Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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TV V : !k J: lin.i I i ! il liiiMill M'H ll M ll'li III! Ulnll ill!
For Women of Discriminating Taite
TTo invfr yow and jour friends to view the correct new spring
models in Fashienseal Suits for women which are on display in our
suit section this week. All spring's most charming new style features
find representation here.
Brandeis Stores have been designated exclusive agents in
this territory for Fashionseal Suits. Only a few of the stores of
higher class in America have been accorded thi9 distinction.
iFashionseaVy Suits are the only tailored suits for women that
combine oleganee and individuality with practical price an I utility.
They are net te be compared with any other line at $23 in fact,
few suits at $35 to $40 can surpass them. Their moderate, always
uniform price malts Fashionseals tie most popular in Omaha today, ..
Suits are always $25
Material! In Faahlonseal
suits are woven expressly for
this factory. "Fashionseal"
Suits are created by Amer
lca's foremost designers, fin
ished by America's most
skillful tailors and worn by
America's beet dressed wo
men everywhere.
The Season's Most Extraordinary
Sale of Embroideries
Begins Monday Morning at Brandeis Stores
18 and 27-inch fine sheer Swiss and batiste embroidered flouneings,
also skirtings, corset coverings, wide bands and galloons; choice
designs in English eyelet, floral, blind relief and new ff
combination effects. The window display has at- lff
traded hundreds. Many worth 75c yard, at yard Jss
27-inch Embroidery Flouneings at 59c Yard
Elegant new bold designs and very unusual effects in English eye
let combined with floral, filet, crochet, hexagon; all very fQ
new effects; many worth $1 bargain square, a yard 0C
Beautiful Wide Embroideries at 25c a Yard
18-inch fine Embroidered Flouneings, Skirtings, Corset Coverings,
also wide insertions and galloons, Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric;
big bargain square piled high with choice, new designs; QC
worth p to 50c, at yard
Thousands of Yards of Fine Edgings and Insertions
All kinds of embroideries up to 7 inches wide hundreds of Q
pretty patterns, worth up to 20c, at yard .
'ill -J' ' Brt I
500 New Show Room Modeli of
Bought from the Davey Co. of Philadelphia
at an Unusual Concession
This great special purchase com
prises new nacre braid lints,
trimmed in smart English ef
fects with flowers, stick-ups
and ribbons many medium size
sailors and turbans. Smart,
new spring mod
el hats, in uecepted
new styles, made to
Bell at $8.50 to $10,
In our Basement Millinery Section we show for the first
time many new spring hats all new styles C0 PA
and colors, at J).OU
10c French and German Val. Laces and Insertions 5c Yd.
Also dainty effects in cluny and crochet edges, platt vals., cluny
curtain laces and insertions; many worth 10c yard Cr
bargain square, at yard .3 C
Special Sale in Linen Pppr.-Basemcnt:
$5.00 MADEIRA NAPKINS, $2.98 PER DOZEX-Just 100
hand embroidered, linen Madeira Napkins, in
, hand embroidered, linen Madeira Napkins, in (T0 f0
choice dainty patterns; worth' $5.00 special i S, per dozen.... '...W
90-inch Linen Sheeting made' of
excellent -quality' round thread
linen; a standard $1.39
value, at yard
45-inch round thread, pure linen
Pillow Tubing; our regular 98c
quality, for Monday, fJCln
per yard T?;jyC
Pure Linen Guest Towels with
plain hemstitched or scalloped
.. borders ; worth to 35c, 1 C
Monday, at, each J.OC
Bed Set Special Full size, satin
Marseilles Bed Sets with pillow
cover to match a $6 TQ JQ
value, Monday, at... npofijO
Special Bargain in White Goods Basement
45-inch imported pure Linen Crash
Suiting for women's tailored skirts,
suits, jackets, etc. In all the popular
. shades and colors for
spring, special, at, per
1 ME "JITTI mut
Brandeis Stores are agents
iu Omaha for this well
known brand of shoes for
We are showing this sea
son many clever, new pumps
and boots in
white buck
skin, dull calf
and black
satin. . . .
Many styles
ire 'shown
that appeal to
the conserva
tive dresser.
All sixes
and widths at
$5 a pair.
-41 . .
In I
We offer Monday 27-inch double border Chiffon Taffetas in plain
and glace combinations, pin stripes, medium and broad
stripes, cannele effects and solid grounds, changeable ef- r""
fects, positively worth in the regular way $1.25 a yard, ; -yf
for Monday on Bargain Square, per yard KJJs
The New Chiffon Taffetas Specially Priced 75c Yard
All the newer shades including glace and plain tones;
37 different combinations Silk Section.
Valentine & Bentley's Waterproofed Foulard Silks
French Printings, exquisite colorings and tone effects, floral- and
geometrical patterns, Jardiniere effects, dots, rings, stripes, etc.,
in 24-ineh and a beautiful collection of 42 to 44-inch bordered iuir
ported f,,,l,, ,o per ftj
Season's Newest Arrivals in Dress Goods
Diagonal and whipcord suitings are the strongest in favor this
spring. Our latest arrivals are 54 inches wide and represent every,
new combination of colors, many changeable effects, greys and
tan tones predominating Main Dress Goods Q1 (T Qr 1
Section, at per yard IO tp.VO
Many New Spring Weaves in Dress Goods on Bargain
Poplins, diagonals, vigourent, novelty serges, costume and plain
serges, Ottomans, satin Berber, Sebastopols, '7Q J C(
etc., very special, at per yard sC elilQ. OUC
$1.35 Creme Dress Suitings, '50 indies wide, at 98c Creme, QQ
all wool imported Costume Serges xOC
Imp'td and Domestic Summer Wash Fabrics
44-inch Priestly's Novelties iu
voiles and other sheer materials,
at yard 79c and $1.00
Fancy Dress Linens, at yard 50c
and :....7i'c
Fabrics from 27 to 42 inches wide,
suitable for street and party
dresses; worth 50c to GDc, at a
yard 39c and 25c
Efleure, border and allover voiles,
' yard 50c
Voile Messidor, borders and
floral effects, at yard ......59c
44-inch Ramie French Linens, at
yard 69c and $1.00
Beautiful bordered, embroidered
Voiles in single patterns, at,
each . ..$7.50, $10.00 and $12.50
Remarkable Values in Hair Goods
98c BUYS
A set of soft, wavy cluster
Puffs in all shades from blond to
$1.49 BUYS
A Transformation for all
around the head; strictly sani
tary hair.
Now ob SU In Out Pattern Department.
A brand Dew book, of Interest to arery needlewoman. Two i r
Free Transfer Pattern! IOC
2',2 ounce Natural Wavy Switches, 24 inches long; a $4.0? value.
special at S1.9S
lS-inch Gray Wavy Switch; $3.50 value, siwial at S1.98
26 and 2S-incu Natural avy bwitclies
special at $4.98
50c All Around Washable Rolls, f-iw-
cial for this week only 35c
Manicuring, Ilairdressing and Mas
IB 1
hV 1 t