Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    . ' - ' '
, 6 - ...... ' , , ' THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1912.
a TTHtf Tl TT ;fr . . i . " T II
w i i i n 1 1 1 1 i
Itriwil The mot of the .Velaea
vwtyi "'
eiiinMi vsneerine.
luuai sy m tha rotj, im
Ma at tb iMdui af
The day of tin Tnae-Mknetppl
peattiea and tb mary sniarxllo wiualca
mmi in connection vfk It will b.
brwtsght vtvtdly to mini la th comm.
recital at Charles W. Cftrk. th celebrate.
tvnoK at the rim Method 1st church,
TirrJir evening. March tf, eerier Um
direction of MM Blanche Soreoaoe.
At that Um many choral (octette,
artkjta, ercbeetraa and hand. en
fa te furnish muatc and Mis Julie
Officer at CeoneU Bluff wa. tka man
ager at tba artists for tka expeeltlea.
: Ona af the anger, aha erlorted waa
,' Charles W. Clark, than a loading Chi
long .anger. Mr. Clark sang here la
Juae. IB, la Cewea. MRoee MaMea."
"l given by tka exposition thorua. directed
: br THiail J. Kellr, together with tba
Tliiaiiss Orchestra. Tha atlwr singers
war Janata Osbom-Hannah. Mabeil
frewfard Wetptaa (kar first appearance
here), and Hotrosa Cow per. Two dare
;ilaiar Mr. Clark waa ana of tba soloist
fur tba aratorta -lsiab.t br WUlard
'person, glvea ar tba Mtnaaapelle Oratorio
aacartr. dtreeteel br Mr. Patten.. Ob
f thla snrasta tha soloist, war Uenerleva
!" Clark Wllaon. Katkarma risk and Pre,
erfck Carbarrr. .
.Laeal Sole' af tba Itstr.
. At th Brandaia llMatar lonlabt Omaha
.tolka wlJl an opportunity af bMrin
for tba first time la (his rttr tha noted
.Irish tenor. John McCormack. Mlsa
iMerte Narvelle. tha prune donna eopraae,
will aseut Mr. McCormeck. Tha program
; vlll ba af InMraat la ail, aa U aantalna
rinanr of tha bxt of Enfllsh and Irish
Jsonaa and baibtda. soma af tkan rar aad
Jail wanhr at tn aiiurtr, . ,
t Thraa mora barrormaiiraa'af "Tha Olrl
:t tba Oaldan Want" arlM ba glvaa at tba
American thaatcr. tba run attainr rllk
Katurdar arnning. For th wask atartlnf
with tha matin an ftanday afuraooa.
Tba Ulr" all) ba tha bill, with Mlsa
Lane aa)ir( lb aart af Odat'a. tha
rot mi a btcti Kanca O Nelll acorad-Neb
a bit last araaaa.
At tha Boyd ant Tunday and Wadnea
day. with a Wrdncadar matmaa. -Ovar
KichL" a cnmtdy br Philip II. Bar
thoWmaa, still b asm for tha tint
Im la this at. Ovr X1M" waa ona
U tha rwi suMMB last seaaaa la Nf
ork, hJL1n nra alarrd thsr nsarlr
Jl af last winter. Nearly all iha char
cetera are rauns aaoal. tha four prlnct
jal ana brtna tw rarantlr married eou-
plea who ar on tssir banermaon trip aa
In aiuaaon rlv.r on an Albany Iay Ltna
steamer. Tker becoma aeparaled an th 1
voyaas and thiaoompllt attan haa anabled
th author to arwM a stay that la
said ta ba replet wtlaNbumorava altua-
THd you aw tValtar Bell at W South '
Fourtenth street lead a nananda color r1 I
eak walk? Hrobably not. aa It baa been ;
areral years ainca pmaha baa bad an,.
apportunlty af witnessing on or the
h !) t'Jnf dlvarsloaa and 4hal la Just
th reams why tba Oayety will ofter a
arias aak-walk at tha ooaalasran ot
this evening a performaaea of "Tha
Ooldea Crook.' A aNar Bell, "sj snastar
af ceremonies, haa aarralled strat local
colored rouplea who alalia they aaoall In
th fTaeaful aad fantastic step of eake
walklna. and It will ba loft ta Iha audi
anas lo dwlde which eaunla wins ma
cake and th liberal cask arm offtrad.
Ladle matins dally!
Saturday afternoon th women and chil
dren of Omaha will have another ap
portunltr of Swell na Utile lxr Robert,
tha two-foot blah comedian, as tha
dimlnutlr man will hold a reception aa
tua ataa-s In ntsd lately attar tha matins.
'Tha sU Klrluunlth sisters, celebrated
musicians, will present a ramarkabl act
aa tha headline attract toa at tha Orpheum
nasi wees. Tba gifted firta were resi
dents of Omaha al on (Im. henca their
aooearaaca her will ba doubly Intsr-
. Stara iraaataa Baala Bawa
In bottlei March and thereafter. Th
BOCK BKIR k raw ad ta Omaha, phoaa
Ckaa. dan for a caaa for your boat.
WeUtsr tm Indapendent 9-ua. .
. . .
! FroiiTjOurlar Neighbors
Wat Haa.
Mlsa tvy aUnc returwad Bundar- araa.
In fraa . rult to Iwa at aaaarnl
aaeka. , .
r. T. Mlohaal asm tram Iha1 rttr
iBaturdajr and Tlsltad erar Sunday srltV
tha bama folka. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. rMtlshar ratarm
last week from Uktlr rlstl la tba aaru.
fart at tba stale.
Chart as Bnooktsr and fsmlly nsva re-tta-nexl
I Ames. Ia.. having ablppac
their gaada tba paat waak.
Qua awmnlck and w altar flataa went
tit bonny lee Wadaaadar ssoralag ta lawk
var tna forawa blaca.. ,
truss Han went to rVhwyler Tneadat
wrarnlng to alien a Ms bn sale at Iha
sta mwiM hi
Charlie ttenaleln and Otarlla Mamard
want ta Omaha Monday snaralng an bust
itku'M ntwgieta ta sca ira-
H. . Waldrng war ht fesnndeea cwwntr
lb latter part af (set week bind drwn
from Wahoo Aiiurdar by team through
laa Blbtrt did not ship -Ma woda
' laat war, owing ta Iha storm, but loaded
Ma aar tka first af thla week and shipped
;ts O Batik , . .
Frank Ijarkwoorl return .1 Thurodar
tfram tba aouth. wtwra he - want two
eeui - Vila th lilt's daagbtar of
lua bua wlfa.
. Tbomaa Rica ha bean Inadma aaramt
ear at com this wa at Wsterloo aad
VaUer. shipping sama ta dtfro puiials
for seed com.
Mra. A. libart araa called ta Valparaiso
Wdiissdar aa acaaant af tna lUneaa at
bar sister, Mra. te. w. Harshall. who suf
fered a stroke of paraly sis.
lama ENardan and tamHr aiaead tram
Council Bluffs ta Viaierloa and srs oc
auprlag tn- aorta room ta tna LmBaM
building tot tba present.
Mrs. Wands, snath of Mr. Mamard,
Jeca Harris and J. l. Wuads wha wa
illruig here until recently!, left Tuesday
Tor bar bum la Albrru. Canada.
Mra. ltd ward Nelson and tw hllt
nan. who had been vial ting her sister,
Mra. L. Richardson, soma week paat,
flaft tot Oakland, la.. Tuesdar noon.
UUa Taoksr baa ranted tba Law RoM
. aaw orttaaa aad aioved ta Wednaadar.
' V, W. Tl ksr arrlrad thai day tram Wr
saara Wim tba car and Mrs, Tucksr It
".sea kar.
John fhetdon an4 Wife morad Tuea
'dar to tha fainter Bsrster piavt r.
J bar they will iruvk I heir bom. IT.
tiH. Waldron bvutltt this pro pen lie!
1'stl and win probably make a model
asad farm ot It In Uma.
: Harlaa libart wtt Wednesday marnlng
' tor Memnungford. where b aapcta ta
fisJra) ap sera load near th hpmastead ot
bataaar baaa. Mrs, Hubert s father.
Jar tjjbart la stni si Tremont. Vut will
potto Harlaa, la a few wsaka.
. Masai KM want ta Al IhUurdar '
tviatt sr unde, Alva Rodjcrs, and wff
'bafora I hey go to Oregon, Hh returned
IBundar aftamaop. Mr. and Mrs. ftudrers
aeaea aooa tor Iha raapt slat, wrier they
yS eject to maka thatr fatur bara.
, rjltah Brown, went (o A tna wattirdar
'iTiarrilug and tram taar araa going oa
tf ;rtbr wat ta look avar th ouuntry.
rWIB Brawn, wna ha recently retarnd
.from the northwest part of the state,
iwlll Carat tba "14' Broan pbtcg ihl
aar. -
t Mlsa Manrarat Turk at Omaha, wtto
baa boea aawtstlng at Iha Robinson Bred
.company's office tha poet month
typewriting, went pa'unley' evening ta
X ily and axpaotad lo rtait there a few
inaya bafora raturnlag to bar botna In
, Virshi
' R. A- MrWhartar and Fred ott t
gsertk Band were here avar aifrkt 'rues-
: 4y and attended the peclal meeting of
pt Masonic lodg. Mr, Mctrhorter and
tha chiidran. aha bad keen aMtlng at
aaa 'Wllljara McWhorter farm tha last
Weak ar tna. accompanied Robert horns
ft dnssdy HMrnlag. Mr. boat! aia re
turaad bom. .
Th beard af dlreetore at tha FJkhoea
iVaHa Iiralnaga dtstren met Tueeday
and transartsd mora ar lea rautlna boot-
neaa. alloaing a number of bma atd -all-"
Ing tha annual eewrkm for Taaaoar.
;Atm Tha year's basaieas waa sweat
i all cleaned up and th work a yet oa
band gone over, informally. Tba road
ditrhea srs all eotupleiad and tbar la
, ajotbing left but tta orearoerr ditch, work
; aa which m baing- pushed qulta ramdlir.
i '. .- irrtagtaav ' -
Joha Betes returned laat week treat a
wish la Jasra, . . . .
Mra. Cam at Bouth takota hi rattling
kar sua. U IX Curtis.' ot lrvuigtaa.
Henry Rbaga, with bis aon aad son-ra-
law and fauuuas. hava movad ta Cbarry
A oostnm ball waa gtrea at tha Mod
ara Wuadsasa at Amarlca hall Saturday
m tba building a iha Taaiafe A Oacatur
Fred Wroa and Mlsa tVmahu oV
Omaaa spent buaday with fnaods la
Oaarga MeQuarrle win la rWlnda,
- aa auadajr ta visit frfaul for a (w
-ar. , ...
wen til BsIIot af tha Cralgtitaai ant
araity, Cioaha, spent dunday with hi
rsaia . , . ,
rarl ntMherland ar Alberta, Canaua, a
armar Blair boy, k rtsiung trimda bar
um waak. i
Oaorgs Hsllar sold his twent acre at
aad adlalaing ana OMy tlmlla thla wset
a KM an acre.
Mm. Henry Newklrk of Waarnar, a, t..
a rial ting her sltsr-ln-law. Mr. C. 1.
townaon, thla atak. . ..
.fete -Tynan reiaraed from a trip to
jTonda. testing Mr. Tyson, sr. Is pond
a lew ssar wweba la tks south.
Th Csatstlar bricfe building aa Mala
tract has bees bougnt by John Meugwa,
be aecupia K as a rastauraat.
Mr. and Mr. Harry Crow and Mra
Bertha Bsker, Mr. Crouch auHcr. ar
up tram umaha risltlng frsroda. ,
Mrs, Berth Btradllng and Unyi Par.
1st, wee Blalrlte who retrtirated their
ftur-yer Urthdayg Kawruanr-bv ,
Tha Blair Hbrt arhaal maaastna, tha
Tatllsr. with twenty. lour aaaw of in.
tersstlng rradlng. made It servod av
Archie Andsrson wat Ukes a Omaha
aa atardar nlaiit. w lie re he was
ruerated on for supandlctti tha Wis
Mamorlal bespllal.
MM Jessie Pilllnger. for eereral yean
with the Hell Ttephan company la true
city, and Frank l:i.t,e ware married In
Otuaha oa Wednesday and will liv oa a
larm asm ta Blair. . -.
i Millard. .
Mlaa IHra Mort of Pa pillion flatted with
Mua Bsa Wert thla aek,
Mr. K. A. Rasker artd Httl aon Carl
were Valley visitor Tuesday, t
Mrs. Ohm af Rising city, Neb . Is vla-
ruog wna aar Bseuter, Mra Uelfa
Mlm Minnie Delta aad Mra Ohm via.
I ted m Omaha Tusaday and Wedseaday.
Mr. and Mra John t-etcr gave a party
tarda la booor of Mr, fstera' birtb-
eay. ......
wflar Alma Uadbarar. aha aitanrle eeei.
In class, vwtted at her. bom la glkbora
SOn fle (imaki MkmtimA a,,trf.H i. - lj . ..
win hoai.
Tn Fratarbal L'moe) isr a Progress! rs
r mursaay erewng. to.
lowed by an oyatar supper.
taraad. home attar vtaUlna savers I day
unwr, srs. XI. i. (K'nmiul.
, J- Uliuta Aadjman ratunted from
Laa Aagele. Cel.. Twasdaa, atsrr apend.
Ing several month Irwra with her sistsr,
Mr. Bodlaua. ,
- . 'i - -
- - tekaaas,
Vf -a A st -.. i . .
. I . . . muni retauvea
at Laketa City thi waak.
' Mr. -and Mra R, K. Haa cock are th
kapy parents at a eahy soy bora to
them but ttunday afternooa,
f. a tanwhlln .1 U..u. ei p.
-- v, .m, a. u,. was in
Tekamata this week kiiandlng to business
- we ie"ei ota insaaanipa.
S-TWrilt IHM J ,1' . ,, .. ...
- " - m.n. tt'iiw stcr-neraon
left this week for 8asn.hwan. Caoaoa,
chased farms."""" ' m F""
"i Mra. Henry Ooll. wba lire w
aaJ of Takamah. aaleeraiej than- trnTh
anmrersary or their marrUg ui.t tuea
day evsiiing tj a number of the menus
niio were present at their wedding.
. S Vl u,m t frlnd of Mr.
and Mra . a. Breckennag yislled
their honte laat Friday efteTnooa ia
ml!Ji!i5' mrr' o"-- Thay were
awtghaorboad and town rrtandalt thu
worthy coupie aad were prsaant I l
mind tiiatn of their marriu a number
of years age. w
Jf;j irlT,.'Il!!'"nw, tendered her
T. u... L ai'aceuaoaous
hearer on km Thursday evening in honor
truuSman. Artar the weadlng the ywung
peoa4 expeet sa leave for Canada, where
they will make their horn. .
Mra Bar mersns returned this taat
wwek ta bar bom after a saart may la
Jeanes Hota ) visttlag In Kanea tor a
ttma. In tba raeanwhile hla eousta, Ar
tbur Oalnaa, la canag for hla stock.
Tba Cbrtstiaa Eadeaewr aoeiatv of the .
Irelngto CoasfregaUoaal church tare a 1
octal Friday eveotag at Albert CWlete- I
phersoo a ,
Master gsbln Krau broke both bones'
at hie toraarm )uat above the wrist Krt- 1
any evening wnue biayibg tag with
'her boy.
Valley. .
ir- Ed Bailer was aa Omaha visitor
Thursday, ... v .
jnr. a Eddy haa very aavara attack
of Iha grip. e
Mrs. Shsskey is able to b aut agata
after a week limes .
V. g Ramsey rf .North Bead wss
business visitor Tuesday, . .
Mlm Marloa -WMtmore retaraad Tuea
day from a vtslt In Lincoln.
Mra c I. Roaars of Fieuamt spent
Tueay with Mrs. Campbell, .
Mra. Margaret MoMswnrth want te
Omaha Tuesday, returning Wtdnaaday
lair. -
Mr. aad Vra jama srs were paa
ugar ta Omaha laat Monday.
u A. WiiRRf and A. X. pnbble an
anendlng a weak la Ceatt Biutf.
The Ceaasty Board ot Buasnlasra ralaad
tie salary of aUionJt Comptoa t (Lia.
Mr. aad Mr. Aloe ttsg awied te
Ssnmsm. wbar Mr. King by latorsetad
W. R Wright at Benson waa traaaact
rng bunnes ia Valley Tueaday and
Mrs. 1-ssr Karaa and PrleOlta ar
ristttn a: U bo .T ot Mr. aad Mra A.
GanTaer thla weak.
Tha choir af the FYevbytertsji church
gar a ver pleasing misaiaaary song
service Sunday evening.
The Woman Mlseianarr eoctety gar
a vary successful roissianary tea ia Hub.
bard hell Tuesday afteraeea.
Tha Atheaiaa eodety af tie ' Valley
High school rave a aragram aa tba as
sembly room Friday aftamnaa
J. R Kennedy moved bss efflca lata
the room next C Ceiline etore aad will
V. B. Th sanaa baa (tvaa
Yes, my first week business
has been good; very good; the
men of Omaha took to my new
idea o f a $hop a readily a a duck
take to water. You've encouraged
me, to lam already preparing other
innovation. I thank you for your
kind reception of your truly,
know the meaning of the
words: "good", tTproper
"stylish", "classy", "popular
prices," etc. I will ILLUSTRATE
the meaning right in the merchan
dise too. Won't you come in andlet
me SHOW ,yoa the mott catchy
spring clothes, spring hats, spring
neckwear, etc., that money will buy.
I know thoroughly good
merchandise when I see
it, so I have decided to feature
Hose '-Men
The "Holeproof" people
have the right idea; they
"make good with a guar-;
antee" if, for instance, :,
a hole appears in a pair
of "H o 1 e p ro of ' hose
t within six months, I will .
hand you a new pair.
. And, as for the styles; ?nd col
qrings of the hose, there's no
finer line in this whole, big, -broad
world ; s 0 -Y- ;
See me for "HoIeproofs'V .
Columbia "Cuftura" Shirts
T Bererse the Calf, Xerely t Torn is Necessary
Think of the advantage of having an extra
pair of cuffs right on the .shirt, out of sight,
yet always ready, without the bother of at
taching or detaching. Simply a turn gives,
Here's one of the readiest tellers of
; my entire "shop" ; . . .;
Columbia "Cnftarn"
uliirtH at $1 nnd made
plain or plaited, colors guaranteed. Geo. Brooks also
carries a full line of Columbia Shirts without the'Cuf
, turn'."feature. The "Cofturn" is sure worth seeing.
"Society Brand"
Gains Ground Rapidly
i a. m r n -
-i lyia, a p r i n g
)J styles have an
5 individuality
m qiiite unknown
t in any other
Hereafter I
am going to
be responsi
ble for
TTJL ' ' ammm-aaw UK at. am
"Dr. Deimal"
Linen MeshUii- i!
If you've a sensitive skin you ll strike.' .
up already trienasnip wun uic uei t -ft
mat product, oetter let me snow you
wnere me comion comes in.' ,
I . - ear)". Tw XTgaT
v f 1 Jl
In looy ng over the swag
gerest New York "shops"
i found them featuring
Y. O. Horn & Bros.
I'll venture to say that
my neckwear sales, since
opening this . store, have
broken the records for
Nebraska. That's simply
a tesult of showing ? the
SNAPPY lines. "Horn"
neckwear at 50c to $3 is
a continual surprise.' Better let
me 6how you some neckwear
that I call QOODJ
"Horn" cravats here only.
1 f i
- II) r . a-. .
If they are "So;
ciety Brand"
clothes, bought
; of me. Try on
one sun, men spcas.
your mind.
. George Brooks
And in this. I interest the man who '
is real hard to fit.. :
Jie "Delpark'f ;
Productions in
Union Suits, Etc.
"Delpark" Union Suits and Pajamas
are really tailored; the sizes are right;
they are woven by experts; they set
right; they feel right; they wear right.
"Geo. Brooks" Shirts must be exceptional, else I wouldn t
have my name on them. They are fashioned from shirtings
'that I select; they are sized as I want them sized; they sell at from $L50 to $3;
The Quaker City Shirt Co., of Lonsdale, Pa., make 'em up to my especial order. GEO. BROOKS.
Southeast Corner of Sixteenth and Harney
s at a rr . a f Tt A MV HI TIT TsIMfl ,
GROUND FLOOR tux nAiiuA bhh ww-ue-w y ; r '
hie farm la Anton Btoeaqvllet ao4 will
tears soea for Cbeycnne. Wye., (ar a
WaM, -
Wsraaria Maaahan save a rrrr ento-
able pargr In honor ot her ihlneenih
Mrthea Weflnesdar. avealog al fear
TTs Cawarth leagu gar. a Try on.
kahl social Frity eentng. An oW-
(astitened scheoi fumlsaeg aiaueeaient.
wbkrh waa lallowea or a e social.
Ta rexular meeting of the Valler
Womas s dub will be bet Friday at
the kna at Mra IL M. Erway. A mu
sical aod literary program will ha given.
stra trgisua rriahlsnaale la staying
with, her daughter, lira. Mortenem,
Valparaise until Mr. Kertensen. aha w
at tha Methodist Hnp4 bussital la
Uraaita. la able t ga aeon.
Mra. tl Erway. Mrs. Bar "rare, Mr
Butte. Mra Caldwell. Mra turn-re. Mia.
Hueard. Mra. Flynn and Mr. J. a
Kennedy entertained the member or tne
Ladtea' Aid aoeiety al the Methodist
l fybMi etiuerh satl a larca suiTiwr al
Invited guests at Hubbard a hail Wedaea
day aftaraataB. , I
, Xekawkaw
1.' R. ruttoa waa In
Thursday and Frldsy.
Bradaa Hall Ml far Seattle. Waab- ta
locate and ga Inte bustoees.
r. H Pollard waa tn Plattamouth aa
auetaaea Tee-day aad Wednesday.
Mr aad Mra. Ni Andereen went to
Canaha Taasday lor a week', rtsit.
Mr. and Mia. Vlall were euslneea
vis tears la Wetptng Water Tiessdsy.
Hsrrr and Theodore Xelson were
Omaha vtsltore Wedoasday and Thura-
day. . .
Nellie Noma al Aror was aa orer
twaay guest of 11 r. and Mrs. Ueurge
C. SfceKon,
Mia Issdora Hag left Wednesday far
a wash's rtsit with her Broth. Lather.
an tha Scieta Bottoms.
Wedneedar Mia. and A. C. Mena ro
tured from Palrbary hero they attended
Use faaeral el aa ancle.
Mr. and Mra P. B. Ruftnar ot Platts
mavth ara being entertained thi . weak
at th Klrhiaslrtca basse. ,
Vara haa bean recahre) from Mra J.
M. falastr, aha la la tha kaapltal al
Ohiooa. Ia.. that aba la getting, ahyug
aicaly. 4
Mrs. D. K. Wast wa at Nehraaka City
the first e( the week visiting her daugh
ter. Olsxiys. wha la attending echool at
the convent.
Miss From Klme having gottea settled
In her new home, a hit ol (rtenda gave
her a kltrhen shower Wednesday even
ing. A wagon hied ot hollow war waa
The Woodmen"! thi World hare tekea
on a new lea of lit and Initiated
thirty new .member during rn laet
week. Aa auxiliary Woodmen circle v
twenty member waa formed by th
P. W. Cruger waa a Fremont (Meager,
aa Tueedai.
L. C. Gained waa transacting business
In Omaha the first af the week.
Mra oy. C. Brown and Mr. ' Edgar
Reynolds were Fremont stopper aa Fri
day. Mrs. Jaliaa Sferks. living northeast, of
town, wa aa Omaua passenger Wednes
day. John Gtlkeneon af Ashland Is the gueet
af his uncle. Prat. I J. tftlkenaon. tlua
O. I. aad Henry Pfeitfer attended lira.
Yte.thmualler a funeral at Fontanel), oa
Sunday. i ;
Fritj Soil living east of town, has
moved ta Feeder, a here ba a 111 firm the
ooehlng year.
Henry Piugge returned Saturday from
Pender, where he rutted bis son. Fred,
wha Uvea there.
Fred Heoennann was In Blab- the first
af the week attending a meeting eg the
county remmissionera .
Her. H. Haiterberg attended a meeting
of the trustee of the Lutheran orphan
age at Fremont Tueaday.
Deimar Mcfova returned the laat of
the week from a bustneea trip to the
weetera part of the state.
James Brych and family departed the
first of tha week for Bieotnfleld, h'efc.,
where they will make their home.
August Chrsrtensen of Dodge esunty
baa moved an the Both well pfeare eeuth
seat af town, where he will farm the
earning seaesa. . t . , .....
Mlsa W alk, at Chicago arrived in "tow a
. . .. i. I vin i.k ehare
tna nrsi ot in "7". ; . &la
of the millinery department In Fred
..,.1 ' - .hie Weep.
new.. - . .
Fred Pfeiner. assistant cwme. .
Ftrst National hank, attended the Ism
of hi. aant. Mrs. Relthmueller, which
took puua at Fontanel! Sunday.
Mr. Hy Weaeman ale Saturday mora
lag. Mr. Mi lone waa aut from Omaha
Two wolves were hired north of town
Sunday In a wolf bunt. . .
A. K Patterson la again an duty at We
old Job. the third trick al tba depot.
Nye-SchneideT-Fewler Ca. have m a
force of men overhauling their building
and scan bara
p. Mangold went ta Springfield Wednee
day ea eaoount af the fire tp his so t
drug atoa at that place.
Mlsa A. I'llea returned ta her horn at
Pierre Thursday morning, after a sit
weeks' visit with the Sam Wllkie family.
Roger (lire was home fraa Para Thura
day. The 8. U Ilea cork family la preparing
te mvve la California for a yar or so.
A sacred concert waa given hy the
ehfltr of the Congregational church Boa-
day evenlng.
Jamee Iwvtdeon returned rrorn Lea
ishuia Friday and haa been th guest of
hi fathsr. W. H. Davktaoa. ' a
Cyrua Lawtng la disposing of hi. farm
bnprovemenu and household gooda. pre
paratory to leaving the farm. ,
Arthur Maiuroid wa marrleel te Mia
Fioreare GordoitNof Ashland at Bethany
Wedneeday. Mr. and Mra Mangold after
a trip to Kansas City and other points
will return ta Springfield, where they
will reside.
Elkharaw .?
Mra C. A. Nesrne. aaother of Mr.
Hiss of Omaha, visited aitfe her Wednee
day. George Beck and sods. William and
Edward, of Florence, cam here t at
tend the faaeral af Mra George Grew
cack. ... - . - ,
Heroin Beerkeca al aa Omaha hoa-
aRal for treatment from sa Injury ra-
aalved from heave lifting.
Mis. Ana Ay started Saturday tar
gan Francisco. Cel., for a visit at ate
sral months with relatives. x
Mra John Johnson of . Waantagtoa
counte I. here netting her paresta Mr.
and Mra Marry Wlniarbura.
Mrs. J. tZ. Tate went ta Wahoo
Wedneeday for a visit with her snot her.
wha broke her arm several works age.
The friend, of William Andreara hung
a wreath ea hla remodeled bara Thurs
day aad dedicated ll with a few songa
A. 1. Deerann haa reAted a farm near
Ewlng. Keb. Thomas Barlew will else
farm la that part of th county that
Arthur Deersoa and family, wha haa.
bara bar visiting th forsaer'a mother
aad other rele tires, left gar tbeir
Kela Holmes and family loaded their
L'SwiS4 ho.ul,M exxls In a car and
left FMdav fnr Ih.i, l .
IM valley in Soutbera Colorado.
Mra George Urewrock died Tuesday
KtaraooB after about a week', illws..
The funeral waa held from tha Methodist
EMeouaal ehareh Thursuay at 1 o'clock.
The ende af Miss Ella Deersoa gave
her a surprise party Thursday evening
b calling at her home and eongratulat
atg her on her euceeaaftU graduailwa
fraia tha CYeigtiton Pharmacy coilege.
Robert Baldwin and fattier. B. B. Bald
Ma. were oat la tha central part af the
state last week looking at land. They
arubased a leSe-ere ranch near Dun
ning. Robert, a ill locate oa It .bout
April L . f
ter feeaatae graok Bear.
FINEST IX TOWN. Ready ia bottles
Uarah t Paooe Chaa. Mara. Webster
IMs, Indeprndeat B-CO.
- Th. eaas. of nil skis dingggg aaa ba tracod to soma hnmor or acid ia
tli blood; ta evUela atwawa haaithr arbor, tba ctarmjatioa la trag from
jjTjpariua. When tha Mood fc Infbotad with acrid og tudiaoithy Biattar it
canaot perform it. aataral work of nourishing; tka ikH. regulating its tem
Mratara and prweer-ring its aormai aoftnagg, pliability aad bltbfnlneaa.
Imrtaad It B-rivataa aad InSaaM tag deacaW nbgaa aad tteaoea around tna
rtoro aad rianda aad crodooaa Ken el ta many forma ot gala disease.
Tba itching aad stinging go oftea w taimnanytag aida aS actions ara produced
by tha deposit from th blood of the aerld hoasors with which it Is ailed,
feito th eanntiv mambranoris flaah tyiag put benaath tb oatar covarinf-, ,
and goTTOuaduig ta aoaatlam) narrea, pore sad glaads. This arplaia wb.7
aerate Mug th oatsr gkia aAords no relief from th itching aad bamiae.
8. 8. 8. cure Skin XXseaan af wrory character by partfying th blood. 1
goes down into th cnxnlatioa aad laaioe tb humor, or adds which sra
cauaiag th troabs. bailds ap ta week, acrid blood, and permanently cnrci
ovary varierr caVakia aSactioa. Local applieaooii. can only sooth: they
Bsrrer cm becauaa they da box reach the blood. 8.8.3. goas right into t-t
cirrnUtion, reaches tha trouol aad enras it by raoowing th cause. Boc ;
U fr"1 TJ1 tain aad any rusrHcal atrric fraa to ail who arrita.
rss swot spEcmc co atlash, ca.