Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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:F6r the 'yr
K. K. 6. Wins
Although the turned a daf ear to th
entreaties of several d.ffercnt sororities
-dunnc the fait rushing season, stoutly
maintaining her Intemioa te remain an
indeprsdent" during her tint year la
tho InivenJtr of Mich!.-Wlks Helen
Klnc ot Omaha hes finally yielded to the
urging of th Kappa Kappa Gamma sor
ority and haa donned their pledge am.
Miss Kins baa remained true to h'-r
original decisioo. however, aad will aot
ba Initiated tola to sorority until the
earning (alL
Centering thi1 University of Mlchitan
ftar a brilliant high Khool career. Ml
Klnc was much sought after by tha dif
ferent eororltle. but refused all tnvtta-
Uoaa to ally beraelX wlih any of them,
panlr because of parental objection,
partly because of an excess of college
work and partly became It araa
conviction that aba should see Ufa from
tha ootatde before Joining a am-ortty. The
Omaha nana- woman will spend four
mora yar at th university.
8tei Brown.
Helen Ooodrkh.
Irei. Owen.
Evelyn Seals.
Ruth Cemp,
Harry Henderson,
IavM H. tioyer.
An en k able bobsled party waa held
Wednesday evening. Thoae preaent ware:
At: nee Dunn,
Mildred Hoffman.
Margaret Hoffman,
Mary Dev.
llaael l'ay,
MesM -Victor
rale?, x
Iavid U.
Kenjairiln Willuuna, Wallace Krllera.
t jiaurir uaroner. Leonard rlsflman.
trans Williamson,
W. T. Uugnrbln. J, r s
Among the Ihaater parties at tha Boyd
Wednesday to ea forbes-Robertson waa
a party of atudenta from tha University
of Omaha. They Were chaperoned by
Prat, Ramsey aad Mies Anderson of the
faculty. Thoae present mere: ,
Agnes Molsen.
iia'jei KHle.
Pansy Williams,
George Pariah,
Stanton Salisbury.
lJuroihy rV-olt.
Srrii .Mcote.
like Unwn
OUliaui Paisley.
0. H. S. Activities
Editing a full fledged thirty-two pace
magasln la tha all Important subject of
Inter' among several of tha gtrl at
preaent. and the youthful news writers
havs see keeping tha school eimes
phara ago with their efforts for social
"copy" aad sews of Interest for tha an
nual (iri s number of tha Kegtstsr. which
will be Issued tha latter part, of this
month. There will be several ortglnaH
ad novel features In this number, to
awibar with the usual department devoted
to tha different srho?) activities. The
boys will aot be sltowed to submit soy
co ttf stations or to assist ra gstbsrlng
advertisements, ' ,
:.Aa opea progrsni meeting" to which
members' of sll tha dubs and societies of
tha school wll as Invited, will be given
la tha Touag Men's Chrtstlae association
under tha auspJcee of the Athenian De
atln( sortetr. Friday evening, March 11
lion. J. U Kennedy will be the prin
cipal spsaker of the oeeaslori and ths rest
of ths procram wUl be composed of rect
lattoo and musical numbers by student.
"llss Ruth Koch, 'it has been af
painted poster artist ot ths Mar fa ret
fuller society, and her "February In
dian Olrt" and "A March Scene" have
sesa plaoed an exhibition In tha main
kali, where they-bare attracted eonsld
srabls Interest among; tha students and
ths faculty. "V
Malcolm Baldrldpa, -It, sen sf Mr. and
Mrs. Howard ii. Bsrfdrldg. who -ha been
seriously 111 at tha Wis Meowrtal hos
pital, with appendicitis, has been the
recipient ot several handsome bouquets
a flower from student soil alubs at
toe school this week. The Cadet Uffloors
tub remembered him by tending a huts
aarkt leeugnet pt Oarnatlons. ( ,
Misa Clair Taitsrson entertained the
ssiiaaaa-s of lha Ky Laea club at her
bums, 117 Xartk Twraty-Oflh street, this
. MMars-Dares-
t laJi Rentier, ,
sun. t ul h Clarke. -
Mriea Pese, Adelaide K una house)
Ctees t"V-er. v noreore Hecsblade,
AsXyn Wood, Claire Pallet eon.
, lm UoweU.
- Ths addlnr)ot Mlaa Elisabeth H.
MerentO. aauanter of Mr. and. Mr. Heary
Newell, at this city, to Mr. Edward
raster sf Central city, .waa quietly eele
heated yettniday afternoon' at tha Pint
Methodist persooaca In Central City, Mr
ad Mrs. roster will raslda In Central
Pleasures Past
'Mrs. U B. 8eoU wss hastes st the
V. tV. stub Wednesday. The annual
sleet los took place and by Ceoersl se
ctaevatton sll ot ths former officers were
Instated for the enmlnsT year. . Mrs.
$dward. Miss Hampton and Mies Bru
baker weer tuests. The nest meetlm
shU be Maroh 31 with Mrs. H. F. e hearer.
Miss Grace Thatcher was hostess st the
meetlnc ot the X. O. T. a Whist club
Wsdnesdar evening. The prises were won
by Mrs. J. U Finnerty. Miss Jennie Mole,
Mr. Hush Hal and Mr. Arthur Thatcher.
Tha Best meetlnc ot tha club will be at
tha horns of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Thatcher on Wednesday, March M. Those
present were:
Mesdames - Meedamee
1. L. r'innerty, Cora Mack.
alveretl Tliomieon, Laura UnOtlrom,
Misses Uraua Tliatcber.
Jennie Mole. t
1 rears - Meesrs
Charles Jensen. . Ailhur Tlutlrlier,
U. Campbell, url Concruve.
Roy On I fin. J. Hosteller,
Mr. anl Mrs. Hucn lisle.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuaties Thatcher. (
Mrs. r. Eastlaad sfMurphysborouch,
1IU, cuast of ber parsats, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Vtckera, was glvea surprise party
Thursday evening. Ths guests Included;
Misses Mleees
Lnl Winter. . Hermes Dare,
Carrie Wlsler, Minnie Hrorkoisn,
Beasl Iniiry. Mane uross.
Winifred Humphrey, Usui Hrotkman.
Msrgaxet tlrose. iKmk Brockmsa,
Beatrlr Walton, - Hsl Van buses).
Elsie N weedier.
DavM Marvin.
Henry t hrletensen,
Harry IWk rr,
Charles Hlack.
Kneet Chrtetessen,
Jesse BIS.-K,
Arthur Hcliroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Hostork.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V Ickers
Tna snusls fsr tin evening wss given by
Miss Margaret Uljenstolpe atid Mlta Lutu
Prior, plsnletst Miss Has el Wilcox, etc
llalst; Miss Florence Lancaster, vocalist.
Thoea present wore: . '
Mr. and Mrs. John Pneedie. '
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Tunis. v
Mr. and Mrs, H. Lanraster.
Mr. and Mr. J. L. Kewey. -
Mr aad Mrs. el A. rearson.
Xlr snd Mr. J. M. Hammond.
Mr.' snd Mrs. Joseph Peeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C O. rVeMssoa.
Mrs a Prior.
Misses Misses
Haael Wllrox. IJaa Llllenstolps.
Flrenre lacaster, Ulsa Peeks,
Lulu Prior, Kiia Peaka
Louise Beroulat. Piank hull or k.
EHsaheth eWntnc. Margarlu Lilien-
stoipe. .
Messrs. Meeera
Charles Peeks. Carl .XreaaW
Fdwsrd Newman, .Charles Mertsog,
W. a UUenstolpe.
Mis (Xg Vesas, waa bastiss Miss dag
evening st ber some M lleasifhlmret for
tha mem here sf tha Bensoa llamseoy
dub and a few sf their friend Tbe re
ception and llvlnc rooms were attracts ely
decors led la palms and ferns, and the
club colors' were carried out with white
carnation ' and )ono,uiis la tha other
room, ' "
) ( - -St
f!f . , y f 4
M. McTscua,
Herbert llector
John Krennaa,
Otto Wlsler.
Chalie Keufmsnn,
James Bonn,
It, at the home ot Miss Stafford.
South Thirty-fifth street. In honor ot the
younc women of the O II. S. freihmsn
society and tn M. F. O. club.
Professor and Mrs. Henry I. Can
havs Issued cards for a to to be given
at their bom Monday. March 11, from C
to I o'clock. In honor of Mrs. Joaepu
Esme ot Cnlcsgo and Charles W. Clark,
who will give a scng recital hers Tuesday.
Personal Gossip
Mrs. Anna E. Hogui left this morning
tor EL Joseph, Mo for a short stay.
Mrs. R A. Willis returned today from
a two months' -visit la Saa Francesco and
southern California.
Mlsa Helen Talbot of Penver arrived
Wednesday from Penver to visit her par
ents, sir. and Mrs. 1. U. Talbot. She
leaves March 11 to take a government po
sition In Washington, D. C '
Cha. W. Clark, Earttone. Tues. eve.
1st M. K. Church. Seats at A. Hosm Co.
All Khadee af Haaaaa Life, fa the
Mavis Plrtere of Rallrsmd
j 4 - Rtatlea.
C:iH Clt:, it
Vilse, Special Stlar-
, pose r etecideifly
f e te be very peps-
Vaaie are avada of
with neat eui
Vevss bsca, and
Vi of VaL Uce.
Issvsa Kec-
Social Affairs Today
On ot ths larger social affair this
afternoon Us ths musical given by Mrs.
Charles O. McDonald In honor . ot her
mother, Mrs. Everett B. Clark of Mil
ford.1 Conn. Ae delightful program waa
arranged for tha afternoon, when abos,t
seventy guests were entertained. Miss
Berntce Barnnart cava severe! readings,
aeeoaipanled by Mis Weelh of Brownell
hall;; Mlsd Ruth McBttde and Mrs. E.
E. Lark Ins cava vocal solos, aocompanlsd
by Miss Na Cunnlngbam. Miss Uretchen
McConnell cava piano summers. Red
roeee 'er used In Ihs reception ball,
pint carnations and roses In ths living
rooms, and yellow daffodils In the dining
room. Mrs, McDonald was assisted by:
Meedsmee- Meedam
E. U. MrHlton. Charles Harding.
A. W. carpenter. O. p. Mosrhesd.
(-I.arlee "Herman. . WUl tun a. Heller.
Frank Uarrett,
In honor ot Mrs. Hldeenan sf Appleton,
Wis., and Mrs. C E. Smith of St. Paul.
Mrs. J. a. Kuha and Mr. C. O. tVybaU
ealertalned at brldga thla afternoon at
tha home of Mrs. Kuha. Ths room wets
decanted throughout with lull pa. Tbe
gueele Included;
R. V. Cole,
Arthur Kuhv
Ueorge nratte, ,
W. II. Gould,
Ida Barber,
W. K. Foots
Joseph Pol car.
ni. i. Mr Ail
C. K. HnWtb,
C B. liurton.
(leorge Llkerl.
H. Wahi.
Mary Krebe,
T. c Van slurs,
i J. Martin.
1 L. J. Quinby,
; C. Andrews of
Council Hi una,
W' L. Klllv.
! W. J. TVoodrauga,
C H. T. Itlepen,
; L. IMnn.
Cbaxlee Scbwsgar,
' . Meyer.
A. i. Kataskea.
L. J. Kelatm.
Jamea Murphy.
U C. Peters, ,
Hryo Craerfordf
kin tore,
R J. Drummond,
W. H. Emerlck,
A nuntber ot gueet from Omaha will
auead tha bop at Fort Crook this even
ing. Major snd Mr. Frederick Dale at Port
Crook srttt entertain at dtnnsr prseedin
tna bop, when those present will be:
lieutenant and Mra. Clarsoo Farnhsm.
Major sod Mrs. Dale, .
Mrs. Toungtoff.
Mrs. GlendenunaV
Captain Hj.
Captain Lawrence P. Butler,
Mrs. Fdsoa Rich earertalnad at a chU-
drea's party thai afternoon at her home
la celebration of tna eighth birthday at
her Utile sen, Fdaosj Rich. Jr. Ths ehll-
drea cams attired In fancy costumes of
paper, and tna alteram waa spent play
ing games. There era a birthday oak
with eudle and St. Patrick favors were
given the ehiiaren. Those prrswit were:
Mteses- Mlrses-k
Mary Grtrfln. feley Hloh,
Kleanor Scott, Edith Weir.
Jeanette Johnson. Cornelia Beam,
Masters Masters
Walter Preston. Jr Robert Beynolds,
Jasper Hall. Johnnie Hoel, ,
Ldson Rich, Jr. 1
, 4 -
The fW V
'Ve ,
Mr. and m3l
TeeaoMh. where Se.
For the Future
A busy railroad station I a (rand
child' picture book, for him who ob
serve It. All tha child ha to do ts tn
look: ths leaves are turned before him.
There, ln sll the colors of the rainbow.
ar countless pictures to eram himself
site. And arhat la rather curious fact
I, that a, railroad statioa may freely be
classed among humorous picture books
Other picture books, sock- a church, the
ater, aoadway, Fifth aveaus, political
ball game. tc, have, of
many funny picture. 1 But,
briber It b) that almost all sbsurd peo
ple constantly travel, and those with no
touch of tha mot ley so but seldom, or
e net her. a here, nothing cts goee for.
sard seriously to occupy the attention,
one's mind Is left more free t be struck
by the ndlrulousnee of all mankind, so
It I thst perheps a humorous a place
a on may tlad I a busy railroad sta
tion. ' Aad oo must be very blase who
no longer feels an enjoyable stimulation
at tha approach of aa expected train at
Ih station.
Tho psychology of ths arrival ot a rail
road train at tha station belongs to h
proper eludy of mankind, and could be
nude into i Jutereetlng mile mono
graph. As ths trala becomes due one
feels but halt mind on tbe conversation.
suppoetng one to be conversing; the other
half Is watting for the train. One has,
lao, a feeling, taint at first, looming
stronger within one, against oontlnulng
to alt quietly Inside (supposing on to
hare gon within), when on Is. Aa Im
pelling to go see It ths train Is pot com
ing numb one s brain. A Ilk contagious
restlessness breathes through ths waiting
room, reople begin to stand up by their
grips. Boms go without on the search.
They can e eeen through lha door and
window, pednc the platform; they re
turn, eome of them, and one scan their
rinresslinsl euerlv thjtv mrm itvunp'.
agingiy blank. After a bit. they go sut
again. Or ether do, and return aa before:
"holly unfitted bow, on can eee,for any
concentration of thought
The train I lata There la an alarm
or two. At last aa unmlstaka etaatlc-
lly Impregnate tha piece. . A distant
whistle l heard; It stirs on Ilk the Up
of a dram, --e trala I corrsngl One's
pule beat high a on moves hit tha
pree toward the doorway. The whistle
Is heard much nearer. Then again and
again! Then with a whlpr tljat turns one,
a asmeraault Inside, a kmc. dark, heavy
mass rushes across tha light be fore one.
Whea one .come again on one's feet,
peaking figuratively, tha train I stand
ing there, and an hurries aboard to est
a seat But flnj. one hi stopped until
arriving passengers get off New York
hrozptm M iiiiiimm i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 um urui
t i b A q -? A A 1 yf, j '
v 4 Pure rood News For Busy Housewives i
ii iii
thin Brothers
318- 3?n South 16th. St.
Advance Sale of Beautiful New Dresses
Serge dresses have become a real fad, and a
good one, too,, for there is nothing nibre be
coming forN early spring wear than a pretty
dress of soft English serge. So we have ar
ranged a great sale of these practical garments
giving bur customers the benefit of our wonderful-buying
power,- .
- Over 500 Dttttet to choose from. All beau- J t
tifulnew spring modeUnade to our order for
. our exclusive store. Finest all wool French
serge, in plain tailored or trimmed designs, in
all colors and sixes. Remarkable values at-
Smart New Tailored Suits, $25"
. .This assortment of new 1912 models is the beginning of a series of
$25.00 Suits that rill not be duplicated later in the season for less
than $33.00. j " J V-
We have arranged this special offering to encourage, early buy
ing. All are beautifully tailored garments some are plain styles,
. some Ate madew the new cutaway1 effects, with large reveres and
others are fancy designs, trimmed with 6atin or silk braids. .
'. No other store in this city can show
- quality, workmanship yind style
f embodied in these suitsy at. . . . .
Uaydcn Dros. Cleat Dept.
Tomorrow is the day that we give you extra
good prices. And the good, '-No. 1 Meats that we
' sell you at these low prices are the pick of the mar
ket. We buy right and sell at prices bat cannot be
equaled anywhere.'
Hindquarters of Mutton, lb. . ; .5c
Forequarters of Mutton or Lamb, lb. .......... ,3c
Mutton or Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. for 25c
Mutton Stew; 10 lbs. for . ...25ci
Pork Roast, lb , 7c
Pot Roast, lb. ,8C, 7c, 6C
Sirloin Steak, lb 10c
Porterhouse, lb. .... .' T ,s. 12 VC
Veal Steak, lb 15c
Veal. Chops, lb : IOC-'
Veal Roast, lb. : 8c, 7c, 6c
No. 1 Hams, lb. . llC 12c
No..' 1 Bacon, lb. 17M:C, 15c, I2V2C, 10c
en Dros. Heat Dept.
Poands Best Gniolited Sigar C nn
All if yea puiTbase a II order ot other goods W I sjfftl
aUll TT oar sfuffee Special, per lb. .. f V V
SMU V ; we oarry a full lino of Tea a 8plcea. Kx tract, A "
DUJnf ru.uer, eic ...
riAUiinn Taa fs. 406 North 16th St.
"v;wllw srwa T1 D. S44C; In) t44.
Ml Mlre4
treat Has Allsered Vaatatal E lea re
to Married fa -Walt
The fallowing story ot Lincoln la ra
oalle4 by A. M. Elliott ot Brooklya:
While LlDcola was presldeat a eountry
boy and girl sloped from Virginia to
Washington. A United Stale senator
met thee oa Praosyhranls avert ae, sotlc1
In tbet they evidently were eeektng otn
addi es. asked It ha could assist them
They totd him that they had ran away
from boms east they were seeking; a
minister. Tha senator took them to the
White Houss and requested to ere the
president, who,, with hi family, was just
fl Dishing ths evening meaL Ths young
sou si s plight was' made knows to She,
and with that great kindliness so char.
act. tie tie at thla great man, Lincoln sent
for a minister, and la tha East room of
ths White House, with ths president and
Me family and the era at or la attendaac,
wars married this simple country coup!.
Em ring McKln ley's term a Mrs. CksndV
lev ot Anderson, InsU sopited tor a
wtdow'a pension. As ts required by the
lnl oa department ah made affidavit
as to where and when her- marrisg oe-
1 ' I eurrd--B4 Mated the tart gieea here.
e Stafford and Miss Wilms Mrs. Chandler twaa ths brMs to whom
rwtertat st a inasqtierad UncolB wah so kind. Ths pent-ton wss
Iburedaj CYeaiGg, March i J bar. aa4 U atlU living, gad. a
V .t
JttUX WaBt fuUV
f, gptee Taluv Tbeay
g - i , insist oo -
rrd.eE spigesV
I FsB etianem,' fiasst spices, scienti. I
1 Ccall p.spsnd. I
1 Sealed is gsMifht ascaafc. f
set M feer srecer1,- .. He. 1
Y TOSlg aMtoa , 1 1, I. X
i Sin tin et Owl .SF
Oi HiIUs CeOiegdF
' id
Oauss's ran reed Center ' I
4I Saturday's Specials 4!
llelns JJI festive Health Biscuit, per vg. sjo
pkga Dneeds biscuit ,. 16s
I. A 1 'm.m 1 latl 1 wt'a lib, ntntali 1 in rwi rtmA ntlv nit .
J6 Cases Oslllerd' LM H-gal.) Imported Ollee oil V.V.V.V.Vtio ' I
Je case llH Knieus, JV-io. uong wiuta Asparagu. par tin sio " ?H -
0 Caees Town" brand Egg. Green Usgs A Damsoa Plum,
tin aes aav-ned, per doaen tins ....I
26c Jar lMi,m" Ollra Relish, per Jar last per doc en Jan ....flsg
t cases "Maerl Wee her" soap, does sll tha work Sa
Creatto, for-4oklng, better than buttsr, per tla .tss
"Lotus" Creaoisry Buttsr. la cart one, per lb. ass
Our best Country Butter, In sanitary Jars, per lb. .............aea
DtrMtiy rrssi. iggs, irom tn Krsndels f arm. par doaen ;
ejay ur Cpeclal Batats la awr lres vtm sad TsgetaUe
t Largs Plslr Lettuo , ,,. 10
id lbs Freeh Kuglleh Wslnvts per lb. ....... lgL,e
ld boxes Wsshlugton Nsvel Orsngea, sr doaen ..So
. 1 1 Oranc Bdoob eras, k 1
!, lbs. New Turkieh Pigs, per lb. -.10 aad 19
Plant. Hpiaach. Hadlshe . Heed Lettuce. Jvaw Beets, Carrol. Tur
nips, etc i ,
Bararaae'a taaaaw - '
Angel Food Taffy per lb.
si reisui oniiie. per id. .'
( Boms New Molasses Peanut Center, ear lh.,..
Best quality Stem Ginger, per lb.
Tea aad Coffeee ' fe! '
A Demonstration In this ueparunant. Try a coo of our "Lorn w"
fr Ankola" coffee; you will find It rich, strong and smooth, par lb.
feV t oex 1 lb for ...;...... f?
X A cup ot "Lotus" Japsn Tea for ths as tag. Para and free from eol-' jV
ILJ. oiing matur, per 14 lb. aaei per lb .....He
Z I lAiiue reeuiu. outwi nuvwite auaiiiy maaas IT, waioom st
. jb tlon te any menu, per lb. , so I
glass Jar, each
v f' . Heaer "
-fry "Ixitne" Kestuchy whiskey. I ysara old, full quart ...
y Atliertoa whiskey, full quart
V Cedar Brook, full quart
- 9,1 White Tokay full quart .,
. J Port Wine, full auart
. ( t berry Wine, full quart
lOo, Us, IS aad e .
Hwast Cauwba, per bottle
. .tlJrt
. C O
...too . at
...59 tVj
widow, she draw P erery three months.
Jtrooklya Eagle. ,
riaest Weddiaa ellft Keev Madr.
lTohaMy th most magnificent wedding
present ever tnsd was that of Cardinal
Masartn to Maria Theresa. It consisted
of an entire dinner eervtre of pure cold.
two gorgous state carriages, twelve of the
finest horeee procurable In Russia an
Italy. and Jewels that cost th donor
mil more than Kvw.mi
The cardinal cv.ech of Ids nlem e
fortune on her marriage, and alnt ijtmo
record of tact that In his will ha left
to one sf hia nephews-ln-laer neeriir
Pi.H,ne. The tsnestrles. book. peJntlns.
and furniture he loft behind him are to
day th choiceet treasure of many
museum snd sre fought for by then, h-
lskiu-hn-uijr corns laM the aurkec .
': : ' V .-' ! '
."' t , .". - '
Low Cash
f.lcat Prices
Never 4 charge, arer a de-
livery. All that heavy expense
eliminated lathis market. That's
why you can trade here, save
money and be satisfied. That's
why we can afford to offer guch
price a these: '
Pork-Chop .....Asti
Pork 8teak :.UH
Choir Rib Roast ls and 1st
Pot Roast IS, ss, 7s
Horns Mad Pork Sansagw ....1S4
Rem 1 nendered Lard ..ltHe
Horn Mad. Hair.burger ip
Cudahy-sD. C Ham 14
Cudahy-a Rex Bacon XSVtc
TaL Deag. CSM.
&f QjT
UU l-araaai St. I
Fresh Dressed Chickens . . . 90 t
, ; . ;
Pig Pork Roast, .7Ie
Bteer Pot Roast 6H-7K
Steer 8teak .10
Yonng Veal Boast 10t
Pork Butts 9
Lamb Leu 85t
Mutton Roast ......... .V2.
No. 1 Skinned Hams . .2c
Armonr Star. Swift Preutld .a
" and "D. C." Bacon . -. 3 9 t c '
tpn f7 p. nos bvst awd cwatt, cvm
is all that th most ardent lover of thla refreshing beverage res d dV:r
We s-jy just as good coffee as ths wrrld produces aad tts bicao. rooizt
frepsrs It for uss better than say other dealer la Octane. . f
we ui Tats eorm Lcapraa. -
Mocha Mixture, pound. oe; 1 peunds
riscelsior lilend. pound 35c; J pouffli
Maraet JSpectel. pound aoe: IS evjnd ,
W. J, ataslUllal it CO. -Tbe Coffes r."
t. oo
1 o-
16:38 A. M.
and 3 P. H.
nn m