r 14 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAECH 12, 1912. Y "CADET OFFICERS ADYAHCEDjf' 2iay Promotion Amos; High i School Segiment Koncomi. FEW VACA5CIES EIGHZE UP uiait Cnma af Rrcilu liar u Takes Especial Car r - . that Otfteer Arc a, 1 QaallMed; tar Dal 7. ' Tb 13L1 mit-term promotion at th Omaha Hl-h school cadet refhnent war Issued Monday with the concurrence at Principal McHugh. All former orders la nan flic are bow ranked. : Captain Arthur 8. Cowan of Fort Omaha, tna new commandant ot 'the 'uim baa taken cepacia! care to m that every one af.the lad are capable r toKUUnc their duttee la a creditable manner. The reoauniesMiationa were mad by to eommiaaloned officers of each mnpanr and the battalion and jcesaeaau biaii oiiicens. Only three new oommHBkmed officer Are aseraded an the llet a moat of the 14 who hav keen wearlnc aword and ' trejxatnea have been doing; naaatns wurk la their atadia and few vacancies were left on ncooant of failure. There " a larter number of non-com. pro. sn rains, howeeer. - reOewlnc tb Uet: - . Tessas laalea rd Officer. 6eond lieutenant and quarter muter pt BBCond battalion, Harry Jenkins. Second lieutenant ot Company t. Clar. uc Shary. - Second lieutenant of company F, Fred fenest. oaeaaa aa laateaed Officer. . X Iteciaamtal-Color Serjeant, H. Jacob Ji; quanarnuuNer serfeaa. Carlyl tllaa: commissary aertreant K. Martin, Z Battailon-8ereant major, first bat talion, John Drexel; nneaat major, third battalion, John Roeei. " Company A Corporal, R. Klaack and eillbsrt Kennedy, ' -i Companr B-SsreasU. Robert ' Mil fcura, Edward t'ndeauid and Charles Kll tan; corporal. Earl Katcnam and Phil tip Romonosck. e Company C Flrat aenteant. Kenneth Wats; aerceant. Dwujht Kvana; cor ewrel. Hark ltaveas and C, Derlow. r Company D-Jame vYnterfleld, r. Camnany erats, W. Gilbert and t'l-fford Darlow: corporal, W. Jaeobten. Cemaany F-flergtant. W. Undell; cor poral, r. Uaacork. J Company O-ftrst aerceant, llobert lilarthalli corporal, Alvm Nelson, j Company Jl Serjeants. Oaii Flynn. Jjoster Hanaen and Qeorf alcLatfarly; corporal. Dean Ualwry. 1 ' Company 1 Sergeants, H. Bravlnoff nd Paul Jenklna; corporal a. Clay Beieel .Hid Harold htoaney. . Placo to Bay coat Flare for and - OMAHA firms provide . V. ALL FOR NEW BUILDING Tuttowlo-. It boiler' of maklnrlh I'laUrort. It now apartment nous at Seventeenth and- Howard, a bulldiur of strictly Omaha material, the Fyn later company ha lot the contract for . furniture, carpet, draperlea, and tinea to the Orchard a. Wllhatm company. , tThl will be a el any bulldliic, with flirty bath room, velvet carpet on the floor at the ninety-el guts room and turnltur of mlaeton desire In velvet fln Vhed turned oak. Sample ot the furni ture, carpet and draperla are belnc dts blayod, Tb office future, deaifned by . eVrehlteet Print, are being mad ot eolld whofnny at the Bloom fixture milk ITb Klatlron baa been built and the material furnished by Omaha contractor. It will be ready for ocoapancy la about , staty day. , - YOUTH SENT BACK TO IOWA WHENCE HE CAME A' lad ef earn trusting out ot the know and applied to the Associated Char ities for help. II Was bumming hi way e Colorado, thinking tb turner altitude would prokin hi lit a little, for death by tuberculoal Uireatened him. 1 "The doctor told me 1 had to go Into the mountains." said the young man. ''And I left my hornin loer without a cent. I have come this far tnd want to go aa.- v . Miss Porter of the Charltle" discovered . t hat the young fellow had a rich unci j 1u Iowa who had refused to help him. Vwwlng that If he was sent on to Coto lJiidvraUl be sent out. as doaen are who have no mean ot support, ha waa given hi traniportatton bach home. Belldta r-eraalta. 'lanea, and Amato. Ul etouth Blxth. ramo abops. Ila); M. R. Clouga. nc.i Hnerman avenue, tram dwelling, n ; y. R. Clouirh. Sit North Twenty-aeventh, Same dwelling, COIM ht R. Cuuh, am Kmmet. frame dwelling, t..'ta. Mark A. Pullack, 7U Jones, brick Mock building, WW. II V yrld UxJfJU Tht tfM bat hfl scainst ikidding is Th: Facou! Hobby Tread r Tire tad erer Nobby Tr4 er knowi it. The Nobby Tread has earned its popularity. Made only by v mtTta mm THE COMPART IMaaertetAmerl- 1 ca'syrraonaaal LffAl Vj Dealer I SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY Embroidery Sale 13 and 27-inch fine sheet1 Swiss and Batiste Embroid ered Flouncings, Corset Coverings, wide bands and galloons; choice designs in English Eyelet, r)A Floral and Blind Relief effects; many YAC worth 75c a yard, special, at yard $ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! . v Next Thursday in Our Bargain Basement ' Remarkable Sale of , RELIABLE SHOES for Women, Men and Children "ALL SIZES. SPRING STYLES Thousands of Pairs at the Most Wonderful, Bargains Ever Offered bv Anv 'i ' Store in the West. ' See the windows Watch the Newspapers SALE BEGINS THURSDAY AND CONTINUES THREE DAYS IN BRAN DEIS BASEMENT. MAKING UP THE CITY SLATE Citizen Union Executive Committee Engaged in the work. auisTioH or pasty politics Why Ihenld the Conyiltte geek to Know rartlsaa Affiliation of Man Wis la I So fea. artleaa Candidate t IntareM In the city campaign I now directing Itself to the slat maker and the next promulgation of a elate I ex pected to come from the Clllsen' union. For advisory purposes, blanks eer last week sent to the membership ("king far an expression of preference for seven men for commissioner with space pro vided for the name, age, nationality and political affiliation of the proposed can. dldatr. 1 Thl Intrusion ot political affiliations In com ml as Ion ln election supposed to Ignore party politic altogether ha stimulated Inquiry as to the politic of tM lat maker themselves, . The executive committee of the Cltl- aens' union which I to do the business I compoeed ot -Charles Harding, repub lican; F. baiter, democrat; Lysl 1. Abbott, democrat; Kmet Sweet, repub lican: C. 4. Mm) th, democrat; C. 11. Cunningham, democrat: A. 11. Hippie, democrat; Edwin T. Hwobe, republican; W. Lester Hire, republican; K. A. Ben son, republican; A. II. llurnelt, republl can;' N.iY.'Thorson. republican; Charles A. - Alaen and Robert Lynn, Jr.. party unknown, but supposed to o republican on national Issues. Messrs. Klce and Lynn are union men and put on the commit toe to represent th Interest of organised labor. Mr. Rloa I printer and Mr. Lynn la bricklayer. The result of th referendum vole I to be tabulated at once, and th execu.'lve commute will then rank It elate. If it ha not already don ee in advance, but th ticket I not to be announced until after the mass meeting to be addressed by William J. Bryan and W. F. Hurley, probably on th evening of March Ml Mr. Bryan refused to com to Omaha to talk tor any particular ticket or do more than to favor th declared objects ot th untou. so this little rue of postponing announce- ment ot the stats waa resorted to get around Mr. Bryun'a objection. How It vVlll Afreet. "Wht particular interest can they hav In a man age, nationality or political affi nation?' a Id a deeply interested metabei. "My understanding, which agree exactly with that of other I bar talked with, has been that thl thing was to be conducted along nonpartisan lines, with a sole -vie- of getting the beat men. regardlesa ot all other 000. autaratlona. Per hap thee apparently trivial detail explain th rumors we bare heard recently that an roner circle of wis, practical pootlolan la to met the final decision on the ticket" - Th taking t th referendum vote has given rise to a goad deal of speculation aa to Just what It WUI lead to. It seems practically certain th execative com mittee will be hold responsible whichever esy th cat lumps. Those candidate eliminated Iron conaldentioa by th conv Klttee, but who may be voted tor la to referendum, can be relied on, say the political wise on, to rise in rebellion when th ticket la announced, aad to put up bowl that vm be reflected ia tb actio f their nominators. Aad if thl protest I strong enough It may upeet t an 'alarming degretb calculation ot toe Msaor. DakJaaaa 6 Alow. It has beooao generally tradcrVtood ainc Mayor Dahlman tiled that h decided to ro.it strictly atom la his own peculiar fashion.'' He has been busily a work personally and through hi beutra ante far th bust two weeks lining up M friends In the lower ward, and th DeJil- maa booster tntist the mayor cannot tail to land. Other democrats holding of fie) do not tak kindly to th Dahlman oaa-man campaign, and thl fact will vary likely, lead to a democnuae date tht may Interfere with th mayor's nop., ; ' - Family is Found in Critical Condition Without wood or fuel, and but scant clothing, was th condition Harry Sl ler, wperlntendem ot the, Union Uoapel Mission, SU South, Fourteenth street, found a family Monday morning. Th tether I elck In bed with a deadly dis ease and th mother, who n not bl to do much work, ht fi v children, raruT ing to ag from to U .to look after. - When found by Mr. Sigler th live olilldren and mother were HuddJeaT over a small bias in the kitchen stove, and th father wa lying Shivering In a bed In on corner with nothing but a tattered blanket over him. The family la In great need of (sale tones. Although Mr. mgler supplied them ful, food nd clothing, he say that be will not be able to keep thl up mile he receive financial assistance or donation of food and clothing from generous clt liens. Th man una been sent to hospital. ', - City May Soon Gets ' the Water Plant further testimony to ''prove tho expen diture of 1133. OHO la th Improvement of th wster work plant was offered by attorneys for th water company at the hearing Monday morning before Special Master tn Chancery Oeorg H. ThummeL Th city' contention In a number of Instances Is that some of th Item charged to Improvement czpedltures should hav been charged to the upkeep account. ' We're going to keep right after the man from now on," said Mr. ThummeL W'v got good start and th water company is Just a anxious to have the matter settled as I th city. I think It will only be a hort while before the lnt Is In th possession ot tho city." if roe hav anything to exchange, ad vertise it Th Bee want ad eeiumas. Baggage Agents Meeting in Omaha Fifteen general bsggag (gent of as many different railroad are holding a meeting in Omaha, th sessions being held at th Mens hav. Among th old Urn Omaha men who re her are Tom Davis, formerly rat clerk la the passenger department of the Inton Pacific, but now goners! bag gag agent of the nan Fedro rout with headquarter In Lo Angele and John K. Buckingham, formerly assistant gen eral passenger agent, but now general baggage .agent of th Burlington system,' with headquarter la Chicago. Military Officers Resume Hearing Th army retirement board, which 1 Inquiring into Lieutenant Cotoaat 11. J. Goldman' capability to discharg .the duties required ot him In th Twelfth cavalry, convened Monday morning at tb Army Headquarter building. Colonel Oodmaa introduced testimony In his be- tVort Robinson. . Th bearing, it i be lie .ed, wiO be samplsfd early bit week, and th finding of th board win be sent u Washington. In th meantime all proceedings ar held la secret. METHODIST BROTHERHOOD MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT A meeting of th Methodist Brother hood of tb Walnut HU1 Methodist Epis copal '.church will be held Tasaday even ing. Supper will be served at T o'clock after which there WUI be discuss toa of to following subject: "Is It th policy ot the church to as tb church to save men. or to use men to sav the cfeorchr Tb topic will b opened by several capable speakers and then th (object will be opened for geaoral diacosstbn. A rrtsMfal lessor we with atltoassesA malaria aad coosttps ttoa ia ooickiy ovsraonta by talcing Dr. Kins' r ew Lit ijuia. Only So, rr sal by Beat 'JO Drug C. in U S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With All Purchases at This Store. Today We Begin the Sale of' : , the Famous : Pictorial Review Patterns for several reasons, either one of wbicb la sufficient in itself all of them Important to every woman la Omaha and tbe surrounding territory. Pictorial Review Patterns are Merely More Than "In Style." They are slity to ninety day ahead of the current fashions which i one reason. ANOTHER REASOX-Witb each Pictorial Review .Pat tern there is a patented CUTTING'GUIDE which absolutely doeg away with all chances of making; mistakes. The tutting Guide and a Patented Construction Gable are Rlvea free villi each pattern. - There are other reasons why we have Installed Pictorial Review. Patterns; there are other reasons why- you will favor these pattern once you have tried them. - , " Mist E. Matthew It With U This Week to Give Demonstrations of These Wonderful Patterns . and to point out to all callers at the pattern department the use of tbe cutting and construction guides, by which you tan ure at least a half yard of material on every dress. '.' When You See the New Suits " , as You Surely Must you will agree that .We are welf within bounds when we say it ia the finest collection ever brought to this city. 's And they are not only fine from a standpoint 'oftyle and quality, but they are so attractively priced you will possess yourself of a new suit at once. Elegant Rough Scotch Mixture Suits Cost Only $19.50 and at the same price you will find other equally handsome models of navy and black serges, three-striped dia'g-' onal suitings, whipcords and black and white pencil striped materials. Tbe variety of styles is very broad and $23.00 la the price you would have to pay in many estab lishment for suits no better than (hese. Cream White Fancy Tweed and , Serge Suits Only$25. 00 The majority of the suits in this lot are in strictly tailored modes, showing new variations in revers and side effects. Lined with high grade peau de rvgne arid finished la a thorough, work manlike manner. Extra S. & H. Stamps Inlho Big Grocery Store, Tuesday III i r'' t Ben net fs Golden coffee and 2 stamps, lb., toe Assorted tea and 0 stamps, the lb s .Tea airlines and I stamps, the lb IS Bennett s Kxcelslor flour --the best flour made the sack for I1.S0 1-lv on pur pepper and ( stamp" 10 Lar can rlntOrr's pork and bean and -0 atainp ......10 Annro benelee sartlluee and i stamps, can. .ISe Beeded rstsina uud I etampiv the- pkgiaH r'ull rneain vheeaw.aud le stamps, the lb. S3 Dennett's I'apllol grated pineapple and i" t ps. tii can ,..,10 cans Cottag milk and rn tamps.w as I har frj'iflal White soap and is at'pa, ate Van Camp'a spenliettl and stamp, can, 14 Dnldei" chile miic and I stamps, but tie.. See Blue Ijbel catsup and IS tamp th buttle, I4e Van Houten'H cocou and s stamps, th can.. 16 Onion salt and i stautps, til bollls 16 1-lb. can Bennett's Cap itol baiting powder and re stamps a-to Or bou liulidet' maraa chlno rherrle 4&a Tegvtaat aad riswer Seeds two pkg....s :-lh. 4kg. Bennett t'spl Inl oats or pancake flour sud 1 etampN ' for 10 J-lb. aaclt "Queen of the I'antry", lalry flour and 40 atanip.,.ljS Combination Special for Tuesday Four cam Evergreen Corn ....... n. ... $ ,t 0 1 ran Early June Pes. , ,20 Pint can Galllard't Olive Oil..' '. .50 With MO Htamps, Tuesday Only. .. .$1.10 MEAT BARGAINS FOR TUESDAY ONLY ( Can Lard.' . .". .iOc, 65c, $155 I Corned Beef, 4 lbs. 25c PorS Chops... ..... .. :lltc I Pot Eoast 88c, 7,c Agreement.Eeaclied m Waterworks Case Infterencea between tb Omaha Water company and the county a to whether th wtr company should pay taxes oa th phy)calt valuation ot th water work or on the valu of tlx Judgment It holds again th city were settled Mon day and both aide consented to th le suanc, of, a decree that tb ta.aw tax gt.liiat th Judgment to Illegal and the KMUM lu ginst th physical property shall stand aa valid. The decree was is sued by J ode Kennedy The Tounty Is ordered to refund the Ceut tag on th Judgment, paid by the wtr company through a misunderstand ing, and the water company hi to pay the assessment of &. on th physical valuation. Th decree find that at th Urn ot th esmnt tb water com pany illl owned th plant, th validity of Hs Judgment stilt being In controversy. High Masons Meet Here This Week Th lode of Ferfeetloa. Ancient and Accepted Scottish 1111 of free Monry conveaed at MaaonK Tempi at noon Monday Frank C Patton of Omaha pre siding. At this meeting which continued until midnight, aeventy t eighty cawtl data sought th higher degree. At th sessions Monday aftamoaa aad aight th work was In th fourth to Mne teenth degree, inclualv. A number of th candidate for higher degree are resident ot th city, but th majority are from tb Masonic lodges out la th stat. ' s Tkl noon Bomper FMelia chapter, Bom CroU lodge, will convene, and far this it is aaderMood ther are almost aa many candidate a for th ledge of Perfection. Ulking to himself nd decided that tbe thing a tom stenographer. ' Li Rate to Paeifta Coast. Effective until April U. Specially low rate will be In effect to point In West ern Canada, Washington, Idaho and Ore gon, via the Canadian Pacific By. Par ticular on application to Geo. A. Wal ton, General Agcjt, Bcutu. Clark Street. Chicago. Whooping1 Cough CROUP ASTHMA COUCH BftOMCHTnS CATARRH COLDS wm.m M.aiiMlS a dosls.sJL ui secM BralSMSf 1st eklet nestles. sMatsfsmf VsrsrissS Cnm isas sees tsa ssresrw ef H'Ussuhj Casts ss Mws C)as St saea. saiiaals ea asdnss. Tie sU ntsSmd stnsely sstHs. Mt,lsssi'i oh swy sewa, waast biesialsf aerri sills te Hfl Israel ea swe a easts, soartat mow siSSa it a Isestsasls s awuWa VMS seaag csuarsa, Sss s smsi a isaitnln bMthc all ntuccms. TyCMjalMM sHMSMr TM ttUm s ise Teey eea Of year Tsp Cunlm Ca, altrai Hukt. Mo?e before the moYing season You will havca much butter se lection of offices now than if you wait until the I 'jpiawiiiaiii ''a --'V'-""-- ' wanting. -sp.rv- a. 1st ot April or the 1st of May. When choos inJ. select a bulldinJ,-the pol icy and organi zation of which have been tridd and never foudn It takes yenra to develop "wrvicu" and a ' seasoued organizati'on m an office Ijuildintr. A build ing wliicejls kept hi constant repair never growa old. Select a building, the location ot whlcU is known not only to everyone here, but to everyone who baa ever been in Omaha. The Lest "service," the build'aig that is kept in the best repair, and the best known office, building iu Oiualm is ' x V THE BEE BUILDING There are only eight offices vacant today, but among them are some very choice ones: Boos 3M Reception Room, privnte'ofrice.'wo Urge closets, lares workroom with two north window Hdeal offic for engineer, architect doctor or other . professlnal men. Rental per . UMMlUl W6.00 Boom a This Is a long narrow room. lOxlSH, having a north . light. KenUU, per month r:...17.M Saom SOS Ih 11-9x30 In else, located on th court, close tp sky iignt, thus having excellent natural light The spac could - be divided so as to niak two very pleasant room. Price, per mouth a7.5o Jtoom SgO Offic In the northwest corner, hvlng four lrc win dona A fireproof vault for th protection of valuaM papers is much in demand snd Is afforded In tills room. There Is total of "-t sguare feet of floor spac and some would bo uuippej with partition to satisfy good tenant The rontat pric is per mouth ..Ho-Ou Tho Bee Building Co. Bee Business Office -. 17th and Famam Sts Free Land Information The Twentieth. Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, aas gathered and compiled data on soils-, climate and farming conditions in aH parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information,. fre if postage is sent with inquiry. ' Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, eta . ' . . ; - How to get irrigation lapds, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. , "Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, Btoek raising or dairying. ' . Your questions will get prompt attention. - State plainly and specifically what yon want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska V Solid Comfort Women's Foot Comfort Shoes Any woman who suffers from tlrcd, aching feet needs not 'only to know about, but to gee and try a pair ot our foot com fort shoe. These shoes are specially con structed, on site smaller in the instep and through the heel and two sites wider in the Sole, gtviug a snug fit over the instep and heel and allowing the foot to rest wholly on tbe sole as it should. They relieve pressure from bunions and rest tired feet They are mado of fine, soft kid. soles flexible and easy. Button aad lace. Turned sole , $3.50 Hand Sewed welt Soles 54,50 ' DREXEL 1419 Farnam St Tremendous Bargains Important To All Women Wednesday at 9 a. m. Wt place m Special Site tht Entire , Sample Ladies9 and Misses' Coat Stock Purchased of !. ABRAMS, 19 E. 17th SL, SIS to $25 values, sizes 14 to 48. We purchased these coats at i remarkably low price and offer you your choice for GUILD HAS NEW MACHINES TO HELP STENOGRAPHER With. to new dlctof raptul In his office, Conunrsatonrr Guild ot tbe Ceoa merriaj etub 1 aa busy and hapfiy a a bar leamra) to spin a new. ton. It was hard for Sir. Guild to believe that the rnecnanJeal teaocrapeer could "tak-. a letter a rapklry and accarately aa sSe secretary. Ml Bellman, but after dtctarJn ens letter Into th nsacblaj aad the sutttna- the -!xwuvsc te sis ear and Prussia; a button, b aiteaed to fciuK Vaults as th on pate la thl cttgr to sarecuard ye-ir lewd, bawds, stecks and anrthlna else of valu wklcb aals-ht k destroyed by Br r stolen br barsJar. Teu bold toa-aey to re':r safety bx; (be utmost nHvwcy I assure u: a box rents from W upward art. ., Omaha Safe Deposit Co. Street Lersl Itntrmnce ts Vault. Mil raraass a. I THE FAIR STORE I . 111S-21-2S Farnan St ' Ln 1419 Farnam St, imillli. i- l llUsaVIR i; : II' OUR SAFE DEPOSIT I i When you don't advertise nobody, knows that you are ; doing business, and it won't be ) long before , you'll - not know it yourself. ;j Setctpaperdem.