Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Council Bluffs
1:1 founcil Bluffs I
It' J,
Minor Mention '
The Council Bluff Office of
The Omaha Bn b IS
Bract Street. Tetepboao 4.
Dan, am
f Vlclrola. US. A. Hoape Ce.
' H. Borwlek Sn vail MMf.
Woodring Undertaking Civ TeL 3d.
rrtgans. undsrtaksrs. 'Phones ML
et the habit for Morehouse printing.
NSW YORK Plumbing C Phone aSk
:-w Sal-Sis-ieo9i hnw ;t Sunk Ave,
Iv Cutler, funeral director. 'Pbsoe It.
UoM City Laundry, ory Owalif and
I 'ye eorsa New 'pnon No. Mlf.
Per B.n-EIT-l-rooui IRudtra fccM,
leaaaxa Blue, u Kouit ML. Poena .
Mutual !Ui at Loon mi. U Pearl.
Atloney H. V. Batter led yesterday
for lm (a Area a cm betar
the suiM-em cvurL
incuoaturs, -egg capacity. IT iS; i:S-
capacity f,r UI.M. Mil ths lies
Moires Incubator Uh, P. C. i Vol
Jldj Co., am B'dway. .
household goods, horses, caitie end rii
ihauel securities at a big discount or
uui niH. on ice over X XV. B'dway.
Jliae Antes MoCarty, a trained nurse,
has returned la hsr home, ul Third
.t.euuc, after hxi weMkM spent At pro
fessions! work la Marts and Atlantic
.MtS 1 1 BAGS repaired, reflnlshed iika
new. rtepaired. reputed, rellned at rea
eouabls cost. All kinds of jewelry re
pairing. Uu fens' Jewelers, m Broad
way, sign vt tus Clocks. 1 -
Our llns of spring wall paper is all In.
Kow is to time to tliuik about wall pa
ys r. ll getting your work dous early
you est tna clime of tho bast pai-era
Prices sis so low this year that lAy ars
within il reach of everybody, Jensen
V all Psper co , ilaaoiuc temple.
Z. T. Joiica began an action in the
dlo-tct court ymerday against, th
I. reel Western Rallroarl company, taking
judgment for tun), vulue of a bars
claimed to have been permanently injured
while passing over an alleged deieMive
crossing on Main sties between Kriuh
and tenia atenuea.
Oeorge papal, after a brief bearing
veetorosy on lb charge of stealing and
helping destroy three bags of mail in
r wnnectlon wiiri Pruett, Kerna, Cusun and
Kreutslnger. was held by linlted states
Commissioner Sapp to await Indictment
by the federal grand Jury which meets
next Tusaday. Kerns was also held
by the commissioner on ths same charge.
Tin regular meeting of Fidelity coun
cil No. IM. Royal Arcanum, will be held
this evening. Several candidates should
n ready lor Initiation at tola meeting
and ether matters of Importance will
corns up. The grand council session this
year will be held In Keokuk In April,
and suggestions for changes In th laws
or resolutions recanting ine same wiu
have to be considered at this or In next
meeting of the local council.
In th district court yesterday noddy
Mc.Vefl, one of the numerous men In
dicted for. car looting, entered a plea of
guilty and was eentenoed to serve four
months In the county Jail. Ths case
of decree Inmmltt, Indicted for th
larceny of Us alleged to have been ab
stracted from ftobert Fair last December
while both were intoxicated, was tried
to a Jury, resulting in a verdict of' ac
quittal within a few, minutes. -
The annual meeting ot the road super
visors will be held in the south court
toom of th counly court house today.
All rf the road supervisors in the county
as writ as the township trustees, are to
be present, together with ail of the mem
bers of ths board of county supervisors,
who timed lher March meeting to make
It coincide with the date of the mud
nieetinx. An extensive program w be
carried eut with such I men a Prof,
itoiuen on the progran mid soui r-eie-semsttves
of the Iowa state highway
caramlsakui, : ; ' . . x ''
Two companies of f.remen were called
to 141 Hldge street last night where the
explosion of an oil atov had endangered
the protierty. The property is owned
by a man named Christens, who bad
leased one room to Tom Oarnett, an
aged man. Through carelessness1 or
otherwise Oarnett had filled 1 small
oil stov with gasoline Instead of eoal
nil, and when the explosion followed,
soon after, he was painfully burned about
the hesd and face. After turning In a
firs alarm other dwellers In the house
beat out tb flames with rugs and quilts.
The uged man was not seriously burned.
The fir department was called out
at 151 yesterday morning to quench a
fir that had started In th rear part
of a two-story building at l"t) Wast Broad
way, occupied by Louis Kaplan as a gro
cery store and' resilience. Th fir had
started In a room used as a kitchen and
near a large range. When the firemen
arrived the flames were breaking through
the roof. When the fire was extinguished
damages to the amount of about f&JO
had been Inflicted upon the oullrtlng
and contents. Kaplan bad II. OKI insur
ance. $3o on th grocery stock. ISO on a
wardrobe and oentents and C. on the
household goods The building waa
owned by Isonard Everett
Ser. C S. lyle of lg Art
000 of BrethrcB in Kiaiitr.
Ad less aa sural ml Patten
Among th great batchof suits filed
In th dsurtet eoun yastersay xor to
March term waa one for $H,0Q damages
Instituted by the mother of Blanch Reed
against Edward J. Lewli on th ground
Hot ha mistreated her on September 1.
William' Roberta Sued Charles Smith
to recover on a Dote for K. sod Ouy
U Shaver began suit against the Mar
tin Sklpton automobile garage to re
cover 174.21 claimed to be du for labor
and material furnished.
aire. Saraii Traum filed suit against
her fcuabacd. Charles Traum. for a di
vorce and tb custody ot their four chll
y dren. Hsraort. aged B: Fred, IS; Clar
ence, JO. and Clara, M. They war mar
ried at atom tstka, Octobar ,1a, UM. and
lived together In Buerta VIstA county
until December 17. 191L
D. R. Berlin brings action against E.
J. Conrad on I7S3 on three unpaid checks
given . In September., 19W.
Mar Bourldua St Coi 'composed of
Vouriciiia and Sam Snyder, sue D. A.
foora and Aubry B. Moor for commta
aion on th sale of th premlsea at 330
Broadway from Moor to A. and Bernard
(illinsky for (7.SM in February, -
Sara Snyder sues his tenants, Herman
N.' Kalesh and Rosa K. Kulesh for the
st possession of the premises at Bs Broad
' way. The defendants have a leas for
two 'years from February It, 011. at K
per month, with option it renewal for
three fears more at tea. but It Is claimed
tbey committed waste during February
by leaving the basement windows open
and letting the water pipes freeze, and
Snyder aa owner elected to caaoal tb
leara. The parties have bad trouble be
fore over features of tb occupancy of
. the building.
James Delanty sues James Wilmott for
X4M an a partnership account. Th nlanv
t.ff owns a farm of V acres In Neola
township and waa to share equally In
the proceeds ot tb farming and stock
Q. & Ferdoa seeks to foreclose a mort
gage for $X&M on four acre of ground
near Council Bluffs against Henrietta,
E. Cased y and J. N. Casady, jr. '
Th Unity pe , company bring suit
against Oscar O. Buck, formerly of Trey
aor, and Earl C Bandy, now there, to
foreclose a chattel mortgage for m on
a simplex typesetting macadpe secured
on a contract of sale.
liquors, 'wines and cordials. Imported
. starts Actio la flat
Claiming that th complainant and
two witnesses ta a church trial had mis
represented and slandered him. all of
whom are fellow clergymen In tb asm
church. Itv. C 8. Uk Pastor ot In
Methodist church at Logan, law yester
day began suits against each of thesa
for Ps.eDu, asking judgments aggregat
ing rH. The defendants are Bar.
J. 8. Bicknall. jraw a supra imnsfd
Mathodist clergyman residing at Lsnrtng-
Un. III.: Rev. B. f. Uhlppp. pastor of
th church at Part. UL. and Ray. A. B.
Davis, In charge of th Methodist church
at Olencoe, OkL Service In the suits
was obtained on all of th parties Im
mediately after th decision waa an
nounced exonerating Pastor Lyle pfrom
th charges mad against him, '
Th suits grow out of a church trial
held in the Broadway Methodist church
Ui this city on Wednesday, and dam back
to some trouble that ooenrred between
Preacher Lyle and his congregation at
Lovlngton and which, related to alleged
financial Irregularities that wer-afterwards
satisfactorily adjusted, . - The In
cident, or unploasantneaa, occurred la
laM, while Mr. Davis was occupying th
pulpit of th church at Logan. Follow
ing th settlement th two pastors ex
changed pulpits, Mr. Lrht coming to Lo
gan and Mr. Davis going; to th Illinois
town, and later chanting his location
and going to Oklahoma. It was altar
Mr. Davis went to Laving ton that th
oorrespondenca occurred which led ta th
formal charges which were Inquired Into
fry th sccleaiaatlcal court her.
The charge were contained la letters
chiefly written by Rsv. Mr. BlckneU to
Rev. C U Baxter, who occupies th
official position of district superintend
ent or presiding elder, over th territory
ot southwestern Iowa, Including Logan,
and war meant, itls said, to affect th
standing of the Logan pastor. Th court
waa composed of Rev. Mr. Baxter, acting
aa presiding officer; Rev. A. W. Harned,
pastor of th Trinity Mtthodlat church;
Iter, J. E. Matheney, pastor of ths Fifth
Avenue Methodist church; Rer. Mr.
Graves ot th Epworth charge, all of this
clty;ev. W. N. Graves of th Gleawood
church, and Rev. M. M. Cable ot Das
After all of th testimony was In It
required only about twenty minutes tor
th ecclesiastical court t reach Its de
cision exonerating tb accused pastor.
Tb testimony all showed that whatever
trouble there had been had beea tally
settled betweeRv. Jfr. Lyle and his
oongregatlon. Th clergymen who beard
the case were sitting as a board ot In
quiry rather than really as a court and
had no power to dispose ot th ease other
than by recommendation, their report la
either case ot exoneration or tb reverse
being merely to th general conference.
Rer.' Mr.- Lyle bases his suit en th
allegation that ths - reports . otroulated
were tor th purpose of Injuring him
and were slanderous and untrue.
Th heavy demand for damages pre
sents something ot sn anomaly, for th
Rev. Mr. BicknelU who Is an aged mini
ter, living upon a small stipend allowed
him by th conference. Is said to be un
able to pay even small amount, and
th usual amount ot pay accorded clergy
men hardly affords grounds for th Pre
sumption that b other two defendants
could pay th snug littles sum of I7&.000
without considerable financial embarrass,
ment The defendants war considerably
wrought up over th Reding of th court
and th servlos of th suit and said thsy
would appeal from th findings and fight
th civil suit with genuine enthuslasra,
The bearing at th church was conducted
with as littles publicity aa posslbls, snd
that It was forthcoming was not gen
erally known even among' th members
of th broad way church. Th big eults
will hare to be tried In th district court
here unless th defendants, two ef whom
reside In other states, choose to bar It
transferred to tb federal court. It was
freely predicted In! church circles mat
Council Bluffs
Benny Henderson
Saves Baby's Life '
at Risk of His Own
It developed yesterday that Benny Hea
degjson. a lt-year-oM colored boy. has In
Mm the stuff ot whych names are made
Lata Tuesday afternoon a little shack
la which Mrs. George Spink, a colored
widow, resides with her family of three
children at Eighteenth street and Twen-ty-trflnf
aveaua. Council Bluffs, waa com
pletely destroyed by fir. MraC Spink's
oldest child is I years eld. th next i
and the third la a babe of I month.
' While th widowed mother was cut
aioas some of the railroad tracks pick
Ing up coal to keep her little brood warm
the bouse -caught fire and th flame
war rolling high above th roof, when
some school boys returning from the
Twentieth avenue building were passing.
They saw the frightened children through
the windows and broke In the door and
rescued them. v
Th boys knew nothing of the baby and
tb children were too frightened to apeak
ef It A few minutes latea the little Hen
derson boy came along. He was familiar
with the family and knew the baby must
be In the building. Although the root
had partly fallen In,- the lad dashed into
the burning building, groped big way
through ths smoke to where he knew
ths oradls stood and snatched the baby
from the quilts that were already bias
ing from the embers that ware raining
down from th celling. Aa he rushed
through tb outer door Ms kinky hair
was singed by a burst of flames that
followed him. Ths baby was unhurt, but
was slmost dead from suffocation.
Tha brave little colored boy Is the son
of the janitor' whs looks after the build
Ing ta w hich the Council Bluffs Commer
cial club has Its headquarters. Benny
waited for ths mother of the rescued baby
to tell the story yesterdaja.
red Places
be dismissed after rnaturer deliberation.
for the alleged charges, as well as the
alleged Injury, are not ef a character
to be accounted serteua from a worldly
point ot view.
Young Farmer Sues
. For Divorce Early
To be married on February If and tile
a divorce suit wnma tnree weaxs is in
rather unusual experience ef & F; Prof-
fltt, a Loveland young man, who wadded
BUa Rrckmaa, a young woman ef Coun
cil Bluffs. In Ida suit filed yesterday
ProfOU alleges that bat young wife de
serted aim quickly after ths wedding
and ha has vary Indefinite Idea as to
where she Is now. Hs aJse-alleges that
she married him solely for the purpose
of getting possession ot some of his Prop
erty. Proffltt is a well-to-do farmer, but
he neglects to state what property or th
amount Ms wife secured. He asks for
Immediate and absolute divorce.
Meal Estate Transfers.
Resl estate transfers reported to Th
Be starch 7 by th Pottawattamie
County Abstract . company of Council
William Sothern and wife to Xew- ,
ton L. Taylor and Fred Whltte
more. rots I. J. a. 4. and S. block
1; lot I. block I, and lot 14, except
rue feet, block 3. all In Honey
Creek, la., w. 4 :'...$ t3N
Portsmouth Savings bank to JuMue
Jensen and Mark or Jensen, blocks
i aiwi is. Raviias' Third addition.
CouncilBluffa. w. d 1400
John Sear and wife te c. c. Mass.
el acres of n44 MH, M-74-4Z. w. d. Is 10
Florence F. Everest and husband to
Prank and Morris Ferrarcv, lot 7.,
block (, Bverett'a addition. Coun
cil Bluffs, w. d
W. C. Clark and wife te F. W.
Strohbehn, lot ft, except - the sT
fee. block ?t. Central subdivision.
Council Bluffs, w. d., 1
A. C Clark and wife te same, let
22. except n" feet, block 2S. Ceo- .
tral subdivision. Council Bluffs,
w. d . 1
. Six transfers, total... ...14,752
Name ano-JUerdenca. Age
Edward Lynn Mlnton. Omaha
Estalle tWmaar Moults. Omaha M
Arthur Moss burr. Wsrx Fetnt Ken. 27
HilUe Lundeo, West Pais. Neb. 22
Arthur O. S lssuii. Ceoaell Bluffs... .
Christ! KMane Andrea hi ills an. Coun
cil iJluffs..A'. M
and domestic, liosenfcld Family Liquor! It yea bare anything e exchange ad
ir. MsJfl v . jrsrtise it la, Tbe Use. rYil Ad colwus.
The anniversary dinner of Rsv. Itenry
DeLong. which will be held In the base
ment of th Broadway Methodist church
Wednesday, com memo rating the fifty
fourth anniversary of his charitable and
religions work In Council Bluffs, gives
premiss ot being one of the big things of
the winter. The Indications are new that
between 99 and teainaters and ahovel
srs will accept his Invitation to the big
inner which will be served. The dinner
Is to begin at 11:41 and all of th team
sters snd others will have ample time
thoroughly to enjoy It and return to their
work before I o'clock.
All arrangements tor the dinner have
been oompletad and Uncle Henry stated
yesterday that hs expected to have fully
lot women present to assist In serving th
luncheon. The bill of fare will provide
abundant and wholesome food.
Rev. Mr. DeLong has named tha enter
prise to which be and his aged wife are
devoting their final energies. It will be
called the Council Bluffs Playground and
Day Nursery association, lis objects are
stated to be Mho phystcsl. moral, relig
ious and Industrial training of neglected
children of Council Bluffs." The officers
of the association are: Managers, Rev.
and Mrs. DeLong: secretary, Henry De
Long, jr.; treasurer, all ot the city banks;
matron, Mrat Frank Ooldsberry, who will
be known only as "Aunt try:" custodian
of ths grounds, Frank Ooldsberry; com
mittee on Incorporation, by-laws and con
stitution. R. B. Wallace, General O. M.
Dodge, O. B. Towns, Senator C, O. Saun
ders and Rev. J. M. Williams. All of the
property la' to be turned ovesto inera to
arrange the deeds In ths manner te pre
serve the purpose of Rev. Mr. DeLong,
which Is to prevent Its diversion for any
other purpose at any time In the future.
Th work of filling tb swamp that Is
now being converted Into a great public j
playground Is progressing. More Ulan
twenty teams were at work yesterday,
each man accepting one of the X-cent
tickets Issued for each load of dirt or
ashes hauled and which are being re
deemed by the business men throughout
the city. The fill In most places Is st
least six feet, deep and the estimate I
that 20,000 yards of earth will be required.
With the playground thus given to the
publia there goes ths comfortable home
and mission building on Avenue F and
Eleventh street with Its three lots filled
to grade, and which would have readily
ranted, for (S a month for th jwars It
has been used solely "for . mission and
chart taMe work purposes.
Rev. Mr. DeLong will, start eut Satur
day morning and go down Main street
and Broadway for the purpose of collect
ing anything In' the prevision line that
mar be given to aid turn ta providing the
Smifh nn thft Mat
Paul Slegtred. the big German
wrestler, by dumping Charlie Smith of
Buffalo In two straight falls at the
Krug theater last night earned the
right to a gw with Stanislaus Sbyssko.
the Polish champion wrestler at the same
theater tonight.
Neither Slegtred or Smith ahowed an
over-abundance, ef knowledge of the mat
game, and the former wen on brute
strength. At that It took him forty-five
minutes to get away with both falla.
Zbysxko will arrive In Omaha this morn
ing and will meet Slegtred tonight. To
rn orros night he will take on all comers
at the Krug theater.
(Special Telegram.)-Zbysxko left Minne
apolis tonight fog Omaha where on Fri
day night he is scheduled to resile a
finish context with the winner of tlx
Slegf red-Smith bout. ,
SAM TMEOOt Cel.. March t-With two
of the best players ef the International
polo tournament at Coronado disabled
from yesterday's fast and reckless match
between Canada and England, the entire
schedule has been disarranged. Today
the first round for the California cup
waa played, Santa Barbara being pitted
against Pasadena. Pasadena won by a
score of -14 to 3, th largest polo score
ever made In a match at Coronado field.
The second round of the California cup
Is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
The American Polo association' tele
graphed a protest today against W.
Davereaux taking the Hare ot Major
Colin O. Ross on the Canadian team.
ST.- LOJtJlS. March 7,-Ttn-ycar-old
Henry Dleater's base ball arm la worth
194, according to a verdict of a Jury Is
Judge Allen's court In the boy's 7.M
damage suit against John Ueffrig, 71
years old, a oobbler her today.
IMester's right arm was fractured In
a fall-he received August U last, when hs
waa running for base to beat Willie
I'ape, who was ''It" m a game of "I-apy."
Henry testified that Lleffrtg knocked
him down. Dtesttr testified that since
the Injury lo his arm, he Is unsble to
play base ball aa wsll sa, before. "His
pitching arm waa th one hurt and every
tint he tries to curve a ball ths member
goes back on him, he said. -
10-inch $0.75
Meet Me Tocught in DreamlanrJ ... 1
I Whitson-Fnedman ) . . .John 1011111
To the Strain of That WetMin
March ( kahn-Leroyj . .Biijly Murray
Dear Delightful Women ( Rubens) . .
.. Werrenrath and Victor Chora
LxixembourB: Waltz (Lehar)
I Wkistlinr Undo Uiairimi
Don't Wake Me Up, I'm Dreuning
..Walter Van Brunt
Hold Me Just a Utile Closer .
(VonTiUw) ..That GuT Quartet
Schubert Serenade, l wi", Utile,
hart Neapolitan Tno
THTa Serenade, Vitli. iluU.karp..
I Neapolitan Trio
31842 Blue Uanube Walts (Strauss)
Lyric Quartet 12-inch
31843 Genu Irora annen" (Bizet) "
Victor Light Opera Company 12-inch 1.00
7413S Thak htermezao (Massenet)
Violin Maud Powell 12-inch
88127 Aida Celeste Aida (Heavenly Aida )
(Verdi) Eiirico Caruao 12-inch
88138 Still Nacht, Heuige Nacht.
(Silent Night) (Gruber)
, Ernestine Schumann-Heink 12-inch
89001 Fona del DeathsoSolenneb quest'
ora (.SWdr-M nit Hour) (Verdi)
..........,,,M,,CvruoandScotti 12-inch
Check off the
records you have
and hear the
others the very
next time you
visit your Victor
dealer's store.
.73 J
1 Records,
Always use Victor
Rscorda played with
Victor Needles there
It no other way to (st
th uncqualed Victor
Victor Steel Needles
t cents per 109
Victor Fibre Needles
90 eents ser lao
(csa be repatetre' Sad -
seed eight ttaMS)
Ksy to the Situation-Bee Advertising.
A Plain Rale for tlia Halvation of
Ctiildm and Workers
"To prevent , Consumption feed the
-To throw off the Infection, feed tha
workers" , )
'To curs Consumption, feed ths pa
"To prevent relapse, keep en feeding
Sound rules from high medical author
Ity. to which we add one rule mora
Feed th children, the workers and the
Infected patients with Osomulslon.
Keep on feeding them with Osomul
slon. ,
Thus will they gsln flesh snd strength
until their cough Is silenced, hollow
chests and cheeks fill ouk and Ih rich
color In their faces tells the (led story
of vigorous health restored.
Bainple Buttle Free by Mail
That those who are seeking health"and
strength for themselves, children, rela
tives or friends may experience ths life
giving properties of this exclusive Nor
way gold medal osonlsed cod liver ell
medicinal food emulsion ss well as to
known Osomulslon superiority la being
n.oet palatable ahd easy to take a gen
erous 1-oa bottle will be sent by mall te
those who send addresses by postcard or
letter to Osomulslon, !4s Pearl St. N. T.
and Ac
cessories, On Sals at
A. mm
GEO. E. MICKEL, Mmafer
15th tnd Harney StsOntha
334 roadway, Coanoll feloffs
1513-15 Douglas St.
Home circulation brings advertising returns
The Bee reaches twice as rnafiy homes at any other Omaha paper. -
You can cover Omaha with only one. paper
Jewelry repaired and pu'. In aa good
condition as new.' Every piece of work
guaranteed. Lefferts, Jewelers, "8lgn of
the Clock." '
Item Welcomed
By Many Men
This reel ps ran be filled at
hoa.e, so that no one need know
of aactber'a troubles, aa the uv
gredler.ts can be obtained sepa
rately at any well stocked drug
store. They are In regular use
and many different prescripttrma
are oonstanUy being filled with
them. t .
This' will prove a welcome bit
of information fur all those who
are overworked, glootry, de
spondent, nervous snd have,
trembling limbs, heart palpita
tion, dixxinesa. cold extremities.
Insomnia fear without cause, '
timidity In venturing, and gen
eral inability to act naturally
and rationally as others do, be
cause the treatment can be pre
pared secretly at home and taken
without any one's knowledge.
Overworked office men and tha
many victims of society's lata
hours and dissipation will. It la
- said, find ths restorative they are
in need of.
If the reader decides to try It
get three ounces of ordinary
syrup sarsapaiilla compound aad
one ounce compound fluid balm
wort: mix and let stand two
hours: then get one ounce com
. pound essence cardiol and one
ounce tincture cadomene com
pound (not cardamonvl, mix all
together, snake well and take a
teaapoonful after each meal and
one when rati ring.
A certain well-known medical
expert asserts that thousands ef
men and many women are suf
ferers all because or dormant
circulation of the blood and a
consequential Impairment of the
nervons fore, which begets the
meet dreadful symptoms snd un
told misery.
The above prescription Is manu
factured by the well knows phar
maceutical house. Prescription
Products Col. baytoa, Ohio.
Dig Spring Announcement of High Class Furniture, Car-
pots and Rugs at Much Dolow
Omaha Prices.
ZTzSt-inch Velvet Rugs
t 95e
27x54-lnch Axmlnater
Ro 81.45
6x ft Seamless Brussels
Ruga st S4.75
11x12 Seamleas Brussels
Rugs at S9.7S
till Velvet Rugs'
t 912.50
till Axmlnater Rugs
at SI 5.00
See ear sample te lrae ef
Soty Brasssle aad Wilton
Bags, furalshsd la all
atsee, at aTCCM IIMW
All Iron Child's Bed
White Only
Linoleum at
the Price of
Oil Cloth
Good grade linoleum,
large selection of pat
terns, per OQa
sq.yard 00C
Extra heavy linoleum
1 . ' I II kr"J II I 1 II I
We sell a good 4-hoIe
Range for $24.50
We sell a- good 6-lioIe
Range for $26.50
Set up in your ,
Watch our Sale of Brass (k Iron Beds Next Week
aiiMn gyoai