH TOUHMT BliKKPKREt every day to Lot
Anielea and San Francisco via Denver with dar licbt
ride through Soenlc Colorado and Salt Ike City.
PI GET KOVXD LIMITED via Northern Pacific for
Butte, Spokane, Portland, Seattle; all classes of through .
equipment, including tourist sleepers.
COLORADO LIMITED, arriving Denver one P. M.
for connection with afternoon trains, or passengers may
stop over in Denver, until next morning (or daylight
scenic ride. " .
U35 P M Peiwotsally conducted tourist sleeper excursions to
swat at its w Jim gn.AiM Ttuui.v iii,t ! rt... .
Fe Koite.
GREAT NOKTHKRV EXPRESS with all classes ot
equipment to Great Falls, Spokane, Seattle, Portland.
Let me tell vou about onr nArsnna.ll- rnniltwtuf r. 1 1 r.r , v...k
tourist sleeper excursions, about Scenic Colorado, and help you make your
overland Journey Interesting aa well as comfortable.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City fuaenger Agent, 1303 f'arnaui SU, Omaha, Neb.
Hospe Adds a New Department
In recent Tears the remembering of a birthday, wedding an
ntversary or other special day has given Has to the good old fashion
ed English custom of sending pretty sentiment attractively repro
duced. Our business along this line ha developed so fa,t that e
have created a separate department to take care of it We have pro
cured the Volland line ot cards and sen tl menu which is considers!
the best In the country.
Here you will find exquisite cards la dainty colors at an ex
ceedingly low cost.
Why not remember some of your friends with n StPrtrick sen
timent: We have some very clever ones.
(Fruitx's Craft Shop)
1513 Douglas Street
tl N S Is th standard remedy and ia Terrwhere recognised aa the ran,
ul and reliable home treatment for th "tirlntt Habit- It It bK
by thousand ef trunwn. because it has restored their lorad mZ ..will
praised by thousand ef women, because it has reatorea their loved ones t. il
of sobriety snd usefulness, end the weekly wacee which at one tuna wera nil,
for -Drink" are now used to purchase I he nsveaaarlea and man eetnrnr,.
home. Any wife or mother who wants to save ber husband or son from rwJiT.
will be rlsd to know that she can purchase ORRINE at our store, and if n7iZ2.1. "
fit Is oUained after a trial the money will be refunded. Can be mtm, J!JL,w
OHR1NE la prepared hi two forms: No. 1 secret treatment! sJrwrt- .k
solutely tasteless and odorless. iTn secretly In food or drink- OHRINieiS
Ie pill form ia for those who desire to take voluntary treatment. "
voata vuij ti-" prr u. aw tn uooauet telling- all about OltRlNB.
Sherman & McConnell Draff Co, Cor. 16th and Dod st
Cor. 16th and Hamcj Sts., Cor. 24th and r&rnam SU 207 a
North 16th St, Loyal Hotel