Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA " Sl'SUA!' BEE: MARCH 10. 191:
Grateful to Ken Who Get Hii Same
Into Hew Tork lVimarie.
Said a Marc mire
aad Teniae Him
Sal reel Baa.
KEW TORK. March f.-Co!onl Booss
relt u aettfird yesterday that ail re
tirements had been vet for pining the
rairea of RoomreU supporters on the
billots at tfl prltEarlee here March H
t- (elect district delegates to the repub-Ik-aa
national eonwation.
To former Judge Duel! and other mem
ber of the RooseveM eemmttte bo In
formed th coronal thte aftemooa that
tiaa necessary signatures to the petition
tad bras obtained. Mr. Raoserelt amid:
"Judge. I want to thank yew aod to
tiael the ceaOeaaa tor Iba work yoa
ar doiac uader many aaeapuonaato dif
ficulties. I ban never ateo a contest In
which patronage baa been Deed more bare
facedly than in thia and I doubt that tf
In any Mate of the union there I a more
MtvbkMM mnA vicious Srt-
mary lav oa the statute books than too i
one we have here la New loik.
This It not a fJght for any personality;
It hi a fight for a ureal principle- prrn
dole of lenulne popular government- Aad
aooiwr or later Uw principles tor which
to run 6 must prevail, because otherwise
It Is a sham to speak of this as a genuine
democratic republic."
Talks with IlisMM.
A eoavereauoa ever a telephone wire
betaeea Ceioael Roosevelt In New Tork
and Secretary Stlmsoa In Washington
took place today as a sequel la the secre
tary Chicago speech la support of the
Tatt poUrie and the swloael' statement
In reply. H bad been reported from
Washington that Secretary Btlmson fcsd
s:d that b bad received a letter from
CcIoimI ftooasvelt espreaslng approval of
the Chicago speech and telling the secre
tary net la feel hurt at what the colonel
might say. Secretary Btlmson denied the
resort Colonel Roosevelt said. He did
not nay whether anything els pests
ever lb wire, but mad It known that
be bad written to Ik aacretary shortly
Vetera the Chicago speech was delivered.
Colonel Roosevelt spent several hour
at his of rice bete today, but saw few
Maters. Lets in the afternoon he re
turned te Oyster Bay by aeomofctl. He
said ha expected to have Be viol lore at
a&aamar Hill over night or tomorrow.
Tell Rwdoreed la Loelalaaa.
KSW OflLEAXS, Man e-Two 4e
Ittlen will b sent te the aattonel reaub
Ucaa eoaveatto M Chicago from Uaa
Boa. probohly a Taft delegation sound
by the uolt rale t be selected at a stats
cowrentle to be held la Alexandria April
I and a Roosevelt or divided delegattoa
te b chase la nreferentlal primary.
This announoim t was mad tonight
la a slewed atalamsnl glvea oat by the
Roosevelt committee of Louisiana, and
followed the meeting today of the re
auallran central rommllle. which ee
oorsed Preetoent Taft. tabled a reaolutioa
for primary and provided for the oelee
Uea of national del agates by eonvtnUoe
Kiev member of the alata central
committee. Including Chalrmaa William,
absented themeehre from today' com
mlttee meeting oa Iba ground that It was
v. iia tram Seer Mellow.
. SAXTA ra. K. 11.. March a-TH re
iuu eeaveniM la tarlo here
wlH tomorrow elect eight delegate le the
Chic eon von lion, roar will be In
, street ed for Taft and fom- for Res celt.
ThM agreement wa reached ml this
anernoon at eontereoco at leaden of
botk tartlona at lb party, who earlier
In the day bad met at operate nlacoa.
The epttt emegaUea was Mggasted by lh
proereeaiv wing and after an Mtended
conferoao era accepted by th regular.
the repubticaa voters of the several
state on the choice of the republican
preaidentUl caoc'Mate?
econd Will yoa Immediately join
with m In a telegram to the republican
member of th legislature In Massa
chusetts. Maryland end Michigan which
are now In session, where presidential
preference tolls are now pending and
where It is reported that your friends
are trying to defeat their passage, urging ,
them to support these measures?
"I await your Immediate answer to i
these two pror-oriUons because I regard j
action favorable to the new I take as '
abaslotely essential to party success in
Koeember. Iran the republican voters
Oipins, Hot Recalled and No Special
Inritatioii Iitendei
lead of Colombian Le sat lea la
vYaehlaatoa Aseerta Minister
Merely RealCae4 and May
Be Seat ta Leaden.
Old Sole lees for President
Releae to ( aasae.
FREJIOXT. Nee.. March 1-4 Special. V
Roosevelt's anBOuncement that ho .was In
the field for a third term ha not bad
th effect of arousing the emhusuuan In
Dodge county that his supporters be
lieved would be the case. Ilepuellcans
who have been Ihe most hearty admirers
of the strenuous candldata and wanted to
see him nominated four years ago ar
now strongly apposed to his nomination.
The old soldier vote Is hot for htm and
his Intensely radical position la not mak
ing htm any friends around here. The I
effect of hie announcement haa been to
strengthen Taft. Mea who declined to
sign th rolls of Ihe Taft club ar among
th strongest In lb opposition to the
third term Me and the La Folletto men
prefer Taft as a second choice. It the
sentiment of Fremont republican I any
thing Use that of tie balance of Ihe
county Taft will carry th county' t the
April primaries.
Th presidential situation entirely ever
ahadpw th stats or cengrer atonal cam
paign here.
WASHINGTON'. March .-fienor Pedro
Ml Ospina a as not recalled by Colombia
as minister ta the United States as a re
sult of bis alleged Insult to this country
by Informing the State department un
officially that a visit by Secretary Knoi
to Colombia might be Inopportune."
lienor Roberto MacDouall, charge d'
affaire of the Colombian legation, de
clared tonight that 8s nor Ospina had ro-
Uuned of his own initiative and that the
State department did not receive a special
Invitation from Colombia for Mr. Knox
to visit there.
A a consequenc It Is practically cer
tain trial Cartagena will be omitted from
the Knox Itinerary.
Benor MacDouall tonight explained that
genor Ospina. many week before the
Knox trip was announced, had applied
Cor a leave of absence of three months
on sccount of the critical Illness of his
wife. The Colombian government, he
said. In the midst of the tans le over the
Knox trip merely granted t He nor Os
pina the leave requested.
Letter Referred te ta Deteaee of
Reasevell'e taadldaey.
MANCHESTER. N. II.. March aOscar
S. Straus, former ambassador to Turkey
and secretary of commerce and labor
under President Roosevelt, m aa anorees
her tonight supporting the nomination
of Coleael Koosevelt, quoted Oeorge Wash
ington In defense agsinsl th charge that
a third terra would vlolst Ihe precedent
established by TVashlngtoa himself; as
sailed President Taft tor "using lha power
of fflceboldere to gain a nomination."
aad declare! Colonel Roosevelt ws th
man whom th people long to havs for
their leader In ear present emergency.
Mr. Straus euetrd Washington as say
ing In a letter written to Laiayett la
17M on th third term subject:
"I caa see Be propriety In precluding
oraelva from th service of any man
who In soma great emergency' shall be
deemed universally capable of serving th
public- .
The minister, oa the other band, dis-
salialled with the attitude of the United
States toward Colombia In falling to
answer Its notes asking for arbitration
of the t-anama claims, cabled his reslg
nation to Bogota. Only a few days ago,
lienor MacDouall alleged, came lha ac
eeptano of Me nor Osulna's resignation
wllh the proviso that It might be con
venient for him soon to re-enter th
diplomatic service. 11 la tirobaMa that
Senor Ospina may b assigned to Lon
don. Senor MacDouall asserts that with Ihe
acceptance of Ospina s resignation he was
ordered to take cbrge rf th legation
and aa advised by hi government that
Its International policy toward th United
utates was unchanged.
aloricii STRvftti rom primary
MeKtaley Aeblag
If las to Arraag few Tbem.
LIRCOLK. March tk-Oovemor Aldrkk
this sventsg sent the following messag
ta Rtwsasatatlv McKlnley, urging him,
a director of the csmpaign of President
Taft. to arrange for a presidential nrefer
entlal primary In each stale of th anion:
Hon. William B. McKlnley. Manager
Tatt Campalsn, Washington. D. t'.i Kr
the saks of the auereee of Ihe republican
party, I urge and Innlst that you do ar
r te MleanHal eresfcleatfcU Url-
mev 1st ea. iT slate of this snles The
rank and t)ft Ihe republics party de.
man tma. in raws " " -' "
called upon lo suBnort Ihe nominee. They
and they alone have Ihe right to say who
our nominee will be. The party machine
may run the steamroller over the rights
of th rank and file In Ihe national con
vention, but thev cannot do It at the
, -rvn ,r rtsimf
Call ria Retwaal, writs Tatt
WASHINaTOH. Man . -Sen lor
Joseph M. Dlkoa lasue another -rba
)vngs" from th Reeeevtk aaUonal
beadqiiarter tonight ta Drrsclor . Mc
Klnley af th national Taft bureau upoa
th aobjee f presidential prtmarlea.
Replying to Mr. McKlnley' letter of
last night, Senator Wxn characterises
It h s "flat iwfuaai- a aid m getting
prealdenlml prafsrew pnmanee ana ne
t, new assssss upew in im
, Director McKlnley, la his reply ta
Chalrmaa DUoa hut Sight said ks was
la accord with I he aoleetloa at th d4e
(atea to Uw BMkaaal eoaventloa by the
primary ayatem waarevar prtmarlea are
ar amy be legally prevtdad, fairly ooa
tractoS and surroasded by the reatrto-
tlon of lew. Sssalnr Dtxon' setter
aaM ta Mr. McKlnley lonlgnt la la part
a foliowsl
-Dear Mr. MeKlaley: Your flat re
fnaai, to aid In securing for republican
-voter an apportunlty directly to warn
Mi caadldala Ihey desire to support In
,k. .MMeiiitie osmoalkn Is received.
ur deeiskiB muat be regietted by avery-
a who ha at aean in ueceae
.u .uihitran natty next November. In
jsur brttsr ta ma of March I yu staled
u beta beea asked by rreeweni iau
ainctor of a bureau with bead-
inmrtera la Washington, with th por
pase f aecurtug bis nomination for a
u.iaa nesasaslblol
"I am forced, therefor, to th oon-
clueloa Ihst m refusins ta join m in
-knr- i- mmim an eaniemloa by the
lepuMtcaa voters as to the OS a
they want, you ar announcing a
n iMet and that Mr. Taft
.. t.-- teBse the voters to determine
th tiBestlen at hi candidacy aad be Is
1l;Uig to become tne caamoau aw
tarty against th wwbea at aaaeortty
U bia party.-
a- I M nj, a nlaaal a resTct that
Mr. McKinley referred to "changea In
Ui rale bile lha gam M la progrees.
"I regrH that y rrd tba seJertloa
of a ropubllcaa camUdsta lor preaNrin
a gaeie," sajrs tb letter. "Evtdeiltlj
- ou lack comsrehsnalBa af Uw dlgalty
win. hteh the neooie Invest the pre!
of tba Called State as aa ta
Oraignat a fanetioa which kt preUmin
ry te the election to that high office,
cui Kaoaevelt. R bi hardly sjereanary
to any. la angaged m no 'game. But If
laalst la aeetgasting a -my
dastre as ta eliminate marked car
and lease dice. Mr. sVseeevolt aa ma
aannorter win (jot t Herat the trtdu
aeeeatloaa aad freed which are
itaveaarable from the. kind at paUtle.
j oor chsract erlaatlew tmpftea
Colonel RtiuasseH maaagar ears t
b letter that thrwagk pontlcal mentpu
t .ii. aorrieafcirts ta th aoath. there
bs beea aa aaastnta etlfllng af expree-
etoa si tba part af rvawiouoaa ewtara ana
v. the asiiowtnc ast1one te
ilr. JlcKlfilcr. SS sasnager for Presided
Tan: ' '
; fjst-Ar yea wl!!tcs to JX i
tore ramoaa Back Boor ;
la bottle B and after March Noth
ing ta equal It In QUALITY and DK
e sent home. Phone Chan. Stors.
Webster IMS. B-1ML
ROCK ISLAND, UL. March l.-Twa
tack of United Mutes mall were stolen
at tba Rock Island railroad etatlo here
loot night. It was discovered today. On
of Uw souks, rifled, waa found In a bog
oar nearby, but the other Is Mill missing.
sacks ar said to have contained
registered mail. . . .
Five Perish in Wreck.
On Canadian Pacific
OTTAWA. Ont.. March .-Flv per
sons were killed and eleven Injured, two
rrlouely today, when a Canadian Pacific
Passenger tram was wrecked In a col
lision with a freight train between Ot
tawa and Hull, Ont. .Th dead are: ,
JOHN C ANDRRSON, conductor of Ihe
passenger trsin, Ottawa.
PETER MOYLKH, yuoyon. Quebec.
E. i. TABOR, conlrector, Hull.
MIHS AUNba l'UTN'Aal, year old.
Officials of th Canadian Pacific at
trlbat tb accident to the mistake of a
telegraph operator at Hull, who, It Is
charged, allowed the- passenger ' train
ta back from Ponllse towards Ottawa,
while lb freight train was approaching
Hull en the same track. The operator
disappeared afur the accident Officials
ray h waa gtvan message over th
telephone to bold the paaaongor train.
' DANV1LLR. 111., March .-Two dead
and eighty Injured, only a few If any of
them fatally. It Is thought tonight, ar
th result of the wreck near West
Lebanon, lod., last evening of the
Webesh fast train, th Continental Lim
ited. . ... -,(.
CHICAGO. March s.-"Wnat the people
f Ihia country demand la eonstrurtlr
legislation, not destrucUv litigation."
Jam A. Oarfleld. former secretary of
the Interior, told a gathering of delegate
to th National Brick Manufacture r
convention at a banquet her tonight.
"Why I H that there I such uncer
tainty In business, such a drag oa busi
ness progress?" he asked. "Without doubt
there are mkny reasons bo on ol wmrg
Is controlling, but 1 believe on of th
chief cause for present conditions la due
lo tha failure of the federal government
te provide by definite and affirmative
leel.latlon a method under which the
great buatnes Interests of our country
caa be carried n."
Other speaker were Ralph Sunderland
of Omaha, Walter S. Dickey of Kansas
Clly. Mo.; Dr. A. L. Convers of Spring
field, JIL. and Wfllmm Srhlak of Chicago.
It waa announced at the banquet that
lh annual objy products show would be
held her again next year. ;
Tried Remedy
for the Grip.
This, in brief, is but the natural result of the
Union Outlining Co's larch Sale
IFurniture ManuMctur'F' s Samples
' Grand Rapids, Chicago and New York Furniture ExpotitionxSamplet even at REGULAR
prices should be hailed delight-who, then, can resist them at HALF price?
kMi1M Sample lot af American. Bartered
KBCUrS ask, -highly peUehed, bread back
aad aigk areas; aea wank lea tha i OQ
S4, bap year helc of lot at, ealy ...
fvL.:, tear or fabrlooU leather
MOrnS tRdirS opholstered sty lea, a Una af
aamplea that she aid bring ap to glO, 9S QC
In thia spade sal at ..i.. y'w'wn
D.eloa R.uena ta dom mahog
rtrlOr ViVSnS imported veloar uphol
etertsg, loose shaoaa, value raagtng (C At
ap to glSJo, la thia sal
Library Tables ? weatheead eex, asmpla of
table that sell regalsily ap to flO, to C Cf)
wa w w
Sample eoaehee, ta veloar, fabrtootd
leotker, evo. . Bom with taf tod tops.
this gal sveat, aach
sosas plain tops! all an msestv aad 0 -J r
ap to t Tain, aew Wil tl
Bed Davenports leatbat , apkolatory. oak
frame aad made with patent sate opening t
tacbmaat; valee to tttM. (ctar . d j
Parlor Tables
Soma la plala oak, aoma la
SmtHosa faarterad oak; game
pto of table worth to SS, ta this Karab my 1Q
Sal af atokra Sample, seek ''
BeverrUg Bad tUttsg- kinds.
Vaioa Is gotog sat of office
taraitar Vustaeea, Uerefere taeee f4 Rfl
Office Chairs
feraitare Vustae
UO Talaea at, oaly
Gasoline Stoves ZZ":?
aoki mast be tloeed dartof tb SXareh d I Q 0
Pamltar Sampl Sal t I
Cfiflk Stoves rwkoW ,-imck
VwVV wlOICS fu baker aad cookers. In
gisde that always krlag t SIS aeh p 7 C
U tM gelllag at, aach d)0tl3
Caa B,..a A aambsr f aampta wea Baaga
UBS anje .t, ba mwafd for thia aU
tag, aad ta reealt la value mta (II CQ
HTJO, to g st, each, endy .,
Dnelatw Quartered eak. Smarlcaa t Bartered
DUlieiS ,ak aad Barlp Bngllsk styles, that
should bring ap to S3S; la thia aalltaf 10 IE
at. each, oaly -pvtltJ
Couch Covers varlsB oelere; ovrs that
rang ap to l-M ta si"l dartog tk gr
afarch Sale af Sample, owe W
Window Shades loth wtadow SaT-.
foot else, fla aaality ekooa tham durtng Q
this, sal of aamplea at 1 "
Brussels Rugs choeeo from, aatra fla mga
worth ap to S10, Soy tham.ta thlg Sam- 7C
fl Sals, at, seek , w ,
Jk.rL- Unlea bayen struck a skelc lot of
VllD oailaraa'a Hoa Oris that weald arlag
MS udlaarilpi thy bra ftarat ye to fit "T C
thla sals at Ill I l
Children's Beaker, with weed eta,
well made aad tha ktada that aaaaUjr
sou at ap ta SS-ftS seek; bap- tham ta thia Q Q.
aelUsg at, eaek i
A i 0Uapsibl ktada that answer every
wO-WanS miunant a ahotos lia at Oe
Cart samples of grades worth to SSJOi (J flfl
fee at, sack w ",'B
Irnn Rarla mpla of aaaatT styles, rlehlp
llUu UCUJ araajaaatad with heavy carved f.
foot) Beds that rspreaeat ralue ap to fO If
1S each, ta thl sal at ' 3
(aa R.,1- n-taeh poet sty lee, aatta
Dla DCUS poll abed ftalahl Bed that mast
ordiaarJly cell ap to SSS ar la thia j Q gfj
Superb Pilatsaa Xrreoaer ta oak ar
atahogaBp ftalah, large rraaah plat
mirrors, aad worth all the way to Sin se
taSM, rata- sow, at each MsSel
With baaattful rrsaoh plat mir
ror, S drawers bias trimmings.
. ralaa that rang ap to fllAO, 7 f
la thia eeUlsg- at It I if
UsHrS elt mattr, fan da-lb. weight,
SMIUCoK beet ecttea. art tieklag, U edgsei
mattissssa worth ap to tls-90, bat ta S7 r n
thl sals at Il-U
T.LI.. Bztoaatsa Table ta heavy Smart,
I SUIM qaartor. ak finish, aataad ta S feet;
Table that ahould sell at (is, are la mm nr
thia gala at B
T.LI.. Sample of Pedeertal Table, large etna-
SUICw Ur tope, heavily eerred, (la feet,
heavy base ; pea worth lee tham Sin IF
SasJO, but they go at I B
Phajr) slsWt chair Talses oa record; solid
vnaileS wood seat ktada, with high back, goM
a eak ftalahl worth ap to Slu, bat g ftC.
at, each, oaly ,
Smart osg Bartered eak, heavy
mirrors, plash-Used drawer, eto.
sample that ahonld brtar SU, an la St I r n
la the iratea htarsk Sal at I 0U
Shirt waist Boxes ttZuw
a pretty like of samples of taeee f. a ft r
fend mw at, each
rrnal mada fagrala Oarpota, warleaa
VarpCl at (brtas- roam ata with yoa) th
pal raag ap to SIS, yet they ar mm t-rt
yoara at, aeh aaly HBU
SBIICI RUS each 1 Uaioa parohaaod aa odd
lia from a large oommleelos as so ad Aa,
offsrs ths3t at, each, ealy ., 0D
NO! The items mentioned above do NOT include ALL of the Sam
. .. , pits q! salt) now-PAGES; even, jcduldn't include ALL of 'enia,: -
Easiest of
Terms ;
Don't let the question
of terms come be
tween you and these
a xrrrm I
Buy Samples
on Credit
Union BOUGHT the
samples RIGHT and
can . therefore SELL
them on USUAL terms.
Chunks for Fur
nace or Crate
McCaffrey Bros. Co.
If you suffer, call or writ me st one
and learn of something you will be grate
ful for the rest of your life. 1. O. Mo
Krlde. University Place. Uncoln, Neb.
A 13BB
will renc that vacant bout, fill
those taacani rooms. r s-ttitrt
carcrviri on aaort notics at s
iii.ll cost is you- lis eonvtnscd
Move before the moving season
You will have a much better se
lection of offices now than if you
wait until the
UCZX aSlm-ml g-m-iZ-
D We Need Not Expound
the Merits of
If we tell you that it is at
least up to the usual
standard, we know it is
sufficient reco mmend ation.
On Draught and in Bottles
Telephone Douglas 1889
or Independent F-1377
And order a case for home use.
txen Knur, nnnvinn company
llmstaf IIIIWW MUmiimst wvasaa aasa e
OMAHA, U. S. A. f
' t-' -Wl-i yt . Htyi. -fry , -
i M
'itidl ls stih.l-
1st of April v
or the 1st of
When choos
in g. select a
building, the pol
icy and organi
zation of which
have been tried. i
and never foudn
wanting. It takes years to develop "service" and a
seasoned organization in an office building. A build
ing which is kept in constant repair never grows old.
Select a building, the location of which la known sot
only to everyone here, but to everyone who nag ever beea
in Omaha. . , ,
The best "service," the building that is kept in
the best repair, and the best known office building
in Omaha is
There are only eight offices vacant today,
but among them are Bome very choice ones:
Beam 111 fli 1 1 litlnn Peem. private effic, fw Urg c!et. tare
workroom wllh wo north windows Ideal office for engineer.
architect doctor or oilier praises) rial men. siaoiai
uoaih. .......... ....
asa Thl I a long narrow room. lexllK. harms a north
light. Ken tel. per month .S1T.M
0 5 i- 1 l-x:s ii. located on the court, close to alt
lignt, thua having excellent neturai ugnt. ine apace cxreie
be dleided as aa to make twa eery Bleaaaat roeraa. Price,
per mou la MfTM
Stesm SSO Offlrw In th northwest corner, be vine (oar large win
6,wa a fireproof eanlt for the protection of raiuahle paper
I much In demand and la afforded In this room. There 1 a
total of 12 square feet of floor apace and eom would he
equippes with partition to satisfy good tanaat The rental
arKe la per month ............ taO 4S
The Bee Building Co.
Bee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts'