THE BEE: OMAIIA FRIDAY. MAKC1I 8. 1912. NEW TRAINS jM LINED UP Hut Through Trains for Milwaukee . and the Horthwettera, EaUIFIZHT LHTTREIY STEEL XSmkx Will Hi ThrMsk Brtwtee ts Pwrttamd, rlelsn It Has Has Sat Hereto- . . , fesa Haa. Pessenfer Traffic afsnacer Fort of the Vnloo Pacific, now In Chicago, Tester, day wind to headquarter th line-up of the saw passenger service this la to so on to th Overland system, the Nortnwestsm and ths Milwaukee Mar 15. With the exception of soma of the minor details, it la the same as announced In The Bee Tnssdsr and aln Wednesday. Has new traffic arrancenient was reached after a conference between paa eencer traffle ofrkrlale aver the three road and provide tor one new train to be operated over the Northwestern from Chicago. A yet. thla train has not been frren a name. It will be on the de luxe order, belnc made up entirely of standard sleepers, a diner, observation and lounging; and library cars. There will be bath rooms, stsnocraphers and maids, affording all the comforts and convenl- " encas of a well appointed hotel. The new Northwestern-Union Pacific train will run solid from Chicago to San ' Fandsco. Passengers will be required to pay a bonus of fit In addition to the regular flrat-elaas tare. It takes th place of the Overland Limited and out th time from the lake to the ocean to tty-four honrs. It will leave Chicago dally at 7:1 n. m.. reaching Omaha at a. m. th following morning. Stops will be few and far between. Th equipment will be en tirely new. All cars will be of steel con struction. ' ' Overland Vera SHIwaakee. to th rearrangement, th old Overlanl 14ml ted. which will be that train only la nam, will b t rani f erred over to the MUwaukes and will leave Chicago dally at M a. m., reaching Omaha at 11:30 p. m.. the same day. 11m equipment of thai train will be new and of eteel con struction. It will carry standard and tour lit slsspers, chair and observation oars, library and diner. It wUI mak th run from Chicago to Ban ITenclaco In seventy-, tw hours." Th train over ths Milwaukee will carry only first clsas passengers and will slop only s' principal eltle. At Omaha It will drop on tourist and two ' standard sleeper. At Cheyenne it will tak on an additional standard sleeper that will go to Ban Pranatsco. Of th sleepers dropped out at Omaha ' on (tandard and on tourist will go to Portland on Union Paelfle No. t and snot her Id Denver on Union Pacific No. ' u. At Ogden another standard sleeper ' will be dropped out to b taken to Los Angeles ovsr th San Pedro routs, thus giving the Milwaukee through car serv ice by way of Omaha to Portland, Los 'Angtlss and Denvtr, onuth!ng that It has never heretofore enjoyed. Th return scbasuls hav not yet been worked out Westbound th train schedule hsvs been so arranged that there will be no waiting for connections In Omaha. With th uotptlon of anglnes 'th equipment will be Northwestern and Milwaukee treat Chicago to th coast. West of Omaha th road handling th trains will use their own engine and train crews. Lsosi officials of th Milwaukee are Inclined l think they hav In best of th deal and those of th Northwestern feel th same. They an all satisfied and predict a big business for th asw service. SUFFRAGETTES TO SEND LETTER TO MRS. PANKHURST -' Th Ornate Woman Buff rag society kss voted to snd letter of sympathy to Mr. Immellne Panklturst, show of tn militant suffrage activities In Lon don. ' Th society dlseusssd ndorstng ths methods being used by th Kngllsli ruffreaettes la their fight for th vote, but did not Ddsrs th method. Th letter- will be personal an to Mrs. Penkhurst whs mad many friends asooiit th Omaha suffragists when she .spelts her th sarly part of th winter. '. Th sedety deeMsd to glv th suf. frag play "How to Vote Was Won" attar last! and to began a amraa f th city by nreolasts t get an enrollment of auffraa sympathisers, c. t. Cunnlnr baa seeks oa com mission form of gov CAREY MAKES DISCOVERY MUCH TO HIS AMAZEMENT ' Prank Oarop of th Carey hots). Eigh teenth and Howard streets, advertised a house and ban for rent at U? Park sre- A reader responded and th keys were turned vsr to Mm that no night look over the property. Hs returned sod re ported that ha didn't want th plae without ham. Thsrs's a ban there. To didn't go to th right place." Insisted Carey. There Isn't. I goes I ought to know." , Carey then concluded to show the pros pective tenant and b took him out to hi property. It was then discovered to Carer's amassment that th barn had beta burred down during th night GOLDMAN HEARING IS V PUT OVER UNTIL MONDAY Th retirement board sitting on th esse .of I semens nt-Colonol Henry 1. Ootdmen. of . th Twelfth cavalry, has adjourned '.until Monday afternoon. The tie sun tor . this I to allow Colonel Ooldmaa to get sums witnesses from Port Robinson. - According to one of th members of the .rt Bring board who dropped a remark . shout th case, the sped fie reason for .'ths attempt to forcibly retire Goldman is tost be is -eccentric" to sock a deer .that he I anflt to command troop. , Ooldmaa la righting his retirement la a manner that bespeak uythtag but eccentricity and h ay that th rsssu be I before th board at all Is bscans sf srstewerk on th part of certain army officials. HEAVY DAMAGES ARE ASKED FOR AN ASSAULT 1 T b assaulted with a hammer, a snot gsa, two pairs of flsts and th butt at a buggy whip is worth of any man's money, according to Wllaam Brown, oon vaetlng csraenter of Council Bluffs, who has filed a suit for damages In the fed eral court galat Al Dana and Bay Mew ten, fanner luring near Ponoa, Kan. Th aliegsd asssuH atmried October B and ;i brought to the attsstrion of the fed era1 court bscaose R 1 aa teierstat matter r which over . is Involved. . Tae key Is sums m Imiaiss I Uh . psrsnneat and judicious an of newspaper advsrtUBac : o-r fl kVnIML L ll oark II l J VJ-' - II I Call, took I -JV I drea' ates's , V Y 1 f J 1 f 1 J Cloaks ults ' I - i aJ m I sb) I -ji a, 'V as tttTM J ' I VJ t "I", Draws REMNANT DAY New Shipment Just Received French All Yool Challies At 29c Yard and 25c Yard The same kind that created such a furore the past week. Borders, allover patterns, Persians, rings, dots, Email, neat patterns and floral effects. , All the Foil Pieces on Front Bargain Square, an at yard ...5iJC All the Bemnant Pieces from 2 to 8 yards, OCa at yard .....v All Wool Dress Goods Remnants 29c-39c yd Serges, tamise cloth, Ottomans, poplins, novelty suitings; also 54-inch brown and gTay repellant suitings. , . , New Spring Dress Giods, Worth $1, 50c yd Many are 54 and 60 inches wide Victoria suiting, serges, novelty dross goods, broken check and pretty (tripe In various widths. They all go on bargain square. Matched Pieces All Wool Dress Goods All match up many as 10 of one pattern bargain square, at each..., All the Short Matched Pieces and Sin gle Pieces, at each 21c-.Sc 10c-15c Remnants and Sample Pieces of Allover Laces and Em broidered Chiffons All kinds, at 25c each.. L French and German Val. Laces and Insertions. Also dainty crochet and cluny effects, platt vals., cur taiu cluny lnces; worth up to 12Jc yard, bargain square, at yard ,9C Sample Strips and Remnants' of Embroideries In the Basement - All kinds of edgings and insertions; thousands of pieces up to one yard in length, tv, p. fn at each .V-tfV"lVl basement, Erery Squire in the Basement Will Hue a 6i Special Bargain Friday ' (Here are big attractions: Remnants of fancy white goods, lawns, barred ami striped Swisses, nain sooks, worth up to loo yard, at . J, yard t 7C Sic quality Mercer lied aateena, lengths np to yard all the new 191) bade, yd..l-2C New fancy mercerized striped Oxford cloth, would sell In a reg ular way at f A !5e. per yd...!U Gingham piece, In lengths up to one yard, many to match HHc ti. grade, each. . .ujt Short lengths various kind printed good lor comfort cover ing, etc at, yard Scotch and cliambray ginghams for house dresses, aprons, chil dren's school dresws, etc., lengths up to 10 yards, at yd. tOe quality pretty pattern bat late, for summer dressca and walsie at, yard ....GC Yard wide light and dark pattern per- aleo, dresa lengthg of then Vic 71 grade, at yd.. 1 2C ..24c Printed Scrim and Etauiine for curtains, and drapery purposes, worth up to 25c yd., at yard portierea ;.7c Four Specials in Linen DepL Kill Ends Bath Towels at 10c Large size, extra weight, made of very heavy double ply terry. .- l A ' About 50 doz. Actually worth up to 25c, each." . . 1UC Mill Ends Table Padding at 15c yard 54-inch heavy weight double fleece table padding; 39c qual- 4 C " ity, at yard , 10 C Piano Scarfs at $149 Large size Uennissanee Lace Piano Scarfs many attractive patterns, tf-f A A at each 1.4V 93c Dresser Scarfs at 49c Large assortment of beauti ful, hand made renaissance dresser scarfs, A A special at 4 C SOME WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS IN OUR Sale of Hair Switches i Second Floor and Pompeian Room It Nataral Wavy Switch at 0c fl.(0 Natural Wary 23-ln.h. Switches, at SNc : 4-loch Natural Wary Swltrhea. -ff Switch, at S10.00 f J IS Natural Wavy Gray Swltrhea. II i, at .'. a.40 n Large Cluster Puffa. IJ value. at ...fnc l aanaoie if air ivoua, . .ow VVC I S'i'Jt rine Jiuster runs. , vaiuea, .js l wo enrt largo us ,is ior..oc Advance Notice of a Great Sale ALL THE ODD LOTS OF MEN'S SPRTNQ SUITS FROM THE BOURSE STOCK WILL BE SOLD SAT- my) z 1 URDAT. THEY WERE MADE TO SELL AT 112.50 to $252 LOTS Watch Friday Evening Papen for the Details. WE S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With All Purchases at This Store. mmm wsm Here's the Suit Opportunity You Have Been Wishing Would Come Before Easter New $25.00 Suits Friday It isn't necessary to give all the details -concerning this sale-how the maker come to make price concessions to save shipping some of these back because there were more than we ordered-for the SAVINGS ARB REAL andCEXUIXE. Ail are new Spring 1912 Models. Made of serges, mixtures and other fine all wool suitings in blue, black, tan, gray and new light shades. , ,. Snle begins with all sizes Blue Serge Coats, $12.50 Extra quality serge. In newest style, trim med with contrasting collar and cuffs. You will find them to be extra value in every par ticular. Choice of blue and black. m Our Greatest Millinery Challenge Sale Begins Next Monday More particulars concerning it in the next issue of this paper. ' For Bargain Friday Only Pitchers 10c 23 doien, first quality, guaranteed white pitcher like the illus tration, t quart alia regular 35c 4 values, Ktl- II In day Tea Kettles 23 down. No. I lie, four-coated, blue and ' white enameled tea kettle, like cut, 86c val- . . ties, VH1 CJ day Water Pails, 10c It dozen, heavy quality, 10-quart, galvanised wa ter pall like the Illus trationnone delivered, except with oth- .? y-j er gooda-19c . 1 1 If vaiuea, Friday ., 40c & 50c Enameled Sauce Pans, 25c Ivory enameled,' four-coated goods. Como In 3 and 4-qnart aliee. 30c, 3-quart, four-coated. Ivory enam-' ' 7 f eled padding pans, like cut; Friday only. Dollar Sale of. Women's Shoes These shoes will he dlplay4 oa the Barrel Tible rrMny aaa vva win ziaa vajaee nof uf irvm esj.uu to SS.UO toe pssr, la various style sb leathere. Imsll else, of course, hat sne see sarsaias jqm ever anew u jon oaa no russ. rang Iran 1 to urn FRIWlY& SATUPDAY Are Cut Price DousInThe Big Pure rood Grocery Bennett Rest coffee and stampo, lh. . .Sao 1 Ilia Bennett's beet wf fee and M eiampa for Assorte lea and 11 staoius, lb. o Tea slftlnss and 1 stamps, lb. It 5..IO. can pure pepper and 4 stamps for 10 Irtll pit-kiss and I, bottle. 10 1-lb. ran Meiiuett'a capltol bakln puwder and tit atamps .4e Tor ths XMotea Oeaeoa 1 5"-f-aS' Xjara oaekser Oaly 10 t Jars peajiut butter a It st ps, Oe s ullv ell aud t atainp bolt I rnr pkee. bnnett's Capitol mine loneat ease Toek Tlclet tellet and 1 etantna 1 cane sl rlmps and 1 Staaipa, a toe n Hennett'a Capitol (rated plneaupl tut la OS )mt pneens Ms fee see Bis eaaa Codec milk and 1 stamp for aa Van Camp's suahetti and I atamps. ran for It 1 rates K ret frees corn and IS stamps for ao Free Demonstration of Waste O Is ties as Tsplee Oaarlette kases. ssade snthest f Is our bi( Pur 'ood Urucery Friday and eaturday. A Oee Book MM with every tw pavaa sold. AIjo a inalvUnal alamlssm Ssol free to each rustumer pur rliea4tt two paosaae rYlday aad aaturda orilj. Fresh Country Eggs , 22c a Dozen. i lbs. 7c jep rice for ............lie Beauty Green Aaparacu ami 1 stamps, can , SOe t cane tarly June . pea and 1 atan. p . ftoo Walker hot tamelo and 11 stamps. caa IS U1 hlals of Tsfetaal aad flower seeds, peeks- SVi Bennett's Capitol extract .and It ststnps, bottle la DOl'Bf.K PTAMP8 ON GRANU LATED 6UOAK. l-lb roll premium butterine ,...U Bis bars Crystal Wilts aoap and 10 etainpa fur U Biilder chll auc and II stamps. Untie for aa Full cream cheese and 1 atamps. pound Vlrsl rslnl swla cheese and II stamps. pound as irawarCTai i.mrn A Kew Ckr of Bedlaada Onagrs. Red Lands orange are special ly noted oa account of their uni form siie, the Juiciness and flnn ness of the meat and tha rich, rare flavor. Al an extra Inducement, for Friday, we win give 10 8. IL Creei Trading 1 Stamp Free with earn doxen at 15 20 f? S5 30 35. Fancy spinach, peck 25 3 lb, beet dates for 25 3 qts. Cape Cod Cranberriea 2S( Fresh crop bi k walnuts, pk. 25f FISH and MEAT BARGAINS for FRIDAY Fresh Baby Halibut, 12V.C I Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. for 25c Fancy Large Mackerel, 15c Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. for 25c FAMOUS BOTTLED mil In bottles on and after March 9th. ABSOLUTELY THE ONLY GENUINE BOCK BEER Brewed in Omaha. . . Order a case of this de licious brew sentyto your home. , IVm.J. Boekhoff v RETAIL DEALER. Phones Douglas 119. Ind. A. 2119. Surest, Safest, ost Economical Three strong expressions concerning Electric Power used by the largest produce house in tho'west. This is what Kirschbraun & Sons have to say about Electrio Tower " "We are glad to testify to the clean and satisfactory power service you are furnishing us. "We not only find it the best motive power, but the surest, safest and most economical. i "We would not use anything but electricity in our plant as we have tried other power and KNOW whereof we speak." Let our Contract Department solve your power prob lem. The services of an Industrial Engineer furnished free of charge. ' Omaha Electric Light & Power Company NEW PIANOS FOR RENT Free Tuning Free Insurance Free Drayage When Rented 6 Months 00 Per Month Tel. D-1623 13114313 FARNAH STREET SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. BRANDEIS STORES M When you don't advertise nobody knows that ypu are doing business, and it won't be long before you'll not know it yourseiL Smrpaptrdom. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for. land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the i-ountry. It is willing to give out this information, free if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc . ' ; How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. - 7 Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. 'Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska