TIIE BEE: OMAIIA. WEDNESDAY, MAECH 6, 1912. 7 BREF CITY NEWS ataws Bool Mat It sf t W. Bad or CoaL ae, El, rixtarss, Baigss Oraasaa. Tbos. W. B lackbsra foe eoafisae AdT. SbrlTsr lilsa for r" 'rr W. S. Sbrtver baa filed for - commlnfoocr. beinc tho forty -fl rat to do so. Tner ara now US petition out oetaliat Xilaa for Bakoei Board - Henry Becatel fUd Tuesday on tba sodaltat ticket aa a candidate for the nomination for the Board of Education from the Third ward. Cartoonist to Talk Charles L. Bar tholomew, cartoonist on the Minneapolis Journal, who alma his draw Inn "Bart.' will give a chalk talk at the Young We n:en'a Christian association March S. Doctors Heat at Oolfaa Thla rear the ena-annual meeting of the Medical So ciety of the Missouri Valley will be held i.t Colfax. Ia., March 3-3. Dra. Bridges, lluilister. Stokee, fiummera, Bryant. Lord and McClanahan of Omaha are on the prvgram for papers. Virsmaa ia Baakxnpt Flank M. Val entine, member of the Omaha fire de partment, haa filed a petition la volun tary bankruptcy la the office of the clerk of the United States court. He says In Ova petition that his debts are H.7J0 and hia assets, which amount to about MOO, ara exempt. . off maa to Oraad Jury Ben Hoffman, the. stock boy of the Brandela stores who aa arrested last Friday on a charge of petit larcenr, will not be tried In police court. Tho charge has been changed to grand larceny and he 111 be taken be fore the grand Jury. Hoffman waa caiicht systematically robbing the stock room of silk hate and other valuable clothing. axbr Kates to High Railroad and lumbermen of Omaha are billed for Lin coln next Tuesday, where they will ap !rar before the State Railway commrt slon The local lumbermen contend that the-rates on lumber from Omaha out into the state are too high aa compared ith those from Lincoln. The railroad men take an opposite view of the con tention, Bankruptcy FstiUos ailed Arthur C AYsmberg. proprietor of a clothing and general furnishing store at MIT South Tenth street, asks . to be adjudged bank xupt In a petition filed by Ma attorney thla morning In federal court. Weinberg places his debts at Oll.it and hia aaaets at SS.IM.fi. Thla latter amount, bow ever, la swelled considerably by accounts receivable and stock in Hade. Win Circle the Blob J. H Spaltl. one Nt tba wealthy merchants of Oakland, la., aoeompaaled by his alfe. haa started on a globe-circling trip that will consumt eighteen months. They leave oa the Ttock Island, going to Galveston. Tex., Krom there they will go to California, ailing on the Manetaurta from San Fran risco March It. touching at Honolulu. The travel expense alone for the Journey la fl.Mt, ' v." LARSON BADLY HURT, BUT DON'T KNOW WHAT HIT HIM Charles Larson bad a head on him men he appeared In court Tuesday. Hia head also waa wound op In many bandages. You're chanted with being drunk," aald the Judge: "what nave yen - to say." rrom under the bandages came a faint Voice, "Well, your honor, to tell the truth, I don't know. much about It. 1 ' woke up this morning like thla." . - "You're discharged?" said the judge. i Larson waa found last night In front of tba Labor tempi, unconscious and ' taken to the station, where his wouadr were dressed. He, had evidently fallen down the steps, Serleaa Laeeratlaaa and wounds are healed, without danger of blood poisoning, by Bucklen'a Arnica ffalvo, th healing wonder. Only 56c. For tale by Beaton Drug Co. CAYALRY OFFICER EXAMINED Colonel Goldman Appear in Oman Before Betiring Board. SATS IT IS ALL SPITZV70EK Caaao Gives far Examination Is Die. ability, bat Celeael ar Taere ' la Soaaetnlaa; Klae , Be stial Actios. The army retiring board appointed by order of President Taft, convened yester day morning In tba Army headquarters building to consider the case of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry J. Goldman of the Twelfth Cavalry. Fort Robinson, who waa ordered before It to show that he should not be retired. The board waa In session only long enough to order Colonel Goldman to undergo a strict physical examination yes terday afternoon at the handa of Major H. L. Gilchrist and Lieutenant Howard Clarke, army physicians, who are mem bers of the retiring board. The board then adjourned until thla .morning, when Colonel Goldman will be given a strict mental test. According to statements made by mem bers of the board yesterday. Colonel Goldman Is being haled before the board because be Is believed to be physically unable to execute the duties be la called upon to perform. No other charge la made and no other reason for Colonel Goldman'e retirement Is given. Colonel Goldman ia 67 years old and has only one more year to serve to round out a forty year term, when he can be retired with all honor due a veteran. Colonel Goldman Bays that he Is the victim of spite work. When toeAwas do ing duty In Arixona fighting Apache In diana many years ago. he contracted malaria, but thla haa entirely left him. Thla one stuck la the only akk spell Major Goldman says he ever had. He believes that even it be were phyaically unable for duty, he aliould be allowed to finish out the one more year which would complete his long service. The fact that he la not being granted thla conaiderattos makes the proceedings of the retirement board appear aa though there Is aome thing else besides physical Inability bo band th proceedings. lOTltl He is Dead Dog Now WW. "Beat It! Be gone," commanded Ted dy's mistress when he started to follow her downtown, but Teddy only wsggcj njs BlllDoy tail. n aiuus u miiw not swerve him ana no jouowea at ner beela to the neighborhood of th Vinton street barns, where ahe boarded a car. Something Is Habile to happen to bail little dogs, and something happened to Teddy. He la dead now. Running along side of the car to follow his mistress he came too close to the wheels. Yesterday she appeared weeping before the dog catcher and asked him to gather up Teddy's pieces. Park Board Accepts Offer of George & Co, At a special meeting of the Park board yesterday resolutions were passed to accept the proposition from George t Co.. who have offered the board twer.ty acres of land for park purposes if It lll be Improved at a cost not to exceed tltOM. The land donated by R R. Evans and W. E. Snyder hi Included In the twenty-acre tract. The city council will be asked to authorise the acceptance of the land. Article of agreement have been drawn. .Brigtifs Disease and Diabetes t'atler th Auspice) of th Cincinnati : Keening Font, Five Test Cases I Wrm Selected and Treated ', PubUrlr by Ihr. Irvine K. Mott, Free of Charge. Irvine K. Matt. M. P., of Cincinnati, Ohio, well and favorably known In that city aa a learned physician a graduate of tlie Cincinnati Julte Medical College, 4lass of sad - who afterwards re ceived ciimcsi in structions abroad, and . haa since law been a B p c I a Hat for the treatment of kidney diseases, b e 1 1 e e e that he haa discovered a remedy to success fully treat Bright , Dfreaae. Utaoetea an I other kidney trouble. 1 .tther In their first. intermediate or bit sure. Dr. Mott says: "My method ar reata the disease, even though It haa de stroyed mnet of the kidneys, and pre serves Intact that portion not yet de stroyed. The medicine 1 use neutalli the poisons that form a toxine that de stroys to vile In tne tube of In kld ns." Tlx Evening Post, one of the leading daily paper of Cincinnati. Ohio, hearing of lr. Holt's sncoeaa, asked If he would h willing to tlve a public test to dem rstrate hH. faith In hia treatment, end prove Its merits bv treating five persons suffering from Brlghtr diseaa and Dla-Iw-le. Ire of chaise the J'oal La select th" case. I r. Mott accepted th condition, and twelve persona were selected. After a itr.-fit critical rh-rrel analysis and mi croscopic examination had been mad, five or th OMf out of tue twe,ve. mom allowing the meet advanced form of. these diseases, were derided upon. These esse were placed under Or. Motf a care and reports published each week la the IHit. in three months all were dls ebareed by 1 r. Mott. The persona treat ed gained their normal welsh!, atrength and aooetite, and wer able to resume tavir usual aora Anyone deelnng to rad the details or tnts puntte teat can ob'aia copies by sending lo tr. Mott for them. The nubile demonstration gavs Dr. Mott an international reputation that has brouabt btm into coneepoodencs with leotde all over the world, and several noted buropeans sre numbered among those who nave been euoreaafiMly treated. as treatment caa be administered effect, tvelv bv matL In lyoetor win correspond with those who are surrenng witn unsure Disease. INabete or any Kidney trouble what ever, and win be pleased to give hia ex pert opinio free to those who will send aim a deserlptioa of their symptoms. An easay sMch the Doctor haa prepared pout kidney trouble and describing hia taew metkod of treatment will alee mailed bv btm. Corieopopdeacs for I purpose should be stressed to Irvine K Vott M P., Ms Mitchell Building. Cin cinnati, onto. BRANDEIS SAYS NICE PARADE DOS NOT EQUAL OMAHA Emll Brandela, In a letter from Nice, Franc, lo II. i. Penfold, say he saw a daylight carnival parade at Nice, but It did not "at all come up to the Ak-8ar- Ben parades In Omaha." The letter war written on February 2. Mr. Branded said he would visit Florence and Rome, would sail for Kgypt on February 3t and would be borne about May 1. MANY CARS OF OIL ARE SHIPPED FROM WYOMING The Northwestern has received Its re port on oil product shipments from the Casper (Wyo., refineries Isst week. They sgrgegsted nineteen cars, seven cars of kerosene and gasoline and twelve cars of fuel oil. WHARTON ENTERTAINS - HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS All of the heads of departments of the Omaha postofflre were guests of Post master John C. Wharton yesterday noon at a luncheon given at the Commercial dub. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Kara Msrrlaaa. Mrs. Exra Morrison of 7704 Meredith aveaus, died Monday, after but a short Illness. The family cams to Omaha from Naola, la., two years ago, and the body will be takea there for Interment, flhe leaves, beside her husband, two daughters, Mrs. John Don nelson of Missouri Vslley and Mlaa Stella, who lived with her mother. Mrs. Morrison waa a member of the First United Presbyterian church. and the pastor. Rev. A. C. Douglas, will conduct th funeral services at th home Wednesday morning at I o'clock. At the conclusion of the services the casket will be takea to the depot. Mrs. Morrison baa endeared herself to her neighbors and Meads during her residence In Omaha by the continual practk-e of the old-fashioned homely virtue. She was especially devoted to her family and took great com fort la ber church affiliations. Births aad Deaths. Births-Christ and Pauline lionnan, JMO . i1iiu,k U , ,L .r 1 '.ft Kruth K.ahlh atreet, boy: Frank and Helen Gutschew- ski, Zflf Booth Twenty-tnira inwv vt . y rank and Bnuna annreiy. sis nunn ... u.ati. avMnia !rt John nA Motile Dick, Thirty-fifth and Hickory streets, girl; Ora and Helen Crab. x3 Webster street, eoy; aiao sum r wiwi Rothert, 41(0 Lafayette street, boy; W. H. aad Vt ilda F. Dickinson, tTtt North Twenty-first street, boy; P. H. and Charlotte Dearmoat, lmmanuel hospital, girt; Henry j , I n.imm ail Korth niTliasilh street. South Omaha, boy: Nathan aad Fwrenee root, atetnooiei aospiiai. mij. Deths-Joha Melquist. years, n Korth Twenty-seventh street: Babt Mutts, i: days, MM Davenport street. Balltas renslta Hastings Heydea, frame cottages at a North Thirty-first avenue. 1517 South Twenty-eeveath street, Ult Booth Twenty first street, at a total cost of 5,M0; cas seii Realty company. Z8 south Fifteenth street, sJterauos ana repairs, avast i Key te the MtuaOon-Be Advertising. ATTRACTIONS IN OMAHA. Anwrleaai -Tas Blrl at ta olssa Weet.M Boyd i -The raacag of ta Third Floor Back." raaaeia: "Lt George Bo It. Oayetyi Burlssqa. ogi Barlese.0. tlrpnenxai V saoevllle. Mattaees today at the Anurleaa, eras', sty, Ajug ana orpkeom theaters, "The PaaalaaT the Third Floor Bark" at the Boyd. Mr. J. Forbes-Robertaon and his company In The Passing of tne Third Floor liack." a comeoy in three acts, by Jerome K. Jerome. The cast: Joey right, a bookmaker.. Allen Thomaa Christopher Penny, an artist ....David Powell Major Tompklna, retired Montague Rutherfurd Mrs. Tompkins, hia wife Miss Kate Canyon Vivian, his daughter. Miss Alison bkinner Jape clamuela, of the city Fred W. Per main Harry Lerkcom. hia Jackal Alexander Cassy Miss Kite, unattached Miss Florence Le ClerCQ Mrs. Percival de Hooley...... Miss August Havlland Stasia, slavey Miss Maude Buchanan Mra. bharpe, the landlady Miss Lena Delphlne The Third Floor Back J. Forbes-Kobertson First of all. let us turn to ths little curtain speech made by Mr. Forbes-Robertson st the end of the second act last night. It is most Important, for It con tains the great star's promise to pay Omaha at least -one more visit, when he will be accompanied by his wife. Miaa Gertrude Blllott. of whom we only know that ahe la a sister of the beautiful Max Ine, and Is rated aa a real actor. Also, Mr. Forbes-Robertson promised that at that time h would appear In hia reper tory, which means that bo lll be aeen ta a real play, so that Omaha folka can look forward to something very Inter esting at the time of his next visit. Mr. Forbes-Robertson haa two very dis tinct characteristics as an actor, a digni fied but gracious carriage and a vole of melodious and sonorous qualities, whoa sweet tones will long be remembered. He seems especislly qualified In these respects to enact , th Impressive role he has assumed In the llltla com edy he Is Illuminating; It Is through ths perfect poise he maintains that a la able to divest th move ment of events In the action of th play of their obviousness. In th keeping of one less well equipped, very much that Is essential to the progress of th Idea would become banal, because of the me chanical process on which th motion depends, It would be so easy for one not fully awakened by the art of tne actor to imagine him awing "Next!" as he turna from one to the other of the characters he la to reform. But In this cuw th impressive way In which the measaa-e la delivered readily turns tne scoffer Into admirer, and the effect of the lesson Is driven home Just a tittle more effectively, perhapa. because of tbo first Inclination to Join with Harry Larkum and say, "'Ere. wot ar y fUln' at. ehr Mr. Jerome K. Jerome laid down Bis habit of poking fun at things h ought to reverenc long enough to make us reverence some of the things w often poke fun at. U seised the asm Idea that Charles Rann Kennedy developed in The Servant In the House," only from a different and more easily applied angla. Mr. Kennedy set up a most shining mark for his shafts of socialistic philosophy th Kstibllshed Church-and h became very popular, for he enabled ua to take some pleasure In seeing our betters get whacked. But Mr. Jerome didn't car to aim at things so very high; he Just took a lot of common folks, people we can all understanJ; a boarding house keeper. who tried to gouge the boarders she knew wer gouging her; a slavey, who bad come from an "Industrial school," and held ber Job because she waa cheap; an old maid, who painted, and maybe did worse, whom tongu was sharp and whoa disposition was sour; husband and wlf who quarreled, and who expected to sell their daughter to a retired gambler. and thereby remove themselves from wsnt ss well ss secure money to pay the board bill they owed; a girl, wbosa heart maa chilled because the man she loved was poor and the man she expected to wed was rich; an artist, who had for gotten his Ineptrstlon and his aspirations. In order to point things that would sell at once; the retired gambler, wbo thought hia money would cloak all shortcomings; a snobbish lady, whose sister wss In want, a Jew ho waa ashamed of hia people, and a singer who was looking for money, and not for the song he might sing; all of these In a boarding house, whers a vacant room on the third floor bark awaited the coming of the rasaer-By. He came, and by hia geutle way, his help, ful message, hia kindly advice, he changed all, and when he went on, each of tho characters wss tranaformed Into something useful, brav and helpful. The lesson Is given much more effectively than It was In the Kennedy message, and la much easier of application. Mr. Forbes Robertson's company Is a One organisation, made up of well trained actors, and each fully capable of vtsu sllting ths author's ides, so that th comedy la most enjoyable from end to end. And tbe star Is generous enough to allow the entire company tb appear with him to bow acknowledgement to tho plaudits that denote the pleasure of the audience. It waa a tine audienc that assembled at ths Boyd last night to wel come th star and his company, and It was a royal welcome that waa given. The curtain speech waa sincere, and Ita prom is Is one that ail! be remembered. Omaha folks will b glad to see Forbes- Robert sou In tbe great playa he has mas tered. In ths meantime, tbe present en gagement bids likely to be the most Im portant of ths sessnw at the Boyd, for the advance sal very well covers th remaining performances. Local Bate st th Stage. "Let OSorge Do It," th musical com edy which la now playing a four days' en gagement at the Brandels theater, la the newest of tne uemer H ration productlona. George P. Murphy le the principal fun maker and Is well known to Omaha the aiergoera. Oa Friday evening at tne Brandela the ater. Mr. John MoCormack. aaa.sted bv Bias Marie Naretie, arm be heard la a recital. I n long and honored roll of Irish stngere received a notable addition when Oscar Hammersteln discovered John McCormack and brought bun before A men can audience. Miss Lanr Is more then maklnc rood again In The Ctrl In 'The Girl of the Oouea West." rn live th part from Brat to last, and ber audlen.ua lice It with ber. The play la beautifully staged, and the whole production ta moat enioy abl. Tb regular matinee wUI be played looay. Ia order to give th ladle and children aa opportunity to meet little Lord Rob ert, the tiny comedian at the Orpheum tale wek. a reception will be held Im mediately after the performance. Lord Robert, though S years of age, Is only two feet in heigit sod welsna fifteen pounds. When his act opens he Is In a cradle dressed In baby clothes. His loud sailing brings the nurse tLord Robert a mother), who holds him up before the au dience while th Infant recites a poem on the trials and tribulations of baby hood. He also takes the part of a little girl and of a man In a dress suit who Is slightly under the Influence of liquor. Aa a comedian Lord Robert cannot be sur passed. , - Helen Grantley. formerlv Miss Belle Goldsmith of Omaha, la at the Orpheum this week plevlng the leading role In a sketch entitled "The Right Road." which give her a splendid ot iiortunily to show her ability aa an emotional actress. The popular Gayety Is destined to en Joy another Immense week's business with 'The Oolden Crook" as the mag net. Thursday night there will be a chorus girls' contest and Friday night an old-time colored cake walk, both evente being for liberal cash prises. Ladles' mat inee dally. , Ak-Sar-Ben to Form Operatic Society The Ak-Sar-Ben Operatic society was tentatively organised Isst night at the Hotel Rome. At a banquet and dance given by the ball committee of the Ak-ear-Ben board of governor to the player who produced "The Jolly Musketeer." the suggeatlon of organisation of such a society waa mad and Immediately waa met with such en thusiasm as almost completely to organ- lie on th spot. All that bow remains Is the approval of the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-8sr-Ben. and Everett Buckingham laat night assured tbe sing ers thst tbe knights aould stand sponsor for the new society. Rome Miller preferred the use of his hotel for meeting places for the society and announced that ho would feed them gratis whenever they met. The Ak-Sar-Ben Operatic, aodety, as Director F. C. Free mantel explains It. will b patterned after societies of th east, notably on at Philadelphia. "W have soma wonderful voices In this organisation," said he, "that when they are thoroughly practiced together will product music that can't b outclassed on tbe professional operatic stage. The society will afford thst practice," Mabray Comes Here Looking for Opening John C. Mabray may becom th pro prietor of a hotel or rooming house In Omaha soon. Mabray registered at the Paxtoa last night from Kansas City, and before retiring remarked to aa acquain tance he met In the lobby that the pur pass of his visit was to buy a suitable location for s rooming house. He did not ay whether he would operate It himself. A Be reporter whs heard of Mabray' remark attempted to verify It and got as far as his door. - "Have you anything you would like to say, Mr. Mabray 7" "Ta,-Oet out-beat It!" As the door slammed th reporter was forced to th conclusion th Interview was over. Mabray, sine his release from the fed' oral penitentiary haa been operating a family hotel In Kansas City. According to letters written by him to friends here. business has been poor and h has barely been able to earn his living. For this reason It Is believed thst h has com to Omaha, where he Is better known, IS AWARDED FOR WEEK Th following patents for Iowa and Nebraska Inventions have beta (ranted during th laat week: William C. Bridges of Wapello. I a., for treat indicator. Charles H, Cronk of Curtis. Neb., for can carrier. Charles ttotn of waukon, la., for de livery appliance. Eugene K. Jewett of Eagle Oreve. la for anade step. Frederick Kaschewdd of Oeksloosa, la., for garment pocket. Patrick J. Lawler of WestsJde, Ia., for churn. l.'laua It. Light and C. H. Hutchinson of Dee Moines, Ia., for bag holder. Edward H. Martin or wsoater City, is., for telenhone meter. Louis C. Meyer of Davenport, Is, for pot scraper. Peter Meyer of Calmer. Is., for quaking graaa destroyer. John O. Miller of Burlington, I a., for vehicle brake. James Mulvehlll of Dubuque. Ia.. for dovloe for operating corn planter markers. Peter Oak of Laurel, Neb., for grain door for frelxht care. William H. pniinot ana n. verusxe oi Humboldt. Neb., for floor. Thomas T. Smith of ljots Creek town ship. Ringgold county. Iowa, for endgate fastening. Donald B. ston of Springville, la., for corn pick. Charles Ia V ail ox atasourger, iveo. ttr etiiirn. . Frans J. Wood of Tea Mdlnea, Ta., for valve gear for engines. Loula hpltun of Audubon, la., for lsn for breastpin. OMAHA DIOCESE IS DIVIDED, New Bishop Will Be Named at Later Sate at Borne. ACTION EXPECTED III THIS CITY fharrh Dlamltartes Will aw, Tak Steps t Make Necessary " saeadatloaa tor Xewly Cre ated oflce. Very Reverend Monsignor Colanerl, tear ceneral of the diocese of Omaha. was yesterday advised from Rom that th diocese of Omaha had been divided and a new dloreee created at the Episco pal residence at Kearney. Neb., and that tbe new bishop will be sppolnted later. The new dloces will comprise the ter ritory west of Boyd. Holt. IV heeler. Oreeley. Howard and Hall count! to the south of tb Platte river. ' - A meeting will be called In the near fu ture of Archbishop Keens and Bishops Soannell of Omaha, Davis of Davenport, Oarrigaa of Sioux City. Tthen of Lin coln and th new bis bo pa of DesMolnes end Cheyenne, This body will taks up and discuss six oandidatea for btahop who will be named by the blahop and priests of the diocese. After discussion ths head of th pro vine will send In three names selected to Rome. Blahop Scannell left San Francisco laat night In good health and Is expected In Omsha Thursday. Bring the Boys and Girls to Our Popular Priced She 3tore In our new shoe store for boys and girls, we offer all the clever styles at the most reasonable prices.' Our salesmen are experts in fitting the growing feet. $1.50 fo $3.00 fjralftaOfotfiii jgsgjgdlxtini IMPLEMENT-VEHICLE CLUB NAMES AITCHISON SECRETARY Following ths regular program of speeches at the monthly dinner of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Implement and Vehicle club, Edward Altchlsoh was elected secretary of tha organisation to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Ed. W. Scull. A vacancy on the executive board, which as caused by the departure of B. L. Reea to Chicago will be filled by. the board next Thursdsy. The program following the dinner con sisted of an address, on "The Alrirlch Plan of Banking," by II. R. Gould of the United States National bank, and a speech on the alms of the Commercial club by W. De-Hostord, . A Mr Beatene of suffering with throat 'and - lung troubl I quickly commuted by Dr. King' New Discovery. 60c and II. 00. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. , Every Minute Counts When You Are in Pain Instant Relic fnr luillgeatlOB aad Htumarh Trouble. Afforded Djr a Stuart's I-jspcpela Tablet. Free Trial Vaokags. There Is no occasion to suffer five minutes from Indigestion or any similar stomach trouble when you can so easily get Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. When sssesgsT The Vtsa It Takes a Btaart'a Byssossta Tablets aa Age te a alok awmash. millions ar using svery year and when every other man or woman that you meet will recommend Stuart's to you. If yon will but Irrautr why do yon continue to suffer from stomach trouble? What more evidence can you ask? And as still further proof you can even send and get a sample package entirely free. The ample will surely convince you. 'The reason why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets accomplish such results are very easy to understand. These tablets con' tain almost the asms elements as the gastric juices of the stomach. And when your stomach Is sick and not working right. It does not give out enough of the natural digestive Juloes to properly take cars of ths food you eat So If you will only give the stomach a little help by taking a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet you will relieve It. of Its chief duty end allow It the rest It needs to recuperate. One grain of th actlv principle In Stuart's Dyspepeta Tablet will digest 3.400 grains of food, whether yon place It In a glass jar or In your stomach. All druggists sell them. The price Is M cents per box. If you prefer to try them first., writs to F. A. Stuart Co W Stuart Bldg.. Marshall. Mich., and a sample package will be sent you free. mm I BBSS f BaaaaaBassaWr H I1 Ti'Thare's Two Ways!!", There's tww ways lo exercise the bowels eural Ways. Th "nlmsl way" Is running, climbing, jumping. Just One cbeap, sweet, little Casesr. Reyal-PIII every elker alakt for a week or two, and thereafter one ar twice a week, aa needed. Adept thla Civilised Way and you 11 be tre from Constipation, Blllousneaa, Nervotisnesa, Sleepleaa nesa. Headache and Liver trouble. Mearhh the Rowel Kervea tbeylt d the reaa,' Oct the rany. pleasur able effect of a harmless physio and tonic. All druggMs, lnc and 2c Th Bla'khurn rroducls Co, . Dayton, Ohio. te. and the Civilised Way. taking Btackburrfe scaRoyalPill THH CITlUr.KD rUYHIO. Glorious Hair for Women Your Money Back if PARISIAN SAGE isn't the Most Delightful Hair Dressing,Grower, Beau tifler and Dandruif Re mover you ever saw. Try It ladies on thai fair and aqua-- bail Surely you don't want to experiment with common commercial tonics, when a large bottle of PARISIAN SAOK costs but cent ' There Is a reason for the phenomenal sale of. r A ft IrU A.N SAOK In th United State sine It was first Introduced Into America, and tha sales this year ar breaking all records. And th reason la plain to all: PAR ISIAN 8AOR dots Just what It Is ad vertised to da Thr Is no reeaon whatever why any man or won an ehould fall to take ad vantage of th above generoua offer. - But on trlng that has made FARIit. 1AN SAOK so fsmous Is Its peculiar power-to t.irn the barsh,. unattractive hair that many women. possess Into lux urlant and radiant hair In a short time. Women of rtflnement th country over ar using It and It never disappoints Sold by leading dealers everywhere for to cents a large bottl The girl with Auburn hair Is on vry carton. , BK Have Your 7icAf Read "Burlington" 6:30 JR. M. Avoid Blends! Send us your order for Hayner BOTTLED IN BOND Whiskey You KNOW it is good and pure ha Goyernmenti Green Stamp orer the cork b jour protection. & NO MATTER what others, may promise bo matter bow tcmpticg tbcir offers may seam if they oSer Botikd-m-Bond whisker nj rcincniber -there is only one way you can be ear of Retting pure, straight whiskey and that is to oa BottJed-m-BorKl Thtf t what we offer you Hay ner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bood Whiskey rich, pure and deiicioua shipped m akd case Direct from Dis tillery and an it costs yon b) $120 for FOUR full (ruaTts expreat charges paid. There'! no qwstioB about a whiskey like Out-the Gov ernment's Greta Stamp over thecortaaw assurance thst it is BotrJed-rn-Bcod-faDy aged, full 100) proof, full rneasare and a punmUt that it comes to you just as k left the custiUery, mall its original purity and guudnegs, Neat tb prlca-eoty cents a ejuart I one ha Ana, Cat, Cda. Baas, Meat. Be, geared. Where else easy bay a Bottled- klia.i)a.nia,asa.sil.; svBoael weaker sf Uus sgnsVsm aaalay I f. 1 M.at htox resass l eaans u-m vr . WANT tm to TkYtni whiskey on our arts ran tee yen will find it ail we clsim . is fine as you ever tasted and the best Talus you ever caw or you may send it back at our and we will return your mcaey. Bemsmesr yoa tak ao W teas si the risk-sad aad a& the xpaaa H tea lad ttplesssyea. Meaaswaji Co Owt anal aea this CtsaM Tlfsat f 1 1 bat BaV I back at our expense SEALED L lJMrf astMF mw f"?f.tr I lBBaTlBTaBtTrsUBSCs. tlZaYlVKb BMaawasarMMaal nrw bm rocs raa taut SMtu. x HTt yJt Baraar Tm u ktaava. - i i J Trw atammi.ll-ianana aimillJr I THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY, DeptC-105 KANSAS U1T, MU. Offices sod Shajpatg Depots aha) st M. PesBBB, BaSaaMas, IwtW VntttaaB, BasaavBaa. aaeaaasvaas. IdistdxcbtI trot. ohio i IslsaHah.llfTl I BLl 1 1 sVysava CAfTTAL ' BSOOvOOO.OO Fsdlraai . ' for CM ICAGO This is the time THS CHICA00 LIMITED leaves '. the Burlington Stution, but the sleepera are ready rind the dining car is serving at 6 o'clock. . It is a brilliantly lighted train of standard aud library- , observation sleepers, chair cars and dining cars whose sini-. pie elegance of interior and excellent service is the admira tion of traveled people. The schedule from Omaha, 6:30 1 M., and into Chi- ' cago at 6:09 A. M., with dining car service at either end, has proved most convenient; the time en-route is planned with the intent of smooth and restful ride, and punctnal arrival. , " . ' Burlington Deiwt agent in Chicago meet this train , and will give special assistance to women and children. Opposite train No. 5, leaves Chicago at , 6 o'clock in the evening. Yoa will always : have plenty of company on these trains. J. B. KKYXOLD8, C. P. A, . . , 1302 Farnam Hlrect, Orua'ia, Mrb, Agent for the best ocean steamship lines. Complete apply of sailing lists and cabin plans. Let us help yoa secure cabin reservations early. Pfej . t i, i. When you don't advertise . nobody knows that you .are doing business, and it won't be . long before you'll not know it yourselt Atarrjxip tds. .