Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tin: I5LE: OMAHA. frllDAV. MABC1I S. 1912.
People of the Twentieth Ceatniy
Hare So Heed to Be Discouraged.
I. arc rtmiliie ( the rata4lM
la All Bis; Cities Saffrrs from
TVrar mm Trer ef Hrti- ,
ere Llfr.
Half sick, tint! all the time, nu eiiersr
er ambition, with your stumarh (Mi bf
order, how ran con eipert to l an?
iiapulr.era our ef lito nhi-n In a
miserable' state?
Ton can't aid roa won't, until rou
flbd rellrt tram the debilitated coMllllen
that Is sapplne your vitality and rob'jlue;
jour ot veur strength.
Phrsleains knew that bait the pop il
ia! len In the lame cities et thai eeuutrr
are today afflicted wltb uerveus debility
caused be the wear and tear ef modern
A preparation baa been need by Euro
pean physicians to eemlat this nervous
eendltlen with remarkable SHreeeSi A
E'mllar prvwretlwi, "Tona Vltar' we in'
trodueed In this eeuatry a few months
era and is making a marvelous record
tier. "Tona Vila'' la bringing back
health and happiness to tliotiaacda f
listless, debilitated men and women. TotH
few It Is reur family, you owe It te reur
tut to let thla metiderful new tenia
Mid ysll uo There la no other medietas
lib It on ear'Jil on? don will eonvlnes
an on ef this. It "Tona Vita" deeen't
da Ktore fur you tliait alt the other modi
tinea reU have ever taken. If It doean't
make you happier and healthier and bet
ter In every way, what you pay (or It will
da returned U you by Sherman Mo.
niiell Unif Co.. HI 11 and Dedf Bis.;
Owl Dru( Co., Mill and Harney Ma,!
Harvard Pharmacy, Nth and Farnam
Mia., and liuyal Phartuacyi ! North
Into, IH.
Wa Ithubarb Laxative, the aaatatant
remedy, la another (real medlelna, It M
a solenoid family laxative, cuntaiulni
the medicinal properUea of rbubarb-aa
tura'a owu laxative. It will not Injure the
moat delicate constitution and ahouM be
uaed for children above everythlnt els.
It I pleauuit to the taste, Tha abov
drutf store have the Omaha aceecy for
'Tona Vita" aud' Lee's Rhubarb Lxa
Any curb
stone will
stop a skid
but only
The Diamond
Safety Tread Tire
will prevent a car
starting to skid on
slippery, greasy
It is baaed on a
scientific princl-
liamond Engi
neers. You know
how a squeegee
window cleaner
works. The Dia
mond Safety
Tread works the
same way, and it
will not ifcld.
At Tow Daleft or
J"8 WG qinoaj gig -AKRON.
To Darken the Hair and Be-
; store Oray and Faded Hair
; to Its Natural Color. ..'
- It la easier to preserve Ut aolor et
the hair than to restore It, although It
is possible to do both. Our arandmotbar
understood the secret. They mad a
"saga tea,' and their dark, floaty heir
' lone after ailddle Ufa was do to tola
fact. Our mothers have arer hairs be
fore they are titty, bat they are beftn-
uinf to appreciate the wisdom of our
grandmother la using "ag tea" for
their hair and are fast following suit.
Th present generation ha the advaa
tare of th peat m that it eaa get
ready-to-use preparation called Wroth'
age and Sulphur Hair Remedy. As a
scalp tonic and color restorer this prep
aration m vastly superior to the ordinary
- "ag tea" made by our grandmothers.
The growth and beaaty ot the hah
depends on a healthy condition of th
saalp. Wyeth's Bag and Sulphur Half
l:eraedy oulckly kllla to dandruff germs
which rob the hair of Its life, color and
lustre, makes the aoalp cleaa and healthy,
gives th hair strength, color and beauty,
and makes it grow.
Get a M cent bottle from your druggist
today. Hs will gtva your money back
If you are not satisfied attar a? fair trial
Specie, egast. Sherman t MeConasU
Viig Co.
(. ; .. .. . ,
Snath Omaha Accident Ends Seri-
oasly for Many People. ;
aterssea Maa .lanen Kseas aa
Street Car Mlta ficea aad
Uses I'rashlaa; Ikroeaa a
High Hoard Fence.
Three persons trere more or h-s seri
ous! htjured t:eday roornmg at rt:
when the tnototman on a cross town ear
lost control of ills rborer and !t jumped
the iracks at Th!ry-!t!rd ami L streeU,
South Omaha. The Injured arc Axel TTri-
rrl, mntormatt. cut shout boilyi Leonard
B;;rk.:t, u:!vtr for ttanuara on eotr:;any,
sValp r.oantl; jolin tionhotskli :aletn
kevnrr, right lrj brt-keU; x
The car at the rims of the accident was
coming east At Thirty-third and L streets.
the beginning of a grade, Wltsel at
tempted to slow up his can but the
brakes refused te work. The car gained
speed aa It flew down the three-bktek
giadb nut!! it caum to Thirtieth and
Li street! where a turn n the track
threw the ear' treat the track: y!s at
about forty miles ait hour wlied H kit
the t!-nek;th bs.' crashed (hrotMH a
stock yard feaea made M liearvy' plaak.
The mstormait Knelt ts his posh all the
wliils trying Id the matloa at Hie
can The front Vestibule was tent awr
tram around hlOi bat etUl be staek Willi
the ear until It came to a stop. 1
A Standard Oil waemt was betas; driven
by Leonard Burketit was creasing the
iraeka at the point wnere the ear jumped,
end was struck. The wagon was demel-
Isbeii fene harm Inataatly killed and
BUrhett rut about the bead, ,Th waaen
wa thrown dlttane at about thirty
wet. carrying hsreea and driver with It
Tlut olhef lietsa escaped ftlthsUt a
In tlie car at th Urn ot lb aoelflent
era fir passctlgerBV tw Wsisen. two
ehlldran bnd an taan. airs, Ptr De
vanni rn live it rorty-seeuad and 11
sticets, with her twu vttUdrea, wad aa
her way tu oah, Mr. Usvanny was
cut about the turehtsd, wata h wa
pltfilied turward III her seal, and etrtivk
ilw aeat In bunt ot he. Mtr two ohlldren
wear thrown violently te th floor. The
yeuunet boy. about I year aid, was
slightly scratched, th Mor truaping uninjured.
Blta Mullahy, the other woman paaasn
aer. aaoaped without Injury, but wa
badly shaken up. John Oonborskl was
thrown from th rear platform aad hi
rlaht leg fractured in twu plaoaa. Th
oonduutor socaped without injury.
TU Injured paaaanger and motormaa
were carried Into a freight depot a tew
feet from where th aoctdent occurred
and attended by Folic Burgeon Konlg.
All war later taken to th South Onfaha
charles rnpncaicc a dams.
0. F. Adams to Speak
to the Business Men
Charles Frederleh Adaina t the Heary
yeerga Lestur amieialluii and Oban,
reltan muel Avery ot th W'hlrerslly ot
Nebraska wilt We ha speakers at the
luncheon at the pubtl affairs aeuimltto
of th Oemmcrelal club tide noon.
sir. Adams' subject Will b "The Poo
pie and th Ceurta." ChaaoctHn' Avery
will sneak of 'The Business Man's lie
teres t In teed Cora." Superintendent
M V, Ureft at the Omaha pubilu cohwol
will preside, ' ,
tivf. E, A. Roes, pretesaur ef seoluhieTy
itt th Unlrerrlty ot Wisconsin and
termor professor In th dopartmcat of
auslology et the University o( Nsbrssk
will address the club la th atar-future,
Asked to Give Road
Colonel T. Coleman DuFont. millionaire
owner of the DuPont powder works and
aa advocate of good roada, will bo asked
to donate a driveway through forty acre
ot land be owns near Qibson. Colonel
DuPont baa been giving away thousands
ot dollars In th causa ot good roads
and Intends to spend a tew millions.
M. O. Eldrtdga, good road expert In th
employ of the government, was calling
at th office et th city engineer when
ha beard th proposed highway men
tioned. Knowing Representative Morrow
ot th DuPont Interests in Omaha, he
aalted attention to Mr. DuPont'a recent
donation to the good road campaign.
It Is proposed to build a read from
Fourth and Bancroft to Second street in
Qibson. Land owned by Colonel DuPont
lies between Oibeon and the Omaha end
of thdToad. Property bolder will corres
pond with th colonel and request as
sistance. The present roadway out of
Qibson la over a steep MIL
Luther Drake, president of the Mer
chants National bank, has returned from
Augusta. Ga., where ha played golf with
E. A. Cudahy ot Chicago, formerly of
Omaha, for eight day.
"This has been a cold winter in the
south aad oast," said Mr. Drake. -While
th weather was not axtremely cold while
I waa there. I couldn't play golf without
a coat, and I had to keep on the move
to keep warm. When I got Into Virginia
on the way home I found three or four
Inches ot snow."
Mr. Drake spent two day in Washing
ton on ths way home and took dinner in
the senate cats with Senators Brown and
Hitchcock. W. F. Gurley. R. W. Brack
enrldge and former Conn caiman Dave
SAID TO BE $2,151,109
Inventory of the estate of the late
Charles B. Kountso ot Denver, filed in
th Denver county court, values ths
aetata ot th desd financier at SXlaUO.
In addition Mr. Kountse left a large num
mer of mining interests upon which no
value Is placed. They never have been
worked aad may be worth much or noth
ing. Th stats ot Colorado will receive
sa tnherltaac tu ef I per cent about
Really owned In Omaha I valued at
fltoM end Stock la the United Baal Eatat
and Trust company of Omaha, at Cai.00.
The total value of the realty ta tis.ew;
stocks and bonds, about tt.7Jt). Notes
and credits bring tha total to tClil.K.
.ieUdtfl &MTILU mt
MiMat. IS trratat aatss-
rwnaax, will giv a 1 si
tymrt Irmttmwn t tlKMta
fcavtTM ataaSUXwrf. VtUvUr.
niwmaMtbr. Drate, Wamk
Va'.lr eVabl Ntei-VMU Tlaarts. tiks-n Br wax. PaLpitav
teotWrtBC. IrrrtiaUr Pa Lav, r.m, t:i-i
.uaM. mt- r p3. Uaay tawalktH
imcmnVmT eeWwl alifr 2 t 1 ortw telatacL
Z eaira Mjr1ef,r. 1 aat uiatf . Wfrtd fr
Fr TrtaJi. Bok a axl R-waarVa b4 Csf trwm rr
Mtr A4trwM bH FHANKUN UllM, Uajftv
t 'm It tim Matte U-a4.
The nice habit of Bleeping with a lrt-
dow open saved Oscar and Matti Woods
from death Wednesday night- Tbey went
to bed in their room at tat Capitol ave
nue. At. i: tu tha morning th land
lady, Mrs. Nat Flngert, smelled Il
luminating gas fumes, forced open the
door and found the couple uneonacioua.
The open window had saved their live.
Woods wss taken te toe city all ana
the woman- te St. Joseph's hospital.
Th amieel ejmnnl reunion of the
Omaha high school win be bM at Cbam-
I oerrr. moay evening, ssarca m, wow
reception, rouowea sy a prograoi 01
dances, will be held.
A Fierce Attack
ot malsrla. liver derangement and kid
ney trouble. Is easily cured by Electric
Bitters, the guaranteed remedy. r els.
For sale by Beaton Drug Cot
Judgment Entered
Against Hospital
Judgment In the sum of 17,000 wa en
tered against th Oman Oenarui hospital
yesterday, th jury - bavin dsuldcd
upon that amount for the plaintiff, Mrs
TlUle Bros, tine' sued th hospital for th
death of her huaband,. who, while de
lirious In th hospital, secured some
poison and swallowed It, Th case was
tried once before aad the plaintiff was
awarded tli.. - . . .
The Associated Charities has .received
application tor help during th last three
week from person of such a variety of
occupation and diversions that a small
circus could havs been launched with
the applicants star performer. Among
thoee who applied were: An acrobat, a
deep sea diver, a contortionist, a midget,
an Hawaiian, a circuit rider, a snake
charmer and a high diver.
Don't be surprised If you have an
attack of rheamatlara this spring. Just
rub the affected parts freely with Cham
berlain' Liniment and It will soon dis
appear! Sold by all deal era. .
Key to the Situation-Be Advertising.
Prisoner Csntracta Ditease and 140
OUters Are Exmried.
Fames la Jail Are So tree that It
la Sere ry t tsaerrart Ball
Pre la Ope a Air mm 4 Herd
Mra lata I.
Kmll?ex broke but ! e Douglas
eeaaty Jail tTtdiifdefJ ""7.'
iWi:ftr!a:;ta is prtvent the tpresd
the slfesr; ntsdt tlie 1 lr:ne deathly
ski;; 'ftr vrtre taken I I'" rllj Jll
to !rr'j but the lumen eiune la their
cleihln t-nd tl last II was imeraary te
Pt tlre.-n IH e bull tn "a !':o i;e Mt
jrete.'Csy mernlng.
Paul neliS!, trlsoner, w: had been
sick tr rer.rsl days. Is the victim.
Immediately after dbvevery of th
tWIesy wss taken te the erst bouse swl
tlie city health departmtnt was notified.
Testerdsy inurnlna liana Rrllsen et the;
health department went W the Jalt and
beean a liberal uee et dleliircetaiita, spray-
lag l! Jail and lae prlsenvrs,
- t'npleseeal affeel.
While the iunw preuably anlhllatod
all the emalliioa germ Ihey aleo had n
snpleaeanl efftrt tlltMt III prisoners.
Tlie mm Wgeu te suffer Willi hauiea.
Tliera appeared t be but en remedy.
Tb prlsnner wr tukea te the city jail
nd crowded into three cell, th euly
avallabl or.. Uu thrlr slothing was
so therougldy-saturated, with ths fume
that they e.-nllnucd tu suffer and city
jU plisoner i'o fell victims te tli
powerful tllrlnfeetenti. Th slonuuh
trouble Incnaeed, Til 111 was full of
th utuanlng and g:uiiiliiS vf lha nau.
sealed men.
'Sheriffs deputies aud Jell employee,
aaelelcd by city jail em'iljyes con
structed a bull pen In th open a'r and
herded the prieunere Into It.
.Twelve student ot Crelgflton oolleg
were eorrajed and mrchd te the county
Jail, where they wen kept buay halt th
night vaccinating th majority ot the M0
prisoners who had been exposed to the
diss. At least eventy-flv of thla num
mer wore vaccinated, Th jail ha not yet
been quarantined.
The junior and eophomorc a-irls" basket
ball gqusds of the Omaha High school
met Wednesday afternoon hi the r.trmae
lam erd elected eaptatm for tha year.
Mina Nettie Mnir wss chosen to lead the
third yeariflve and Miss Frances Bollard
elected re Main of the sophomores.
Miss Bras liument. the girls' physical
tratmng Instructor, will arrange-a series
of internals same te be played off be
tween the seniors, juniors sod sophe
meres during the neat two weeks. About
twenty girls are Mfctng part In the fleer
rport at present under the reaching ef
Mlsa Mary Fir? Ft, asrlsiant rhrrleal la
st rueter.
Th free). man busies l.ave been limited
In lain indoor base hall knd hsve er
caKsed tw teams et ten players eaoh
and alerted a maleli ef five contests,
filileli rill be flnlrhed nest week.
AUg-ei to Have Taken Honey from
Barber Ordinance Opponent!. '
Aressrg at Aeeeptlasj Meaey fraas
Matter t'rafrsieiea. Who Haled
a re.d ta Defeat the
aeday t'lewlag.
Bribes given Cub not I man Cliarlei M.
Davis by nonunion barbers who opposed
On Sundsy eleaing srdlnancs la what
liirim barbers say turned victory lute
defeat In the fight last summer.
Aller.alkM are made that all of Hi
prenrletora of shops which refused t
lee contributed te a fund to buy the
eesnellnian. The sew-nd lime the barber
mIIum. en tbi mmmm mmmmA Clflt
and It alleged that rajvTaf wte we ft,
ene WMch aeteatea the eaten ansa.
One seJoa barber said that when tb
erdtnaewe easne aa the ftrat flme DawTat
offered te sopeert the mssia K he era)
glvea a eertata sum ef metuy. The
money wa refused, brrl Davis verted for
the ordinance anyway. The second time
hs voted against It and bw ships, ae
oording to anion barbers, was' that he
had sees bought by the epposttles,
Thla matter will be taken te (be grand
jury. On Barber lesser win tell the
grand Jury that bs was aparoacBeS by
liavm ana s-kes rvr saeney to
tlie ordinance.
alldlaa remits.
Mrs. I battle Prli-e. WU Fowler avenue,
frame dorlllnr. B. Robinson, &I
Koiitli Vleventll street, alterations and
rr pairs, luo: Farmers" lumber company.
Twenty-fourth and Bond, additions te
office. 2l 11. Oroes U at W. Co., Twen
ty -first and Paul, repairs. Ilia.
Manufacturers to ,
Study Proposed Law
After FV.I. ElUck, member of tli slats
committee, to draft a workmen's compen
sation bill,' had asked thero a number of
questions aa to their Ides on workmen'
compensation and employer' liability
questions they oould not su'sr the
member ot th Omaha Manufacturers'
association yesterday decided they didn't
know much about tha subject and so
choee a committee to study It for them.
Ths committee Is composed ot H. II.
Baldrlge. C. F. Seliwager, A. J. Gggers.
A. J. Vterllngvand M..B. Copelaud.
Mr. Ellk-k said the tnembere of the com
mission hava studied the question In de
tail, but hav yst drafted no bill, lie
wsnted te get ths Idea of ths manu
facturer aa te what the bill should be.
Genera Agent Chlaam of the CI real
Western has gone tu Portland on a busi
ness trip In connection with the road.
Fred Wight, district passenger agent of
ths Great Western st Omaha, hae been
nromnterf to the novltton of division uea-
annger ugerit at Redwing, Minn., with a
ales increase in auiary. aiiacueu.
1 will give you free a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, that have brought health
tnd happiness to thousandsalso a book on any chronic disease you need.
Ths story of my free offer to you is quickly told. During my many years of practice
I hsve used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records
of results In case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the. Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. T., are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results, I -am
going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will relieve 1
biliousness and ill health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample or a book. r
But for the f&manent rtlitf of blood disorders and impurities, I
can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery a blood
medicine without alcohol. R. V. Pierce, M. D., BiiffaU, N. 7.'
tvU -rv a
Flavor V
(.The pure natural
flavor of the grain
that's all Rich and
even, with proper
aging : : : : :
J Why this recominendatioa?
( Because Old Clarke bourbon is made by
fie largest distillers in the world, Clarke Bros. &
Co Peoria, I1L V;.
Q Beause it is msSe from Perfect Na. 1 Cera and
small train, usui enougn tmail rrak to brine out
th (Uvon of the corn. It is made ta a three chirrr
bersd still, snd is carehilly seed to wood for st least
five years. This is the only correct method to
'distill real whiskey.
if Old Clarke is bottled in bond-10. proof,
under the supervision of the U. S. Govcmmgat
The label over the cork shows it it five rears ori.
J Try Old Clarke Bourbon one time, ks
quality and flavor will invite you to use it
CLAKKE BKOS. A CO, revrln, m.
IVtl gftrsTaSvjsV'J
'a ! ii i
Eradicates 0 Beautifies
Wrinkles WWM The Skin
It) at SO. 7Sv f tOO ALL DCALtRft
The Omaha Sunday Bee is
the only paper you need to
bity. It also is the only Sun
day paper in Nebraska that,
contains the splendid articles
by Mme. Cavalieri, Lady
Duff-Gordon, Annette Kel
lerman, Frank Carpenter and
others; that publishes the
famous comic series which
include Mutt and Jeff, the
. Katzenjammer K,ids, a n d
Happy Hooligan and that
has the delectable drawings
by Nell Brinkley. Advertis
ers cover Omaha at one cost
by concentrating their store
messages, in The Sunday Bee,
for this paper goes into more
homes than all the other
Omaha papers combined.
Nature's Way Is The Best.
Buried deep in our AoMrieea wrest w fad blood root, qeeea's root, mendrske
aad 110 root, folds era!, Oreloo frp root and cherrybark. Of tbee Dr. R. V.
Fierce made a pur tyecrie extract which has been favorably keovra tor over forty
veer. H. called it "GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY."
This "Discovery " purines tb blood end tone op th lloeiach and the gatire
ytm in Nature' own way. It's just the tixu builder aad tonio yon reouira.
I Dr. Pierce savs: -"Glycerine nlavs an important Dart in .
riju'jO Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion,
V wAjr-ggglw ny dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, hearty
DUrn, IOUI UTC411I, IUICU lUllgui-, puvi pjJi.l.ln., Iiieniug vyui.Bj
in stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. ,
: In coughs and hoarseness caused 1y bronchial, throat and lung affections, except con
sumption, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those ,
obstinate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous mem
branes. The " Discovery " is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor
must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but '
for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consump
tion, it is the best medicine that can be taken." Sold by all principal dealers in medicines.
To find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health
and disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviserthe People Schoolmaster in Medicine
revised and up-to-date book of 1000 pages which treats of diseased conditions and the
practical, successful treatment thereof. Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents in
one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing . Address Dr. Piercefs Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y.