Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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' Smrc Tet it Hade in the Ball Poii
tiot ia Wheal.
CmmiMn Leaders Are laellaed
la Belief that liters 8m al
, ralr Dleeeaeatcd Osndlo
riaaa ta Dale.
OMAHA. March IS. Itti
There v.a . ware teat of the bull
paania ta w&ast UUa morning, after the
anarp breaks id values lata yesterday,
Qe ta Mlllcf of lung a beet by a group
of heavy boldare.
It we very evident I hit the crop tear
period is at lam ay tae tycoon 01 im
uferrcd futures, which are holding firm
en all brenka In the May epuua.
Cables law morning were lower, re
flecting week dose laat ughL Con
tiltlu ea the whole suggest coneeeve
tlea bit) lag In the new crop month.
Ceiuervauve leadora in corn were In
clined ta oeneve that prlcee have ei
reeajr discounted conditions to date.
At U um time very little oorn Is
being ofta-rd and cash oora value are
extranet? stiff everywhere, and It la a
woe tine before another crop It har
vested. Lover a-hcat cables and weakness In
cera brought aut considerable long wheat
and values were lower. Cash u neat void
le to l',c leaer.
Oora ass reAncr heavy, selling beinf
popular, owing ao the prottpecia 01 better
earner and larger receipts. Cash Cora
was He to He Uewer.
Primary wheat recelsla were 2S.M
bushels and shipments were &2,t) bush-
la acalnst recoup last year of 4:1 ov
.bushels and sblprneeits of Z&jM bushels. I
Primary cora receipts were l.a u I
bus hale and hlptmnia were IIAO bush-
els, against reorlpts last year or ,
twins. IPirilTt-e: young Americas, K!S
ic: lone horns. rTt.ejler.
POTATOES-Eaaier: receipts 13s cars:
WiKOMiii. r IMU; Michigan and Min
nesota. si.zlui.z3.
PUL'LTRV Kasier: turkey. Bve. Mc;
dressed, lM-c; chtckena, live. 13c: dressed,
lie; springs, live. lie;, dressed, Mc.
ttseiatien eflbr tsar Varlane
NEW TORK. March lt-FLOCR-tju'ei:
spring patents, Jitflb.; winter
straights. 14.54.a0: winter palenU. Mt
t4); spring clears.; winter
extras. No. I. BuiHO; winter extras.
No. 3, K SifcJ A; Kiuitaa straights. U 70
86. Rye flour, steady; fair to good,
ft t54 : choice to fancy, R.OOtrl.S.
CORN'MEAL Steadv: fine white and
yellow. tl.C4tl.7o; coarse, V.tb&l.D; kiln
dried. $3 75
RVK-vuiei:- No. t c. I. f. Fuffato.
BARLEY (juiet; mailing. el.WtM Kis c.
L f. Huf'alo.
WHEAT apot marletw. easy; No. f, red,
n.OMs elevator export basis and 11.074 f.
o. b. afloat;. No. 1 northern. Duluth. 11S4
f. o. b. afloat opening navigation. Fu
ture market was loser under liquidation
on the cable, closing c net lower. May,
fl.te, closed. . .- July,
closed II.U6. IleceiptsN. to, bushels;
ahloments. nit
CORN-Soot market steady: tie. Z. twue
elevator, domeatlo baala to arrive and
export 7'c f. o. b. aJbloat. Futuree mar
ket was nominal. Kxportere tooa two
loads. Receipt'. Co bushels.
OAT-8fWt market steady. Futures
market aj nominal. KeocJpta, Vt.aiJ
IIAT-FIrm: prime. SiAM: No. 1. Illffiie
U ; No :, til.jcmit e; No. 3.
HOPtf Steadv: state common to choice.
111. imsc; mill, nominal. iacirie coast,
111. 44fo: laiu. nominal. n
HinrJ fteadr: Central American. ;c.
Bogota. Jti2i,c.
LKATHr.K bteady: hem iocs rrai.
SSc; aeeonda, ZuJ6c; thUtla, SltfSc;
rejects, 1 v
PROVIWOXPork. stewjy:
Trading Showi little
of Purpose. . j
reea Hardea Later lader lafls
ease ef Railway Ikaree'aad Cap.
aers, Bat et Reeelts Are
Alsseet ?leglgtblr.
ete, against reesipta last year or , m( famUv ilijonlaitl ahort clesr.
bushel, and shlpnenU of tile- W&Jb' tSldf; mesT t,5
Osaranoes were zlisuo bushels of oorn.
lot bushels of eeja and wheat and flour
equal la !. beshets.
Uverpeol closed i to d lower en
abeat and W to VI lower en corn.
The following caau sears were reported:
WHEAT No. 2 hard: oars, fl.W
No. hard: 1 car. Iir iujectod. 1
ars. Mb.
OORN No. t white: 1 car, (7c: I ears,
a Ne. white: l car. etc: 1 ear. gS'eo.
.e. J ooior: I car, a Sc; 1 car. Ma. No, 4
volar: i car. etc. No. s ye'iow; i car,
SHe; t cars, etc; I cars, -c Nc. 4
enow: 1 car, nc: a raaj, sc; t cars.
tj-ee: 1 car. afie: 1 ear. tic No. I mixed
1 car, le; cars, etc; I ear. fcc. No.
4 mtxsd: t ear, afeo-.a eer, tlVl cars,
Se; t cars, OH; 1 car, t-"4c: 1 ear, wo.
.e grade: f cars, s; 1 car, s4; 1 car,
OATS-atandard: 1 ear. iic. No. I
wMte: I car. a?o; t ears, slc . Ne grade:
t car, MHc ,
Omaha Caah rrleea.
WHKAT-Ks. S hard. n.Ct0t4; No.
hard.'r&l.OJv,, Ne. 4 Jxhrd, livw
fORN-No. 1 white. .;vflt;ct Xo 4
asiu, SMe: No. 1 color, gsstfettta
Ne. yellow. V No. 4 yellow.
is.BHc; No. w-vti.(o; No. 4 tlWf
uATt-Ne. I whit, urtvie: itandard.
-IMU:; No. f white. tlfnltc: N... J
allo, tlV0l.c: No. 4 veiww, juStasi!ie.
BARLEt-Maltlng, n.dterl 17; No. 1
fated. Audit); heavy feed, MIMc.
RVB-No. 2, aitstc; No. J. Souillc.
Carlet Reeelstta.
' WheaL Cora. Qtta
Chleage a )! ta
Mlnnesaelli Ik.' ...
Omaha Is 17 15
JHiluth 4
feai ares at the Tradlag sad Cleahag
Fileea ea Beard ( Trade.
CHICAGO, Varch U-Rumora that a
bull leader, supposed ta be the largest
wnet of May optieaa bad unleaded his
holdings, formed a aouroe of depresaloa
today la whaat and closing prtoss were
',tTSo te VI So under hut night. Com
tlnlshsd Sto ta No down; oats off
'so ta Wc and hog products varying
from last nights level la an advance
of 7Vic
Cables ware bearish In tons, after hiv
ing been bulllah for several days, for
eign eroe condition generally being
Javerabte and Increasing ahipmenta from
lrgentlne reported probable. In ad
dition, the world's available supply to
tals shewed a huge gain for the weak
as against a falling oft during the cor
responding time a year age.
Complaints frern Indiana and Ohio as
to winter killing In late sewn wheat
gave but short-lived help ta bulla and
the market closed at almost the bottom
price for the day. May ranged from
1 aMtOl.tHs. and In the and was tow
net lower, but at firm tl.ta even.
Corn followed wheat down grade.
Realising by longs appeared ta bo the
tule and speculators who hod previously
takes profit at higher figures seemed
alow about replacing holdings. Ths
ohange In sentiment wsa explained by
jmor demand tor oath grades and free
Interior efftrtnga. May ranged from
ISSUHO te TAro. closing firm at 71o.
a decline ef ho net. No. I ytllow was
net quoted.
Revised Judgment sg to lata seeding
weakened eats. It was found that farm
ers ta general expressed no anxiety.
ay ranged from Watjettta and closed
s set lower at . May wag rela
tively firm owing to talk of small re
cti pta and delayed deliveries.
Advances at the yards ea acoount of
fewer arrivals than expected stiffened
ii market for hog product. Liberal
salsa by a large packing concern checked
greater Mae. Perk gained from a
' hae te TV, but ths net of the Hat
not over (ftsc.
High. Lew.
"irtlclel Opes.
My. las
I lev,
V. aji
' .ft4,Wiei
May.ftHi (4 12' rl
', .luly.!5(wte:a4t-ti tt,tHI
I ept.;t!i.iMll tSal etta,4JaJ
I t- m
i May
Its J 1 tr
J 1M
urn i
ttu a4
H 4ne It tterj
.ul.iiu4 avHJStsI tat
ittr-j j I
May. " W$
J'Jly.,1 rTHMf !t! t KC-
' S3,
45' k
ttH ml-TVa
I 'ai-.h iiuotatione were as follows:
PLOUR-eXeadyt winter patents, WMel
let: winter atraigttta alti.S; spring
lutenta. KK t sprtag traights, KsM
. bakers, .Mjni,
RTS-No. 1, tae
avARLCT Feed or mlxjaf, nt)Kc; (air
to rho,,, tl.tttrl.S.
SCiXtV-nmothy, 14.i. Carer, Mat
BO vision 8 Pork, mesa new, IU.W;
". Lard (la tlarots), .Ja.
, 8hrt rite, (lonse). It. ft.
rsl deuaaces t wheat and flour
vtare aqui ta ISM aalaia. Primary
reielpta were 4. bushels, eompared
at'.h 49 Sv hashela the cerrespondlng
ley a year ass The vrorld's vUible sup
. -vl ?N,r" b Brsdetreet's Increased
suaasla. Estimated receipts for
loinonw: et-cars: corn, a
ais: oats. St ear., nose. M O need.
"if? rrlcea Wheat: No. I
; 5- 5 her, li test ; .no. J trd. i.aa
I. at: No. I norther. $i.ii.M: Na
... 2 r,L"' no. a northern. gLtt
i"-H.aioi a): No. I
"""' "7'TVV spring. S6.-aJtl.t7;
V"".- TitL- ""it.
117 norU ta. Beef, eteedy; mess, n uott
l.i so: ramiiy,; oec nam.
tT ViSja jo. Cut meua, dull: pi'-kled
b.-llloe, w to 14 puusds. J.J6: pickled
haini. Lard, steady; middle west,
t).KS.); refined, steady; continent,
t; ,u;U Amerluan. 1.S; compound,
TALLOW Btaadv: prime rltv hhda. (c;
spectsl. tn-ic: coutitry. s,4ti:,c.
Bn TKK-Rccelpia. .llt tuba; creamery
specials. Zrifzs'tr.; crsaierry extras,
creamerv flrsta c: state dairy, tubs,
flneal, c; ststs dairy, mod to prune,
JbBTIc; process specisia, :3c.
C'HEBriE Klrm; recutita, l.W pack-
ages: weekly exports, lo boxes; stats.
whole milk, neta, aiseua, nc.
rKJMKteady. reielue. attTl cases,
trices uncnaiured: fresh gathered eatraa.
Ktt&c; flrata, tic; eecon.l. .toJOire; west
ern gathered whites, Jl -ic.
HOI LTKV Alive, a'ack delayed In
transit; prices) unsettled, dreaaed poultry,
firmly heirt: ehlrkena, MajMUo per pair;
turkeys, Utf21c; fowls, western. rlyrilc.
t. LsaU urarral rVt.
ST. LOUIS. March 11-WHBAT-Cath.
weak: track. No. 3 r, ILIKMttfjrl.M; No.
I hard. II Uii'.li
CORN Lower: track, No. t, fitJtIHe;
No. 1 while. ;h7.
OATg-ilion. r: track. Na t MUtMtHc:
No. 1 white. 4to4j&ir.
Ooeing price or figiiret:
IVHE AT Lower May, 1.4ee01.t3:
July, kc.
COHN-l.ower; May. TtVK; July, TTijc.
t)AT-lAwer; May, WWc, July, tS'c.
It YB-lIm hanged, at ate.
FlJL'R Dull, red winter patents. M
(Mil, extra fancy and straight. H W
4.ti: hard winter clears. I1Wb3.11,
HMKIk-Tlmothy, xiv.ugtja3.ev. ,
blLAN-Btesdy; sacked east track. tl.S
tl. . .
MAT I ncnatucaa; lanotkik xtlurigb-BO:
prairie, llJuotjllOU. .
bauuinu Hie.
I'ROVIBIONa rora, unchasiged; Job
bing. III!" Lard, unchangird: prima
lea in. W.iml 4. Liry salt meata, un
changed; boxed extra shorts, ttc; clear
ribs. ec: ahort clears, tvo, Uacoa. un
changed; boxed extra short, MaCi clear
rib. sic: snort cieara, jwec.
rxJULTRt uteadyi ciiKSena. uhc;
springs, ltc; turkeys, Mc; ducks, lattc;
Utia8leady; '4c.
Rttelptt. "Shipments.
Flour, barrels ........ 17' . , lot)
Wheat, buehela fc'.oe ' S0o
Corn, buehela el.tka) . .DUO
Oala, buahela .) .)
Vblbla beaply at iirala.-1
NFAV TORht. March ll.-pedal cabl
and telegraphio oommunicatlotia received
by Braueireet a show ths following
cnanges la avatiamu auppiies, aa com
pared with previous account:
AvaUabis uppllew Wheat. V ruled
Slalea, esat Rockiea, decreased l,74a.0lM
bushels united ritatetvweat Hooaiea. in
creased rl,OJ buahela Caiaada Increased
4,vi.oi) buahela Total Dm led atatea and
Canada Increased nuaheli. Arlost
for and In Europe Increased aa.uM bush
ela Total American and Bu rones n au
ly increased iaivb puaneia corn.
ruled mates ana tsuaxoa. inoreaaed alt..
(M bushels Oala, t'nlted tHatea and Can-
,da. increased I.IM.W0 iwaneis.
Ths leading Increases and decrease
reported this week follow:
Increase Manitoba. Uawnm bushel.
Decreases Port Huron, auta) buahala:
Ooderich. Td.gut buahala: Nashville, i.uai
buehela: Minneapolis, private elevators.
iaJ.Av buahela; Koclieatcr, tv.M bushels.
Maaaaa Cite flraia mmA rMl...
Vnchanged: No. 1 hard, l owfl.H; No. t
l l.u, No. 2 red, ll.wl.Ot; No. J,
COR.N-fnchangea; no. I mixed, teflTac;
No. t, eftKHc, No. I white, tWvoi
No. I, HMSW.
Closing prices of futures:
WHkUT-May, II tt'Myl ..: July, tlu
VVeraau, orpitwirvr, d'alU.
COHN-May. 71iaOTc; July, TrXOTTlc:
ajeptember, eaerSc.
OATd-Unchajigad: Ne. I whits, ftfl
eto; No. 1 mixed. WW&i 1 .
HAT tiieady: choirs timothy. 13a sua
W; choice prairie, IU.7S4iiUi.0s.
BCTTKit-vreamery, tve: firsts. J7c:
aeconde, c:. packing stock. neuc.
WAie-catras, aivirc; nrsts, IrVvc.
. ReoelDta Bblomenls
WheaL bu .V.....Ioutr . nnt
Corn, bu. m Owe , oju
oats, bu ll.tet K.tno
rklUdelpbla Fred awe Market.
Hteady ; weetera creamery apeclsia,
!!ic; extra, Stto; nearby prints, extra.
tie. v
EOOS-Steady: Pennsylvania and ath
nearby firsts, free eases. M at per caaa;
current receipts, -free esses. M M per
is; western firsts, free cases, at ef
per case; carrsnt receipt, free cases
M M per eaae.
CHavtSB-r lrm: New X Tork full
ereaana, laocy, ltc; (air to g
NfcW TORK. March lt-Todav's ses
sion on the stock exchange was In manv
aavs remlnlacent ef the torpid markets
of the first two months of the yesr.
Trading again fell to the point where It
vwnce or purpose. The professional ele
cence or purpose. The professional ele
ment apparently was indisposed to folios
last week's rle and the bear party was
more I han ordinarllv nulewcent. neexalnii.
ally feeling the Hat for weak spots, but
dhledeina; few stock.:. Later price, hard
ened under the inf l.irw. ... 11.. i.t.n(
railway shares and coppers, but net re
eu'ta. except In some of the mwriaiUes,
were aim-Mr negligible.
Wall street manlfMlMl n,.!s ! -,,M
Interest In the Kawiibii ei .lAtr 1 ..-
i-ewcipation in ths American mir-
was too small for comment. Flrm
?, wss reported both In Psrls and
Berlin, the co million of the latter mar
ket renitlnr nmun K. nki... imnku
at Berlin. .
News from Wsshlnfton that the senate
nance oommtttee had deferred action on
the hoitae Rteel arhwdul uhah! .a e
else na influence on the ehares of the
iron companies. Another resolu
tion demanding that the Department of
Justice Inquire Into the operations of the
emeiter trust" and - mentioning the
.,enva.n omening ana Kenning com
pany by name, failed te alfect the stork
ne laner corporation, which was un
commop'v strune. .
The year's already large shipments of
w nvum America were increased
today by over tl.e.oro by prosects of
additional engagements before tit s-
yirauon or tne month.
While ahort time money has recently
ahown a atlffer lone, the rates for four,
five end six manth, umi u,
day. Outflow of cash from local banks
to me subtreasury and (lie Interior con
tinues and In all llkellhnnd another Am.
crease in reserves all! be disclosed at the
end ef the week.
New financing today Included the sale
of 3.S(in.( Cberapeake & Ohio 4', per
. mwv iiuivw maiunng in ii. tne pro
oeeda oin to pay for equipment already
ordered. Other Issues of like character
are soon to be announced, atteetlne the
ut popularity of bond orferlug at this
TodaVs bond market was IrregrSlar,
with aome tendenrv lo yield. Total aales,
par value, were tiWl.oWi, Oovernment !.
rrgiaterrd, and Panama la, coupon, ad
vanced , on call.
Number of sales and leading Quotations
on ttocka today a ere as followa: .
, m I illrk. lew. Clme.
Allteliaiaera art 1 la tk ju.
vwew ... ii.wjv iv't
AaMflcaa Arrteallaral .. n Ltw
Awenout that sssar.... let tat,
ill i.taM 14
AaMrleaa 1 A p aa tiu
At. uuas ui ;
Asrarkaa H t, aM... KI4
Aw. lee aweerlti let a
Aaerkaa LlaaM
aaerhaa LnaaaHrra ... W M't
Awa-haa t A R I. in hw
tm. t. R. eta...... tat lw wet
Aa. nm reuaarus a
aa tuaar kenaiaa ran iirsj nr niu
AwerloM T. A T 114 It 1 It
Awerteaa Toeere aft lajv.
et mm n rt
Km " J
sal laitt 1, IH14
i l1t
1st lit UI. 11V,
let Ml m las,
x'it 'iiii "i,.'; jh
i.'.w i:is ni' :n
w na a i n
kit U
u 11 ' tm
- w
Hi M
Kit H
of the United States treasury vras:j
l.l-J: in banks and Philippine treasury,
$34-172.680: total balance In. general fund.
tUT.9til.7rB. Ordinary reed pta yesterday
were tn.liw. with ordinary Olsoura
tnents of r-.W0.17l. Deficit to datevthi
fiscal year Is Rl.sXI.414. as against i de
licit of; at this flme last year.
These figures exclude Panama canal and
public debt transaction. - ,
"tear York Meary Market
U NEW t TORK. March 11 MONET On
call, stcadv; 2VF'! per cent: ruling rate.
: per cent : dosing bid, It per cent:
orrerrd at r per cent. Time loans.
strong: sixty daysjli3' per cent: ninety
daya. lai per Vent; six months, IVi
per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at HM
for sixty-day bills sud at run:) for de
mand; commercial bills, M-twV
SILVER-Bar. ieSc Mexican dollars,
BONDfl Government, firm; railroad. Ir
Closing quotatlona oa bonds tcday war
as follows:
U. g ear. ta, reg ...wasintrr. M M. 41a-.. Sit
t rauaea lflnjasaa at tntt
B. t. to. rat.; iiu, as,
a csases MisK. c h. at a 13 s
C. g 4a. ng 1USU a Sea a 1ML.. st,
te coarse ILiSL. A . asL 4 at,
Allle- Ckal. 1st h... 41 at K. T. lit 4.. Hit
Aeaer. At ia ls: aa tea. 4w r
A. T. A T. c. 4a...UwMe. Puifle ta. 71
lei Teasers 4a.... N R. R. ef M. tie tlH
se 4a iVX T C. St... I.
Anaear A Ca. 4I4.. Rw te sab. O K4
AtrkMoa aa .... S'N. T. N. n. A H.
a ev. 4s. lett, rr. a Il!
a . is .lei". N. A W. 1st . 4i..
A C L W 4 '- ss cv. 4s US
Bal. A Okie WNe Farms a K
so e Kt Mo to aft
at . Itsaf IISO. S L rMa. ts ... .
Brook. Tr. cv. "., asttFaaa. ev. u Mil.. Ils
ia af ut. as lerv -do
Ose. Lsatker ie 4Kawillt tea. as HI
et 3i. j. a as... .isiia. l. a a r- fa as at
CIssa. A Okie 4sa..ltt'a eo gsa ie 11
4e ev. 4a. St ti. L. a W. a 4a.. Ilkw
c-aiote m a. aaa.. art, as Jat set ta.,,,. t:u
U. A Vfc i. 4a.... Kw. A U a4. Is.... n
low. m mi-bo. rae. cot. a..
c. M. A A P. A i tis A ev. I
C K- I a P. a 4a. n do 1st rot. 4s....
as rrg at Kal aa....
l ole. Int. aa. Se tea ts
dale. Mlt. ta M tales Itrlfle ts...
C. d A r. A a 4H4 nit e ev. 4s
u. a a.,.... att So tat a ret. ta..
D. A H. 0. te M V. A ItakMr ts...
se rot. 1. M'.t. I. susl U to..
uisiiiiaro- 4 ,4lv.-car.
Practically All Xjadi of Cattle Com
. mud Steady Prices.
Fat Laaaba Active and rive ta Tea
- Ceata Higher, Teach lag High
eat Tap af the Oaaaaa
Sheep. Steady.
' SOUTH OMAHA. March li. 111
Receipta were: Cattle. Hogs, eneep.
Official Monday tistt Mee
Estimate Tuesday i.?J lt.81
Two day, this week.. 14,174
Same days last week.. "JsTl 1.E4
dame daya I wks ago.. AU4 14.a
eisme days I wks ago.. 11. 41 3. HI
Same days 4 wks sgo..ll.v M
came days last year.. .12.111 2,44a
The following table shows the receipta
of cattle, bogs snd sheep- at Houth
Omaha for the year to date at compared
with last year:
lfli llt. Dtc Inc.
Cattle ..I,0 StO.tet 7.5
Hogs Sll.til 4a.gie J7J.6 .....
Sheep 4US. IX 34UT M.53
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for
the last few daya, with comparisons:
Hate. 1M2. !Wl.lltl.il8v7.19i.
JJ 174
M us)
et xat
4? 1M
C: in
ar an
IA 117
71 !S ... t4t
a let .:. it
SI Ml ... I It
a.: in ... t it
71 331 it t 4
a vi ... t
at....'-., its ta ttt
... t
... t
at tm
... t 4t
.. t ta
...... ..ra w tst
n nt ks t a
n act at
t; ..... ut a (if
tt sit 1 te
r. xm ... tat
ft, stt Kt ts
it : ... t a
M U7 its .
at a la
77 sa at t e
s . ... iu, ,
0 :ji it ts.
n at ts .
.......; ' tt t a
a at
a ret
, 7M,
. n
arte a. ! ......... HwWstssk 1st is ia
ae c. 4s, ssr. A..
ilH as let A ex. ts...
M Wrilara MA 4s
nuWsst. xttos. ev. to..
Ota. Klec. ev. to..., ft Wis tsntrak 4
lit Oa. 1st ret. 4s.. It Mo rao. ev. to....
later. Met. 44, HI4l'aaaaia ta
44. wjnersw.
Xew York Mlnlasz Kterks. '
NEW TORK March li Closing ouota.
tlona an mining atocka were:
Allot tw Litlls cklat I
Com. Tasnel week.. 11 Mstlcas Jit
bootfs ..11 Ootarie ..............lot
Cos. I'll A Va II Opklr lie
Silver It offluKUrt isa
Lsslllls Cos. m Isllsw jacket to
CU 1.1 1 t 741 Mi t M I t II
ch 4.1 f 32ak eU B t 4 W t TO
n et a. 1 1 2i : i w a it t i a
M'Ck. li t CM SS f 3i 4 ti C 74
M ch 7. I II j laa 15 1 ill If 02
M'ch t. 4J4 I 74; 581 4 ! t 7
t tt
.M'ch S.IIM tWtla;44slto3U
M ch KV I 4 7s rt lil t U: I l It U
M'ch 11! 1 4t I tOilt CTi t 401 4 J4, 4 Til
M'ch 12! I jit J7 4 4! 4 i t s t
Kecelpts and disposition' of "live stock
at tne union atock lards, eoutn omana,
for twenty-four hours ending at 1 p. m.,
CatUe. Hotrs. Shecp.H r'a
... st. at si. r a
Mlsaouii pacific..., 12
Union Pacific M
C. A N. W , rati... i
C. A N. V) ., seat..
C et. P.. M. O... 12
C. B. lb g.. east... It
C, B. y., west.. 72
C, It. 1. A P., west i
Illinois Central s
Chicago Ut. West., t
'Total receipts.. 21!
' .. '1
31 II 4
6 1 1
a i t
i's ii "i
i ..' ..
3 .. ..
lit a is
good, 11', 0
. Mlaaeapalta tlrala Marliei.
May, gl eT; July, 11 Sti Osk,; cash. No.
1 hard, lies': Ne. 1 northern. Hat: N
I northern. Hot; No. 1 abeat, HAt,
r 14 A .OB-oC.
CORN-Na. I yellow. tttCc.
OATH No, 1 whits, iltrlSc.
RV B-No, 1 tfrrWc.
BRAN In Mt lb. sacks. tHV8M.
KLOt'R First patento XV Kansas- w.
end patents. KTtlri.'e): first eieaua, a.asat
!; tecond clears. at.
Mllwaekee tirala Market.
MfLWArKEK. Wla: March 1?
WHEAT No. 1 northern, ll.lipl.U. tin.
1 northern IXlaeai.lllt: No. I bard, win
ter. 1 tns)l.4: May. H ot: July. II
CORN No. 1 yellow. Sac; Na I white
tec: No. X t7'rrsc; May, iltfTr,, juK
oatt tFianoara. ai'oc.
BARLKY Malting.
,c: Ne. A tstkAe: k Vrut
r-7,c: Na 4 yellow. "JJ ?
tcvovitc: Ne. 3 white, to: f
eianAard. i.,44e. Rro: JW21'
!herlay: 7 sii.C Timotbr: tT i
seed, tttwr ou. tiitvar
Hi'TTtR Crearnertea. ata- a.,j
:;wr:c ' dhWas,
' KCOS Easy: receipts 1 70x
nark, esses Indodesi,' 1IV;
jl -;s lac: flrata t4 8Juc
K.t nieaoy. ,fiJj
triiiSlJ-S;ed ,
dalticv P.J
PEORIA. 1U.. March ll-COR.V-Lower:
No. yellow. ITc; No, 4 yet I aw,
tVee; Na 1 mixed, tic; No. 4 mixed, 4M,wc:
.ample. tPsvUvc.
OAT Steady; No. white, e4c:
standard. Uy; No. whits. c; No. 4
white. Cc
fctveepael tirala Market.
pot, nominal: f'ltures. weak; March,
is led: May. tt tS4 July, 7s I VI
CORN Spot, firm; American mhrod,
new, ts 4Sd: American mixed, old, ts lid:
new Amerk-aa. kiln drtrd. fa ad; futures
weak; March, as sd: May, ts Sad-
U yon have anything ta exchange, ad
vertise it The Bet wast ad col Umax.,
Amsrlsaa Woeloa
Mlalaa (...
AKklsoa eft
Ailoaus Coast Use...
Bo tumors A Okie
Deltleteai arest
Ira Rom Tr....
rasstlas Pacina .....
Osslrsl Lastkat
usslrst ieatkor alt , :m
Usatroi si Nov Jersey
oats lie
crtksao Altea
t kirsso O. w., aew
OUcste O. W. alt
Iklssto M. W 440
llrso M. A tt. P..
C, c. C. I II. L...
Osloraos P. I
twtsruo A toother...
Ossasluiatet Use
Cora Proaoota
nolawars a Hutso....
Dearer A ale Oraasa
t B. b. eft
UalUers teearUlai ...
trie lei aft
Erie re art
Ooneral Rloetrto ........
Oresl Nonhara at.
Orsol Nortliora Ore atfa.
Illiools Ceelrel
towrkoeoasa Mat,
mar. net. pre
at hi iiiu,
0.100 ri m !OI
" lit 'iiii 'iiii :i
l.iea iwa 1 14a
Lata 1114 ut, ii
it m m m
. 11
., a tea xia.
a,ne efi
tt4 :
at I
44 u .
MM ttt lots lollt
Met tu4 ill's mi.
w so
its mt int 1U14
1 : 14 '4 Itlt . II',
tot Ut SI'. U
tatsnuuoael Harreater.. Itet Hits lit 1144
lalsr-roanna pre
letomatlonal Paaip .....
Iowa Ceairal
kaasaa cny tevtaara...
K. C so. ri
Useless Oat
UmUvllle a Naakvllla.
man. si tt. loots.
u . it. r t a m.
HIiaMirl. K. A T. ......
M.. K. T. at
Mlosoort Ssctrio
Nslwaal Bloralt ..
Nalleaal Uo
N. A a. et M. it IN
Nee Tork Ctit'rel,.
N. T.. 0. W
Norfolk A Woatsra
Kent Aaartesa
N on tors PasltM
Psrins Msll ,
Peoaira oa
t , c.. c. a t. l,
Ptttseurfti Cool
Ptuwl ttssl Oar
Pullman PSIsoe Otr
tUllwar Keel serlaf...
PoooWie steal
KeeuMla ttool aft
Pork lolaat Os
Reck Ulead Ce, C4
tt. lo A A P. M Kt...
tt. Loom a W
St. L I W. pM
aloeollvemelt A A I..
toetKera Pacino
toalhera Railway ......
Railway aM
Towiinir Omoer
Tease A Psclfte
St . L. a w
tt. u wr. art ...
I sloe rarine
Voles Fsttfle aft
t'l04 ttalos Really
Usite ttatsa Ruooor. . .
tnitst ttsiaa Iteal
1 stool alt
liak ceeeer
Va-Oaroliaa 1
Wsossk art
Wsstora Monrlaat .....
Wow era t'slee
Wksollail U
Lottt Vallev
ilea twoooe
Rsr reaaellealea
Amorleaa Toaaoes
(at 11141114 il
rat) Mt let lott,
tso uiu, utii lie.
m -n-
aue uf isi
41 U
40 111 - 147
tat 4:.
sat tfi
, m ae4 Hit
I.M 111', 111
He Jfo
set l. mt lattj
I.Ms V ;it; ;
. l ilt lta ills llt
at liv ll'o Hit
IOI mt ', 1MI4
let lo4 iast lei.
Mt iai mv less
tea ills 14 im
are ll'o 111,
ttt US14 1st ,
u tea iHtt mt iu
. let iltj . ii't iH
let . fie. I 11K ' ti
1 toe ut :i'j
tilt ttw
, TI
lol 414 414 l
1 to int in, ktta,
late . tt,. m, . 911,
u 11 11 74
et 1714 i;j t;u
' "'a
. S tat ttTIi ll'k 144I
SSI 111, lis ti4
'i.'iit 'iiii 'aiii 4114
Kits (44, tt 4I,
now now ne
7 1
t.tet las ltS 1
ItSt lit.
I WW 4
Tsui sale tor toe tar. tu ue abaraa.
LaaAaa kteek Market.
Andoa closing stock quotations: -
OeaaMa an say . .. trSLoslavtlle A Nask .11
to aoceaal ... 71 ts-llMo.. Koa. Tex.. r 4
Aaul Ooaser tISSov Tort I'oouol. US',
Aaaeaesa IVtorlelk A WaatsralllV
Alttlee rwi, to art II
as M lattOelane t Wootora. II
Boiuwoea A oat. .lwvspoBoortrooia aw
(.ooaaiaa raeUle ..liiSJUst Miaea v
(-kosssooke A OSlo. Tt HRooolns M
(V Groat westere. Uloaootkora Ry lav.
CM.. Mil. A at. p uet a xt U14
Do (oora M aoataora raelne ...UI,
Doo.or A ale ... ttSCalea Paeltla lilt
ea sf Hi, ta era Mlt
ne ttsu. A Aool 44
ee m fi tat, to alt ... ..ill
t ft aM ttwWsaaaa Tu
Oriat Trout ft te prt IS
linnets rvstrsl ....lot
SILVER Bar, firm at J7d per eunce-MO.NEY-Atlow
per cent.
r The rate of discount In the open mar.
set tor snort 0111s at Jwjia per cent; fur
three anon the btlla 1HOJS per rent.
aaastaa taett Market.
BOSTON, March U-ietng quotations
sn stock were ss follow:
A Usees at Meoawt as
rHr.eve4a Oo 101.
A. S. U h A....... Niomssa, atloos .. I 1 11
Artaeae Cess. 'Sonk Btittw
A A C. C A g. M- TVNwtt Use IU
oral. A Artsoea..... tisott uosusma aaaT
C1. a Hoots 443 Ohio . ..tia
Caateaslal lSH-goiarr a
ocoa taaa C C. teVieoeoea It
sot aatte C M...: l:nos.nor jj
iswsoportor A AM... 14
r roollls
Olroex Cwa .
Oiaaay Coa.
Rente Onlir..
Kerr Lake
la talte Oseeo
Ill ml Cesser .......
'BM. ofroroa
B. a a A A at u
'X. " - -
ta ruk tea it
iwvntos caassr ca.... tea
HtWlaowa V
II evsoeartas ut
Cradltaatt at Treaaary.-
WASHINGTON. March 11 At the he.
guming of bvmnc-s today tht condi tlona
BLTTER-No. 1. l-lb. cartons Be: No.
1. In to-lb. tube, ile; No. t, aa; packing.
CHEioHK-lmported Balsa. Kc: Amer
ican Bwue. kc; block ewiss, 21c; twin.
iic; aaiairs, 21a; triplets, Sic; young
Americas, jc; oiue laoei unua. Sec; lim
berger, l-lb.. Wc; l-lb,. He.
Bai'F CL'T PHICKS-H-M. No. 1. 17e;
No, 1, Uc, No. 1 U,c Loins, Na. J,
Uo; No. 1 14140; No. t, 14c, Chucks. No.
L tc; No. 2, !',c, No. 1, Site. lUiuiaj. No.
k lSc; No. i luv: No. 4 p4c flatea.
No. 1. c; Na !, sVc; No. 1 to.
RIBS No. 1, ITiic; No. ?, 14c; NA 1
11. c.
LOINS-No. L lie; Na . liHc; No. t, sc.
CIILCKH-No. 1, tu; No. i 74c; No.
t. 74c. '
HOUNDS-Na 1, lie; No. I, lfiUc; No.
X loc .
PLATL8-.N0. I, c; No. S, l,c; No.
3, tc.
KKU1TS Applet: Extra fancy Be
UH per bbl.. Hod; Jonathan, par bbl..
H Jt, fancy Winaaana, per bbl, HI);
fancy Missouri rippins. par bbl., VU4,
fancy Uanoa per bbL, HW; Idaho
Jonathans, extra faney, pes box, H.0;
Washington MHUenbeig, ir box, lite;
Washington R. Beauty, per box. till;
Wsahlngton IStyman Wtneaaus per box,
f oil, banana: tancy select, par bunoh,
12.16471.60. Jumbo, per bunch, IJ.ltlAIa.
Ctaiibernea: Wisconsin fancy, per bbl..
IW.7I: Jier box. 111. Dates: Anchor
brand, new. W l-lb. pkga in boxes, per
box, Rti; Uromedary brand, aew, at
lib. pkga in boxes, per bog, IT to.
Klga: California per case of II Na
fU pkgs.. let ; per case of M - No. U
pkga, taw; per case 01 Mt No. t pkga.
VM, bulk. In ts-lb. and tv-lb. boxes,
per lb., il; New Turklsn, tVcrowa la
av-ib. boxes, per lb., 14c; t-crown iu
zu-lh. boxes, par lb., lac; 7-oruwn In
ID-lb. boxes, per lb.. 17c Orapa , fruit:
riorlda. M alae, per crate. 16.4a: it .,u
psr urate.- to.W; ao-M-M aisea, per crate,
tt-M. 0 rapes: Malaga grapes in bbia.
Il.i04ja.tu. Lemons: Llmonslra bettctta
brand, extra fancy, 100-leu an,. p,r box.
M.0O; Lome Llmoneira, fancy, Ko-xo sjV
per box. UM. Set and 4M slaee, lot pi7
box less, oranges: California Camella
arena., navvio, oi , imitvr. uo-j:s. 1.. 1
PAt-lie-ais eiiee, per box. tig,; extra
cnervo, ww "w ' mm. aj.u; le
nhsnt brand. lJo-16v-17t-ax;it.ibo . ..o
per box. M t abte: , Wlstviualn. pvr
iu.. ov. ,w.. lor. tel..,..
California Jumbo, per dot., flu,. -t,..u
In Hie rough, a and i tlox., p caM
14. M. Cur umber: Hot house, nvr u.ZT
eon Egg Plant: Kancy Florida, per doa.
ti.HI- usrnc: a,xira tancy, whus, per 10.
IX. Letiioe: fcxtra tancy leaf. rw,r doa
iic onlona: Callfornlh. white! hoiiir.
per lb.. .; rtiaconatn. yellow oioov. pv
, , - 1 u , w., epaniah.
i- crate. B.D. Parsley. Fanrv
ern, psr doa bunchea a07tc. Pa rani pa
per lb.. 140. Potatoes: Minnesota Kany
Ohio, psr bu.. 11.80. Wisconsin white
stork. Per sa. 1.5. Rutabagst: la
sacks, per lb.. IHo. Tomatoes: riorida.
per t-bakt. crate, M M; Cuban, per AbakL
carrier, gt at ""urnitis: Per lb.. ic
KI8K irrsstt frosent-Pickerel. 7e; white
lec: pike. 7c: trout, llajllc; large crannies
litSUc: fipanlah maokerel. 7c: -1 T
haddocks Uc: launders lit: green cat-
lisn, isc; roe srag, ai eacn; shad roe, per
- -w,.., . mudui, rar: Vel
io w perch. Ic; buffaJu, J, ; bullheads lie.
PCVLTRY Broilers, lVtJtf7l per dot?
springs. He: hena. lie: cocks, loc; ducks
latrotc; geess, lie: turkeys, ac; ducks
per dot., I. Alive, brotters. ljttjc; hen
lie: old t-oostsrs and stags, ic; eld
duck, fall feathered, Uc; geese full
feathered. Nc: turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls
2uc each: pigeons, per doa.. otic; homers'
per dot., 1.; squabs, No. 1, fl.M; Na i
inc. .
Ml SCKLLA NTCOUS Al mondi : Terra,
gona per lb., litre; In sack lota. Ic leas,
fee nut 0: Roaeted. in sack lots, per lb
7c; roasted, less than sack lota per lb-
ic; ran, per lb., tc. Parana: Large per
lb., 17c; in aark lots, le less Wslnuia:
New crop. toll. California, per lb, 17c
in sack lota. Ic less Cider: New Ne-'
uanka. . per 'J-aral. 'r-bbla. aw; por 00.
gal. bbl.. C!; New Tork Mott's. per 14.
r4; H-bbU KUd; per M-gaL bbL itit
Metal Market! -
Standard copper, quiet ; March. 114 lofi
14.; April. 14.I7H!4.3I): Mav. fllliuia
14.; June, 114.17l14.; July. elUlSl
M.JTtt. London market firm; a pot. to,
lis Id; riituree. ta Is. Cuatom house re
turas shew exports of 10.4X2 tons so far
this month. Lake copper, 11410814 7i
electrolytic H4.BUti4.4oA4; casting. II1S7U
914.1;, Local sales were m tons snot at
tlt.i: Tin. easy; spot. 141 4ufMI 454:
March. HI 40tS43 4: April, , ML;t34l:
May, Ml.rvrtwi.e5: June, MUasMLli:
July, ton Tori li. at London market dull!
apot, AIM: futures. 17 lea Local sale
were i tons spot at tc ts. lsd, quiet '
H eorM-rs. New Tork: iiJ3.7V. East St!
Louis. lAndon market quoted at a IS K,
od. Ppelter. firm: 4w.nes7.ia, New Tork;
aa-ratx-i.av, rast at. lomiis. lomtoa
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.... W ta l.tta
Mwlft 4V Co 1,M1 tenl l.STt
Cudahy Tacking Co.... 1.117 ill kl
Armour A Co.. 1,11a !.lJ 3,o7b
Hrhwarts A Co 4U3 ....
Morrell ...v te .... ....
Binclair lot .... ..
W. H. Tansant Ce 40 .... ....
Kill A ren 17.0
r". B. Lewis...'; 74 .... - ....
J. H. Root A Ce....;.. aJ
J. li. Bulla. 7
L Wolf , ' 3u
MeCreary A KHUwg..
Werthelmer A Hcgca.. 40 .... ...
II. V. Hamilton K4 , ....
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co... 17
Cllne Chrlatle 11 ....
Other buyers U .... l.otU
Total 6,750 IW l.tMi
CAriLifi-RecolpU of cattle were the
largest that they have been In several
days. M ears being reported. The total
for the two days loots up a.Uv head, a
gain of 1,000 head over ths corresponding
period of last week, and of almost lout
head aa compared with the corresponding
twe daya two weeks ago. still ths total
Is smaller than the average for recent
weeks As compared with a year age
there is a failing oil or tne twa osyt of
4, Out heed.
Buyers or neet ttsers acted a utile near,
lah thle morning, and It looked as If the
market might be a little lower. Still there
wsa a fair demand, and In the end tht
bulk of the cattle sold at pncea not ma
terially different from thoae that nre-
valled yesterdsy, but the trade was alow
and dull' throughout the forenoon.
The demand lor cows and heifers
aasmed 10 be a little more snappy than
waa tne case wit it neat steers, and tney
commended fully steady prices, and In
many oaaea they sold to a llttla batter
advantage than yesterday. The fsci Is
ths cow market could be safely quoted
ss sievjoy to strong.
There waa. no material change m the
ttocker and feeder Situation. At a mat
ter 01 course the deep anow baa a ten
dency to reduce the demand somewhat
and the trade was at no time Serv active.
Slitstationa on cattle: taoed te ehotce
beet steers.; fair to arood keel
a leer. M.z&eJ.7o; eommon to fair beef
steers. It.aOijt.S; good to choice betfera
(t.Mpi.0; good 10 choice 00 We. M 7t4aiju:
l air 10 govs cowa, 44.utl4.74. common ta
fair cews,; good to ehotce ttook
ens and fendera, SV .: fair te good
sutcksra and feeders,; ceramoa
to lair stocksrs snd feeders, so.tuast.k:
stock heifers, H.MaiH.TI; veal caivsa,
tje-oa; aunt, stags, etc., M.wtjt.ev.
Keprescatstlve sales:
A. Pr. Its. Arl Pr.
eat I a 14... ion 1 ot
, tot t SI l7 ,
71 HI ...v-ttt ie. 01 et fto
St.. .....Ill M Its a., IS4 ... tit '
a mi 71. ..,. n ... tit .
... t tt.....;.: ... i m '
at t is ;t Mt . 1 it
. t- 43 :et ZVtti
at 4 4S U.......241 ... tit
M .171 ... IA 17....:. .97 St I to
71 Ml U tti a 24 ... lit
U tl.44,t C m ... lit
n ttt ... its tt.......m et 1st
7 .1. tti c rn a in
tt ... 1 1 ti si ... it;,
rs itt ut t t m ... at
at n ... ttt ti ?n ... its
U t ... I to 71. -Vt 19 ttt
t- !M ... I A a 571 4 IN
St.. .....t 131 ttt tt 4 ... IIS
n.....iit '... tti at -a at It
as m ... t ii u ut ... t at
i ut ... 1 ti ' it j?t ... t at
1 : ... its' nt ... ttt
M tU tt t it S4. 14 ... ICi
:t m tt 1 st u nt tt 1 11
tt.......:it ... im . a m at t tt ,
t. ts let 1 1 1
SHEEP Like all recent sheep and
lamb -markets stronger trend was shown
In both of ths two leading branches of
the trade. Matured muttons usually sold
on' a steady id strong basis, wiills fat
lambs brought prices that were largely.
ic higher than those paid yesterday.
This advance was shown in all classes
ranging from extra good to common, but
was more especially pronounced in sates
of atrtrtly high-grade stock.
Toppy western lambs from Colorado,
about the beat westerns that have been
received at Omaha this 'season, made A
creditable top of y7. early In the ses
sion that was duplicated by A band of
choice Mexicans later on. Medium to
eommon lambs so.d from to Tt, downward,
the range In values amounting to a full
Fair sited receipts, estimated at over
7.000 head, included a dwindling propor
tion of sheep, but scarcity failed lo stim
ulate the demand and trade as a whole
lacked the buoyancy exhibited by the
tamo market. Most sheen offetinga dur
In early rounds coneieied of ewea. none
or them very attractive, and wethers or
yeartlngs were rare exceptions. Pretty
good ewea landed at ahortly alter
trading started, but extreme tops were
not tested, rnme ewes were wanted
around feist).. In-between atrlngs sell
ing considerably below thla spread.
Packers bought close all along the line
ana witn tne feeder market practically
barren, nothing much sold on country ac
count. Yesterday's feeder purchase waa
a utile larger than usual, amounting Ao
-A run , nead.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs.
good to choice, P5.7i-a1.aa; samba, fair to
gooo, yesuiings, good to choice.; yearlings, , fair to good, K akji
a. re; wernera, goo to cnoioe. o.ivti.ti;
wethers, fslr to a-ood. I6.uttrrs.-a: ewea.
good to choice, .l-ati.2; ewes, fair to
good, at.aeja.w.
Representative sales: - .
No. Ar. Price.
where growers are demanding ltc. 0!t
territory wool ia being tranaf erred at t
toe for the best scoured, while elgct 4
month s Texas stork brtnga 17c The f
heaviest aales in nearby .wool leeeotiv-X
was a good lot of Ohio fine unwashed af
?M Medium -Trout-Mr, oro firm Kn u-J
Inal; while there is very little fine delaitra
left In tne bins. Pulled wool kt dull again,
but the foreign product la mors active.
8T. LOUIS. March It WOOL-Steedyi
territory and western mediums, IttSUc:
fine mediums. 16S17c; fine, ktfelec. - ,
( Ce tens Market. '
NEW TOP.K. March i;.-4OTTOK-.
Soot.-, closed qniet 12 points lower;
middllns uplands. Kt5c; middling gulf.
M.Plc: sales, 910 bales, future opened
steady: March, ln.48; Mav, iftisc: June,
Ht.Hic oto; July, vusac; August, 10.48c: Sep-
lenioer. oiierm, ri'.es-c; uctooer. 10.14c
November. 10.75e: December. W.nJc: Jan
uary. a.71c bid: February. 10.77e offered.
Futures closed firm: March. 1(14.-
April. lt4Jc; My. 10.54r: June. W.SSc:
July. MHc; Augnst. W.SSc: September.
W-i9c: October. HXaoc; November, tO.sVc;
December, 10.75c; January, ja.47c; Feb
ruary, M.eac.
Dry Osoada Market.
The cotton roods markets are vrv
strong and active. Print cloths have been
advanced and an advance) In staple prints .
is Impending, following some very large
orders. Export shipmenta to data are
substantially ahead of a year ago. Men s
wear orders are being placed by noma
tailors to the trade In an rnrouraalne;
way and there Is a good demaneKfor soot
ewrgsa, .
ta fed ewea
31 fed yearlings
164 wooled lambs
111 fed swes
46C red lambs ....
44 fed lambs ....
MO fed iambs ,
4.10 fed ewes
1.15 Mexican lambs
lit fed lambs
tin fed lambs
tit shorn Iambi ...
ta fed lambs ......
Kt) fed Is nibs .......
W fed lambs
aafed lambs
..... m
..... M
..... 71
.. 79
lt7 41
1 7 a
:t,.....-....isi at
ia set t at
li t lot t li
U IU tie
I m t
A t. tea t
IL Ill t et
II It. 4 11
it it 4
U Hat I A
I...4 I ttt
r 1441 tie to....
A u m' ....
1 n a ttt 14...,
41 tut ttt Jl ...
..ass I tt .
.m 1 it
.Ml I ti
.. tat 4 at
.1114 4 it
.Vila 4 t
M -...!! 4 w
4 in, t n
I. ...
II. ...
1 ...
; II
t li
...ten I
... est 4 to
... rrt 1 a
lets a a
... tit 4 14 11
... til 4 ta I
... lit 4 4
... 044 I St
. Mt t as II.
.... Ill It)
.... M lit
....lttt II '
IIS t It
.... Ml I le
,...U7t tit
Ul t 14
.... tie t .0
....leu t ta
....lit. tie
....ire: 1 a
....nil i oa
....Utt Itt
....1141 t tk
...1411 1 1,
... 41t 1 tO "
....ltw) I a
....mi t n
....Utt lot
....140 I t
.... ttt I u
.... ai ia
....ion t a
....list t A
.... mi 1 a t a
....1111 lit
.... M IS
....l4t 44
....lO.o I 4S
....lau lie .
...-.uet 1 as
....lltl I to
.... n it
.... M? i ta
.... ti: i is
.... ut 1 ti
aa u
is ttt 1 to
..!'. t it
I Tie 4 e
... Hie- 1 st
.-.ine t a
....Mt I Si I 3
.... ai is
....ll 4 tt
.,..! 1 at .
....144t I I
....tilt lit
Mkf r's T, ,",,iro u:-seesor: AT.t was a trad: feaiurV
1 in t at 1
in it , 1
l.v 11st 1 it 11
1. ......... in t tt 1
1 ii 1 it 1
..- 1 it
1...... un t a 1
1 ! tea 1.....1 ts tn
t t 4 tt ut t m
1 txt t a n is,
t .'. IU A A Itt 1 to
I ttt I f- t... Its I Iu
1 So I it . .1 ,.. lea 1 aa
I v-... m 1 1 ... its I it
cris r. socio a.s u r SLur, m.
rt tee t as tn 1 s
ie ata ' 1 la . t....v...... tit 1 as
: ttt 4 11 its t aa
s at is t tar t to
st lttt i tt , 14. :ei t h
it 711 1 a a tm t to
A tu tts - ; last itt
HOG An abrupt decrease in Chtcaaro
hog receipts sent values upward with a
rusn at all points, tns local market ruling
raaiwc nisncr. eruppcrs na in tne suvlno
furnishing an outlet for rtearly one-third
of) a good-stsed nta, aaeV elearaaoe of
the total supply waa matte la tery good
Cookaon's, I7.S. Iran. Cleveland war
rants, ass -,sa in London. Locally Iron
wss unsettled: No. 1 found rv, northern.
iV7Mfli.; No. 1. 4.Jiii4.!: No. 1
aouthern and Na t southern, toft, HisStk
IW w
Bvapermteel Applea aad Dries rralte
ORATED APPLE-Vulet and steady:
on the apot. fancy. Sot"lHc, chatca, r
IV: prime, Tm9c.
DR1EU FRCITS PnseCtled. but the
undertone is steadier. Quotations range
rrora tfe rrw tanrormaa op te so-em
and HotiCo fat Oresotia. Aorrcots, oufet.
but atoauy: choice. 144iSAcc extra
choice. ar,ayis4c; isncy. lastyi.Stc.
Peecrtew, Inactive. with prices un
changed; choice. rOwtlKtVc; extra chofrw.
llAUHc: rancv. iiac?izc Kauri ns. vary
steady, eepecially for tbe aeedless va
roetlea: lneaa M usee tela, ieietoc: ertcw
to fancy eeeded. eVerntr: twedlssa, ttjrijc;
iMOlrut.'a layers. a-vw ,
the advance, excepting a short lull at
mld-seesoje. aad all weights moved with
eaual freedom.
The board rati mate called for fully M.Oat
neao ana a very is.r crop oc gooa ru ten-
era ana taaaviea save averaa-e ouaiity aa
attractive S4pearaacje. Prnooth sard hogs
claimed he high aprwad. bat tbe ranee
rn values has narrowed considerably
tare ana energies Between tae tares gen
eral classes of stock were relatively
Beet naavy hogs an sal brought K ta,
aa eom pared with yesterday's limii
and rredutn butchers sold targeiy arouooj
.aoejs.aa ttacon onenngs cleared in
moat Instances within 4m.&tK.t.
No. av. aa. Pr. Na -Av. as. pr.
a..' itt 111 tt m ut t a
at in -.11 a ut ttt
M lit ... tat tt at ttt tie
it in tt t tt at tt ... t ie
im s is B. ..... .tm j... ti
!t ... tts M let ...
...... Mat tt t at - . m ... t it
toi . B Mt
t is
i 00
6 7S
4 90
Deaaaad far Cattle Weak Hosa Aew
Higher Iheep Itrfeag.
ceipia sow "ea a. siarset weovK; baevea,
IkvuvIM: Texaa steers, M.TwtJt.OO; west
ern ttsers. t5.loej7.01); stocksrs and feeders.-
M KSJAOO; cows .and heifers, (72 Jut
.): calves. KtNtjt.3.
H OO 8 Receipta 19.000 head. Market 10c
to l&c up: light. t,Mr.2'; mixed, KIOI)
.W; heavy, m.W.: rough. M09W.70;
plgt. H.smt.tO: bulk of sales,
KHEKP AND LA M Bd Receipta, 12.000
head. Market strong; native. 137464.10;
western, M.70; yearlings. aVtj X).
Lambs: Nttlve, 4.a4j;.i0; sealers, 16,764)
Olio aal Rssia : '
PAVANXAH. 47!a. 10 iTi:rjta-vJ
TINB-rFlrm at 44;: sales. 1D bote.; re
ceipte, lf bbla.: shipments. 203, obit.:
stocks. 30.71S bbls.i
ROSIN Firm: aales. ttt! hhls- eiHlnio
991 bbla.: ahipmenta, 407 bbla.: stocks. 11.-
vuoisnons: ts. xs.7jers.77H: I). HP;
K. e.Biati.S7t4; F and G. A9t62l; H,
eo.16: I. J6.80; K. r.0Oft7.H); U, 7.S: N
and WU, 7.a; WW, 17.40.
Omaha Hap Market.
OMAHA, March 12. HAY No. L Hi Ml '
Na f, lau); coarse, 11100; packing stock. -r.orttjaoo;
alfalfA lltno. Straw; Wheat!
te-eo; rye and oats. l7s0ei.Su,
3 agar Market.
NKW TORK. March 12.-8TJGAR-Raw
nominal; Muscovado. 49 test.' 4.11c; een
trifugai. M lest. 4.41c; molasses sugar. 49
test,; refined, steady.
' Bank carinas. - "
OMAHA. March li Bank clearing fo
today were C 459.860.11 and for the oorre
spooding day last year, S2.414.M.),
eh It Two flying men of J
BERLIN, March li Two flying men o(
the German army were aeverel injured
today while txecutlng a military mano
euver Itv a Harlan monoplane. LSeutananl
Engwer, of the Rail roaTTbgl meat, and
Lieutenant Hoi mitt, of tht Automobile
corps, ascended from the mil Uary avla.
Hon (rounds to make some obeervation.
To motor stopped while they wer at A
conaldersbl - altitude, and they wtra
obliged to make an emergency landing.
In which the monoplane was a mashed, the
two men Buffering severely. ,
An aviator who waa accompanying the
officer In a Wright biplane descended) at
the tame tlms and rendered first aid. It
I believed that Lieutenant Engwer can-
oak recover.
" t
A new ttatlon on the Burlington has
been located twenty-two and one-hair1
mile watt of this city and named Melts,
Ed McFarland hag been appointed agent.
The new town la on the high land Jutt
to the left ot the Burlington track and.
at a point where the bridg ipsai lb
Piatt river.
Kansas Clip Live Hack Market.
Receipts, touo head. Including tot south
erns; market, strong to 10c higher;
dressed beef and export steels, n.lOt)
S; fair lo good. K.tMn.lO; western
eteers. I6.00ei7.e0; Blockers and feeders
H.750S; southern steer, IS.Hajr7.00;
southern cows. nsdvs cowa
n.totitl.oO; native heltera K.Ouf7.00; bulla.; caivea H ixart ai,
HOOd-RecetptA 7.O0 head; market, a
ins nigner; Bulk of sales. M.iOtM.T
heavy. M.706.7i: packer and butchers.
M.OOtVl.7.; lights, tt.tuet.fc; pigs, I4O0
8HEEP AND LAMBS ROctlptt, 1,000
head: market, ateady; iambs, t.so4J,.14;
yeartmga. io WtrS.go; wethers. M.toet.M:
ewes. so.gOtrt.l; stocker and tetders.
eJ OOiH.tJU.
St. Leals Live Stack Market.
ceipts. S.700 head. Including 300 Teiena:
market. Iota 14c higher: natlvs shipping
and export steera. f7.KS8.eO; dressed and
butcher steera, K.otkjta.vO; steers under
l.out pounds.'at.74: Mockers and
feeders, B.oMM.OO; cows and heifera.
U. 7O434.0O: cannera. C ArtM OS; bulla M M
tio.aO, calves. la.011t31.OO; Texas and In
dian steers. E. ifl7.0; cow and heifers.
HCHia-Receiota Asn: market. UtMOe
higher; pigs and lights, K.tMrl.l: mixed
snd butchers, M.tetft.M; . good heavy.
4o.f7 06.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta lata)
head: market, strong: native muttons.; Ismba M H0tr7.: culla and
bucks, sw.SftJ.M; tyockers. K WtjJ.aO.
I. jaoteph Live Hack Market,
ceipts, 1 WO head. Market strong to 10c
hlaher: steera ai.004i4.00; cowa and heif
ers 7U0t.;: calves, 14 7Mt.Z.
IIOO a-ReoelDta, tm bead. Market tc
higher: top. Pi.Jt; bulk ol aaleeMivS
8KEEP AND -LA MBS-HecelDlt. T.tM
head. Market slow; lambs, le. 004,7.10.
Itawk la SI gat. "
Receipts of live stock at the five print
cipel wee tern markets yesterdsy: 1
cattle Hoots Sheep.
., e.K . lt.sTe 7.1N0
.. 1.100 a.000 ' T.0M
.. s.010 7,t0t t (W
.. 1700 t,4tt laoo
.. 1.000 1.AI note)
South Omaha
St. Joseph ...
Kansas aty .
8t. Louis
Wt malt a speclsl prk of !(
cant for cleaning corsets. Thar
ar hundreds of them that coat
from la to 110 or mora laying
awty 1 Omaha cl resets too soiled
to wear and yet not worn out.
Send them har and hav them
cleaned 'twill surprise yoa how
new and freeh they will look
after cleaning.
Send us your gloves too; w
tak great deal of paina with
our glive cleaulug, and, Judg
t'.r by the way they com tn, the
m : appieclatj it
The prlc la 1 cent per pslr
for thort one, li cat, Is tor elbow
length and 2e cants for full arm
Send them with your cornets,
dreaaes, walt. ato. Phone your
order and a wagon will call
1515-17 JONES ST.'
PnrjNn Doixu593lNp.A-3e68
... 47,174 UNO
Ceffre Market.
Future market opened steady at a de
cline of ane point on March, but gen
erally twe to six points -lilgher. In ayrrt-
oathv with hltner r rench earwas. Trad-
ing wss quiet and the market showed
comparatively little change during the
day. with the dose steady, net on point
lower to four points nigner. Kales,
baga March. llOc: April. 11 Mc; "Mar.
llatc; June, title; July, 1147c: August.
1141c: September, ll7ct ' October. 1144c;
November. llaSc: Iiecember, 1141c: Jan
uary, 1147c; Febrnary. 1141c. Havre was
Vt franc ' higher; Hamburg was HwH
pig. nigner.
private came report ea tnax aisrcn -
liveries In Havre were being promptly
stopped. Neither of tit Hrsailiaa mar
kets reported any change.; Rio, 7s. tgrri;
Santos, ta ate: 8antoa. Ta TJtot. Re
ceipts at the two Brazilian port. D.s
baas, as-alnst ,.ow aaaa last year. Jtmdt.
any recetpts. 10.M baga against IM
baas last year. New York warehouem
deliveries yesterday. . isags. asalnat
143T bags last year. Today special
Santos cables reported 4a txnehaaged. Sao
Pauls receipts, lta Dea. against ll.tsp
bags the previous day. Piivatd cables
from sjantsa aald that an some dkrtnas
toe centj nc crop would be front M te M
per cent teas than the crop new moving.
Soot eeffeev quiet: Rio, No. 7, l44ac: No. 4
Santos. 14xc; mild, dull; cordova, MtjUe,
WaaM Market.
BOSTON. March 11 -Trading ia do-
mestte wool caattnuea fairly active with
twtcea heJdlng steady. The prospects for
the aew eilp are reported eascooraging and
contracting kt la presets ia Montana.
Will lean aa security requlr- -lag
p la 1 lnveaUgaUo .
. ar - close aupervieluci, sad
nt available for hank loans
Largs enterprises financed.
Frinpt lnveatlgalson af
ecutity offered, whatsvaf v
It character o r locetloA
WWW TOBE....:..! Broad gliaat
ITmdPgT.tVBXa...Wsooa BMg.
RUOAtH). ..girst Mara. Baak aoktg.
1 II Farae ttrrwtaved. FotTe Snktwa,
II yia-i-i ;
I EM BwMlimm, lAmm audi mllmy t
J Fmt-i qviTrkl wlthtoot Biittttirtsc. I
Fr' amah. Pat tsAas. tat ISOBsa. IBM taoS tts-iMldt. X
" tltJisirsasl. nttstpnastl VesatttP A
-4Wtt.T 1Aptrt io--i .d4 Bonk ITrtM.
A RM)RR1 E. J 1 wapsaat TrVn
traiMs. Pvafiil. KaWWrnl, 9w.i4M Ttnatv M1 tk Ltwaj,
MmaTtk pTtTaT IkOttW U fimn QTtiSTm$
ff.F TI.llMi. M lmm IkU Urii4. Htm