Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    TOE BEE: (BLAH A." "WEDNESDAY, '30ECHT3T' 1912r
Boys' $71, it $10 Suits
vine Day Only
' Wedaesiay Only
To effect a quick and thorough clearance of
the remaining boys- winter auiu jrou may have
our choice of the stock tomorrow at 15.
Tbeae splendid suit come in either Norfolk
or double-breasted styles, in handsome mixtures ot
brown and gray- While there are both medium
heavy weights. tb majority can be suitably anl
comfortably worn well into the warm weather
and the boy will hare a good-looking, serviceable
suit for school In the fall.
We advise a selection early in the mora
ine the high quality of oar clothing ia too well
known to guarantee a complete assortment later
In the day at a price as low as this.
The sizes are from 0 to is years the regular prices are $7.50,
I8 60 and 110.00 your unrestricted choice tomorrow, (5
. ... 1513-20 FAENAM STREET -
Mary , Witknnii Secnret Writ of
. s Habeu Corpus. .
Teas pere see lira rise te Held Jtase
Meetls at Which Views ( Fae
. . tleaa el Party Slay Be
'"(FVbni a Staff Correspondent.)
' DKS MOINES. Ia.. March U.-48pscist
'Telegram.! Declaring that she Is being
Illicitly beld In the Polk county Jail.
Mary Wltkunls. who has been entered
deported by the Culled lutes Imml
' grstkm bureau, secured a writ of habeas
coraus from Judge McPbsrson. The writ
provides that the woman may have her
liberty on the filing of a bond In the
j turn of tl.ens. In the applies! loa tor Uit
I writ the womaa claims that she waa ar
.rested by ImiRlgraUen officials on false
testimony given by personal enemies
i among a local (action of Russians, '
" Threafcersnra renveae.
' The annuel convention ef the' Iowa
'guts ThreebernwrTs uesctaUon convened
, bere .tonight and will continue two dsys.
, More than l.Soo delegates are expected to
iiMii-- Itis evening wss devoted te
abort talks by the members of the associ
ation snd the tint business session will
be held tomorrow.
Temperance Mass Meeting,
To agree upen.a legislative policy to
secure temperance legislation In lows a
mass meeting of temperance workers will
be held In Des Motaes March la.
Te eliminate all temperance factional
politics to defeat temperance lewa pro
posed by rival temperance organisations
is the purpose- of this mass meeting.
which will be called by a Joint committee
of all of the organisations.
Men and Reltglea Movement.
A concerted movement to emphasise
the Men and Religion Forward Idea
among the farmers of America snd In
the Rural church commission, here to-
rated within the nest, few months, ac-
cording to Henry Wallace, chairman of
the Rural church commission here to
night He announced a summary ef the
report which Is expected to be adoptee
st lbs final meeting ef tbe commission
here AprU L
Mr. Wallace's statement says in part:
"From the very beginning, there bas
been a feeling In the minds of ths active
workers In the Men and Religion For
ward movement that If It is to be tn the
highest degree successful, or even per
manent, it must la some way reach the
country towns and ths open country. It
Is from this that the cities of America
have . ever drawn tbe fresh, vigorous
blood which renews their vitality."
'2 An
T Aroma
t!U&ful Coff ,llooM
liri.J jtipitthte appe
tite but, to do
so, coffee growths, blend,
and roasting must be per
fection. ' it's the appetizing
quality of "! "-
that endears it to the thou
sands of particular coffee
drinker who use it. A
single trial 1 will convince
you of its quality and value.
3 So m aawd
TONI BROS., Des Met, ta.
, Thereafe twokiedeef ernees,
Four Children Are
.... Burned to Death
MITCHtXU" S." t.,- March- -psclal
Telegram.) Tbs farm house of t. C Jac
ques, twelve miles northeast of this city.
was burned this morning st an early
hour and four children died la the flames.
After starting tbs fire Mr. Jacques went
beck upstairs and later smelied smoke
ascending the stairway. The fire had
burned beneath the stairs and when he
walked down them he fail through the
flames to the floor beneath. ,
Going out doors Jacques called te bis
wits to threw the children through the
window to his srms, but when ehs opened
the window she swoomed and tell through
the window to the ground, susuinlng
some severe injuries. ,
That, children were overcome with the
moke and were unable to get to the
window te be saved and their little bodies
were found burned to a crisp when ths
fire subsided. e
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques were both burned
to seme extent. Neighbor at Farwell
raised IJ00 in cash and furnished clothing
and the beelnese men at Artesian raised
$134 and sent out same clothing for the
distressed parents, who lost everything
they hsd.
Seventh Iowa District Ia.itrn.cts for
, Iowa Xember.
mst ros hut. vs ms state
Twe Cwaatles la Dtetrfet Appose Ac-
Slew an Freaeat Mlaertty fU
pews Whleh aa Veeed
(From a Staff Correspondent!
rEa MOINES. Ia, March 11 -(Special
Telegram.) Seventh district republicans
In convention indorsed and Instructed for
Senator Cummins for president at their
district convention, but aot unanimously,
sa two counties were opposed. The Has
lutlons adopted were brief, stating that
they rejoice Is the splendid history of
ths party aad Us achievements and
pledging faith in the ability of the re
publican party to carry on the work of
the nation,' urging that ail differences
be laid aside and that Iowa republicans
give their beany and unanimous support
to Senator Coram! na as the man best
suited for tbe present emergency la the
A minority report waa presented to
substitute a brief resolution of indorse
ment of President Taft for his progressive
administration and declaring that he bad
kept the pledgee of tbe party. Insofar
as it waa petal bis for blm te do so. Tbe
amendment was rejected and the resolu
tion of instructions for Cummins passed
Ul te 1. .
There wss no discussion, but Mr.
Bellamy, who presented the minority re
port, elated that they did not take ejt-
cepttoa In .any way te any sutement In
the minority report.
Jesse A. Miller of Des Moines snd A.
H. Addison of Nevada were sleeted dele
gates by ths tame factional vote, Judge
Gamble receiving the votes of two
counties. B. W. Dlngwell ef Adel and
Joseph Watson of Indianola wars elected
alternates by acclamation. Tbs eoaven
tioa waa entirely harmonious and there
were no debates.
eonstJtutiea wtih regard to the freedom
ef elections. . .
'.Ninth. As a general rate officers
crates by the ieglauuure mar he) con
trolled by that body. Tbe tana ef offi
cers may be shortened, the office abol
ished, or changes made tn the duties ta
be performed without thereby violating
any constitutional provision.
"Tenth. A statute sf doubtful teping
should be construed, if reasonably poast-
eie, so aa to carry out tbe purpose and
Intention of the legislature, aad when this
nurDoee ia smUat It mill neami
a seemtag conflict la the language. The
meaning must be asosrtsined treat a cos
siderauoa of all that ia said in tbe ear
upon the same subject matter, sad attar
expressions win usually control the lan
guage used la preceding portions of tad
(Continued from First Fags.)
IOWA CITT, la,. March U.-M?peclet.-
Dr. Frederick Becker, recently resigned
member ef the homeopathic medical fac
ulty ot tbe State university, wss mads
defendant la sn alienation suit today by
James L. Records of Iowa City. Records
asks 110, (M damagee ef Dr. Becker, Mr.
Records secured a divorce from hla wife
si years ago and she afterward mar
ried Dr. Berksr. The suit will be tried
In the Case county district court. Dr snd
Mrs. Becker having moved to Atlantic, Ia.
i Attention, ot the action waa brought to
tbe State Board of Education and Dr.
Booker wea officially relieved of bis po
sition. - -' T - - " ,.
DEB' MOINES. Is, March ' U-Mlss
Flora Dunlap. a socisl setlsment worker,
wilt aid In directing the affairs ot ths
Des Molnea City schools, for ths neat
two years. Miss Dunlap led ths ticket in
ths school board election yestsrdsy by
laras majority, according to returna Ubu
U ted early today. Dr. W. 8. Conkllng
waa tbe other member ' chosen. ... .
M: ' . Vi ,1.
of Rye for the moraine: meal starts
day riant Tastes trood different
from the oatmeal you are tired of no soggy overplus of
starch. Four time as noiritiuua as corn flakes) and srsrv spoonful a
uaif. Slumping morsels ' '
Gream of Rye
liimi him trrttfHrtty fvxvfr Htfl af chut v4
Crrni o R t moan be cooM. lhrafor la i )- wtvk uiej).
mtmM wWjotii tut nc u tttmnrttemum ohmM of wboia rr
perl.ti, 1rmt. ott, csMtfa dhfMted fake ttitt of lb kind et Kwrtak.
meatftwi mmkm rti tmi tooL ftMtMa &d Tiuuar tk MUr
in ?!-!! triH-t.. JiT frr brrUsiw wukkm Om bck mmiIim
iiins mtUnmLCkikitmnLwu A lar LnmmmiZflimm giiiiwi.
-., ,. x ,f ir piu4 t bo pwkad wtttt
Cfwgf.f K. Tata tmmdnn nooa wtMud Hil oMt yrm mar Outn farbc
M Um irsi . IwfcMc gito tiwr wm it mhmmn it dnM.
im, ,t I
C bjga
-r-v r , , . 1
Tharc Is Only One
i "Bromo Quinlno" 1
That I : .. '"r
Laxntivc Brdmo Qulnlno
rtte wotut ovrx to mum a colb im 0? oat.
: Alwajs mEamber tlie full sama. Look
for Ibis aatste on crery box. !5.
8IOUX CITT, la. March U.-Ths dead
body of a man which waa found In a
Oread Trunk Pacific boxcar on the side,
track of the Northwestern railroad at
Madison, Wis, yesstsrdsy, has been Iden
tified aa that st John P. Hicks, a weir
known alia, la., farmer, who disap
peared from his home last Thursday.
Hicks bsd" wIMed--MtnacMt wile, a raeor.
Aa attempt on tbe part Of Kicks to de
stroy all means of Identification of bla
body waa foiled by the finding of a tal-
lor'a label sews Into the tinging of bis
trousers. , (
(Continued from First Psge.)
others declared this an unnecessary drain
en tbe business.
The merchants were practically unani
mous on one proposition, that ths man
who la a frequent customer of tbe cata
logue bouse deserves no favors from ths
retailers. Poftie declared they would aot
extend credit to a man who bought any
considerable part of his gooda by mall.
"The credit system Is ths greateat
feeder ef the catalogue bouses there Is."
said J. W. Bchwesr of Greeley, talking
en "The Cash 'System.' Tbe customer
who runs aa overdue account is always
ashamed to eopts In for more goods, and
when he gets a Utile money he will spend
it In some other stors or send It to the
csialogvs bouses."
Mewep Lest fa latereet,
Mr. Schweer saya the I or ace resulting
from a credit system ara not' usually
from nonpayment, but ara loans of In
terest en long standing acoounta. He
said, however, thst cash business Is the
most satisfsctory and that wbea a store
ehangea from the credit to cash basis, it
will lose some customers and gain enough
to offset tbe loss.
A. W. Hawkins, secretary ef the Nor
folk Commercial club, told ot the agree
ment among Norfolk merchants, by which
all of Ihera refuse to give credit to any
man wbo baa aa .overdue account at
any atnre. 1
Today's program: I "
Is) A. M.-Oenerai topic: Co-operation.
Co-opermtlve Bargain Days R. A. Mur
ray, Heveuna, Neb.
Coperativs Advertising C C Johns,
Orend lelsnd. Neb.
Co-operative Insurance J. i. Clements,
Lincoln,. Neb,
Co-operative Delivery Pystems F. H.
Barclay, i'swnee city, Nb.
Co-operative, buying Stanton Allen.
Wolbach. Neb. ,
Oeneral Dlscuslen. ,
1: P. M.-Keports ot standing1 and
special committees.
Urnersl Tupics Trades relations.
HelaUon of the Retsller te ths Modern
Economic Conditiona-J. C. Held. Ksnsas
City. Mo.
Relations of Retailers and Jobbers. W.
B. Wright. tmaha. Neb.
Trades RelsUons-C .B. Betnert. Wy
arare. Neb.
Oenerel Diatussloa.
(Continued from First PageJ
gvebey ataeves that pure Castor U
,3 sua eess reaseay lor constipeuoa.
.4 But the Oreaf Objeelioa Na
taeta, t'ekt Cut or cil es eSL la a
.-e aeem.' It Is awes the -next Bee."
3 The Stel remedv new is Kleck-
r , i burn's CaaoaRoyal-Pllla. made at
t j esste oil, para, setlaeet Bulphar
-scomoinea eaa concentrates witu
lesscarin, Olnger, Wild Lemosx etc,
.. I aurr-oatea pi na, ealiea
i',. J SIMehae'j . MwKoTwt. Pitts.
Li . ."- rm with no gripe
,V "S Free,
eT rOaaTfwiaTftr aw Pi le. -
" Next Best Thing! !"
always has beea the aalesst, saraM
lepwtatiew eieitvoai
Black bunfft
tlw legislature Is void becauss mors ap
propriate er a better arrangement ot the
language la tbs title uigM shave been
adopted If the general purpose of the act
Is expressed and the matter contained In
the body of the act Is germane thereto.
"Seventh. Where a portion of a statute
hi In vtotatlea ef the constitution, if tbe
obJecrJonabie part waa aot an Inducement
j to Its paataae. and may be ell ml noted
without Interferons with tbe general
purpose of tbe act, ami the remainder
ot the act as valid and capable ef being
enforced, tbe act will be upheld.
"TBsrwe. The provSaiooe ef the act In
iJuesUon. that tbe only candidates whose
names shall be placed apoa the efflelsl
ballot at tbe eltr stsotiaa snail be tbeae
nominated at tbs preceding primer? else,
tioa. dees) not prohibit any voter from
inserrfng ta such ballot tbe name ef any
penoa tor whom be may deatre te vets
and does not vlelai the provisions of the
Chicago are hereby Instructed ta at all
tunes work and vote tor the renomi na
tion of William Howard Tart,
we sDorove ih. r m,.,.
Klnley in Inaanunr tn h.uriit a.
denual prtmariee wners autnorisMl bv
law and the lioldlnr of free reoubiiesa
caucuses where suen primaries uave not
wnniwm witn Waal saieguards.
rirst, berause the tlme-noiw.rn .i-m ,
under which, without objection on hla
the part of Colonel Roosevelt, president
taft, with the hearty approval of Colonel
Roosevelt, was once nominated. Is write-
out righttul objection on the part of any
one until Ine law shall furnlaa protection
Second, because Colonel RnnMvele. kaa
complained that white he carried ths state
of okishoma be lost some on or wra
districts snd dearly implleu thst , he
WOUid stifle the local sentiment hv th
majority elsewhere, thereby declaring la
effect lor the democratic unit rule uuder
which men are voted easiest their own
wishes snd convictions snd thoae ot tneir
Hon. W. It. Green has sustained In
congress ths earns htsh I dee is and record
for earnest and impartial work which he
eismpiuiea on the bench, and ws unan
imously indorse him for a suocesatoa to
tbe position he now holds.
We lndorre the candidacy of William
Thomas ot Montgomery county aa a can
didate for appointment to ths position
of irmted States marshal tor the souther a
district of Iowa.
One ot the strong speeches ot the con
ventlon was made by Judge Walter I.
Smith. It waa wot only notable for
Its endorsement ot President Tsft but
slso for hla declare tioa that it would be
ths last political speech be would ever
Other Incidents of the convention were
tbs talks of asnstor Saunders, Brnast el
Hart snd Frank Z. Kversst. senator
Saunders made real political talk, hold
ing la national Issues and charging ths
present commercial unrest to ths tear
of democratic success. National Com
mitteeman Hart said he waa content to
remain one of those republicsns who
were wtlllng to work snd ssy little about
Mr .Everest acknowledged bis Instruc
tions Is vots tor Taft from the beginning
to the- end at the balloting In the na-
"To Them Hut Hath"
"To tbera that hath shelve given" Is a
eentence that appilee te fat people very
neatly. It is common knowledge that
onoa a human betns bee las te fatten up.
to what they have already m added mere
than thsy want until finally a atsgs Is
reached where reduction must be made
or decided dissdvaaisgs results. ,
Thea oomes forward the asee-eld Query.
"Reduce but howr' To the uninformed
nothing suggests Itself but the tto them
twin evin ims satiBg snore activity.
They contemplate a mors or leas Isngthy
stags or meting ana exercising, so si mey
be said safely that every mall er womaa
in the land now under rot na ths fatten! ng
up process has his er tier cental
nxsd subiously on thst not far distant
day wgien be or eke will have te doa toe
"ashes snd amckeietk of reduction."
This is aot aa enlivening prospect, and
so it Is with considerable ea turfed Hm
that wa announce ths smaaclpatioa of the
fat. Nowadays one may reduce much or
little, a pound a day If desired, er bold
their tat In check, absolutely stationary,
without doing a tap ot exercise, missing
a single meal, doing a particle of harm or
causing a solitary wrinkle. All thet's re
quired, es hundreds testify. Is the taking
after meale and at bedtime ef one Mar
mo la Prescription Tablet, which tablets
are eold by the Msrmola Co.. Ut Farmer
Bklg., Detroit. Mich., or any good drag
net, at the uniform Brtce of lb cents, this
sum being accepted for a case of tablets
ao well and generously filled that eves
one produces deairabls results.
MnTTfiN TO flTTASH I rM 5TTf3i7t
makes hard water soft
(Continued from First Fags.)
epoBa district ot the Brotherhood
Carpeatsra aad Joiners.
O sera lore Will Bafase te Meet Ds
aeesee ef Miners.
NEW YORK. March U-Jeba P. White.
Interne ilena President ot the United
Mine Workers of America, cams to New
Tar today ta take charge of Begotie-
Oons with the operators' committee).
- "After the receipt ef tbe operators' for
mal reply we expect to bare a general
conference tomorrow." aaht Mr. White.
"and I hops aa amicable settlement can
be reach eg. A strike would cause a great
Orel or siatresa not sniy to saw
tries, bat to tbs general pubUe as wall.
Notwithstanding resorts to the contrary
tba attpply of coal to snort.'
Pre dent white and A number of dls-
tnet errtcrais of the astae workers held
a coeifwreece today, mapping out Ike pro
gram to be renewed at the Joint meeting
and so did Judge
tionat convention.
When the eonventien organised for
work in the ettsraooo H. T. Theemva ot
Red Oak waa mads permanent chairmen
and Wright Clark, also of Red Oak. was
aaade secret an'.
WASHINGTON. Msrch UL (Rpeda!
Telegram.) H. C Lindsay, clerk of the
Nebraska supreme court, ts at the Relelrh
today. Us has bsea hi Florida at St
Petersburg for ft fertnigbt'a visit with
Ms tatber-ln-Uw. Mr. Lindsay win start
far Nebraska tomorrow. .
Congressman Martin ot South. Dakota
will go to St. Louis tomorrow te apeak
befers the Taft Business Mea'a stub la
the auditorium ef the Planters hotel.
The opera tors have Meetded to decline
to grant the m creese of St per cent in
snags on ths ground that the miners ar
el ready ebtalalitg aa autovneth Increase
based on ths sliding scale. .i
The demand tor eo! lection ot anion dues
by the companies wni be refused ea the
ground that a statute ot the slats of
Pennsylvania make this illegal, requir
ing tbe payment bp employers ot "the
fall amount ot eases or earnings In
cash.' Tbe snlf sxceptlea allowed by
law ta that miners may agree to have
part of their earnings set aside for pay
ment of cheek wsighssen and check dock
ing be use. Tbs denmnd for aa eight-hour
day la oppossd because ef the many In-
terruptions due to aeddeota, miners' holi
days and other causes make it Imprac
ticable. x . : - ,
By the use of Gold Dust
you can at all times have nice,
soft rainwater right at your)
elbow for "the asking. Imaftf
ine what a help this woolen,
be for washing clothes, and
for all cleansing purposes!
Just a little Goltf Dust added
to any water softens it, takes!
out the mineral ' substances;
and brings out the greates)
cleansing value.
GOIa vast dissolves dirt anq
grease, works like lightning!
and relieves house work of all
its drudgery.
-For 'your poor back's sakej
don't try to keep house with) '
out Gold Dust.
Cold Dust ia
asU ia 60 size
aa Uree peck
sges. fnslargs
Tour dnwsut will refund saonav tr
r mai tjini heht rails te dire . nv
ox iicnmi, csene, aweenme er rcotrwiins
PUea tn.e to M dags. Me.
-v t .- '
liiMI I'l 'M II HI " '
V '1 t4! i-vv
Y ; Y- aw
said the twnker, abcc8tis It
lielp? digestion ; ! v;;1;
"1 chew it after smldng,M said v
the lawyer, "because it purifies r
myjreath--prevents heartbul.,'
l chew it," said tlie dentist,
"because it cleanses my teeth
and prevents .' v
"I chew it,H. said the doctor,
"because it sharpens appetite
and makes food tasty'
, . - " - -, vi
"I chew it," said the teacher,
"because it relaxes my nerves
helps, me think.' . ,
I'l chew it," said the w
"because I like it and that's
enough forme!"
0 r,.,.j
'. . i i i
By Common Garden Sage . a
dimple Bemedy for Dandruff,
Falling, Faded, Gray Hair. ;
Ths old Idea of awing Sags tor darken
ing the asJr la again coming In Vogue
Our grandmothers bad dark, glossy ?.air
at serenty-flve, while our mothers are
gray befers thsy are fifty. Our grand
mothers kept their ban- sett aad gloasy
"Sago Tea," which also restored
the natural color. '
One sbjeotlun to using such a prspsr-
atlen eras tbs troubls of maklnc It.
This objection has - been' overcome by
the-Wyetb Chemical Company of New
xora, wno has placed on the market a
superior preparation ot Bags, combined
with Sulphur and other valuable reme
dies for dandruff, itching scalp, aad
thin, weak, falling halt.
The beauty ot the hair depends mors
oa Its rich, even shading than anything
si as. Don't have dry. harsh fadsd hair.
When a simple, harmless remedy will
bring back, the color In a few da raj and
don't bo tormented wllA dandruff. Itch
ing scalp and loose, falling - bail a
Wyeta's gag, and Sulphur Hair Kerned r
s.1U 'guleklr correct 4hsae reules.f and
give oolor, rtjreagtfl evnd.bsiay wour
Oct -a ntvr cent bottls from your
Sraggm - today, and prove' thld to
r cwa -aaUstactioa. All 4ru--tsrs
IL under amaraatse that the money
win bo refunded Uthe remedy Is aot ai
astir as represented.
Specie! sgeot, . Shsraan m ' McConaeil
Drug CM. .( . . , .,
Boyd's, two cT TONIGHT
Ksttaec Wednesday.
WM. A. BAST (Ltd.) proses ts
' Ons long, lingering laugh
Prices: Sao, glJC Mat. Wed. gse. SI.
CteiM xteu' t-MtMt ur
The Gamblers
Paul Everton 7
Birsot tress BOO tlsaee la Sew TerK.
Prices: SSc, glJO.
Vapam Mat. aafa ass Sects. SI.
Mght, 8:80. 1 i
BEST. bKATS 50c.
Conqueror of all the White
liopew, in aa ejitiibitloa, at
- r every performance.
Blillions chew C
because it is refresliing but
ithey benefit jiist the same.
" ". : . '-2' s
Buy it
Kag. arverp Day. gilg; arrery night, S;15
asTAacxo TAusarxua
The Six KlrkenUth Bisters, Mm. Card
aer Crane A Co; Al A lTannie gteadman;
Alma youlln: Bice. Sully at Urott;
Cooper A Robinson; Paul Axard Trio:
Klnetoscope; urpheum Concert orches
tra. Prises, Might, 10c gSe, too. Tie.
toe, sest ssato ass, exospt
ol stay dealer
Look for the ipfesr
The flavor lasts
American Theater
Coalgkt Btasa ruse. hara, ' get.
Ml&ja t VA LANV
aad the '
West Wl eg Knates from Broadsray
-OsusTLa'g mvm cajrraa
Thank goodness, he s here at last:
cave mm
XTsvaTaoasrsA an TaODsrrua
Sir llsrloo, aa "Snuffy, the CabmaJi.
Oreatest musical show la town. Beauty
chorus of dream atria,
totor iHsss KaUaso geerv Week Use. .
OsTtalw aad Wed, gee. torn, Ttc
wee. Bias, sac Jew at ao.
tioiti atVasT as
narsda7. S Days, Mat. Sa taxes?
tMst tstses rrm