Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 10

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Quettioa u to VTho Will Be Queen
' is AH-Absorbing-.
Chare Vnin Take e tbe -e
In IiuMi Wriln Starr
Alsaemt Daaaa at 11- .
varsity Oaeaaa.
swrtal Cateadar.
MONDAT Mr. and Mr. Henry P.
Eamea, tea for Mr. Charlee W. Clara
of Chicago and Mr. and Mr. Joseph
Eamea: Mra htosher Colpetser, am
Inf nf the Cooking club: lecture, recital
aa "Die Wslsur " bjr Mr. T. J. KUy
al the bom of Mr. and Mra. George A.
TrEDAT-Kt A Vtrp Dancing club.
twrty at Diet dub: Mra. C. H. T.
Itlepen. alatarnonn party tor Mra. C
L. smith of 8U Paul.
tVErNESDAT-atlss Oraea Murphy.
evening party for Untverelty of Omaha
THITRKPAT-Mra H. C. Statu, iraanlme
club; Mrs. O. C Madam. International
FRIDAY Mi m Dona TXnning. meet
ing of Debutante Bridge dub; Phi
Delta Theta fraternity, annual dance
la Uaosln.
SATURDAY Et A VI rp Dancing club,
annual party: Phi Delta Tneia. baa
ouet la Uncom.
Vthe bJ to be the queen in PrineeM
anew-White,, the play to be given by
aoroe of the yoong men and woman and a
large number of ohlldreii after I-ent tinder
tne dirertloa of Mlaa laabet Lewdea far
tba benefit of tb Child Bavtng Inetltora?
Tb part of aueen I an of tb nrln
tipsl growo-up parta and baa not yet
bean assigned. That It will be ana of
tha pretty and talented young socletr
women ta eertahL All of tb children'
part bare been glrea out and the young'
men and women wh will tab Tart ta
ta dsncee kava begua to practice.
Tb daneea will be given ta a diver
merit at ta ad of tha performance.
Among tha young women who will take
part la the duo ar: : .
Mlaaea Mlaaei
Francea Kaah, ' Claire Helen Wood
Marlon Hoa-e. ! ard.
Kugmle Whltmora. Ell a bet h Psvls,
Uretohea MeOeenell, Kulh Lateneer,
Marie Melllager, Roes Ceffmaa.
ben Owed. , .t Roe ataytb.
Tb young awn who win daao an:
lieutenant Watsoa. Robert Bunt,
Ware Hail.
flamuel Dlghton,
Taylor Belcher,
' Thorn M altera. Jr.
Coming to Visit Daughter
ihithbert Potter,
William Taylor,
Jab Lugaerty,
' Lord.
Kelp Peter.
Lieutenant aoll -
' Visitor teased I reaa Manila.
lira. M. U. Lord, who wttk ber bus.
bead. Major Lara, hs been stationed m
Manila, P. I., will arrive next week te
Trait bar daughter, Mr. Prank Van Rene
alaer,. tor wvaral week. Major and
Mra. Lord war stationed In Omaha about
two yean age and mad a boot of friend
while her. Both Major and Mr. Lord
and tbatr aaa, Kenneth Lavrd. were prom
inent member of th Mendeleaoh choir,
Major Lord being on of th ffiotrg f
thl antaalaaUoa.
Mlaa Braadel Write ttary.
Miaa Laola Brand!, daughter of Mr.
and Mra, A. D. Brandei, baa again dle
tluguiahed beraelf In Uterary work at tb
Let whool, New York, where ah la
la ecbool. In the'laet iaaue of tb school
paper tb Quarterly' Tgtler. Mia Braa
del ha a story atltld "A Caee for th
Recording A a el." which ta very clvr
tor yeung a girl.
Mia Brandei hap txaoutlv ability a
wl a a knaek fny writing and at adltor
la -chief of tit taff of aieven editor. Tb
quarterly I aa attractive magaaina with
quit a tyl at It own to dieting ulen It
from other school paper. . J
Ladle' Aid Olvea Katertslaaseat.
' Th weenen of tlut ' First Methodist
Episcopal church will ihow what they
ran do along hlatrtonla line at a vary
serei entertain atent which they are Bat
ting ready tar next Thursday, evening at
th ekurch. "Home at th May-Hap" at
lit will be denoted on a tit around th
world to th "Hobby-Rider Convention."
Alt nalleoelltlea, claaaae, viae and dle
poaltioo af wonea will b en taking
th trip. There will b a tuffragetta. a
Jouraailat, a abop girl, a Hatty Oreen
erary type m eaa think of.
Mr. Leonora Dteta Nehna will h
ticket tupactraa. Th ceodixAree will
be Mra. O. A. Rohrbaugh aad th por
ter, Mra. Loyal Wallec.
Th entertainment area th idea of Mr.
M. O. Rehrbough aad eh alee wrote th
Una for th lflerent character.
Tb offlrwr of th Ladle1 Aid odety
under won aaeptaea the affair will be
givao ar: Mr. 1. W. Tewle. prealdenti
Mr. Jaanea Hodge, ftrat etc praatdent;
' Mra. a W. Cgt. eeroad vie prwtdant;
Mr. W. H. Head, woratary: Mrs. 1. C.
Ludek. treaaurer
At t'alveveaty of Oeaafca.
Waatkar ta attead tb Animal dane
' at tb Omaha High school r whether
t go ta tb baaket bad gam at Cooacq
Bleff Friday, March B. I a ajoMtlaa
that at caoatag a lot of worry among th
. atudants at the Utrtvarolty of Omaha.
la ta paat both of tarn event have
been keeked upon as two f
rwaU ta th aoeul lit at tb achooL
and thl year I ao nospiJoa, Tha gam
with tb Bluff team at tb tut game
f th saaaoa and H had been planned
t give a ktg dinner party at tb aal
varatty serOdmg aad than go froaa there
la a special ear to Cooacll Blurt, but
Just a th pun are being amd nearly
vary student has racahrcd aa tarltaUoa
ta th Ahunnl "proaa." The la charge
- of thre affair hav plaarted on making
th local obaol' pel or preminent bt th
decoratlv echeme. Tb uiaiabt of th
alumni at th salvarsKr are having a
bard time to dacld betwewa tb tiro.
Tb Vtopian aoctetr f th fnlverarty
of Omaha met but evening at the horn
of Mis Alloa Mdwn, Hi fanith Thirty'
seventh tret. TM was th regular
March meeting aad tb program gives
had to a with tha legend of 8t Patrtok
sad Ireland. Th program glvea eras aa
History of 61. Patrick's Day, SybO
Woodruff. '
Plane dust Mabel Kelly aad Bamh
Recitation. -Aa Irish Girl at tha Tele
phone.- Agnes rneMoa.
Vocal eoia. Stella Bfoi
RecttaUea, "Pat CCoonor." Bulah
Recitation, "Mrs. Casey at the Beauty
Doctor,- Katharine Cass.
Piano aola, Zaii Ben.
Wadsjasday waning Mia Grace Morphy
win sntertals a number af the students
of th Uatvareiry f Omaha at ber bona.
Mat Can etreet.
as) at Fwet OeaW-
Th hvdlee ad ofBoare of Port Crook
gav aa avmtmal hap lYtday -rnlng.
and- MJoe-mg th dance Castata Law.
re-see p. Butler aatartaa tha gassts
Xrs.H PrioRD OF MAmLA RL -
Formerly or thi city
at a chafing dlab (upper at. hi bom.
Tha present war: - ' '
Colonel and Mra William Buttler.
Major sad Mrs. Frederick Dal.
Captain and ' Mrs. Jnkn Stngletan
wltser.. . .
Lleutensnt and Mrs. Clarence Kamham.
lieutenant and Mrs, Reginald Kelley.
Mre. Ulendennlng.
Mrs, Vounsloff. -Mies
Eugrnlne Whttmore,
Mlaa Klula Jsnks.
Mia Margsret Adams
Meear. Meaara.
Lleutensnt John Rannletrr,
Hcott. t'apialn Howell.
Lieutenant Wilson, C'sptaln lasrence
Csetsln Martin. P. Butler.
Oeorgs Duncan, - 1
, Sororities Active
A sear' of charming -young co-etle from
th University of Nebraska ar In Omaha
ependlna) the week end end .during their
brief stay many ntrtslnment will be
given.! Thcs yeung mtmrn are msaebsrs
f th PI Beta Phi sorority and cam to
attend th Hamllton-KHtgerald Wedding
last veomg.' ,
Thl afternoon Miss Oeorglana Davl
will be host eaa at aa Informal party for
them, and thl vnlng ther will b eev
ersl small pVnlee, as th young woman
are being entertslnrd at th different
horns of th alamna. Th out-of-town
gueets at , Mlaa DavU' this afternoon
wri ' '
shir, fraud Adams, Jobs Brian. C. &
Shermaa, . -
A very enjoy eble banquet was given last
evening at tb Putoa hotel by the mem
ber of the "HungTy club," at which
Mrr Edward Ran prastded da tosstm
ter. aeveral excellent spssch war
made, those notably by Mr. Nelson. Well
and Ryan, Mr, Nrlaon'a being th fun-
witest Thos present were:
Prink Phillips,
Al ntelner.
William Keenan,
Ray Ingram,
Harry Detwller,
Willis Crane,
Roy Mullrn.
tieorge Bergen. l4
William Pearlman.
Th Grand Mogul club of theXanecom
Park Malbodlat church and their friends
spent an enJeraM evening - Friday at
horn of Harold Landcryau, itil Popple
ton avenue. Refreshments awr served.
Tboes present were: f
Mlaeee , .- Mlaa-- --'' -'
Clara Darnel, Katherlne'Banilert,
IsuiUMi Trout, ,,. .Hilda Petereon.
Am kg' Darnes, Kiisabeth ilerrya-ava,
Ruttr- Korh, ? " Mildred foot, , f
KsTherhM Blurdtrvant, ' 1 .
Messrs .
Walter Jacobua.
June Brown
' a tv
Of r.eerny,
Orace BSIIakury
or uncotn.
Hulh Hesmck '
of Fsii city, -Babbotte
Well, "
Ada I tooth Uolman,
Raohsl Kellogg of. Hot Lacer.
Peralval. la.
Lueille Bell
of York. i
Helen Hoiloway. ,
of Minneapolis.
Bertha Mansfield.
Huth Melon,
Florence aehwak
Florence Hoatetler,
Kula Matee,
Fsnnl Lene,
Claire acriber.
A number of th member of th Delta
Gamma sorority of this city left this
morning for Lincoln to attend tin annual
banquet there this evening. Amnnxthoee
who-will attend ar Mlaeee Ruth Gould.
Margaret Outhrte. Kthal Tuksy, Ida
adult, Helen Chesney and Mra. Edgar
Policy a.
Th Omah young women who attended
th Kappa Alpha Theta banquet at Ua
aola last Saturday spent the week ad la
Iincoln and returned horn th first of
ths week.
Tb Kappa Kappa Gamma will hav a
luncheon In Omaha March at ths
Young Women's Christian assoctstloa.
r r 1
Pleasures Past
Mia Helen Mackln entertained It din
ner Frktay evirung la honor of Mis
Helea Taibot. Th table decoration wr
la pink. Cover war laid for eight guests.
Thursday evening M s Wra, Harold gav
a "ahower" for Mia Luck Rahn. whoa
wedding to Ralph W. Copanharv take
pktc March . Friday evening Mlaa
Mabel Henry entertained for Miss Rahn.
Mrs. J. B. Rahm gav aa Orpheur
pasty Saturday afternoon for her email
daughter. Tlw party, nunroerlng eight,
occupied a box. Another hoi party was
glvsat by Mr. Charle McU, wbos gueeu
secapted tw boa.
Aa Informal daaotng and card party
was given by Miss Orac Mkhsftey and
Mia Edith MahaRey Thursday evening
Supper was served ths fcatttr part of the
evening. Those present were:
Mlldred Karber,
tleorge Marrl,
llobart Wells
Arthur Mahoney.
E. T. Ryan, Jr.;
Claude Hhay,
Hert Beerman.
Kdwln Htafford. '
Thomas Nelson,
Hubert Elstelder,
Parker Jordan.
(Illbert Kldrldge,
Kdwln Patlruige,
Oeorge ttaunder,
Sigurd Hjubvrg,
In celebration
Ralph Riley.
Bverlll Heavers, .
Harold Landeryou,
of ths twenty-first
birthday of their .so a, Hurling. Mr. and
Mrs.. a. E. Ilsupman gave a delightful
party) at thslr . restdeitd, KU South
Twentieth tret, .Frtdey evening. Tb
house w appropriately decorated for
tha ccejiton. and refraehment were
served. Thos present were: -
Mlaeee- -Rmliy
Hermlne Klasaser, ,
Myrtls KlasNser. .
Christina Jaieer,
Marssret Msrmst,
Milton Jslser,
Arthur Jordan,
Frits n. My or.
tteilwlg BaatlalJ.
pearl Hrudbeck.
Huth Correa,
Uaala Dvck,
Alma Klasaser,
Carl Brltat. '
Frank Hrlail.
tiscsr Hsupmsn,
Stsrllsg Haupnuui. Otto Haupman,
Mr. ana sirs. u. c nauproan.
Mr. atid Mra. J. Correa, i
Mr. MlohMl Lantasch, (It pierce street,
wss given n pleasant lurprla. In honor
of hie nineteenth btrthdsy, by a number
t bis friends After a pleasant avail
ing at must and games,) rsfreshmsnta
wer served. Thos presenjt were:
Gertrude Lehlelter,
Msy Asber,
Martha Ashen
Anna Flecker, '
Ruth Omaraha. V
Antoneti Klausnte,
Lens Lehlstter. .
Messrs 1 -
Frank Hum bard,
Harry Tearn.
Louis Vsaqulst,
John A la trend, '
Tom Boyle,
bkal Kronholm.
Michael Laatssch, '
Roy Kerch.
Mary Hloemer.
Alta Htewart,
Anita rttewart.
Etna Klrt
Blanche Boyle,
Krama Mets,
Kvdyn Foater, '
Chsrle Omsrshs.
Phil Hartlulter,
Fred Troah, ,
Baron Butte.
IVnnls Kirk land.
Willis Huehlsca,
WUIIe Omaraha,
Bernard Culten.
For the Future V
Mllh Mahaffey.
Grao Maitaffey.
Oeorga Mctcalf,
Kiwla Landale.
Hubert Miuard.
Beatrice Wsltoa,
Louiee Damon,
MsM aWdaberg.
Rachael MetcaU.
Clifford Wsltoa,
Paul Mackln.
Jeko rmaky, 1
eon atcDoaai.
On of th boa partis Friday eranlng
at th Brudda theater, where Mrs. Jobs
McCormaek gave a recital. Included:
Mr. and Mr. W. E. Martin.
Mrs. H. H. Baldrlga.
Vtsa Helen (Irani. ey.
Mies Loughrldge of Peeria, III.;
Mr. Arthur D. Braadela
A few msmbar of the K. L. club gav
a aoa party at tha America theater
Wednesday evening. Tbos prese&t wsfw:
Misses- Misses . '
Lilitsa Und. Arthur Enholm, 1
Anna Vedergren, - Frenk kdahi.
Ruth Dsrby. Jeses Darby.
Jaeel Farmer. Huge Knholm.
Blanch KraXiM, . Robert Travis.
Mrs, Charles Shermaa aotertalned th
O. C. C. club Friday afternooa at her
bom. Ther ar twelve members of the
dab aad th meeting ar held one a
month. Th members hsclsd Meadame
W. E. Pai matter, charle Grsttoa. Frank
Porter. Howard Oohtltn. Trout, r. H.
Walrath, George Eddy. Campbell, shrop-
At th Omaha High school alumni
prom., which will be givaa at Chamber'
Frtdey evening, March 3, graduate of
th school oa capttoi hill will gather (to
gether and talk over ramembraoca f
their four yes re course of study. It will
also be the lest t th many school
dancing parti ea of tb ' present school
Invitations have already bee seat out
to graduates. of tb purple and whit
who ar bow enrolled at th University
of Nebraska and other nearby Institu
tion sf teaming. A (social feature of
tb aflcir will be a general receptlom,
which wtll be held pravtoos t the pro
gram of daao. Henry Howes, 1L and
Raadall Curtla, ', wlU hav chars of
the aftaiar. -
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Banal win give
a tea Monday from I on til 1 la boaor of
Mrs. Joseph! Kama of Chloag .aad
Mr. Charles W. dark, who gtras a ocig
recRal Taesday. aesatag at the PI
Methodist ehurch. Mr. Clark yWOl alao
be the guest of boaor Monday at either
a tuacheon or a dtoaer to be glwsa la
Council Bluffs ky Mis Jutta OtDcer.
Weddings .
Th wedding of Mis Loot Rah and
Mr. Ralph W. Copenharr wfll take
pktc Wednesday. March la. Mr. Capoa
harv is a teUer la tb Omaha Jiaaoasl
March M, 1-Mr. Fredarlck P- Miller
of Omaha and Mis Jeaephln Inghraia
of South Omaha wer spliced at tb
bride' home by Rev. 'J. M. BothwelL
Ml Myrtle Inghram of' Iwnraon. Ta,
eras nuUd af honor, and Mr. Oordoa
Inghram th heat man.".Th parlor T
parenl. )A St. Mary's aveaus.
Frederick Caha erfll efltciats
Personal Gossip "
Mrs, W, H. JdcCord is la SU Joseph vis
iting relatives ....
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ourley arrived
horn yesterday, from Washington.
Mr. and. Mrs. H, K. Barlmt returned
Friday monring from a trip to Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Landauer left
Thursday for their tiom fa Useoln. III.
Mr. Charms Ti Waller 4wfarned Batur
day morning -frsm a trip asound ths
Mlsa Agnes penc ha gone to Laura'
t -rarlt before going to COllegeport; Tax.,
to reside. . . M
Mr. Oeorge W. Boaae. Jr., will leave
Monday for Alaska, when h I engaged
la business. i -: . J . l ,
Mr. and Mrs. IT. F. Hamilton hav ra
turned from a stay f several weeks la
Lea Angeles, CaL
Mr. Charles Pickens anil Mits Plokeh
have returned from month to Florida
at Ormond Beach.
Mr. T. M. Orr. wh kaa been south
In New Orleana and Btloxl for fir Weeks,
will b bom Tuesday. ' s '
Mrs. L. O. Low of Sid nay. Neb., la
tin guest of her mother, Mrs. Olive B.
Oarneri at tha' Majestic. . .
Mlaa Kugenl Whltmora Is apendlng th
week end at Fort Crook, th guest of
Captain and Mra. Switser.
Mrs, H.-B. Wood arrive today from
Denver, aocofnpanled by liar daughter,
Mra. w. H. Cranmar aad baby.'
Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas R. Kimball waat
ta Psorla last week to hear D Pack
mann play In concert returning Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Loul Doup landed Thurs
day in New Tork from tw months' stay
m Italy and will reach Omaha this weak,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mge hav gone
to Ball Air, Fla, from Glen Cqv
Bpruiga. to Joia Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Sprsgue. .
Mrs, Herman Coha and ons hav sons
to Cairo with her - brother, Mr. Kmtl
Brandels, and her nloce, Mra. Irving 8tra
and Mr. Stern.
Mra, A. O. Beeson returned yesterday
fram Lafayette, HL, wher ah waa called
ky th Illness of" ber mother, who I now
much Improved.,
Mrs. Benllty McCloud, 'who baa Been
visiting her parents; Mr. dnd Mrs. Robert
Olmsted, hi Florence, -returned yetrday
to bar bonis la Chicago,
Mrs. "Ldhta Bradford leave today for
New Tork and sails next Thursday on
th "Kent Anna" af th Fabre French
line for Italy to rmnain until July 1. ,
Mr. M. C. Paters, who has been' In
New Tork far ten days, la expected home
Tuesday with his daughlsr. Miss OJadys
Peters,- who" liai hea cast for ' moron
paat. I
r Major and, Mra Fred? D. dtvan arrived
FMdsy from rrt JcPherort ua. Majay
RVans eomes to succeed Lleutanant CoN
ond-March a adjutant general' of the
department. . t -'
Mr. and Mrs. Chart. Mets and Mis
Gertrude Met, who called 'the last of
January, ar no -fft Ventoe,' having been
to Spain' and AlRlww and are.'ed their
way 10 th Italian lakes.
ttr. and, Mrs.' Edward Polleys ar vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Gould, having
Just returned from their wedding trip.
They will leav thl week tot Missoula,
Mont, to make their home, t .
Mrs. Alfred P. Wslcott and daughter,
th Misses Lucille, Mary and Frances,
will leav th flrat of next week to Join
Mr. Wolcott at Pierce. Neb.; Wher they
will remain Indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. C Bk. Black have arrived
In Naw Tork from a trip to Bermuda
Mr. Black will return to Omaha this week
and Mrs. Black will visit her brother.
Dr: L- K- Hex, In Wheeling, W. Va.. be
fore returning. '
Mis Hanacon and Mia France, who
came en from New York) for Mr. George
E.. Prttchrir funeral, are staying with
Mr. and Mr. John L Kennedy. : Mlaa
Hanscom aad Mis Franc expect to sail
for Zurop In May. -
Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Nssh and Mr. and
Mrs. Waetbrook ar horn from their
Panama trip. Ml Mary Alio Rogers,
wha accompanied them a th trip, re
mained la New Trk wttk her aunt, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Oeoar R. William bare
returned from a delightful vacation spent
In California. They visited tb Oasnd
Canyon o( th Colorado enroute and taok
a ioVntll automobir trip through th
rang graves of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sand leava today
for their home la Kansas city. Mra
Sands,, baa pent a month with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gunner of
South Omaha. Mr. Sand same to attend
fhV Nebraska Jeweler eenventloa In
OmahaV '
Captain aad Mra, Charles C Allen and
baby, who has been th guest of Mr.
Allen' parents, Mr. and 41 r. Henry W.
Tata, at HI I laid tor thre weeks, left
Friday for Saa Fraoclaco, .wbers Cap
tain Allen Joia hi regiment, th Thir
tieth la tan try. Th regiment goes to
Aleak In June.
Mra. David A, Baam wtu sail March a
from New Tork City -oa to steamer
Uiorg Wtaahlngtoa for Fraaca, wher
aha arlll maex her daughter, who I at
tending school la Paris Mr. Basra and
Mia Margaret Baiua will spend the
Easter vacation traveling la Germany,
after which they will return to Pan to
remain an til June, wbsa they wtu return
to Onaha. .,.
The wedding af Ml Tbareaa Cluck,
daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. I. Oiock. to
Mr. Max Sommer wtll take plac at high
neoa today at the ham of th bfid'
Joba Brady, th vwasrabl turnkey at
police headquarter, ha workd a mag
a ta poire fore that h ateepa now
aday with hi ere opea. satarday morn
ing about t. while hw Was sleep lag. he
awaka He hataaad sad tkeught a beard
a sots aezt door te erber be hve at
liJS North Twentieth street. H heard
th not again aad amdng himself with
a revolver he left his hows and went
next aoof ts a k u aa I .watch waa. vacant
H entered and you a maa ateallcg the
ipiamamc frees tb hooss. He worwl
th thief. Henry Manse, with his revolver
and marched -hi as ever s Brad r a home
aad called th atatioa. Mullar t charged
with breaking' aad entering ind wUI be
held for th graad Jury.
'Vk aaw jr, Ji.ll.Jl.JLJL f 1 asaTi aak eat aw -
318-320 South. 16th. St.'
A Complete Spring Exhibit of the Hew Styles
UR comprehensively complete assort
ments afford an unexcelled opportunity, to purchase
a stylish dress, suit or wrap. Each designed to meet
the most exacting demand for a smart practical garment.
' -
Clever New Suits $35, $45, $55
We invite particular attention to these Suits because they excel our previous efforts
to have the best suits at these prices. "We are sure that they are far above all others. -"
, " Dressy whipcord suits in navy, brown ox gold, with wide braid, crochet buttons and
braid ornaments; revers of white Terry cloth edged with silk; dressy coats, new model
skirts tailored BengalLue silk suits in plain "or changeable colors. Dressy coats with new
draped revers. K . f -
. - - - '
Beautiful Tailored Suits $25
A wonderful display of new suits that express the newest ideas in fabrio aiid style.
The collection embraces suits of whipcord homespun, French serge, Bedford cord and two
tone materials. Coats are straight and cutaway styles, with an enpire suggestiveness or
tailored with buttons on one side of the back while some are quite .plainly tailored.
Coats for Spring Exclusive Styles
. $25, $35, $45, $50
The new coats are unlike any we have ever seen in newness and originality long
straight lines dominate in every model, the most noteworthy feature being unusually be
coming one side effects from shoulder to hem;, high waisted styles and stitched effects.
The mkre plain outer wraps are developed ou Btrictly mannish lines and reveal only par
tially the outlines of the figure, f . T '
Light-tone coating in many neW fabrics are shown new whipcords, imported . two
tone mixture? with wide wile serges, light weight serges, polo cloths, two-tone silks, Bilk
moire, etc. ' : v .-1 .
Gowns and Dresses-$25, $35, $45
In costumes for the couiiug season we are showing an extensive variety of styles each
portraying distinction, beauty and high quality in every one. , 1
Fashionable taffetas, crepe' meteors, soft' satin " lingeries with the popular-Macrame
.lilac- .ins.ertion'iiii(4 imnprted.l'aK!arf banniDgly used in connection with satini."' V', . V,'
For early street wear smart frocks of French serge and.
vigoreaux cloth are shown in numerous clever styles, at
$10.00, $15.00, $19.50 and $25.0(
I'nebIS to Mur work at hi trade,
that ot slstlosary engineer, John Rich
ardson has been working as a chamber
auud at til Welcom hotel, 1314 Ofpttol
venue. 80 h t ratified when called as a
wane In th Albert law nuisance abate
ment ult ot th aula against Hsx
Kablrr. proprietor of the hotel.
A a wltnee for Kabler. Richardson
first declared the hotel waa property eon
ducted; but under cross-exam nation by
County Attorney Englieh h admitted
Folic Judge Charle E. Foster.' a
tte' witness, testified tha reputation
of th hotel waa very bad. Th bearing
was continued until Monday.
"My hat la In ths ring.-
Th owner of th hst Is Mrs. C W.
Hayes, th .first ons of th prospecUr
candidates for th presidency ot th
Omaha Wonisns dob to avow ber In
tentions to a little hunch of frier
wh Walled ape her, to (et a ststeneat
of her Intentions. Mrs Hayes said that
aba would make tb race.
Mrs. -Hayea I a bwdet" In th pruaje.
slv clement of the dub. 8h 1 at pres
ent etc president et the dub, second
assistant leader of tb social, science
department aud an associate leader ot
ths current topics depardunent.
h Q :
r jvVi 1
Ladies' Tailor
Ploaa not address keiow if
interewtad or la yarommendinK
Am sot connected with any
Ladies' Tailoring firm and bar
not chanted my location.
Ooaahas Best Ladies' Tailor
SOft-VBJ South lcUh Si.
rboaay Doaclaa tHMU.
The Artist Model Corset Com v
pany Announces New Agency .
; with Mrs, Alberts, ' '
206 South Seventeenth Street. -
, We have placed the exclusive agency for the Art- '
ist Model and Liidy Clare Corsets with Mrs. Alberts,. '
20J South 17th street, in the Brandeis Theater Build
ing, Omahn.
( If Omaha women wish to see our new and attrac-'.:,
tive designs for 1912, they will find them with Mrs,
Alberts, who is our sole representative with our authen
tic models. We believe that with the great variety of
designs we show in our new corsets that every one will
find something to suit her figure exactly, while the ex-' .
' quisite finish and clever tailoring in all our models
cannot fail to delight every woman who sees them. ' ;
An expert corsetiere will be in attendance to show
and fit these new models. - : v
The Artist Model Corset Company f -
tercet aad Little, but th way they .
eery, rerr saiulrlast yea and you 11
ral 1 teal!" and a -Uledl-TeawOa
feltiMf creeps all over you.
It's a raa pletlesw reaire. to
hav a sweet llttl C'seeaRral-lll
to exercise th ho els without
porting. grlplasV Qd ttralaiaa
Ceetlaaaaa doe tats ot asm
Avoid it by taklag Blackburn' Cas-caRoyal-Ptlls
They aesrtsh ths
Bowel Nervea aad plassati reliev
10c. tse. Ail druggiata.
TUB aLavAJliaVaaliJk fUtSiU
IfrK lloalStag Art O. FTit
IVX art n'le ewy tser- lU
nrHate tar gins Tnmtrf
9 atctafea. eat aicurtv was
atlar aiiimi aa suar etaer tsbuv aa brt
anatirr te kaea. Bna la tM. etetoa
hnoe n aeatkal sr aeeailag aa haae
UMSl mMaeS TSa eet la mil aa am a
law mala the aivaje. Oer srlcaa aja rissl.
1(13 ewsrd a. Fhoae Baa. 171
tnl WsssaUag-.
prints deaua arws
aad cirsua adwertising.
Evening and Sunday.
, Tot 25c The Bee.
Held Flanders
tSS-lS7 West 47tb fltrcst, -
k. v. crxr.
tM Fast East al
A modern fireproof hotel In th
heart of the' theater, club and hotel
district; eonewuent t all car lines.
Aa axcewtlonal orcoescra. MuomeJ
with private bath cat per -day.
Frcta tl iand Central Station. Broad
way ears without transfer. aVaaa
t'eoaaylvsaia atatieo, tta aveaae
care without traasier. atuekaK a
teuaeet. .
H. R, SHARES. Pros. .' "
y "Glad I Took OneU'
th bowel ! 1 WIL It
ay t yorlC "Why. how deltghte