Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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Uncle Sam Has Done Good Work in Hawaii
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'lOoDyrurhL 1911. hv Wank ti
.AoHJAGTON, D. C.-Whet has
t-ncle Sam ion for Hawaii
It Is tin oldest of our colonial
possessions. We annexed It
tn IK and It fau been a pan
of us for the test founr.
years, jt iu rich w(wB w, rt . fa
-r woj-. did a blc buanraa thou;
ii oea a blccrr on now. Its rorelcn
romrarc li almost r.0OO.M par aunum.
ud It has mora than dxiMd alnea w
ta this a tomtorr. viaall now b,,,.
moro than tn.m.aoa worth of roods ovary
twelve njonths, and M. per cent of this
we supply. The business Is all" dons In
American bottoms, and the eustoma re
ceipts, which co to the federal treasury,
have already amounted to about lUeoa,.
In addition lo this Is a large sum
r. vruus lain, so thst the
Islands not only support themselves and
pay all their expenses, but they annually
turn a large sun back Into I'ncle Ham's
roffers. This, I should say. Is good busi
ness. -More Sehaola a ad College.
The Hawaiian Islands have grown In
Intelligence since we took hold of them.
Then W per cent of the natives could
read and write. Now all can do so. They
Were a civilised country Inhabited by a
civilised people. At the lime of annexa
tion they had a commas school system
like that of New England, and there were
UW children In the schools. There ars
now 2S.00. and a compulsory law has
beep ejacted raising the school age from
JS to 1 years, i know of no land when
thevwehoot age Is so high.' Moreover, in'e
schools are quite as good as oar own.
and they hi chide In their leaching manual
and Industrial training. ..
Within the last few years the cover a
t..ent has esubltshed a college of ag
riculture, and also experiment stations
devoted to the crops which grow on the
Islands. The government has a oreaa ef
est reserves. It has an irnergetia de
partment for health, and one Island has
ten set aside as a boms for the lecera.
Others of the archipelago .have been re
served to keep alive the wonderful bird
life of Uia middle Paclflo. and the Island
ef Hawaii, the largest , of all. Is .soon to
be the site of a National park which
-Mil Inclose the greatest volcano-known
l man. A Mil to this effect Is now be
tre congress, and tha governor of the
"lands has advised that the reservation
be made.
I A Satloaal Tark ef Velauoeau
I liefore I no flintier I want to tell you
about ttug volcano park. We have the
greatest geysers of the world oa our
public reservation of the Yellowstone. We
shall have the greatest volcano and the
greatest active crater In this part of
Hawaii. The whole archipelago la made
"up of volcanoes. It has altogether forty
vulcanic peaks and rolcaolo ash and lava
abound everywhere. The very'soll Is de
composed lava, and this In places k
twenty feet deep, making the Islands
among the richest on earth.
The ialand of Hawaii, the largest of
the group where congress is asked to
create this park, consists mainly ef the
gentle slopes of Ave vol canto mountains,
sod t has among them the Manna
1-oe, which Is by far the largest volcano
of the world. There Is a crater at Its
top which Is almost aa high as Pike's
Peak, end another oa one side, the fa
mous KUauea. which Is constantly active
od has a great lake ef fire la Its center.
It Is planned to make one reservation
right at the top of Ma una I.oa and an
other reservation down the Macs of the
mountains to Include Kllauea. KUauea
Is only t.M feet above the sea, and K hi
situated oa a belt road around the Island,
and can he retched by-automobiles.
A Lake ef Fire and rtauteae.'
Think of going by antomoblle rjght
down to the shores of a lake ef
fire and brimstone!! That la what
we have In Kllauea. and all around
In the country about are picturesque nit
craters, tanks of sulphur and lava trees,
tree ferns and ferrets ef many varieties.
The government will establish a volcano
snd earthquake observatory there, and
It will preserve natural features from
vandaia and business intrusion.
The crater ef Kllana Is eight miles In
rircumference and the pit of biasing firs
a WW feet In diameter and It Ilea per
haps 1.808 feet below the mouth of the
crater. It hr usually safe, but It has
Jad some mighty eruptions, when stones,
and volcanic ashes have been spread
over the country for nuiea around, in
recent times the lava la supposed to have
gone out under the earth to the sea, tha
floor of the crater rising and sinking with
Its discharge.
The crater in the ether reservation on
the top' ef Mauna Loa, nsrasures about
ins anff-feBje-heit miles la circumference.
It Is a pit crater, with walla almost ver
tical and about He) feet deep. When the
saountaln gees mte eiuptlou It spouts
forth celamae ef flames and clouds ef
vapor and the lava runs la streams down
Ue mountains.' The last great eruption
was In rmi, and was attended by an earth
quake. The one in 190 raised huge see,'
waves ferry feet high, which broke oa tt
abere and destroyed many villages.
Vada 8asas Mrd rseerratlen. which laps
TJmun (Sait-wilx, $pun 4.10,000,000. et Irasornra Heart- 21akbccr
heea est aside by the (avernasrnt and
plaosd under the biological survey of the
Department of Agriculture, Is another
natural wonder. It a great ocean park
covering hundreds ef miles. In which are
many small Islands, rocks and reefs. They
belong to the Hawaiian group, hut they
stretch far oft to the westward In. the
direction of Japan. i
' These ilslaals have no human life upon
them, but they contain a population of
sea. birds which In variety and extent Is
'jnequaled In any other part of the earth.
There are tent of millions of birds which
make their homes on those lonely lands.
They oome there to breed, and at times
the Islands are covered with nests. The
ground Is one mass of eggs, and In th
past these have been gathered In whees-
barrows and carts and carried away by
the boat load. . ,
The birds feed on the fish whli It
swarm about ths islands and upon otl mm
kinds of sea life which live en the nfs
snd along-ths shorts. There are sane
plants, and just now the rvservatloa at
suffering from an Invasion of ralvjtta.
which feed on the plants and which. ; aot
dealt with, may destroy the bird U Jk
Moreover, the Japanese have been raid-
tag the Islaoas In older to kin tlie alba
trosses. The croup should he w ate bed
by our revenue cutters and the sennas
Hon should, have permanent -facials
there to care for it i ' I
Preparisg fee Pauatasfs.
Uncle Gam la doing much lo prepare
the Islands for the lncrerawd traffic
which will come with the Prriama canai.
The porta have been dea eed and the
chief harbors have ail me lorn faculties
for the handling of trlegti'i A very Im
portant work la that whl-jh la going on
at Pearl harbor. , .
The general board of . the army and
navy has declared that 1 us place should
be made a naval base. and plans have
nreDexwri which flll InMln tha
spending of ia,M,otu u Improving It
There are to be also v jeta and f ortlftca
tlona which are to of at HOM.Ms more,
and altogether we isil erect a little
Gibraltar away out there In the middle
of the Pacific. The .al anils have already
beea made a sepa'site military district,
and a general off! er has been assigned
to the troops strijoned there. We ars
putting In a hug, dry deck at Pearl
harbor, and oonr scted with It will be re
pair shops for our gunboau and other
vessels of war. I
, The opening )f the canal will greatly
increase ue nf.portaaca of these Islands
as the metrorsilis ef the middle Pacific.
They Ue, you ' know, at the cross way ef
the mala trrfreted routes of that ocean.
They are t'0 miles from Baa Francisco
and about (jait miles from ths east coast
ef Asia. rbry are 176S miles from the
re ed of the Panama canal, MM
ml lee frcJa New Zealand, lew mlies
from Jaita and about . from Seat
tle or t aocouver. They are the halt-
T htfcse to almost anywhere In the
Padfle, and their future trade win he
Ifsttm Mlpplaai Faetlltsee.
Aa ''it Is. the transports tion facilities
have. Increased since we took possesses.
The e are sew. sixteen steamers which ge
re iiarty from Island to Island, and they
cs rry several hundred thousands toaa of
1 Sellht every year. There le a big traffic
I rtweea the Vol ted states. Australia and
lexico aad there are many vessels which
irII at 14 a .11 n. tiir war tn amA trtum
I Japan and China. This Is so of ear muss-
ports en route to the Phinppiaea and also
of the Canadian vessels bound for New
Zealand and the Fills.
The AaseHean-Hawatlan Steams his
eeWaify has, now a freight' line from
Honolulu New York. This to by ths
way e? tha Isthmus of Tehuantepee tn
setathrrs) Msaloe, the freight being car
ried serous that Isthmus by railroad. The
com! any law soma eteamere of It tons
each, aad' It kj now earrymg m.M tens
of isjaar each year.
Tlsara are 10.00 and M.ttt ton vssssls
wlUfh ply regularly between 8an fran-
clooj and Honolulu, and some of the big'
toft (reyhouwds of the Pacific the Padfle
htf 11 steamship company and the Toyo
Keea k a lake step at Honolulu on their
y ay to and from Japan. There are also
. number of sailing vessels which go
LVrotn Hawaii down around South America
and theace to New York and Burope,
and there are many tramp steamers
which cafl it the Islands.
' - Health aad the Lepers,
1 Tjhe government has done much to Im
prove the health of the Islanda They
rw have a bureau of health, which spent
last year more than IU.00. aad there at
a sanitary commission which will reor
ganise Honolulu aa to Its sswerags and
drainage. There are district physicians.
who make bouss-to-houas Inspection to
keep track of the tick. . During the past
year they have made s.000 visits and
tilled 1.M prescriptions. They received
COO calls and aaa soloed 14,000 school
A campaign far being made against tu
berculosis, and the United Slates Is car
rying oa a leprosy Investigation which
may result In the finding of a cure for
thai treed disease. They have discovered
the bacillus which produces leprosy and
have inoculated monkeys, rabbits, guinea
pigs, whits rata and hones with It. 8e
far only the monkeys have taken It, and
this Is said to be the first Urns that It
has been developed to any other animal
than man. They are bow experimenting
with a horse serum as aa antitoxin.
In addition to the leper colony on the
Island ef Mojokal the government baa
now a receiving hospital for lepers at
Honolulu, and en the Island Itself It Is
adopting a new policy as to the treatment
of lepers. In the past It has been cus
tomary to regard them as outcasts. They
are now confide red ss patients and
treated like ether human beings. There
are Otf lepers in the hospital, of whom
flve-stxths are Hawallaae and the most
of the remainder are Portuguese and CUi
nsss. The leper settlement is oa a tongue of
land comprising several square miles oa
the Island ef Motaksi. The lepers have
a eolonly of their own and this Is a com
plete community; of Itself, ilt Is much
like the leper colony ef the Philippine Is
lands, In thst It has ks own maaistrats
aad polios and Its social aad business
Ufa It has churches, debating clubs, base
ball grounds and a race track. There an
twe hands and a moving picture theater.
la the colony are four large Instltut
Uoaal homes. One Is for male, another
for females, a third for hopeless casee
snd a fourth Is a hurssry tor the children.
There are alee about St other buildings,
consisting of saaehtne shops, storerooms
and detached cottages, ecru pied by lepers.
Among the schools of Honolulu are some
for non-leprous children whose parents
are hrpers. -
Sesair aad teber. .
' Some of the big ouestlone ef the future
hi the Hawaiian Islands have to do with
the labor question. This Is based on ths
sugar plantations, which are enormously
itch, but which require cheap labor to
handle them. There arw few spots upon
the earth that predate sugar like the
lowlands and valleys ef this Sandwich
group. The area le not large, but the
eroo last year amounted t,auom pounds, or s sough to give
every man woman and child la the United
Stoles a pound of sugar a morula all ths
year Uiroegli.
The sugar vlantstlons of Hawaii all be
long to rlnh corporation! and trusts. There
are altogether slxty-flvs companies, mot
of them ctiarlered under the laws of Call-
Lfornia.' TSa stock la held py loos persons,
aome ox siwn irvs en ine islands, soma
In tha United States and not a few In
England and Germany. The corporations
have an aggregate capital of Su,m.
and they produce about Itn.ojo.Oia) worth
of sugar a year. Rome of ths plantatloaa
have declared dividends aa high as t
per cent a month, while others have gone
Into bankruptcy.
Tim work of sugar raising la scientific
ally done. Enormous sums are speut for
machinery and fertilisers. About lis If the
land Is Irrigated and that at a cost ef
tits per sere, or shout four lima
much as similar Vork in oar country.
The labor cost forms snout 00 per cent
of the whole.
Aetatlrs la Hawaii.
It II this Whor demaned that has brought
the Aslatlo to Hawaii. The Invsslon be
gan before we took possession of ths
Islands snd at first It was Cora posed
largely at Chinese. Since thee the
Chinese have been kept -out by osr ex
clusion law,, but the Japanese have taken
their places, aad we have now something
lias so wn of them there.. We have V
haps .0W Chinese, CMS or (,00 Koreans
and some Filipinos.
As to the Japanese, there are three
times as many of them as of the native
Hawalisns, and altogether they form from
one-third to one-hslf of the whole popu
lation. . ,,
So far these orientals have been doing
very uttie in voting, nut their children
will vote as they grow up, and the ques
tion is what effect K will have ae to the
control of the government As It Is now.
tne ruling class is the Hawaiian or a
mixture of that and the American.
Twenty out of twenty-eight of the repre-
sentauvss belong to thst rare, and they
also form the majority of the senate.
The Hawalhvns cast something like Ki.Ooo
rotas at ths last election, whereas the
American, British and Oermars element
cast only a little ever 1,000. The Portu
guese cast tos votes, the Chinese tie
and the Japanese fifty-three. '
The Hawaiian Islands, as every' ens
knows, are now a territory of the United
nimum. i oey nave a governor and a
secretary appointed by the president, aad
these are aided by a territorial legislature.
consisting of a srnats snd house elected
by ths people. The legislature sill sixty
days only, and the last one passed U
Go vera meat taada la Hawaii.
The Hawaiian Islanda hare not proved
n El Dorado to pioneers from, the
United States, as many expected. The
truth le that they had already beea de
veloped to American brains aad Ameri
caa enterprise. These came In with the
mlsslnnarlss, and they have been ee used
that the best lands have been taken aad
the best places filled.
The govern men! acquired about l.oa.
ON acres of public lands by ths transfer.
but a great part of that was made ue of
canyons, ravines aad lava-clad mountains.
The government had about one-third Of
the Whole, hut the greater part of that
third was ae earthly good. It had about
KM acres of good sugar lands, bui
much was leased to the sugar planta
tions and was therefore not to he disposed
of until those leases ended. A num
ber of homesteads were granted, but as
genersl tain these were small, and
these aaa (ot t&ea have not made any
great profit to speak of. Today Uncle
Sam still offer homesteads, but the
tracts are small and they are given at
prices a little less than their cash value
One thousand tots were taken In KM,
but since then other drawings have been
advertised and comparatively few have
been taken.
The officials say that there are possl
blUlles in the Islands In the raising of
cotfee, rice and bananas, and there la
no doubt that money may he made
In the pineapple Industry, which Is rapidly
growing. The export for the asm vsar
were something like 050,008 asses .and they
will be . in Ull Among ether in
dustries which bid tab- to par well are
tobacco and cotton, but the main profits
will always rotne from the euaar. and
this, as I have said. Is In ths hands of the
v Plssneevrul fadaet
of the diver and bowels, tn refusing te
act la quickly reraedled with Dr. King's
New Ufe rills. Easy, safe, sure. So. Fur
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is the best of all eiirinee for the care el riinam,
tUsorahni end wsalmsoeri peculiar to wosaao. It is the
earv preparation at its kind duiissd by a refoksrty ftwshr-
sled physician en eiperieooed snd skiflsd ayssislaw is
the diseases of women.
It it a eats medicine ia aery ssaditioael taw
THF ONE RFMF.rrr -vrfcsek aoi
and aa eojarioue kabiMoreahuJ drags aad wtdefc
saieles eae owisul tor eaab sliaislssla.
THF ONE KKMtPY ee oed that Us snakera
eve east exrasd to priat Its evjry bieTsdkut Bat
mmek Quids bottler- wrapper aad attest te tha
troth fa la ssa ef the sasae under eelh.
k ia sold bv sssdiciae dealers eistewaoio. and awe dealer
1st it. Don't sake substitute of unknown eosasesittesi tor
gienwN ooaroimofi. No eoaaierleit b as good as the geuw'
who save ssssofanu else is "just es food we Or. Pisree's" is
ar is krviaf ts deceive yoa or iu owe selktk beeant. Saab a
He is trtf tad with your most pnsolees iBiimm
be Tour Jits iteU. Sff put see ft wssr a eur r.
wee hasn't it esa
Ma) eaHMstesastgl MP
end the drufdist
either missaksa
Twer ssBUOr
E.J-DAVIS l!0ISTir.& r" -yNr" -j
lit IfwaVC HakUriJUIIW .s I , .
4 VO '
diiii rif fr- i 3 1 f
j v UWI imU ill vjr , ... r I 'i
0 i 0
0$ " - (peiUKiil Unas
III Hi 'VaV ffXMV. V
m u m
ViV --..Ml
at the new, fire-proof Hotel Galwz : -
iThc Crowning
Achievement o! Galveston.
It ia an imposing Million Dollar PalWon Gakwrton's jrreat
sea wall, overlookinc the Bparklimr iraters of tha Gull and sur
rounded by all tho captiwatin attractiona of a (semi-tropical
Thia is Galveston's latest achieTcment, her newest prida
and joy 4 raperb botel that double Galveeton'a attractiy
ness. This new delight bids you welcome to the City of Sun
ahine by the Sea. .
Besides the comforts J Perfect rfrrtc of this gplefidla reaort hotel
, lucre are doaeni of other attractions nrt batblac, auto driving golf tea
nut, boating, fishing or aa afternoon promenade In roller chair 'on tha sea
wall Hotei Galvex u tha center of Oalvetton'h social lift and activity and
Us scene of man dcUghttui (unctions. -
Our hsndsome hooklet hi colors will convince vwu that vm afciut
spend THId Winter at Ualveston. 8eW "SJuImT
JOHN F. LETTON, Manager, Hotel Galvez,
Going: to Galveston?
Too, will get there tn better time tni greater comfort by nstst ths
Jty. Trtins from yonr city maks rood coaBectiou ac Kansas City with
Jr&feQvS fMt UmtM train gpwndidlr aqnipped with free iw
ellnlnc enalr ears, Poll mas electrlo-lLghted suadafd ah if obeervttlon glee
ers. It runs over ths Katy all th mj, ge there la a dancer of aisaed
connections or tiresome delays, .
... 1 ,v . . -
omi raervaucHxe or any tuormntiosl la
W. 8. St. Gcotre, Gea. PaasenT Agent, M. K. T. Ry.
Kta.a.'A DU. Ca i key. M
- 1 .