THE BEE; OMAHA,' SATURDAY, MABCH 9, 1912. DUN S MiM W TKAM GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Conditions tad Opinions. Const for - Little in Wheat COM IS Di i DOUBTFUL STATE nm'ln Many Wka Tklak kc iinum Has Been Lanrrlr D, rwulH ky Heavy Fedln a Law Rfmnni OMAHA. March 1 rtli Ordinary trade condition, and opinion" wer worthies en Ihe action of I ho wheat market tcdav. It was a waiting market, and the annual figures on farm reserves aipeeted after the clcae overxhailoerd -Wining elr with he tra.le. A eo servative vtew l tiwt' In cat. tha offi cial estimate la cont.derably over in; average of th prtveia estimates and prices have a sharp d'P tha buying id will bo too moaA popular by tha leaders. After the first excitement la over in trada will be alow in pressing tha Belling a:Jo becaut ci-oo complaint may mw At any t.'rne. At no t.m 1r-e Iha advance tn corn atartcd tso moti sgo hat th.-traae been to mooii m doubt s to the I diate future of prices. . T , mn -a ho think fit advance l largely dis counted the heavy feeding and low re serves. Priiate estlmaieaon farm re serve ranse from Tw.tWM' bu. to S. ,. Even at the larger figure the it tiatioD will be very bulluu compartd with other year. " - ... . beat was dull anil pr.rr rrd nar row; treuea were not Inc.infd to make any eocimltmia either way until ' tit government report ;-s Issued. wheat waa unchanged. , There waa no f-ature In cern " was were a bit heavy. Trade waa light and very uninteresting. Kcceipte wuy moderate Cash value, rantied Wo blgr to lo lower. aeaana k. Primary wheat rec-Ipi wore . bu. and snlpments were 1K..0W h'l, in."r clit last year of Si7.v " " menu of iia.OB bu. fc bu.iv .-.i-n recelr: were. U. .,,,1 .hli.r.vMite were W.J bj., Bg.llMt nominal; receipt l, 47,001 bu.; ahlpmei 4,J0 ml. i N HAY Firm: prime, tl.35; No. J. l.n: no. . ti.ieai.av: jvo, HOPiDull: Mate enmi TlTUZZrrM& itami. m nominal. "TSSnJacS1 were MI.M bu. ofcom. .! HIDIW-JPIrm; . hemlock b-j. of oau and wheat and Hour equal to Uveiuool rlol '9,i lihr ht1 and hllr on coin. . , Tha tuilowlni ceeh ulca wera tworted Wheat: No. S hard, t ir. H 02V. J can. H.Bi; J oara, .. No hard. 1 ear, lias1 Corn: Na, walte. I carl. Mc; 3 cart, r. tic. No. 4 while. 1 oar. Mo. No. I color, I car. U,o. No, yellow, T cam, ; cera. MHc; 1 car. He Ktl yellow, 1 car, KS4c: mn. mc N. t mixed, care, tie; 1 car. ttVtt. No. 4 mixed, 2 care. Cm; ara. aio. No grade. 1 car, l'ic: t cajr. Re; 1 car, 17c. 0tti No. I whit. . M car, &He: Na 4 whlto, 1 car, tl'io. Onaka Caak rnnel 1 ' WHKAT-Nu 1 hard. No. I hard, 1.4!1.0J; No, 4 bard, rcRN-No. white, t4.eiS4c; No. 4 kite, lioiSc: No, I color. 6c; N t yellow. Mtwic: No, 4 yellow. tltrCVtoi No I rtec; No. 4, 0VHr2i " KUe, OATB-No. 1 IWiflSJs: Mandard. HH Ho; No. I whiea. aiVteHn-c. ra. wnu, No. t yellow, ilgMc; Na. 4 yellow. M4,8tc ... HAHWJV-Maltln. -tl ; No. t toed, -: heavier feed, K"iSio. - JU14-.No. L llfjWc; No, 1, t"Slc larlot Receipt. WheaL Corn. Oat. Chkuo Wi Mlnneapolla " Omaha a , M Duiutn ' 1MICAUO OVAI AID PRVl10!ff Keatare ml Ik Tradlas aad Cloala Price aa Board af Trad. CHICAGO. March fc-Oueeaea an gov. eminent flure retanlln farm reaervea went wrong today, tor th grain market all cloaed weak, wnerraa tna naenma toa ettmate. which came a. mlnut later, tuxnod out to be of a decidedly bullldi eort. The total, however. In no ea were anywhere near no mall a eem extremlt had predicted. Wheat cloaed o to iloun, corn to off to a thada higher, oat up lo to HffMic, mrl l,f.H tawullh.ltt ! &f,"7UO I'. ITWu'JU and hoga product at otrteo to 17t3 auvaiKe. rVtMi-ve of wheat proved lo be the acantleat lnc 1Mb. Koine acatlered Ion who lot thlr courage when It en me time to race the. official ten did must of th selling. The majofity of pecullor. though, seemed dlapoeed to hold aloof until after the guvernment report was ut.- A dragging market wag tn mult, OaenlM prlots In tha wheal pit showed , a its du lo bullish foreign nw and to the Ohio state report which noted a crop condition of 1 per cent, aa agalnit IB per oenl In fJeoemher. Th x foreign iiwmnh was laraelv because of almost xhauated tocks at Uverp.Mil. tha ports atrlks la Australia and curtailment oc x Kie) thltimenis from Argentina. On tha alher hand, cah demand her wa at a atundiilll. In fact. Michigan. In diana and Illinois dlrtricts, that usually) kuy In Chicago at thl aeason. Instead attempted to market wheal in thl city. I Accordingly Initial quotalKma wer the beat reached during th session. May veined from tl 3H Bl ot's, with laat sale mt-,0 net lower, at ll.ttmif !.. In contrast with th feci (hat corn re serve were found ta ke lea than at any time tnce MM, th cereal throughout the day developed only a 'ow demand. On reason for thl was that Ihe Argentine crop wa said to nromlt to be a bumper. Helling on the part of the smaller. ng counted also agaluat tin market May varied from To1.- to 51c. ctoung at HW lic. Cash grades wer firm. No. Vel io wss quoted at SSMic tint cr lota peulators la oat, who believed In a radically bullish st)mat from Washing ton, teemed afraid. a line, to commit themselves. One leading house did buy, il.oueli Hi a rather slngeriy fashion. Their flgure wer later dmontrted to have keen nrach under thoae of the government- May "ld from Uvsi" W "d la llw end wer ic up. at SS-iVe. dhorie in the orovieion crowd covered on aooutinl of a falling off In recelou of bogs. A an outcome pork tonight cost more by l.'ys lo 17Hvc. and th rest of th Met exhibited an adeaao at S;ib to ?rtto Th iesdlng future closed as toliowe: ArUclei Open. I High. I low. Closa.1 Wic: No. 4 white, C43o; ataadard, ,Ut) itc, RTE-Na 1 V. HAR1.Y-mici4i J. 8KKl8 Timothy, ril.eJeJltJO; clover, Bl.TTKR-Steady; creameries. State; dairies ie9"Sc. jCHEESK-Steady; dalslea. HH4;Se; twins. ITitlT4c: young Americas, i;w tfc: long horna KlteUc. POTATOESeteady; receipts IT car; Wisconsin. tl.KeLU; Vlchlgsn and Min nesota. xl.1l.U. POCLTRT-Steadyt turkeys, live. 14e: drersed. ltc: chicken, live. 14Hc; dressed. Be; sprtnga, live, lite; dressed, bVEAL-tcadr at TtjUlc. SEW. YORK CENEHAE, MARKET ttaatattsn af th nay aa Vartoaa Caasssadltiea. NFW TORK, March TUOTR Steadv; aprlng patent. IS.MrS.S: winter stralghla, U &M.; winter patents. S4.M (H tO: aprlng clesrs. M.S4 S: winter ex tras. No. 1, la.:.: winter xtrasNo. 1 13 5Sa.S; Kansas straights. M.TOftf-M Rye none, steadv; fair lo good. tt.aVjr 4 . holes lo fancy, fedfts CORNMeAL-Dteady; One while and yellow. 11 o1.7 our, HJHT: W" dried. W T5. RVB-let; No. t. He . I f.. Buffalo. RARI.KT-teady; malting, tlSii-O. o. L f.. Buffs lo. WHBATt-HpoI market firm; No J red, MHo, elevator, export basis, and n.M1 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 nerthern Iiuluth. 11.3 f. o. b. afloat. Future market atarted steady on ftrm cable, but aaaed off un der evening up for th government report and on light weekly exports, closing net unchanged. Exporter took foirfload for Antwerp. May. .7Vt 47A,: eloied at fl.Ci; July closed at ll.t; receipts, bit. : CORN-flpot market steady: No. 1, 7He. elevator, domestic basts, and export, 7tc f. o. b. afloat Future market nominal; receipt. 1. 12 bu.; shipments. S4.SO bu. OAT9-Wot market steady; standard white. Me. elevator. Futures market anipmeni. 1 11: No. 1 tl Litil 28: No. a. tl llliril tiull: slate common to choice. racino coast, first. KtWTc: second. HUH:: thirds', iltrUc; relet. 14c. PROVI8IONB-PorR. steady: mass. n. I7M' famiiv. tiLSftSlt.iii: short clears, nrfrtwuen. Reef, steady; mess, tlliiovli He: family. tlVwr6 S; beet nam. . ( eax). i"ut meat. taiy: picaieo w"". 1 to 14 pounds. 7; piri-a nam. io i. Lard, firm: mioai weat prime. ei.w..,. refined firm; continent, Hat; Houth America. .: compound. WfrTMri 1. TAIJiOW-Oiriet; prim city, una., c; neclal. fce: country. sAtireWc. HI TTfcll Jlaoy; receipt, .tj tuo; first, !rtrnc: state dairy, tubs, finest, .yet MH; process special. 17 4c; utraa, aW c: flrsta 9MI2SC. riiEEHn-Firm: reesims. i.ei okas: tat whai milk, held apaciaia. colored. ion igiio. KK ;-Wek : receipt. 1T.7M cases: fresh sal he red extraa. Xt2ac: first. 11c onds, SHi't: western gathered whites. JIO'CC. PorLTRT -Ureeeed, firm; western fowl, lltflso: turkay. UtTJIe. It. Lewi General Mark!. T. toria. March l-WKKAT-Cash. Mjthar; track. No. red, l(Mrl.Mft; No. I hara, ti.orri w. COHN-Hlglier; track. No. , tiUffMo OATrt-PtrVn; track. No. I, Be; No. t Whit. Mo. Cloving price of futuraa: WHEAT-lAwcr; Ma. il.WH: July. Mu-. CORN steady; May, TJ's: July. TH4A oats Hteady; May, kmc; July, l.c. IIYE-rnchsngad: Me. lHJl'R rirrn: red winter patent. tiM ii.m; estra fancy and straight, M hard winter clears. ia.i.l7S. BKK-Tlmo1hy. VlmtiM- , . COIlN MBAL-aJ.). ( BRAN Firm; aackea at track, tl.l m.a.' HAY Higher; timothy. ., pralrl. is,. RAOdlNO-eSo, IIBMr TWIN K THc. PROVIAWNeJ-Pork unchanged; Job bing, . IIS 15. I.ard unchanged: prim team. sM.UM.HIt. Dry salt meat, un changed; boxed, extra horl, clear rib. Its: tttort clear. xvkh. Hscon. un changed: bdsed, axtra horl. p.; clear HEW YORK STOCK-MARKET Price Harden Early, bat Only Put ----- of lite u Held. and W1C7S4 gMd. Exports were ailvar and IO.aN.Wt gold. RKPOKT "Or CXSAIllSitJ HOI' SK Tswaaaeatajsw et - Aesaelateel far the Week. wis vol, l ueveh a Bradstreet ' ' 1 bank clearings report for the wees: ena- nrviim me v k vr ttt sv. TOCTrpc ! Ihg Ma rch T show aa aggregate of e35a, OEaAUD FOS UAH W AT ISSUXS 1 ,4.rM u against 3.UO.t7.( last week and levofai TSfi soft 1m the eormsonndln) week last year. The following i"lUt of the Speeeh at Taft latrrpreted urn Deal re t Restore Caaldeaea 1st Qsae- er sim tkat reeling V la Nave LaeklatT. NEW YORK, March 1-Prtee hardened again an th stock exchange today, with an early enow of activity, but later trad ing fell to small proportions and only a part of th rise wa held. Too local market derived some en couragement from Iondon. where Ameri can wer tn better demand than recently, closing with a majority of net gatoa. In creased strength In United 8ttea Steal a again attended by extensive deal ings, which seemed to represent a. fur ther covering of short eontrarta The am apparently waa true of Reading, tn wnicn much or tne recent pressure was related. - The Harrtmsn Issue. Great Northern, preferred, and some other standard railway share wer In f!r demand. Amalgamated Copper continued It upward progress, although falling back upon the publication or the Feb ruary statement of the Copper Producer' asaoeialion. which disclosed a smaller decree In stock than had been ex pected. Other copper sbarea hold their ground, snd tha various equipment Is sue moved up In anticipation of lov pending railway requirements. in trt flnai hour th market manifested a fur ther tendency towards heaviness, but net results In th main war favorabl to the long account. Development of the dav Included a speech by President Taft. which .was In- tenaea a an onset to recent remars by Colonel Roosevelt and It was In terpreted aa a desire, on the part of th administration to restore confidence (n quarter where that feelfne now is lark ing. Advices from Washington announcing that congress Intends lo investigate tlx smelting found no reflection In the securities; which were distinctly Rtrong. Tne aunual report or the Smeluii oomiianv. which I soon to lesu. probably will make a better show- utg tnaji that 01 tne previous year. The money movement In this ellv due. Ing ihe last week waa relatively unim-' portant. witn indications 01 a moderate cash loss. Advicea now at hand show In sever strain to which iiermsn financial institution were nut during tt autumn' crisis, and which continue to mirror tlself In the Incessant demand for rasi from Berlin. That center re ported a mora steady tone today, with urn, ni es 1 or our. stocks. The sole festur of tha local money market waa th higher rale lemsnded for short time maturities, wlsly-dav loan being mad at an advance of per cent Ronda were Heady with a narrow Wf ment In the more oromlrtent lew tier .Total sales (par value). K, 7i,ono. United State government u coupon and th ts ad vanced and the la. s per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations On stocks today wee aa follows: galea Uls. Lev. ctest. M.SM i.m 9.M rlba, W : short clear. t W. 't'Ol k.1 n oteaoy; enicsen. US! spring; HCi lurk)', 1 Wc; duck, itc RlTTKR-FIrm at ac. Viios Wsk at io. Racclpta Shipment. Flour, bid., Wheat.' u. . Corn, bu. .... Oal., bu. . 7.70 ..U.oai ..Tl.ft New York. Cblcaga Boston ............... PhUsdelnhbv .... St Loula. ............ Kansas City Pittsburg San Pranclaro., Raitlmore .-. Ondnnatf MlnnaapoH New Orleana Oevdand Detroit .............. Los Angeles......... OMAHA Milwaukee Umtaville Atlanta Portland. Ore. Seattle. St. Paul Buffalo Denver ; Indianapolui Provldenc ii ttw U's AltleC1islHrs fl4 .... aRMtsaoMfM veeeer . aawrlrss AsnVsltanil Amends kMt gussr.. Anertrs (a Awerkea C. r. Anerku fatte utl... ABMTtcu H A U at An Ice Mortlla. I.M II Americas Uaaeel Me 114 Anerlcaa LaevswUvs ... tm Aneclra R ll. 7t ask t a R. pit , n MM l' Wit A.'teal KavMrtaa l.e si km :11 Aa tuaar Rallalng I . Ill Ill's Ul i.Hfn t T I.1M 1 1 Amt.n TleeM at.... Mta 11 V Amerlraa Wwlea sas- tt n XI Anaroads. SlUUU Jt- J. H lt' AI'IHSM JC i.W !Mi4 ik IHIi At"gla I4 . 11 illaaue Usui Ua....,. eW llal III ltllt kalllmora m oi. ....... I. Me tj u IMS B n lui " ' cities: cmta -Amount. H Dec. 4.0 Richmond COSI. !! at... I.561.00! 171. l7.o .. 1. . si.wV 11.K.1 r. 6.tW-H 3.7. ll.. aSlft S.4 J 21.rro.0n9i t. 'JLtmjm 17.4i ii.j.oo iM , it.lnnoua !7.dW -l.i.., 14.S.vK t.t) 14.4SI.0") U.i, 12.Kil.wO l.i.... ll M.9j l!.Sl - 16.9ASi.flnO) IliiKd U.l 8.l.o' 4.s; 1790,'VOl .7 .l!5.0i ll.lj t.M5.W 7.J Washington: V. C. St Joseph .".J iO.UUM: Ht I eke rttv .1 . 7.V't oral. Fort Worth u.-.f -&,'..(!. Albany .. Columbut favannan I c 100 , , Nakhvl I . Hartford ....I.. OMAEA LITE STOCK MARKET &eeeipU of Cattle of All Kindt light and Pncet steay. E06S OPEN STEOsa, CLOSE WA lha asd Laaake Geaermlly Slasr aellers, While Prfces Raaiajo All Ike Hay trass Weak Ttm Ceata Levrrr. SOUTH OMAHA, March t, I1 Receipt were: Cattle. Hog Sheep. 73 1.90U 7.! .1I5.0i( ' S.4.. irrioop! w.;. Official Monday ..i S. Orflcial Tueadav i.171 Official IVedneaday - 4.01 21.M1 Official Thursday .! '- iKanlmat Ftklay IW Five dara this week.I7.0M .T4.78t M.MJ Sams day lat week..W.64 7,2Sx 41.1W earn day 1 wk sgo..l.51S 6S.778 SS.WJ Sam days wka ago-!. ft Same day 4 wk ago..l.4 7.t J4.7 Bam day laat year..BU 4. Th following tabla ahowa ta receipts of cattle, nog and sheep at noutn Omaha for tha year to data, compared with laat year: ... ev r?Le rait. " Cattle l.S2g XX.-M 1W Hogs ,...8.tW 4.B BWi Sheep ....M1.S,S.4M 4M eh. VAilnwine table shows ena range of price paid for hugs at South Omaha tot the last few day, with comparisons 6.6 W a,;enoi 7.1' ...J 1 .t30ti J .WW ...... I iW .!. tiAi ai Spokatle. Wahli..;'? 4.I1J.IKM "fc 4 7W. a ibi m lies Moines Hochaeier . Duluth Maron .......... Oukuuid. Cal. Norfolk ....... Wichita ... Peoria Kt jiaven.-v...... Jacktonvill, Kla.... Scnuiton Orand Rapid. nirmlngnain .. Sioux City Augusta,, ua Syracuse ...... trill .... .1... Ktantvtl Worcester Hprlngfteld, Mas. J Davtan : Oklahoma City Portland, Me msitanotxra Utile Rock.. Charleston,' 8. C... Wheeling. W. V. KnpxMII,.,, Han I)ico. Cal...., Uneola Reading. Pa.,.,. T'.peKa . Wilmlnalan, .Dei... Davenport Barratnentti.'Cal.., Mobil Wilkeebarra- Cedar Rapid. Ik.., Akron. (.. Yo'urujUiowrl ...... Wattrtoo, . la...... Full Hlvtr lOanlori. .-. ...i... nprliignein, ill.... Fort 'IVayna..,,,.,. New Bedford 4 a,B . Kaasas C llr ral anal Frevlalaa. KAN8AH CITY. March l-WHKAT-Cash .iln higher; No, 1 hard, II fl l.ot: No. S, ;rri Kt; No. 1 red, ILiuu Lat No. J. K.trtl.0. " CORrS-rnciiangea to w rugner; wa. I stael eaalta Rap)4 Tr.... C.sailiaa rsrttt t;.Bil Laaihar t alrtl Leaikw M ., Oefttral at h Janay. TOkMiaeaM a oan... Cblt'taa A Alt iMa 0. W.. see.. aics o. w. r.... Ctilraae a K. w CkiMte, a 4 t r.. C V.. O. A K. ,.. (Vloraea F I leralla A tosisera., CBelldala4 Oaa ..... cas Predsrts Dataware HvSaaa,., rtw HI Oraa. H f, VM ....... blatlllare' urlu r,: Ena H M4 Saaarsi glaatrla great 'Xertkaca af mixed; H,fMc; Nn. t, 7Hc; No. ( white, ati;oc; No. . 7Vr9S4o. ruturea: WU. ellrt: July. Mlee: dei'tember, mute bid. ( OH.N-Aiay. t, seller; juiy. TOie: Beptemlief, air.vaac. OAT8-i;ner.aned: No. 1 while, S1H4I Mc.No. '1 mixed, si'tmc. UT B-VR'. HAT -Steady; choice timothy, IMOOM 11 i: choice prairie, lU.llaa, Recetpta Wheat, II ears. HUTIER Creamery. 2ki; flrstt, lie; ecomla. lac: packing stock. 3e. KOOS-ICxtra, lto:ic; Ortav lt'4t IS. - Receipts. Shipment. 'WWeet. bu....... lluw o Corn, bu . M. 47,eca Oats, bu... li,Uv 17,ai 1 se t it 4.SM xn tit ni T.W IM i I.SM H) HI Mlt in i n ti m, IT I! II 11 let ns tm inn i in :.a ims in iis ., VI m a itsi iif'' 11 11 w 11 IN i s rt tut 414 41 ''a, f a Fa. a, M'rh 1. M'ch 1. M'ch 3, M ch 4. M'ch i. M'ch. , M'ch 7. M'ch t. S.a,ol 1 a1.vl . 4m0! 1741.CO 1.344 WH 4.i25.i a oil , " ltS4,10( U.l,.., tfM,wl S4.1 "i70 ta,vn....: J "Mono! ' i.: i.ffld. .-.... rW.mioi 21.11 . a ;iiraoi 11 l.lfl'.oool .S 1.&47.06I I 4 i.aogvi s.t ..... ' 1M.I9I ll.t 1.111CW S.4 !,Jt.urut Si. 71... 1.170 i .!.... a a 1 1 45 i; ! s. n.i i.m a a U. an. .31, i let sT4 .T .a 14 a H M4 M 441 II 1 IIS II as us t.le trs 144 IKS l.e iut ui in VaewNarlliera Or alia., as M't tluaela I'aausl , H 111 IM INS letertoreai MafT ....... la lit, u ina at. Mai. ua '.. M H' ITS II faiarssileaal HarvasW.. I.t ITts lS "fa Inlar-Marla sM ! Is 1 li tevarasthMial raaar , 14 laiaraaiwaal ran lava ( aairal . , I kasaas Cllr fcatlara.... I.M tli tl - k -' o S4 lawleea Oaa tuKtllla Neenrltl. Una i Ueta. ti r. a t. a u . Mlaaaarl. K. A T at . K- A T. art stlaaeari PWIIM 44 J.I S.I i,12,0M t.M l.t1.l 11.4 i.M4.(ri i.imOi u.l .1 11 1 l,4.uBl - 7.1 l.bO.m lit: ; ll.0J0t...i.. i.4M.ui nij..... 1.SW.03M n.t 1.44 omi i.inaoi XA l.l(7K) 11-4(. l.4Ufi 1I4. l,lll,0U0l 27.11. l.dC.liO! 14.4 , . 7OI.0O4I I.IW.W t.i . MHWI 7 t,..ll 111 wi. . . tn.m ti.i! 7.W1 t.J Wl.v iM',", 77.a 4.1 ttl.nooj...i.. :.4U.0oW M.ll ' 1KI110M I 1 !. sTo.aioi 10.1.1 mi i0 1 M.I ? x4.l1 I8.J 41.1 17:.uan Tf .4)1 4,ki a. if 4,i n.ii Ki.OCUl M.7l aoH.Ot M.oib, 14.. 111 lit . 14.1 n iwsi DatC 1 UU. mi.W.atu.llH).lt.lC. 08VI I ! I 4 .....! I 141 i 47 08) I t Kf J T la, it7iHil4it,in 334,! t 2 t Kj !S 4 t TJi 17ia fo, 17 n I 31 i i Ha) 15 1 74 78 T a id A ni a T. 9$ la) s av 4(K IN t7 111 IM 4131 7 Si 148 SundayT Recelnts and distxnltlon of lira stork at tha Union nock yard for the twenty four noma undmi: at 1 p. so. yasterday:! REt-EIPTd. i M C. U. & St P. Ky, Wabash Ry Mlsauurt-aVac. Ky... 1 Union Pacltlo Ry.. C. 4k N.-W.. east... 1 C, N.-W., west., t , C, t- P.. M. O.a 7 C. B. Q.. east...' I C, B. at (1., wU. 1 C. R. L P., east.. 1 C. R. L P.. west .. Illinola Central Ky .. C a.fYf. Ry.. Total receipt! .. S Cattle. Hogs, en p. a n 4 I 1 Si ' I a 1 t M " 1 47 1 I lo 1 I 1 , 1 ' 177 , 17 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Mors, eneep. Omaha Packing Co..... Swtft at Co 14 Cudahy Packing. Co.... 189 Armour Co 17 Schwaa-ta-Botea Co. Murphy ,.. ...... Morreli 7 W. B. Vansant Co. 7 Benton. Vaaaant. lauah ' Hill st Son., 1. H. Bulla 9 U r. Muss. s Mo. as Kan. Calf Ok..., I Clin cavisua. 11 Other buyer UI 1.M0 2.M1 IS 4,m in l.sM 1 at TM.SOOI 3.l , MWl 1M. Tol.COfll .li... UM7IAU1 SiO, .. aVNV.UAk tl.W. la IN It! l 111 144 IU IW lie Nauaaal Lead K. R, at el St. M pt4 Maw Tart Oaalrsl ! Y , o. 4 w ferreik A Wawer..., TCurl Aawvtoaa. ,i l.enkara raUlla rirlllt Mall renatrlvaal ....... FeoSje'a Uaa r . i. c. M. Pittasarta Caal rreaaM Sl-al Car,.., Salinas raises 'r . . naltear giaai aartsg.. Vaaekvx Republic tel eae Ui INS IN l.lao Ma US at 4I (IS tl ft - V.. 1 M i4S N 13 l.M JUa - If It ew ins 111 111 laa 3i Ss ) , a H 1S V l.aas s ras rs ,aaiA, ww lit tot lis 11 II I. ms tn w I j t 14 IN lelUj Wheat! I 1 May.ll '.! . 1 ' 1 H l ! Jnlv!SVtrVA- W Septf Ml HI Corn I t May.T.S! Juiy n,i' ClAta. I .May. July. Hapt' fern. May. July. Sept. lard. Mav.l IM ID July. 46-Hai 47 Saytl i K2iv! it I m Jaly.1 tV'Ai I HAw Sept.! I I k I I TIM TISv ' Tin I iniA I "'1 j eSsJ 4 SJ 4iV 43; 414,, till um I IS 7TM 1 HYi. 16 ITVkj II U J II til U J 1 j n Mi Tk'a.-llTTlH ?m4 UPal . Tit; 71li MI ni tr.aisu 'a )) 41 41w I 11 TV,.!! MHft! 11 m i u its! I H aa I la Vihm I ' rhlladelpkla rrwatsr Market. PHItADFXPHIA. March l-BtTTKR -Steady; western creamery specials, ate; I i""' ,..m eMnd.rv ealrea Sic. Hrh. , UBI, Slew fra . . metk lalasa ta... ....... prima extia, t-0. Hevk latasd r4 ., SMOnV-Firms Pennsylvania and other ( . 1. a r !4 Us nearey nrsta, ties cases. i. per rasa;,!, uaai a w.... Pennsylvania and other nearby, current I, t ' HI....- recelnt. free cases. M M per esse: west-1 aia-lhni.)J . tt...... ta .41 ;r 11 It 11 we la 1H WH M SX4 a N ka UT Ua 1MH 1. 14 lfai llw 4 TIS l. aM 4'i IM i Tl n t era flrsta tree case. K.M per case: wast-; """'"a" art. currant receipt,, free ease, WH pcr'"1?"'.."""' OHKE8K 41Vje higher; New York full i t.. a creams,, rancy, issarijc: new tors auiiiT, . u a cream, I air to good. lesaissyo. MlnaeaawlU (.rata Market. MINNF.APOLIS. March l WHBAT May, ll.giH; July. 11 S. Cash: No. 1 hard. II a V No. 1 northern, ll.vH; No. I northern, IIOM,. Ne. i. 114 V lXAX-iHj. BARI.BY-7IHr", CORN-No, 1 yellow, 84'tlSt0. ATS-No. 1 white. atStitlc. , RTF. No. t leWtfc. ' HUAN-ln m-lh, sacks. IT, (V-SB I FUJl'R-rirat patents, ls.40vi.ll-, aeeond patent. I4U4 K: first clears, lt01.7e; eeoad clcsjra, g:JPt.i, IH 17'i. IM 141 it4fr-7S( I17A, I I tent as ft I II is TTt4 lH! g 19 I S S3, 1 eg !l rSa; ! 74 M a r 41 l.ia tr ms T at 4 ra t.t 7 It I ana ts us . as n a w ..... ..... e. t. e w .M 1 ..... lata Facltlc 11." fala sarin. tl tl taHa Half Haaltv 4--?; ; 2 lalta a.a. Rakoar.... t are 4a-s Tfaltat aea Staai. . r a atrei set ft H aVriHU, ,' K V VaeHlas CbaiaUal , (MiatAiiooa war aa follow: FiUjliR-illeady; winter patents, aa.rea' Ov winter straights. U04.l: spring pateats. ettl'M; spring straights. M -.; baker. 13.sm4.4e. , RYB-No. X. I7V4C BARLBT-Feed or mixing. Ttsys:; fair t choice matting. S.laWl . eEEUTlwoUry, tUJ14J: clover, S14.VI14WLJI. urn , v iHlONS-Pork. mesa new tlMftt: . . IIS &. Lard. In ttercaa. e-3 Short 11s. sadea kaoaa. IM. " ' Total eaaarasoea of wheat sad floor wer atoai ta Wi.m baiatiels U ports for the week were eeaal to We'll bushela W,ar. eecaeota wefw Hs,Qa cwaipared with W. .4M aajalMa Ur bnnlaa aav M. rear aara. htetlansted PacaeOta fOT V'lwt. 41 ears: oars, M can; oats, 114 cars: hags. n.M head. rMOS-Ftrm: reoaipta. 'Coal case; at mark, rases Included, UtHJAac: arsonary lir. Be; nrsta. l45c. - Wkaat! Na. I rod. I1.4a;4lu.4a: Nn. 1 ree. 99cHi.a; No. 1 bard. U.vSSl-; - I bard. I!.rell at; No. 1 iwrthasna. .1 N. f ner-Jiaaa. U-tesH-lT. Na ; nartoem. ll.D'in.l!--. N ! eariag, II tS0 2.-tT: No. 1 spring, ISrQT: K: Na 4 snrmg, . vicarei.fff; velrm e&aXf, V??.fl?; dunxm. avt(. Com: No. :. IMEV: Ka 1 vhjie, ekifassr- No. 3 yellow, ITUeir: ". 4. 4ej ' Na. 4 waa. tVxif .. yetUrw. atg".a. "u; Ko. t, -: ' 1 aldtr. Ut&tl&t i. i tc. Mllvaaake Crala Market. MII.WACKKE, liarrli-l-WllliAT-Nsj. I rmrthcrn, N. 1 northern. II ;v,l lw-: No. i hard winter. !t.4ttfl.M; May. ll.trltl."5.: Julv. il!SAe. CORN-No 1 yellow. CH!c; No. 1 white, 7c: No. S. V:; May. 71e; July, tla. OA 1 tttannard. v BARLEY-Maitlng, tl.t. 1 UversMwl Crala Market. LIVERPOOU March l-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures steady; March, la; May. 7s CSd: July. 7 SAfd 1 tK-fpot Amenraua, mixed, new quiet : ae lUd: American mixed, old. eulet as Wtd: American mixed, new, kiln dried, as 74. Putares firm; March, Is Id; May. SB WaHaak Waaaak eta . Wertern alarjlaol Waeoeeaeeie KKT'fia .. Wwra lls WneaUs A I. C Valuta ValW Cklee Cair Hit AmaHvaa Tokatea Sa-Stvlaa. Tatal aaMs far t say, 7H lH MS s S M TH 1 TIV US aa ti tsss imu ? "art MS fvl ni j tr IT in : :u M4 rtriena ...., .( lixinatoii ' York. Pn..rv:i.f... ColumM. S. C. Knc. Pa....'. Stockton. Cal Boise. Idaho. Rorkford. HI , Muakogea. Okl Kaismaseo, sticn.. qulncy, III.,., HlrtonTMigiun, 111.... Tulsa. OKI Ogden, Utah... '....' Doweil Chester. Pg.i t.. SpHngfleldf O Mouth Bend. Jnd.... Blnghamton Bloux Fall. 0. D... Jackson, Miss Deoatur. Ill Manaftelt, O..I Fargo. N. D.. Fremont, NeB Vlcksburg. Ml.... Jsikaonvlllt. 111,..,. Houston oalvtaten "Net Included in totals becaus cantaln Ina other Km than clearlni. Net Vask Mosey Market. NBW YORK. March l-MONET-On ..11 etearfv at : per cent; ruling rata, it per cent;. cimg ww, t i" oral: offered at V. per cent. Tim loan, ftren- slxtv dya. ser cent; ninety oars. I. per cent; alx month. IHi per cant. i'rime . SB U,1VV.J a ar r.M,i-Tv P7rtTittJttfl RXCHANOE-Steady. wHh actual builnea In bankers' bills at HUM for lty-day 0111 ann at .siv ior w niand;, eominerctal bills, M.MV. SILVER Rar, H'ac; Mexican, dollars, ''iNDAjovrnmnt, ttrong; railroad, stesuy. . Closing quolatloa o hondg today wer aa follow; . . " . 0. g rat ta fe...14aUiar. M. M. 4s. S a. .aas INSMasas 4 NS l. t. as.. rat IK 4'i -....15 a onsa ISK. C. aa. IN ta.... B t. t. rag. ll'Sl. . 4a. ta Ittl... NS ea teuaea ....lUtU at H. anl. aa ay. Aina-Ckal. 1st Me... VM. K. A T. IN .. MS u Is as a a... NS A. T. T. sv a II'VM. FarltW 4 11 IS Tooaer aa..... n. a. N. se aa .7 .........It.. T. c. a is.... N araasr a CJk. 4,.. s tea. ta ......... NS auaiaaa ass. a s-. 1. n. at, - a. . a .Sl.i., r. aa in aa ... I !5 W. let a 4.. N a r u ua I aa ev. aa u.iT a okui a MSHe. ISclna aa. wa M. XUa It t k a s. I Ha tiso. t. L. rtrl,. 4. ... H Bmek, Tr. av. aa.... aasraea: . ass laia.. s res, ef Oa aa IN . eaa, 4a. ls Caa Leataar l....v Waa4liuigea. 4a NS i- at N, J. a t....wsa uaa P. t. ta ns CVml a Oil aaa...ivta 0 Baa ss ea rat. ta. M tt. U . W. a. 4a.. It rsiaaae A A. ... " aM aM 4a.... NS Q , A I). 1. 4..-. t-H. At. 4a . II ea gaa la kyn as. cai. 4a M ao. a! aV tells e er. 4a. NS 1' I I. I r. t a 11 ss ist.rea. aa.,,... vts S rft M Railway a. ls Cel.. lot. M . 11 aa, 4s TS arala. Hit. a.... .. tSVsla reetfl la. ...Has U C tlr.lt1H"l av. aa..3..!....sHS Tie an a H. rv. aa .... 1 ia-at iw. aa... 111, A R. o. 4 t;. . R.bber ta.,...iais A o t. - . v- N 4 N TJS I oialllera' St IIUAe-Oar. tsaaa. 4.. Mai, tisjagrle -I. N..I..... H Wabaafc let la w.'s ea gas 4, ':7 a a aa. ea.... ai aa a 4. ser. A... I! Waaler Ml. ts at carta, B......1. 4Wac. glae. av. la., S tiati. Itiac. aT. -wis vealraj a,.... K atn. 4,-ao. hX ref . Ha ISo. ev. la...... r( tsiar Nat. as...,. s-raesi as mt. BIC . r Total ,.Xa 14JT4 MB CATTLK In pit of tb fact that It waa a Friday the cattle market thl morning waa in very aatiafaotery condi tion. Buyer war ut In tha yard In good aeason In the morning, and the most of the caul acid quit readily. Tne piicae paid wer not mawrlolly different irom these that DravsJted yeaurday, the market a a whole being steady on araoW llcally all kind, atooker and leeaer a wail as ktllera . beef teer are around W9Ue higher than a week ago today, whit cows ana h4rr. are arouad IL&t&bo higher. .Veal calves are lully o ntgher than last week do. Desirable klnoa of feedera are possibly lOQloo higher than last week, but Ugnt tocar hav ahown no ma terial ehaaaa. HecelMs ior tha weak to data, whll a trifle larger than last week a amsJl run, how a tailing off of about l.Sut head a compared wltn th previous week, which waa about a normal run. aa wmya raw with a vaar aco there haa been a de crees tor th last (iv day of about Won head. quotations on catti: uooa to cnoic beet ateer. t.7it;.: fair to good beef liners, M lHrt Ti; common to fair beet steers, la. tout. ft: mod ta choice heifer, B.SivlA: xood to cblc oow. 14.7ixrl0.6l); tear la guoa cow, a,, vumuwn w fair oow. tj.7v4i4.D; good to choice gtook ers aad feeder. ta.sUkae.aO: fair to good lockers and feeders, 14. 7645.40. common ia (uir atncs.ra end reeoer. M.ww.e, alork heifera U atalM.71: Veal calve. 14 1 9.w; Duns, stag, etc,, sa.wve.w. neprvaentativ saiee: titer- Biuiu Me. 14 It... I.... ll... It... IM... I. ..... U 1 II... 4... I.eadaa ataek Market. a ovrviv u.reh L American ecurltlea opened firm and a frertiua r ig w today Itar the net imrne"" L'ntteal Suuas Steel hare, and at aeon th market wa. firm, with prices ranging troaTunchaniied t higher than yaater day a New York dosing. London closing stock quotation! Csasete. aaaear ..It U-lalaalaMIl A .Naak..HH ,y-,in.., ' a St. Kaa. A Tas,. . afll Caaatr '. II Yark ral..lti iSLir....' .. tVSeMI 41 Weetetaltl "7TT isss as tee t a 4 PpntllA. III.. Msrck g-rtmx-aead- yellow. 443Vjc; Na I mixed. ae-' v. ajDaaesr Rta .... TSNaatalk A IMS a tot ... HtsOelaiie A 4 A Okie. M Paesarrnaai Casaeiaa ream. ..aatsKee Nlea Hnr-"i A Okie Tl ttaaaiag .... sToeUI Waatars. lasaaetkem Rf rai sui. a) av r.ui mtxM. Ovc: sample. 4teyMr. OATA-Htxher: Na 1 white. lUr ard. He; Na t white. CVc: No. t wkitsL LVc 1 Otis aad aBB. ' SAVANNAH. March t-'ITRFBHTINW Firm: trsfi. llaaea. a bbt.; noaSpes, IM bbla; aajasasBta. Utl kbis.; ataok. tUfl kola. Hm-rtrm. alaa. tr? hkla.; ratwluu. Tt hbat: ahinmeata. 4.71 bbta: rl tOtSt hoia. tluoie: B. V1: K, aTtr r. ttJir. G. H. atasasJE: X. aLaV. k. M, U; S. ILs-. wis. tav - -, r FT. t.oni. Matrrs twornlttea termorv aa weeteni mesujine 1 tm trsifligrrti. IfatTtr; Xias. liasoc. a M BSUSH .... aa IT - " .. , IS N M .... n iix ,.lt Ma At. rr. ..lot I l ,. 111 1 n I.M ID .. Ill I S - 11 ,. tie t M , It....... ..leN ttt ,.ltll ttl it -"cow ,. ltlt tit t....,i. .....iwai a av T. ...... .....iota 4 It t ,,...1011 4 M J1. ...... ,..W14 ,. HE1FKKH, ..... M 4 a . 4..... 4. 4 m 1...1.. , 4,1 I It , . 4....'... M ill n....... BULLS." IV..... U I I-. t... . . ai I - 4. . CALVBa , Ill t M I ...... aai 4 M 4 .m it -1.. A,. Pr. .T.iaii I u ...le t tt ...IM tt t N ...IU 7 at ...IHI 1 B ...IM I U ,...1IM f tt ,,,.1111 4 4t .1.1114 I M ...lilt I a ..Mt I a .... Ttt 1 a .... n t .... w it, .... Hi Ik .... HI I l 1 14 ia i . in t t ci I n 11 in a m ... it ta Increased Boiineti Eefleoti Ap- proAch of Spring. " , TjrEST EXHIBITS COHHjOTCE Demaad taw Dry tjaejaa Ilea ally BratM aad Hasy Evldeaeea af . gawtalaed Srreagtk New ' Are Kartell. Tl SI ... IS IT 1" ... t rS 13 at Hllrlr.1 More or lss mouterence on the nart nf Slacker bUVeTS CSUCO sheep and lamb trade that was decidedly quiet at rig-urea .aw to a a line ana. For a Friday receipt were a little above general expectancy, both In point of atse .n,t .malt, v liirht around &4u.Jieed ar rived, moetly ewa and iamb offerings mill in th fleece, and practically every thing carried good finish. Attractive fed western Iambs sold lip to - early la the session. Indicating a quotante maae a a-? or pwaiy ,. .nrf ,rn anod wether landed tt He. Yearlings made a craoitaoi top 01 tens and ewes ranked Trom sa, eDwnaara Th. marie for shorn soods was poorly tested owing; to meager supply and the feeder trade waa also a smaii. nominal affair. Actual purchases on country ac count for the four days amount to a short ia head. After subtracting the country bur from the total receipts thus far this week it becomes evident that packers nave oeen wnt huev on most dsvs. The demand has been broatd and bulllah throughoutH buoyant feeling In western due to a combination 01 ravorame iniiu encea. The main reaeoo for Improvement appeara In an expanding eastern proauct tml. hut the sharo advance In prices tor sheep pelt has alto helped consider ably in the geuerai upnrt, roon rem are now being merchandised at an ad vance of 60' cent over prices iwa weoea ago, and spread, between w noted and shorn stock are accordingly much wider. Compared with a week ago fat lamb are closing at net advance of . while sheep and yearlings are aelllng about 75 cents higher. Supplies hav been reasonably large, on packer killing about 12.009 head who seldom buy more than thl number during a week of heavy range business. Week top on lambs, 17.0; on ewes, ISO. , , Quotations on ehcep and lamb: Iambs, good to choice, tt.M416.9v; lam be. fair, to good. l6.rtt46.o: yearlings, good in choice, to.t.O0: yearlings, fall to good. 5.4a; wetnere. goua to enoiue, a,wae.v, . fair to rood. tA.7Mti.ol: ewes. good to choice, H4-!.!0; ewes, fair to good, t4.01kjt4.8S. , Ketreaaniauve aajea; No. I Av. Pr. SS fed ewe . lit a fed goats ,-. f 481 fed lambs 73 J S Mexican lamb ' aajfed owes .....i 101 , 7j S75fed wea 1 4 7A IB fed ewe . iw 117 fed wether W 117 fed lambs l 67 fed lamb 5& Mexican lamb .. ..74 141 fed lambs ! lit fed yearlings, wether 17 IK CHICAGO LIVE STOCK . MAHKKT Demand far Cattle aad Sheep Steady Hors Higher. rHICAflO. March I.CATTLB-Re ceipt,. 2,j06 head; market teiuy; beeves, isiaiaiiLSa: Texas Meera M.7O4i.0A: west ern steers, tC-Kn7.1: Mocker and feeders. tt iotj.!; cowa ana nailers, ti.crire.iv, m vh aa ne,K ml s HOOS Recalpt. zeOW head: market. 6c higher than yesterday' averaat; light 2M.6m: mixed. ki.2..B6 heavy, K.3 Jii.(iO; rough, 16.3tt3.; plga, .Hfi.ii hulk nr aauea ss.ania,.Mi. RHBEP AND LAMB4Rec1pt, M,0 head; market steady; native. tVI.TWii-W: u.m U!bS.: yearling. K.KU.9; lamb, native. tW-i western, li.; 7.41. Kansas City Llw Stack Market. yivui 4-ITT. March I CATTL74 Receipt, l.OOu head. Including south erna: market ateady: drcased beef and export steers. .3.: fair to good, ti4M x: western , steers, IS. tot 1-7. &; stockera and feeder. 44 2Vi4 SO: southern steer. H.SOI77.W: southern cows, tl.V& I.U: native cowa , .: native heifers, M.W4JI.76, bull. .Vj6.l; calv aa . B OA steady to 6c higher; bulk of sale. 1W lo; heavy, ae.naje.av. patari butcher. M i.U;. lights,; NEW YORK. Mae-ch I R- G. Dun Ctt" Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will sayi " An Increased movement of. trada n- fleet the near approach oi wiim what 1 of greater sUmiftcance, the d mlrable conditions prevailing ia xa winter wheat sccilona Prod" ""f" buoyant feeling in western ale arcles and th whole business ttuatlon benefited thereby. This to all ,0 "JTff because of unsettling Influences Prevau ing In many paru of the w"- Metrico and China. In England. menacing coal strike produce twnP" trade paralyala and to a much lea dye) Id the United States, where an important lection kt Impending- .,, Notwithstanding unusual hand lea, production of pig Iron was on tn tijr largea acaie in r liatiur to t,M,81S tons against 1.067.111 In January, according to tha Iron Age. The dally average In February w 71.441 ton, or mm than- In tha earlier month, nearly all tha gain beln; provided by the steel companies. The statistics clearly point to heavier op eration, when ".he weather becomes more open. Purchases of round, lot of heavy teal acran and both basic and Beaseoier Iron have been made by the leading in terest, whll foundry grades reflect a hardenlnc tendency. ' Activity is not pronounced In "lushed, material, but price are lesa unsettled and aotne manufacturer are mora Inde pendent In thatr attitude. , , , Demand in dry good tedlly broaderta and many evidences of sustained atrength are noted, sow ,uamw : , notably cotton blankets and staple tapped goods, whll cotton land toward a higher level. There Is also a moderate Improve ment tn the outlook for flna yarn cloths. Lea than four week product of all kind of cloth, are In stock at Fall River Export ahlpmenta continue good, . eaiea aheadto India being th. ktrgoM U. yeara, "whll. demand trom tha Red oonUnue. acUva. , In woolen, joooere . ' -Vi , hXnerul of It oonUnoano. li staple, are well old ahead and P. 11". .1 enlored aarg h eT- XTthdrVwrt having been ld up for aprlng and ' ,. M a Kn- plernTaVorne ire limited. Higher teaifot -Uil Vg retard trad aoroewhat v Tanner. Pt SorT trade In leather as toon a tha . T. 1. .kii4 tA heatn. ' tan semew - nl.. ai U4S uiis.i,-p i'h T.AMRft Recelnta 7.1x3 head; market lotrllc lowermbs. H fV 7.10; yearlings. t5.aeJ6.0O; wethers t4.5o 6.26; ewea, tt.76v.0C; Mocker, and feed- ert. X3.WVS.W, St. Lwala live Slack Market, ST. LOTUS. March t-CATTLB-Re-e.ima an heed Inelurilnw M0 Texan: market strong; native ahlpplng and export teera. t7.60w8.60; dressed and hutcher steers.' .VS.(0: steer under l.MO pounds. tl.2Mj6.76; Blockers and feeders, tl.S&aj.M: cows and heifera, 1&..Q0; cows and heifer. 2.76tw.a: canncre. rj.tiff4 9: bull. t3.sW15.60: calvea 8 0j a.w; lesaa ana amiimii mimm. ,,w,.. 1 mnA heifers. 13 ft M Jxl. un, 1.1 RjMtnt, 11 uia head: market steady; plga and light. V'.fcSiS.Se'. inixeif and butcoers,; aw" eevy, au ;-:i nr. ' itlUfiCP AND BS-RecelpI, H.tWi heso: market stronsr nenv lamb. ;,fi".r.; culls and buck. C.atjl.S; slockers, 42. (Wo 3. 00, ' Stock la nlk-nt. I Receinl of live ttock at the five prin cipal western markeu yceroay: CattlcTN Hoga. Bheen. lawk Market, BOiTroN. March l--iamg quotations an stock were aa ro-ww Uaai . .: - Maaaek ana' rsestr Tl ajtt, o, lis A- 1. A I... NVHlalaaas Mlass . IS I If. MtE tsVaeU te K arsl. A. A ton..... tlS!n take Is taL A Heck. Nt OU Pakistan S Ontaaaltl m waraaat i Cos. Haste C C... IT attaiM, tS Vast a.ita C M.... Uksaaaea 1!S Fiaaklla. ........... llSaaaetoe US Otraas Cae. larartar 4k , M-... IS Grease Caa, -e M Tasatrack ..It brtaea Caataiat .... !..'. t I k. A M... 1 ale llerak cease,., as ea saa at Kerr Leas JJltat Caa NH late (.oeaav a,a-iaa veawar vs.... aia Ua Sail OaaaeT.,... tAWtaea .... Ts Mlean- tamiit "''i;iot:KIiruJ ANii'riiiibKR .. ., w IU, I i lit IM !tl It M ttt t 41 iiiHta-heavv Im war best property la all dlvtaiau of th trad again today. packer favoring weigm even at uoerau premium and avoiding high mixed and light Muff. Early buaiueee conatated largely of lard bog aales that usually averaged strong In conypartsoo with yea- terday price, rouowin. a biwiw, clearance of heavle. a lull developed, .ut ..eiethina like AVoer cent of the re oaipta had to move on a lat market that ruled dull and weak. J l The1 demand during tha first round had SUmty of life, but receipt seemed lo a trtri in xce of the week-end kill ing requirement, and twe or three of th leading buyer retired after their attained fair lis. Supply waa estimated at lll neao. mating a live days total OA almost a.wa oeaa, ana wetaiity grades were paentuui. Abinners and apeculators furnished a good outlet for anything that might be turned to advantage, buying fully 10 per cent of tha total. A healthy provision traaa h,n some in tie lanuenee in lavor of apcculattve buying, but outakl oper atora are art 111 inclined ta be conservaiive, a present stocks of product are very heavy. Beat heavy hogs on sale brought 16.50. identical with yesterday's high price, whll baron classes ranged from ha down to ltaaxr.i. Bui there usually cleared within the US. St. read. Representative taiea: , South Omaha .... 7" St Joaeph 70 Kansas City ......l.Ooo Kt. .LOUIS wF ,m . .6.500 ' i Chicago ToU!.. 67.4U ' t,tft I'll) T.or 11.70ft 10.0110 16,(1)0 BRADSTRKBTS TRADB RKV1CW Baalae Move Steaallly, -vana af Isapraeeateat. NEWt YORK. Karch 8.-Bradtret tomorrow will tmy: f Trada move along at A ateady pace, al though there I. still enough lagging com bined with a few setbacks to Pvent desirable uniformity. The poor eondttwn of country roads has deterred traveling salesmen from gelling bt with f- , clllty. hut withal result, reflect relattva improvement mall ardara being lJaJi in the country, leading dry goods . market tha .Ign. Indlcal thai Jubbera m all departmentt are doing mor. witn her and there a good ahowlng 4u to a prevtou estimate ofc requlrementa. Thla In tarn I reflected on th mill. om . of which ara hampered In gVttlng out good, because textile operative ara not plentiful. On th. whole trade hi thig quarvtr I tady. In truth, better than at thla time last, year and tendlngto broaden, with request to send good, previously ordered in advance of tha In Industrial line prepartUor,. fcrij door work are proceeding, but 111 threat ening of a strike of anthracite ooal win- . ,mh MfMvna of tinrest Wng klwmlmiuawarkara.dl.turb. tha- sltuatlon. -make tor ku'w -2!d .mvble. retail tlealer, to price, on hard coal, quolatlon for which havTnot been disturbed by th operator. Feature In tha Iron and tl tracom-, prehend tha receipt - of "r.1 ineolflcatlons by th. leading producer., less irragularlty In price, for flnUhed material. Inoretted producUon of pig Iron , and a better demand for tsJ-Daklrur . grade. In consequence) of which quota tion, hav improved. Collectlona display a littla hettef' a pect, Improvement being reflected some center, though payment at th. south and In the Pacific Borihwot ara "BuMmii f.llurw In th. JJnltad tAt for th. week ending March T wer. Hi. against 24 tart week. 180 In the Mk. week of 1M1, til In 1910. StH in 1W and 171 In Buslne. failure, in Canada for tha week number forty-one, whlc comperee with twenty kttt wek and forty in tha corresponding week of mi. .' ... - . , ,,u, riftiir exnort. front th United eltatea ah Canada ffr the week ending March 7. aggregate 1,.ET V ly OB M t'aS Ceffee Market. NEW YORK. March 8. 7T)FFKE Fu ture market openeo steeo? weea emurta , - - .,' ,v price to an advance of I point, in rj bu.hela, agalnft 13.T7 last week tmf t. i i ,v StV Bri. r. - I0- ' tT Wi - -fZ 4m t ael... Waaaa " oZ TivV-k x . mie HIXTER-I aAc The rat af atiscasswt ta lit open mar ket far abasrt ktus k, per ca;.iar BOUsr BUeS, ek par " - ' Ne-tt Tut Mlataa etaeka. -NKW YORK, Van 1 Clssing qaatsv tlsna os) Tdlntnc stocks ware: , 1 aaeaill Caa .- N kaalissi let -T CM rsaael BNBk.. 11 Oatarls U aaa taut a otr lit Jr Otai . N J iret tamg. n Tnansw Jaakst J . Marc a-aT-n-tta-jN- twar an hetfaBB. B-Btfl M. Z . VS7B7 Ttl&RT inaeeBaLaatkae and airs ! at th BaM of New Tor far the wee awcuag March t sere vainad at tavnsvwe. as? apacte lor VJ a lan lie- taw T. JWiEPH. eslpta. Tts) BtnatiiiSn: atloalrea tt WJ6A kanaareia.-- a as, itaasr; Tasnwax rer: twjk S-SS; halt af aasss, amJtasA. flHU? aJTjO LAMBS fkaasCBm. M hasus, avrkat gtaaay ta latasv n aaM, tt anja. Ha. Av. Ik Pr- Na Av. aa pr. t. i:t ... ttt tt a ... ts .....,.m ... it ti ait ..., m in ... ttt n tat ...r"t at " ii in ... tn n ... t n n in ta . ttt n...... tn ts n nt ttt a M.......tla1 mi . n o in t as N.......1H ... t at a aa ... tat N in mini t. m ia is a ia ... ) a. ttt ... t at at. tat l n...... m ... ts ta as ... t n. ... ... ts n ..... tu , 4 tm 1N......W ... t a si ... t N tit ... t it at x ... at at. aa ... a ts. an ... n it ... t it ts. tat ... S 1 It t..,... J4T ... IN ts. n ...tN ta. M it N n Nt ... i n a. t t it Tt.. at a I a t -. Tt- aw ... i ta T t a rt. ..nt m t n ... , a ra,...nt ... t at at- ttt t at... ni m , m a ... a a jn l . m. tn ... 4 a U 111 t It ).. ttt N 4 j. as ... 4 at ta an ... a 9. Nt . Bit H JN N t . na a trs ' ...,,, m It M. Nt I Ba tt. NS . aa. a i n... . " w ta a b si ta I n - n , an in at ta at as f "a t aa - rea t a, r is ' ar ta, t 9 at rm I s a) , ttt i n - ' m itt t as av ,, at as . k , JB Slat m ... aTAt ZZ IZ ponse to a little support from leading trade interests am ieuj r The close waa a little off from the best under realising and barely steady al though laat prices Mill showed net gains of from 1 to polnta riaies, v.sua wSa March and April. 1112c; May, 11.36c; June. IS.aie: Julv. 11.46c: August. 11.48c; Sep tember, 11.51c; October. 13.5e: November, 11.4to; December, 11.48c: January. .4tc: February, 11.47c. Havre waa unchanged to I4f higher; Hamburg. . ,pfg higher; Rio unchanged at St37i: Man toe, un changed. 4a H07; reralpt at the two Br, slllan port, were 17.000 bag, against 11.000 last year: Jundiahy receipts. . bags, against !. last year; New York ware house delivered yerternay 8.KI bags, against 6.11 last year; today special Santo cable reported 4a 6 rels itower at t40. Sao Paulo receipts, 10.008 bags, against ltOOO yesterday. Spot cdft'ee, steady: Rio. No. 7, I4?c: Santo., No. 4, IMijc. Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, Majflf, nomlnaU. - Metal Market. NBW YORK. March .-METALbV Standard copper, weaht spot. Msrch, April, May, June and July. 114.3714 asked. London market, weak-; spot t4 13 M; futures, t 8e d. Arrivals reported at New York today. 1.9SS tons Custom house returns show export of 5.671 tons so far thl month. Lake copper, 114 tt TS: electrolytic. Hi l14.1iVt: caetln. tlJ-tCtefclllS1,. Tin. steady: spot. tHaO Hl.lir., March. l4l.4-4J.i; April. 141.75 42..-: " May, Ml.l7Att4l.43Va: June, ) mm: Julv. I4rti 41.0. London market. firm: a Dot. 1: futures, ill Ss. Local sslea. 6 tofts March al 142 and S tons at lO 40. S tons spot at H2.46 and 6 tons Aorli at-44, ee iea,i. easy: tt twH.. sew York, and r-.Sftl.17U,. East St Louis. London. Ill 16s 3d. t-ocltr steady; few 07.0s, New York, ami tt.w pta. et. kLoula. Londrrt, 26 10.. Iron. Cleveland warrant. 60s Id In London. Locally Iron was unsettled: ha. I foundry northern, tl4.75tli.lS; No. f. tU-Xa14.77: .So. 1 southern and No. 1 aoutbern aajft, 114.760 liS. ST. I3ns. narca 8 Jtl.1 Al.' tad. firm; ttOO. gpelter. strong; eS-t Bvap.eatedl Apeles aad Dried rrwlta NEW YORK. March 8.-EV APORATV.D APPI.KR-vuiet. with prtcea barely teady: on spot, fancy, tti l'c; .choice, i.fc: tHime, 7"-8C. DRIED FRCIT8 Prtmes. Inactive and price unchanged: ouctatlotts range from 4S4rtlc for CahfornJas up ta t-4ea snd mirAc for Oregon, Aprtoota. quiet and steady: choice, H'caSlSHc: extra choice, 16t14Te: fancy, 164sl7c, Peaches, in Better demand and nricea are steadily held: che lea. leAtarloV:; extra cholo, 11) Uaer. fancy, HH4913e. Raisins, dull with prices nominally ummaanred: Ioase Hue eateu, SrsPac: choice ta fancy tattled, da r7Vacr aeedless. (IfTwc; lndoN layers. -rfctttjl-ta. CaaMsns Market. TnRk. Marrh a. 4JOTTON Seat, closet quiet 6 rxvtet higher-. aJV eDlcg orAands. it-XT muKl'mg gas; taste; 1248.871 this week last year. For tha, thirty-eight week, ending March 7 x- port ar 136.661 bus he! t. against 7a3t In tb corresponding period last year. Corn exports for th week are L247.tiil bmhel. against 1 .Ml .45 laat week and l.l&t,ai nt urn. tar uw iiH.,r-. .5 weeks ending March 7, corn export, ana tl.IK.WI buthela .gainst K72S.SM laat OMAHA Otv-SKHAL MARKET. wiTT-rs'.n K'a 1. 1-lb. carton,. tloOio.' 1, ia 0Ht. tuba, lie; No. 1, av; packing. "'cHKESB-lmported Bwlas, c; Ameri can Swlta, fee, block Swiss, tic;, twins, lie; daltie. Sic; triplets, He; young , Americana, xk; Diua uaai wive, aw, ovser. l-io.. wc; i-io.. sic ttjuh's CUT iillCl!.!, No. L litJl No. 1 He; No. 1, Uc. Loins. N.. C Uc; No. , lc; No. t 14c. Chucke, No. L sc No. 1. 7c; No. 1, 7ivc. Rounds, No. L Wi No. He; N. I. So. flat. tfolTW: Hi i. Wc; Na. , . FRUITS-Apple: Extra fancy Bail Davit, per bbi., M.50; Jon. than, par bbK. UMK fancy Wlneaapa. per bbt, UMi uncy Mlaeourl lippm khL. a; fancy Oano. per bbU H; Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, per bos. Pat: Washington r-piiseouei a, ri,"v, , Washington R. Beauty, per box, Uli; .. ..... .,., stvnun Wlnesaot per hox. I Bananas: Fancy .aaocv. per hunch, 51 IGtJ lie; Jumbo, per punch, t3.76ftt.7k. L?S; pa box, 1S.76. Date.: Anchw brand, new. I l ib. Pkga. In hoxea. per box.-113; Dromedary brand, new M fc pkga in boxes, ft box. BO. Fig.: California, per eaea of 11 No. ii Bka-s . He; per case of X ft. - 11 DkxaTliiO, per s of let No. I pkga. civ bulk, in 3-lb. and ftvib. boxes. ' oer 'lb. Wc; New Turku, e-crowa la jTih, bote. P " lx- -crow n tt-ih. box, par lb, loci 7-crown In JT k toit WV lb.. Grape fruit: Florida. M ixe. per crate, I6.a; 44 alt. crse. .. --" 1. P" crata, nm. O rapes: Malaga grape In bbla. tliatl.. Lemons, ijmoneira Selected bTsndT extra, Incy7l- sites, per box. aaatvLom. Untooajra, Uncy. M-m atsas, ia'aoxT I6-6; l ttd altee. Ms per hox lea. Orange: California Camelia brand., navela. extra fancy, vt-at-Wt sitae. Pr hox. US; extra, JSoJca. all tiaea. per box. US; Ele oiant brand. lM-Ua-rhVaW-tlt-aW tlsa. Seri box. Xaa. Cahtatg:' WMatuan. Per lb tc Carrots: per lb, r,c. Celery: California Jumbo, per dox.,; Flotida; ia th rough. I and I oox., per case, U.1. Cuctin.baara: Hot hottee. per dan. Kgg Plant: Fancy Florida, par doa. A Oartte: Extra fancy, white, par Ik, Tt. Laxtaoa: iSxtra fatocy leaf, per do., itc. Oniaaa: tllfernJa. wtrtta Mine, per Ik- 7c: Wiscatrattn, rellew oioha. ser kT aw. Red Globe, per lb, tc: StatjiisBu -sr ciwta. at-atl. Iaratey. Fancy eeuta era. par dost btrnctaa. ttf3c. -eHrsiuse: aw th, Ne. Ftxatoea: Mil Ohio, per ko, A tprT-roi Parnrea rtceed fSem. tToo mtj hadsr March. IS. 44c; AorO. MlCc; Mary. sUar: Jusn Ibaks: July. -c; lama aatkr- aaaisi lata . V-&C-. Otober. tt Srr KueaniitiiL vie Dsremher. lan trifocal. ataittnrrjr. JUtH JrWaavz. JbVob, A-se. Barhr wkfra, stark, par aa.. tux Bmabagnar: Itt ser ita- iy. ivMttw; rieaeat, cTaie. tatsr. tjutata. per a-hakt, r-v in, c , t-rJ KWfay YORK. Man t-8 OAJtltw, steady-: rauacarrajo. a tes. 449c: wa. aaic.