Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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You Seek Distinctiveness, but not the
Extreme in Choosing Your Spring Suit
We, too, followed this idea in selecting the many handsome suits
which make up the present beautiful showing. The best efforts of
many exclusive designers find expression here.
Should your fancy incline toward the plain tailored suit with
straight lines you H find it easy to select from a collection unusually
In the more modish models one needs but dictate any favored stylo
which Fashion has stamped with approval and it will be placed before
The cutaway Jacket with either one, two or three button predominate!; Term
how many clever in novation a both in alio and arrangement.
Separate collars of Eponge and Bedford Cord are alao new with the aeaaon.
Skirt follow the narrow tailored line, manjr have panel back and a wide
pleat in front which forma the much-dlacuaeed envelope effect.
Whipcord. In abadea of tan or navy, plain black and two-tone combination
are much in demand, while French or wide wale eergee and wonted la gray, tan,
nary and Copenhagen, alao wonted In black and white it ripe are vaed la many
itunnlng model.
Junior sizes 13, 13 and 17.
rrices-S15.00, $17.50, $19.75, $22.50 and $25.00.
Sizes from 32 to 40 for women.
Prices $22.50. $25.00, $29.75, $32.50, $35 up to $45.
rr im nostra
Rapidly Becoming Omaha' $
Mott Exclative Wearing
Apparel Shop for
Men, Women and Children.
Tire Attacks UAgbg Howe on
Clark Street, Chicago.
Headred; aad eTatr-MT Mea
Were JUeevlaa la the atld
taw Win the fire
rah Oat.
CHICAGO. March -! bmb were
killed la a fir waka attacked a Clark
street lodging house her today. It ki
believed awe thaa twle that aumber of
bedlee will be found en the upper floor
whea the flrenea search the building.
One f the ata-Tbomaa btcMath, a
painter Jumped e hie death frf tit
fourth etory. and the bodlee of five eth
er were found where they had bee
suffocated er kerned to death.
The name apread guiekly Uireuah the
building and the flreatea bad hardly ar
, nved before aiea were ruehlng from the
lodgis deueeu Boot war trapped In
their bed. Two jumped to life Beta held
by firemen and were Injured.
The establishment aoueed in men, ac
cording to the proprietor.
Orear Amen. J yeare eld, lamped from
a wlnopw la -the third floor Into a Ufa
net held by firemen on the eldawalk. He
strut a protruding jlgn and wa badly
(Ceatlaaed from rtret Page.)
pusltloa to live right, but my friends who
helped te elect me had every right to ex
pect, from what they knew of my life,
that I would be a atraight and reliable
maa la the ooundl.
Tell of Meaey Ms
"la Juet two Instance I new have In
mlad did any really dirty, money oome
to me. Itebert Aadersoa, a Third ward
man. acting ,f of aom. woman property
owner. 1 understood, came to ma three
er four moatha age and made a propo
rtion. Ha aald be waa acting for all the
property ownera concerned in tha uim
meat far pavement on Capitol avenue,
between Thirteenth and fourteenth
streets. ITe aald It waa a Question of
hiring aa attorney to have the an
ment reduced and they would juet aa
tooa pay me. I needed money very badly
'at that particular time and took Ft
Anderson and a man named LeOrotte
put op HS each. Afterward, one day when
the matter wa up la the council cham
ber, Anderaea nd LeQrott were there,
end Anderson aald to the ether men:
'We muet be d a careful, becauee w
are In a deep la thle ai Oavta la,' and
LaQrette agreed that auch waa tha fact.
Previously they had both aaeured me
every property owner on the block waa
la on the deal, and Anderaea wa to
(get half of everything collected. They
told me at sue time the only kicker
tgalnet the arrangement waa a colored
women, but did not ay whether b wet
acting for herself er eomeooe else. At
that time the money looked awful big:
to me, 1 needed It ao badly, and the I
temptation wa to great I have no other
eapiaaattoa for taking It"
Telle of Laea.
Told that varlou -loan" were being
mentions ta oonacetloo with hi aame,
Mr. Davie aald:
"About those leana I have only thU
to y, that I did procure them from
several people. Soma of the largest were
to eteve off what I rogared a trouble
that would discredit me moat seriously,
but I woa't go ever that bow. At this
time they may be looked on a graft, e
anything and everything I ever did M
likely to be, without any shadow of Jus.
tics. At the lime the thought never en
tered my bead of graft In tha sense of
forcing men or holding them up for
money. (
Catkers Deed Hot Craft.
"A Mead ha told m that en arrange
ment I had with Roy Calhera haa been
distorted Into graft. It waa nothing of
the kind, bat a prtvsle agrsemsnt be
tween Cstker and myself oa a matter
that had no connection with any action
of mine aa a oily official. Mr. Catbere
will get hi Ms, all that la Involved, ae
aoea aa I can pay him.
"Another deal that la not at all what II
la held forth aa being la that of a man
named MrKenale. He had arranged tor
a brink sidewalk and changed hie mind
and wanted concrete. I got IN from Mo.
Kenate to give to the contractor, a man
named geeto. to pay for hauling the
brick back and paying demurrage on the
aame, but the money he since been paid
back to 'tha maa who gave It to ma, In
that deal everything waa aboolutely'
straight, and lotto would hav got hla
money In doe time only ho claimed al.
moot twice what I had received, and now
lb difference I on between him and the
man wan Is paying for the etdewalk. The
man who paid me the t haa sine got
It back, and I did not profit or tapect to
profit t cent by It.
Limit ta Baeriflso,
"Now, I want to say that It any white
washing would save my wife from fur
ther worrying, or atop her heartache,
or If H would east my conscience, snd
bring peac of mind to my mother and
other relatives. I can probably get' a
coat aa easily aa anybody elee. Stilt I
repeat that 1 don't seek te excuse my
conduct I confess It waa absolutely
wrong and enwarranted, but then la al
ways two sides to everything of thia
kind. 1 am sot dlepoeed to nearer the
other elde now; but I will y ther Is
a limit to all sacrifice, aad I may reach
hat limit myself."
Da via showed eigne of menial aad phy
sical worry, and a gllmpss of Mrs. Devla
Indicated ah waa la a pitiful stats. Be
tween the eenteaosa of hla formal state
ment, and afterward, the young maa
gave utterance to repining. He ad
mitted that after working for year aa
a at reel car maa oa an ordinary aalary,
the elevation te the council, with In
creased Income, had made hla rather
canleea la contracting debts, bwt he In
sisted that when ho began to borrow he
had ao serloua thought of where the
practice might lead htm. 4
Aa to where be Intend to go, er when,
er how he means to keep In touch with
development! here, Mr. Davie bad noth
ing to say, "t jurt want to get my wife
out of this thing for the time." bo aald,
"and I want a chaac to eertousty con
alder my own situation."
Seat To Deeaoaetrate the Merits at
Pyramid pile Remedy.
What It Xae Bess for Other, It Can
Be Tor Tea.
IV, bare teatimoniaia by the hundreds,
showing all stages, kinds and dsgruca
of pile which have been cored by Pyra
mid mi Beinedy.
If you could read these unsolicited let
ter yd would ao doubt go to the near
est drug store and buy a box of Pyramid
pits Remedy at once; price fifty cents.
We do not ask yea to do this. Bond
n your name aad address and we will
send yoa a trial package by mall, free.
We know what the trial packaca will
do. la many teas It ha cured piles
without further treatment If it prove
Its value to you, order more fronv your
druggist, at He a box. This 1 fair, la
it not? Pimply cut out free cvupon be
low aad maH today, .with your aadie
end cruras on a slip of paper.
Free Pile Remedy
mum paw ao, oa ryreaud
Bidg, aarahsil. lOoa, with yews rail
warns asm mien a a sup of paps.
A sample of the ga rrrsskid Ml
isiily anil (baa be seat yea at eaao
vy man, rmSB, fa piala wiappot.
DAVIS OPKHtTIOwg Ml'LTIPtV Who Netlre l aws Plr
.'ellewta Maay Paaae.
Graft eeeratlone ventured by Chariot
M. Davis, ex-ooeuieilmea. nave appar
ently ramified In mere thaa eae direc
tion. A on Imnanoo of malfsaaeaee e '
velope another h uncovered, aad eve
th wise enee In the leered prootaett ot
the municipal casti a Clgbtoeath atreet
quake to know the result.
Her b) on of Davis grafting schemes
A street ta paved, and possibly the pav
ing material baa seen changed for some
thing cheaper, but thai haa nothing te
do with tha tnotanc of graft. When
the pavement Is finished and aietut us
mad Davie foes to "benefited'' property
ownera and gives the confidential In
formation that ha can hare the assess
menu reduced by at least half for a car.
tain sunt The -certain nun" ta forth
eoenlag. and the Davie goea through a
ag eertea ot eipianattona. . But la th
meaatlaw the awaey h ha eetlocted baa
keen misappropriated.
The extent of hi operations probably
never win be known, not evea aheuM
the grand Jury find time to take np the
case. Th paved street hi ouoetio w
Capitol avenue betweea Thirteenth aad
Weeks aa reload.
Just befer Christmas Deris went to
Robert Anderson. UU Capitol arenas, a
maa be had known since be was a kM
In kaee Pent a and a maa whom b knew
held ceorldcoce. He told Anderson be
could have hla paving sssteement reduced
by half ef the paltry atua of Be. and hav-
log known Davta alnee be played Bsarhia;
Anderson believed what he said waa true.
The SB was paid over by Aaderaoe aad
bla wife oa the belief that Davis would
do what bo proposed. But Davis did not
top at bla violation of th confide nee In
which he 'wa held by hi senior friend.
Whea ho had pocketed the money ke
asked Anderson to Introduce him to
other property owner in th block who
were "benefited" by th raving.
Finds A net bee Dane ,
Accordingly Davit waa Introduced lo
Anton Learotta, a musician living at
1M Capitol avenue. Davta made hit
propose! and Mrs. LeOrotta waa called
Into the conaerene. Both husband and
wife were Jubtful and they Instated
that If any money went paid over te
Devls thst Anderson would stand at
security. Anderaon, believing In the boy,
aid, "Aura. 1 have known him elnce be
waa a bid and I know that he la honeat"
Devla secured the money and be even
went ao far aa lo "commission" Le
Orotta aa hi agent to collect equivalent
amounts from other property ownera In
the same block. Whether any mors
collection hav been mad haa not beta
The collections were mad om time
In December, but neither Mrs. Anderson
nor Mr. LoGrotla are able to live th
exect dates. All I hey remember la that
they bed to dig down In their petticoat
pocketa and give up the money with
which they Intended to buy Christmas
presents. ,
A. C. Kugel, Louis Berk. Fred M.
gchroeder. Loul Burnt ester and J. B.
Hummel, republican membere ot the city
council, held a special meeting Friday
alghl in Jodg Btrka'a office, and de
cided not to select successor to Charles
M. Uavta, unleae ther wss demand
from the reetdenu of the Twelfth Word
or th six democratic councilman. ,
Set Xoinej Carpenters Denied ler.
Cents Hour Increase. -
Farmers sf Cam Toerswblp Will
Gs lata Caart ta Resist Al
leceel Krrsr la Levy
of Tsxes.
DES MOl.VKS. la., March J.-8pec:sJ
Telegram.) Tli demand of the carpen
ters of Dea Moines tor 10 rent an hour
Increase in wage this year wa today
definitely refused by the master build
era oa the ground that this year business
will not Justify granting any Increase.
Higher wagea would prevent much build
ing and the builder will not Uke the
risk. It I believed that the carpenters
will accept the situation and not under
take to fore their request.
Farmer of Camp township, this countv,
are preparing te go to court to fight an
error made tn the levy of taxes la that
township. It la declared that the Board
of Supervisor raised th assessment of
the township by St per cent because of
a misunderstanding a to th acreage
of the township. Then the state board
added TH per cent Increase to the wtiol"
county, with the result that taxes have
been nearly doubled. The county offi
ciate have no way of correcting the error
and the farmer refur to pay the taxes.
Conventions in Iowa Betignktt
Tlt Men Secularly.
First, Sixth, F.labth and Math Al
ter Preeldeat, While Casasalna
la Pallia Behind ia Hie
Oera State.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, March k (Special Tele
gram.) Thirteen county conventions were
held by republicans today In Iowa. Of
these only Warren, 8ioux and Shelby
wore carried for Cummins. Audubon
county waa reported as divided. Tha
other sent delegatlona tor Taft They
are Ringgold. Union. Clsrk. Lucas,
Taylor, Decatur, Wayne. Guthrie and
Adair, all la the southern part of the
state. Reports from caucus In Bucoa
Vista show that county baa been earrted
for Cum mine. ,
Washington county caucuses carried for
Roosevelt after a hard fight The results
make It certain that the district dele
gate from the Pint. Blxth. Eighth and
Ninth districts will all be for Taft
tars Ueaaiae Beck Beer ,
in bottle March and thereafter. The
BOCK BEER brewed In Omaha. Phone
Chaa. Store for a ease for your home
W ebster 12fi. Independent B-VXL
Meu Beaad Over ta Ceart.
BEATRICE, Neb., March k-Spocial
Telegram.) Claude Price and Tom Ounv
phrey of the Matthewa Construction com
pany at Kansas City, charged with as
saulting K. . O. King with pick handle
with Intent- to do great bodily Injury,
were bound over to th district court to
day by Judge Walden. . They were re
leased on ponds of KOt each. King waa
a former employe of th Matthews Con-
nruction company, wmcb bum the water
works plant here, and the assault oc
curred last week.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March .-Spec1al.-Attor-ncy
Gouler of Chicago, who obtained
permission from the railway commission
to I Miie tSUOl sdditiunel bonds of the
Nebraska tlty Oa company, returned
the order today on request of the board.
The law provides that bond may be
Issued to only two-thirds of the amount
of stock and when the permission was
granted It was supposed the company
had MS of valid siock outstanding. It
waa later .ascertained the commission
bad not authorised the issuance of anr
stock by the company aad hence the re- V
call of the order.. .. - :
ft la announced now that the company
will request permission ta Issue It r
worth of stork, and when that la grant!
will follow with a request to issue the
bonds. This looks simple enough, but it
la known that at least one member ot
the commission will never vote to per
mit the issuance of any stock or bonus
except oa a showing that they are is
sued for value received. If tola is In
stated oa It will seriously interter it i
the plans.
If you bar anything to exchange ai- Y
vertlse It In Tha Bee Want Ad columns, '
What's the Matter
With Your Baby?
The young mother end many an old
jne. too ie often pussled to know the
cause of her child's ill nature. The
Loudness of us crying does not neces
sarily indicate the seriousness ot Its
trouble It may have nothing more the
matter with It than a headache er a feel
ing ef general, siallneea It cannot, of
course, describe Its feelings, but ae a
preliminary measure you are sate la try
ing a mild laxative. , '
Nina time eat of ten. you will find It
le all the child seeds, for Hi restleesneee
and peevishness are perheps due to ob
struction of the bowels, and once that
has been remedied the headache, the
sluggishness sad the .msny other e vi
deo ees ef eonatlpatloa and Indigestion will
quickly disappear.
Don't give the little one halts, eathar
Uo pllla er nasty waters, for these will
act at purgatives, and they are too strong
for a child. In the families of Mrs. J.
E. Harmon. Me etar Ave.. Burlington.
Iowa, aad Mr. E. Morse. Council Biuffe,
lows, the only .sxstue given ta Dr. Cald
well s Syrup Pepsin. It has been found
to answer moot perfectly all tbe pur
poses of a laxative, and its very mildness
and freedom from griping recommend It
especially for the use of children, women
and old folks generally people who need
a gentle bowel stlmunt. Thousands ot
American families have been enthusiastic
about It for more than a quarter of a
Anyone wishing to make a trial of thia
remedy before buying It In the regular
way of a druggist at fifty cer.te or one
dollar a large bottle (family else) cen
have a sample bottle sent to the borne
free? of charge by simply addressing Dr.
W. B. Caldwell. Mi Washington St..
Montlrello. III. Your name and address
on a costal card will do.
It i- Si w.-i-v,
-i bisa -: ire : yasi M
' .mh 111 MiM ,.
I I'f ''fit II aa a. I I I a I I II I! V i , W4 M I ' 2T Oj '' . "saa."V ftl'l 'I I II a-e. I ' N Mil I
. a, v itl; Hm t lllll , liil I L ' 'ff-ATin f il l M tl IH ;l
31 rift I A ' l-WJi ni '!': IttK'&l M aAAmA.Ih i i '-V Vtf k . '
i' ; i ii m utmwi . T im . . iipT7ti 'tkrjw . -ni i ri r - - r.aaaj , ,1. : i ik rir i
-" . Wfarrea-Ollmore.
OLENWOOD, It., March (.-(SpeclaL)-.'
Mr. M. Clyde Warren and Miss Edith
O. Ollmor erere marled at th borne of
thshrlde e partntt In Olenwood Thursday..
Mla Ollmor hat been -one of Olen
wood' brightest tnd beat primary 'teach
er. M. C. Warren It one of Mill county's
roost up-to-date young farmer. H waa
la th Amee-MUIt county short couree
directorate, aad always la svery move
ment to advance agricultural standarda
In Iowa. They will Uv on th groom
farm aear Emerson.
SEWARD. Nsb.. March . (Special Tel.
gram.r The e-ysar-old son of Mr. and
Mr. If. J. Hanteoeur, who II v three
mile west of Seward, waa mysteriously
shot late yesterday afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Haneneur had been wy from
horn snd th boy wa running toward
the bans to meet them wher ho waa aeen
to staiger. Th father quickie plckd
the boy up aad found that he waa bleed
ing from a bullet wound lust below the
heart- It ia tupposed that th shot wa
tired by oem hunter ta th vicinity, but
ae report was beard. Th ntlr affair
la a mystery. Th lad I In a critical eon
dltloa, but kit recovery to hoped for.
Ten Dollars Did This at Hartman's
"Surprise your hubby. Show him what a few dollars will jio at HARTMAN'S in furnishing your home in aay
that will insure the greatest possible degree of comfort and coziness at the least possible expense, by taking advantage
of our confidential, easy paying plan, which is simple and ideal and entirely free from any disagreeable conditions', or
uny thing that would tend to embarrass you. ,. ,. . , t-.'
-' -"' A very sniatt-paytaent down, 'and a little monthly, will enable you to buy all your home 'furnishing peed at'ou,'
'large'store, uai eUivw,.yoo.from n to two Tears time to pay, for what you purchase,;, '.'.'... , . " -..
Every article we offer for sale is marked with a plain figure price tag. This gives you an 'opportunity to Compare,
our prices with what you have to pay elsewhere. Another thing your can be sure of is we charge one price to everybody.'
Base is fitted with
two small drawers,
INDIANAPOU8, March k-Ray Bron-
aen of fndianapolit and Clarence Kagllth
ot Omaha today were matched to bo
fifteen round, at lit pounds at St. Jo
seph, Me. -April I ,
Omaha's (Juality
the work as closely as possible :
and with a view to your com-!
shirts and collars are all dated,
so you can tell the life of each
Linens '
are washed sanitarily and ev
erything returned in the most
np-to-date manner.
Wagons Everywhere. ' i
Gentlemen's Chiffonier ;
A PS value, made of selected sglld
quarter eawed oak, I conveniently
arranged drawers, hat compart"
ment ano up-to-aate ware roue.
hetutlful Freuch plete
mirror door, offered
for thle week at th
unbofttabig price of
This wonderful
sale special is
made of careful
ly selected Amcr
ican quarter
sawed oak, lias
durable con
struction and
polished to a
mirror like bril
liancy. 1
one lined for silver
ware; large linen
drawer and
double door dish
We know you
will appreciate
the value and if
you are in need
of a buffet we
urge you to call
Monday; for this
sale only; a
regular $28
Golden Oak Drsr
9x12 Monrch
Bruggela Ruts
In thl lot ef high grade Rugs wo
cen show many beautiful design.
They are eatra fine quality, firm
ly woven and permanent color.
These Hues are regular g I 00
values and are offered while they
last at the sstonishlngly low price
quoted above
Positively Every Article to
. It
kw3 a ITlOntn complete home
Parlor, Bed Room, Dining Room and Kitchen
Remember every room complete -PICTURES, LACE
ThU dmMr show a conijj la roM
n oak and mthor&ny finish, U
beautiful la dMlrn and un usually
well rrdex It la built throurhout
of slGtd matsiiais. bnillantW
pollahed; baa S larg and S small
drawer and a larva mirror 9 up
ported by artistical
ly crTd standard.;
offered by ua until ixfn
they last, ct TjtV
1 11
$99 PS
The posts of this bed are
exceedingly heavy, have 3
broad becorated panels at
the bead and foot board.
They are en
ameled in the
popular gold
bronze finish,
which is supe
rior to any im
itation brass
bed offered.
Tbey win not
Urn lab or rob
off. A beauty
gad a bargain.
Dinin, Room Chain
gt ea
I w p..,
W know absolutely that U.0
cannot duplicate these chairs In
any atore in Omaha. They are
made of solid quarter sswed oa
and hlshly polished. Have gen
uine Imperial Leather seats,
heavily braced, wide, spartoua seat
and broad back, a world beater.
Solid Oak Chiffonier
These Chiffonier are mad of se
lected solid ' oss, and are hand
somely, polished. Have five larae
drawers. with brass rolls, ev-
tremeiv well made and
guaranteed. Fully worth
Set more tnan tnte
week'sipeclal price
pane, ex-
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST.
Cw-Cart Spexial
A ltl wodal Col lapel bte Go-Cart
that folds with one motion: all
steel frame and body of gusranteed
Imperial ueatner. com
plete with
rered this
extrerueiy low price of.
tana eooroi suaraoieeti
ueatner. com- f see. 7 C
i hood. ot-4rJI3
week at the .