Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Former Omaha Printer Tells of Missionary Work in Guatemala
' iz & :a- :;r .... 1-7 H f . .
llBMMBHKia - - - w i- , I I II
ni iimii a
II r-u occora. i i i i
ill U
Idolatrous Indian Devotees
Attar aa afcaaaoe sf twrrvs yeere In
Csatral Amrlai. wbsre bs and kta wlfa
bar assa doing missionary work among
tee Tottecs an4 .tttrcs. whosr or:s1n U
bellsred tn ent-Hit- (ht -r ' - "
C. T. Bscord and hit alts have
Snort's pranttoa can la IK. It was
tba year of numarous ssrthquakss and
tha sruption at ssvsral Volcanoes. After
the eartlatiiaksa, Um wlaardl and usdW
rloa an spread tba report among tha
mountain trlhM that Dr.- Baeard waa ra
returned to Omaha ea a brlsf vacation. I rontlbla for tha dlMurbsncss; that hla
riresrncs had amend tha code and tiiat
nothing would appeaae their wrath but
hie death. Not ersn expulflan from the
oountry would be sufflelsnt Thea It waa
that tha piota sgslnst hie life were laid.
Home ysere later Dr. Uecord formed t-a
Intlmata acquaintance of President
Manued KeUada Cabrera of Ouatemala,
one of tha moat progrssstvs axecuthraa
who Baa ever rultd. over the country.
After that hla work waa much easier.
He bad tha confidence of the preatdent,
and consequently be had the confidence
of the people of the dominant party.
Nevablte la Nam Only.
Aa to Pmetdent Cabrera, Dr. Beoord
deacrlbra him aa a man who rulea aa
with an Iron hand. The country la a
republic In name, but not such a re
public, as la known to the people of tha
states. Tha word of the president Is
law, and, while the people are of a llb-srty-tovlnc
class, their Id as of liberty
are somewhat different from those of
the pea pis of I lie United mates, ins
president Is elected every six years and
be la now Just entering upon a now term
of office. Tha people own their own
land, and, according to tha holdings of
tha eongrese, only those born In the
oountry can aver become cltltens. All
others, regardless of tha term of resi
dence, ara osslgnatsd ss foreigners. I
Aa to tha prograsslvenees of President
Cabrera, It la becoming mors marked each
year. Ha la encouraging the coming of
capital. euerht!iy that for the construe
tloa of railroads, and la doing every-
thing In hla power to put tha country
upon hlgn educational plana. In tha
villages and cities be has caused to ba
for soma time C. F. deoord held
ea Tha Bee. In MW he declared hla In
dention of going Into tba Interior of
Central America, there to devote the re
mainder ec bis Itfe to spread lag ths gos
pel among tha aarrras. His friends scoffed
at tha Mea and predicted that Inside of
twelve months ha would ba back, work
ing at the trade ta which ha had be
come proficient. Mseord. however, wsa
not mad at tba kind of stuff that
causae men to turn bark. Taking hla
young wife with him. he started eut on
his new Una of work, never returning
Its tha states tuitll a few dare ago, when
ha came ta rtalt Omaha friends for a
few day. Mrs. Beoord coming with him
Whea Mr. Beoord tort Omaha, ha want dl
jreot to Guatemala, the largsst 6f ths stx
'central Amerkmn atataa. Ha beard that up
at tha ancient city of Chlehlcaatenangs,
then mora thea m, miles from a rail
road, there waa a population or mora
than low, parsons In tha Qulcha dis
trict who had never heard tha word of
i4 expound! snd who for unknown
ages had been worshipers of ths sua
Idols and animals. This was tha place
which Mr. and Mrs. Hecord had sought
and they Journeyed thither. There they
located and since than hava been doing
. missionary work. In ths meantime Mr.
Hecord studied medicine during his Maura
hours and ftecured a degree of doctor of
medicine. , -
Ouatemala Is a repu tills with a popu
lation of IMMO persons, one-half of
whom are descendants of tha Toltscs
and Astscs and tha bate nee of mixed
blovds, Hpanlsh. Germane, Knglleh and
a !few Americana. Here In this, the
Hca district. Or. and Mrs. asoord
found tha Inhabitants paving tribute and
homage to all the old gods of my
thology. They worshiped the god of firs,
ths god of fruits. All over tha moun
tains aad valleys altars had been erected.
On tbeaa they placed tha fruits and
grains and animals, snd now and then
ea enticed a human being ta appease ths
Wrath of and please soma God that had
I ten offended.
Prastress Was glow.
Teaching a people who for countless
ages had fallen down before Mole and
, worshiped fslsa gods waa slow work, but
lr, aad Mrs. Hecord knew no such word
aa fail, and after a tew montha tba ra
aulla of their work became apparent.
They went out Into the open and held
crvicea; tbey told ths stmpls natives ths
suory of tba Naaarene, and In Urns they
cured many convert to ths Christian
aeDgtoa. being missionary work waa far
from being a bed of rosea. It meant long
rides oa horseback over neeunlaln roads
and through Jungles. Ths wrath of ths
medicine bmo and the seers of tha tribes
was st tea incurred. These men saw their
Influence sllpptng away from them.
Twice tbey attempted ta murder Dr. 8s
tord. but each time bis Ufa waa saved by
friendly natives. At another Urns they
made prepare Uone to bang him and de
liver hla body as a sacrifice to ana of
their gods, whom tbey claimed was angry,
laon this eecastoa they went so far as
to place a rope about his neck, but again
tha friendly natives came to but relief
and again his tits was saved.
Tha most strenuous objection ta Dr.
w)s llV
They've All Gone!
Nu Mors) HusalllarJoa; the Woeulerful
Muart's Calcium Wafers et Hlght
After" those Pimples, Boils aad
v , bkia Ercotkms.
astsbUahed free schools snd college:
aided In ths building of hospitals, librar
ies and things Intended to advance the
knowledge Of the people. The pub ,C nlantaUons." which zenerallv ara
utilities are all owned by the cities an-. ' , ,ho of u,rtn.n. thev hav-
states sad graft la tuttd to be unknot n
In the cities, lights, water and eve-y-thing
of a public nature If furnhhrd M
people st actual cost.
A peculiarity of the school sysiri,;
that men teach ths boys and women l
girls. Tha children learn npldly anJ U.
tha cities the schools srs of a high r'.isr
acter. Tha president is a highly rdu
ealed man and prior to h!o election t
the presidency wss aa attorney of 1.1..'
standing. He has caused to be asUb
llahed a military school, where W fn I Hon, and In this connection three. gods
j n - 'cun te w.p f who In ths past have
invested the money and reaped tha re
! wards. The government Is so stable that
j Hires people feel ssfe In Investing in the
Industries of the country.
; The story of Guatemala, according to
' the lesrned men of lb country, dates
back to the creation, for In the public
library at Chlchlrastenango Is said to ba
tlic only ctpy extant of ths Toltec bible.
It Is called 'Tupul Vuh" and deals with
the origin of man. II takes up tha
Ished soldiers are turned out annually,
later to become officers In ths srmy.
Halt aa Karthly Paradlsr.
While Guatemala Ilea well down under
tha equator. It la not a country of In
tense heat, as many have suppotru.
Down In the valleys, where the cotton
and tba sugar vane grows It la continual
summer, but up on tha plateaus and on
the sides of the mountains, which extend
sntlrely through ths stste, well toward
tha Pacific coast, and which range from
(.ODD to 1000 feet above the a, every
cllmsts of ths temperate sons may be
found. On the higher altitudes cereals
of the north are grown and many of the
fruits and vegetables. There la no win
ter, and, except at tha very tons of the
ranges, snow Is unknown. As a result.
living la something that does not li:
figure. One Is sn Indian, whose name
signifies the "roaring wind," another
the "powerful creator." and the third,
the "great blumed serpent" These three
gods are supposed to have created every
living thing, even man. They are sup
posed to have created the land and water
and all that Is In them contstned.
toey of Karly Waaderlnaa.
The story of Ihs Toltec bible reads
much like ths book of Genesis or ths Old
Testament. It describes ths deluge and
the exodus from a place that corresponds
with Egypt There Is ths slory of the
confusion of tongues, after which the
people separated and commenced to
travel. In this story. It is told that on
their travels they reached a great body
of water that, upon their approach,
separated to let them through; and after
to ba considered, ,h?r, BO, Mm00 itmtntXti ,, ,..
caves. Hera the people, according to
Ing any heavy coal bills or the expen
oi buying heavy clothing. ....
In tha valleys and lowlands there ara
vast forests of mahogany, ebony and
rosewood, and for hundreds of miles in
every direction great trees that will scale
LOW to x.Wt feet of thess valuable woods
may be found. Where the land has been
cleared, there ara Immense sugar and
Says Prictice of Securing' Judgment
by KirtpreenttioB Unit 8top.
Jadrs Declares Me Will Da All Fea
sible ta Btoa laderhaad Work
Nsvr Being Carried Oa by
Tr-sl racaags Baas TTss to Vrava It.
J(s need for anyone ta go about aajr
longer with a lace covered with pimples,
blotches, eruptions, blackheads, aad llv
erspota. Tbcae ars all due tc Impurities
la tba blood. Cteanae the blood tbar-
Jghly and tba blemishes will dlsap
ear. Thai's what Stuart's Cahiunv W afire
ars Intended to aoeomallsh aad do ao
ctmpllah. Their principal Ingredient
It. Calcium Sulphide, tha quickest and
test thorough blood cleanser known.
Ties wonderful little wafers get
r.rtt Into tha blood, and destroy ersp
t:vc ruoatax-ces present la It la soma
t aces a few days la sufficient to make
a iuarr.ed Improvement And wbea tha
L-eod ia para tba whole eystsm la a hua-b.-vd
per cant better.
Dca't fret any longer about those
Ikchheads, pimples, boils. tetter.
ecssTra. spots or akla eruptions; they all
i and go quick'' if yoa use Stuart's
Voters. .
Ton can lave a trial package of
rr. Art a Calcium Wafers, simply by
Scd:. your name and address to F. A.
tart Co-, 1; Etuart Bldg, Marshall.
1-tab. T ce-i, when yoa hava proved
c'r ralje jou tan get tba regular-alsa
c.ti.. tor s a-u a: asjr drug store,
Attorneys who evade the exemption
laws by securing Justice court Judgments
sgalnst poor creditors and misrepresent
ing the nature of ths acoounta oa which
the Judgments ara secured ware roundly
scored bv Judge Charles tasslte of ths
equity division of the district court, when
ba issued a permanent Injunction re
straining Justice of Ihs Poses George C.
Cock re 11 from Issuing aa execution against
property of Edward La Page to satisfy a
tit Judgment
The equity Judge's ruling was baaed
upoa a finding that while LaFaga owsd
oa an ordinary commercial account for
horseshoeing ha did sot owe for work
and labor In the meaning at the statute
and a Judgment tor work and labor waa
secured because ne property la exempt
from execution to satisfy such a Judg
ment J. E. Voa Dorn, attorney for Mullen ft
Freeman, had secured tha Justice court
Judgment and Justice Cock rail waa about
to Issue an execution to satisfy tha Judg
ment wnsa LaPage employed aa attor
ney and started Injunction proceedings.
"This court Is going to do what It can
ta put a stop to such practices as ars
shown by the svidencs ia this matter,-'
said Judge Leslie. "The practice at st
torneys against poor debtors who are
willing to pay, but find It difficult going
into Justice courts snd securing Judg
ments for work and labor in order to got
executions when the Judgments really
should ha oa accounts Is entirely too
prevalent, it Is an abuse that tba courts
can do much to end. and this court la
going to da its part"
fa Pratee. laborer.
"Lader tba statute settling la exempt
from execution to satisfy a Judgment
for work and labor. Tba laborer la
worthy of hla hire and tha man whs a
ployes another to perform labor for him
must par- Nona of his property Is ex
empt Tha statute Is tor the protect loe
of the laborer; but It never was con
templated." la the court's opinion, "as
a means to enable a msrsbant or trades
man at any sort ta compel payment of
an account for a person who Is aaabie
to pay aad who has property that la ex
"I'ader tha statute ths property of this
plaintiff ta exempt from exseatloa ex
cept for work and labor because it does
not exceed IS hi value, it. la exempt
from axerntloa to satisfy a Judgment
oa sa account Ta evade that exemptlea
a Judgment tor work and labor was
secured. An execution cannot Issue ta
this situation because the Judgment can
not staad. Ths plain urf did not and
does not ew the creditors for work sad
"Poor debtors, realising that they
ewe acconat and knowing tbey caaaot
A party of Missouri Pacific officials.
including General Superintendent De
Bernard I, General rrelght Agent Wharry
I Aesiatant General Freight Agent
Matthews of Kansas City and General
Agent Berkley of 8t Joseph arrived In
Omaha Friday night and early yesterday
morning went south, making an mspoc-
tlon lour of the Nebraska and Kansas
Unas of tha railroad aystsm.
superintendent UeUernardl. snoksamsn
for ths party. Is optlmlstlo over tha out
look for tha coming season. He la tra-
dlctlng good crops In Missouri, Nebraska
and Kansas and consequently an enor
mous business. Ha clings to ths Idea
that tha Belt Una district is soon to bo-
corns tsa great factory and warehouse
territory of Omaha and that a number
of new Industries W1U locate out there
insj spring and eununer.
resist suits, make no defense. .Generally
they could not employ hvwvsrs i de
fend them. They are wflllng to psy wh.n
they can. They can da got h lag but let
the Judgments be secured by defsult
When such advantages ara taken this
court will do whst It can to protect the
creditors this statute of exemption was
made to protect"
Gould Officials
See Business Ahead
the Toltec bible, built many cities, chief
of which was Palenque, In tha south of
Mexico, now an Interesting heap of ruins.
Leaving there, the people moved south
and overspread the Isthmus Into Bouth
America, building many cities aa they
went, and governing In a most exemplary
manner. As ths rsrly settlements were
Col. Yeiser Writes
to Taft Manager
Colonel John O. Teller refuses to be
discouraged In his campaign for the
nomination of Theodore Roosevelt Ills
very latest endeavor la directed to con
vincing Chairman Mckinley, of tha Taft
organisation, that he can make a hit
by falling Into line for presidential pri
maries everywhere. In a letter to Chair
man McKlnley, which ha asserts will
also ba sent to President Taft, Teller
asks thst tha ba permitted "to criticise
modestly" the reply to Senator Dlxoa'o
request for presidential preference pri
maries all over ths country. As Justlflca
tloa for this criticism hs points to a
declaration of the president In an eastern
publication In June, lint, wherein the
chief executive expressed tha new that
tha president should be always near tha
people In thought, for the best accom
plishment of the popular will. Mr. Telssr
takes occasion to assure tha Taft manager
that ha doeo not want to aea the presi
dent "break his word" la the pra-con-veatloa
being develoiwd. the king resided In. ths
eld etty of U talon, now called yulcha.
where he caused to be erected a beautiful
Bo much for the Toltec bible. Tills
Journey of the people Is found to corre
spond in essentials to the wonderings of
ths children of Israel. At any rata. It
Is known that the people, regsrdless of
whom they might hove been originally,
lived In pears and plenty and enjoyed
happiness until the coming of Cortes in
ths sixteenth century'. Then It waa thVt
this Bpsnlsh lender sent Padro da Alvar
ado to Guatemala to conquer the country
and secure the vast stores of gold and
precious stones that he had been told
existed. Then it was that the country
came under the rule of Spain, Alrarado
aettlng up hla government at Antigua.
Tha Indians, peaceful Aztecs, 'were en
slaved, and by forced labor ware com
pelled to build numerous temples, many
of which remain to this day. Later,
Ouatemala gained Its liberty In connec
tion with other .Central American states,
and sines then Its advancement has been
Monday toe bake honey apple, bucuit$ mnd orangt cake
and Special Sale
i ' ; Of Oar Ideal . .
Fireless Cookers
. - i
Aa Expert Henrautrator will give FREE IXSTrU'CTIOX to all
in the asa of nKEUSo COOKERM at war store, this week. Ideal
looker ara aara AlajBiaasa Uaed throuxhoot aad fitted with pure
"Wear-Ever" Alajaianni lts)slla. Come ta aad let aw show yoa
their msny rronderfal, interesting; aad money aarin( points.
Tbey boll, stew, roaat. bale aad browa. 80 Was fad. 75ri
sees labor. Tha modern, hygienic, saartary, eroBouilcal stove. Came
asd see what they do. Special Uduceasents to purchasers next week.
Potato) RJcer
with strong mal
leable Iron frame
regular 3 Sc.,
Monday ;
'.V .
6-ft extra atrong
Step Ladder
ritb. ' rod under
each tep, Regu
lar $1.80, lion
day $1.08
Waffle Iron, high
or low frame
regular $1.05
f$ C s II W 1C1C U.aawe
Mjc V7lgg9 WarlS, SJatJ wsj Ar- liV J
To FAT Peoplo
n. a. j. r rr whi - wva, ',"
r. trmJ4 Irttmem, I rl lt, sow 1
rw l lit. Am m kttttr kfltk Um far vera
Vwtll sand toll mm was aanMS an
IHawa at a tfiea et awa ens weniaa wMm mbs
ha daw fwaAntwwl thai slTtjafrl IVst (
all I
we AUlli I iuvai rr.' ti r, '"
"ewe. soexald. Costs sKeelutelr aolbfns I
. M-ciM tll brlns all. Og. AOf 0,
trx sVaSttwo guuchia, 10 I. ttd .. New teit.
UMaiuad pAyeunoa T ss Sums if X 7srJ
The-eeport that Tom Wheeler, a Janitor
discharged by Courthouse Superintendent
Calabria for nsglect of duty, waa called
by the grand Jury as a witness regarding
liquor law violations, wsa warned that
be would "lose his head" It he testified,
waa called aa a witness against Mob
Johnson and waa excused from testifying
because ha waa afraid ha would loss his
position If hs did. Is discredited by
Wheeler and tha district court records.
Tba grand Jury records la district court
show that Wheeler never waa aub-
poened aa a grand Jury witness, never
testified before tha grand Jury and sever
received a tea aa a grand Jury witness.
la ths presence at County Oemmawrloner
Prank C. Best. Wheeler told a reporter
for Tba Bee that he never waa called as a
grand Jury witness and sever testtrttd be
fore the grand Jury, that no ana ever
threatened htm with the lose of his posi
tion K be should testify before the grand
Jury or elsewhere, that the reason be
did not testify la tha Johnson ease waa
because ha toM the state's attorneys bo
did not know anything about It that la
his opinion ha lost his poaltloa because
he quarreled with a brother of Buperta-j
undent Calabrta.
xteta risen Baa!
Oa draught and at bottles ea and after
starch a.
Ooaraateed to fee the only genuine Bock
Boar brewed ia Omaha. Family trade
supplied by
WsL J. BOBKHOPP. Retail Dealer.
'Phaaes: Douglas IB; ladensodeat A-an
v atswt .easiau movers.
NEWvTORK. Kirch a Announcement
wsa made by the I'nlteg States Steel
corporation that tba unfilled tonnage oa !
its books an February 9 totalled a.MJaj
toas against e,KVa toaa aa January il
Fruit Trees! Shade Trees!
Large Assortment of Hedge Plants, ETergreens and
Small Fruits.'
will get the benefit'
of tha ajenfa com
mission. We bava
a I g o discontinued
our salesg round at
10th and Coming
streets and we ara
shewing our varie
- ties at the ' main
aalesground at Ben
son only, because.
be kept in
con d 1 1 1 o n
only coat yoa Se for
carfare to coma oat
and are) oar stock.
BENSON. Tell the eon doctor to let yoa off at Halyeon Ave., then '
walk Urea blocks north. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE
aa yoa mar not he able to secure the varietlea vxro desire. FRUIT
for my price list aad catalogue, NICB BUDDED CHERRY TREES.
1.0 per doien and np. - . -
Benson, NebDept 16. . P. J. FLYNN, Prop.
IMy1 WlJ '1 LIVE
Fraa Karl DrashU Roae.
I'Jhat You Advertise
You Should Be Able lo Back Up '
F1KEPR00P warehouse means low rate of insurance.
When you store your goods you can best tell the
Fireproof warehouse , by the insurance rate the
Company has to offer on 'their building contents. No
one has ever contradicted us when we made the state
ment that merchandise or household insurance rates for
contents is lower in our building than ill any public
warehouse in the United States.
., Cheap rates an Household Ooods to Portland, San
Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego. , ',
San Francisco car will leave about March 20th.
Portland car about April 10th."
Ooods accepted for Los Angeles for shipment within
two weeks from time of acceptance.
. i - '.
Gordon Fireproof Warehouse &Van Co.
CITY OFFICE 216 S. 17th STREET-; v
Telephones-Douglas 394. A-1314. :
Special Sale and Demonstration
In the China Dept. West Arcade .
Wear-Ever Cooking Utensils actually reduce
the high coat of living. A whole meal can be
cooked In a double heater over one flame ot
gag. Pot roasts In the cheaper grades can ba
wholesomely cooked without grease or wtter,
and cereal like rice, munh, etc.. can be made
without stirring. Every day - this month a
demonstrator wlU explain these many superior
pointg. , .
Please regard this
as a cordial invitation
to be present any. day
this week.
A Ik Aluminua Saves Fat, 29e
During this demonstration
we will give one of our 65c
Aluminum Sauce Pans for
this coupon and 29c
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
" About government land laws, location of land of
fices, efc.
How to get irrigation - lands, .' location of ; projects,
Maws governing same, etc
w.-.Best sections for frnit growing, general fanning,
stock raising or dairying.
Tour questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau ,
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska