Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 31

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4 The Busy Bees
Their Own Page
Omaha Girls Rehearsinjg' Dances for St Patrick's Day Celebration
',1. J ' J V f -a 1 f v I W4' 7 1 1 ' . r l V-f ,
nmr lj u Lib i ., , ,
"y VI UCH 4 Mod time U Bur Bmi htv U tblr dl(frBt pmUim j , ( .y ft !
I I priM ! Miwclalty IntafMUng. It to br Hrter Mallory of r,: I
la- vinuii w - v . .. .. . . n. . I f I v '., i . : I
I YW2 B-VUTV9J, nw worn ibtvih rocrwuon i roauing. one mi I I tk r ,;. ' v i
' - ' l-! getttng the terla of the Prudjr book Afur rM)tn brf" 'I i f-li ',
letter tba Bnir Be will anraly wish bar cood fortaa la 1 I , ,1
ocorini tba book which her collection low UcU. 1 1
I lV'1''' ' "" ' ' ' J
' f , 4. , -
II w . ' I . I
Little Stories
Told by Little Folk
(Flrat Prim)
Kcadinr. v
Br Hmter-Mallcrr. A(4 t Taara, Vt
Vtemt Twtnir-Dlnth 8r. Kf
mi, Nb. Blua Bids. ,
I hwWI moat of my aaara Una raa4
hue. I am trylnf to gtt the aerlm of tn
"Uttlo Prudy book. Every Cbrirtmw
I set one. 1 bete bow "Uttle Prudr
Dotty Dimple," JL(tUe Prudy'a Co win
Orace" ud "Little Pradya Sleter Batt,"
I have read them over and over actio.
. I attend the model eceool at the eta
normal. I ret eome book at tba library
there and eome at the publlo library.
"When I to to aiy irtuxjau'a 1 read
moot of the time, aomettnea la th
afternooo (rand ma and. I to u petal re aad
I pet ana of myi uacla'a booke that he
,rad when he waa Uttle and trend ma
ttcte a Ladlee Hne Journal to read.
hen after a while wa droatf to eleep.
My mamma bal a book that aha read
when she was little that baa In It the
ftory of "The Gape and tba Fox," which
tcrandma reads to ma every time I f o eat
there. .
I would Ilka very much to wtn a prise.
(Second Prise.)
Bade of Promite.
By Edward Beck or, Af-J U Tears,
Waco, Neb. Red Side,
Buds of Promise is the same of ay
Sunday school class. Wa are orfaslaed
and bars a presto eat, trice president, sec
retary, treasurer and some committees.
I am the treasurer. Our colors are sur
ple end fold- Our motto Is, "Btoomlnc
' All for Jesus.'
We have a party every month and a
alass meetlnc. The teacher always fives
a present to tba ones that have a birth
day in that month. Last month the
party was held on the nth. When we
sll arrived wa were takea Into a room
where there were strings run nine all over
the room. We each tosh aa end of a
suinr and bad te wind It as. At the end
we found a valentine.
We ware then five a small flaf and s
pin. Each hi torn were MlodfoJded. led
into a room where there was a pole cov
ered with cotton that represented the
North polo. There were three parties
Cook's. Peary's and Wellman's. I was
Peary. Wa had to pot our fief aa the
pole, Tba one wba put tba flaf the
hHThest discovered the North pete sad
set a book for a prise. A 1rl got ft.
We were then Uned up oa two equal
sides and were glvea a ball made eat of
cotton that represented snowballs. I
u captam ef one stde. Whoa ana was
hit be or aha was to go oa tba ether
side. One counted to fifty. When she
got done the side that bad tba moat oa
It won. My side woa.
We were then treated wtth candy.
Ws played other games. Then pop
corn balls were hung aroand the room.
When wa bit a piece off of one without
touching H wtth onr hsnda wa get to
keep It.
For lunch we bad sandwiches, let
, Ws were then told to go oat doers.
- When we got outside small plsosa of pa
per were thrown oa as for anew. Wa all
bad a good time,
(Honorable Mention.)
Tht Lab; Bug BalL
By Agnes Matbeueer, Oat Booth Twelfth
Street. Omaha.
This game wbleh to called -the long base
be"" Is a very Interee-tng game. The
girls from the Fifth erase up play H at
school. Ws pier It ba our play room
after school sod play aw Tuesdays sod
Fritays. Our teacher keeps score for
ae snd Is oar umpire. I ass captain on
one side. -
This gases Is played different from
- other base baa There are eair three
baees. First the home base; second, the
, pitcher's base: then the long base. There
can be as many oa long base as it esa
Ve have a Jolly time playing m--eteore,
bat when the weather bs warmer
. we will stay outeows, 1 wish that aoine
While tba letters today arauost of them floe, there U oaa tetter which
te trowbllng the Children's page editor. He remembers having read It
before not in the same word bat with the same Ideas.
Perhaps the Busy Bee who wrote the story does not know that all let
teas to this page most be original- Only orlgiaal letters are of value here.
Do not write anything that row bare read la sons stair book or any story
that your teacher or mother has told you.
Tour ideas, opinions and experiences are much more Interesting than
any story which yon could retell for the Children's page. Haven't yon
noticed (hat only letters telling Inddeoni in the lives of the Busy Bees them
eelee, of describing things which they themselves hare seen, are awarded
prises? , , rT" . '
There are some good bird letters today. Our bird friends will soon
be with ni again. Watch tbe birds. Busy Bees, and write the other Bees
about what you see. '
The new Bees today are Donald Monroe, LUllaa Holatrom, Agnes
Matoauser and Rata Loiule, all ot Omaha, and EataUa Moors ef Alma, Neb.
Most of them have Joined the aod aloe.
Today's arises go ta Hester Msllory of Kearney sad Tdward Beekord
of Waco, Neb. . -
of yoa girls would try this gams and en
joy yourselves. ,
UtwL s
By Osnevieva M. Jones, North Loup,
Hnr vsars sso. ea the east shore of
the Atlantlo ocean, lived a little gtri
with bar lather asm esathsr. Her name
was Helen West Helen waa a aery sweet.
sod obedient ehlld and levee by every
one that knew her. She bad bios ayes sad
brown, early hair.
Her parents were out peee. Her father
was a sailor sad as boms very uiue.
Juet before ha Went away la Novsm-
her bs got ber a Wg St. Bernard dogj
ha b knew would jbshe) eara ot ber
and her mother.
The dog would gw every place Helen
m and see that no barm earns tsi
bar. It waa many weary days that Helen
end Jack (the dog) spent bosetener welt
Ins for the return of Mr. West '
Karly see spring snornmg a rap waa
beard at the aoer and Mrs. West (ot
up and evened Jt to see Mr, Day, a
fisherman, steaded there. She asked
htm at eeeee la, bat he said he eeuld sot
Moo. as be only had a at tie nesgi
leave Heiaa that waa gtvaa blia by her
father. This Is what U said:
"My Dear LUUe Daaghter: I will
basse tomorrow night between I asm T
e'eieek. II yea ye may be at the
shore to meet sea. Tear Father.
bene bssssrrew slsirt end 1 am to meet
Hit, west laid Betsa that If she wee a
goad girl she eowM go.
At abbot o'clock the next day Helen
put on her little hat and she asd Jack
started for the shore. After they had
imm awes about fifteen nriautss the
ehmds began ta set sleek end there
going to bs a storm. Helen did net sou
there was any Sanger, but Jack did and
mm rt her te turn back by bat
whtohaT, bet she would net go.
The storm grew worse and worse antH
fhsslhr ther kmt thssr wsy. The wares
beat ftarssiy anon the shore sad Hdea
and the deg wars' almost swept away
wtth tt.
tt waa assert t e'eieek when tl
crew milder end they started away from
toe eh ore. and soon found a asses high
a aa the rocks, where tbey wars oat of i
danger. 1
When the dog know Helen was. safe,
he left her. aod leaped down from the
reeks sad started far hsess bs get Helta's
mother. She knew by hie whmsJng toat
ha knew where Helen waa, sa she got
bar butters and they started off.
They seen cams ta the spot where
Helen key astern. Mrs, West tacked her I
up sad earned her, towards the shore.
Just as tbey gat (here a beet stopped aod
s man got out It waa Mr. West Mrs.
West sssd hiss the eesry ef Helon sad
he took ber from ber mother's arms and
awakened, Mr. West told ber that they
did not bars to Uvs near the ocean any
more, but were going to move to a ulet
little farm in the country. This delighted
her very much, but still mote to know
that ber faithful dog'. "Jack" bad saved
her life. , . .
The Sight I Saw.
By Gladys Van Ness, Ased If Tears,
141(1 South Eighteenth 8treet
Omaha, Bed aide.
While tn Baa tranchwo, r vwited the
chutes. Tba arris wheel circle swing
and chutes arc Illumined every even
ing, sad sll the lights are ea the lagoon
and It looks very beautiful. '
At : o'clock they feed the animals.
The lions roar so you can hardly bear.
The natas of one of the lions Is Sultan,
the untamable lion. There, Is a white
polar bear with plcturea ot icebergs tn
Its cage, and a poed ot water far K to
swim ta. There la alee a very bugs
elephsat and a aromedary wtth twe
hum po sa its hack. A large soaks Is
In a big glass cage, and a great many
lions and tigers are there la the Best
cage there are all kinds of monkeys and
a big baboon. There are about one hun
dred monkeys la one ease.
There Is a small angina and oara run
around tbe lagoon.
Then we went to Ooldes Oste park and
via ltd the conservatory, where ws asw
many flewera and many banana trees.
Then we wast te the aviary, where
saw all UBds ef btros. Then wa want
to Strawberry hill, nsht la the
middle of Oils Gate park. Oa the
very bop at Strawberry WU at the i
servstsry, where wa could see the teokten
Oste and the ocean.
Wa alas eeuld see ML TaaaaJpele, In
the distance,
That was all for that day.
Helen's Lettoa,
By Met Maoht Ased M Tears, XB TJ
ttlreei. South Omaha.
Ones there woe a httle girt Her name
was Helen. Helen had a sister. Her
rsms wss Mary. Helen was ateghtv.
Mary was alder than Helen was. Oae
afternoon Helea waa sitting on the back
porch, ahs was watching the bees. Her
sister said. "Dost as near the bees be
am they win Sting yoa.
"I don't ears,' said Heeag. So aha
went ta the bee htve and she got etnas.
Then aha ssid. I wish I bad usteaod
to what yea eatd."
She could not write for about a month
When sea want to school bar teacher
asked- her why she dat net oeae to
She said. "The bees stung me."
After this she listened to what older
people said.
, Ton's Leston.
By Evelyn Bernhs-dt, Aged St Tears,
North TTesrty-foorth Street, South
When they got there and Helea
One day where. Tom came home from
fscboot. he said to his mother. 'Tm the
smartest boy In school. I'm st the head
a little Latin aad talk a Utile French."
"Dear me," said Tom, '1 am not so
smart as I thought"
It seems that other boys are smart
I think t would like to Join the Blue
Side. x
I am a aew Busy Boa !
The Disobedient Boy.
By Bdlth V. lo-nn. t North Twenty
fourth. .South Oiaaha. Blue Side.
There was a hoy earned Kenneth, and
hie mother was going to take him lo
ass his aunt So she dries td him all up
aad told him be ooud so out and stay
until It waa time te go. but the said be
should not get dirty. So he told ber he
would not
Then be want ant snd he met bis p'ay
mate. Bobble, whs asked Kenneth tt be
would go down to the spring with bird to
get some water. ' ,
Kenneth said "Tee." '
Ss they both went down, and when
they got there they thought they would
pier n little while In the water before
tbey went homo. While they were play
ing Kenneth 'itot Ms clothes all wet and
dirty. Then ha began ta cry, and Bobbie
ask him what was ths matter. He said
he had got all wet aad dirty aad ha oould
not go to hie aunfa
So they went homo and Kenneth's
mother gave btm a spanking and put him
la bed. And they did hot go w visit his
aunt that ds.
What Beoaine af a loor Girl .
By Victor Ellas. Aged t Tears. UN Wil
liam street Omaha. Hed bide
Once 'upon a time there was a poor
Uttle girl Banted Alice. She waa a very
poor Utile girt Her father was dead
and her mother was old and very sick.
So one day as she was sitting by her
poor old gray-haired mother she died.
How Uttle Alice did ory.
Alice had a few cents, ss shs bought
as many flowers as shs oould for what'
ahs had and went out to sell them.
She sold all but one, and could not sell
this So shs sat down and cried and
cried. Soon a lady came by and ashed
her why shs was crying. Alios told her
ths story of what happened and that she
was trying m get a few cents for bread.
Ths huly frrt very sorry for poor
AUce. so she said. "Come with me." So
shs went The lady took bar to her home
d tva ber a big dinner. She asked
her If she would not stay with hen
Alios said shs would and so she did. Ever
since Alice la a rich Uttle girl end Is bav
ins a Dice tuns.
aty Trip Aeron th Ocean.
Frances Calvert tM Leevenworth
Street, Omaha. Aawd Tears.
I wss I years sed whoa I loft England,
f had a vary happy tan. days ea ths
water and was not seasick at alL I
liked as see the seagulls sa they toUowed
ths boat for the toad that was thrown
frees It Three wars church services,
concerts and games oa bosrd snd every.
thing wss beautiful and the first thing
ws aaw whea wa same to Now York was
the ssaottful Statute ef Liberty.
Charles' lewartl.
rasa, Ased U Testa, at?
South Thirty-second Street, South
Ones there was a boy. Hs waa very
poor. He sold papers for a living. One
day as bs wss walking he tawed a packet-
Dooa ana in it sa. mere was a ears teiung
the asms and address ef the swear. That
alght he wont and gave ths owner the
book. He wse Mr. Jones. Hs gave
Charles one-half of the money. Then he
was vary happy. He went hires sad went
to bad. Ha dreamed he had vary much
money. He Uved happy ever after.
I hops to tee my story In print
of the glasses. I can do ths examples
In arithmetic that the others can't
Now rtn going-be writs to Aunt Lucy
snd tell ber thst'l know columns by
heart and I'm half through algebra, and
ssk her what Cousin Feilk can do.
'I hope It will not discourage Felix."
strfd his mother.
""Oh. It will make him wish he wss
smart too" ' , . .
Bye and bye Aunt Lucy wrote In reply,
"We are so glad that Tom Is such a
fine scholar. He asks what Fens can do.
He can play on his violin. He can read
Children Will Be
Seen in Folk Dances
-Next Sunday Night
Among the Uttle glrie who will dance
at the St Patrick's day cebwratioa to he
given by tbe Ancient Order ef H there lam
la Cretghben auditorium nest Sunday
evening are BUesa Edwards, Helen Kro
ner. Goldla Predmetssky, Frencee Harri
on, KUanor Keeling, Haast Fowler.
Mary Creadon. Helea Adame, Mildred
House and Oladye Chandler.
W. J. MoCrsaa Is 'chairmen In charge
of the event Ths principal speech will
hs "The Dsy Ws Celebrate," by .Patrick
H. CDonnell of Chicago.
Every woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at tht
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., by letter at my expense.R.V. PiXKCB, M. D.
There is every reason why- women should not trust their delicate constitution! in the
hands of unskilled persons. It requires a' thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism. There is every reason why she should write a specialist.
' As a powerful, invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system "and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked "worn-out,''
"run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothers,' and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic.
As a soothine and strength
ening nervine "Favorite Pre
Mcription" is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous
excitability, irritability, nervous
exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms,
fainting spells, and other dis
tressing, nervous symptoms
commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or
gans. It induces refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is devised and out
up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies. Its ingredients
nave wc indorsement 01 leaaing pnysicians in an scnoois or practice.
The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
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Accept no Jrrf nostrum in place of "Favorite Prescription" a medicine or Known
COMPOSITON, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Pierce's PleasanfPellets invigorate" the stomach, fiver and towels. One to three
s,dosc Easy to take as candy. . ' t
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing 7y on a free copy
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound Invalids' Hotel
tad Surgical Institute, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. X-
dm. piEaaea ixmrom morzu art-af. . r.
FUee. taW aw tolar ef eeSsadrrJik tsr woasa, ad wee aad iltigi peat
efaeA OssV.WeeoeeseweawSsaea oasgeooeeae'aaBsBso)o)eBhn
1 Aget HW loBgaelerMT Are yea JsarrtatT
MatosetemiXImfteasefawilh fiisj 1SI1I y eases. Twsu i it (XX)
atfrastsf Uet ess fismwbiek sen eater stsal.
Censtipstka Hi tug Dewa Kidney Treable .M...Ctarh
SSaST- tWalPertede aoesr Tresbls rb
V"" PL . zztlr? Back Vhslst Orartaa rest Dtoieat
Juseec Trable "" Bet Fbeeee . .ImT BJoed
Fissile Weakness Cheese af this ......fables rem f
daT Zhmsrfls say eeVsr eseseetets ea s Meat oat steel STava waaV,
ByCub'curs Remedies Which He Rec
ommends for Skin Troubles.
OreenvOle, Ohio. "While atteading school
si Lebanon. Ohio, m IssS, there wet a email,
pea sears, and ea were sll vaccmated. Fie
saseaMy from impure virus used. I beceae
afflicted with belle, which
leeted far about las years,
sbea the adiirtsm assuawd
the forte of aa srertan ea sty
race, the stwer pan of aty
face beats tatamed start of
lbs tune. There would be
ester-blisters net up, and
open . snd w berever the water
would touch It would bum,
and cause soother eae to
rise. After lbs butter would
oped, the place mould scab
ever, ssdr would burs and
keh ss ss Is be almost uabearable st times.
Is thn way the sore, would spread from one
pleat te snot ber. back and forth over the
whole of my upper lip asd ehia. and at times
the whole lower pert ef my tec would be s
solid ears Thn eendtttoa eoatiaaed lor lour
er tve years, without setting any belter, asd
is lect got wotee ell the lime, so much to that
my wife became alarmed Isst tt prove fetal.
"Finally I decided la try Cuttrure Betae.
dics. soldi I dut; taking tbe Cullaura Retolv.
sat internally, applysig the Cuttrure Oint
ment 10 the tores, and using the Cut mire Keep
fosesthing. la a very abort time I began to
notice improves emu. and eemiaued to ate
the Cutkura Reavedlet en til eitais tees than
b year I wee wen agaia. aad have sol bad a
Heuiieawef Ike trouble aiace. whicb h ever
twenty years. I have remmswtnled Uitleurs
Keraedmi te others ever taws, and have great
faith at tbetp ss remedlea for seta diseases.
(Mewed) A. 0. Srsndos, Atesroey-at-Uw,
eaeuary IT, lbll. , .7 ,
CttUoara Soap and Ou Heart Oletment ere
Seat by eeteen everywhere.. Liberal temple
at mob mailed free, with Sj-S. book oa sam
and eealp treatment. Address, "Cuticura."
Dept r. bo. Tewder-feeed msa should
shave wtth Cuueura hoes noevaig Stick.
Developing Oust
and Chst
M HH -s-Mr.
Milt), MtaTtl. AhWisan'. MtsMat Btj1lb4VltT M
HabBlth m atomf-tr C-'tart), MviaaM tr-p
ttiiiHif tkiertt g-strratnv mtgm, mtmtgin
MdMPusSt BMtr qw aairg,
t-nKBip WttM ttM SMsTtt Vttt.
TtnaVel WklU't VSUS!- 0ta
tf.v. dltitak fMtr frMir.
tvt4 wKlna a vary mnir iVls Um tnttttftt tw
its Will t- BMIttfasJ. ta 1, iMWil tlMt
hah hkes Tsttraram ngMgb-y tkaat esawtnUSht the.
Unl Whm (iaHJir'l apss, an) tt tkl
mtm lta Mil tar lola brand, ttkdt m nMHltft,
iaeV tlaaa 4VS WmUIm 4b4 ft WtatU WfUM,
Thd taNld)t SU-t Ostkf r fowl thU t "twalls
itMt sVabs) art 9UHy WnwVtw stoar I Uktv
N mm HiM. Hawtjra iewrsa iim mmmmm.
it mattO kick tsTrUla. M bttBSltT Sjlt eVSt4
CL-S sail, SMand tsVtm. Wlt VftUOtUr. UIII1
TWJU SW. M aWV Iptflllfll.
W CAtTTfOlf jnjV
U tvak ff
Wmr4 WMti 09
Bart leveloper
rWtb Bander Twald, BOX
Tali Is Ike error, ttM st blskir i
tv a Ma o be via te all ties eeuMruie, a
SMlts asl aatutf taltuiv.
Waae's Vtaaalrt OeMas Tablets Seattle tee
Kitls htaeruS Balot. Tbey nest tat terae
, saallte taHa aM matt Ike east
Ana. at ess at soli'ilmis. THU(. taisewe.
seines m res-eves, taa a bet sf lsw laWtie
see sm tklr ewetrtai srhrta tt m nkra
e net' imlsiin. aalr ate. Oee en af ta. uu
leu etlt m stUMs st tat si sits Usald aad
rUDVION-leiHetleae set wertklei
eie kalag esjwea. IM enly Ik erttiaal. easalae,
Ostntnue Ir Wlllarl WMte f . fklcM. B
eare e tsMtnaua ttM far V. a la,lstertd
IrtH awrk . tb bes. a
ease tor samale ef at.Viri.t
ice PnreMi ata tnM
Hall .rem float; est St tsira Writs ss
WIUtaHO WHITS CO., Cafeage. 111.
SanXOavOBS MAX POI.iaa toe.
The hteet rsrf see woUet palaties hi the
Werla. '
Drag Oa sae sVanetla.
Symptoms Are WariiiBgs
To Wise Men. n
Ths pabllcauoa of the p'reocrlp
tlaa cf a tamed physic! ea would
prove fiallleea to hundreda ef
man if unable to recognise the
aeosselty for Its use. It Is not
tbe intention or desirs of the
writer te mislead or frighten by
painting the horrors suffered by
too pruasiersiy aged, but rat hee
ls It the desire to state pletn
facts. The peculiar affliction
wblch destroys ambition, organic
strwagto, energy snd hops la ac
companied by aorus ot the fol
lowing symptoms, If pot by .all:
ImiM, euaaen eyes; thin nose (or
abnormal latneeel cold extrem
ities, backache, weaknoss in the
spins, twitching, mms. before the
eyes, peine la beck ef bead, head
ache, trembling, fatigue, ahriua
Ing of the salii, flabby flesh. Im
paired memory, sleenleeenesa,
toes of et petite, coast, patlon.
hMsey derangements and a gen
eral uhpreparednees fof emer
gencies sf all sorts. ,
Ths ' right kind of medical
treatn.ont will effectually over
seens such werntag - eymptoma
and restore normsl conditions if
persieteatly need for a few short
wosas. .
Any one can buy ths Ingre
dients sad mis the medtrlnee of
this prescription at home aa it
contain no poisonous opiates
The tnetruetietie for mixing at
home secretly eo that no ember
raeeesent may be felt are as fol
lows: Klrel get three ounces of
syrup tareapan I la compound and
ooe oenoe compound fluid balm
wort; mix asd let eland two
hears Then add one ounce com
pound ease nee cardiol and one
ounce linoture cadomene com
pound i not cardanLomi, aad mix
all together. The directions are
to la-e one teaspoonful after
each meal and one whea retiring,
until bounding beoJth and full
strength are restored. Even n
few seeks wi.l . witness most
woBrderful reeulta.
The above prescription le manu
factured by the veil known pher
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