THE BEE: 0MA1IA, FRIDAY. ilARCU S. 1911 rV 3EIEF CITY NEWS as imi mm n. - ett W. adAw Coal. Mas. ftrnroe, InpMmta w- aiMktatB fee MiMtar. siea lor OO Colonel writes thai hi OU dm bll arrived in (Arisen and hat started wurk. Tb colon) ey tney expect to strike a good (low o( oil at IM feet. Ha wui bo tn Omaha aooui Apru l I TU AM to Vm Ontakaa John a Eyler. lire stock agent (or tha Burling V" ut of lh bouaa for tn first J time tn a month. A month -o at .. Schoyler ha slipped and fall, breaking an ankle. Ha is now on crotch, bat :s sin to set about. Woxeaa Oats Sixty Iaya Jtuta af Inold of South Omaha was lm a sen tence or. sixty day. n th county Jail lrierny ey Jmlga Foster .cnerge of vagrancy. Th A. raid woman )t alleged to hav attacked an old ram .en th corner of Fourteenth and Jack I son streets and was about to to through his pockets whn a patrolman cam oa 'in seen. I Xxaxolaattose to Ba atald CI vll mTmm. I (nations to (111 nine federal positions will oe given her (ram March K to April 11. ineee positions are nearly all 'Department of Acrtcultur and In th require 'experience. Th positions are as follows: (Two market milk Investigators at tl.MO per year; two dairymen. I1.SM yer year: n Pr makor (or (orest sarrloa, V.0M per year; mechanical and electric 1 1 en gineer. II per year: on mining drafts man, per year; on mechanical (draftsman, J1.200 per year; on scientific assistant In Department of Agriculture, iswes per year. Ouster Conference Postponed by Board Conference ot th Board of County Commissioner. John Latanaer, county bulldlng architect; County Attorney James P. English and John' J. Sullivan to plan th legal procedur to oust Celd wall A Drake, county building genera (contractors, was postponed yesterday, because th county attorney It out of th Wty. H la looking after Buaasss mat ters for tb county In Fremont. He was iexpectsd to return tn tiro (or this after ir.oan's meeting, but could not get back. BENSON REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES NEXT TUESDAY Benson holds Its republican prlmartet Tuesday, March U. Th polling placM are: I First ward. City hall: Second ward. 'Wulfrs store, Mala street. Th poll jwlll be open from I to I p. ra. Th (ol lowing bars Bled: . i For Mayor R. L. Robinson and WiU Ham Claras. For City Clerk-Kdward A. etalger. For City Engineer Max n. NtpotU and William H. Olmsted. For City Treasurer-Dan Wtstergard, iFrank J. Blelck and WUUam P. Hlns. For Councilman First Ward WUUam IE. Ttrton and W. o. Gray. For Councilman Second Ward C U Mather and 8. D. Jones. For Member Behool Board C. W. An derson. Raymond Wood rum, H. F. KundV .son, C. IltllesuU and William F. Rica, For Committeeman First Ward E. C. Fuller, F. C. Haver and Zdwad Koran, sen. For Committeeman Second Ward William I. Longford, J..H. Huber and IFred a Oliver. . j ';. . For Delegates Firtl' Ward -Chris fitlgr. Ward Walsh. ' James Walsh. William Zimmerman. U A. Tattoo. For Dlistes Second Ward B. (. Ktenberg. C. C. Williams. B. a. Pbelps, iCharl O. Keller and Harry Keller. - Tb election of delegate Is tor the purpose of canvassing th primary rut and they will meet in city ball oa Wed 'netday, March U, at p. m. t caarssa it he returns. Tb election ts to be held n Tuesday, April L at th sam placea as the pri maries. - THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET FOR NIGHT SCHOOL BOYS The third annual banquet of tb Young Wen a Chrtsilan associatloo night school Student was bald tn the Teung Men's phrislian ajaoo'atlon auditorium. Chan rollor Avery, wh was slsted t talfc on t Education." was unabts to attend on account of Illness. Ansa Maymond, secretary to Chancellor Avery, made a short address en "Educa tion. Its Value snd How to Obtain It." The banquet was one of the most suc cessful anes aver given at th Tsung M's Christian association. 'YOUTH IS ACCUSED OF ' ; . : ROBBING GAS METERS ' Gilbert Doian, a lyar-d boy. Was arrested yesterday by Detectives Van IDeusen and R:ng. Dolaa is charged with robbing gas meters la the vicinity of his 'home. The polks are investigating h .case aad Dolan will b turned over to 'th Juvenile officers. What Our School Children Are Domg-XXXV Spring Clothes for men and young men We Lave not restricted our selection of 6uiU to any one kind, pattern or color of fabric. You'll find , some patterns which are rather gay and others which ore wssibly a trifle sombre. Possibly some '"in between" pattern or shude can be secured if you want neither sombre nor gay. There is no limit to the possibilities for a choice) in our won derful assortment of clothes. $10, $15, $20 to $35 'Mmiha CfotfaiaGa BBWItta CLASS AT THE COM EM US SCHOOL. WOODMEN SELL OLD BUILDING Present Some of Woodmen of the World to Be Vied as Hotel LOCAL HEX AXE THE BUYEE3 Parebse Is Made Also ef tb Lot ' Adjelalsgr All for la vest Meat To Leased te Betel Mew. The eld headquarters building ef the Woodmen of th World, st th northeast corner of Fifteenth and Howard streets, with ground IS feet square, was sold Wednesday afternoon, for approximately I173.W, to a syndicate composed ot Harry A. Wolf. Dr. Philip Bher and Jacob Katleman. all of Omaha. The Armstrong Walsh company represented the Wood men In th deal and Harry Wolf repre sented th purchaser.' The property la to b delivered to the syndicate s soon as ths Woodmen move into their new building, which probably will be about September 1. As soon as they obtain possession, th syndicate propose to expend from ES.W to leO.OH in remodeling th structure, making an up-to-date hotel building out eg it Two bote) men of th city hav opened "fo liation for a lease. Ths building Is five stories high, rover- kit an entire lot. MxU) fet Tb lot ad- Joining th structure on the tut Is In sladed In. th purchase. ! Tb motion before ' tb Woodmen's executive council te dispose of ths build ing was tnsde by II. F. almral of Colum bus, Miss who, twelve years sgo. made the motion Mcu resulted lu the purchase of the structure from Mr. Bbeely, who built It r Graff Says "Tech" Schools Increase , the Enrollment Technical school are a coming insti tution and are doing a great work In the east, according to Superintendent K. V. Oraff. who returned from Cleveland awl Chicago yesterday, after first attending an educational meeting In HI. Louis. Mr. Oraff spent, some time tn Cleve land, where he found that technical schools, embodying a course In practical subjects covering the same period as the regular high school course, had Increased th sttendance In the high school U per cent In three years. Prior to the Installation of ths technical school In Cleveland attendance bad not advanced mora than six pupils In three years. Mr. Oraff Is noncommittal on tt subject ot establishing ths "tech." in Omaha, but think it is doing a good work. The eastern technical schools have night classes organised upon application ot twenty students of any one subject. Woman is Arrested for Taking a Cloak 61ie selected a choice coat valued at Id) In Haj den's cloak department. It fitted Mr nicely and shs liked It real well, so much so that she attempted to walk out ot the rtore without going through the formality of paying, ah was arrested betor she got out of th building and Is In Jail on th charge of grand larceny. She gives the nam of Mary Wbeeler. but refuses to divulge her residence num ber.- Milady's Toilet Tabl y aim. STMIUS. Th simplest aids to beauty an often most effective I know ot n truer besa t tfler for the complexion than a slmpl lotion mads by dissolving an original package of mayaten m a half atat of witch hasel. Gently rub oa face, neck and arms, and you will be delighted with results. It will sot rub off like powder, but makes the skin smooth, soft and selmnka. It . restores and preserves youthful lovllnea of the skin. Drying too bair makes washing tb bead a trying task. Dry sham pool as leaves tbe bair dean, right, flolfy and beautifully lustrous. Put a cupful of com meal In a fruit Jar, add tb son tents of a small original package ot t her ox aad shaks weft together, awrlnkls a little on the bead and brush thoroughly. That Is aU there is to It, and this treat ment will make tbe bttr grow If any thing will. It is Isspoeaible for a womest t look ber beet when she is suffering from a cold. Tbe best remedy tor colds, catarrh, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsil Hla. stearics-, stiff neck, croup, etci. Is Mother's Salve, It kt easy to ass sad quick to act. Some women feel faujnllated because ot downy growth or wild hairs. Thee can be easily and almost Instantly re moved by tbe application of del tone paste. Mix enough powdered delatetn .with water to cover the hairy surfsca; epply and after two or three minutes rub off, wash tb tkia and tb hairs WW be gone. Adv. YOUNG MEN'S CLUB FORMED TO AID HOWARD BALDRIGE A stimulating frce wns set to work for Howard H. Baldric last nlgtit.when sixty roucg men met In ths Omaha Na tional bank building and organised th Toung Men's Baldrlte-for-Conrress club. A constitution was adopted, officers were elected aad plans made for campaign work. Tb object ot th club, as outlined In tb constitution. Is "to further th candi dacy of Howard H. Haldrla for tho re publican nomination for congress fiom Douglas county at tbe primaries April 13: to promote and assist him In securing election If hie efforts to win the nomina tion be successful, snd to stunulats th general good of the Thole republican ticket la Douglas cou.Uy. la th state ; aad In the country at large during th campaign of HI1." Ths following officers were elected: President Amos Thomas. Vice Presideni-B. A. Van Orsdel. Secretary-Treasurer Clyde E. EUott. Preetdeat Theme was given power to appoint a committee on publicity. WATER WORXHANGLE IS UP Improvements Said to Be Worth $72,000 Still Unaccounted For. ENGINEERS SUBMIT A ' KEP0ET Hearing; Is tenllnard) latll nest Monday, Wbea Dlspate Between Board aad Cemsaay Will e Settled. i mmamm Of th lie.OM claimed to have been spent by th water works company for Im provements, only ItatM In expenditures baa been accounted for. The remaining I7I.O0 improvements are disputed. S The discrepancy cam to light at the water work hearing betor Special Master Thoirmet. Investigation of th Im provements Is mads to settle sll dis putes prior to tho acquisition ot the plant by the city. Ths water board la represented at th hearing by John L. Webster and Kdgar Scott and they submitted a sstement based on expert finding that only W0.008 expenditures hav been accounted for. These Improvements have been made since the city elected to buy the plant. Another hearing will be held next Monday, snd at that time It Is expected that the dispute will be settled. In the meantime the water board's engineers sre continuing their Investigation ot cost of Improvements. ..... Of the MiMKN Improvements found by the engineers, the largest Item Is th cost of instsllatlon ot new boilers In th Florence plant at a cost of over lio.auo. The rest If made up of small sums. At th meeting next Monday, ths hy drant rental question will be taken up. HOME LOVERS' EXHIBITION PLANNED FOR AUDITORIUM Omaha Is to have a bam lovers' exhibi tion a display of home furnishings snd decoration. Manager James M. allien of ths Auditorium Is now cogitating over such an af'slr. lie has Imbibed Ideas from Beaton and many other eastern cities and believes a big show la the Auditorium showing borne decorations would be a greet thing for Omaha and home lovers, manufacturers and businem bouses. Mis plans so far are only tentative, but he expects to The I eveie snd soon produce a reality. club, through this committee, will Imme diately begin Its work for Mr. Baldrlgs and other republican candidates. Ths reasons for organising the club were outlined by President Tucmss. "We were led to form this club." ex plained the president, "because w felt It you ban anything to exchange ad Tertls It la Th Bee Want Ad columns. THIEYES LOOKOURT HOUSE Storeroom it Banutcked and Various - - Snppliei Taken Away. SUPEEENTESDESTS KEYS GONE So One la Bulldlaf IS Bnaperted, (be Belief Bring thai Plaader Is Taken Away by Freqarat era of Balldlag. ' Pilferers hsVe been at work in the Douglas county court house for a week or mora. County supplies, snd valuable personal property of office employes have been stolen. Joseph M. Calabria, superintendent ot the bulkllng, does not know whom to suspect. Wednesday noon between twenty snd twsnty-tlve towels snd half a dosen hair brushes were stolen from the store room adjoining th superintendent's office snd th thnef made away witb th key of tho room when he carried off his plunder. A sweater cuat belonging to Mia Margaret Flanagan, stenographer In the office ot Sheriff Mcgaane, and a .ountain pen, the property of on ot th deputies, hav been reported stolen. Other office hav reported thefts of quantities of lesd pencils and other sup plies and several personal belongings. Th total value of th articles known to have been stolen Is approximately SIM). Kaspleyra Nol faaBectrd. "W are going to find out who th thief or UUeves sro If It la possible to find out." said Superintendent Calabria. "I can't tell who they are. I wish I could. 1 don't believe sny of my present force would do sucb things and I won't believe It until proven. Th boldest theft was thst ot the towels, hair brushes and storeroom keys As Calabria was about to lock up the storeroom and go to lunch on of his employe asked him for some Instruction regsrdlng some piece of work. He gave tha dlrecglons and hurried away, forget ting ths keys. When he returned th door stood open, tli keys were gone snd a hurried Invoke of th property In the room showed what was missing. J Pritchett Will is Filed; Estate Said to Be Worth $200,000 Tb estate of th let fleorg E. pntrhett, estimated to be worth about t-W.oon. Is left to his three children, share snd share alike, by the terms of hla will, tiled for probata In county court yesterday. Ths heirs asked that John U Kennedy be named executor of th will. Hearing a as set for Friday. There will be so contest. The heirs are Georg H. Pnti'hett, H. L. Prttcbett snd Mrs. John L. Kennedy, two sons snd a daughter. Th petition tor probata estimate in realty at ri.X and tb personal at 0,900. Judge Bryc Crawford will appoint an appraiser to value tha estate In order that th Inheritance ux may be accu rately fixed. How to Remove a Poor Complexion (From London Fashions.) Cosmetics can never really help a poor I complexions often they are positively harmful. Ths sensible thing I to actually rrmov th thin veil of stifling, hslf-dead scarf skin aad give th fresh, vigorous, beautiful young skin -under neath a chanc to show Itself and to breathe. This Is beat don by merely applying mercollsed wsx st night, like cold oream, washing It oft In tbe morning. Tbe wax can be obtained from any wall stocked druggist. It sbeorb th disfiguring ou tlet gradually, harmlessly, leaving a brilliant natural complexion. Of courss this also takes with it all such blemishes as red spot, moth patches, liver spots, blackheads, pimples, etc. As a freckle remover and general complexion beaut!, tier this old-fashioned remedy Is un equalled. Adv. Omaha's Greatest Linoleum Sale Saturday We will plnce on special sale Saturday sev eral carloads of roll goods, remnant and mill lengths in six and twelve foot width linoleum, ' such well known makes as Nairns and Blabons printed and inlaid goods. Our second floor will be devoted to this sale and extra salespeople on hand to serve you' promptly, " . ( This will be the season's greatest sale of high grade linoleums. ' Ntt this paptr Friday for frioet, $tc Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. J TJERE'S the food that solves the C breakfast problem. Quickly made ready 50) always satisfying to all the family some thing you'll like at once and not get tired of. Cream of Rve atAT IT FOR HEALTH fawl I mi m4 frtm tSa wfceta rr Wrrr. Ml sesay r I as Be Irakir aSM ss ft r Ml Jtm Mi vmm snM liyt f J 'V s u.useSMeieiest.Meuei. 1 1 - i "JfrH I Ulll SXI l-cS. 1 mi InS fiul S ui liisiilisiisSiliw stli1tS ssasa ot tse Hent Inso-bUI ot lae nsi is leruMtbs wast tat e hi sr. lii"i as iMaM . Tlie hat bkl I r sts fells er letaua. Uss Sue mtUm. frlHsm, krseas see lull II ill. Ds Ue ssniaas I AlliHilststsSiswnaa. AablerUaawalaVsstrsas Wi,lwtW.P.r,r J- Cnm of K. TJ hrimm aam wwtlal lurlf ail lbiW-S-W-. n, Pitrfi Product of piiiineu Ultl prcwtutrisi, iiAWer- j ai. i e ""we m w that Mr. Ealdrige presented th prtn- i Nature' Sprinjl, YoU Will dple for which all koeorable young men , .1 .J J.k.n(,,m. and all ekes eitlsens stand. Mr. Baldrige. f eelbctteTHnddobcttCT tOTUslnf era believe, poessssea those qualities which wtH mak him a splendid reprc aeatativa for Douglas county and ths state." CHARLES A. ALLEN TO SPEAK BEFORE IMPqnvSMENT CLUB Charles A. Allen win make a rpetch oa tha eornmitsasa farm ot government be fore tbe Central Improvement club at Columbia hall. Twenty-second and P;erc streets, at g o'clock this evening. , ESunyadi JanOaJ Water NATURAL LAXATIVK Class Arising lor CONSTIPATION Ton will look a good whl.e befre rc find a better snedicitie for coughs and ' colds than Chamberlain's Couxh ICemedy. I It sot only gives relief It cure. Try It when yem taie a cough er cold, snd yo are certabi to be pleased with the prompt core which It will effect. For sal by ail dealers. 1 .. - ..;y1. .-.:. Low Rates South MARCH 5 & 19 ROUND TRIP FARES FROM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS CMces k. AsgsstkM, ..Fis. S3S.1S Ft Uaeerial.. CaaMsvia " Ocsk " Frt M;sri fsktxa Wsst rskt leva Dssxei .. "'".Th. ay HitsMs Ala. rsasi OtT.-.-Fls. Hew Orleses La. 44.1S 35 M 38 SO 36 50 35.40 42.90 36.50 36.50 30M 3o"0O 30.00 S teels $2X)i 37.05 28.75 29.40 29.40 28.30 35 80 29.40 2940 20.85 ,25 45 22 00 2045 Cbieue St. Hilhara-. Fa. $33.75 $26.50 Sssfsrd. Mausi-.. Orksee... F arsis DeFawak Springs ' -Fla. 36.50 3S.SS 44 90. 3650 36.50 30.00 31.75 31.78 Been Hiss. 30.00 Cetfsert Miss. 3040 feeerriOe Ais. 28.45 295 29.40 31.45 37.80 29.40 29.40 2045 23.70 23.70 22.00 2240 20.40 2045 Proportjowstely Leer Rata te Many Otber Pesnts ia Alabama, Florida, CfMrgia, Tennese and Mississippi 25 DAYS RETURN LIMIT. LIBERAL STOP OVER PRIVILEGES FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS J. E. DAVENPORT, D. P. A., St. Ltci, Mo. P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A Caica.e, 11 x . ja.saiaa,aAawaja.aW , A.! a.VOlAW WyHr ' , of Six Generations" r S, M mm Wc cannot make it better in flavor, mellowness or purity. Distilled 4 times in copper. (Ordinary whisker mot atotw thaa twiea) Aik fop SCHENLEY RYE Bottled In Bond Each bottle Is ' sealed with the U. & Government Stamp. Its aee Is guaranteed by tho u. . uovernmen. Its purity by tha Schenley Distilling Company. Its quality speaks for Itself. When you buy Ry, buy Schenley. At all dealers, Scbenley Dtstflllng Co, Lnceeco, Pa. sF w m wrjxLe mm tea : An Inexpensive Luxury The Best Is Cheap to Use. 300 CUPS TO THE POUND. ONE TEASPOONTUL MAKES TWO CUPS Published by tbe Growers of India Tea paw - asfsxavt; I n Comic Section The Sunday Bet With Happy Hooligan, Litth '' Nemo, th Katzenjammcr Kids , i and the whoh mttresang family