Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    TllE BEE: 0MA1TA. FRIDAY. MARCH 8. 1912.
Board Withdraws Action Permitting
Nebraska City Bond Issue.
State Aeeaaataat Mill at Wark aa
I-aaeaatrr Ceaatr Treasaer '
Bk iBeril Oaaaaea la-.
Sargent lleaaaers.
(Film a. Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN.' March ". 8pecial Tele-
irain.) The state railwav ottmmlssloa will
reverse It action by which it recently
authorised the issue of KO.000 in bonds
of the Nebraska City Gas company. The
lav specifies that bonds can be Issued
only to the amount of two-thirds of the
capital stock. It now appears there Is
no legal stock Issue ot the concern and
Attorney Grouver of Chicago, who ob
tained the order from the' board, has
been written to return it and warned
that the issue Is In violation of the law
Commissioner Hall originally opposed
the issue of thv bonds on the ground
that no matter what the stock Issue was
there was nothing before the commission
to show the company bad property to
the amount ot. the issue. Later It was
discovered the stock 'was Issued July 14,
I8. which was about a week after the
law went Into effect compelling such cor
porations to obtain consent of the com
mission for Issuing stock and no such
nermission was ever granted or even
The company must now first Obtain
permission to Issue the stock sd If
this Is granted may then renew the re
vuest to issue the bonds. In the present
temper of the commission there is some
doubt whether -either permission will hs
granted. Commissioner Hall being on
record 01 opposed to the Issuance of any
securities except for value received.
Tallies Xtill at Hark.
Stale Accountant Tallies is still at work
oh the books of the Lancaster county
treasurer, but wl'St he has found is be
ing kept strictly cjulet. the announcement
being made thai nothing would be given
out until the work was completed. How
long this will require Is uncertain.
Heed Oasmeea lasarsrrats.
tVlllis Reed, one of the democratic can
didates for United States senator. Is out
in an Interview In which he takes a stand
in opposition to the so-called .Insurgent
members of the Modern Woodmen. ,.-
Mania Make .
Frederick Towasend Martin, one of the
millionaire members of the New Tork
"." It Is announced, will be one ot the
speakers at the Bryan birthday nanauet
on March, M. He will talk on the sub
ject. The) Idle Web." George, Fred Wil
liams of Massachusetts, It Is announced,
will be another ot the speakers.
,- geearea geeaasl Dlvaree. ,
V Mabel V. Weed was granted a dlrorce
today from Corydon M. Weed and was
also granted the custody ot their two
children, aged M and 6 years. This Is the
second time this ' couple have been dl-
t verceo. -jney were nrsi uivorcea rour
years ago and remarried July t, Via
' They separated th econd tlm last July.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., March ?.-6pe-eisl.)
Funeral services over the body of
Dr. IL D. Boyden were held from St.
Stephen's Episcopal church this morning
at N o'clock. Rev. U A. Arthur, the;
rector, officiating. Mrs. R. J. Barr, organ'
let: Miss Eunice) Arthur, violin, and a
vented choir rendered music, most Im
presslve, yet simple. Responsive to thej
request of the family there were . no
flowers. The pallbearers were Messrs. 8.
N., Wolbach, T. O. C. Harrison. W. H.
Thompson, C. B. Norris, John Allan and
M. A. Wllklns. The members ot the
Hall County Medical association attended
In a body. The deceased was one of the
older resident of the city. He began his
rsreer as a drug clerk. Later he se
ll utred his own business, became mayor
of the city, sold his pharmacy - and
studied medicine and for many years
practiced his profession. Ha was a mem'
her of the Masonic lodge and several
other fraternal organisation He leaves
a widow and one daughter.
Wait Fixes the Limit
For Primary Filings
- (Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
- LINCOLN. Neb.. March 7. (Special
Tetearam.-Secretary of State Waif has
decided he will accept filings for the pri
mary ballot which reach his otitic at
any time before o'clock. March la
The law specifies they must be made
thirty days before th date of. the pri
mary, which la April It and he takes
this to mean the date of closing is
March 15 with the close of the business
day. , .
Senator W. H. Reynolds, who filed
a petition today as republican candidate
for senator from the district In whk-h
Dawes county Is located, will also appear
on the ballot as a candidate tor delegate
to lira republican national convention,
having been named by the La Follette
RooeeveH forces.
Kinkaider Shot
By Sis Neighbor
OSKKOSH, Neb.. March ".-(Special Tel-earam.V-William
Flealerman waa prob
ably fatally shot by Jack Ferguson for
trespassing this morning. Ferguson had
forbidden Ftesterman to trespass In haul-!
Ing bay across bis place, taking down
fences. Both are Klnkaid homesteaders,!
living' thirty-five miles northeast of Osh
koah In Garden county. Flestermaa has a
good reputation and waa not quarrelsome.
The wound was evidently Inflicted by a
large caliber rifle.
HAiTIXGS. Jlarch T.-lSpoc:a!.)-Daii-clng
has again become an Issue In the
Hastings Board of Education. Last fall
the board made an order prohibiting
high school danoes; now It has under
taken an investigation of the effect on
the pupiie ot th "folk dances" prac
ticed in the various schools, and an in
quiry whether the women ot the high1
school faculty are maintaining a dancing
Whether ui "folk dances" and the
teachers' club will be permitted to con
ttrue depends on th report of a special
committee of members of the board.
Th folk dancing by pupil has been
endorsed by leading physiologists,' but Its
name has caused the parents ot man)'
children to Inquire of th school author
ities whether th regular ball room sups
are being taught In th schools.
Discussing th reports (hat had Come
to th board, J. D. Reed, a member, said
"I have always stood up for the high
school teachers, but of late I have come
to th conclusion that pa-Ocularly those
coming from the stale university and
outside schools yield an Influence that
you would hardly call Christian. There
are some parent who conscientiously
oppose dancing, but their daughters come
home and charge them with being eld
fogies because of their attitude. This
Isn't as It should be. And these pupils
get their attitude largely from their
"And I know of three high school
girl urging on young man to dance,
telling him he would never get 'la the
push till h did." added C. E. Van
Patten, another member.
BR0K1.N BOW, Neb.. March ". (Spe
cial) Aa a result of the excitement over
I the proposition of having a new post
master' at this point, tv well attended
republican caucus was held In the city
hall but night to place In nomination
someone to succeed the present incum
bent. Jules Haument. at the expiration
ot his term of The caucus made
as Its choice John Truce, an old time
resident ot the place and passed reso
lutions which win be forwarded to Con
gressman Klnkaid. By this mean It Is
hoped that an election may be called
and th winning candidate recocnlxed at
Washington. Petitions have been rife
for sometime past and another caucus
I scheduled for tonight. Postmaster Hau
ment la looking for a reappointment and la
putting up a strenuous opposition to the
fight that is being made against him.
BabyCould Not Sleep. Face Covered
with Sores and Scabs. Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Cured Her.
!, III. " My baby wss sum months est
waa there suddealy appeared red Moteses si
las ten at rash a the left sMs of bar fast,
ea the back of net bead sod sack. TBeyttabad
ad barasd: she scratched thea hi her sleep
aad they bled and nude sssail sons, ho
was cress sad ferertsa, and eauM set sleep.
Bar face wss Terr red sod covered wtts sorts
ad sesbs, sad she wss sa rest less duraaf the
algal last the bad t have a great desl t
care. I beau to use the Ca hours Soap. Thea
I ssftnsd ths Cuticura Otatssent. I used th
Concurs Sosa sad Otaieaeal steady far oa
week sad all she seres dried up aad graduslly
wast away. I ass glad to say last las Cetl
eura Boa sad OiatsMol cured bar completely.
Hoe has asver sad say areaktag out seat sad
ao scar si ts be seen." - (bsjaad) Mis. Kay
BUack, NT. IT. 1811.
hcaasjTerriaa. CsaU Nst Gs Oi
W Park Place, Brosklya, K. T. "Ee
sssns besaa aa say feet: say toes got hi a
terrible esaditssn. swelled op. and the burst
pea with watery daa-harr. The ttebtag
wss terrible, thea it spread la the pelaw af sty
aaads aad est say fees which got ss bad I
could sat go eut, at tact I could net put y
aboesoa. Leoaatget la paper I seme seres
a Cwacara advert aersi el. I seat aad got
. Cuticura Bosa, Osstssnt sad Resolvent, sad
used ss directed. 1 aserf two cakes af Cuticura
Boa, ea ha f Cutieara Oaatsaeat, was
ay anal was ss ctesr ss cauM pa sillily be,
aad I sas glad t say aava had as return.
(Bsraad) Mr. E. Vsugaa, Aug. Is, 111. -Cutieara
Sosa sad Pint is Hit are esfcf
vcrywaera, Barapls af each aaaOed frea,
wish 12-p. book. Address. 'Cuueura,"
Dept. T. Bests). Teader-fecaf sasa snoaal
share srtth Cutiesra a haarwg stick.
GIBBON'. Neb.. March 7.-4Snclal.)-
Th fire department last night voted
thanks to the elty council for It action
in voting to furnish a hall and lights for
ths us of th fir deportment fro of
Six new members were elected last
nijjlit. Oiling ths quota nt forty-on mem
ber. '
Th city 'council Monday nbrht voted
to make the license or no license question
port of th election to be held In
April. Three new member are to be
elected at this election to succeed C. P.
Miller, O.' J. Wslker and Frank Herahey.
At th townhip meeting held yester
day It was voted to levy a S-mlll tax
for the, purpose of carrying on th public
library, which puts it under th charge
of th township hereafter.
Pursuant to .th Commercial club's re
quest a levy of of 1 per cent was voted
at th township masting today, th ss
to be used to pay the pro rata for one
experimental farm for an expert who
will have charge of ten farm In Buf
falo county.
P. E. Foxworthy mad application to
th township board for an allowance of
lina defray Memorial day expenses and
the same was allowed. All old members
of the township, cemetery and park
boarda were re-elected today.
An epidemic of some kind la killing
out by th hundreds.
Nebraska Insists
Kansas Play Here
LINCOLN. March) 1-Kansaa must
agree to meet Nebraska at Omaha on
March It, 1 and M, with Mike II) lend
as referee, or there will be no champion
ship series. Is th Cornhuaker ultimatum
delivered this morning. Kansas has
turned down two proposals for games at
Lawreac and Lincoln. Nebraska has
won four gamee from Kansas during the
season and lost none.
htm. It. was decided to hold a meeting ' election of each was unanimous on th
Mrs. Maggie Davis
On Witness Stand
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. March :.-tSpe-clal.V
The seed corn special reached here
yesterday morning and. notwithstanding '
the early hour, wss met by a crowd of
people, some ot them coming a long dis
tance In order to attend. Prof. Pugslsy
of the state university wss st th head
of this branch of th expedition, and In
traduced o. Hull ot Alma, who had been
selected to make the Broken Bow talk.
Mr. Mull spoke for nearly an hour, and
at the end of that time th train pulled
out as per schedule. The people seemed
to be well pleased with ths prog ram and
showed appreciation by giving close at
tention to everything said. Literature,
treating on the subject of seed corn, wss
also distributed. Superintendent Big-
well ot the Burlington road was In charge
of th train.
ot all of the camps In the country on
th :4th. at which time the delegate
from the camps will vote on and decide
regarding the rates. A majority ot the
members of this county are against tlie
new rate and their enforcement.
PAP1LLI0N. Neb.. March 7. (Special
Telegram.) The new plant of th Elkhon
Valley Milk Condensing plant mad It
Initial run today In th presence of about
9W dairymen and farmers. Ftva thou.
sand pounds of raw. milk were put
through the condensers In a short time
and the product la of high grade. The
plant, which coat SX.0. has a capacity
ot Maw pounds a day.
WEEPINO WATER, Neh.. March ij-(Spedal.r-The
debate between Platte,
inouth, and Weeping Water high school
teams held here last night, resulted In
a victory for Weeping Water. Elmer
Hollstrom, Evan Noble, and Sam Wind
ham, represented Plettsmouth, and
Jeanetta Teecarden. Klvtn Hunter and
WAHOO. Neb.. March T.-8nee1al)-
Th grand jury returned an Indictment
on a statutory charge against Oscar
Larson, involving hi daughter. Mabel.
Larson was tried about a year ago but
waa acquitted. He was located In Den
ver, Cola, not long ago and brought
back to Saunders county by ths sheriff,
and is now In th county Jail.
Two decrees, of divorce were granted
in district court March 5 In the caaee
ot Alice Grove Warner against Carl R.
Warner, and Anna DsJton against Daniel
Dalton. Ths defendants made jro .ap
pearance. The minor child In each esse
waa awarded to the mother.
Oscar 8. Barry and Minnie Rasrtussen,
both of Mai mo. Neb., were united In mar
riage this morning by County Judg P.
P. White.
A marriage license hs been Issued to
Ernest W. Johnson and Nettle E. F ar
ris h, both of Mead.
ALLIANCE. March 7. (Special)-Louls
Vnlgartoos. a greek laborer In the em
ploy of the buriington railroad here,
shot a revolver at a fellow countryman
named Oeorgopolos last week, . Oeorgo
polos . bad Vulsrsrious arrested, and on
bring tried In the police court was fined
CSOS and costs. Where Greek met Greek,
however, wss when Georgopolos went
tu Vulgartous. while he waa languishing
In th city jail awaiting trial, and suc
ceeded In convincing him that If he paid
ever f3.W he would see that there wss
no further trouble. The Oreek fearing
the results of the crime of snooting paid
Georgopolos SM In cash, with which the
latter promptly decamped, and Vulgar
tous wss much surprised to find that
notwithstanding this large payment, he
waa yet fined CM and costs. The police
ara looking for Georgopolos. bat he
to have mad good hi escape.
ahawta asl Aasertoaa S"le.
FAIRBl'RT. Neb, March 7. -(Special.)
Ike BeWer, a wen knows fanner jiving
on Dry Branch south of fairbBrr, shot
a large Amertcaa eagle oa has Cam. The
bird measured seven feet from tip ts tip
of Its wings. Mr. Bower brought thef
spaelmen to Fslrbury aad -will hav rt
mounted. This la the first American
caxle killed In this county
uf l!'
M. F. Sampler I Ordered by C-eert
ts fredaee All Papers Belong.
lag His Wife.
(Special.) M. F. Bumpter, whoa wlf
died recently and left quit an estate and
whose will Is being probated In th county
court, has been ordered by the court to
produce all of th valuable paper belong'
Ing to his wife In court.
Bird Olbba, who was arrested soms
time sine and held In Jail on th charge
of assaulting with Intent to kill Mr
Doyle. . waa given a hearing bat or th
county Judge and held to the district court
In the sum ot ftto, but being unable to
furnish the bond he languishes In jail.
Iva Miller, a Salvatioor army lass who
was arrested at Syracuse for alleged mis
conduct and brought to this city and
placed In th county Jail, waa turned over
to the officer ot the Salvation army
from Lincoln last evening and taken to
that place, where she will be looked after
in th future. The girl was doserted by
hsr father her some time sine and
taken up afterwards by th Salvation
army, but strayed front their protection.
Sh will be placed In borne at Lincoln,
where sh will be safeguarded In th
future. '
Commission ere J. A, Whit and Fred
Market, both leading farmer of this
county, hav tested out th corn In their
crib and find that per cent of It germi
nates. Walter McNamar. a prominent
farmer and cattle raiser, has tested a
great deal ot the com In th eastern part
of the county and found It In most ex
cellent condition.
Ths county commissioners hava as-
pointed th following assessors to take
the place of than who failed to quality
or. resigned: Henry Zahn tor Osage pre
cinct. V. A. Francis tor Delaware pre
cinct and Henry Kalaensteln for th First
and Second wards of this city. Fred
HeUier waa appointed to appraise all of
the real estate of this city and the vari
ous assessors In th county precincts will
appraise the farm property and villages
outside of this city.
Clarence Kuhlmsn of Omaha, while
here on a visit with his parent'. Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Kuhlman. suffered a stroke of
paralysis. His entire left side Is affected.
The deen well is down to a depth ot
2.00 feet and the drill Is passing through
a coarse sandy formation, wMh plenty of
indications of gas. Captain U Enyart
and Joseph Sands, both well known capi
tallsts. are backing ths project, all other
having dropped out. They expect to go to
the depth ot S.3M feet and purchased
cables tor that length.
Caaaaaerelal tiab Will Have Baa.
a act April Keen k Teachers
Art Re-Eleetea.
STROMSBCRO. Neb.. March 7.-Spe'
cial.) At the last meeting held by the
Stromsburg Commercial club It was
unanimously decided that the business
men who usually buy calendars go to
gether and purchase one and the cuet ot
eema be prorated between the merchants.
This same course in the matter of dis
tributing calendar wss taken last year
and mat with success. It was also. de
cided that a banquet be held on April .
Th Polk County Sunday school Is
holding Its convention In this city this
week. The out-of-town speaker on th
program are Miss Margaret Brown, state
superintendent of the elementary depart'
ment ot the Sunday schools of Lincoln,
and another state office of th Sunday
schools. W. H. Kimberley.
Th Stromsburg district of the Swedish
Lutheran church Is holding a convention
In this city this week. A large attendance
of outside visitors Is expected and sev
eral prominent speakers.
There has been considerable emigration
from here. Eight carloads of stock and
machinery have left this county for
Canada, tcsr cars far Idaho and three
to the western part ot this state.
Th School Board of the city at the
regular meeting Monday evening re
elected all af the present teachers, ex-
la. a number.' eeptlng two in the high school and ra-
elected Emil Booostrum, superintendent.
Caetrrtla ' Caaspaar aad C 117
Dlaaare Over Paraaeat far
Water Plaat.
BEATRICE, Neb., March '.-(Speoial.)-Th
city council and the Matthew Con
struction company of Kansas City are
unaWe to acre oa a settlement over the
construction of the new water plant here
and the matter will In all probability be
fought out In th courts. Th city has
offered to settle for B.T7T and the con
tractor want 110,000. In referring to the
case Mr. Matthewa said: "Th city can
not touch the plant or use It In any way
until It has made a full settlement with
me." H. E. Spafford. attorney tor Mr.
Matthewa intimated that Mr. Matthews
would bring suit In the federal court to
recover the balance claimed to b due
Word! waa received here yesterday from
Humboldt, Kan., announcing the death of
Mm W. F. Lea, a former Beatrice resi
dent, which occurred there Wednesday
morning. The body was taken to Bona
parte, la, for Interment.
W. B. Moses and Mrs. Maude Flanders,
both of this city, were married la Lincoln
airs. neuKn .awu uisv auuucuij yes
terday at her home at Illue spring of
heart trouble. Sh was taken III Tuee.
day shortly after the fir which destroyed
th home of Mrs. Trump, a neighbor.
Frank Plnkava and Miss Tony Vstrov-
sky, both of Virginia, war married In
the city yesterday by Judge H. D. Wal-den.
Th Beatrice volunteer fir department
held Its annual meeting last evening end
elected these officers: Henry Snahn, as
slstsnt chief: 11. C. Leech. , president:
Loul Scharrer, first vice president:
James Ooon, second vlos president: K. A
Gambia, secretary; R. Folden, assistant
secrlary; C. Ot Gudtner, treasurer
James Coon, recorder.
David Blndornagl and Mis Gertrude
Mason ware married yesterday at the
bride' homo, four mile west of th CUV,
Rev, L. XX Toung officiating.
HARTINOTON, Neb, March T -Mia.
Maggi Davis, on trial for th murder of
Ira Churchill, her former sweetheart was
put on the stand In her own defense to
day, and related the story of her Inti
mate relationship with the man whom
ah killed. Her testimony tended te sup
port the contention of th defense that
abe waa made Insane by the cruel treat
ment of the man who Is alleged to have
deceived her and abandoned her at the
last moment and married another woman.
Every seat In ths court room was taken
this morning when the trial was resumed.
CLAV CENTER. Neb.. March 7.-Sle-cisl
Telearam tThe corn sperlsl srrtved
her this evening at 4:30 and remained
one hour. ITof. C. W. Pugaley Is In
fhargo. with Prof. W. W. Burr ot North
Platte. Prof. Bramlsh of Lincoln and O.
Hull ot th lecture extension department
of th university aa speakers. Thai was
the banner day In attendance of the sea
son. Four thoumnd farmers are esti
mated to hav listened to the lecture
today. Stop wore mad at Holdrvge.
Minden. Hastings and Sutton. An even
ing meeting will be held at Fairfield to
night All th lecturer who hav been many
year In educational work declare hat
they, are better satisfied with results this
wsek so. tar than any week of their ex
perience. Two eoachaa are used tor dem
onstrating to th farmers and on tor the
school children.
State Superintendent Delsell wss with
th train and lectured to the children,
leaving the train at liaatlngs, returning
to Minden, wher he wss to speak to
Fanners In attendance at ths lectures
at this place express themselves ss well
pleased, and all ara of the belief that
thla la an Important campaign In ths In
terest at ths farmers. At one point a
teat of aesd corn was made for a dealer
who had received It from Iowa, sdrertts
Ing it to be perfect. The test demon
strated thst less tbsa St per cent was
good. The very bad condition ot the
road throughout th territory visited to
day prevented a larger attendance.
first ballot.
Teaching; - at OarwelL
BI RWELL, Netu. March 7. -(Special
At th monthly meeting of the or hoot
force. In the Burwell High school was
elected for the coming year, as follows;.
George R. Boomer, superintendent; Mar
garet Holme, principal: Marrletta Snow,
assistant principal; Ve Hennk-h, Eighth
grade: Grace DrLashmet. Esther Walta
and Mary Sutton In Jh grades an4
. Mabel Anderson. ' primary. AU vacancies
! will be filled In two weeks.
Khlpaseata frasa Alllaaee.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. March 7. - Special. V
During the year 1911. according to statis
tic furnished by the Burlington agent
here. CUl rattle. 7X3 hogs. 1.3U horse,
m bushel of potatoes. ZM tons of tee
(manufactured here) and C7.IM pounds of
butter were shipped from this point.
"My" little son had a very eevere cold.
Sraawl offtrers Re-Klreted. . , WM recommended to try Chamberlain's
HA8INC1T8. Neb.. March fc-tSpeclal.)-; Cough Remedy, and before a small bottl
Superintendent of School C. M. Barr and I was finished he waa as well as ever,"'
Principal J. C. Mitchell ot the hiKh school wrn Mrs. H. Silks. S Dosrllng Street,
have been re-elected by the Halting ' Sydney. Australia. This remedy is foe
Board of Education. Mr. Bsrr's l.iry Is! sale by all dealers. " t .
raised from . to R.D0II and Mr. Mlt-I
cbell's Is raised from 11.10) to l.Se. The I Key to th Situatloa-Be Advertising.'
Old aetiler lajared.
OSKKOSH, Neb., March 7.-(8peclal Tel
egram,) An old settler at Lewellen,
Jack Msvlcb, was knocked down and
stspped upon by a colt, breaking his
shoulderblade and Injuring him Internally,
probably seriously.
Uot aa Asefal Fright
by fear of appendicitis? Take Dr.
New Life Pills, and soon see
trouble vanieh. Guaranteed. Zt
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
SCOTTSBLUFF. Neb.. March ?.-Spe-clal.r-The
district election, held at
Oehiing Tuesdsy. In which th Issus waa
shall the people In th vicinity ot Morrill
vote bond for drainage, resulted In a
practically full vote. Th vol w
based upon ac roses and law voles war
cast. Th majority In favor of th propo
sition waa lia Tha organisation ot this
district Interested were compelled to travel
law. In th leotion all voters of tin
district Interosted wr oompeled to travel
about twenty-five miles to tne county
seat lo vol Instead of having a polling
plac within th district
Tes Wedding at !araelua City.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., March 7.-(HnecJ.l.i-llarold
A. . Harp and Jllss
Opal Jones wer married today at tlio
homo of the bride parents at Douglas
todsy. Both re popular young people
and ths groom Is th brother of th
editor of ths Douglss Enterprise.
Last venlng st th home at th bride's
parents, Mr. and Mr. A. U Cot. their
daughter, Mis IlassU wsa united hi.
marriage to Mason Colbert a young
man who has been residing her with
Ills grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ell
Johnson, for some lima Th young
people left for Keokuk, Is., this morning
where the groom hss a lucrative posit 'ou
snd they will make their future home.
Oiaa Waaelasea Call Cesveallea.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., March 7.
( Special. -At a meeting of Elm camp
No. 9, Modern Woodmen of America,
held last evening. Ellis Baker, a deputy
of the order was present and explained
the new rate and the cause foe the raise.
All of the members failed lo agres with
ui in ii i smii.ii ihuwiw' uiiijiihii iii; i it;;ttiu u1,' ' m' U'.' 1(1' '.luu ts
! jy AISE' the cover from a WVN
V steaming dish of FAUST V
M SPAGHETTI and watch the. t::M..
V- smile run 'round the table. To v .y
keep the family smiling, repeat , 1: Y7 ,
U blessSfStsaiesssi 1 111 IsJ '
I sx rear gessss's. a 1 ' H l
MAUU. BROS. . saa71 ..
Little Girls Will Jump Rope
Yea can't stop thtm. It's lata! aa tan) dioaa, tai kard ea tU
parenta' puna. YouU find tint
Nine O'Clock School Shoes ;
riU stand rop jumping; ana otW arrare sCrein bcttac tkaa any atlW
children's shoe mid. Tne supeoor process of sewinf, the extaDdad
vamp ander tbt tip. and the high quality el the leather uatd malree
0 O'Clock School Shoe th idaal thorn for the children and the i
ecoriomica for tha parent,
Hhtory of our Flag
- Frtt
A rt aster afar tosrra
Mr Jfaf avrstfra rt Frmmcit
oVM A rs Iri. ssh
UlutnttJ m aWers, will m
ssssVssfre sees ass nctipt
tf law eswai ff eatss.
Goto FJagfitr Your
CkMrtm mrywktrt ra
aarasf O'ChctSdrntSk- .
ftaf CssaSeaj Sa luit fH m
Flat ff atser sraW. Ait
m jl re ass's a iarga fitf ftr
Woman's World and Work
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grow larger with increasing freedom from household
drudgery. Food sense and food knowledge have r':
taken her out of the kitchen into the larger realms ";
of home-making. When cooks fail and servants
fail and other duties are pressing hard there is
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Shredded Wheat
to lean upon in every emergency. Being ready-cooked and
ready-to-serve it is so easy to prepare in a few moments a
delicious, nourishing meal with Shredded Wheat Biscuit
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Simply heat the biscuit in an oven for a few moments
to restore crispnesa, then pour over it hot milk, and
salt or sweeten to suit the taste. Also delicious with
stewed prunes, baked apples or canned fruits.
The Only Breakfast Cereal
Made in Biscuit Form '
Mas sever a?
TFJ SHWttO Tour COWilT. IIACAJU rAilS, R. f.
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