THE -BEE: OMAHA. TTET!vESDXt. MaSCH. 13. 1912. ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13TH Pi I 0) f l Jj I I jfj L'iLfy J" S A. M. General Topio Co-operation 1:30 P.' M. Report of Bunding and Special 1 Xlfal 4v' -AC I A tJT-. f Oh A SZjr A Co-operative Bargain Days , Committees V H I Zn i fJTTl rf ' ' R"A'MUIW'R'enn'Neb' ' ' General Tople-Trade. Relation. ( V. tt Cl j&S&f Vm f 1rxtpJl f ' A C. CnradlalaniKeb. Relation of the .Retailer to the Modern I fr" T7' V -IT rVn V 'I X " ' S a ' . Economie Conditions. I ' ft fflli U JLA Y ySZr.' J.C.Reid.K.n.a.C.ty.Mo. - V .fX I ) a' J' IL""Vr I I A A S S Co-operative Delivery Syitemi Relations of Retailers and Jobbers A - ?. wJu - tf'' CllTYJZf' F. H. Barclay, Pawnee City. Neb. W. S. Wright, Omaha. Neb. '' . '. fTTV 1 At a fia. r 'g V Co-operative. Baying Trades Relation 'V Jr- lYtCkmaJ FIt I t Tt1" "i Stanton Allen. Wolbach, Neb. C. B. Beiuert, Wjroiore, Neb. j' General Diacnailon . General Discussion . . . Address of An We Extend a Special - Welcome V ' ' - YSjSg -jL , ' Welcome! i I lv V ' "- ' I mi I " i i Alias. lm Oo. ..Oo.aliproJdlobeho.ttotli. FiJera- II V V 3 -rf""" T , iS2l0t.f?4!i,oi,fc, lion of Nebraska Retallera a.atn .nu to I I I 7 Si. I . . s. la Qana Wa rem. linked with au. a a pruarai-. II I IK X i -- . ) i NV SSILt-rSJr . i ea. orianiiatlon. The arleclton ' Oinalia III I 1 1 V T !!? ' for the annual glhrtn of thla MKlmllun III II 111 I ' i, '. i ' IIV,TJISL v... ' li a ellnionll to lh location anil Impor- III tl - " "vT. w"tJ7LL! J2iiTI'v. lane of Omiha. la apnrclate In III I I 1 x '" J""?. " Tory .war. (imalia. ana parilcolarly tha 111 I 111 ll Vy . 1 . S. if m,?,.! flrnia who bava attached iiaii.-M III II A A Vte S Sj. J?l?!ria a, nr city and extend to jou avary oourtMf . jrr . 1 ij T' IT If Jaaaf ' A a V. XX ,1PTV?f7. , '.Italn'our boar. W. bid you mak. ihi 10 rtt?l lli rf W j k ttaTV X V - SlSSj ftlSL Ita. in..t of your nojogrn her. and aocpt or. lr . OKD -ad Jo I O " S. NX 210.10 ' ti&? fe' AV ' t . V ifry " VV r-i 1 - AmBrtcan HanJ SatBd Shoe Co. ,t , m-a) I ...... iJ , 1 i I