. THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MARCH 8. 1912. Mutt Needed Exercise and Got It By "Bud" Fisher A u"tt Sewn fwnuTMarreo tm - .-"ug 10 i Mem katvnucnna Otfcvjrve M TitX rV.e, TTU. ri vsars THS.T sMryr Tt oto wiu. urr ! WO OUT PMLKWWmtU. er you r vie Dun.HMMi cnn lav Piiocme m A Gau Of MOM. Nfl 1HT. with rj Mouie S NB.T UOMfa sVtd-ktt. j ' rVT "THS OCKTtMs. tor;YUi.O i "t-To vmslc Much. "WITT l w. e. -rnrf ) , ' , ( I KNOW &SI , - .... ...... (Vww.'W mrsvtcr c. j , ,h , : BASKET BALL SERIES BEGINS Surprises Sprug in Fint Gime flayed b High Schools. BOILERS SHOW POOR FORI! Ho Player in Singles Able to BetcL ' Doable Century Average. . 1AST VICTOaiiS tMX$ SUlCfWlBtH ' 05 00JOJTTTZE SLATE MfaWn C KircallT CmaltM Mm J4b Hbt4 nad J. W. UaKK tw rmUMtf ' AairrtMa Cnina. CHiCAOO. Much T.-oor In h miner twill of Uw Amarleaa BewUaf aanai tournaawnt leCay van la tns with tlx BMdloer toult W r th mm Bl)rr Tuaatay nlbt whao com pttmc irtta flra-awa taama. Kot piaar la tha nflaa u abl ta Naaa tin Sosbla enturr avaraea, tlthaafh lUrrr Smith ot Chlcafo had M phM'la tht bdUI h rollad Ma fatal Ull. "whldi. mlnat tha ena fmajntnf pin. TMa mlataka Itft Smith with a ear of M aad him tamporarr hold at atzth plaea la tha Inalvtdual atanC Albart Swaoaoa at ChloaSa la ItaatiS with . Piayara aompaUiif la tha SauMaa ala fan aa thalr attaok, tha hart aeora egmlm fraai Jt Mlttal lad H. faraaw at Chlcasa who taaaaS USf and took lit plaaa. Swaoaan and 4llnar attll kad tha avant and SaUaaaar wKh ala 1,M I atlll aa Vol at tha all-avonta, atambara of tha axacuttra aummlttaa aadoraad Juaaa Howard of ChMaso aad J. Wasatar Uushcrl. a St. Lovl mil lloaalra, for tha praaldancr of th anartcaa bowllnf cluh at Ita maatlns O la aftarBosa to nam a alata. -Tha aieat Important ehanca ta tha aomlnar Hona' tha plactns af K. 1, Rraa to tha ahart In tha vie praatdaat Hat la DUO af Morrla PhllKpa of St. lAuia. Vh flrat atMton of th confrm will h ha id tomorrow attarnooa and th ltloa on Friday afternoon. A tantatl dlMan ot tha K,0rO prtia Sat u adoptad hr th oanmlttaa aad protaWy will a mad ponnaaaat ta- Coataata Batwcoa Aahara aad fia- aTO aad atroaj Sldaay aad ' 'v Elala AW Hard raaawt ' . , aad IaUoil.it, , ; UXCOLN,' March t.-paclai TaU-Sram.)-Bavral turprlan Were prnnf at Uta Initial aartra of Kama playad ta tha atata alsa aehaol baalwt aajl touraamant which epanad Ttiuraday aftarooen at tha unlTarattr rytnnatlum. Twanty aavaa hit achoot from all aectlon of Nt hratfca war tnurad. 8-a tamaa wara playad Thtmdar ataraaaa, aa Thura day nlaiit and th waadlnf ut will eep-i tlnoa rrtday. , rrlday hlcht and Saturday tha acail-flnala will b alayad and Satur day nlcht tha caamplanahlp hattl will .taka plae. Hlkh arhaol antarrd at th PMOt war aooflrnpantad by larta dalat. lloaa, Stdnay aaodlns aa aapaelatly. al( crowd af roatara. ... ... , Th syainaalam w packad Ttiuraday aftamoen and anothar Una crowd flllad it Tbanday Wiht. All bat twa of tha tamaa la tha anr aoen proved but mar romp . for th victor. Tha saa brtwarn Auburn and Oanava and th nam bat warn Sldnay and Eldn war hard fought and apactacular. Th tram work ( tha Oanava playar finally wan for thm. although th win aar waa la doubt up vntll within a fw mrnutaa of tha ka of tha gam. Th final aeora waa to IT' In taror af .Oanava. Huaton and Jnda aiarred for bOnva and th 8mlli brothrn for Au Mturn. Unaup: Baatrloa High achoot. which auecaaa. tully want through th tournament laat a aar for charaptonahlp banara, waa again pucoaaafnl In th flrat aaana Tharaday Vftornooa, dafaatlng Norfolk, 41 to 11. h Norfolk taara waa oomplataly over. P helmed by taa Bratrtr flra aad aavtr a aha net to win. Rutherford aad plarad brilliant ball. Una aoorlng a goala front Plld walla nutnariora I Hi. lineup: Al'BURN. OESEVA. Umlth B.r;L.r Janda ady IF R T Huaton 11 U Ilk. f 1 ilx Smith.. iWhlttnora, j Paula: Auburn. I: Oanava.. 4. Ooala Jrorh field: R. Smith. 1. Kaady. I; R. Amlih. ; Huaton. Janda, ; Snydar, 1; T UMIWMAll Taree Nev:American Snyder rolloalns It th ofnolal tick at: ! For preeldent. Judge Howard. Chicago, and 1. Woeeter Lamoart, It Louwt flrat vie praeldeat, rrad W. Ooaewlch, St Paul: aacond vice preeldent, Uxiia I. Wehnar. la)ton, O.: third vlo praaldenl, E. J. Ryan. Itttroll, Mlch.i (aoretary, A. U Inatrr. Milwaukee; traaaurar, Frank I'aaielouo. Chicago. Kmarutlve oemmlttae: It. W. Brown. .RO UO Aehton '"Y'iR i.l;e",,rnwK,.- ua. r.o uviikint ri "i . ,7A " Denver, Coto.; John Koemer, Milwaukee, Wla.: Oeorn Hi "It. De atolnea. la.' Back. u iii . . VI tiJw. a. 1 mil. un HEATRlf-iL I KORroi.K I J7r,i:7L.' i'..l. iT.-ZT: til . i H. Maxwell.... R. F 1 T Hoaaman Oaaaolo. Toledo, O.i M. H. Adama, Lea- H ...UF.IUF ! ington. Ky.; C. B. Hutherland. Tojronlo, C"" i-S'rS" '",''?iOnt.: John Hartman, Plttaburgh. PaJ S'V'l'-i-??..'? . -"'J in Marahall Levy. Indianapolla. Ind.; W r. SHutnarlord ...UOj.UO ftoehlar ,'webor. Omaha; William Margeerw. Cln i Ooala front foula: Baatrlr ; Karfolk. Llelnnail, CM H. C. HelmeHrha. Waahlng. J-ield goala: Luaa. aV, Leaa, : W. Man- ton. O. C; U F. Lytle, Colaaihua. O. grail. I; RutMrtord. : Hoacman. ; Lan Flnlahlng with aror of 1711 th Ideal rcentnil aw 'had V. hard wlth!f Akron. 0, leaped Into Moond placo In 5brm.ka City. But finally woa from thai th Ova-men tram vt.t tonight, falling !laouit river boy by good team work ihlrteea alna behind th kvador. th All Sand guarding. .To sm. waa I alt of Chicago. Their gam, war 13. 3...t ,i l u.,,.. -i itm and at. Bob McClelland, former CENTRAL CITT. I NEB. CITT. Kerr R, F. Jt F F. Ollmore J.Burk L. F. UTCrerford Pnner "McDonald ...... .C. C f. OH more Ultra ....R.OR.C Selaat "WIIIU v UOiLO .O. Porter.. braeka City. 4. Ojj from field: 'Kerr. t:J McDonald. ; Ollarore. L Raferao: champion of Oreater New York rolled with tbo Buckeye aquad. Rat' Call of Chicago rolled aacood Mgh rcor to night, gettlnc IAH pint. Ot tit other out-of-town team the MlMioaa ot Ottumwa, la., rolled tSit fof third high aeora. ouus I ' .. . . . ,, . .... -ft .i..!' " j sl fu"t.rj t. ii w ii . r . . rr'mmi i ,tV vi W'V " UV I f . .1li'y''.u,irV i.i-V-!jr fiJlt -.rwr IBurka, 'Heck. . south Omaha enjoyed romp With th Vflva from Trenton. Tha final ecore waa ta im la in raw n iMHk n.... tk. f flrat halt waa lor than tbo aerond. ,toeath with' when Booth Omaha acored practically t I ' Slnslea.' twill. Menafaa waa to (tar with Colllnej". ilth. Chicago of South Cm-h. ot. con.eow for sti'nl'ti! CMw rhonora. Menafaa got twelve baakeu from J. Hanna. Lake Koreal, Hi. ; Celd. Tha Unaup: , i. Hanaon. Chicago 'MmM !dI Hi'rago X?J- J.1,!?1-Flanekun, vllllam Raji. Chicago .... anium H Havm t:hlraaa Th Klgta Una af El tin. HL. war 1tfth with t.atl. tSa Haha of PHtaburth were twelfth with t,m and th Batavt Boar Cat of Batavla. Ill, wara th.tr . ;si ; Waoley i.R.O.!R.O.. .Freaah rora 7 Ooala from foula: rVmth Omaha rf. . Trenton . Goala fmm Field; Menefea (ill. "Collin Ol. French , RoMneoa OK -Boyd . Flanaburg 111. Ford (1). ; The Teeumeeh-Ord gam wag an eaey victory for Tottanaeh, tha acor atandlmr U) H at tha ctoe of th eeoond naif. Teeumeeh completely mitrlaaaed thvfr '.'mailer .oppomnta and were much fsirongar m teamwork. Lineup: J Teeumeeh. , Rublrnw.a ittewart ... Townaeiid .'- U. Jone .. ;, a. hw .. Poaitloa. Ord. C. C Claenn ...I.F. UF W. Flvnn ...R F.'R.F I. Flvnn ...R.O.:Rn ,. fj. Prtne ...U.G L.O... Miuhmi 1 Ooala from foula: Tecutnaeh I Ord I .floala from tWd: Hohteman. i: Ctewan. -.yrewuaeod, 5: O rhaw. J Cliann 1: W. J-Tvnrt. 1; S. Flynn. I I'mplre. U- . Th tftdoey-Eigln game waa the moat iuteroatlng at the atemooa from the Bpectator' Mandpolnt. Both teama re uloaary aiatched and the game waa fought ''hard throughout. Kfclaey loot through f ek ot aggroaalveseaa. Lineup: fl SIDNEY. 1 ELGIV I f-i-IV-j:- -v---nPbll MMona. . .... ............ .. ,. si. irvKWKwe f lrka C. C R HWrry tjoerfelder RG.IRO C. gkeata gcioauiaa L.O.JJ. Uowe 8 Uoala from foula: PMnry. t: Elgtn. I f:oaia from field: Greenlaaf il. Ober. f -:de- Hi, Campbell in, A. Trowbridge '.. Soarry 7. tmpire: Beck. ; The Wahoo buach. which la expected to mak a atrong aaowlnc la th touraa- meot. did not deceive th apeetatera an Uw flrat showing, trouncing Blair by th ooMSde acaro of a i I. . E. Kamlltoa waa tbo etar for Waaoa. lineup: j TVAHCX). BLAIR. , AndrraoB C;C Bott Beadle L.F.it.F. CUIri ' nanuaw...rvr 'itr rrea Boboetder Jka.R.O ..... Hallar Trur'na L.U.,UU Manor foOal from find: 'Aadcreoa M. Beadle V K. MamlUoa fit. Scanalaer (11. Bou ill. tloJr il). empire: Brenaon. William Melnbrecher. Chicago . Hanna. Lake Foreat. Ill u. Ridaalev. Huntington. W. Va... O. Miller, Chtrago Twe-ara Teama. E. NKtel H. Tarnow, Chicago It. Hlgglna J. Jennlnga, Chicago Al Chow W, Ryan, ,v'hlcago - C. Smith Thllman; Chicago........... Thorn peon . . ui ua-i.m (-l.Uk ua -I.U ka-i.M U4 Ridgeley. Huattngto. W. Va. kO-Lat; Marwred kit Hhfel. Lake Foreat. 1IU Ut l.S Tim all lal. Chicago Ut-t.M Hanna llaana. Lake Foreat. Ill K 1.K1 Oleua MI llayea. Chkago I-U3 Mclnnla -.. all Phurhow. Chicago wa-Lto: Coot ; Murphy. Chicago Uel.X nvewxea Towaaa. Ideal. Akron. O Rat Colt. Chicago tin fteecatite. Chicago 2.ia Ottumwa, la..... Jin RuMrd, Chicago tin Cnoea. Elgin. III.-, , mi Carey . -'nl.-ago , t64 Deeiide J. Egana, Chicago ttu American Seating Co.. Chicago ti atarpea Broa.. Chicago i,a DETROIT'S NEW FIELD NAMED NVIN FIEI 0 FOR CLUB'S HEAD DETROIT. March 7 It waa officially derided today to change tha Borne of tha aow Detroit American league baa ban grouada from Bennett park ta . Nana field, w. H. Tawky, part owner of Ufa uotrott eras, OeUruUMd the lraue In bjooar of Ptealdem Frank J. Navta. . , - Off. a-eta lb S:tatioa-B AdrarUatag. rtamt CAKLANO. Cal.. March 7-Bacauae the ngutere are auralng poraoajal grudge aaalaot aach other, live dty eommlaaion r bar arclared off tha return matck oerwoen rraaam rjoma. ana Jownny Frara. arced iiied here tad March AL GERMAN MINERS WILL STRIKE General Supension in Weatphnlinn i Fields Expected Monday. piTffB 07 10 FES CENT OFFERED I TJrwa laaiata am tMarlaml Doaaawaai at PHtewa For Caw - ritwt lln wf Break la ritual Strike. BERLIN March t.-Tha outbreak of a general arrlk !r. tha Weetphallan cool d!ltrtct on March It I Bow regarded aa a practical certainty. Th leader of the Chrtattaa Trade union, who are bluer rlvgl sf th eodallat workmen organ nation, continue to oppoae a (trlke, but I advksea from tha coal field indicate that j tbey are loalng hold on their follower, a groat proportion of whom will mak common rauee with the other organlia llona If they decide to atop work. r. In view ot the conflicting attitude ot th aocialwt and Chrtetlan Trade un ion, tha Prussian government an nounced today that th tulles protection would be accorded to noaatrlkcra, and that any dlaordera would bo auppreeaea. with an Iron hand. Tha coal owners In many caae har of fered their mea a Id per coat Incraaa tr. wage, but th union tnatat o a U pot ornt Increaaa. Leading coal stocks fell t per cent and mora on th hour today. LONDON. March ".-The first eicn ot any break In tha coal einke come from North Wales, when the employe of some of the smaller taming oompaoiea havo reopened neaotlationa with the own er with th view of starting work In the pita again. Some ot theae mine are worked by aonuaiooJata Othera, how. ever, have hitaerto Deem operated ay onion men. While th prospects ot a eettlemeut at th eoal dispute appear aomewbat brighter today, conditio ua ta other Indoa trtea are becoming won every hoar. The a inn bar ot discharges of workmen from ether employ merit la hv-reaalng every where and many caeca ot great dlatr prevail. . Coal Piliee Rlee ta Near Tark. : NEW TORK. March ?.-Feara ot a strike of the HMN aathracit coal min er aa April t haa caused a general rusk on th part af consumers tor coal to carry them aver a strike period. This sudden demand became widespread today when U waa "reported that the retire da Instead ot having a large amount of coal la terac la preparation fur a possible ly . rff. .jrJ X for a M per cent Increaaa la wage, a shorter work day and Other renditions at th mine which la to t made by th operator at a lolnt conference with th miner committee neat Tuesday m ex pected ' to b' followed by oertala' modi tld'dmlida ait th part tt Utt jnlnars that will-lead to. a ganeral comprtmla Bd prevent a srrtke en Much & .when th present working agreement, expires. Soma operators. It 1a bow reported, are allllnr to grant a I per cent Increase n wages. A trs ii. American Leaguer who will fill new'fearlhe'thls year, and -whoa play. Ing will cut a'uhr figure la the race for the flag. :. Abovo. at the left, la Jack. Knight, 14110 wfir- play ' with the V4h liigton Senators . In the Infletd. ' Gabb Street. Uia-Waahlnrton catcher, going to the New York Yankees in exchange for hint . H-.k'wke.Ua If this' deal win strengthen both team. At he - right.. h George Stori.ll. who gee to rH. Lout Brown in trad for Lefty George, a young Southpaw pitcher, who ' U expected' to greatly aid Cleve land's alrsndv ; (nrmMable slab crew., otorall win JielB the -Browne mere than George will help - Cleveland, however, aa the, ft. Louis .American ' entry ha teen up against It for a first baseman for th laat five yeare. Below Is Jak StahL who will start the aaaaoa at th Initial corner .'for th Boatoa Americana, ftahl In his, halcyon Isyg was our of the "beet flrat Jaaaemen In trm business, a well a a fierce 1-ltter. Although some expect' Mm to go back this year, the Benton fang hare senfMenc'o, In his ability to jlo the re- iim come oars. At any rate, .medi ocre work, cyea .would- be .better than what Beaton has contended with in the: past at the surting-otf cushion strike, were. reaUt runnlug .short and were making vr-v effort to lacresae their depleted reserve. ' ' In consequenc many dealer have fn creased th price ot com from tl te tLS a ton. Th oparatora Mat tha eoal at tk mine is now setting at th regular price. flat refusal at the miners' eercude Farch NT Iowa Track Squads . Getting Into Shape a ism sa - a IOWA CITY, la., March T.-Coach Kot logg and Packard are rapidly whipping th vanity and 'freshmen track aqoad Into fhapc at the University of Iowa In order to get th men Into some sort at condition before the outdoor work h) da ejared possible.' Th squad of varsity mtttrlal now numbers twentv.eeven. while twnty-sig likely looking freshmed hav signified tholr Intention of . trying out this spring. -. Kellogg and Star have not yet com pleted arrangements for tha CMcxgo lowa frrahanaa dual, meet but It I thought highly probable her that one win be a ranged. , .Registry of candidates today showed the following:. Varsity Wright. Ncy, Knrf, Oadbury. Pranlon. Willis. Adamson, Wilson, Trexnl, Haldwlm tflreeler, (label man. Yarcho, Alexander. Oulst, Dys, Wahrer. Rock, Smith. Handling. Balpl. Gregg. Klar, Mulieinbcrg. B runner. McCinnls and Jans, captain. r Kreiiimn Paraona. I Mak, Morse. Oar tett. Relsky. Beer. OlBrlen, Mmlenberg. f rueckoer, Taylor,. lujviea. Harvey, Caa iridy. Noorrthoft. Mtockman. Prince, (lilllland, Addison. McCravv. Word. Bhrader. Mueller..Rinirke, Beem, bum r.er and Fountain. Government Closes Case Against Packers , CHICAGO," March 7. After " thirteen weeks and on day occupied In the selec tion ot a Jury and the examination of witnesses, th government today closed It case In the trial of th tea Chicago meet packet charged with on aw pi racy ta maintaining a combination la restraint ot trade. - It la said to be tha longest crim inal trial In the history of th federal oourt. SIX PRISONERS ESCAPE : FROM COUNTY JAIL AT NIGHT MARION. Is.. March t-Six prisoners escaped . from toe Una county Jail bar some time last Bight. . Aid was gives them, from the outside and ton bar af tha window were sawed through. On ot the man. named McDonald, Is wanted at Leavenworth, Kan. STRIKE AT HEWCOURT HOUSE Entire Force of Carpenters Walks Off the Job. . DISPUTE BETWEEN C0STKACX011S AssertloB ta Made by th Mew that They Have Not at re a Fald by th Contractors for Sev eral Weeks. Th entire fore of carpenters working on the now Douglas county building quit work at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon be cause, they said, money for their work fur several weeks has not been fort boom. inc. There were only nine man on th work when the strtk waa called. Tim carpenter hare boon working under P. C. Rasmussen of Council Bluffs, to whom Caldwell ft Drake, county bulld- l; contractors, let the carpentering eon. tract. Haamussen refused to say whether th trouble I between th mea and him or whether Caldwell A Drake are Involved In th dispute. The' men tin were reticent Late hi the afternoon Kaemuescn became mora tatkallv and said he owes th men for a month's work, but has been unable to pay them because Caldwell A Drake owe him. Trouble with Sab-Caatraetar. Financial dlffereacea between Nets Rae- mussen of Council Bluff, th wood fin ishing subcontractor, and Caldwell A Drake, general contractor la th caiiae ot th delsy. They tell conflicting glories regarding the difficulties. Yesterdsy afternoon Raamussen said ht men quit because he owed them month's wages and ha waa unable to pay because hie money was tied up In th hand of th general contractor, who had failed to pay hint for a month. Calvin Zeigler, superintendent for Cald well as Drake, gave aa entirely different report regarding th altugtlon. "We don't Vw Rasmusesn a rent that we' are not willing to Say." ald Eelgler. There I a check In oar- office payable to him for all that 1 du hlni ' Hs re fused to take It.'. Th first two payments w made him were rather heavy heavier thaa we thought tbey should be. but as hs la ta be paid by the ob we let It go. W paid him Saturday and then advanced him P to pay on of his men who wanted to -o home. He was th brother of that woman In Oregon that poisoned herself and four children. Today w hsd his check ready for him. It . He said it wasn't enough. I went over all the work he haa done with him and showed him by my figure that th check cov er the balance for all tha work dona so far, but he wouldn't take It. Then he said If I would pay him M mora' he oould pay his men and get along all right I asked him how much ha owed them aad found tha K wouldn t be enough. It It had I would Lav let him hav that j much more. That waa la th ,morolng. When I cam back la the afternoon tne man had .ult I sv him until tomorrow morBlng-Frlday-to St right with hi men and get them back to work. If h doesn't I will report to hi bondsman and put on carpenters myself, because w are getnc to rush this work." , Polo Players Hurt ; m Play for Trophy AN DIEGO. Cat, March T.-Two play. era In tha Coronado polo tournament were injured severely today la the second round of th All-America trophy. Eng land and Canada were the contestants. Bnglsnd won by tha score of 4 to I. Morris Duval, recognised as th strength of the English team, waa unseated m tha third period when his horse swerved. His collarbone wa broken and W. Devereaux waa put la his place. In tha seventh period Devereaux and Major Colin O. Ross, Csnadlan, collided and piled In a heap en th field. Ron' collarbone wa . fractured and he wa carried to bis quarters. Devereaux re sumed play. W. L. Brees replaced Roas. Tom Stark Accepts " ' Contract at Wichita DUBUQUE. la., March T.-(Speclal Telegram.)-Tom Stark, for a number of year catcher on different team rn the Three-1 league, maoaser of both Dubuque and Rock Island, and list year manager ot the Monmouth; team, la th Central association, today accepted term with th Wichita team ot tha Westers league. He wilt report there In a tew days, aa the season opens on April U. CHICAGO. - March- a-Haln Zimmer man. Inflelder ot tha Chicago Nationals, today signed a three-year contract with President Murphy. Lansmaea Kleef ffleers. FORT DODGE. la.. March 7.-(8pecial Telegram. )-The Northwest Iowa Retail Lumbermen'a association at lu annual convention today elected W. W. White of Mamie president: E. O. Fits, Fort Dodge, vice president, and re-elected J. H. Know secretary-treasurer. Bosloa Wlaa Billiard Came. . BOSTON.- March T. Boston won the de ciding same of tbo series with Pittsburgh in tha .National Billiard league tourna ment tonight Mason of Boston defeat ing McCourt of Pittsburgh. te 4. Both player had high runa of 4.' Mason s average waa 61 and, McCeurt't 47 baltimorFhotels scared by threat of regulation BALTIVORE.' Manaa-S.AL a avaaUag today between the executive committee ot the democratic national convention commute and representative of the teadihg hotel ot thl city th matter of rata and accommodations for the con vention wa set forth by the hotel men, A statement giving la detail a achedute of rate I prevail next June wHI ha furnished tomorrow by th hotel mea sad a synopsis will bo prepared aad mad publis by tha convention committee,. A bill Introduced Into th leglslaturs .ast Monday providing for an Inquiry Into and regulation of hotel rate will be held in abeyance Until publication . ot . the achedule.. smmacBXTa or ogiav stxakxbs. SarL roRK , NBW TOKK NKW YOHh" NSW YOKK , OIBRALTAR NAPLES KAPI.nl. ......... LONDON MAKKeiLLRS... JtltgNTOWN.. A m y d. ItlM i.. Hauls 01sv:...,.jCaaisaaa. ... Ic d'Aosia.... Lacltsaia. ...MtaftSMells CsSne. AreoBUBS. ..Astlatkas , Laces is. ...Cslaerta ...Mlsateslia. .1 rsrsai- ... Mtsssllc Tha Vey to success In business Is the persistent end Judicious us ot newspaper advertising. . Hi? Staaheel with a Baser, wounded with a gun. or pierced by a; rusty nan, fmcklen's Arnica Bslve soon j heal the Injured pert Owaranteed. St. J For pale by Beaton Drug Co. , j !Fr a rife lift Model D 6 Cylinders 38 Horse Power A large, six-cylinder, five-passenger car so flexible and so easy to manage that it is a keen delight to drive it. The Franklin is the only car in which tiasy riding is made a principle of design. It is built right' into the car itself. - The full power of the motor is always available without racking or . straining the car, and a hih average . fate of speed can be maintained over . , ;; all roads. ' '.- GUY L. SMITH DISTRIBUTOR 2205 Famam Street Omaha. Nebraska