Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Kcw Tonic Assist Natir in Throw
ing C.'f Son Down Condition.
""as neetfei Sleep, Cooe) Dlres
llo, Mm Vitality aad Dritn
Away Despaadeat FreUaa;
Very Qniekly.
j fa
There Is so excuse for being ail "Tun
Cowo." It yon feel tired gmt of the ttm
villi a. pour appetite and bad digestion,
you are k btl.tatcd and nature needs some
asttaacc In throwing off thla condition.
"Tona Vita." the modern tonic, is
-ire means ot overcoming this trouble.
Many thousands of halt sick, Unless, ner
uu men and women, who lacked vital
it r and energy, have actually been made
over by this splendid medicine.
Tons, Vita" was only recently Intro
duced m this country, yet the sal, of
It is now tremendous and still growing-.
It is certain no medicine could be so
Ki'cccssful unless It was accomplishing
lvmnrkab'e results. "Tuna Vita" la sc.
tmi lishln.- remarkable results. It over,
canes nervous debility In a few weeks'
time, and biings back tbe old ener
rctic spirit that Is lscklng.
It brinss restful sleep, a good digestion,
iroro vitality and drives away the list
!!. despondent fcellni; so quickly that
U will positively astonish you. Don't
t rus around naif sick any longer. Let
'J ena Vila build you up and restore your
sirrnjrth and vitality.
"here Is an agent in every city, who
v. m return tl o purchase price to you If
loiile fails to completely build you
Lee's Rhubaib Laxative Is the assist
ant remedy to be used with Tona Vita
in canes vt chronic constipation. This
ucdlelne contains the splendid medicinal
Niitues ot rhubarb, the finest of all
natural laxatives. Harsh drugs strain
i tc Intestines, while rhubarb, equally ef
fective, litis a tonle effect on the entire
lo.vcl tract. Les s Rhubarb Lavatlve Is
an Meal family medicine and should be
used In preference to any other laxative
for children. The taste Is Very pleasant
Tona Vita and Lee's Rhubarb Laxative
nrs e'd in Omaha by Sherman at Me-
amu-U Drug Co.. ISth and Dodge Pts.;
I ml l -'rue Co., K.lh and Harney Sts.:
Howard rbarmacy, Slth and Farnam
sis., and Loyal Pharmacy, 307 -s North
Kill rU.-Adv.
s-ir t
An Honest
for the Family
Served with the
meals It helps the
appetite and di
gestion. k.-
Ma siooeeasea screws, a ,
rtssei IrwaciaawMa
hm I
The Codee oil Mat delignts
you is developed in th
terry by the roasting.
Koast it too
much or too
little and tha
oil isn't there.
Tone's Old
Golden Coffee
it toasted to the
instant of per
feet ion. But
more k is the
pick of the world's coffee
growths carefully milled
packed to keep tha strength.
Just try t pound and sea
Low much finer it L.
3 So m pound
TOW BROS., Dos Moinesa, la.
There ar two t Irrlt of spices.
TosWa sa4 "ttkttiS
Bll lUrfLi.
testiist IksSsal
Is saaraata
Id Matter, Omaha Freight Clerk,
Become Suddenly Wealthy.
: oraiag la Minor Paattlaa
I'mra Ho Will Wear Co
allforwla. and Live Com
fortably la taasklae.
A struggling freight dark one day and
a millionaire toe next, tells aa Teotful
chapter In the Ufa of Ed Mather, SKI
Leavenworth street, lie Immediately re
signed his position In the Rock Island
offices, and. together with bis wife, he
will go to California to live.
Mather's fortune la estimated to be be
tween tl.Mft.oro and tl.S0D.OM. Ha refuses
to make a statement, lis is a brother
of the late Robert Mather, former high
ortleial ot the Rock Island and the West
inghouse air brake company, and he left
an estate said to be valued at t9.iXW.0Cis,
Brother Aeejelres Wealth.
For a number ot years Robert Mather
was chairman of the board ot the Rock
Island. The office was even mora Im
portant than that et president. In this
position he drew a salary of ISO, COS. Much
of his Income he Invested In Rock Island
stock, and when It went up by leaps and
bounds a few year ago, gathered in
something like ttOUMKW.
Some years ago. when the Westing house
Air Brake company was looking about for
a president. It selected Robert Mather
for the position. The offer of H.s) per
year was so flattering that he resigned
and took the management of tbe com
pany, becoming president. This he held
until six months ago, when he died, leav
ing a fortune estimated at IS.W.Wo.
There are four heirs the widow. Ed
father,' clerk in the Rock Island offices:
J. II. Mather, general claim agent for
the same company, and a sister. All the
members of the family except the Omaha
brother live In Chicago.
Metre Break the Will.
Robert Mather left a will, by the terms
ot which the entire fortune waa to be
held in trust for the widow for twenty
five years. The brothers and sister con
tested and the court sustained tha con
tention. As a result the widow received
widow's share and the balance Is di
vided equally between tbe two brothers
and the sister.
Ed Mather heard of his good luck and
Immediately qnit the work of quoting
rates on freight and footing columns of
figures when his brother arrived from
Chicago, bringing with him a certifl4
decision of the court. Then Ed Mather
resigned and out In the quiet of his home
at 1M Leavenworth street he and his
wife talked matters ovsr and laid their
plans, for their future.
Their plan Is to go to Collfornla to
enjoy a long and much needed rest. They
will probably atart on their trip some
time this wsek. There they will very
likely buy land and engage In fruit grow
ing, as that always has been Mather's
Ed Msther Is about years of age and
has always worked hard.
Many Get Work at
Shoveling the Snow
Eighty men and sixty teams have been
placed at work clearing streets of snow
and assisting them an equal number et
men have been, sent front, the dry en
gineering department through the Asso
ciated Charities to clear walks for the
Residents whoso walks have been hid'
den for several days under drifts of snow
from two to six feet deep have been call
li'g on the engineering department for
help. Unable to detail men at city ex
pense to do the work the department
turned the applications aver to the As
sociated Charities.
Wheat City Engineer Craig supplied the
oharittes with a few scores ot shovels
the problem was solved. Dosens of men
cut of work and willing to do anything
save applied within the last few days
and are bow shoveling snow with a city
shovel and earning money for themselves
and families. Only married men are given
shovels and detailed on Jobs.
Hupp Will Exhibit
His Automatic Mail
Invention in Omaha
Albert Hupp, bead of tha Hupp Auto
matic Mall Service company, arrived In
Omaha yesterday to confer with his
brother, Alvln Hupp, to arrange a demon
stration week tor exhibiting the Hupp
railroad mailing service device. It was
decided to bold a demonstration during
the week of March IS at Forty-eighth
and Leavenworth streets. The Missouri
Pacific tracks will be used. The Hupp
firm will have Its own mall car In ser
vice, showing how mail Is taken on and
thrown oft by the new Invention.
Retired Telegrapher Worked with
Edison, Mingled with Lincoln.
George W. Salle Once .Messenger
Boy, Galas; l a Vatll He Beeasaa
Saperlateadeat af Wester
lalea Telegraph Co.
Perhaps no pioneer of Omaha has more
interesting reminiscences with which to
entertain himself and his friends while
the snow piles up outside than Oeorge
V. Kaile. who Is entering his seventy-
fourth year of wideawake existence.
From messenger boy to superintendent
of a telegraph office, that In brief Is the
record he looks back on after over half
century of service with the Western
Union Telegraph company, ot which he Is
a pensioner. He started as a messenger
boy delivering dispatches In Cincinnati
and studying the Morse code whea oft
duty. He was soon a full-fledged tele
graph operator at Mansfield with the
Pennsylvania railroad.
K Xpert Darlag tha War.
When the civil war broke out It was
so hard for htm to stay by the ticker In
the little railroad station that he finally
gave up trying and packed up Ms belong
ings and set out for Washington. An
expert telegrapher Was not to be sneesed
at In those days, and George Nells was
soon doing active service aa telegrapher
with the army ot the rotomao on the
James river. Later he went Into the war
office as an operator, woere ths late
Edward Roeewater was operator at the
Mr. Nells tells how President Lincoln
came every day for latest news of the
war. "1 have seen Abraham Lincoln
more times than anyone person I know
of In Omaha," be says.
After the way he went back to Cin
cinnati, where be worked as operator In
the same office with Thomas Edison snd
with George Keanan. the lecturer and
writer of travels In Russia.
Ha Came Here la 1S85.
In US Mr. Nslle came to Omaha, where
ha worked In the aiSce of which the
lata Mr. Roeewater was manager. "He
was a good man to work for," says Mr.
He became chief operator, then man
ager and superintendent of the Slosx
City office. While In Salt Lake City Ms
health failed and he returned to Omaha
snd went back to the less strenuous work
of telegraph operating.
His message to the boy who wants to
land at the top Is "begin at the bottom.
it's only by learning one line ot work
from the beginning In Its minutest de
tails that a man can climb to the offi
cial places," says Mr. Nalle.
Well Known Omaha Attorney Laid
to Best Yesterday.
Realty Transfers
. Have Taken Spurt
The Drake-Wllllams-Mount company
has bought 47 of an acre of land adjoin
ing Its foundry at Twenty-fourth and
Hickory streets snd proposes to erect a
large , addition to Its plant this spring.
The price was V.&S, or KOOO an acre.
Deeds for the transfer ot three Douglas
county farms have been recorded. Anna
Braack has sold to Juergea Ernst for
SIMM 10S acres of land north of Klkborn
R. M. Twaddell has sold to Fred Hall
for SMU0 forty acres Just west of Irving-
ton. and Nela Psdersen has sold to J.
C. Pedersea for $2,000 twenty acres near
the north line of the county dose to the
Calhoun road. ,
The number ot mortgages recorded Mon
day broke the record for many months.
Thirteen farm mortgagee and more thai
that many dty mortgages were recorded.
Toothache Gum
IM br MOKeae the World Oes,
AnorsasMsstsskysasl. ISe
e. a. Dear a co.
Butter has advanced t cents. Tbe
Omaha wholesale price la now 8 cents a
pound and tha retail price M to at cents.
Eggs are- unchanged In price, bat heavy
handlers say that If the weather should
turn warm and stay warm, eggs would
be down to M cents a dose a, retail, be
fore ths last of the month.
Cheese has takea another' small ad
snos. Cheese that sold at U cents a
year ago Is new quoted as high as
vents a pound, retail. Dealers say the
prices will not be lower until the aew
make begins to come Into the market,
probably In June. '
Nearly U.00S mags tines snd periodicals
of the current Bomber which were soaked
with wster In a fire which destroyed a
Burlington train last. Friday at Aurora
IIL, have been brought to Omaha to he
dried out and put Into shape for delivery.
The mags Unas were mailed from
Augusta. Me New York and Boston.
Children are much am Nasty to con
tract the contagious diseases whea they
bare colds. Whoop ng cough, dlptbena,
scarlet fever and consumption are dis
eases that are often contracted whea the
child has a cold. That Is why ail medical
autbesltlea say beware of colds. For the
quick cure of eetds yea will find
nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It can always be depended
npoa and la pteaaent and safe to take.
For sale by all dealers
Six Omaha school teachers are on the
program of the seventh annual meeting
of the East Central Nebraska Teachers'
association, which convenes In Fremont
March M 10. Superintendent IS. V. Graff
will respond to the address of welcome
delivered by President W. H. Clemmona
of the Fremont Normal.
Miss Grace Minor of Comenlus, - Mrs.
Rose F. Coleman of Webster. Miss LetUe
Rby of Kellom, Miss Jennie Red field of
Caslsllar and W. A. Yoder, county super.
Intendent of Douglas, will discuss educa
tional problems at the meeting.
Chartea O. Mrrcla of Wyoming will de
liver the principal address, speaking of
the "Individuality of the Pupil." Keen
speaker from Omaha has been assigned
to some subject made famlllsr by long
study and experience.
Superintend at Graft Is now In Cleve
land and will return Wednesday. In addi
tion to tha Omaha teachers who will
speak there will be a large number go
to the convention to hear the program,
which Includes the best talent In tha
eaatern Fart of the state and many edu
cators of national repute.
Members af tha lyal Legloa Ac
company Their reaarade ta His
Last RrstlBg Flar at
Prospect Hill Cemetery.
- Attended by over two score companions
of the Loyal Legloa services for George
E. Prltrhett were held at S o'clock yes
terday afternoon at the residence, tlti
Cass street A large' number ot Omaha
barrlstsrs also turned out to pay their last
Rev. Edwtn Hart Jenks, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church, conducted the
services. He told of the life's struggle ot
the pioneer, ot hts birth In I'tlca, N. T.,
where after a good schooling he left to
do the greater honor to one's country,
that of donning a uniform. In an elo
quent manner he told of Mr. Pritchelt'e
hardships during the war of the rebellion,
the honors he won, of his discharge from
duty after the war waa over and the
turning ot hia face to the great unknown
west. How ths then young man battled
against hardships, finally to win out and
be honored by the city.
Tbe choir of the First Presbyterian
church furnished tho music, singing
"Load, Kindly Light," "Nearer. My Ood.
to Thee." Most of the old aoldlers accom
panied the body to Prospect Hill ceme
tery, where It was laid to rest. The hon
orary pallbearers were:
M. T. Barlow. M. U Learned.
John C. CoMln. Hcnitr Wakeley,
C. W. Hamilton. H. W. Yalta, sr.
The active pallbearers were:
Captain C. C. Allen. F. J. McShane. Jr..
3. 8. Caldwell. R. II. Melle.
Stockton Heth. Ralph Richardson,
Frederick W. Lake. II. W. Yatt. jr.
Street Circulation
is Poor Ad Medium
Newspspcrs with a large street circu
lation have not the pulling power aa ad
vertising mediums that newspapers have
which go Into the homes, according to
Frank C. Bulltn, advertising manager of
the Nebraska Telephone company. In an
address before the Omaha Ad club at the
Henshsw hotel yesterday.
Mr. Butlta says the copy writer should
spend three-fourths of his time In writ
ing the headlines ot his sd and one
fourth la writing the body of It Adver
tisements should be written In simple
Isnguags, he said, for the advertiser must
reach both tha highbrow and the man
with head of solid Ivory and the ad must
be understood by both. Big advertise
ments, he said, era of no sdvantags, be
cause of their else, but hsve a great
value In affording space for Illustrations.
Negro Uses Knife
on Man and Wife
Ben and Grace Trimble, white folk,
were cut and slashed considerably early
Monday night by Ollbert QeuUey. a negro,
who boards at the same place with them,
flu Routh Fifteenth street When the
smoke cleared away. Dr. T. II. Britt
waa called and attended the Trimbles.
Oentley was arrested, and will bs tried
Sothern and Marlowe
Give Four Plays Here
Frank Wilstach, paving the way for
the coming at Pot hern aad Marlowe to
the Boyd theater, la la tha dty, complet
ing hla arrangements and visiting with
some ot his old friends. He expects to
announce the exact date and repertory
very soon. It Is likely that the stars wtll
play "Romeo and Juliet" Tbe Taming
of the Shrew." "Ths Merchant of Venice'
snd "Hamlet" Miss Marlowe resumed
her work on Mondsy night, playing for
the first time In two weeks, after an
operation on her throat
Ak-Sar-Ben's List
of Knights Grows
Ak-Sar-Ben's list ot members for this
year now numbers 471 and would-be mem
bers will have to hustle to come la under
the Wo mark. Those with numbers under
K will not have to aubmlt to Initiation,
but those with numbers above that wtll
have to take their chances on getting
"mussed up" at the den.
Mogy Bernstein m first on the list this
year. E. N. Wilson second, E. L. Potior
third and Dr. Hayes Gsantner fourth.
Maude Adams Comes
to Omaha in April
Msnager Burgess ot the Braadeia has
contracts for the appearance ot Maude
Adams tor two nights, April U and If.
and maybe on the 17th. In the great Ro
stand play, "t'hantecter". Miss Adams Is
coming with the same Frohmaa company
that played with her In New York. Thla
III be the earliest she has played In
Omaha In several seasons, and las effort
to get the three nights for Omaha Indi
cates the Interest hsr managers take la
her engagement here.
A special meeting of Omaha aerie of
the Fraternal Order of Eagles baa been
called for Thursday evening at the aerie
rooms on Harney street to elect a secre
tary to succeed Charles K. Huntington,
resigned. Mr. Huntington hsd held ths
office of secrets ry for several years past
The candidates who have been nominated
for the position are P. C. eVhrosder, W.
W. McComb, Q corse M, Bchofleld and
Louis A. Horshelm. Mr. gchroeder Is at
present acting secretary. The Eagles
ksep a paid secretary In charge of their
affairs all the year round.
Engineering Experts Klerstead of Kan
sas City aad Laird of at Louis ars here
ta determine the supplemental appraise
ment of the plant of tha Omaha Water
company, aa scheduled to the msster-ln-chancery.
They will estimate the value
of Improvements sines July T, Hot, aad
will be asked to give expert evidence
concerning such Improvements.
Death oa tha Callows
Is sharp, short agony. The lame back
of kidney trouble Is dally misery. Tske
Electric Bit tars for Quick rsllef. tec.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co,
- .UH ...
lno " Bs-ltol makes Puny, Peevish
People Plump aad Popular.
an inviiaimn mat no thin man
or women ran afford to Ignore. We'll
tell yon wbv. We are rein m .i v,..,
a wonderful discovery tbst helps digest
the foods yon eat that puts good, fc.uu
"" peopie wne ere tnin and under
weight, no matter what the causs may
he that makss brain In five hours and
blood la tour that aula th ri
pusclea In the blood which every thin
man or woman so sadly needs How can
w u inn: no win tell you. Hclence
has discovered a remarkable concen
trated treatment which Inrrvw. n
growth, the very eu butanes of which our
bodlea srs made-a treatment that makes
Indigestion and other stomach troubles
disappear as If by nisglo and makes an
old dyspeptic or a suf rarer from week
nerves or la.- of vitality feel like a f-
Sewoio. inis new treatment which
as proven a boon to every thin person,
is rslled Sergol Don't forget the nsme
"tt-A-sVO-O-l." Nothing like it has
ever been produced before. It Is a reve
ls lion to women who have never been
sble to appear stylish In snylhlng they
wore bees use of their thinness. It la a
godsend to every man who Is undsr
wsight or as lacking la nerve force or
energy. If you want a beautirul and
well-rounded figure of symmetrical pro
portions, of which you can feel lustly
proud If wsnt a body full of
throbbing lira and energy, write The
8argnl Company. T4-P Herald Bids.,
Blnghan.ton, N. .. today and we will
send you absolutely free, a too box of
ftargol that will prove all we claim.
Take one with every meat, and In five
minutes after you take the first concen
trated tablet of this precious product It
will commence to unfold lis virtues, and
It has by actual demonstration often In
creased the weight at the rate of one
pound a day. But you ssy you want
proof! Well, here you are. Here Is the
statement of those whs have tried whs
hsve been convinced and who wtll
swear to the virtues of this marvelous
BIT. BOaOl W. AX sera'
"I lwe mss s tsnatal trial el ika farsw
tiestweat s4 Sims mi H kss stmsM U art
sew II M sas visor- I cim4 twest
SMBSs sas sew wetfh lie sssaSs, set, wkal
Is tnttsr. I Save salses Ike . of mj kev
bes. It kes sees Ike tsrslng estst r sir
Ills. Mr SeallS Is tlse I Sea't ksn IS
uke say swsicise sfc-sli sse sever vast te
Kaa. A. I. aODlmifla writes I
"I Save salsaS tsmnaaily alecs I tank par.
fJe I sal? welrtief akoat K sees wkan
1 SfSM sates twiwl waits IstwanMav
P "' "" t-w-lssr JiZ
IW nkw .as aua Ik..
wartsVw. tat FMtT agtirp Pan rK.i -
! r!ii 1 "
' Mr SIS Mania rke Save bass sea u eae.
!" Its s ISIS, lass face, say last I .a l
iklas ketue tkaa Iter have aver seas avH
iT'S.'V ? SM SMsar ar. as slassa
Iklak I hsve (at U leak se wall u m.i
law -far ia"
oxat goMaosi aaysi , T
I "1 "ol"' tas-ssr trastswnt.
I sat veil alaaavS vilk ami. t aaa sees
liH!: TV I stiff Bark ts lav
f" Ht ssala. Wkaa I kaaaa U take
S' I aalr .alka in ona4a. ass aa.
"f . I SSI welfklng us pause
MS toll.. a.,., aava that
Hellas every suealas tkat I m4 u Saw r
lael roa all Ike ua. I rut ta sat as a Mat
ssM rU w " 'kl will ka all I
r. AttsTOaT writeai
Jl rport ''"' tsSlag tea Sarpil
traauaaal. I asi s was tl rears s age aM sas
Slim, Saw. . tka w, mmrtZiu s"
. I .aa - vaak Nov. una, t. aw
gel. I leak hka a sew was. aalaeS tl
Smss wtk SI 4.7V Iraatanat, I eaavm Ml
Sow kassr I feel. All aur cletkee ar eel
uas Me l.akt. u, law ka s r4 sakw sas
I sever waa aa kapsv la My lite."
atsa. TBBsTn movis aayat
' Sargal Is ceruiam Ike srsnSasI tmtawst
I evar saas. it kaa avlses mm sraallr. t
eesM karSIr eat anrtklai uf was . asla la .
sit Una Sara eM at a -areas, wits aoavstk
treekM. I ana aalr Iwe aoaes af ssrsal ass
ess est saruias aae u swi hen sm ass I
Save as aaes aeaaarhe. Mr vaik vaa i
soaass sss sse I ack let snS laal ketlar ,
Ilea I have tar five years. I est sew ss
flaehr as I vast H W 111 shall ssnalalr
raeawSMsS Sarsal. Mr It doss last eascUr '
what yea say it will 4a." '-
Tou maw knew soma af these people
or know somebody whs knows them.
We will send you their full editress If
you wish, eo that you can find out all ,
about aargol and ths wonders It has
wrought. '
Probably you are new . thinking
whether all thle can be true, stop It
Write us at once and we will eend you, ,
absolutely free, a See package of tha .
moat wonderful tahleta you base ever
seen. No matter what the cause of your
thinness t from, aagol makes thin folks
fat, but s don't aak you to take our
word for it Simply cut the coupon be- ,
low and Inclose loo stamps to help cover
the distribution expenses and Uncle '
nam's mail will bring yea ths most
valuable package you evar received. , ,
This emeea eslHlas ssr this serais la sse let esehaes af Sarsal, Ik. eaeeaalrsles Pies
allser ayrevliM vow ka. never that 111. aaS that IS. la aaataaaS M caver eauev tscklaf,
ate. Peas ear aSvart srtaiee asms. asS taea sal ISa la atasipa Is letter teSar, wltk
tkla eeeses. se Ike rail sa-ka will ha east u yea ky Mara et seas, ASSraaa: Tka
Sarsal (vrasenr tl r HaealS Pill. Slnthaiwtes. M, T. Writs rear sum sad ssSlwas sUJklr
sss rm this cou row to yotr utter.
"You're Just the girlls. girlie
For a boy like me, boy like me."
Harry S. Teeter of Couth Omaha thinks
hs may be able to sing the above to Miss
Alice Woodward of West Popular street
Sidney, O.. and sing H with feeling after
he haa become acquainted with the little
mat. In The Bee he read that Miss
Wocdward haa written Sheriff McShane,
asking to be put in touch with soma nice
young men of these parts.
. Harry writes: "Please pot me In touch
wish or give me the address of the girl
from Ohio who wants an introduction, i
Saw tha write-up In The Bee. Harry 8.
Tester, care of J. t. Marker, South
Her address Is West Popular street
Sidney, O, Harry.
Place Good Samaritan's Hospital In
Dawson City, Tukon Territory. Alaska.
Patient G. A- Hatch, a business man
of Dawson.
Case li la be tea. believed te OS Incur
able tbe world over.
Prognosis Hopeless not only because
phyaiciana conalder it so, but condition
of tbe patient was so extreme that
that sea to waa beiievea to do not lar
A friend of Hatch's by the name of E.
Strait auctioneer or Daweon. heard
about his plight and called upon him.
btrait told Matca tnat I've years ago
he waa in the tame fix end sent te Cali
fornia for Fulton's Dlabetle Compound
and recovered and to Insure hia health
he keepe It on hand. He told Hatch that
he would loan hinv some a mil more ,
could be had frcm Pan Franclaco. Te '
the surprise of Dr. Oslo, who has chares i
or the bosptal. and the nurses, aad hie
trends. Hatch made a recovery.
instead or being in nia rrave as the
Hoaptlal authorities predicted four
four months later found him on a vlait j
to nia oia nrvme in roruana. Maine.
Diabetes la people of middle aaa and
ever ie new a curable disease.
Kbermaa st McOnnell Drug Co.. Cor.
Hth and Dodge, Cor. 1th and Haraew.
Cor. llih and Farnam, :;- No. 14th bt
We Offer for This Week Special
Complete line of High Grade Dining Room Suites in Golden, Wax,
Early English or Fumed Oak at greatly reduced prices.
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t7xS4-lncb Velvet Kagu
at 950
?7x54-!nch Axmlnster
Rugs at 1.4
M ft Seamless Bruasela
R"f at S4.75
Jxl2 Seamless Bnisse a
Ru at 89.75
1x12 Velvet Rues
at K12.50
1x12 Axminsier Run
' S15.0O
ea awz aossplste lias af
say Brwsaela sad W libra
Bags, farnlshea ta all
sues, at BtTJCB ailrOW
We sell a good 4-hole
Range for $24.50
We sell a good 6-hole
Bange for $26.50
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