THE-BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13. 1912. The ee'i SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Reno Euth Meets Her Candy Kid copyright, m National News amo. -:- Drawn for The Bee by Tad V fl AAv, -1 XST M67o , fs , 7 ( THriM-HAtA7 'jrrIO- ' I ireel wo-i X rkN MUCH TM H TV6 ) - y ta nil6v.4 J - 7 lawruw I mdim A . N s . J cooccwoos a Gtv ) sewcn me c.1UeW ) ' - A p-T- WneJ V a time J (MTSll0WM V V LLowoNrM Jf .oonr J , " -' ........ sC t I I I . I i - Glass that Would Bend and Not Break! -I , Would Be a Great Boon to Mankind.':' , J . , By GARRETT P. 8EBVISS. Reading of th sufferings of aviator from the freexlng wind whoa high in tho ir on s cold dy, t am reminded of an Invention (or which tho world hat lone Wn waltlnc, and tb Becowlty for which rows stronger ' w ievery day. It : l fl!b'. mialleablo s nted. With :'Kl a, amall curved ixn Hltai would not t broken W Itha lnl or oy ,n moxidcntal blow, utnd not prosenUn j urfao- rf ienough to Inter ior with th pro Icren of woold -protect th. avUtor omtb cu t- CIng wind produced by b. " Xch',.." would ln.untly find a U indtspensabl. for r"u ' hlch at now mad of broad sheU 01 PtW H ..d . h Uc of ordinary car window., which . . at" dangerou. to p.snera. being Ufcrtrto turn lirt .livtr. in ca of aioiwr-WWdow would al b mad of Khia gl. not only becaus It would b Lr. la.tlng. but Unaped Into many form, of butyj nd ponlenc A curved ,.. tow an expenilv. rarity. With maHe labl glas. which could b. bent and hanv SnerJ Into any .hap. de.lret .uch w". Uows would b. at tlw atP ";" ft Is easy to see what charming effect kould be wrought wltlv them. Hoof, of gla. colored. If d.lrd. could e mad which would not b. In danger of dertruetloa by th first hailstorm. One icould walk over them a. fly " ov" roof of tin or tarred pebbles. A. boot back flung by. "am. excited householder kwmkened at midnight by a feline aeren iade. would not be followed by aa expen sive crash. Even flat window, made of malleable glass would be Infinitely safer than tb. present brittle one.. Th. terror which th echoolboys. Imitating tb ex plolu of th great hero, of th diamond Inspired In th. mind, of housewives woul be banished forever. No more broke window pane, no . mor unnecesaar glaxlen' bill, ' This 1. no dream, remember. It ! simply recurrence to a lost art. fi Encyclopedia Americana state, that It a well-known fact that th. ancients po aened th. secret of making mallaab. glass. It has been loot, that Is all. There I. a .tory which Wendell Phillip, used to delight In telling In ls celebrated lecture on 'The Lost Art" of a Roman wha In th time of Tiberius brought .back to Rom. from some eastern country a glass cup, beautifully chased, which, to the astonishment of all beholders, be dashed with all hi. foroe upon- tb. pavement and. Instead of being broken It was simply dented. He picked It ap, and, with a hammer brought It back Into shape. . In the Urn. of Pliny her. wa. brought to Rom. a kind of glass,' perfectly trans parent, that on being' suspended . for twenty hours stretched itself out Into a long ribbon, which could then be woUnO'l round th waist. ' Why wa. tb process lost? Evidently, because It was known only o th. dl ooverere of th method, who could find no protection la those day. when ther4 r no patent law. except by keeping .he operation, secret. , But If It has one. been done It can be done again. In fant. . many effort, have been' mad to solve this problem. 1 Iri, IS a man named Kauffeld. In In diana, Invented a kind f inajleable glaa. which would stand eery rough usage, but more need, to be done. What Is wanted., and what we shall unquestion ably get In time. I. a malleable glass that can be mad on the largest wale and that will be as tough as metat Her. Is the Inventor', chance. A great fortune await th lucky discoverer, and he will bestow a great boon upon own kind. ' . A Little Maid's Moods "What in the world i. the matter with lour little glrlT" asked, a friend of mine of th fsmlly doctor not so loug ago. "She'. o queer. No. ah Is not III (exactly; she ha a good color and a On. lappetlte. and eh goes to teP the jmlnut" br . head touches the pillow land never Ur'Uil morning, but (h fat so uncertain In her temper.' "Bh baa always been the best na tural Utile thing la th world. de lighted to be alive, but bow she site la corners and sulks. Sh welks with her head thrown back and her chin In the air, and If you say a ward to her she' gives you a look Ilk a' tragedy queen and won't speak for hours. She really must be' coming down with something; there te aw other explanation.' 1 ' And the fsmlly doctor questioned, aad diagnosed and tbaugtit. and he could not find a thing wrong with th UtU. girl. In a few daya be met the mother , again. "How la daughterT b. said. Th mother', face clouded. "1 wa Just romlng to see you about her," sbe said. She' a different again, bat worse. hy ' doera't eat, says she can't relish her food, and. want. Vauaage and goat', milk ' and sneer thing she call Hanaenpfef for and so thtatu I'm a cruel parent be ruM I simply won't let her diink cot fee." "How hr the tempcrr' said, the family dorter. C; ' ' , "Oa." -said the mother, "that, the worst of all. She's a perfect angal now. Tow can't get: ber soad to sav your life." 8b is patient and sad and for giving. She has headache, She say, and backache, and tbe other day when 1 Sent her apstaira she sat oa toe top step and panted like one far gone "U some sort of lung trouble, but she would in sist oa going just tb same." Tb -family doctor looked very grave. Til be over today." he said, and he went over and made tbe little girt put sot ber tongue, and he thsmped her oa i tb back and be listened at her 'Cheat, and all .tbe' time the littie glri aailled t patiently, and looted, oh, so sad and wis and wlatfoL -- , "What an ysu reading?" said th fant By WINIFRED BLACK. uy ooctor, glancing ww w, girt held In her band. Ob." cried th. Ilttl. girl. "If. th. beauUfulleat book, all about little Clara. Shs's a German girl, an Invalid, but, oh. sa sweet and gentle and aad, and there a forlorn Berlchsteln always imsunder. standing ber, and a goatb-erd, Petsr, and aa Aim Uncle. You really ought to read It." "Urn." said th. family doctor, whirling th leaves. "I .sea frauleln Bericheteln. Peter stems to be a goatherd wbea you pronounce him. but what oa earth Is aa Aim L'nclT" ' Th littles girl told him all about tb Aim TL'nele. "Ah" said tho family doctor.' "aad what did yon read before this?" 1 "Oh," said th little girt, "a lovly book. The Llttl Colonel 8h. was a proud southern Beauty, with .uch a tern per, but so generous and blg-souled." Th. HM'e glri' mother couldn't stand It a minute longer. 'Did in uuw vw onel hate borer' she aakad anxiously. -res " said th Uie girl. "b said tbev were o rough," "Pn.iT little brother." sighed th. motbsr. "He wondered why you wouldn't play with him that week. "Exactly." said the family doctor, shutting his stethoscope "The next time ah. a odd see) what she's reading. In a day or so th. mother called up th fsmlly doctor. "I thought you'd Ilk to know," she said. ''. reeding AJ cott now and she wants to be aa old fashioned girl and wear thick boots and mittens, and learn to sew and cook, and have candy pulls Instead of pWta." "All right," said th family doctor, "I prescribe a course of Louise Aleatt Keep her oa It an winter. It's a fin. health preservative." And sow the Httle girl, mother doesn't know whether- to be glad she has that sort of a little girl, or Which would you be FREE LEGAL ADVICE CU9RIOT toOfSY VVdi OH till yffrwOPV IfMfafMW, UVrsyv OoCarf rusaef Hfi rviAP AV TMeN LET rfrws fUP Av-rVM. DUCJC MuMtUfb tM6i 7ft5 WrV Jr-ffTrv VJHK NO. omm see 3BMM. t srxrr omca? ajBhn cur rue tMjcos.THG4 ierp Svbooh opjAiEAu..! once frOUCEO h MOWER, ATE JOMg CACOK SOT A UTTU VHlTT1Ert T)v,H fMC1W,ntT AltAJlCT. tOt6flU, ViHOABuJe Au.THeTMJ.auVi hup AUQ &Av-mCU-U..THlX CooJ mo A 6MXNVE OUE AHO COOCO a? fxOi-tAAi-APE" HCD JHrAKSfCiklLS AT EU9W Hv-yc. irr A euNVOI rtti PF6fi rwivirwfjy.oris Hiorr ne fierrof ah' Ncixep. v-nm Artfv6V j70Nf is rrVdV rtDW MIX ft ooeitHtr CQUMTV f3tUVrVrV- TKE rC6 (N Die Arojtiirpe irSftoarH fOUiri Am oft HCATtU MAMasV TMoTCtvU-OKti, frVAvT ifAV CAJLDT umicJ rVWtsvttirvs-THC iTWAS MlONferffT QmTHEO TrftTPff CAM A TESP-IPiO C3BASH AnO THEN A CBONCH(4- jCOftO Aw$ THOUtrH THC JMf HAO ycTE IttTUAPOS a5cwT SHE JTMrVEDTb j"H.-m6". IrVNOeR AND titrrti7sNO CtAfrteP TVvG BOftTS WE LcvetSP JUT He-M-Arw SPuKU THE WEl&i HPO Stuck tb mi por. He GBA&BO Pre npcEf. An 0 XtTKT ACWij THCj, THtf if A svrve cavti wavi vnHW t)0Q STRUMS MO I Ill B WErA-i HAWH W0(OJ Hocjory owe,Trt(W Apit rOK IAPiB (DA Tom T)UfrflTIfV7rC AUXtCV IS hv 4 VI fTrtV J V ' . y. The Winning Attitude Again . , J:? A correspondent writes: "t have lust read your artlcl. oa the Winning Attitude.' I am interested In th subleot for personal reanons and should like to know how a woman should act toward an ego- list that la clearly waiting for her to get Into th. 'kneel ing position' before h. deign, to ask her to marry him?" What sfcsaldV a girl do under such circumstances? My advice i to her Is to get up ff her knees and simply . boat It away from a man who Is to egotis tical that oven when he', la love he Is thinking mor. about himself than be la about woman. There may be. and doabtiee are we l;i' many worse men than tb salf-oonoetted man, but then' nobody eta on earth that ma such an Insufferable husband. In preierenoe. marry th gambler, th drunkard, tn The Right Road to Health By AX.VETTB KELLKRMAS.V I must have eight hour, of sound sleep very night If I want to keep In perfect physical eondltlon. 1 ' Uany a woman ha. com. to m. com plaining of ber bad health, aad ,when I sifted ber trouble, down she was merely offering from three things-too llttl sleep and too much food. ' "Oh, but If. Impossible for me to go to.' bed aarly, and when I do I ca t sleep. I'm used to staying up late." This I. th. kind of thing I. get for an answer when I suggest going to bed at a trasonable hour. Then my lady goes away thinking that I can't know very much about health sloes I recommend suck simple things as fresh air, sleep and exercise. , What b would really Ilk me t give her Is some very expensive magic drug that would make her radiantly and quite Impossibly beautiful after one trial. People won't belle, that health Is to be gained by slmpl mean. Most people would rather be operated on and have their appendix removed than exercise self control and common sens, about eating, or use their will power and ex ercise the sluggish organs of tb. body. As for sleep, probably because it 1 th moot slmpl .ad natural of nators's re storatives, w a bus It sa much aa a can and tak. )ust eoough to keep us going. t , I believe that two-third, of lb. .lira ulanta used ere for the purpose of cheat ing one's self of the rightful amount of sleep. Tea, coffee, liquor and drug, are taken to keep people awake, and much of th. drinking which goes on at night I. re sorted to at first by men and women In order to stimulate the tired and worn out nerves which crave deep, while their misguided owners think, they want to keep up with th crowd, i Alter tne nerve, have been accus tomed to the stimulus of excitement. liquors or highly spiced foods, they begin to crave It, and then It is really Impos sible for the person to go to sleep at an 1 early hour. Par ople claim to be suf ferers from Insomnia, end. Indeed, they arc, though on might say H was their own fault. Other people suffer To the woman who wrote last week asking that ea artici be written to fit her particular ease. It seems aa If the moat piaecloal thing yew can do I to seek expert legal aid. It wiu be simple for you to gain legal advice There a a !ea! Aid deaertmnt la connection with i be Associated Charities, room eat. City hall, corner Eighteenth and Fernet streets, who business it ts to give aid la rM sui CiC-V 'A.- . r V El I I A ?.-'' ITS Ml 1 sl aa mm s a fT.- I I TTa I I i m .easBtagg from Insomnia for' th oppoaite reason tb deadly mnaetnay of their Uvea aad ter loncing for TarMy end cbenge. Now I believe that you ran get some verlety sad Interest into the moat drsb colored life, end without spending money. either. People, especially city people. have aO kind of opportunities of doing ' end seeing INnga. and a greet many I sea t uke advaaoage of tbesa eg fcaow that tbey exist. I pointed out before that the free awlmming bathe are open la the evening. Many people don't realin thet libraries contain e rousing books a well as learned ones, end ere scared oft The children, with their perfect ancon sciousness and their natural curiosity, have the right attitude. I remember on the day that the New Tork library wee opened, and thousand of people drifted through In sa awe-struck way, th child ren, without more edo. found the room allotted to them, settled themsorree com fortably m window seats snd at tbe Httle table, end spent the dey with picture books snd etortee. Just as If they bad been there for years. K child Is so busy finding out things that life is never monotonous except when R Is cooped up by unthinking grown people. All thir doesn't seem to neve anything to do with Insomnia, but It has. Monot ony breeds insomnia: so does bed air; so do stimulant: so does worry, gome of the things you can change. Where yew cen t find and cure tb sauas at The Cause and Core of Iniomaii Exercises for Redacin. the Figure your sleeplessness, try those exercise after yea have gone to bed: ' EXERCISES rOR IN80MKIA. Me flet on the bed. Orasp the top of the bedstead with hands end stretch th body, trying to touch th foot of th bed with th toe. Now try to drag yourself upward, having the body quite limp, and exercising the arm. -only. Relax com pletely after each movement. Inhale while yoa pull yourself up; xhal when you let go. Breathe rythmleally; that Is, count while you breath and while yoa bold th breath and exhale It again. Breathe a deeply aa yeu can, counting seven very slowly. Retain the breath tor the asm aumber. and exhale also to seven count. Repeat this until you begin to feel drowsy. Most people should sleep on the left side, but R I even better to sleep flat oa the back without eay pillow at ail. er a very small one. Th window, should always be open. en many people have asked m for cer tain special exercl that I will glv those desired most today, particularly the first two are good for overcoming tnsomnla, aa well a for other purpose. EXERCISE FOR STRENGTHENING THE DKJEeTIVB ORQAN8. Lit flat on the back, preferably on th floor, but the bed will do. Support th weight of the body on the shoulders end heels. Exercise the body end lift It up. bringing the trunk as far away from the ground e. possible Hold this position a. long as you can without strain, then relsx, snd repeat It several times. EXERCISE FOR 'STRENGTHENING THE SHOULDERS. Uefjxt on the bed. Put the weight of the body on the heed end hip, lifting up th cheat aa high as possible while con tracting the muscles of the beck. This raise the shoulders several Inches from the bed. Hold this poeltloa for a few moments before relaxing, and then rest before repeating K. EXERCISE FOR DEVELOPING THE CALF OF THE LEG. Where tbe body generally Is undevel oped K Is naturally useless to expect 'O' develop the calf of the leg without un dertaking general exercises for tbe Im provement of tbe figure. This especial exercise for the leg. however. Is excel lent, end can be done at almost any time Sit upright Place the feet to gether snd rats the heel until only the toes rest on the ground. Exercise the muscles of the calf of the leg, putting a great deal of strength Into them. Pres. the ground with th to, then relax and let the foot regein Its normal position. Repeat the exercise for five minutes at a time. This exercise, like many other. Is of no reel use unless It Is doo very frequently. , Tbe exercise which I most often re quested Is "something to reduce tbe hips." There are many such exercises, snd one of the beet is Just to swing the body forward, erme hanging down, end toeeb tbe floor with the fingers without bending the knee. Any woman who can do that does not need to worry about her figure. Sbe still has a good one. DOROTHY DLX. '- . . , ' l' lOiifer-anyboUy ralher then the men-af-r flkted with what the alienist, call th'- "exaggerated ego." - ',,' The cheerful sinner will, at least, have"' momenta when h will consider you; when he will be' In seek cloth and ashes ' bef.wo you; when ho will be human and companionable, and anxious to pleas you, but the man with an Incurable : ease of swell heed never thinks of eny body else except hlnueif, never admire " anybody except himself, never lovee any-'' body but himself, never talks of anybody; but himself for he thinks he's reall the'.' only Important person in th. world. -'r , And he', tiresome, goodness graeioua say, did yoa ever notice Inst these pom-;-' Pou. gentlemen, that swell out their' chest so their sttirt' studs won't hold, and who commence every sentence with e capital "l." have all of them been ntarV-,' rled two or three time or more? Well,. what ailed their wlvee w that they-" eere bored to death. Of course the doc., tors may have given a certificate that ' they died from pneumonia, or typhoid. v or aomethlng Ilk that,, but what really killed the ledtea was that big "I," that , eternal "I" of hubby's. No feminine con- al.tutlon could1 stand -It " Therefor, my deer girl, as you value" your life, to say nothing of your peeou ' of mind and haipineaa, pass up the eon' celted man who can't even come, down off ef-htaT pedestal long enough to' court ' a girl properly, but wants bet ta do ell," of the love maklnav .,. y Take It from tne, thy dear that be-1: Met aa Angel. During one of the earlier discussions of the United States tariff In the Cana dian parliament, a opposition member characterize the ettltude of tbe govern ment en the question as "a sight that would make angels weep and Jackasee la uch." Hon. Frank Oliver, who was then min iter of the interior, replied, with bis ueuei dellberete celmnees: "I have observed tbet the honorable gentleman has been eue of these who laughed.' Judge for marriage a man Should be In the dust before a woman a fust. htlng. Ill bead on the ground and crylag.eut ' "Unworthy! Unworthy!." for after mar-. , rlage th humblest eultor become uppislr. enough as a husband, and secretly thinks' that he conferred such a favor on. hi , wife by keeping her from being an. eld ' maid that she never can repay him even " with a life time's devotion. . . ' Homo I repeat nur advice! , Whatever you do, whatever kind of a husband roe pick out, don't marry a conceited man. . ' In the first piece, the egotist Is Incarnate ' selflahneas. He will have three new Suits and a furllned overcoet while you make over your, year before last' drees, end shiver around In a thin Jacket. He wilt go te the theater, and begrudge ydu th money for a moving oletura show. 71a will eat at B lunch downtown and expect you to have hash for yourself end your cllldren. Ho will turn over end sleep' the sleep of the Just while you walk the chollo through the stilly hours of the , night. . . i Don't marry a conceited man. beeoufo " no metier how much you may do for; him r you will never be able to do as . much. . Ba he think that you should da. In hur.- opinion a wife was simply created for the sole purpose of ministering to htm 'and:-' n.eklng things more comfortable for hint.' ' rvnen sne nan oon final o consider that she should Just fad. away and not stand la his light. . '. i You may work your fingers to the bone - j for hlin, you may make yourself a rea-' ular miser pinching and economising to -help him along, you may offer up your-", , self as a burnt sacrifice oa tbe kitchen stove cooking things thst iie Jlkes, and jvu win uetrr gel a on ex inanxa or: appreciation. The most thet he will do - will be to pat himself on the beck for hie good Judgment In having picked out uch an efficient domestic .lav. Don't marry a cancelled man.'bcauk to bar an oracle la tbe fsmlly hi worse -than having a perpetual case of small pox. Observe the wife of the egotist, my deer, title has less liberty then a ticket, of-leave woman. Sbe Is of mature' age ' She Is Intelligent venr II kVv . m!U ' graduate she reads and thinks, anf possibly has ten time, aa much sense . snd knowledge as her husband. But elu.. ' Is as much In tutelage as U she were r ' feeble-minded child of t years. 6h can't Join a dub. nor buy n dress, not1 . even express an opinion nntll after site' bes asked husband and the oracle b. -spoken. . ' ' Of course th conceited man is easily - worked. He I putty la the hands of any woman who Is expert in spreading. .the "" salve, but think how tired you Jen get r of always having to flatter a man Into doing the things tbet be should do. Coo-.. " aider tbe contempt you would coma to , neve for a man whose -vaalty wag so - enormous snd so ridiculous thet he could " be managed through It . Believe me.' wafting hot air at a man la an occupa- -lion that gets on a sensible woman,' nerves In a mighty short time. . Don't marry an egotist. Just rneca-i.. ber that the bigger a man's head it. the1' smaller his heart, and 'that self-lave' crowds out every other ti"Tt . . The it conceited sxaa never baa a real passioif tor sny other human being but himself. Leave him to It " ' . i Bocae lee's entlwsus. k baa soon, aa tauxgtnatlaa her husband is of eitlnuihi appearance If be doesn't toot like a u ' A man Is a lot mora snlciu a v. body that stops bun In the street to esV hlm the time of day than of aaybodr who tries to sell aim a guld brtct-Sei' tork Press, , , jL