Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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frHE Omaha Daily bee
Entered at Omaha uoatottice aa eecona-
Tc-ovia i , I.' ei'UWUIPTlON.
Sunday ktee, om year. U-jJ
Saturday Bee. on year Jj
ta:ly Bee (without Sunday), oss year si s'
teuy Bee and Sunday. one r'
Bee (with Sunday), per me....e
Daily Bee (Including Sunday), per rn..we
pally Be (without Sunday), per rao....tee
Addreaa all eomplalnta or irrerulariue
Jb delivery to City Circulation lV-
Remit by draft. exprees or poatal order,
fcavable to The Be Publiahing company.
Only J-eent atampa leoeived In payment
ef small accounts Personal cheeks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
i Omaha The Be building. (
I South Oraaha-CU K fit.
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(Lincoln X Little Building. u,
Chieaso IMS Marquette Building.
Kansas City-Rellsnre Building.
New York-M West Thirty-third.
j Washington Fourteenth St.. N. vr.
f rommuau-atlons relating to newa ana
editorial matter ahould bo addressed
ana Bee. Kqitoriai in-an-im,,,.
SUt of Nebraska. County of Douglas, '
, Dwlgnt Williams, circulation manager
Of Th Be Publishing company, being
duly worn, aaya that th twin "tally
circulation, lee spelled, onuaed and re
lumed copies, for th month of Feoruary.
MO, we "bwionT WIM.tAM3.
I Circulation slonager.
' Subscribed In my presence and sworn t
fcefnr m this lib day of ,: , Ml
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; Notary Public.
i gaboerlbers Iravlas th elty
I temporarily rtaala have The
Be mailed t them. Adore
twill be changed aftea v
i eted.
Evary age ha 1U lmlUtor of Cla-
', HlMourt li gtlU barking gbout that
boun' dawg gone.
-, Chancellor Day Is controlling hlra
self wonderfully well.
The popular call for Diss's return
U not altogether deafening, either.'
. - :
! Young Mr. Shunter ought to get
nto thla campaign at tome angle or
u The question I, Can the campaign
keep up the itrenuoua pace) It ha
Struck? . .
to BeO Met's fuvoiite expression.
Mr. Roosevelt U .mad. That It very
vldent " ' : . t
Perhaps our South Pols dltcorerer
will give ui another Dr. Cook eon
trovers. .-,-.
The man who never made anr
enemies never made much of a nark
In U worlds. '., - - -
The Texas republican machine for
Roosevelt oh," well, the have horns
down there, anyway.
Pity, the slate-maker who are to
tell us for whom to vote for commit
eloper, for their woes are many.
Juat because Major Archie Butt
has gone to see, la no reason to tup
poee that he has been cut adrift.
What of the Grand Jury!
We believe The Bee voices general
publie sentiment when It say that
the work so far of the grasd Jutt.
of which much Was expected, has
been nsatiafactorr and disappoint
ing. The charge of Judge Sutton to
the Jury when ft was Impaneled cov
ered a wide range of subjects, laying
special emphasis upon thedereliction
of public officers and the betrayal of
public trusts, of which rumors nave
been rife and persistent.
The upheaval in the city ball Is
fairly good proof that there is some
thing more than mere gossip - In
these "rumors. But It reflects no
special credit ou the grand Jury that
the disclosure of city ball graft
should come spontaneously Instead
of by Indictment
The grand Jury can yet redeem
Itself and make record, but It can
not do so by merely sitting still and
waiting for people to bring evidence
before It. If grand Jury is good
for anything more than the ordinary
machinery of the prosecuting attor
ney's office it Is to dig op crooked
ness which can be brought to light
only by compelling unwilling wit-
ues to tell what they know under
penalty of committing perjury. Thla
is the way graft exposures ,were
msde in St. Louis, In Pittsburgh and
In San Francisco, and It is the only
way our grand Jury can rid Omaha
and South Omaha of their grafters.
workmen are not asking that their
employers Insure them a living re
gardless of their ability to- earn it.
but they rather prefer the concession
to be in the form of greater possi
bilities. If the miners In England
should 'win their minimum wage
fight, undoubtedly ether miners snd
other Industrial workers ; would
make similar, demands.
The English Teasels are said to
have little coal stored ahead, there
fore, in the event of a prolonged
struggle, they would come to grief,
especially If the strike should spread
to other countries. It Is not remote
to think of the feasibility of oil aa
fuel for sea-going vessels, some' of
which, especially on the Pacific,
have demonstrated its value and de
imsiiAV inir
ituwaay a as w
'compiled from bu riLt
. If hotel . rates there continue' to
rise, ' Baltimore will 1 become , the
Mecca of the hill room boys next
June. , 1 ' f a
I Breaking windows may. not be a
convincing argument for woman's or
tow's right to vote, bat It Is pen
etrating n.- 4 - ' - -;-
It begins to. look as if, a few
. Ananias clubs' might be formed out
of the wits ia as of that Lawrence
strike rioting. ' ,
Well, well, well And a grsnd
Jury, with special prosecutor. In ses
sion all the time within a (A rods
of the city council chamber. '
- Unlets that Insurance company
gets cut rates on its Jawyers, 11 will
soon pay out more in litigation than
the original Klmmel ' policy would
amount to. , ' "
, I'nele Sam evidently got tired of
letting pretended' republics like
llealco- snd China monopolies the
front page and decided to throw his
feat in the ring. .
Some of the dty councilmea pro
claim aloud their bhoreaos of such
grafting practices as have brought
the dewnfall of a late associatsT aa If
they really meant II
'The Santas City Primary.
The first presidential preferential
primary has been held In the Second
congressional In Missouri, of which
Kansas City, a pivotal Roosevelt
stronghold. Is ths center and almost
the circumference, sir. I Roosevelt
polled-,55 votes, Mr- Taft 110,
Mr. La FolletU 65. '
Mr. Roosevelt's total was between
one-fifth snd one-sixth of the normal
republican vote of the district In
1904 Congressman Ellis,' 1 falling
short of bis party's normal strength.
polled more than 17,000 Vote and
lost this district to a democrat. ' "
- The Roosevelt organisation, led by
a powerful newspaper, exerted every
conceivable effort to get out the
Tote at this supposed crucial pri
mary, with the country Intently look
ing on. The Taft leaders, on the
other band, Questioning ths legality
of the election, advised supporters of
the president not to participate. :
More than four-fifths of the re
publican voters of ths district did
not psrtlclpate, although the Boole
velt torn torn went on Incessantly,
appealing to passion, prejudice and
pride. The fay before the' election
the Kansas 'City Star, In ,1U Anal
editorial effort, said: V v , .
- Tli prUncr n toe. Sis' otflc. It
is too Important en of ft, to ss bestowed
by pollilclaua. rut It us te th people.
Let thess M. . 1
But by what bewildering para
dox Is the result In this RAosevelt
storm center to be explained! Who
were the stay-at-homes? And Is this
s' test of the Intensity of ibe people's
datarmtnatlon to oust Taft! To say
the leaat. It seems 1 that the Taft
fortes down there are mors numer
ous and mora Important than was
Semooratio False Profeiioni.
When the call for the democratic
national convention waa promul
gated much ado was made by our
democratic friends over the fact that
It expressly authorised the democratic
state organisations to provide for
the election of delegates by direct
primary snd prestdentlsl preference
vote) even In th absence of legisla
tion for that purpose. The demo
crats were going to "let the people
rule" everywhere by improvising
their own primaries If aeeeesary, but
up to date not a single democratic
organisation In any statej so far as
we ate able to ascertain, has made
use of this permissive clause la th
convention call. Ou ' the contrary.
is Missouri, la Oklshoma and in
other pieces where delegates to the
democratic national convention have
been already chosen they have been
selected by the wld convention sys
tem, which the leaders are publicly
decrying, but privately pursuing. It
Is only snother case of democratic
false professions. : ' -. , y :
1 A Trick Hone.
As the democratic leader of the
house, Chslrman Underwood of the
ways and means committee Is rapidly
getting himself looked updn as a
trick horse. Cute leadership, th,e
cunning of Intrigue, Is not effective
leadership and will not make good
thunder for a presidential campaign.
The democrats, themselves, are J
more and more distrusting Chairman
Underwood. His scheme for "en
larged excise taxation," merely an
other form of Income tax. Is on of
his most transparent . tricks. It Is
framed a good deal like some of his
tariff bills, In such form as to make
sure' they wll hare no chance of
enactment Into laws at this session
of congress. , His whole force seems
bent on pretending at tariff reforms
without accomplishing anything. He
knows that even If bis sugar- tariff
bill got through the house. It woald
die In the senate and he also knows
that If bis Income tax bill were to
pass both houses, a most Improbable
thing, It would Jeopardise the con
stitutional amendment carrying an
Income tax pending before the count'
try. So good a democratic newa-
paper as ths New Orleans Picayune
points out this fsct in ths course of
an editorial In which it directs at
tention to the gallery antics of
Underwood. His leadership Is becom
ing as much of a liability to th
democratic party a Is that of Champ
In Other' Lands'
Boa. SUa llghts-SB Vhmi Ja
Transpiring . Smeng th
ami rar Xatieaa tn
"Strike at New Coart House En
tire force of Workmen Wslks Off
the: fob.?' Headline. But thst Is no
worse than the contractors hsvs done
almost from the first
The appointment of Edward Dick
inson to be receiver of the Orient
railroad again proves that a good
railroad men, who baa gottea ajs
training la Omaha, will stay at the
Colonel Roosevelt admits thst be
wanted "the seal of approval" and
the aomlnatloa which goes with it in
14 aad should bar felt badly if
denied the same. But he is not witt
ing to let Mr. Taft have his.
Emasculated Arbitration Treaties. I
The senete's. ratification of the
proposed- International arbitration
treaties with the Joint high comrols
slon clause eliminated unquestlonsbly
destroys much of the value of the
treaties as they came from the presi
dent It raises a very grave doubt
as to their acceptability by England
and France. As the trestles now
stsnd, either nstlon as a party .to a
controversy might-easily -avoid the
obligations of the oompsct simply by
sf firming that the Issue raised, re
gardless of what It might be, wss
not Justiciable, or susceptible to arr
bltratlon and thus preclude the pos
sibility of this mesns or peaceful ar
bitrament. , .:
This third clause simply provided
that where two nations dissgreed as
to whether or not an issue was sus
ceptible to arbitration, each nation
mla-ht rbo- arbiters and let
them, constituting the Joint high
commlBSiou, uWiue this Vrrllmlnary
step. The senate's objection to the
treaty centered en this point, cer-
talfl sticklers who evidently care
more for the formalities of sen
atorial dimity than they do for
world peace, fearing that such a pro
vision Infringed upon the ancient
treaty-making powers of ths senate.
P resident Taft aad other big constitu
tional lawyers, however, dq not en
tertain this fear.
Ben a tor Bacon of Georgia, one of
the chief opponents of the trestles,
let the cat oat of the bag when, In
final debate, he said. In forcing the
emasculation of the documents, thst
"nothing hsd been lost to the csuse
of . world peace," clearly Indicating
his belief thst, as modified, the
treaties would never become oper
ative, for the reason that they would
not be accepted or ratified by Eng
land or France. The advocates ef
world peace, therefore, ahould un
derstand where the blame lies If
their hopes In the president's efforts
are ultimately lost.
) " -r
. Mr. Bryan .proclaims from the
housetops that President . Taft
"whole environment baa beea that
of the dollar aad that be has never
had "any real knowledge of men."
Mr. Bryan has. though, sufficient to
enable him to gather about half a
million of the dollars tn the brief
space of a few years.
Thirty Years Ago I
The coming of the militia In response
to th reejueet made by Governor Boyd
on Governor Nance waa the feature of
the camp Sump strike. Efforts at oom-
premlse seems to nave proved nna reliable.
Just 111 miles of track to lay .and the
B. a M. road will be Into Denver.
Rev. Mr. Copelan of thla city
booked for two lecture in Exter next
Henry Homaa and Judge Thar at oh
bugged fifty geee and ever 1M ducks la
two days' aunt, near Claras station. '
In Mr. A. Hospc' window may e
!en a splendid stent engraving of the
market bouse. From Its being located In
the street. It Is Judged not te be the one
Mr. Snyder Is to bolld.
The ladles of toe Art club save engaged
th aathetlo pof, Mr. Oscar Wilde, te
lecture In this city on th Hat Inst
K -Governor Leland Stanford and party
passed through the city In the directors'
ear of the Central Pacific en their way
to Ban Franclsosv
Th district court Is having all aorta of
trouble In getting a Jury tnvthe Koster's
case second trtai. nearly every en oailaeV
having formed aa opinion.
Henry Lehman asks for th return of
one long bos containing window shades
bMt out or a wagon from Twelfth and
Fa main to the Union Pacific freight
depot. .
Pa ton A Oallagber,. Fifteenth and
Farnam. ' want an active, well educated
boy, quick and correct at figures, M or
IS years old.
Twenty rears Ago
During a storm at . n. m.. 1. R.
Porter, a merchant .'of r. Haulier, waa
knocked down by a esb and run over at
Flftseetb and Fnmam streets.- H was
bout SI yuare old and Was badly aajurwd.
Th wind did much damag te property
in the downtown eartloa of the dty.
Celooel IfcKie of th Salvation army.
on a tour as representative of General
Booth, spoke at th First Methodist
church, where a larg ooflgregntioo
gathered to hear htnv, . . t..,.
Mrs. Kva alay Brown died at t:W . as.
st ! lirown hospital.. TwenUeuV:ead
Dodg streets. , . i v.(
Ray 8. TutUe, well know la this sae
Uoit waa under th doctor's car at ths
Arcade hotel, ale bad supped while try
ing to board a atreeta car In 81 Joseph
and got Ms foot badly .crushed ander th
car wheel. .
Mas O'Rell, otherwise M. Paul Blouet
the witty French Joaraaltst. stopped 4
th Murray, en route to tae Pacific coast
Th Metropolitan Street Railway com
pany reported that It had overcome .all
difficulties snd was ready, to enter soon
th Job of buUduig a motor. (Is to Dun
dee, Th permit was obtained from' the
Uoard of Publlo Worka. It wag .ar
ranged to place the operation of tb ltn
under th direction of , apeMuteadent
James If. Green.
Charles T. Dickinson of Tekamah was
In Omaha on business, making bis bead
quarters at th Arcad hot I.
Tea Years Ago
Jan Kubeilk. the vtoHinat virtuoso.
sprn4. a good : part ef Sunday taking
i views la and r about - beautiful
Omaha, .whose, anany points ef tniereat
appealed strongly to the .adrolraUon of
th great Behenilan. Ma was the honor
guest at a luncheon ut ta afternoon at
th home of Vaclav Bureah, MJS Center
treat, th company comprising Kuhella
and th number of tit troupe, ktla
Jennie Shay, Hugo Goruts, Julius 8hrlaa
and Rudolph Frtml; Mr, and Mrs, Edward
RosewaUr, Mr. and Jim. John Roetcky,
rather Vraaefe, J. A. Heapodaky of Wil
bur, 8. L. Koetorvs, Joseph Mlk, Frank
Uaranak, Mrs, A. Kmemt Mr. and Mrs.
V. Hoffman, Sir. and Mrs. Fred Slam.
C. F. Hermanek. Kubeilk, during .the
day, vteltad the plant of The Bee.
IleV. Robert Kerr Ecclea, th new pastor
of lmmanuel Baptist church, preached
his first sermon as such under difficult
Ptrrgmstances. II cam from Bowling
(Irren, O.. an oil town,-when th air Is
often surcharged' with gaseous odors snd
he, was smitten with th pur own of
Nebraska, about which h fain would
have said some nice things, mayhap, aad
not th furnace, by dint of ruthless ce
dent, gone wrong and filled his enwrch
wtta gas and smoke aad the throats Snd
eye ef himself and his hearers with
noxious fume. ;
It was announced that tb contract for
th new buildings of th Omaha Theo
logical seminary would be let about
April 1, the building to stand on tn
beautiful it la Kounts Plac.
Rumor of trouble between the Hod
earrteni union and tb Union Pacific trar
rumbling through the sir. -
Ideal spring weather prevailed, with a
temperature ranging from 47 to St.
. Effects of Coil Strike. -
The coal miners' strike In England
bar already assumed International
aspects and proportions, for two pri
mary reasons--tlrst, thst it involves
the possibility of a coal famine on
Atlantic vessels, aad second, because
It projects the minimum wsge quea
tlon as a potential Issue in other
labor disputes. Ths miners In Ger
many sad other European countries jji8 a certain famous Justice, of
sre intently watching the results in', pne, Mr. Bryan baa taken an
The question still remains. If the
city council men had whitewashed
themselves a little ofteoer, or put it
a the brush a little thicker, could
they not have covered over the mls
sttps of the Tveirth. wsr council
' sua, too? '; " fc '
England, as also are the miners In
the America , anthracite region.
Strike are not unexpected tn this
district, though efforts are said to
be at work to avert them. It Is
quite probable, however, that a
strike at thla season. Just after a
long winter, would not discommode
the mine owners to such aa extent
that they would feat like making
marked concessions to avoid ths
clssh. "
It is objected. .With good reason,
thst th minimum 'wags looks too
much like placing a premium upon
indolence to commend itself ta be
half of honest labor. It Is one of
the cardinal principles of socialism.
which contends that the) world owes
every man a living of ' some' kind.
The most energetic fair-minded
der advisement the clslms of ths
different presidential candidates
whose names are to be presented to
the Baltimore) convention, withhold
ing decision nntil he returns to Ne
braska, when be will rule in favor
of Wood row Wilson;
There are primaries and prima
ries, as recollect the ' primary two
years -ago that disclosed - Mayor
"JlmM to be the popular choice for
governor of the rank and file of the
dentocratlc party In Nebraska.
Lavad VatlaHse Is, s III team try.
Criloa- tester Oeema.
la Oklahoma the average vara of
farm ta KOI; Is Kentucky K Is
la Mlaanantppl It Is P S: la .Nebraska M
la fla,, la brtef. thl la a big country
aad eoratlUesas vary widely ta Bxaay)
saris ef K.
--.--. t
People Talked About
Chicago svotltghta eeater their beams
oa Haas Lewie as the whiskered hope"
for the vice presidency.
It Is too sauce tt expect -that the
question, "What hi Deerr win command
serious attrnUoa while a snow blanket
covers lb lane. - -
A faahloa sot Informs as that men
will again carry causes, to this te be.
la th nature ef a gradual leading up te
th retura of the big stick . - -
Surely these are sseUncbaty days. Not
hew sadly tb priaararbed figure tn
shop window took apoa tb b tigering
grim of winter, which sticks aa closely
a mortgagav
To average age of lb members ef tb
Ohio constitutional eostveadon 1 a year.
TWrry-flv are over year old, Calcu
lations based a th excess of years pore
cast aa osterUsed dorament.
Tb chief push of th Ice trust la CM
eeura cautiously Brawn the pubile that
the unusual thickness ef lee Imposed est
usual hardship aid efcens oa the har
vesters.. Mow watch the uplift ta price. -
The emperor of Oeewasay Is th amr
of a bug pottery wafca a loyal Oenaaa
neqnestbed te him some years ago. Tb
emperor eupertntaaists the management ef
th pottery, and th yearly profits have
iDCTeaaed eoaaaaerabty a ace K cam tat
jeveaty-ela women, by actual count,
have nndergDsie operatises ta Cbrvetaskl
hlacatala at nee beat togast Surgical eaat-
ups regard thl as aa steal way ef
ttfvlag th aaartt, and th senses as du
tiful Saturhter ef ths cbareh. obey ec-
aers te give
. Mrs. BnnluM paakhurat carries cob ale-
la her muff and
windows Ss
Marring atctuvee of Mrs Faaathsmt put
ting ttm ehot heard round the wcrM will
the esuaar of votes fer
wherever Bssa I
Kellpae anT a 3aaIee.
Tuan 6hl Kat. the "Napoleon of China,"
Is not living up to but advance' notices.
HI hand has lost Rs cunning, or, more
ilkely, that historic game leg impedes Jus
movements while perniciously active ene
mies sulk him tore snd aft. . The rav
aging and looting of Peking, whet his
supremacy was greatest and bis power
hitherto Unquestioned, Irreparably dam
ages th prestige of the great Tuan and
puts aim decisively tn th "lara duck"
class, la ether times snd other place
Yuan displayed such diplomatic tact and
deft penetration In putting obnoxious
Chinamen to sleep that his prowess t
yesterday contrast regrettably with th
arnasalny, of today. DorUui ths "Boxer
troubles ef tea years ago. when Peking
waa aurrounded and foreigners la grave
danger, Tuan cast hie lot with th op
ponent sf ta rebels, not openly, .but tn
a quiet way, best suited for bis plans,
He wss then governor of Shantung prov
ince, outwardly on friendly terms with
the "Boxers," A number of the leaders
wr Invited to, hi yamen. where they
were dined and wined and given friendly
tips oa the peril of reusing "foreign
devils" to th fighting pitch. Tb "Boxer"
leader laughed merrily a the wine bub
bled, boasting of such magic power that
foreign ssrords nor bullets could harm
them or touch them. At tb height of the
boasting Yuan asked them to prov their
miraculous power by standing In .a row
against ta wall. They assented. Tuan
called his soldiers, ordered then) to load
their rifles with ball cartridges and .fire
point blank at his guests, .The massa
cre left the "Boxer" movement leaderless
in that locality and gave Yuan an op
portunity te promo t Celestial funerals
in Other provinces. That was tea year
ago,, and ten years nuts many . strong
liieu sva sus vw. . . ..
Italian rlsaietr, ' ''.
Italy's . financial .resource and Its
ability to prosecute the war In Tripoli
without Issuing a war loan, sre" matter
of concern to European financiers , Just
sow, Signer Lnsxatl, x-prmlr .and
an authority pa Italian .finance, puts
out an acouraglns statement of bis
country's resource. In ipt there wss
treasury debt of in tthV dewplt
th earthquake of IMS, tber waa Instead
a net surplus of tOM,0. which Increased
t ll,ret.M by .Jane JO, MIL This wss
th surplus available when tb war began.-
By December this waa exhausted
and th surplus far .UU-U, estimated at
asjiaouX wag draw a uporw U th war
eoattnae th government caa under th
bed Cut Isw basse treasury bills, to the
amount of (WO 000 09. and also ask the
banks of bum lor t.0C0BO at i per sent.
S resource not employed for. lt. years
past The bank of Issue Bare also sev.
rat millions la pounds sterlliix. Invested
in British. Freaeh. Carinea sod Russian
banks which can b utilised If neces
eery. Jf did not think, a war. lean prob
able, but expressed th oenvtctlos .that
tf R were called for the- small eapltaKste.
ahepkeepessi etc, ef Italy would respond
with patrlotle eagMrsess.- - -
, , . as
AdvmlalBsT a barer,!) :
la fuuty ways thing are" betrT or
dered abroad la spots-tnao. Is, jthis coun
try, sad in nob may be learned acres the
pond and profitably applied m this glori
ou republic If w praetlc what ' wt
preach. Recently Greater Berlin cssl
about for a man for mayor competent
to direst th business affairs of tb city.
Tb municipal council! an elective boy
of K members, '.aeruaaM? advertised' foV
anslksuita and thirty cdates pre
enteaV theenaelrea. The eouncll finally
picked -upon Dr. sselnlger. city' ehamber
UUa of Burl!, as tb fittest man for the
position. Party spoils and party prefer
ence were Ignored an n attempt at
oouneflmarde combination to boost a fa
vosjul Into tli Job. Qualification gov
erned th selection. Dr. Stelnlser waa
more experienced In city affair snd
thoroughly -versed In municipal buslnssv
ChnSsauenfly ths Creater; Berlin ts
launched under favorable au'plce. Ko
other European; eaptuis has made such
ess la the last half eeatury. It waa
a provincial efty eighty or sW years ago.
New It Is the second dty sf Europe tn
point of population, through ths recent
annexation sf Us suburbs. In 1M It had
a Itttl ever MSMBS of people, and It now
s LSSMOS ta excess of thst. whlob
Rums Parts ssssrly aSU bshind. Th
latter eity, however, could probe hiy over
take It la this respect, should It employ,
te aa large extent th annexation policy.
Meted CaauMlsaa Ststeaaaam.
A Caaadtaa of dlstlnetlon. an Irishman
by ideation, a lawyer and statssmaa of
hlsh repute, passed sway In the death
of Hon. Kdward Blake, K. C, at
Toronto. Far more than twenty, years
as a powerful leader of tb liberal
party of Canada, serving ss premier
of two mi alst cries. In l!OS Mr. Blake
accept etf aa tirrttarlda extsnded to Htm
by the leader of th Irish pasltamentary
party- to be a candidate for a seat ta
th Betook Hsaass- ef Comnson: lie
stood for th conetltuency of South
Lengferd, and waa- elected by a very
large ansjortty. Has advent Into Imperial
pontic waa made ander the most aua-4
picleus rtresnvaManes aad h aerly die
Ungulatied himself la the cans of Ire
land aad became on of" the orraoet
cbampioas of bom rule. Hi oomresnd
lsg ability received recognition Ja his
iipolsaUxsMst to m BNtmber-ef Important
eamsnltteea. In lass, he was re sisete
for tsauth tauigfard by sorlaanstioa. nod
eserUnaed te represent that eoaeuteencr
an IS OOT. when, his health tallUag, hs
nifwrusd te Canada , - tie was In hi
Wh year. ,
t ;-.
rreweh Hearth African Trade.
Th tsnuisnrlal value t Franc ef .Its
Xorth African poesaii slues is Indicated
by the tU Jlgwrea of th export and
bnporta tt Algerta. Tb total ssenoM
amounted so ra,Mo, aa Increase ef
tU.9M.SsS vr UtS, Of the total trae
r,,m,M was with Franc and of the
tiaperts pm.m cam front the home
eouatry. Th total eosaiseroe be
rrsase and bar north aad -wast African,
otookw. sow aporoxuxkare a qsarter t!
a atllssa aaaasaiy. Tb toaaage ef ships)
eaterla) tha pert of Aarsra roe to
xassa. only sUgbtly tens' - than that of
Marseilles, th fh-st Preach port, ' and
that of Oraa Junapad te aaW.. dis
seotrng Havre,- the- second pert m
Burepeaa Fraore. " Th gress aarnlnas of,
the AleWrtaa rsJlrraads war SJ.t. aa
mcreeSb of r,Sltt " ' , ' ;
New York . World : . Another touch 1
SUea to tb Waterloo suggestions ef lbs
campalim , by tb announcement, that
Bonapart ha come out -for Roosevelt,
Brooklyn Eagle: Br th way. oh Sage
of Sagamore Hill, what IS the present
duty o -Imported buttonholes, aad what
change do you recommend? . Yea have
forgotten aamethlns;. "
Baltimore American: Why such ex-
eesslv modcraUo aa to stop at a third
term? Why not enutlauous performance?
It would save time, troubl snd nerve
force on the- pert of both individuals
snd" public. - ' - - -
Philadelphia Record:' It Is poaiUvely
unkind of the colonel' opponents to dis-
ctcss the fact' that the publicity repre- J
sentaliv selected by Senator Dam tot
the csmpsiga In New Frk dty was Sr.
Cook's publicity agent wbea the x
plorer returned to this country after aa
neunctng hi disoovsry of th sol. ' '
eprtsgfleld Bepobllcan: "Thl is' a
piker' gam.- W'v aot ton chip and
tn players." la th reported comma at
of a Roosevelt acthuaiaat In Wssnlngtoa
who waa gleaUng ewer the), fact that
among th ooloaat' support ars plenty
of millionaires, who are expected to g
down -Into their Bockata la retail riua
upon an dmintstratiea -which ha bees
so Indiscreet aa ta bring suits under, th
anti-trust . ast Instead .ef. vwcltaratlng
about thsi trusts that are "goad", aad
"bad'. ..... . .
Perils ef Ceal Mlaer Strike.
Philadelphia Recsr. -Oa
ths theory that It 1 sa Ilk wind
that blow nobody good, coal men In that
o us try expect to iscetv a material
benefit from th strike In England, so
les It I eetUed speedily. Tber Is n
coal to b hsd from continental Earsp.
except possibly a limited supply from
Germany, and In th pest few weeks
England hs been looking to thl country
I anticipation of trouble at heme. Last
week th British navy chartered four
steamers to carry American coal to
Mediterranean points, and other rder
are expected from th same source. As
American strlks might causa cenrplics
Hon ' which would prov In th highest
degree alarming to a great naval power
like Great Britain.
"Free Sasmr Matae."'
' ' 'Boston Transcript.
Cdngressmon Underwood's1 scheme lot
getting round th supreme court's Income
tax decision seems to be enoountermg' ob
jections from all cruarters. TTrase whe
faVur'tbe stralghtout Income tax are re
umnsiiaung' against ' Ms "Mil because
twenty-eight states nerve already rsttfied
ink constitutional unrndment' favoring
their Ides. ' Lawyers "sr reminding th
demooratle pol'ttclans thst UM tendency
of supreme court decisions ut against an
'escts tax on partnership: ' Next uprtseS
tobltlsnk snd through th New Orleans
Picayune remarks that Ibe 'V'nderwood
bill' Smacks "mor of "free sugar madness"
than of anything els. . ' ; .'
Med em Wars Herrerleea. ' ' ''
- St, Louts Republic. -The
"terrors or modern war appear te
contain aa element of ftcttod. The entire
Turce-Italian affair 1 tame' by con treat
with tb charge of th Light Brigade or
the etngl fight at Thermopylae before
powder was discovered. Unless metiers
war can de mor to nv op t It bad
nam nation wilt proceed te indulge la
tit new and wholesome form ef mintary
exerciee upon th sllsutest.. provocation
and srbltratlon , will, become, a . back
,.c-,. - k. -ahM rmrr aoeeia sttv
but s man of hlrh purpose tn life. Ind
ahe keep her vtJwr- - ' '
-"TJut J as you loosest . "'-
irrryaeepleiack.'-B!iiroore American.-
- '. ' - ' .--v.-
' 'l am VooWnr- said Diogenes, "for as
honest man. ' ,...- ,1 ,h'.
' What I tne u-e or wuniif .. ..... .
M.r iolned tb putiosnpner.
n-h,, wm'm tvvuim to do IS to start sn
other Investigation and become famous.
Washington tr. -..
"When I marry." said the setf-mthrfled :
young man, ! shall take my pick - --a
rnnri Mea" rt-olied his compantorj
"That's th oniv way you can ever ,--
port a wire." iucaa j-ou
ma vmn.n ean't detv a mil straight
"Vn tth a hammer. DOshlr. Blt YOU
glv her a hairbrush and she can drrve
a nail ss well as snjrsody.'-Loulavtlle
Couner-Jeurnai. - - s.
"KomethlrUT 'wrong with thl itesn."-
iw 119' y '
'-Va'tbe brtdeeroom took hla place be
neath the floral bell and t,tW volte w-etS
Immediately shot through his quli-etin;
fraaia." Wasiilngton Ilerald. ; , - :
""He smoke In any room to tin) house
at hi. .'
"He ht not married?" ' - . - 1
Tea;, has a delightful wife -"Oh.
shs is away from home?". Buffalo
Express. , . .'
Did yo send Mr. riresaer th am
plea he naked for?" inquired, the tailor.
Yen." replied the cleik: "I'm .Juat
finishing your letter to htm. I'm Jnst
sewuitir it Trusting to hive your order
"What; Cut out that word-' trustln!!
and make It -honing.' "-Catholic Stand
ard Time.
''Can you rely on your ttenogrsplier to
keep your business secrets?
"Sura Shs csn't even read her own
aot." Boston Transcript. . .
Jeck-I don't, think Kitty 1 used to
playing cards. - - ' '
Tom What gtres yea that impression?
Jack Why when I asked her to out
them she looked around .for knife.
Boston Transcript
"Hs George ever hinted marriage to
your" . . - ;
"Only once. Coming home from th
theater th other nlMit h laughed and
seid that, anyhow, two could ride m m
taxlrab as cheap as one," Detroit. Free
Pros. ;., .... . . ,,,
Farmer Hombeak What' your nephew,
that gradual from college a spell ago,
doln' new? , ;
cnaum ptfa-JUdge.
BjmE'MlTO ';;-'-.'
Never mind the piling drift and' the
. stinging saov( that sifts ...
. Thro', th cracks upon the carpet or
the rug that in the hall;
For the sun Is climbing high snd era long
. -the. pretty fly, , i - dodging mother's swatter oa
the windows and tb wall. . t
"ever mind the piercing blast- a -he
madly scampers past,
. Pushing you before bim hetpleeaoo th
tb pavements of the street;
For the base ball tans in motion likes h
great big hvunan ocean,,. - . -t
aoa your caress will be pushing
toward th grandstand toy a seat.
, fc , '
, Kvr mind the plae at all where you
slide and slip and fall
And perform such graceful movements
'"to smoae folks on the at reel.
For soon, soon come gentle spring and
a lap full shs will bring . .,
Of sweet blooms and violet to scatter
at your feet.
. , . -,' . r
Never mind the path you've dug thro
the now packed In so snug, .
By tb winds of heaven, to glv you
healthy work to do at dawa;
Pretty soon a change will some, aad
. 'twill keep you moving aom
Digging pretty dandelions from th
parking and the lawn.
Omaha. '. 8AI0U. NE TRKLE
from Ii:(rfape
; : Cream of Tartar v
r Smpasses every other baldiig
powder in making delicious.
he&ltttul food.
Protects the food from alum.
' 1
. y yy at
Get theWell-KncmTl
Round Pcokflafo. ,
testes OS eats, SSSee
Against .A1;,
, Made In the largest, best
quipped and sanitary Malted
r.:Uk plant In the world j
We do Wot make"mi7A; products
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc
v -s is Original-Genuine
t ..MacTk from pnrd, full-cream milk
mad tJxtTarCt of getect malted rain,
reduced te- powder form," soluble ia
wttsr. Beat food-drink fof all afe.
, Used all over tae Clobe
A Speeeaese Wewta Waieblwai.
Keeaeav City- Tlmese -,
Mr. HevsH has agreed to mrtur
Jwry snrvaos' la'HmeDla. J. T, Snd 1
wtu be saieawstiBs; ta see hew t he is
tne Julre a
reeaiieauteah . ft e ajt a r b e,
mssssu-k TresM, Teetbiag
H'ereaa. Te-y Break aa t-el!
Vn ta aa i. aaeea,. a i
a,-, J & . k.-'i rr, i
as n mil a..UsieTKa,LT,l.,
n-r- -i sssa
S .ess