Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Place On Sale Thursday
In the Bargain Basement
All the Women's
from the surplus
stock of
A. Gluck & Ct..
New York
11. ' :
Hundreds of the
cleverest, new styles
I in women's tailored
skirts Fine French
Voiles, Serges, Stri-
ed and Plain "Wors
teds, "White Serges,
"White Serges with
black hairline stripes
nil with the new
girdle tops, new pleated effects spring's most pop
ular styles,
Worth up to $10
$2 and $5
Women's Tailored Suits at $5 and $6.98
TheM salts art splendidly tailored of excellent
' ' materials Id clever, up to dale stylet for early princ
ear. They were made to sell up to 2lrt J-', ..
Wcsen's '.Loqf Cloaks at' $2.98 and $5
Smart, practical styles 'in medium and lifht
weight fabrics tor present wear that vers mads to sell
- aa high as $ll.a0.
Friday We Place on Sale from Gluck Stod
AU the Women's Cotton Petticoats, worth np to $1, 35o
All the Women'! Wash Waists, worth np to $1.50, 50o
AU the Women's House Dresses, worth np to $2.00, 89o
All the White and Gingham Aprons, worth to 60c, 18c
" ;
and Glove
Boxes in wood
to burn se-
at ..
Bags stamped on
black linen with
two skeins of
floss,, worth np
Uuck Towels
Size 18x3(3, in
French and
eyelet designs,
In Candy Dept. Pompeian Room,
Pompeian Bitter Sweet ChocolateB pure crushed fruit
flavors; strawberry," pineapple, -vanilla, ' -
vanilla nut and maple. Regular 40o Tt
chocolates Thursday only, lb.
Great Showing of St. Patrick's Day Novelties.
Green Pigt. each 5c, 10c, 23 I 5x7 alia 811k Flats, dotes.
Small Flags, at. down ..10e at SOr; each 5k
Pipe rant, at, each 10 ' Bo"1 "ana. at, each .....5
K .
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given
v With All Purchases at This Store.
: Only Once in a Year Do We Hold a Sale Like This j
20 Per Cent Discount on All Picture
Frames Made to Order
This does not mean on only one or two frames and a limited num
ber of mouldings to cboose from but the choice of, our entire stork
cowaisUng of over 80(1 My km in gold, oak, walnut, 'rosewood, brown
gam, antique and other finishes. y
Also a Discount of 20 Per Cent
on All Ready Made Oval Frames
This sale Is for Thursday, Friday and Saturday but we advise com
ing Thursday If possible to Insure an early delivery of your order.
. Bring your pictures with you. There will be no extra charge for
placing them in the frames and besides you can tell better what kind
of a frame yon should have when you have the picture to Judge by.
Oar Greatest
Millinery x
Challenge Sale
Begins Monday,
March 11th
There will be many special
inducements that, will excel
anything you have ever be
fore known.' " ' ,
Specials in the Hardware
and Woodenware' Stores
4 -quart, green and white, four
ruatted preserving kettles, like the
illustration) regular 60c values.
Thursday, 25,
eise, laniniro-" t
scrub brushes,! f
Thursday, 31 I
11.25, extra 1 I
wide skirt
Boards of
good .quality w
. . . . a
ThuMii., u f ..i n... -r it. r. j i mri hmhrmnprv L
ihuiiiiiv i iik w w ti i i ill' r m iiii i ii r aiiu ml aia&awaMaa
f iissiwumi m mm asanlaf J I U V M 1 1114s WflUIIM ri
Display. on 3d Floor. You Can'l Afford o Miss it. Come and B
bring your friends. Everybody welcome 8:30 a. m. to5:30p. m.
- Big Special Sale
Friday and Saturday.
Watch Thursday's Papers.
- ---- I 111 llll II 1
Matchless Values in
Friday and Saturday. .
Tremendous Stock Shown.
whlt lumber, Thursday, 9.
' 75c. folding clothes racks, four
foot fixe, with three folds, Thurs-59.
i "Little Tudor" Rompers and Play Suits
Our new spring line of children's "Little Tudor" rompers, play
suits and crenpera are now ready for mothers' inspection.
They come In ail colors, with and without collars, and are made of
best grades of French ginghams and galateaa-tub-tested fabrics that
wUl give entire satisfaction, , i
Agea on to six years, ioc ' ' -
Boys Extra Trousers
re specially priced-for Thursday's selling. One lot, made of good, all
wool materials, regularly sold at $1.00 and 11.25, Thursday, gf)k
the pair. Another lot of good grade, long-wearing fabrics, Thursday
onlr. 50. .
- ! T": :
Grocery Bargains for Thursday only
t-lh. ran Bfiilt's C'apf
' tol basins powder and
J atamvs S4o
Vstakis aaa ne
as, paskasw . ..SV,
1 lbs. OnuiulatiKl Husar f ,!l
Hot I). Rnirtor'a Chile Saucs .
Hoi i la illlar4'a Ollvs oil ..-........i..., .46
1 cans Kmimi Corn ....-.-.--.. M .:
lean fearly June Pvaa .. .is
Thursday ealr ..,
Bvnnstl'a Urwkfast cof
fe l ib. aa and 4
alsmps Ms
Asaortcd teas - and
stampa, lb. SSs
Taa alftlnss and I
sumpa, lb. lie
4 os, can pure peppar
and I at am pa ISO
I-1U packaso Bonnaits
Capitol oala or pan
cake flour, with IS
stamps 10a
Full rrrtm rheaae and
10 tsnipa, lb. . ...SSo
Inlsar'a obits aavus and
11 stainpa. bottls . .a&s
1st cans Oottass milk
and IS stamps ....SSo
Wslktr's taniales anS It
alantpa. ran las
Oalllarda olive oil snd
te aWmps bottla aaa
Six bars crystal White
soap ana Iw stamps saa
Sntdars tomato soup snd
stampa. can ... too
Van I'an.p'a apashettl
- and 1 atampa, can 16s
Boublo Stampa os Oraa
uatos aiujar. ,
J-lh. roll iTeralura bnt
tarlno 4So
Hour ptcklra and 10
tamps, quart .loo
20c can Rannott'a Capi
tol I crated pineapple
for lie
A sw Oar of eSlsstts Oraagss eafMIe Tkaraday.
Redlsnds o ratines are specially noted on ac
count of their uniform slie, the Juiciness and
firmness of the meat and the rich, rare flavor.
As an extra inducement, for Thursday only,
ws will glva 10 8. it H. Urcen Trading Htams
Free with each doxen at 13c, 20c, 83c, 80c, HBc.
Fancy cooking apples, peck 30
i lbs. best dates for 25
t quarta of Cape Cod Cranberrtca for ...25
Fresh crop black walnuts, peck 25
-iff, V f M a lira rN a m. i,,n.M . ... , 7
4 lbs. Corned Beef.... 25c I 4 lbs. Boiling Beef ....25c
4 lbs. Veal Stew . .:. . . .25c 6 lbs. Lamb Stew .... .25c
Xer. C. W. Sccnrim Ad
ditional Boom fir Old People.
t Latra . Aeajalsltlaa la a Cat, as a at
War, aaa, Where the Old reiki
Mar . Raise Garden aad
Cktrktsa, If Tar Wiah. . , .
. Rev. Charles W. nsvldfs of the Uotue
ef Hope ass two bosses of a 'total of
thirty tsesas, with forty uunatas, and to
cars for all who apply lor. aid be , Is
' ptsnalnnv Ike porchasa ef a third aeusa
el tea mass. Tbe bouea ho Intends to
purchase Is aear the other two. Mr. and
Mrs..- Charles P. iauur, experienced
orkars la such fx Ida, will bt placed la
cnars as aooa as it )a secured.
Mr. Bsvidse has mads several changes
h hla foree. hroucht about by unavoid
able ctranutanees. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge
Kapptey are caretakers St the larter
houae of tentr rvom. called tne
lloass of Ilopa No. L Tney replace Mra
Mary Flersoa snd W. E.-Wlnf. be save
pp the work wbrn tney were married.
ia Houss of Hope No.' X Mrs. C. M.
echrooder, a tramrd auras 'with a wide
axperteaca, has been installed as care
taker. ' Riley Hear La, siso a trained narse
and a aood chef, has setund a place at
this beaae, aad Mr. CavMse Is much
pleased with tne work they are dowf .
There are ten helpers at tbe two houses
aad each room la occupied.
- , Hotesa No. X, J oat aottk of the place
first owned. Kt North Twenty -eeventn
street, wss taken ever by Mr. 8avMse
hut year, and since then has been fur-
htahed. Durins the test ftvs years XS.SJS
have been exseeded la the work at the
two bmans, all of which expenditures are
isade ef record. ASjert Andersoa. sa ex
pert bookkeeper, doing this work.
: la addition to the third hooae te he
porchaaed. Mr. Bavidse has housht a cat
tace as Fbst sad . Washmstoa streets,
-rtoreace. aad this will he fitted up as aa
Industrial hone. It Is new raralabed
pod ta the spttnc wta he aad sa In
aJos heane. A cardan win he ess of the
" flivsrateea and nuasua atsy start a
chickfn frra oa amall teal K tly d-lr.
Traffic to Coast .
Considered Small
Tne tourlat l,u.lnu ta t , u,-irtM
COaat la not What lh. m,Im.J.
eiiaitrd. althouah a CS rats ass brra
maw. l no iraina aia u intn
sre, fairly loaded, hut from Otnaba and
vomit weai tners are rewer paaaensers
llian were exneeted. haiimaji n.i.
take this to mean that Nebraska people
ars pretty well eaUefled with Nebraska
snd are not inclined to leave a good
thing and so chastitf after something
that they are not sure of.
What applies to tourlat business weat
also applies to the horaeeeeSerSV situa
tion to the northwest snd south. Leat
year and for several prior years.' oa
February and March homeeeekorr days
wnta the low rates were erfecttve. the
cars were crowded with Nebraska and
lows tanner, rolng away to seek other
otauona. rata year, very few ef the
home or nearby people are going away
search! ns for better la ml R.nna
claim they expected some thins of the
una, out QKi not heuere It would
I be so
Charles Rouse, years oM. bring at
Mt Pratt street was arrested yesterday
afternoon and charged with attempt
assault oa little i-year-old Virginia Boot
maker. Xlt North Thirtieth street.
Accord lea to the story of the girl Roum
Inveigled her Into aa empty barn at
Thlrty-flflh aad Pratt streets, liana
was prevented by twe women Irving hi
the setahborheod whs saw them ge ia
When he nsw the twe women cocaine
Rouse ran an tbe alley. Detectives Vaa
Ddaen aad Ring found Mm In htdlnc at
his hems sad hroucht bHa te the station.
la the abdaealnal resioa Is often pre
vented by the see ef Dr. Kind's New 1 1
Lt:e Pill., the pam'.ee. partner.. 3. For V,
mis by Beaton Drag Co. ,- i - I
t '" " t J;' . .- .
1.5 K x
- v r" ei
' j Ws ii ai -as iin.i ml
Hoye before the moving season
You will have a much better se
lection of offices now than if you
wait until the
1st of April
J AT , : or the 1st of
When choos
i n g. select a
building, the pol
icy and organi
zation of. which,
have been tried
and never found
' wanting. It takes years to develop "service" and a
seasoned organization in an office building. A build
ing which is kept in constant repair never grows old.
Select building, the location of which Is known not
only to ever one here, but to everyone who has ever been
In Omaha,
,The best "service," the building that is kept in
the best repair, and the best known office building
in Omaha is
There are only eight offices vacant today,
, " but among them are tome very choice ones:
Ssssa Ml Reception Room, private office, twe large closets, large
workroom with two north windows Ideal offtos for englnser.
architect doctor or other profeaainai men. Rental per
las This Is a long narrow room, lsxllM. having a north
ll at. Rental, par month SIT-eS
SOS la n'-sxis la else, located oa the court, doss to sky
haul, tkos bavins excellent natural light. The apace could
bo dlvioed so as te stake twe very pleasant rooms. Price.
'. per mouth - ..37.o
Seem no office la the northwest comer, having fonr large wln
. dowa A fireproof vault for the protection of valuable papers -is
much In demand and is afforded tav.tnts room. Tners ta a
total of tie square feet of floor space and aoase would ho
quippax with partitions to satisfy good tenant- The rental
Wte ia par month ............ ...... ..IS OS
The Bee Building Co.
Bee Business Office". 17th and Farnam Sts.
Thutsday the Greatest Day of the Greatest Bargain Giving
Sate of Women's Dresses Ever Known in Omaha
Over 1.CC0 Beautiful Dresses from our big
Manufacturer's Stock. Purchases at Less
Than Worth of Fabrics. Dainty Marquisettes,
Handsome Voiles and Foulards, Beautifully
Embroidered Allovers, Pretty Lawns and
Batistes Trimmed with Val and Cluny Laces;
1. T n t J i a- w
aiau ureases in merges, sroaaciouis,- mrasa-
1 " A 1 ll 41 . 1 . '
tines, eic, in me newest uoiors. : :
Your choice of nearly
Values np to $25.00 Ia
almost nnlimited assort
ment of clever designs
in Allovers, Embroidery
Marquisettes, Batistes,
Lawns, etc, including
about 200 elegant sample
Dresses, at choice-
As Shown in our windows the past few days.
Your choice of over
DltKSSKS, Values np to
Sij.OO Fine Serge.
ChiffoJt Broadcloths,
Beautifully Braided Mes
Balines, Fancy Silk, etc..
in a splendid assortment
of desirable colors and
wanted styles the choicest
values ever shown, at,
1-1! U .
Misses' New Serge Suits.
$15.00 values in navy blue
serge, trimmed with col
lars and cuffs, in red and
white, sizes 14, 13 18 years,
choioe Thursday, $10.00
100 JSuits for selection.
$5.00 Waists at $1.50 Silk
Waibts, Net Waists, Vel
vet Waists, pretty designs,
big assortment, unequalled
yaluee, at $1.50
100 of the New
Tailored SUITS ' V-W
Just received and shown
for the first time Thurs
day, well worth $35.00.
One Lot of Long French
Coney Coats, Qualities that
sell regularly at $35.00 and
$40.00, while they last
Thursday, choice, $14.90
200 New Spring Coats
Choice long styles in plain
serges and fancy weaves,
hlues, tuns, blacks', grays,
etc., big assortmeut ami
matchless values, $12.50
Ladies' Long Kimonos
Chullies and Flannelettes,
regular $1.00 values, 95c
Special Sales Thursday in
Infants' Wear in Our
Baby Baaxar, 3d Floor.
. Domestic Room Specials
1 case B. C -Cambric, lie arade. .loo
1 case of Lonadale. loo grade. . .TiO
I raae of Blinpeon's prints, e
value, at d
1 cane 12,c Bath Toiela 80
1 raae nt 10c Hurk Towel. .,..7V.
1 caaa of Annsgansettes, I5i90
Sheets, st ass
1 rsae of t'tlca "!xS Sheet. ...Sao
1 raae of Know flake, 81x30, worth
tec st (...4o
W7i;7e Goods Specials
llamlkerchlef Linen, pure flax. 31
Inches wide, worth I1.2S a yard.
at , Too
Ramie Cloth pure flax, 45 Inches
wide, worth 11.00 yard, at ....60s
White Walntinaa. pure flax,' if
Inchea wide, worth 0c a yard.
at ase
Automobile Cloth, natural color,
pure flax, worth 7(c a yard,
at r.SSo
High Grade Wash Goods
Ginghams, Tissues
lrfts Pisces ef sll kinds,, of sprlag
ginghams, Xt-inch Scotch, Jl-lnch
Dundee Ulngliama, 32-Inch Oram
mont Oinghams, 13-inch Wnt An
demon's Gingham, 17-Inch Lorrslns
1 Tissues, etc., st
' 1 Ha, its, Me sad age yard.
f?rAe' fitr&r Kverjr Ur ,n 0nr v,ctro1" r,r,or a L to 1:30 P. M. Hear McCortnack this
tree OnCeri aM; we have a big line of Records of his songs. Hpend your noon hour here.
MsyaeS'S save the people Trom 19
to M per seat. It pays to trsas at
if Iba best Granulated Sugar . gl.00
It lb. aai'k beet, hlfh grade Diamond
H Family Flour, nothing like It, p r
aark (Lag
10 bars Lenox, Best 'Km All or Dia
mond C Soap "00
I Iba bett Whits er Yellow Cornmeal
for i
Gallon casta Apples for plea . ... SOs
tiailon cans Golden Table Syrup Mo
f iba. good Japan Rice So
If oa-cans Condensed Milk ....6.0
t In. pkg. belf Rising Pancaks Flour
for i:
Corn Flnkes, pkg. o
Grape Nuts, pkg 0o
14 os. pkg. beat Macaroni ....
I lb. cans Assorted Soups .... To
The best Bulk Peanut Butter, lb. lie
I lb. pkg. corn Ht.roli ee
The beat Tea Miftlngs, lb. ....IIUs
Golden Hxntoe Coffee, lb. Sou
Boat fall to see the heantlfnl dam.
Aaeeeetloa off Adea Jail. Manlda free
V ail this week.
I Batter goes up sgsla. So poaad. Say.
Sea's keep the prloes Sown.
The beat Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk. In, aas
The beat No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter lb. see
No. I Imfrv Butter, lb. See
nay Batterus sad right the Batter
Trust. Just as cood and lota better
than aon.e butter.
S lh. good Rutterlns too
1 Iba good Table Butterlns .... 35s
3 Iba fancy Table Butterlns .... Son
The beat Freah Kgga, doxen .... ate
Bat XUThlaad Bavat Orauwa
The hedlthleat fruit grown and re
commended by sll dovtora this llins
of the year. A great blood puri
fier, Wednesday, per doaen,
at ISO, toe,. too aad Mo
The reatest. .ratable Market la
Old Beets. Carrots, farsnlps or Tur-
nipa, pound sue
Freeh Cabbage, lb. to
Fsncy Vt'sx or Green Beans, lb... toe
Fancy Hothouse Aluahrooma, pound
box V 40s
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes lb. ...... 100
Freah Spinach, peck soo
Kre.h Shallots, bunch u0
rYeah BruaSela Sprouts, lb. ...... lto
Rutahagaa, Turnips, lb. (.. gi,o
2 head a freah Leaf Lettuce- to
t bunches fresh .Radlshee ...... to
Try HAYDEN'S First
Everybody reads Bee want ads
We know we give the best shoes
for !. and to convince you ws
give you absolutely free a pair of
IS cent boas with each pslr of oar
Men who know and demand shoea of style and wearing
quality. For these men we have a message.
$3.50 Isn't much, but when yon see what It will buy in our
new line of men's $3.50 shoes, yon wlU export more for $3.50
in the future.
All the latest styles, in Russia and gun metal calf, vicl kid
and patent colt, lace, button or blucher.
See them and you wUl wonder why we can sell them for
1419 F&rnam
Jewels, f anally ratios aad private
papers oaa be seosrwd taaa ta,
rant a box la ear havatease Safe
Deposit faults for their safe
wnaowt saen protect lea yea
loss at ear tints
sa the ears side
eo looar, taa
but fl.e year-
are liable to
why aot
by aeourlng a
eost at whka la
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.
teread Loral aattraaea.
. Men
la search of opportunity wlU
do weU to read the "Help
Wanted" columns hi Tne
Bee every day. Many- mas
has foaad his chaaca
through tbe want ad col
umns of this paper.
Read Bee
Want Ads.